iV. DECKMHKK IS, 1H88, ostcrduy afternoon TJico Hccny, who was sitting In n wagon with Tlioma Smith, whs hit in l,0 back of tho head with a ock by Perry Housor, n misun derstanding liiiying mlscn over tho price of u hut spoiled by the latter. Mr. Hccny Will SUIIOr COIlHltJcrnl) U nrimfmilm.ii.. THK CUNCKUT. The HnUrlalninent fur the llrnent ot the r tp l.llir.ry a Sncec. In Kiery Purlieu. Iir, Iaist l-rcc Library entertainment, strains of TI1KV AltE NOT MAIlltlKD. Alt Ktplnnallnii fur the Hirou Mlnlake Which Occurred .In Ycntertlny'ii Jmiio. It was formally announced In water- j day's East Oukhonian thai William Migel and .Miss Kato McLaughlin hud JAMES WHEELAN, - 1 i irtiiii iiih liiinrv. iirifi .m. .. miiupiu mini inn 'nm uim, 11, 11 1 i mi - - " 1 -- iiuurci la iniiimiii v . . . :. vnuium itiitnn iiuiiu. 1 i,. 1 n. .1. if .. 1. 1 ' ..11 at ine r . v.nr vl(i:(irMANrK II OW rilRl Dr. ... " w. "IUC" wkwiuu ,,, tmiut raiommmi fl,...( nM s". :: 1.. I'ivriind. una mnicn i f....i . ... . Miiu piihiiii 11 iniii.i inii.ti fti . 1 r - .unj Kiwtti uiui hhuhiuh 1 rr f - - ... ,,,iinit is in t tw. a u 1 "-- jwis. ivit 1 1 iib nun 11 in 17 iiri 11 1. . 1 r w ... INH 1 . im nuiumM ut liii t a it mt !-- - . .flUi . iinruiimi 1 iuur ui 1 1111 i-.iLHinrii nnn tt-im-. 1... . 111 .. ..... w ituuu 1 lluii imi 1111 1 n.,ti 1 l,. 11. .1 . ...11 L SS.rK.'MlSV of 'I. 0 'ka Hoiiclt principally or l.n lYiIK' Alninli . 1 "H" T'' rom.lt wa mi audi- I V ic I 4? . o Vie r" i w P nl.JrTre l- 4t , '' 15d uls0 ,for ,llu i eiccw tlw ux n timw ,v IV, 1 1 iT" ul,Wi!' Tho couple wc.v not mar- i U"cm.;,4ltlou of er'H edition. Treat him kindly, yc "ft far from Tt. 'the h..lo lhin I.-uiitt-iepiioiioiiitheomco c reus of Adnm. roniorviiin WoU(,. . ' J'o I'toi'M w ill jo isvy and nbly B(llf.i ., ti- i.t.. i.. li" - ' imon, i(r no HUM a Btorv ol onrnu ti ? V."""." . Ill S cam OIK cd n no nkiu hula vnrvl r, iHtlo cntoriwloo that ho should bo Vncour- ,ln K3h?W W nin.i 1 Ht,ri,M,!, l,mt,cr- Mr' Knwl Run been at- n.inr ... K'cd t toll, and right well can ho tell It. Wrl .V iff L '!Mooll.,tlol!' tending tho youne 1a.lv or ron o time. l nl 1 W III' IHilil lllll n... . ... . ... , i .......v. . jouiii .llliuil HUH II lHiril- I 1 .I.- ..... i.r. .. I uiuxiiiL Hum mo nana .nu nctu am apnroir ate one. The MieuWrr v, . .'"r "T"1"-1 Journal doubtlefH has reference to tho ! iwlntwl Wt, ui iom Xr I 'mim lml! 0,,n?W s ric,1,l' !- Iwo woio AlliineapoliH rUHtler who did I'cndleton fully fOUO w m Mnt .lallv In keopin ,p lr1011, mt 11 ,?,pT M Vrt,M Wt;rc with coiiHliloraulo hucccm: "Another IVndleton'M na Doiih nni mIi I l.,.t I J ' jolcliiu niitl connldercd that tho reporter oan iin.l bulMii.t; aiwclatlon, Kotten up ! only threo por cent of th ainoun wimll ; )voul1 of c',mm' 1,"!'cr!,,""tl Il't ' t; bMiHh.m.8t.l m.lman, Ih about to 1m, t bo given to the frcol Uirurv InX d o t 'lho rciK..tcr nftormml Kiarieu in in ft imiv. mil m wn i.ii.nu ..I. ....... i u . iiiivd iuwcii .ur. rvnu-c . nil i nu. imiiKiiii? come u -MnntifiHlnrcr nml Dcnlrr In- ,i io thellilii oi ImllvlJUBl wuo, Vi? in l h-- I-H i u i i n h i f llm D.illy iin.l i',71 JiiliiiKun Mri-elx. Hiiml iy , ii u. hi nntl7!iwp. in. Muiiuny 1 " Mi.i uhIi iirnvpr.iiui.ltiv. P, 111. wnlnnm. In .i. llm... nni ciinnccieu wmiuiuur ..... . t. HI'HIN