East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 08, 1888, Image 3

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    PRPAY, UKCKMUKK 8,1838.
7. ...Inn Itrnncll ORlcft.
Tho Dayton board of trado Is nt work
Hccurlng a right of way In anticipation of
tho Oregon & UBhington Territory road
coming there. Mr. Hunt 1m in receipt of
build to thulr town. It seems Unit oven
town in tlio Int.iml I'lni.lwl,,,., :
prlso.than Pendleton, This place has manv
mid great advantages, but without I hat
4 11 i ..
itT.l'V . ri,cit.l t'iven last night bv tlio
...... n nayim .ociety at tho Com-rcita
ructlcul I
1. It. i
nnil liiiporlnnt Q u i-t I rn At r.
r.mi) inn I l rt linn tit llrupmm
Day Ijeforo yesterday tho Hast Om:tio
man sent out a circular letter to u mini
Iinillll I'lillr.il. ....... i' .... V ."
it .i, i : ni;iiiiyu un wr hi representative men ot
ii- iivr-vi i vu. mil liru.ri-iiil ...i)t1...1.n,l .in...... ...f 1. -
i.. .. . . i . iniiiii.T.iuti i.uiiui-. vTiiiniriHiiiir iiirmiirx.
... .11 el iiwi.-i.v- - ............ iiiu-iiiinni iji ii .ii- niirnMi.iuiiii. ..ill....... ill it i i:ii'iil iMiitiiiiii.ii.. I.-. .. . n ....... .. . . . ... '
me Kast uhkiioxian ,i,nu nA...;;.t"-"-.r,Y. .. ...... " i.". vkkoo.man, ( icacncrs, lawyers, anil editors, with tlio ,
iwhi I'oriun.i. smi tanks ,v win surety go to waste. picnsuni ono throughon . to km ng micr c ' II .
".'f.'f.V.MK.. The iiiiiritM In. the au-, Then, when too late, theso sWi-Kili ,.... : i-at-li selection showedHm n... ,u.?f., a. o... ... . ... c... - Unmnnn
i-"'"r... Tiilr.l slrei't. Iiutwi-cn nr v.i.u ...Ml .. .1 nru l,.,,l l,.,,l ..i.nr.i " . , V i-"- J'"' "uun in .-mm liuvniuo nM IIHW
Tn inTi SwrK Vllw of thu Kast Their t IhI C.. u,e,r UJUH K' In 1 ,,, r,inn,t l"V,0",", r""!'8 Jwb is now ono of t10 most niortant I IUI IIUUU.
.uin l'1f?"i.i;,iii.u ,.M,ii.ii,i.niiM. 1 moir mistake, in mo product ion of nuia ivd . I,. ,n. ,i...n.... 1... .1 . .. 1
: . I'liriimiii uti,"1-" " - r 1 . . . Iv. uniivitiiiiiii in nil1 iii'ai iin. 1
W"'!".". upniuliiiiiJul nil of "V ."" uvi- u,.. ..i.'i : V! " - v.""." "'" unvii i awuu,.
rV ;ti.i.. plHine 111 tnooiilco , ,"'llV 1 K"w "I" oleotric light from mi" V ' i ' , 1. 'foniiiuia, i.y , lor imi.ileati.in, uiun the following ;
..,..... IU urnKiicii mil'. iiimn in ti. v'"." iiKuiu, who homu'dhrm it tuiintn
I nmiilnfiill. ..I.....! . . I - . ..
dllllcult riiiiH
n,i.ii .....I ...111
Muniif.ioliirfr anil Donl'r In-
Saddles, Bridles. Halters,
! 5 y 1, l'our noticed tho largo num-
Tn iiu.lni Mi-n. ' iioiew uug along lliontrcet. in w hleh
. ... i Kol.l roln will b paid on ' "h 'o po en lor tlio electric light com
iP1,, ll.i.lriiini InUlvldiinl who, "any. .Meetini: 11 cltlen lin i.lwn.vn.l.
' . . k.j i.iiiMiU4inoinoi nioncv . "i mnwu f..n. .
