1 I SATUHDAY, DKC'KMIJKR If), 1888. MOItllOW OOUNTV MATTKItH. It.W IVINTKItS. IfarOivii Mtury About Hvrtll, Who Klllril 111 !. f IIi'I'ikkc Kin- (imrn-lli'il Willi Hint. Hpeclul corri'tpuuilence Kmt Orciionlan. Poutland, Vet. 12, 1888. On Wednesday evenlnif. tho i!8tlt of luot montli, Win. W. Kvutt, u printer. I twenty-one yearn of ngo, was found ileuii 1 in Iiih room ut tlio remdence of U uuelo, E. I). Dotiicrt, -80 Market Btreet. An Inquest mum lielil over IiIh body, und tho verdict returned by tlio jury wub that tho "deceuned cunio to IiIh death by taking chloroform, with mileldal Intent while In u lit of temporary ItiHiiiiity." While the body wub bulnir tuontiied for burial tho photograph of u woman wuh found near the inan'H heart. Ihe picture wan Iden titled uh Hint of Ituy WinterH, u "box" runtler at Dick Clinton'H variety theater. Thu woinnu wan found, brought to the morale, und identified the body. She KUid J.vatt wan her lover, that thov hud quarreled thu hint tiiuo die biiw him, and mm ne ujiu iter mie wouiu never hco liim nitnln. The woman rl-fUBed tonuyuny thiiiK furthor about the mutter, lnmic eceidul attetutitH have been mudo to In terview her by aluiOHt every tenortnr In tho city. .She invariably mid "I havo nothltiK to miy." A wotnuti with nothing io nay ih bucii n great curiOHliy tnut (no K, O. limn reHolved to neu her. She wuh found liiHt nlnlit ut the Theater Itoval, corner of Thlnl und Alder utrecta. ftho wuh nkiiiplii); from box to box, tilling tliu earn of tho buld-lieuded oecupautH thereof with course kuhIi und their eurcuHscH with beer ut $1 it bottlu. I'lewjntly hIio ap peared ut tho door of tho elegant pron tonluni liox ceeupied by jo ni rlbo, waived ormulitleH, walked right in, nut down, and wuh noon lorn In u cloud of Hiuoko from a cigarette which hho vigorously pulled. When the mnnko wuh IIiiIhIiciI Mho introduced hernclf by mnlng, "can't wo have u diinkV" I'.cer wuh ordered, und while It wuh being brought, Minn Hay wuh given a good "looking over." How u inun Midi ordinary intelligence could havo becoino infatuated with her In one of thoMothlngmvhlehoannot becxplalned. HenldeH being anything but liundHomu in tho face, mIiu Ih uiiHhuiely, ignoiunt und very coarrni. Hut thero Ih no accounting for tiwtcH, and there Ih llttlo doubt tliut infatuation for t IiIh woman in what canned Kvutt to take bin own life. After Itay hud drained foveral How ing uoniMioiue tiiegH, mio iHTitino minimi nicutive, and llnully told thu whole utorv of heroxeilence with l.valt. "What double did you have with Kvutt before he killed hiim-clf?" "Well to tell you the truth, I can't iciiiemner what wuh wild. I know tliut on the Tuenday evening befoio he killed HIiiihcII I went innuiiorwIthu drummer. uiki r.vati din not like it. Ho wan aw lully JoalotiH. 1 cared nothing for tho drummer, ami I told Will mi, but he Joenieti to Do ufrald 1 wan going back on mm ami kept u worrying uumt It. l,alo in inu iiigm no came up ami wo were alone In u box for ii!to a while. 1 nuked nun 10 (real, inat wuh the only time 1 over iiHked hint to net up tlio drlnkn in my mo. ue treated anil 1 took rum and Kiim, Uetook beer. The diink I took HOt 1110 Cra.V. 1 dun't ntinnint.,.r ul,t wo Hald after that, only that wo iiuarreled. bliorlly lieforo leaving he emptied IiIh puiho iiiio my lap, ami nald; 'Von nitty Keep tliiH, Hay, I vhall havo no further iiho mr it.