nu... (R(I. II. LKK, t'llllor rnill'ltn Cnrdi IWHAI mn'iuiire niynnlt H CMiitllUnto ' .t LI.L'untl ..... Kjt ir. ri.nnuiii IWIIAI.. mvanlf hk iicxlullilitln for in cmulnif cliy eii-c i n. . ..... .a tin u uiuMiliitn fnr reudyii local organization of tho wamo groat and worthy Institution. The kind, wo don't eo how two uro needed. nuked that the biinlnesH men bo .11 1 atronlzo homo Indus-try In our motto." ; ward In donating fifty centH or a t U. J. Horton, proprietor of tho How- month in ho good a cuiise. .11. . IT........ 1 .l.f. . . IIIUItL ..f lli.... ...I. .... USUAL irr.oiini'ti tuynt'lf nu 11 cnmlliluto (.IMurlHil " 11 i 1 "II1 i.ltt. ..If...!!..!!. J.A.IIC.llllm. VltllKH. . ...... .... .. nnnurui. lllltl i win uu t .ritiiui oilier o.'cUy rernnluriii- inn mijii- M-iilnn of Kiini' of my fflciiil". I llltHlll',ll II CIIIMlllllllO III 1110 aflffl'lnii fortln olllcoof Itccor lD(lf U'IKlllflOll. V. II. 1.:.1U I'.ll. iciir.t.. . ..III..... .if ll...ltn. .flMattnwn Itccoriler ut lli com- niKH I'AUK TllhTIW, OltllKII. intioiilii inyNi'ii hi HcniiuiuHin of lin-imlcr nt itn . iHUlnir oily A. II. M l II.I..H... ISUIIKU. .nnmiiHH inynclf 111 11 ruiiUliliitn J.1..1 11 ll.lll n u. JAM ICS A. IKIWAHD. ISUIIKU. icDifinre myolf iw u crtiutlUitte ..n.uinir l.iu'ii nl. rllnll. J. A. .MAItMlW.. MIIKVITIKN. tii earn launurv. 1 . . i 1.. t. tt ij . . .. .... . ... . . . .1 1 ... nouarurt. no i-muiiuiiu wuicuen in. 1,1110 uicnmaKor h. . 1 t . . ..... . ... 1. 11...1. 1 .1 .,...1.1....,.,. - win li tiivcmm tt rniuuun; ,v trii.AM ...ill .wji iviiiit, ninn Ki' rv luklrM. wlio Wnro Hero n.1 ... !,.,!.... I....1 n fUlto .. t 1 I.. .1 -ivfc. njni;ii urunil III' III .jr.... 1.. ..I... 1. 1 fii. in Hllll.ll iivuinn Hi .mm. n is, iM)i.atiliinntt liut votocn rm in '. ii.ttitnmi in.nnv iti Ieiiain block. PUi! limit nvhlhltirkti VUHUr ruM in but little ifiimuuo tllA rnmli'itniitu f till LnilFdlllllLT " lniTltAaiilll . "tMIICI lllll. ...I. " rar ureuHt & Howartl .I I... ..... . Q the Dexr man Houw, him gone to lunching, being now busy plowing bin land rented from tho IndiunH. Kro long neatly tho entire ji'sorvation, mo. of which in now lying Idle, will bloom and blosfom nu tho royo, under tho inllucnci! of tho white nianV nrcfonco. Most of tho Indianu uro rout ing tho lands allotted to them,. Tho amount of nionoy brought to 1'on- dolfltotl bv tho now tttno iraril In ffiiiMlitur. ablo, and iti InlluenccH uro being felt. I fcvery iaxengcr on tho uuHt-lHiuiid train must breakfast here, if ho eulHiit all, und tho amount of lucre deKHlted 011 tho counters of I'endleton hotelK and reritau runtH ovory morning by tliotn niukou a wclcomo ndilllion to tho circulating mo- mum di 1110 town, I f.iltlo homllvH about leap year Mug I nearly over, with much gratultouH udvlco ' to tho young lndieH, uro going tho round j 01 country oxciiangeH. Ilieyuroull pre Miiinablv very funny, and intended to make tho Pconlo um!h. Tho K.nr Oin: (ionu.v iicknonlcdgort its Inability to iro duciuinythlng of 11 Hide-Splitting uutiiro ulxnit tho living leap year. It in too Had 11 Mibjeci. Walla Walla Union : The Union Im re liably informed that tho in ten on tho 0. It. a N. Ilmm in Wiinliinuton lerritory luivo been reduced to llvo centH a mllo. For HiIh nciiny reduction, thankx, aw fully. Let