MraThY. i mtmof ttin Dally anQ ..CX ..7" ' " '"""i w c.xpcrting a
- -z I "oi f ly. why?" aiwwcied tho cili-
u ii fc i a a i i ii.i a i j i. ii uiiuii it a ri;u un ii.i vii I'niii rtiitiKxui
..VJitilc imck 1)1" Hio K. O. Hullillim digKln' VOtlr ifnm.M." Willi u..m.. .l.-in.
,7,i .. li... ,,!..;. ' cony mo tnattor wnrt oxn a iul i. n,
.Yr f uAuriuw i, now ran a mil aim Mr
Ull Urni'CIU mot tV UtHl inf immnrtv hit twiw.tr.l?
ir. u i' . . i.i".i..- "
i. itm I'll V. ni'llt" liwt I . . ' 7
(iKo. H. Lkk, t'nutor city, lia.s
0. 0. KHKNCH.
..nnlllll'H mvHir lift ft riMiitlilntn
ftlt tnralinl lit
(niHiniic"iiiyi'lf hk nuunilliliilpfor I
iiibpenMilnv rlty elf fll 'n.
T'll.rtWKAItlNOKN. ;
.'.'J Mki wrok nmyfr-nucilnir, i Kniiigcr, who moved away with n huIIhIIi..!
U-ader: Mllo llntiHon, of iIiIk
ii 1 1 iiiiiiiii iriui MUM... ...
kt mn as Red , , , "i ' "'A
r diHtlnctcroi.Hofaml,. H ....
mil Tho flrct. a full crop, beeauio riiw
W0E? lmmf!ll,,l ubotit the mlddlo of
July, lho troo bloomed again immcdl
a?' "ii'lilH branches wcru again laden
J5'"'!,ttI,l,rVro', "ItliotiBh Hmaller than
tho (irst. Again tho tree wan lllled with
nioonm. am when thu froHtH camo in
noucmuer, ii waM eovered with
; larger than a in-a.
CharlcH McUughlln was again arronted
iur viiL'iniifv vikufiirtini it..tit...
r;y,.KiV,,',,,l,,f0r I MnailngMul
i 11 im ifciiaiiii t "vmiu ji iii-iiiuiu i 111 nun
1 uroUL'lll iJOloro m h idii. hiu it oml
11. 1
'''n,,,ll,itc7 HBATHMrtN 10 ll,ll,,oni,lu'1 if I"' wim caught by
1 iiv uiiii uip nuiiiu mu iioiirn aner iiih rc
1 leano, Im would lw conllncd iir Jail for
iHiiniynvo iiiivh. rnariey at oneo nro
ceiMled to mako hiim-elf wano, and In
mill nearer.
e It?w1 i.V. 1 1 r ,MWIT of N'Mf fion ox- 'J. What Kort of propctty should bo
1 j!l,.,"rt,0,.',ua,;,,Uo; XVho I U" MI,,J,, 01 tuxatl.in?1 If nnv should
J ill 0 or ti e Dowiim ho Free," by Messrs. exempted, w hat, and why ?
iH! l' .t,y,'(l.,e, Hoy,t1 "V! 'nthwp.'.B. Are you In favor of a ttato lloaid of
' I f ' ItSMt ."V ""I?' ,n, tKil Uouullallnn? If so, nhereln will It ork
lino iur 1 two. iiv Vim.1I ,. 1.....I 1... ,.
iiv 1
Miss Molllo Arnold, n Indeed lioautlfuf.
and wan grectcil with prolonged applause.
A 0C11I tllletDV .Mrs. I). Sin I 1 nnil Mm. f. Am mi Im f.. ,.l
: api'callugly in hl own belialf, saying ho
jilt not want to go to jail again. Tho
1 j uigii incremion lurneil lilm looso. with
..I-. Hint f ttlll 1 111 ti nutlilt.
.'li-l'flloiiof MnwMf my (rUnl.
....u..i...lk 11 OMiwIlilnlM In II
U lit MU
. - . t
the o(m of Hit clLUfiiN tf IV I nil ii-
LIILlt II tllt. nilk.'t'f v
ni.Aiiiii-ii itii'Miiir 11 w n iiii iiiintft
4t H.Millili.A..
tUD'iuiiv 111, nini if tiiiiiiniii'Hi'
..U ...... .11. 1, .Id
(i rri'Kiiriirnf llif.lnwn fif IVll
thf rDtultic town oIm IIom.