- ino amount wan ten or eleven dollaiH. Ah heuromi to go he naid, 'Hay, y? .w 11 ,'.!,V0I70,J 1,10 "Kiin.' 1 wild 'ull rli'lit ' Tlimi In. I.. .1.1 i.r . i i. i nitiii in' iirm mil inn JiamiH 10" wurd me und UNked mo to klnx him good I till a I I.t II. f.. I At a ' 'jv. i kinieu iimiiiiiii men lie lolt me, I never n.tw him ullvo ugaln." "Did he Hunt to mairv vou?" l en, unit 1 proinIned to Iwvoim IiIh jiihi uh hooii uh no wanublo to tuko mo out of here. Ho wan Hubbing' on tho w.vhiM.mu uini uiii not make much '"0l,uy , 'Uh (urentH ure well oil" and .inn ijtnruucu, Mim-ui. i(o cent to .m ill lur money, uut iney failed to re iond. IIiJm Mcemed o worry liim u crea deul. Wo were going to get uiur ried If he got thin money.' "hen did you llrnt meet Kvutt?" "Sotno time hint Juno, at tho Tivoli, wliuro I wan working, I loved him for revenue only ut that time, and noon got tired of him. I inudu lurungemeutH to go to Tucoiuu, When ho learned of my plana ho wrote mo u letter begging mo not to leave him, und m king all eortt of promised. I wtudled tho matter over, and thinking 1 might need bin UHslntanee, concluded not to go, JuhI on IiIh uccount. After that we had u nlco timo togotlier, nuil he wuh no good to mo tint I really liked the man. He bought mo u piano ami gave mo these two ring uhowing tlieui,) One of them wuh my engage' uieiit ring," "Were you over married?" "Yes, I wuh uurried when but ilfieen yearn old. II ave a lllile b y three yearn old hero with me. My huilund wan a drummer, Ho got to running with other women, and I couldn't Htaud th.it. Do ccitfulucHH Ih Homethlug I never could en dure, ho I left him." "What wa your liiiHbandV name?" "Can't tell you that till wo are better lU'ipialnted. lie wan u commercial truv eler, und hold MteH of the ltoad' cigarn. We lived at Spraguo, W, T, "Did Kvutt leave unv word for you lie foro hU death." "Yen, ho left a letter, but his aunt Iiuh it and woutt give it to me. Hut I'll get even on her. I ju-.iy every d.iv that I may die before hIioiIooh, ho I can haunt her. 1 urn a tlrm believer in npmtH, and if hIio outlives me you bet your life 1 will make Iter hick of this. O, the w hole utCair in mi fill. I'm i-o Horry I ovcrnuatreledwith him. o heln me tied, if I had ten yearn to live, .would give nine of them if 1 1 could lecall that Tuesday night." During tho recital t f loin nuirv the girl ' lotiked H'lioim, and re dly vccuicd to feel liad. Just Kifoie hho left the wiiter'H tkix, hoiiio one Hcieamed "Hav ! Hay! mine up ; bore." K iv wan all umileH in an instant. "Well, I iuunt leave you," who said, going to tlte d-Kir " riieie Ih an old liald-headed codger in Unit bo over there who Isn't Hitistled uulefH I'm on IiIh lap all the time, (iood night." 'A Mnn Tcura U tlio ItHllrimil Track-A I Mitiiiiiintli Toiilli Oilier Lorain, From tliu I.cxl iirIoii lluilxvt. WHhoii brotherH, on lower Klght MHo, hnvu in 700 hitch thin full. The county tux levy Iiuh been fixed at 14 iiiIHh; hcIiooI, iiiIIIh. With the ' Stale tax, this will m ike a total tax In Morrow county of il! iiiIIIh. Ji hn liui'k, of saiid Hullow. Iiuh been taken to (he Insune uBylum. Mr. lSuck wuh a hard-working mun and a good citi zen, und Iiuh never hIiovmi any nigii of insanity heretofore. Win. StatiHor, TIioh. llotlgo anil Edgar MattcHon tettirned hint Huturduy from u ten dajH hunt In the Blue .Mountains. Tho ground was frosty and tho woods "noisy," making tho game hard to up tiroacn, but tho hunter brought in live mi oeer, noveriueiCHH,. i f -..i ff.. 1 tl . . t ..I.