tho good work contlnuo und muulfest itMJlt In tnu Irclglit department, In wlilcli tno Nulla Walla country im mont lulor OHtcd. When von uro uelcciim: holidav nren rntH for your friendx, don't fall to drop into tno lVnuli'ton urocuery Mom, ana view tho decant assortment of holiday goods there displayed. And plcuMi ro memlier that tbeso goodn must positively Ih) sold, and can bo purchuKed ulniost for 11 riong. A document addre.KHl to tho counlv court Iiiih Imioii Hunt in from Alba, signed by several cltlteiiH, iinnouurlng that Hen- iumin Metzknr, a resident of that section, ih in need of help for tho tmpiiort of his family. Tho matter will probably bo acted iiiHin at tho next coshIou of that houorablo lioily. Maker City Hovelllo: Mr. Mox Ilaer, now a wuciYssiul mercliant 01 rcniiictoii. but formerly of thin city, and a brother of S. L. Uuer, wum elected Noblo (Irund of the I. O. O. F. at rendlolon laat week. Ills friendh hem are clad to know that he Ih held In Hitch high esteem by tho Odd Hmous. Tho cutiso of .Mary birklu. nged 1(1, running away from lior homo nl Sjiokiiuo 1'ulH was itio brutality 01 tier lamer, llcr whercalioutH nro now known and tho story nho tells In truly pitiful. Sho Ih now In good bunds lielng with the HlMcr: ut tho hospital. i'ho Union town election occurred last Monday. Tho parties elected a.o na fol lows: Mayor. J. W. Kennedy: council men, J. S. Klliott, J. M. Carroll; trean urer, Jv. C. Hraiuunl; rceordor.J. K. Tut tlo; marshal, M. Herltago; Htreet com nilsslonor, A. Chancoy. Tho frequent ruins which havo ho co piously lavorou tnis nocuon 01 kiio, imvo been of considerable benefit to tho farm- er. f.very inuieaiion jioiiiis 10 goou crojw und prices next ncason. Kactem Oregon Is entering upon nneruof plenty und proHjiority. Ocorco Oliver, ono of hcho'H onterprls- Ing young men, is In town to-day. Ho III win iuko piacu h uigiit which win bo tho event of the Heason. reo Htnall Hiioaker not back- lollar u He s:llil llmt inuny of those who nverrcil they were too loor to HulKcrllw Hpent manv times the amount In games of whist, solo, billiards, iKxil, etc., ut various resorts, and still ex isted, f Io thought It would bo 11 good plan on tho part of business men to close their stores ut eight o'clock In tho even ing, in order that their clerks might lw allowed u short time for recreation, which could bo pleusuntly Bpont In tho reading rooms. After tho address, which was listened to with Interest, the following program, somewhat modified from tho one an nounced, was rendered: . I'AIIT t. Tableau "Tho Washing Day." Duel (Selected, , Misces Folsoin. Solo "Tho nug'.e," .Mr. Lathrop. Tableau "Faith, JVace and (ilory." ltecltatlon "Kllen," Mr. Faxon. Kecitatlmi "Tho Uhost," Mr. lloyd. Solo "Tho ilohcmiun cilrl." Miss Ev erett. Uimrtctto-" Lullaby." Miss Tarkes. Miss Hverett, .Messrs. Hoyd and Lathrop. I'AIIT 11. Tableau "Hall of Statuary ." Solo Selected). .Mrw. I). Smith. Itecitiition "Tho Creeds of the Hells " Mr, iioyu. Duett Flute and Hano, Mr. and Mrs. Hotelier. Ueeltatlon " I'ho Now Church Organ," iWlriN (unco Weltli. Male Quartette (Selected), Messrs. Itoosovelt I'otwlno, llovd and 1-co. Chorus "Tho Wild Winds Sweep." Tubleuii "Tho Sculitur Hoy." Hvorv (Kirtlon of tho program wus on tcrtainfm: in tho extreme. Tho