J. A..1AIIH Hi..
list WedneMlnv cvciiiiiL' Hovnral of
Kiramhiiii lownsend'H friend tendered
l ! her a surmise nartv in honor of lnr K.MI1
birthday, at tho reMdeuco of her dauch-
viniuion. ". Cardon, at Cobtervillo. Tho
im'hi pari oi tlio surprlHo was that wlion
tho guorits asHOinbled, they found that
tho object of their good wishes had luken
tho tndn for l'omiloton an hour before.
The number of thoso who partlcijiateil in
tho surprise (?) wiiNiilwut twenty.
CharlcH llendriekH. clerk at tho
Arlington hotel at Haker City, had a
bhootlng match with the porter Thursday
ovuning. IIoudrickH was shot
through tlio body and tho K)rter through
tho arm. Ho Is in 11 serious condition.
HendrlrkH wan formerly clerk at tho VII
lard House, at Pendleton, and him several
f lends horo. A telegram wan itcolvod
this morning mating that ho wax fatallv
wouniled, and would probably dio lieforo
It will bo remembered that ji fn-o read
ing room and library bav boon started in
roiulleton. lho rooms huvo been fur
nished and uro now occupied. On Tues
day evening of noxt week. Doc. II, an
entertainment, consisting of music, vocal
and itiHtriimoutal, recitations and tab
leaux, will bo given, lu tho ojrn house,
for its bcnclH. Tho public nro coidlally
A lengthy fellow named Jackman left
tho Five Cent beer hall yesterday with a
varigated countenance mid 11 tlamaged
proboscis. is had refused to pay foru
game of cn'rds, us bo had done several
tlmerf before, and therofoio Frel Kem
per ndmlnUtralcd deserved puiiishuient.
doubtless thinking that patience had
ceased In bu u vli turo.
School Siijjeriiitendent Piert.v,andothor
teachcrri, uro in town to-day to attend
the nieoling" f tho Pcudloton portion of
tho Teachers' Heading t'irclo. which took
place in lho public school building at 0110
o'clock. Tho circlo now bun it largo
meintsThhlp In lho county, and much in
terest In the work Is manifested by thoso
who lielong to it.
Mr. J. n. Chriaty, of I.lnn county. Mis-
souri, Im visiting his son in-law, II. J.Tay
lor. a luomineut farmer of thin noighbor'
hood, taking his Orel look at tho resources
of Kustern Oregon. Mr. Christy Is much
pleai-ed, and is almost iletcrmlueu. to go
homo and return with hi family to be
come a permanent resident.
Tho lurv In the caso of tho hlato vh
Aithur llullum, for tho murder of llud
Doujlas at (backer City last September,
returned a ordict of mauslauuhter. Tho
caso wuh tried ueioro Jiiugo i-eo, wno is
now holding court at Haker, Judgo Ison
being con lined to his bod Willi sickness,
Just oponed, tho largest assortment of
vases, cum and saucers, fancy China, and
silverware over carried In Pendleton, at
(I, 1, LiiDow'h eroekcry stoie. Holms a
largo stock and must dlsKso of It, bo
como and Iook uoioro yon ouy your
Olirhumas prchonta.
An oxcitinc protracted meeting Is In
tirogrcb.1 at Pilot Itock. Tho enthubiasm
U bo groat, so aH our informant, thai
tho preacher hugs fomalo mcnilwrs pf tho
congrcg-atlon in an ccatacy of religious
Tho Milton flouring mill Is cominjlled
to send to Snako river warehouses ill or
der to obtain whoat, thcro bolng nono ob
talimblo in tho neigblwrhood.
Thomas Tiernoy, a citizen of U alia
Walla who is widely knowu throughout
W'fdnesday and punished him 1 He Inland Kmplro, is lying very near
11c nn nrlWu Ueaill UWf,
1 . ...
tliAlT 111 I I..M II 1 1 II .V I I11U llrll M.
..... . .-vn,
..I . .. I...
mi 14 inHirnvinir fniiHiiiiirnuiv.
minlri liir.1 ...ill In. ,lll illlliif I lit
Howard h.
