East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 12, 1888, Image 2

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    WKDNK.HD.YY, DKCK.MIIHU 12. 1883.
Kant OrrRuiiUn, I'ulilUtiliic Cnmimiiy,
One copy per year, liy mull...... V TO
Oneroj.y lx inonlliH, by mull 2
Olio ropy per week, hy carrier. 1"
Hlniflci iiiiiiiIkth
lU)AtV Ail'vrthrmentl.)
One Inch, or Ichk, In Heinl-Weekly per
moiitl v g
Onelueli.orleM, In Dully imr mouth....... 1
Two liirlifi.nrli'nx, In Imtli, per iiimilli... .1 M
ptr iiiiiiilli . , I
Over thrin luetic, Dully, per Inch per
ininitl 1
Overtlirreliu'lie, In both, per Inch per
month.... t
One copy er ytui ..... W M
One copy lx moiitliH. I !
Hlnglu niimlxrN W
rretnliiin paper fnx' toyeurly stnmc Idem.
Holld nonpareil wlverllhenieiiU In Hcml
Weekly or Dully, II rut Inxcrtlon. per Inch,
1.IW; end l Mllf(UOIIt IIKertloll, UK.
Iciil notice, leu cent per lino eiieh In-ertlon,
i:v,N(ii:i,iHr moody.
A llrlef Aeroiint of Hie Man' Appeiiriw.en
km it Manner). - An Outline or III Kermoii
Holiday Afternoon,
K.tl.KM, Dot!. 10. 18SK.
I litul the pleasure yostunluy afternoon
ami evening of heating u eoletirutod man
1). I,. .Moody at tlm Tabernacle in
I'ortliitnl. In t lie uf lei noon I went early,
ami was ho fortunate iih to soottru u front
soul, diiu which guvo hid an opcr ttinit y
of ii l'Iiho Hcrtillny of tlm distinguished
Ilo littH tlm nppoaranco of u well-to-do
business mini. Miinv IVmllo.tnn isw.plu
havo doubtless seen Willlutn Witdiiiims
one of Iho loading (Jhilntiuu workciHiuid
ringers in roitliitnl, mid it successful
business inuu. Ilo toil tint singing of it
choir of forty or I'rfty, seated on n spa
cioiiH platform. Wiidliiittm nnd Moody
worn well adapted to go together; they
mako it gnisl leant; lliov resemble ouch
other in sl.e und Imllil nnd dress nnd
iimimiir, thoiiuli not in facial oxpro'sion.
Moody in soinuwhut such n man iih Kx
Governor S, 1'. (Jluuhvick, though it 111
tlo Isjttcr proportioned ami bolter look
ing. Ho in about llvo feet nino Inches In
hlght, will weigh 'Mi or mom, wears a
full heard, rather closely cropped and
considerably tinged wllli ray. Ilo IntH a
flat) IiiiiiiI, high and iroininimt foiohoad,
Hli:tKily no-io, not large, full lip-, tlio un
der one cs'elully tirntulicruut and almost
curling over. Ills manner 1h lirtifiMio
and business like. During tlm singing of
oiio of tlm oHtnlng liyinnH, Im Hitid, vury
brusipiuly: "I want to set) tlm head usher
a moment." Tliut fiinclioniiry immedi
ately appealed, ami Moody gave liitu
Homo iiiHtructloiiH alont tlm riuutiiiK of
tlm miillunco,
Tlm aftorii(M)ii mirvioo wuh announced
to lHin at II, lint alMiut twt-nty mlnuicH
Mr. Moody H.tld: "Wo will ninn No. ,
'HIiuuurH of HloKHitiK.' " Sovi'ral other
tilmiH worn minn, aiiiout; tlioiu "lluuliili
Lmd," HritiKiiiK in tlm KIiouvoh," "riuvc
Uh (), b)ril;" and two mlulhtuiri who
wurn on thn iliitfniut prityttl. I'rotnptiy
nt:i Mr. Moody gtonticil to tlm front of
tlm platform and Hiild : "Tlio text in in
tlio NiN'ond lihuptur of 'I'itiH, vurHcx 1 1 to
lft," which Im road, Ilo then prayed
und iiuothnr hyiuii wan mini? "All llall
tlm I'owt'rof JoHim' Nntim." Mt. MiMxIy
then Ik'Kiih IiIh twrmou. "I don't know
who In lull: to iniHlly iUU itftnruoou,
Clirlrttlaim or pooplo who aro not ChrU
tlniiH." Ilo thi'ii ankt'd all t'hriHtiutm to
nilmi tlmlr handrt. Half orinoroof tlm
aiidiiiiico did fo, when Im Haiti lie would
talk principally that limn to CliristiiuiH,
and toother In thoovoninn. "Hut," Im
paid, "I will huvo Honm woriU for hoth."
