East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1888, Image 4

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mi: riiKsniK.vi'ri miha(ii:
(Continued from l'lret jingo.)
crlcnn oplo, und attempt to ilNeovor
their futuro path. !
Tho wovuntli rresiuenl ot tnu rnncu
titatud. tho Kolriicr and HtiilcHtnun, and all
tho time ttit' firm and bravo friend of the continued through Iter inaleHty'H Iceution '
I .11 . ..!...,!.. ..!.... ..I I.I - . I.. .1.1. ..!... "
of International comity by nllbrdlng full
opportunity for her mujcuty'H govern
mcnl to act In relief oi tliu situation, I
conuiilarcd prolongation of tliu iHncust-ion
to )o unwarranted, und thereuoii tie.
dined to further recognize tho diplomatic
character of Iho irnon hoNucoutluuunco
in hucIi functions would destroy that inn
tual conlldoncu which Ih essential to the
Kojd iinderMtandlug of the two govern
inentH, and wuh Inconsistent with the
wolfjiro and it'lfre8cet of tho govern
ment of tho Unllail Htatew. Thu usual
Intereliaugi of comuiuuicutloiiM has hIiico
ik-oiiIu. Kaid. In vindication of his course, i in this cltv
na tho lutiteetur of popular rigliln and the , Tho rent of the lucHsago lel.Ues to for
champion of lino American citizenship: elgn ulIulrH, covering our i elation with
"Tho ambition which leads mo on In nn , Fiance, (Juununy, Sumo.i, China and
atixiou. ilcxlre and a fixed determination Japan und lluytl; the national llnanclcu;
10 roHtore 10 ine peopio unimpuireu ine i uonu pureiiase.i, Army anu rtuvy. inut
nacred iiiiki inov nave coiiikiihi io my
charge, to heal thu wounds of tho costltu-
lion and tiiwervu It from further viola
tion; to icrriuadu my countrymen ho far
uh I may, that It Is not In a milendld gov
ernment MiipiKirted bv powerful mono'io
lies and aristocratic iJHtabllshmeiitH tliat
they will llntl hupplnenn and lllerty and
protection, but in a plain HVhtcm, void of
pomp, protecting alt and granting fuvortt
to none. d!nK)iiHlng its blcwing like the
tlewH of heaven, uimcon and uufclt, mivu
in the fri'shni'SH and beauty they contrib
ute to produce; that the genius of our
jx-oplo rcipilrcH Hitch nu one only under
which our Suites inny remain for ugcM to
come, united, pioNerouH, and free."
In pursuance of u constitutional iiro
vIhIiiii ri'iuiiriug the I'icsldciit from tfuio
to time to el vi Congress luforuuitio'i of
the Statu of the Union, I have tho satis
faction to announce that the close of tho
vear llnds tho I'nltoil .States in tho enjoy
ment of domestic tranquillity and nt
peace with all the nations, Since my
annual message our foreign relations
have been strengthened and Improved
by thu performance of lututnatloiiul goml
otllccH and by new and renewed treaties
of amity, commerce and reciprocal extra
dition of criminals. The international
iieMioun which Htill await HCttlumunt
urn all reasonably within the domain of
amicable negotiation, anil there Ih no ex
isting subject of dispute between the
United States and any foreign swcr that
in not, HUseepuiiie oi satisfactory aUjiiHt
ment by frank diplomatic treatment.
Thu questions between Ureal ltiltaln
und the United States relating to thu
rights of American llslicrnicii under thu
treaty and International comity in thu
territorial waters of Canada and New
foundland, I regret to say, are not satis
factorily adjusted. These mutter were
fullv treated in mv message to thu sum
ate of February '.'(J, IH88, toguthur with
which a convention eouebiileil under my
uuthorily with her majesty's government
ou the ldtli of I'ebiiiarv last for tho re
moval of allcaiiM'snf mlHiinilcritanlng was
ty, indi-
atiH, railroads, etc. On tho subjects of
roiiMons, Agriculture, and JlullrouUn, tho
mescago nayH:J
Tho uumbor of pensioners added to the
roll during the fiscal icur ended June 'M,
1888. is m..)' An iiicieuse of hviihIuim
Iihh heen grunted in -10,710 eusex. Tho
names of l.r),7 ) pensioners weie droplcd
from thu rolls iltnlng thu year, for various
causes, and at the close of tho year tho
number of jkjisoiis of all clauses receiving
pensions wore Uj'.'.ftT)'. Of these there
wero 80(1 survIvorB of thu war of 1812 J
10,787 widows of those who served in
that war; KJ.UGO soldiers of tho Mexican
war, und fill) I widows of said soldlerH.