tableaux especially were well gotten up and as well iwformod. "Tho Washiug Day" Was ludicrous, und "Faith, Peace nml (ilory" formeiUa beautiful contrast of color and attitudinizing. "Faith" was represented by Miss Vuslilo Morse, who, arrayed In purost white, stood clinging to 11 cross. Lying ut her feet was IVaee," in tho IHirsou ol .Minn Mna C00W, wnoso lace and nttltudo were certainly n picture of iKirfect iieacefiilness. At ono side stood Miss ltertlo llcan. attired In a garb of flaming nil. mid hnldlni: a trumpet to her Hps. Tho part of "(Ilory" wua indeed well roii- rcMMitcd hy .iiiss noun. 1110 otner iuu lcuux wero ei.ially well produced. Tljo "Hall oi 'Statuary" composed 11 iroup of beautiful girls dressed In white, and rest ing on H)doHtu!s, little F.tllo Worcester being in front. Some one said that ono of tho statues winked at u person in the mulieiico when tho curtain wus lifted a second time, hut each mid overy ixortlon of tho hall of statuary would probahly iiul lmantlv deny tho accusation. Iho credit of originating the tableaux belongs in Mtm. V. I-!. (!wH und Flora Morse. TJ10 reclliitlons wero nil oxceiteni, es- that the nulll-driver was not in earnest in his questioning, said that he was married as stated, that thoevent took place In tho Cntholle church, and that ho ami his brido intended to leave for Portland that evening. Tho innocent reortor went forth happy In thu consciousness mat no iiau secured an item, never sus pecting that it was merely 11 "joko" und ine notice 01 tno supposed marriage ap penrod In the KastOiikoonias'h columns, I'ho all'alr is chiefly to bo rcuretted bo causo of the Inlilrv to the vnuiiLrladv. but I it is hoHd tluiH tlils explanation will In a nieiiHiiro aiono loriuo iiaui.igo none, al though It cannot wholly heal tho wounds which such a fearful error would riii'ur- ully occasion a sensitive nature. TIIKNTATKI.KVV. Wlinl Ihr Th In Nicilnl fur mill How II U Ai'iirotloiU'il Io His Snrr.il t'onnllrs, Sccmtary of Slnto Mcllrlde was seen at the department 01 Mate .Monday iy a Salem Statesman rojiortcr In relation to tlio recent tax low. "Tho estimate of tho lioard for ordinary ciiricnt expenses of tho Slut; government for tlio yearot 18H!) Is tno sumo as the amount appropriated for like expenses for tho war 18hS, and foots up f'.':i'), IIO.' 1)0." snld thu secretary. "Tho estimates for tho excnses ot tho next M'sslon ol me igisiuture is ? iir,Ui.)U. Tlio expenses ot tho last session worn M(M3.1!0. Kxtruoidlnnry oxiienses for conveying insane to the asylum, rausnd liy tlio unusually targe numner 01 er sons committed (luring tho fast two years will make a dc llcicncv in tno fund nppnv printed for that expense. Other estimated deficiencies are light, the aggregate lielng 7.H7(M'.!l. I think that there will remain 11 surplus lu other appropriations for tho current utcuniiii term, sumcieni 10 meet exnendlttircs incurred for tho completion of tho new wing ut the asylum und of the caiiitol building." The following statement shows tho amount of taxable omncrtv In the several counties as shown by the abstracts of tho assessment rolls of the various counties for tho year IRoH, und tho amount of tax upiKjrlbiicd among tho several counties, to be lovled, collected 11110 paid into the Htuto treasury by such cninties: - inxnni iirriprnv, rim n im llakfr . .r Hlo.im llonlon .TIMlimi ClHrknrnns wi'i.jii ciHivip 2uajnn C0I11111I1U, Coos m Cruok. Curry IMIIK'HN Clllliim... .. (Iran. Jnckwiu .... Jmrphlne... hinmsin . .. Ijiki- I.Mne . . I.ISO.Wi . 