Ilin Huhjoct wan "dracn." MocoiihIiI
oretl draco in a thieo-fold iiNpect. I.
draco hrinelli H.ilvatlon. How to
llvn It out .'I Hint' to imrL- it out. If n
man wautcil to horrow ithuuilitd ilollarn, !
and could uot homclMxlv worth ten thou-'
Hand dollttrH ornnto indoro IiIh nolo, ho
(Hiuld tlio money at tlio hank, hut it
niUNtlH) paid when duo. Ho might bo
Kivon thrco ilayn of "Kruco," hut ho must
i i.iy lutonvt jimt tlio natno tin thcto ilayn.
"lint tlm (iraeu I am talking alxxit," Im
natd. "in to cancel tlm uliolo debt, prin
cipal und intercut ; youtlou't liiivotosty
cont." A man in urn autitcmv h.iiu,
"Anion. " Mr. Moody looked over that
lfo told of n Sunday-school teacher
who offered tlm lioyn of IiIhcIuhh a watch :
they thought Im tlid not mean It, and all
refused to tuku it except onu littlo fellow,
who look it und put It In IiIh (locket.
Then tho rc.t foe;iiti to nik u no really
meant it an u uift, antl he Huid ho did, and j
they weio greatlv elmttrincd to think
they had rcftiHctl ft. All that wuh neces
Haiy to Halvntlon wuh to lake tho pft iih it
wuh odereil. Tho Christian had l'cuco in
tlio punt, (ir.ico now, and Ulory ahead.
In a few word tlcHcriptivo of tho (dory of
tho future, Mr. Moody thrilled IiIh audi
ence and moved many of them to teurn.
We want, ho Haiti, it bright, cheerful
church; there in too t it tie 1 1 mock Holeni
nit v and uloom ah jut churchcH. Thev
oiiiiii) no iiiupieitHuniCHi oi iiaccH. tic nuttH low
iiiiiitiuu ii, inn inuiiij-iiiini i fiiiui, alio
fald it wan often miHrittotcd. There wuh
no word "dark" in it. It road : "ThotiKh
I walk through tho valley of' tho .Shad
ow of Death," It wuh "only anhadow,
anil wherever u hIiuiIow Ih there iniiHt ho
light. Vou can't xeo n hIiuiIow in tt eollar
or u darkened room, Death wuh only a
Hhudow. Wo can't walk right throiiiih
it. Clirint tunneled tho grave, and let hi
tho heavenly light.
Ilo told of a iniui who wan threatened
by a tyrant who M ho would conllHcato
Iiih jiropurly. Mou can't touch it," ho
replied, "iiiv treuxureH nro laid up
above." " lhon i will kill you." "So,1'
wildjthi) man, "vou can't tlo that ; my
life Ih with Chrlnt in (ioil.
TIicho am only a fow of tlm many II
luntralionH UHcifanilHOtitimcntH oxoreHHcd
by tho preacher. It wuh noticeable that.
IiIh HtorieH woro iiIwiivh very brief. lie
wanted no time in lomr detailH. but iniule
evcrylhlng teiTc and brief. All were apt,
too, und needetl no explanation to hIiow
wheiutho application wuh. Moody hut)
not tlm voice of an orator, nor tho Hpeecli
of itHuholar. Ilo leaven tho "g" hound
oir of wonlH enillnu in in;" IiIh voieo
Ih a trifle Htiilly und itHthmatlcal: ho only
iihch an "h" pound for hiicIi wtinlH as Unit
hart and to for that ; "mulling" forHonm
Ihlng; and many like error und oiuIh
hIoiih are noticeable but only for a mo
ment; you noon forget all thin In theter
rlble earnet-tnoMH of tho man, itml in IiIh
Htralghlforwiird, incinivo, clear-cutting
Hpeecli. IIIh iiiicceHH, I tliiuk, llert in
thcho tliingn; IiIh hineere eartiectiieHH ;
IiIh brevity hut variety of argument and
ilhifrtrutiotiH; and IiIh blunt inclHivcncHH,
which driven IiIh thought into a iiiuu'h
heart before lie ban timo or enn HUiumoii
power to reniHt. J. 1. W.