One hundred and two dill'erent ratcH of
lienmoiiH are imid to thu benollclailcs.
ranging from J to $410.00 or month.
Thu amount paid for ixmsloiw during tho
tlscal yeur wuh $78,776,801,1)1!, being an
Incieaso over the ptccedlng year of .".
Tho exeiiscH uttending thu nniliiton
unco und operation of thu K!Iih1oii bureau
during that itcriod wuh M.'JOi.'.olM.or,
making thu entlio expenditures of thu
bureau t8L',0:i8,3Stl.6!, being 21 1 wr
cent, of tho total oxjienilltures of thu
government during thu year.
1 am thoroughly convinced that our
general pension laws should ho revised
nud udlusted to meet, uh far as isisslble,
in thu light of our experience, all merit
cases. Thu fact that 102 dUlcront rates
of (tensions are paid, cannot, in my
opinion, be made consistent with justice
to thu pensioners and to thu government.
Thu numoioiis private bills that are
passed, predicated upon thu Imperfec
tion of tlu general laws, while they in
crease In many cases thu existing in
equality and Injustice, lend additional
force to the recommendation for revision
of thu general laws ou tills subject.
Thu laxity i f Ideas prevailing among a
largo number of hm1iIo regarding pen
sions Ih W'cumlng every day more
marked. Tho primiplos upon which
they should be grunted are In danger of
ll'.-lllL' lilt leclhnr h'liliri'il. mill iilrniiiti.-
HUlimltleil hv inu rnr Mm approval of thu pensions aiu often claimed becanno tho
Hcnato, I his treaty haying Ik.ch lejecled applicants mo uh much entitled nn other
by Hut senate, I transmitted a mess.igolo successful uppllciintH, ruthor than tnioii
iiongresN on thu 211 of August last, levlew-, any dlHubllltv reiiMinablv attribuliullu to
lllgthu llllllHUCtlllllM Ullll SllbmltllllU' for I mllllnrv mm lice. If lli..'..liil.llalim,Mil f
I'oiHilerul Ion certain iceotnineiiilatloiiH ; vidian' picceil.'ntri lu continued, tho
for legislation concerning the 1m- .grunting of pensions bo not divorced
portnnt iiueitHiMiH Involved. After-, from paitlsan and other unworthy and1
waul, on thu 12th of September, In , inelovant coiistderatloiiH, and If tliu lion
ri'niwnsi. to u resolution of thu Semite, I orablu niiuio of veteran unfalrlv becomeH!
ug-aln coniuiunlcated all the nformatioiiin 1 bv thesu means but another term loroiiol
my poHsession uh to tio action of the gov who constantly elamorri for tho aid of thu I
einnient of C iinaila allecllng the couiiuer- goNoniuient, there is danger that injury
ciul lelatlons Uilwivu t ho Uoiulnion and I will be donu to tho fame and iMtilotisiu
the ru led Status, including the treat-, 0f many of thesu whom our citizen de
inent of the American , Inhlng yessels In light to honor, and that a prejudice will
thu iKJitH limit water of Itrltlsh .Ninth Am- be aroused uiiJuhI to ineritorloiid appli
orltti. l liu coinmunicatloiiH havo all i-aittH for h iihIoiih.
iivvii iuiiiiniii'ii, nun iiii'ii-iiiru uviieil 10 lUItlCULTUllK
the knowluilgo of both IIoiisim of Con-1 'rim .I .'.. f,t..i'. i..,
although two weie addressed to i ,u , "a .u , ' , .L
'"("Ml or I,, (( ,iirllru In ilni'itloll Hill liriu'su.a mi.
largo the results and augment thu nrollts
slon, und tho rclnfoicement of their opln
Ion bv enntlmncn of undoubted bust'
ness judgment nnd cxcricnco, upjKilnted
to protect the InturcKts of thu govern
ment as directors ot Mini corporation,
in in- well lend to thu belief that such all
extension would bo to thu udviintngu of
tho irovLrnuient. Tho mibiect should bo
treated as n business pnposlllon, with a
viuw oi limn realization oi uh iuuuimi'u
Hess by tho government, rather than
upon prejudices or by way of punish
ment for previous wrong-doing.