U. Koontjt and Prof. Dysart, of
mown to-day.
IlllMIIIIIiriliI 115 HIIltZIllIN 11 L
It 1 I. .!...
too Mmlc in in town today,
... . 41. 1 . . ..I . 11,. l I I
- 1 . t I t.. t 111 !
a-niU tn I1IVI H p
U l.iw.ts bflng numerously
ML. Af l.I..I. XIII.. IIA..AII.
J. ..I. ... I, .... 1 I
.-..iiiMiiMiiiK 11111 linn .rvouii,
Utrnty four bushels of wheat
ui summer.
w)D,a lirotlier-in-hvw 01 h. M.
HliA II.. X..A.l II
-Mv irvuuiij- iirroi-11 iruiu
.. lian taken n isimtion In the
wUUWuueiit of Mr. Wheelor,
uii i'jiiiiiim iti 1 1 iii 1 1 iiikir i-iiki 1
"-I"" -- " IMtl.'UMH II
rC(l hulMt ii frintwlu I'lill it
Qoniiorountrv una viown of
wire ten ventu por copy.
V mll it. . ,.1- .i.l-l-.. I
( luaiiij. iiiuin iiu iian
- 11 -in Diricui iii iii
hi oini 1111. jiiiUL'ni uiiLs,
-..VIMI 'I lllllli I'll" IIWH
h t.lAl t. - 1 . Z.-
Jrekyliito Hichardscn's lunch
we uqiot yesterday und hclcd
'weight dollars' worth of el-
wot I safe now in Pendleton
1I)A1UU I Ill 1..
" HP. UIIU riLizmiH H 1111 IKJ1-
-h rnuiUIIIU HII0UII1 IHttlO I
iu i.-iiaKtii iu nmiuiui;
"Ongthelowureili'H of S. L.
Irfl I'nm.ll.. IT11I ...1 III All
-W.MI4II.U ii,,,. l fill v III llll
...iiiiu.ii 11IOIII. 1. 11UII
'"tiij niuimiKo a pretty
iJenco, but it Is not Mr.
"imio nuiidut prewnt.
"iiivv i . 1. i.utDii anu
.uuicn iiiompson, ui-
1 u...i " ..I. 1.. .
.. ruimnn u nneiy executed, as was
alio a baritone solo bv the Hov. W. K.
Potwlno. A local duet. "Thou Art Mv
Own," bv Prof. F. K. Hepburn and Mrs'.
I), ymtth was veiy pleasing. At tho
close of tho entertainment the Hov Mr.
Leo thanked tho audience for their
once, stating that tlio soolctv was on
deavoring to progress in its work In order
tnai 11 migiit bo able to Interpret classical
music aright, and was also uttemntlni? in
create a tasto for such music In tho minds
01 rcndloton music-lovers. The socio! v
wastlit'ief(irot.'ratofulforthiipresencoanJi;tonTr!buiio, Is tlio llrstlo icsiMmd, wltl
encouragement of the audience ' tho following answers:
t. Are you in favor of precinct, instead
01 county, ussesHors ;
a L'raihmted In-1
romo tax : and, it so, how can it bo as
sensed and collected?
I. What aro your views on tlio "single
tax" theory, or tho placing of taxation
upon land values oulv?
7. Do you think tho bill prepared bv
tho lax commission of 18N(1 an improve
ment tism our presold law ? In what ro
sKK'ts would you recommend a ehango In
8. Ar you in favor of "deduction of
Mr. .1. It. F.ddy, editor of tho Pendle-
Keeps always on hand the Best Stock of Har
ness and Saddles at prices lower than any
place this side of Portland. Call
and examine my stock.
James Whedlan - Court St.
Completely Knocked Out !
Much of tho ti ensure of the invnlni'
was due to tho fact of tho Soclotv having
secured n lieaiitlfnl now piano 'from tho
entei prising llrm of Minis llros.it Co.,
which resoniled credltublv to tho most
exacting reiiulienionts of tlio performers,
at times giving forth tho powerful notes
of 11 (inilld tiltinri. mu! t linn knfl mi. I .'1. un
like chlmlmr bells o'or distant hills. Tin' I "asrPhlng districts." and
Society was fortunato in secnrinir the uso."10 district should elect
of so line au instrument. ,
no hh'1'.ii i"i men.