Bucks for Sale.!
an AilmiulMriitor of the fNlntn pf tlio Ut
Wllllrtin Itoia. tlm niUerlnel will noil i
diirlnir I he next l wo montlm nil tha buckii ,
recenfly nwniil bv nU mw"ili tho ram; i
T AWHON Knui.n, i-ituruiKiuitn ur
I i tiieNiarniiiotJii. riiie wincn, iiiiiorn ii.
niirurM. I'PllllieiflR
.il. n ffllliw. Willi hatt'd liottlfll
clllV. .Main ulrect, opponltti Court Miiiim;
beer on ilniuulit at
anil Grade lluckx.
iltPD. I I'.MI'KIt. I'ltOMtlPrOlt 01
KlvcCetil Heer llnll, Main St., nppft
Jteatstered roti,itle, IVinllitnli. I'cudleton beer nil
bent IirBMlIt, II lo'k.
W 1
1888 Santa Glaus Headquarters!
TIimo buck nrti kept In coihI niwlnre, near
Allei. Oreimn.nntt ni in linn condition nml ,
thnrnilKlily HOllllil. !
The tiniU'MlKiifil will vUlt Alba every Weil
nnxtiuy, unit mrnt uny purlieu wishing to i-co
the HtockliefiiinptircfiRnlnir,
Kay ternn will bo extended to purchR"cri
Kor pnrllctilitrH mlilren
It. O.TlloMI'HUN.Adin nlKtnitnr. .
I't'iuiicton, tirennn.
if the I'mntlllii llo-werv. Mnnilfitc'lir- !
... .1,1.1 utt,li.ti1, itml .-..trill ileiilern In '
beer by theKlni.bottle.Knllon.keii nt barrel, 1
Try It anil mmi If yutl tlon't like ll,
A vciiKMi: irt on foot to import giuln
bagri without paying duty, hut if tho
Huhetno workH tlm farmeiH will not got
tho beuellt, Nonclieine workn in favor
of the farmer.
Tim indebtedne.HH
coma in f l!),(l.10.17.
of the city of Ta-
Hiestand, Warner & Co.
Echo, Oregon.
Gen. Merchandise
TiVT IC1NK, IMtOPItlHTOlt Of Till! IUv
tentloil I'nrltirM, MhIii HI reel, opposite
Court Home Suiiere. In ThiiliipKoirn, new
brick. The bent Wlncti. t.lqllors mid UIkiim.
KlrKiint lunctiei nerved to patrons.
or me until unmix nun, .iiii m i. t- ,
Kine tirantm or w mr'i 1
olt Court llotiHe,
r , 1 t 11 n 1
uiir mock is now uompieie in bvery DepartuMt,
Cotnoutul hco the IiiROHland Fiticut .Stock of
Toys and Fancy Goods
uorx and ClKurit ctntiintly on bund.
Roller Mills
First National Bank
I.KVY ANKr.NY, I'rtxlilent
JAt'OII KltAKlt. Vlre l'reldenl.
HA M r. m union, iTiinier.
C. II, WADK, AiKlxt'int CmkIiIit.
Transact a GeneraUJanking Business
Exclianoo on All Paris of the World
Bought and Sold.
Collection ininlu nt all point" on reiiHonable
,iiirur.iiiinr.uiR. , ..i. 1 ii.,u
rvNvvvsmMwvwwsvvvsvtf Auto(rrnpli AIliumH,
1 I. KIM.tAN.JtJSTICKOKTHK l'KACK r!lotonipll AlllUIIlD,
f J . And Nolury Public, Vnmyclc, Oregon, iVrat) AlbtltllH,
Cnilectini: iipechilty. Mlinici un mnti re- iioturo KranicH,
ce.ved, nnd llim. proof, lake,, l reduced iJSn'H IJookH,
rte. '..i.i.i 11 1.1.1..
lyllllHIIIIIIK nuoKiein,
O Kaht OitKOtiNlAV olllei- Hi prlre Hint
twill pnvt they are chciiper tlnin those of
' miy other pilntuix hoiie In Knitern tJreson
In Kiu'tern Ottyon at price that cannot bo beaten.