The coiiKcimiHuesH that I have pre
sented but an lmerfcct statement of tho
condition of our country and its wants
occasions no fear that anything omitted
Is not known and appreciated by tho con
gress, noon whom rests t!u responsibility
of intelligent legUlulioti In behalf of a
great nation and a contldinir people. As
nubile servants w -hull dn mir duly well
If e rnii'tentlv liiiard the ivclltui!'! of
our iuluiiUuti!.. in. .in. .nn Ui,.M.IIii:l our
lovo of country, and with unselfish pur
poso strive for tho public good.
Leezer Kuobler,
Thi lurucst mi'l liliwil coiiiplcln Mootc ot
Drugs, Medicines.
Toilet Sl Fancy Articles
In Eastern Oregon.
Dospaln Block
tho Senate alone. Comment
niulitlon of thuir (vnteutH would In; nu
lieriiiioim, nun i am noi uwaiu nun auv
it is almost the same thing,
No Premiums;
No Special Oflers;
No Cut Rates;
' tf .1 mar nlt iiuIi.iihIcii II l.u
i & to thu m..Wh ?H,M nl'T "a .H-trlUll prtii lufommilon 1, :
fore ere v n us u mil.-al 1 tA 1 "w pIuiiIk, choked
the esc it m.o 'Th, h al. u M, I? 1 11,0 Hl,r,,,ul of u1Ioiih dfseaBes of farm
will Kii ml ft resisted the advance of noxious
Sof Niplemln' r Ki VZ?V cu Mure ' . K
i huh nuii;iii in ncwuiu ivj ukiu iiiiiii ui miHir
On Tho North American Continent.
! birgu l'ages and 84 long Colunius.
1st, 1887, no ratiu has been reHrtud to
the department of thu State where com
plaint lias Imoii made of unfriendly or
unlawful treatment of Ameilcan lishing
vt'ssels on thu Part of thu Caiiadltui uu
Ihoritluri In which reparation wus not
promptly or sutlsfuctorlly miulu through
the I), S. consul general at Halifax.
Having essuyed, In this dialiarge of
;ny duty, (o secure by negotiation thu
tW)ement of u long-ntandlng dUputu,
mi J to romovo u constant menace to thu
good n-Utlons of tho two countries, und
continuing to U of tho opinion that the
treaty of February lunt, which failed
thu highest rewards of ellort and thu full
est immunity from loss. Uh records of
thu year show that tho reason of 1888 has
boon ouo of medium production, A gen
erous supply of the demands of consump
tion huvo been assured, and u surplus for
e.Krtation, moderate in certain products
and bountiful In others, will prove a ben
efit ullko to buyer und grower.
Tour years ago It wuh found that the
great cattle industry of tho countiy was
endangered, and those engaged In it wero
ularined at tho rapid extension of tho
Kuroean lung plugue of pleuro-pneuinu'
fturioiiH oiiiprciiKH exisieu iu nil
IMIitUhi'il In Hint itlvoii wttli t-ncli .ut or
His Hvcklv fillilon,
Ht-uliinlliK All.. I, iiihI roiitlniihui llo-re-nftor.Tlin
Worlil will print Willi noli Imiiv u
riiuiptrlil novel hy iKipuuiV iwUior. Aninnij
IIik wrlivni will In-:
Mr. Alexumlt-r,
John H. Wlliler,
Waller Ilesiint.
Until. Hucliumiu,
It. I HIcvhiimoii.
II I, I'arjeini,
'riioiuiu llunly.
JiiIIhii llHM'lliornp,
K W, ItotiliiHiiii,
Jur Verne,
Win. llliu'H.
riii mi novum win w
Henry Wood.
M. K. llr.liliiu,
Kliiri-ni'e Wunlrn,
MaryCwII liny
IlKrtlin M. (Muy,
Annie KilwHnlh,
llhnilii IMwurilM,
K.L'. I'hllllna.
tilt bitfHt worKinflhe
receive ino approval oi uiu bciiuio. iiiii ...,i nu... i-....,.,i... ...i i..