- fif..l..t .1 i.ank IIM'BUUJ, IUIP8 J.lllll IICKOI, IIUl noticing tliut tlio door wuh oioii directly into tlio cellar Htulrwuv turinuu A Uo,'b htoro. Hlio wuh preelp itutcd to thu bottom of tho cellar, and wan fortunate In eecaplng with hoiiio ne vcre liruIseH and ubrnsioiiH. YeHterday morning I. K. Hamilton, who lives uboiil three milcri nouth of 1-exlngton. brought into tills ollico n vcr itublo curiosity. It Is u mammoth fossil tooth, doubtlcBH liclongiiig to sotno pre historic animal. It wuh found by liia little daughter Klva, in u Wiishout where tho bedrock had Im'cii epo.ed, about ten feet below tho original surfuco of tho giound. Tho tooth is 7?d inches long, 5,1., wldu and 3,i.( thick. It Is apparently a grinder of Home gniH-eutlng animal, thu crown being tint, though tlio enamel Ih corrugated und cupped like tho rrlnd cru of u horse. I.ust evening tho ur train, when about four uillcH out from Willows junction. was Hugged by Khsiiiuh Iirsen. who in formed tho conductor that ho had taken up thu truck. It wuh found that he hud unbolted tho llsh nlutcH from both ends of two rails and turned the rulli, with inu ties attached, across tlie gruuo. J lie rullH weio replaced in positloii by tlio train men, without interference from I.arseii. und tho train proceeded to Lex ington. It iippeurn that Larson had Homo dllliculty with thu company about dninages for tho right of way, and took that method to bring iiIhmiI ii settlement. Leezer & Kuebler, ' DRUGGISTS Til r- Imiti'Kt ml'' mott ROinpli'to utrirlt nl Dro Medicines CHEMICALS, iiTirK'Toilettx Fancy Articles In Eastern Orogon. GIVE US A CALL. Despaln Block Pendleton IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE Joseph Ell, Mntiiir.irttircr of unit llcalrln THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; nut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Thi! North American Continent. I" Large I'agen und 81 Long Columns. A POPULAR NOVEL l'lllitUhi'il In anil ulven with ciirli lot lie ol lilt Ml. 'KM I'lllllllll. Iti-idntilliu An.. I. Hint ronlliiiitiiK llirrn nflur.'l li World will print with eneli lue a i'iniiiri! niiyi'l hy a Hiiuiiir mil Imr. Alining Hid wrl'eiK will I v. Tne'Iilirli'm, .Mr. Ali xmiilii, John M. U'lii'er, iii-nry wimhi, NVlllll'f llixiltlt. Wllkl-Collin., Itnlit. Iliii'liaiinu, It. I HIltVlMIHIIII, II I, Kiirji'iin, 'I'Iiiiiiiii-, llunly. Julian lliiwlliiirni' K V. ItnlilllMill, Kmlle (liiiinrliiii. Jiili-ti Verm Will. 1U.ICK, At. i:. Ilru.lilon, 'Klnri'iini W nrili i:. MiirvlVell Hay llfilliu M. Cliiv, linle Kilwiinik, lllmilii IMwunN, -. i , i'iniiii. 'I'hi'Mi imvili will 1 1 llin I ii I eM vnrni ut llm iH'Mt wrllei's ii" I liy urn iiuhllKlieil-lln Iwxikx wilted every niiu It liilklns ulnnl. Nnllillur lint Hie very Ih ut will hu ml mil It'll Into Ihu worm ninu uini i.mriiry oi nciioii. TIiIk I.lliriiry of Klctl in Will lle.Hiiiir.t to Hu'i-erllHiri (Inly, Hiirnocc QnHHIoc RriHIoc No Kxtiacmitii. win no Prhum. Iiai IIOS3 jaUUlD3, Ul lUlOS- Nn i,,,, NiiiiilirrMCiui IU. KunilMniliuiil No liilllu CnplcH Will IxiHolil. It You Wlkh the Hi rli'N Completf, HWIWCIttllK ATONt'K. One Year (VJ iiiimlirni), St; uMiiiiIIin (VI iHimlT)..Vio.; H MoiiIIik (I'l iniiiiheni). -'. ,ililri'. THE WORLD, Now York. SPURS, COMBS,33U3ri;3. E tc, I'lintper tbiin they cun licboiiKhl miy where i'Ino In KiiHttTii UifKiui. MiiluHtrevI, Next door In I'lmtoDle Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. For itenliMiH uinl iirli'PK eonmill Jn Kull. Imr. Mulu klreel. lViullelon. Ktliiintdi Klveii on touo work. (nl Commercial Iky, Feci, and Sale SUblc, ! J. D. KEENEY 4. CO., Props. Put un vour animals and vour s . - - " r t money ut this stand. Thero is no hotter In town, our patrons and f rlonds will bo well troatod. C'OMKTOHKK UH, AM. KINUS OK U10H KOI I IIIHK-TIIK KINKHT TUUN OUTH IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY t Co.. PltOPR Guilds & Couey, i I'mprlftor of tlio CITY LlVEltr . SALE STAilLE. 