4VflXl a.i.f,iw , 8,(111. 2I . tU.KA , IrW.W I.ltin S,4M.tMT ilidhrlir HMfiM Murlon .-. 4 4in.iv iveclallv that of Miss draco Welch, who carrleif out tho character she represented to perfection. I ho vocul iwition of the program wus uiso wen susuiined. .nisu Kverett was encored ufler her song from tho oporu, "Hohemliin (ilrl," und re sponded with "I Dreamt I Dwelt in .Marble Halls." 1110 solo 01 .irs. niniiu, which was n illlllcult one to render, was easily and prettily execulitl. MIssl'arkeH, In tlio (luarieno 01 "i.uuany, oviueiiteo the fact thai sho ossesscs u voice of me- lodlous Hweotnosh ana )ower. .Su.iinilng up tno eiuiro program, h nmv im nil led n succe.-s in every luriiuu- lur" and tho e.iergetle ladles und gentle men to whom tlie credit 01 1110 enier.a.n ment is duo uro to lo congratulated. Amntoiir concerts of this nuturo. esio- rlally in so worthy u cuiiso, should bo lib erally encouraged aim jwironweu ny 1110 Morrow. Polk. 'I I II m iiKxtk . Illllllllllii I'lllnll Wiillnw. Wntflu Ws.ltlnKt'in.. Yamhill- ... MIAOW ...W.r.LIW ,., 'l n iivtl .. snjus .. 4 7(),T02 ... STS.TIrt ... 0.1,417 1.VI7.7I0 ... i'6.ViOJI ... 4i4(VMI iVil M I3.K1I M HAI4 7II P.'.'rtltO ?AK M !i KiT -Jl firisi 11 i.ma o' I0JI7 M 4.4(14 73 7.KN. Ml II.IM1) flt M .lt3 OJ 5,77 IS ),4'H M W.lrl .14 ,1,lls7 'Jll ll,X37 IS I.IW II r.Vtll M I0.4M 71 1,112 W 17,111 10 tifiM 14 S.SOT 4 1,111'HI t,8 S 7J HJI7I .11 rejwrts that a gnind b:i in Kcho on Now Year's . ., ... .. 1 .1. ... 0O IIIO Oveill Ul IIIU ri-iinuu, i-vii niin.i. nun; . ,iw...mj,v.. ...... ., , . nd, III to day's Hast Oiikoonian for par--good people of I'endleton, us tlieir ten tlc.ilurs. deney Is essentially elovutlng,'itoclullyr "Aro you going to vote lor Jimmy ior morniiy unu musically, treasurer?" is tho nuestion now asked Xr,7,.K onino Hicein oy 1110 iia. r . ' " iik K Mv 1 11 . t.w.n T ut Vltlfll fHllllUtil. IlinillfllllllllV HW'.1H - --"--rF -. . "i """;.. "r,.V" r. :i: Wheldon. F. Lvons. FortlamliN lierkioy, entirely .rcomii unit 1110 lier iiusiam . scniicncs iu iic . .. , ... vn . v-. " . ;il Clarke. U W Hahn, San ovorhiiuled and nut In In XrlCOina, win 111 resun.r. , ...-.., LCaclH',.0. A Hyr,I, E It Hill. Walla ! for tho coining session of tl of it. ! ! uii . T J EdL-erton. J Strader. Siiolc;ine , The prlccH of ucconiobation (In, Work on the Washington A Idaho rail- lviu. r nin.,m. f'lilcaio: I. R (!cof. i'n ..Will 10 to $15 ler week to wait 'upon-road was frS!. '"I S,E!kfrCily; .Mifl KWlrick. .l CltV lyoirt and location. Tho customorsln tlio inrowiug nuoui iuw -"i ' ,- ' w n ivino. Weston v 11 r.iiiginan, 1110 punnc ib hviiwucu. .ain block to ' ment. ' he sponsion s oe. e 10 , F jn j t.anI(.n,T H Walsh. C tv. . ro .in 11 , 1 .i n . ... "... the mild weather, by plowing, to IHlttinL' In u lur nerea'.'O i 'I'nng. mLt it .... ?provinir, ulthouish Mill nuf- lD (Yin Vn II In it f-A.n n InV.tA -itItVtVVa IIUIII M IMIIIV uroiien nu. s a 1 .11 lt.na mrtUltlAIi ;t'ji unit n Ai.Ki.v. 1 fi.k0iirii. .1 .Mc(4riior. li . .I1LIIIIU1 a --rj--' - Kast Oregon Herald! Estimates of the iCook, t'ity; J 0 Callaway, Shaiiuiocg: ,t..i i.r.nninr vntn is eenerallv incntlonci i 11 n Morelton. hinnicti. 