. .1 . .,1 l it l I 11UID, .'IIDnvilit I.UIHUI.&1 . ..Ill, 1,1
Hiiiiply u satisfactory, practical und lluu Tt.m.HStHS ui,nal ullected wtre held In
iidJuNtmont uiHJii u biisb houorubln uud mlttr:m,IM, Viw counties in New York
just to both (laities of ho diUlcult and uni from ono to foul. coimlloM nViwU
vusimI ijueHtlou to which it related. Mid of tll0 SMoi 0f New Jorsoy. IViuuylvu.
nuviug HUPHenuoiniy uuu inuvi uiiigiy, , ,tt itojHlire ttmi .Murylainl were ulmoat'
. .V.kiV.V. i IS: IT ...m.J: oqumiy niwicu, . uu iuih Krii iiuuKcr
meet the oxlug'
tlon of tho tre
otnor legisia ion w w. 0imy uirected. Willi this great danger
1 howl would bulllco to , UH)n , wi witri t!n contagion ul
gency created by tho rejec a!uilv ,n Ut0 cum08 0f comuien-o, with
;reatv, I now again Invoke ,.or-mol,H deutli und indirect losses ul-
tliu earnest nnd imincdiuto oiU" 'f rt.ttliv bolni; caused by It, and when only 1
tuo Congress to tho condition of thU lui- . m,)t UIU, cergotio action cimld bo sue-.
IKirlant i.uestloii uh It uuw stunds U-foro , tht,ro wcr0 iu nono o UlW0 states .
them uud thu country, uud for thu settle-1 i.... .. ....u.nrt.in.. n.iu .i...,.i,..f nl
i utii in n n umiiwiiiiiii, mhp uvimi t iiivim i
uiutit of which 1 am deeply sollcilou
TlllMIUMOVAI. Of HM KVll.l.n.
Alsmt thu clooo of tho month ot
uuv ikN luunoriiini? tins ueparimeni
' eradicate tho iiuiliuly or ulvlng thu State
otlicialH power to cooperutu wiiu uior
this imrpotte, The department even
AlHiut thu cloo of tho month of Ot-' lH ,mvm The dopartment even
tol-r hiht, incurrences of u deeply regret-1, Acte(l th the reiiulsito appropriation
utile nature were brought to my kuowl- Ulu, uuthority. Hy ecuring State xvoy
oilge which inado It my uinful but in- lorution connection with uuthority from
porulivu dutv to obtain, with us little
delay as possible, a new ersonal chan
nel of dlplomutlu lutercouiso in thin
i-ountry with tho government of Ureut
llrilaln. Tho i)riesiondouco in relation
Congress, tho work of eradication has
liceu preeH'd suivessfully, und this
dreaded disease has lieen oMirpated from
tho Woitura Stales, uud ' also from tho
Kusteru States, with tho exception olu
liirnt wrllprn nn ttu'y him mlilllil (In- ImmiKh
wlilrli ewry one la talk lux kIkmiI. Notliiiig
bill llm very lit will tx nitmlllnl Into llie
Worlil'ii Mtiinuunl IJN-uryof ncllou,
TliU I Jbmry of Flcllun Will HupplleU to
Hu'i'cribwr Only.
I No Kxtiu Coplm Will H frlnlrU.
Nn liuek NumlM-rs fun 1U Kurnlslirt) Htid No
Inxle Coptic Wilt lw Hoi J.
tr You WUti llui Hi-rlt-s Cwuiplrir,
One Yrnr (K uuialM-n), 1;
il Muntlm (,'4 iiuiaN-ni), fx;
3 Monllu U mimlwrs) s.
THE WORLD, Mew York.
Ml uiUfMllsa la tb
cure ul lloportla' and
I (llfet. I prvncrlb llaod.
lei'l uIkIo rvcointuo4
Inr It to all NRi-nra.
Decatur, UL
PRICK, 8 1.00.