'Omni la ri to t uT.l Buftlli4 k.l Ml HM KIWI. Mr4Mirk llruiClistaiei. CUulantU.1 OMo. Bnlod Hay and Grain. Mpleniltit HlKn, Minnie or lluulilo, ituil Nuitille Hoi Hen hImuj-h oii IiuiiiI, llurm'N lioitrileil liy llunluy, U'et-k or Sluutli. All KIluU of Feed For Sule, lu Small or lirvo Uitx. CHARGES REASONABLE ! , VILLARD HOUSE RESTAURANT. Mrs, Tom Bradley, Proprietress. Mnlu Ntrt-vt IViullpton, Only tlmt-clnka HCoiiimilHtlim, lleail Himrti'n. f.ireiiinmi-rv'lxl truvelent. The pm nunuo o( tlio iinbllo nollclieil, nirlu( uo lultu to pliiiiKo tlHua, Inic O hMtlt-n DolTt r at uiUtkctlon la tbo cureuf Uonorrhti'f. nj (lUnUIprcKrlbtlUoa imt-lvluu-cuuimtiul. lur It to all lufTmr. ,i.J.ST0M:it, U.D., Dicatur, III. rntCK.81,00. TrJ.Baaii4kM noli ty Urusglitv U'oxcr.v Uutler-, Ak'unli, 1'eiullvtiiii, Or. FOR SALE Four lota und u house on tlio ll.it, near the O. It. A X. deiMt.eentrtdlv located, givxl witter, gocnl fenivs, for $1000. Kitsy termt). Four lots, one quarter of n block, near the SUtors' teliool,for $250 eusli. OLOPTON & JACKSON Insuranco Agonts, I'KNULtrrON OllKGON "0 m m H O z J" I PI O O v o Ul o 0 O o 3' 0 3 TickelsvhUJ " KuropJ;8U!"J Elegant Pullmans KUrtH,eoP,5c.r.wJ UMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AKO 5 j -.....Cui.rgfi inawitho(kl) Cloo conneollom hi l-ortUnd i. Kuril bound Pam-niwrarrlt,,,, J Wctt bonr.d fr.llh?5rriTjLtnH Dlirtllt4llKn. rr, "'""' Mil J ..if.!r; Si-!? . for W.TJ ""' .oop. in. irom WMltwilk To Bun TTnacUco, t I'm Eider,Nnr4 HuiiiriA.r Kill. Mntfl :10TI Oolumbln, Nov 13 Ore nn, No It Htme, Nov 20 Holiimbln.NnTJI Oreifon. Nov H ' " ""'.,gT I nlVhtT" '"hlPWbarf.PortUrAl Lav Hpeat at, wbrf,Ba I rintuiMlii. wJ y.Wa 1,01 OilnmhliiJ Ortton KmJ KalM of ruu. IneliutlnK mcali mdUn I.. i . . . JUUIH, - . Htecniifiv ... Itnuml Trln. Itnlltnli.,1 For further purtlenUnl Inoolnrfi V V - VIIUI, A, U JIAXwJ an. . i.u OiF.J Urneral Mutineer. H. R MIBUV.j Great Rock Is AMD ALBERT LEA ROI Tlio direct and populir Hot tin wiiii inu norinrrn raflle Irom HI. I'aul and MlnnopolU To Chlraxo and thn Kt. To NL Ixi u In and the Mill To leN Holnri), Lravfi Atrhlaoa and Kin Tho Only Lino SSKSJal ni (.oiiiicii iuun, tavtnwont i unv ror uiiioauu a.i all reisr Pullman I'nlace Sltrt Palace Dining Van Accoiiipiiny all tliroufb Eiprcal liim iKime. Ticket for unto by all conijrtlH n nn connection) niiueinunio.1 For full Information rennlltip etc., apply touny coupon iftnittl A N. or Northern llfle lUlltj punic,orto it. n.r.m Ticket Atenl.e.1.1 rtnainM.ui CHAM. KKNKBY, Vea. ii No. a WMlilngton 8t., Portal R. a. lior.nnnnir. 0"n. Tkunnd 1'iin.AitC. R.LII U i cHto, l . b. r. win ilin. T. .ml P. Art. U.tH Ap3 MlDDMieHl CREAT OVERLAND THE Northern Pacific TllK ONLY UNB HWW Pullman Mac SUftdngnn! jilwant JCmlanl8lffi From Oreoon tni WtMfM to the EMt, Via 8U Taut and MlnnH1' line running raiwv v rwicit ti kvjj To Blour City. Connell K. j Aicniion, ieTniiv-ii -t. nnrllnirlnn. Iltllncv. W. UMHl" all polnUthrou(iboutHi J1 EMIOIlANTHlJtenw . . .... ....ui Ini Are nauiea on Tul",J','viii tlie entire iciiiin m itauraaa. v - it,.ll..l InnAllnnllUI.. V It 1 1 . n n ni.. Qllui MlnneaoolU or HI.Vlwl iourtliday. . ..UM connection mu "S? ",iTu t 111 to all point Et,Baata " n ntirtn ntVWKw. Train will iere.rnni j-,cmJ an poiuuou i aCHA n .1 . . .m t mi nrrr . WaUlDton BU, mxtA In Pendleton, FOR ONLY FIVE Tne uiuai prico parties, In rortuuaor . k.m fcW1 o 7.oe, wun pr . lld.W. " romJiPOto M-W"1"' ... mA Fas OrMMMi r' . puiM-1 1111 U II --- r-.mCtitifl1, DUTvrl -fJ The Truck 1 mirrw HEIHT. I I 1 1(7 X I Will . WKBH STHEET .X.