1 1:1 by exchanges, but given in uone-wo s t Hennelly, l'ortland . A J Albrlng, U alia oil u tiiiwd IM miles from a telegruph , Walla ; J A I'imnolle, Miison; W M pole, with only 16 centH In our jxxrket, ( nttns0n, Ogdcn; W U Clurko, rarniing in the cash dniwer, und-wait. tonjT M Harrett, Denver; W Marsh, . H. Hodgers, while rtxing un elevu- AJM' U tor nt tno turniers vuswui .nni. ,"' v",r-' t v wtntnma mid . ... V:. . in r i..,,.u, ininr m In- nnt.rm.ir It CLE J " lllia.nsann BlPn ..!.!.. I .I..I- tiaCK, UIIU BIIUHIIK "li" "'l,vv.- v- -- .m,"..v.--v r: rli.nii, II w tl'e East Oiikoomian ihould 'rom th 1BClt n1, A. , n :J A Kandall. Dalles; Jas Wiiwn.O 1U 'ordewnt this ollieo or mention' Umatilla Kncampment No. V,i' "il P 1 N ; Wn. Cry Pansy I'attorton.. City, W i I iiimb-1 . 11... 1 1' nw.nla Thnrxdav evening, DCCCIlllK r , ' , .' , Jri.t C...I,.,.. r If-imtll.in. I ! J3, at 7 o'clock. . .ui 'Mim' B: ! Citv: C D HascalL F S MV. i.4u-ui .. Liwlniuuri siuniiingiiru luinv 1 . . iock ; W Marsn, v.eiiion ; t- rr, , i.M(.,iw,ll. oUier and daugiiier ure tflrton,lw huw u citben of V?1 in rV Oltawuy, lilt Muu Murray , UQrndo; U,,, dol .ell. Wjfth'alhahSl estublisheiU Uvcrmoro. 0. P- A(lo,)h S ack, l A 1 ill, C.tyi Chas ,,unt.H1Ir0)l(Uni bo in Walla Walla 'wnmUiero. Ben Hiiys Hat A money-lending establishment, l ' Evans, HllKurd;C b ail and Vi'lMby helastoflhe week. 'Hie papers ot ?P fntiful and ho is making the filthy lucre can l'teid Fn West ; J C McCL.n, eppner, 1 ' neiw tlat u wonU1 reich there Wy, hold fiiniiluro, anJ I tlio. hVo. has Ixen FnlBk XInR Centervillet H Ueer, tho(1rbtofg e,omi r, but have doubt- copies of the illustrated ' 'n0tt1 Min 1 ref ' . Kel?;Cha. Hurley, b J DavU CI , , ' lUveresl their mistake. 22wom ,lo on van"? It Money to loan on iiersonal wcunty t Jno Morn B Mf, tIe' Dy nest SumUy. tho Farmlmjton nas .January Irt. HI lust the rix or twelvo months, or will bi . fcwl J liley. h IHeu, Meacliain. wJU nf ,, ,0 Uo&fai, jeJEast to friends. Vull of notes. Inquire of Iv. l, Iwyu to. i.romlnont business thirty miles farther. The sleoping cars the counto- and views of Good meals ut all bouw ot the French Wtsb -n a ?5 year-. will then be dropped off at Walla Wallu. 1 ten cents per copy. restaurant, J. W. SUnfleld, propnetor. man of Hoton, 1 acaa, aBeu to yi Total . -M Sll 4,42a 31704 M Tho obovo simply gives tho amount each co nty will bo required to pay to the State for ordinary current exeusesof tlio State government as fixed by tho board. In addition to thoso amounts each county Is required by statute to levy a tax of ono-ilflh of 11 mill for tho inllltlu, and one-tenth of u mill for tho Slate uni versity, to bo paid into tho State treasury with thu nmounts glvou uliovo. Each conntv Is also required by statute to levy a flve:mill Hchool tux. 1 . . ' ' Tlio llulnl (it Salrm. The Chcmukuto Hotel ut Salom bus latelyco.no under the management of C. Jl. Monroe und J. It. N. Hell und bus furnished und thor(ighly changed from top to liottoin. tho kitchen having I wen ... . . i ., ..... 100 oy unu roomn first clasi order 10 logislaiuro, will avorago tccording t, iatron.RC ot very near tax ing u shortcut to tho New Jerusalem, or . 