Hold by UruigUU
Utter t Kuvbler, Aicenlt, remlletou, Or.
uu. 1
to this Incident will, n duo coureo, bo flS... ....(ficteil States, which are still un-
laid Ufure you, and will dltciwo tho un-,lU,r hU1)onisi,m. The danger has thus,
imniuiiuuiu wiiiiiivi ui uiu u.iimii ii'ii 1 1 vii i HH), rumoved, mm Jnuto unit comineico
to iu his intei feieneo, by mlvlco audiDiui- ( lmvo Vi3n f,tvtj f,01M lm, vexatious Statu
hoI, ivith lhu sulliiigiw of American clti- rCbtrlclions which were deemed nwci'sary
sons iu the vory crisis of tho 1 'residential for ,llu0 i )
election, then near at li.ind; uud aluo iu nu: umi.uomm.
Iilrt sulwoiiuunl public iKvlaiutioiis to Jus-, .,..,..,...., ,.i ti.., ..Uations be-
Four lots and u house on tho flat, near
tho O, It. & X. dojiot.ceutrullv located,
gooil water, good fences, for $1000.
Kasy terms.
Four lots, ono ijuurter of a block, near
tho Sisters' School, for '0 cash.
Insurance Agonts,
s ft
H ft
a ft a
n h w
td k h
HZ mm mm
nn - t wm
v.- m ii
a a
Elegant fmimanPala9
Krt.lirant Blceplnit Cur. run Ih,
rn-M Train.",!?1
Cloao oomifolloM at rortiwd h. .
KMt bound lraeiiterar,i,M.
Kiwi bound lrtlht aitlTM 5 M
partu at B:00 p. m. Tw tt l
Wnit k.,.m.i -:
To Han F rant-two, t, .
Stair. Nova W.W'
Oiluinbtu, NnvlJ
Orcein. Nov (a
(Columbia, Nor 21
Orrrnn. Nmn
, . m,?ott
Ijcnvo Hpeni Hu woarf.Kaa
lUln of Puu.
Including tntaU andbw
HlcfniKe, ...
Itoilllffl TVI. ITttllMi...
. .K9r further partlculan lnoolit'U
oi hip i.ompaoy, or A,I Vum!
A T. A.. I'nrtl.ml nSJ.. MUM
. , w JUll,
Orneral Manner.
Cn tiMki. i,
Orrnm m!
rettdleten, j
Great Rock I:
Tho illrrcl and popular lln lii
wuh hid norinrrH radar I
rum bl. l'aut nnd Mlonftpoiu
To Clilrigio ail thn Kaat.
To Nt. IaU aad Ihr Mi la
To lr Molari, Lmvti
The Only Line Jty
nt Couuclt lllutl, Lravcnvortk i
Cltv for
Pullman 1'aluce Sl
rntaec IMu Varil
Accomimny all tlimufb Ripmati
una iioiui'.
TIckcMfor mild b all couotctltil
anu conurcuonii imueiuunwn
Knrfull lnforniivllon rfnlin
ftCHpply to any coupon afnlitl
A . or Northern lWt mM
pHlilra,or Hi iLifcsn
Ticket Arfni.0.1
No, S Woxhlngton 8L,
fj. a irrir litmnL
Oen. TKt. nd I'am. Alt G II I H
CIiicuko, in. b. .'3
iUh 1 anil P 4f. 11.11
AiiS MlnDtwaHl
THE Northen PM$C
Magnlflornt flV 0
t t EmL.
n. ... !..., nrl UlBflMSHA
1 1 nr. ninniDE raiw
(Meala tfi
. m. W-Mm Mai i
To Hloux CUr, tcnnoil
llurllnglon. Outncy, 8t UF
iiaat via Ht. faulaod MWTJ
Are nauiea on t"'T , iZ'iLitn I
tbo entire lenpn oi m v , i
Iave WIlul Juni--,
T fnrilund I P. Uh ??:
MlnneapolU or Ht.Twl amf-'
Connection mA S!Srm
nil. in all nnlnU Kl.H
Train will Iev PertlfJ I
all poiuwou ' u'1' J7ii.ciU
nnneral Weatera
Waihlmton 8t, gumjIM
Notary mi OP1
In PendJewfc
Tim iikual rlc tot i
,U n Pnrtlaud er
... .juaM'
n tr.oa. wun expr '
neeura seal, 1 3f0WPw
rrom jacotoia-COlbew"-
Henry Kopettke & Co.,
East Or