Wlilrh I'rinril l'nr Miirii
l liilll Vil. Alitli'limtrit
Cliarley Harnhart, tho veteran miner,
while exploring In tho neighborhood of
his (ilacor mines In tho Camp Carson
mining district, ran acmss a ipiart. ledgo
or two showing largo traces of silver ami
cold. Ho nicked un sumo oro samples In
it careless soit of way. and loonier to!
gratify what litllo curiosity ho felt, sent
lliem to a rcspoiiHblo olllco in Salt Ijiko
for assav. Ho has hint received returns
which sliow tlio gold oro usnajvd folL'.O.'!
to tho ton, und Is described as arsoiilcal
or free milling oro. Tho silver oro paid
WO ounces to tho ton. Mr, Harnhart was
siirpiised itt tho flattering result, although
no was nwmu tnai 1110 oro was vaiuaiuo.
In specimonsof thu nck shown, the ro-
ikiilet- could nlalnlv sen Ineruitiitlons of
genuine nittivo gold and silver, and it is
evident that either could ho miulo to pay
largely if crushed in u common itntsta.
There has been no boom In the Camp
Carson country, nor Is one doiired, but
It is probable that It Is as rich in minerals
as many wiiicu liuvo been tno recinienis
of glowing and flattering accounts In tho
newspapers oi tno nay.
Nm 1 liii-(.'ril,
Tho new time card so long talked of
goes into ciiect to-morrow morning at
I'J :()' o'cliK'k. I'ollow lug are the changes
u tho tlmo of tho iiasscngcr trains:
IJast-bound express No. I arrives at 8
and le.tvo at 8:45 a. m. Pawngers
will stoi for breakfast. r.art-lHiuud
I'xpress No, Don tho Farminglon branch
will leavo ut 1) a. )i., shortly after tho
arrival of tho east-lsmnd on lho mnln
lino. Tho lime of lho West-liouud ex
press Is not changed. F.trmliigtou ex
jiress No. 5 will arrive at fi:"il) r. i. In
lead ot at utiu v. i. us at preient, it
very slight ehango. My this arrauioment
till the regular passengers pass through
Pendleton in tho daytime, and till tho
tegular freights ut night, which is u de
cided ehango for tho lietter. Tho other
advantages mo obvious, und tho trade of
restaurants and hotels w ill bo largely In
creasod, as pafsongors will stop for break
fast, and those coming In on No. 3 who
wish to tin tho brunch will lie com
pelled to lav over In Pendleton nil night.
This now schedule Is entirely satMaetoiy
to Pendleton, and it is hoi km 1 that tho
company will aiiio una ii
in order that no more
Whr lltiDuii't Cuiiii.
In yesterday's Usuo an item was pub
IIhIuhI ask im chrihtian ioplo of rendlo
cliauges may
Pksiiixto.v. Dee. 7. lhHS.
Tit thu Killlornf llm Knl Un-Kotilnn,
He)lylng to your circular of tlio 3d
Inst., I submit:
1. A full and fulruscsmout can liest
bo obtained by district assesMirs. Tho
county court of each county should have
tho authority to divide its couutv into
tho people of
an ascefsor at
each giiieial election. A district might
rompriso one or more precincts, according
to imputation and procrtv.
l!. All properly shotilil bo subject to
.'1. I should favor a Stale Hoard of
Kipialization, so that it uniform iisi-css
ment might bo inado, that each county
should pay Its Just proortloii of tho
Statu tax.
i. i no answer lo nuostiou Is em
bodied in that to iiucHtlon 1.
o. A graduated Income tax is not lire-
csarv in my opinion.
U. The "singlo tax" theory would com
pel the owners of Veal entitle to pay all
tho luxes, of course. That would not 1st
Just. Wealthy men. whnt-o iHVHesitons
might consist of flocks and herds on tho
publie domain, or stocks of merchandlso,
or other iHirsoual property, would escape
thu payment of their proper sharo ot
taxes necessary to the stijiKrt of tho
7. ilio bill prepared by tho tax com
mission should Imi slmplifled.