0 .. ... Al.s .... tlie outer piare, yesieniuy, u mu i jian Henger train pulled out from v alia alia. The train had -itopiH-d ut u switch, and the man got down on the ground and started from tho front end of tho haggaco car to the jasscngcr coach. Ueforo no could make it tho train had pulled out, and as ha caught hold ol tho railing he wus Hung many fee; ilown the ombsnk ment. IWnj; oronk, he escaped with but a few scratches. f. H. Johnson states tliat ho rame into the Jfioscssloii of a lieuiitlful flower this inornlng. It i only a U.d as vet, .... ...Ill a ,.. Inn,. I.liinin into a full- nwner, riliA I rAWn fi,!r. nail its n.-imo will isi Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Halters, WHIPS, ROBES AND TURF GOODS. Keeps always oil hand the Best Stock of Har ness and Saddles at prices lower than any place this side of Portland. Call and examine my stock. James Wheelan Court St. COUGHS AND COLDS Completely Knocked Out I After much solicitation and demand for our popular KuGbler'r Oregon Cough Cure, Wo have dete.mlncd to again put it on the market In attrucflvo stylo and mcdicl nully Improved, For Coughs, Colds mid Sore Throat Troubles H't (iiiiriiiiK'i' It 10 ulvt; NutMHi'llon 111 Itcftiml till' one). Heing made on scientific principles for ('ouffh-tnnl (.'olils, so prevalont In this climate, wn solicit 11 trial of this Standard Itemedy. Ilemeinber It costs you nothing to try It! 11 guuriinleo goes with exery Ixillle. Sold only by Lni)JiZ3i)B & K O 111 Despain Block - - Poudleton. CHAS. H. DODD & CO., IMTOHTlni 0 pardware, Iron, 5tee'? AND FARM MACHINERY. FEONT, FIRST AND VINE. STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON, Solo AgontM for Oregon und Washington for ISM . .ttRE'SNE v 3f Al.PL0v. . . Hliiulr. IKjiitilc.or Tilpplj 1'iirrwW. riicy , iiiiptiiiiiiii coiiimo neurnlidolulo iwrfw Hon, iliiillliow wlio liavo ii-cd ilirio or s. 111 llii-m work mill not ny tiiinuuli tu tlieir pralMi. Wofiiriiluli lli.'i 1 villi or ndhoiilmii iillatiiiiiit. r'cut iillui'liiiniilK ttr-x Urn. x)j3eor,22 jpQ-wnaia lit-t L-arXjicx plows. . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. . llnrkcys IIihi Pre drain Drill. Ilurki.vnrld'ilrri'. Ituckfyn Hprlnir T'.l ti Harrow, Hiipurlai (Irulu Drill., HiiirlorH(((ti'r, . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. " Tim Utr.t Irnprovoit Implement for mwlnir iimmr fallow. Tlio moot miiiiplnU, aud ui-ri-riil t'Hit lor lliln purxi In ur. Wo Uo Iiavs full Una ol IIUKulei, CrrlKes, l'linotoni, MouuUIn Wattona. IMstlorin unit other Bprlna Voliiolo. . . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. , - lwrriun A niapln'n HprlnK'Tontti Ilnrrowi, Dirro Harrown, Boloutlrle 1'wjO Mills, u I'urlllc rmuiliiK Mill, 1 11.V.IHI1 JI.V111I WIHK, U'I'O., IJ'l'O. i-Si:M KUIt XI'KOIAI. CIKCIII.AW ANII 1'lllCK MhTH TREES! TREES TREES With the TariffTaken off, at tho Pendleton Nursery! A full iiBsortmont of Apple, Plum, Pencil, Apricot, Nectur ine, Pear, Cherry and Prune Trcem All kindri dI Kmall Iruitfl and Shrubbery. A fine lot of EvergrecnH, and 75,000 Timber Culture Trees. 1 offer the above at loweHt rates. Call at my liuekiiig hoiirfo, corner Garden and Bluf) Btreete, one block south of depot, or addrefw M. B. JOHNSON, Pendleton .... Oregon,