Mom limn two liuutlred forniK of leitl
iblnnkH nt this oniee. lawyer nud other
IneedlnxmieclHl forinHeiin be aupplleil
fI71lil,IAM ItOKSOII. I'ltOl'ltlKTOH OK
TT the City Ihewery, Court Street, I en;
dleton, Orcxoii. All onlerx for our beer filled
unit promptly delivered.
If you have 1111 nnliuul estray, you enn te
cover him by expending ri.l In mlverllftllix
In ttin Kaht Oiikhonian. It catchei them
every time.
Card Ctu-fH,
Hand IIukh,
Pocket ltookx,
Wall I'oeketH,
OupH and SaueerH,
Work MiiRkctH,
Whink Ilrooin HoldoiH,
l'ltmh Clootlg tlm Uncut
line of theno Roods in
tlm market, at prices
that Hell them.
Dolls, Dolls, Uolls, from
Tie. to fJO.i
Doll llu'ulcH,
Doll I'urnituru,
Kockini; HorseH,
nhoo-flv Hon.
Slick llerLT'
teurn BotiU,
Steam Kn'
All Lf.i .
- ...UD v, iiinr
Sanitary and Heating Engineer:.
REMEMBER: We are the Leaders in Our
s'otlci l lionliv nlven tlm I nn ordinance
will be jiioiNi'il by tint Common Council of the
town of IVmlletoii, ortlerluit the Iniprovo
nieulof Webb "I reel by Kiiiillnx nnd irruvel
InuMilil Ktrcut from I.llelh ulreet to lb" wt-M
ultloof .lane dire. I, und liiilld tiliteuulhH on
ImiIIi nilen from I.llelh In .lune Nlreet, nnd
Rriiilllicoiily of Ihe leiiuilniler of Hild Mn-et
fioni tliewi-fit hliln of .lune ftrint to the wenl
em boiiniliiry of tlm town of Pendleton, pro
vided no reiootiH iniice (ilunul ly ihe owner
of nt leitHt two.ihlriN of the lutiil froutiiKii on
nn lil Mivi L l.ii iiIimI ulth Hie Cllv Iteeonler
I within ten daysiifler Ihe llmt pilbtli-atlon ot
iiiin nonce.
Ily order of the town council.
Dutetl IleecuilHTli), 14.
dell.lwr Town Hurvcyor.
Atnlilelitnlly Killed.
On Kimdiiy last lvdward IlarriKon, injed
Hixteeu, of WitHhliiKlon county, was out
hunting with llvo or nix aHHoclutes. lie
coining tired limy Holected a pi eo In u
moadow to rent. After chatting teirotjier
anhort while, Hth aril concluded he would
examino tho rlllo which Injlont-'cd to one
of tlm lKiyn. Ilo reached and ras cd it
by tlm intur.le, and drew it towunln him.
Tlm nr.iHH becatuo entaiileil in tlm ham
mer and it wuh illHelmrned, tlm ball entcr
Iiij? tho left.breiiHt, wounding Uitli liintH
und killing him almoHt iiiHtautly. Ills
liiHt woriln wero, "Ikijh, I hiii Mhot."
New Ileum.
Tlm next Senator from Michigan in
.Mr. McMillan. Hh fortune Ih tlfi.OOO,
OtXI. Anollmr attempt will noon Im made to
urruiijjo 11 xetllement umoiiK tho Hurlinn-
tOtl HtriLlTri.
Tho MlHriouri riotern have laid down
their arniH hIdcii tlm Mate militia wan
called out.
ThuOruKOit llHlattiru meets on tho
Mtli ot January anil continues in hcsnIou
forty ilayn.
Walla Walla Journal: TIioh. Tierney
is 110 letter, hut wo still live in Iiomh.
Ills condition is very chuneable.