8. While I would not object to tho ro
peal of tho law Providing for the deduc
tion of indebtedness, popular sentiment
is optioned to such it course. Still, I 1st-
lioo it would Ihj a slop in tho tight direc
tion to allow only indebtedness within
the county in which thli Inxpavcr resides.
J. H. Kiinv.
A I." I of Troiililf nml Tiiiiifimlrry C'nunril
Iir m II lira.'.
A unique cawt was tried at I o'clock
this afternoon licforo .lustlco Hishop.
Hx-AssesMir H. F. McKlrov, cf Pendle
ton, and A. L. Waits, of WonIoii, each
lost a hono, and tho seipiel will prove
that tho animals must have resembled
ono another with a very lomarkablo slm
llarily. One of tho uuimnls, which ono
remains to Is proved, was found by Hob
ert lludspeih in the mountains near
Weston and delivered to Mr. Watts, who
recently had occasion to viIt Pendleton.
Whllo hero tho animal was claimed and
seized by Mr. McKlrov. Mr. Watts then
began a civil suit for Its recovery. This
nettled MeF.lroy, and in a spirit of re
venge no bad wans urrcsieii on cmtrge
of stealing tho animal, tho trial taking
place to-day, as above stated, I'. P. Tits
tin npMiarlng for tho Statu und H.'.M.
Powers, Weston's celebrated (tttorney, for
After much
solicitation and
demand for our
Uler's Oregon Cough Cure,
Wo liae;detetmined to aealn put il on the market in attractive style and
nally improved. For Coughs. Colds and SoroThroat Ti'oiibles
W'v lititirimUM' Ii to ulvc SittMUclion or Itol'iiml tin; Mono)..
Heing iniiile on scientific principles for (Umtihn itud Cohls, so ptovalont in thhi
cliniHio, wo solicit it trial of this Standard Hemedy.
HememlK'r it coMs you notlilng to try It : a guarantee goes with our.v Isitlle. S.hl
only hy
XjMIilZlil R Sr. Lv triOB Uim,
Dospain Block - - Peudleton.
IMCDHtClm ot
parclwarc, Iron, 5tee
r.pi .--.. iMMH.i'lrlr7-irnu.iwniiwin
Solo Agonts Tor Oregon and Washington Tor
defense. At this writing it had not
been decided, but It can Imvu only
;ono ondlng, the aciulltal of Walts, who
would be tno last man in tno worm to
commit larceny. Tho most novel part of
tho business, however, will soon occur.
It la proposed to make u teat of the mat
ter of ownership, Itoth parties agreeing.
MeF.lroy proost's to hitch the horse to a
ton why no olfort was mado to sectiro tho , wuaon, and after the vuhlclo Is
presence for it time of tho renowned hauled into position, to order the aid
Kvangcllst. Moo.lv. The following letter ,nal to voluntarily tako his isltion In a
from a Walla Wufla brother, handed in slx-lmrre team. If the ordor Is olieycd.
by Hov. T. M. lloyd, answers tho ipies- the animal is McKlroy's, as he performed
lion: I the trick In tho past. If not, Watts, will
Walla Wali.a, W. T Dee. (1. 188$. obtain possession, nnd in either case tlio
' Dkak iliioTiiKii: Mr. Moody goes to I vexed tUestIon will bo irrevocably set
Portland to liegin work on the Dili. I am i tied, 1 ho animal iu (jucsti"!i. which will
sorry, but ho cannot como to Pendleton. ' cost tho lax-payers a mint of money for
He has been refusing invitations on every
sido. .Very truly yours,
K. M. Sump."
This Is to be regretted, as a vMt by tho
Hov. Mr. Moody to Pendleton would bo a
treat to all cl.is?s. and might be product
ive of considerable good. It is said that
excitement with many in Walla Walla
over his meetings approaches a frenzy,
the church cannot possibly contain tno
ticoplo wno go to near mm, unu numo
lew scarce take time to eat their meals, so
great Is their eagerness
Tim ifolelot t
The Clietnokoto Hotel at Salem has
lately como under tho nvanasioment of
C. II. Monroe and J. H. N. Hell and has
all manner of fees iu the case of lho State
vs. Watts, is only worth uliout '"
Fight witnesses for tho prosecution and
four for the defenso wcresuhiNcnad.
Hlnxlo, Doiililo,nrTilppld Fniri w. Tlisy irs m ihnpU. und romno nrnrnlnnlale imrft"
tiuii, tint thoui hi.i, liavn iiwd llirm or i"rn nm work ran not Miy inmugli In
tlirlr prul.o Wo furnish i l,t.ri on or s it limit wut ullurluuvnt.
Heat iiitiu'limviiit nr.-1 xim.
IXia 22 33,02 IOWBB TjIT"!' fHTTXiICSr PLOWS.
llurkrya Iloo I'ri'M flniln Drill, liiirlu-ynHtmlr-r, Ilnrkry.i Hprlnic TiKith Ilkrrow.Hupcrlnr
llrnlit l'rlll,Hiin rl(irhf'ilcr.
Tlio niot voniplote an
Thr lain l liiipmviil inipleiueiil for Miwlnv miniinfr fullon'.
iut k.iiii inui iur uii inr(Hwii in hm
We ilio huvo a full lino of nut-glen. CitrrlnKoa. l'hsotoni. Mountain
J'lullorm nnd other bprlnjs Vehlclaa,
A Clm'lu' HiirbiV'TiMHIi lfurrnw, liwrn Ifurrown, Krlmtlllo Poeil
rurlllv KAinilng .Mill,
IIAIHII JIAltll Wilt 12, IZ'Va., lU'J'O.
H. F.Johnson &Go.,
Prescription Druggists.
Requisites of too Toilet,
..i Mini I'uunuuu iiiiii
"J. ior nub i
!soCaton's dauehter. i . ml ilmroiiL'lilv chamred from
'll lit In ... I.. -."P . I...1 II. . ,.. I.... In l.i l..m III, I II IT'llftll IiaVIOl! IH.'1'II
emvo Vnliine ! iI of .Im oMi. Jrf- .11x1.1 ho lobby andVooms SUtiouery & School Supplies
I 4 " and places a real Interest in the reading, and an lf 'X, r... ,.nnH., .h k-v W, L'laars
wiut?cr8 DroiKjHo to b imniM.f nni Mvor to no inorouiiii work urr iut iuoiiiib ;. . ,m,v' J
couraging features ...c creie ""'ft oto
Among other things at tho meeting room and localwn. , The patronage of
Monday evening were uotauons iront too puunu ..,w..
it. .i... i. i. ii.rt.t.n.. u .1 irur m "The Cossacks, I ... .
lilav li iwvs ilwt the a taWoot current ovVitU, a "Sketch off The shaft ut he Uma m torn
1110 hov. i pauy u iiiiiiu " yj" ...v.. w. -
instructive iaccounU. Waiting through hard rock
makes progress nouio imi nu.
tunnel has Isn nearly emptied of water
by tho pumping process, and can'now be
advantageously worked.
With the Tariff Taken off, at the
Pendleton Nursery!
.l,:na ,0 l''ear tho street of ,
ascertain hour In tho eve-,
"Witnay hoiebv take want-1
. v r j r iiiui in-
bands of stwk iu his see
. t.H-kiuen have U-en
,'ive their stock to tho Co-
.Ull II
riVl rniirvniJ .-f te
y-wc ;s sun an empire for
W. K. Potnlmi gave a very
talk ou London. ... , 4
Tho next meeting will be at Mrs.
.Parsons' rcsideuco on Johnson street,
! Dec, 17th.
Oppo.lt- VllUr I lloo,
The Truck Ma,n
The Transfer Man,
A full iiHHorlment of Applo, Plum, Pencil, Apricot, Nectar
ine, Pear, Cherry anil Prune TrecH. All kindn of Hniall Fruits
nul Shrubbery. A fine lofof Kvergreens, and
. 75,000 Timber Culture Trees.
I offer tho aliove at lowest rate. Call at my packing hoiiHO,
corner Garden and llhifl fit reet, one block south of depot, or
(Pendleton - Oregon.