An attempt has Ifou uuiilo in Cblt-.io
to tluHtroy a iliHllllory by tlm use of ily
nainlte. Anurcliists utu Htispected,
l'rtunlnent uioti of Sow Foundlund
have lieuh I'inoovcicd in 11 schemo to force
it into tlm Dominion, ami tho xoplu aru
Kroatly ixcitcd over tho o.mhuio.
The Ohio petroleum Hold is now ylold
iiik' -10,000 barrels per day, neatly at 1 1 of
which is pivd to t hlcajjo and used us
fuel. Tins is what shuts down tlm coal
Salt Uiko City proposes to build a salt
paluco out of the white und ulitteriim
deposit 011 tho shores ot tho lake. HI
will I mi u feature very attractive fori
visitors. !
It is thought that Churles Hendricks,
the nleht clerk at tho Arlington Hotel nt
way anil salil : "that man says 'Amen;' linker City, who was so badlv wounded
ho knows what tiutco is; ho understands bv it pistol shot, may possibly mill through
Steam and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
Hix-flllti-utloni nnd enIllilHtes Mrnllied for
heutlnif bulldltiK III any nectlon of the eon 11
tr. CorrM)intci)ce Millcltcd.
Portland. Orogon. ju
Villard House.
ItAVK IIOK.X I'raprlelnr
Nonliwest Corner Mniu und Court Hlrerm
' V Shaving,
t rrarfiHI
Nofes and Receipts
Lara Stock juxt from
I'ttnsrn, at front Ft; it iih.
Rc-opciiotl, Rc-Ainii8hed
Equii)ed in Firnt
Olitss Stvlu.
The Latest Forms
III pmln or I'ook", Wo mIm) loivuu
$2000 Stock of Legal Blanks
Iucludlu); Circuit and County Court,
I'robuto und County Court, .Insticu's
(,'ourt, Heal Kstute, .Misivlhino
ous and l.-iml Hlanks.
Send for Samples and Prices.
I'i-ihUjIoii, tiniion.
Tho subject was illustrated as he wont
along by 11 uuinltor of amvilotes, and by
several itpt scriptural stories. Men have
to take salvation as a free ttlft, just as a
boMur lakes h Kift, A Kd many men
think they cun jay r0 coats or even tin
cents on t ho dollar, but before they are
saved they must know that they 1110 nt
terry bankrupt
toward his own
niter ull
The Albany IVmocrat says a shooting
utlruy tx'curcd near Klorenco onu day litHt
week, Frank Haw lilies was fatally shot
bv W. l lluriinntou while dinputing
alHiut tho ownership of a colt, llarriiiK
ton is (10 years of ue und Hawliugs 85,
The Hiu.illpoi scftto seems to have died
V jwrsoti can tlo nothltiK oul. em v ,v ltio excitemont was 00
Mlvatiou. There is u wim'd in t la Nulla tho other day
. a 1 iMiil ,1 WAI url lll.lt I'lilaiil Itl n u- .Ia.i.k.
...v,.,i ,i.. ,i .,r 1 uii t,. i,.., l Im,..i,..,. 1 over a romm that a ciitimman was down
hut there Is none in (Itxl's kinmloni. i,"hstuiillox, hut tho Journal reporter
Kmi Couch to ami from TraiuK.
W.D.Hansford & Co.
IK-ulers In '
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Dono.
A hm of the puhllo pstrouiiKa U ollrJtetl
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Proprietress.
All toAb J-
riirri nn
KUGEL. Proprietor.
Cor. Main nd W(U
Alexander & Frazer,
Clothing:, Hats, Gaps, Dress and
Fancy Goods.
IT I I I I I I I f IT I'lir'RTMWB 11 ."STIUf'lH
CllYinifllYlA rA ATIT ChJ
BlaD m M-M UU -m I
Bllll Bll HH I
Bedding, Upholstering.
Call on us dining thu Holidays und buy your
Christmas Presents.
man ever. Don't fall to seo our stock beloro liuympr.
- -. , - - -
Main Mtreet
Only dret'OUui wceoiumtxtutlon, HdhiI
qimrtem toreomiHereiiil lnvflor. The nut.
mniiim nf IIim ..nltlli, MnllllA.. mt . . ....
. ... . ... Illl-iWtlt.-lf.l.l ,tl,.l f...,,l it 1., ut u .1.1. nfliu ...Inna... I..n '
a man iiiuiti navo anyuiint; 10 no w tin 1 v " .- .
ivhiK himself ho would never got ' (l,rl 1
NtviiiK hiuisilf ho would never got
tlirouuli loastliit;at)outtt, oven In Heaven
ho would net oil' in a eoi tier with a harp
und keep ehautlnt:, "I saved myeelf; I
saved ttivso t." (Sod will havo none
this b nistliiL'. IU never saves it man till
Estubllihfd In Portland In 1877.
!ncK pa lit In Drecmi Illil20
(iniui, wool, ele itiverctl from tlmeofde.
livery in rountry witrelipu. or rallroud until
kpldlii Portland or Han KnxneUiso, Incliidlne
rliks lu tr.t lt from cars to timcr, whlio
on wiure. etc.
HKHIIKKT KOIXJI'.ll, Mnnai;er,
. A . -THtarkMt., I'ortinnit.
Cui-tom A Jackson, AReuU.
pl8m I'endleton, Oregon.
IC.II . t, .1 . . .1.1-. I il. -
111111.1 iiiiii.i i'iiioii: 1110 uruiuer 01
Miss I'rcston, tho lady reported to havo I M ft
lid Hist stops his mouth.
Ho liked the story o( the woman who
wis told by tho prophet to borrow vessels
not u fow and till tlieui with oil from her
littlo store. Ilo could soo her and her
two sons Koiui: up and down tho street
botrowini; empty vessels and earryltiK
them home, and all the luilitKirn won
deriui; what she could ho koIiik to ilo
willi theui all. She llllod all thu room
In tlm house with vessels. There was oil
enough to till theui all, and she had
enough not only to pay tho debt she
owed, but oil oiioukIi to live on. So CStxl
Iflvos (Intco enoucli not only to savo u
man, but to keep him saved.
1 leen killed in China, has telegraphed his
of tiuelo at WaitsburK, asking full i;trticu
I Hilars, The tmclo answers tiiat be knows i
iabeolutelv uothiuK of tho affair, and uc
cortiine to 11 dispaicii irom tlio (.UoKonlan
Pendleton Holier Mills,
(Cupueity 100 hurrel pr dajr )
S." BYERS k CO. Proprietors.
I'endletoii, OreKOii,
hviks uikiii it as a cruel yarn and without Manufacturer of (irulmm, grsuniuieii una j
Sonio time UtM, in Portland. James A.
WVilor mat ried a Miss Clara .Meyer, who
wus tlio jKtosessor of boverul thousand
dollars. C.oltin to IVuver on 11 wedding'
tour, Weller thought it would bo u good
p un to inereaso his wife's foitune ut the
puning table, but ittifortiiuately lost all.
Un hearing it Mrs. Weiler eouiiueiuvd
lution against tho proprietors of the
(rambling houso for the recovery of
After u brief tiial tho jury brought in a
verdict iu favor of tho plalutitf for l000.
kelf.rlniiit; Floor.
IllsUent t'nsh I'nce I'uld ror All j
UIuiIh uf lirulu. j
Honr, meal ,chnp, foeil r ie. twy ,,n. Imnd j
K. J, HurCou, Proprietor,
Main una lUllrond flu., 1'eudletou, Orega
t'lrtt-clau la everr rect, Near the de
pot aud baa avery couveuleuce. Term 11 a
day. lylldiv
IWaler In Ne aud Keooua-hund
Oh ing to i contemplated ehangn in our business, wo will for
XT'mvm mTTT-rmr Tt A Vfi'
Soil our Large Stock of
Hn in
Household Goods
Aud manufacturer of
Tinware, Copperware and SheeWron
of Every Description.
TinRoofing a Specialty
Ulve ut a trial.
o ikxjku oy popular auinors, juvenile iwoks, rc '
Aiouuis, rttisii uockis, etc., etc. U'aulng renouicaw . -
F. E. LADOW & 00.,
Court Stroet, ... PENDLETON.
tX't CBnur .naTI AliM.
, iwra mam- . mmjn m mmr'-- '
rVDIIC unm r- nnttnnn, . .... . .tie KtUt T2
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