DAILY- SOKIP AT PAR! tzffr tiual hunsctiitii:n.4 TO muntv Scrip taken at par TIIK KAST OltHOONIAN. rlIIM ' ml, offico on Subscription, Advcr- ni;mi.vf.i:ki.v . no. DAILY 7S. Addrea er job Printing Account. E. O. PUBLISHING C reiidtetitn ... OMkon. OL. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1S88. NO 230. .ODUK D1KKCTOUY. 7 llE2i.r(Tr Monday night In Odd Tel rjrr.N' mi aiteu no. as, n. a. m "V .it. irr i nrK or cncn niuiiiu, nv liov I BU i.UtuVr. n. P.! K. It, CLOIT0.1 win. IftHK LOWK NO. M. A. K. AA.M C."3 .n tM. econd mid fourth Mori n, r. M.J W. E. t oTWIWK, Hccretary. t .. . nr.MI Vlt PI . t- .7 lilwUll nii jruirio mm i Iklrd Manaaya P men aouiu at click! . T. j. Million, W. M.j It. Ai- M. the at r. . .Ani If Vfl. U4.A. U. IT. W. Meet nrT"rda7 night at tht Knglne UXAUDDOK NO. 32. 1. O. O. K. Me.U I it try muniiir 1 'tt I, . a l mil rilDPl . ni . IuTtillA KNOAMl'MKNTNO.lT.I.O. I A V it nn tha ircoml and lut I .... -I ...li mnntli. at 7l.m n'rlnob ITlTMo.ie,C. l'.i B. B. HltAHOi,Hrlb. I n r. Ileetaths flnt and third Tliura awwi. - hRMOXY LOUGH NO. 21, K. Of P. -ui.i.in .)! Fellowa Hall every Tue. I...,lr al 7:30 O'clock. J. C. IiKASURIC. 'I1. ..r . ...... i .. . .....a 11 ;CJ. WUITAail,n. Ui iv.nnu c. tunv IIDOK NO. 4. K. Or' P. Meet In EOlJ Fellow'' Hall every Wednesday iDitt 7:W o'clock. M. Moiikiikaii, 0, .. . .... i r ii ...... u ' i.NUarlKiU IV. Ul IV mm r. lifCAItPO.S'IJPOHT. O. A. It,, meets nt I WhMler'ilfnll every Thursday night. tWArrLK, uonimunuer, j. m. imwr.N, 'Ml ATT0RNKY8. bU.V.TUHNKll A CllKWH, ATTOH. IBt Ji at I.UW, milium 10 mill ivinn.iKiii B!wk I'euilit'lon, Ort'icon. IllUAM rAllHONH, ATTORNKY AT I lav, oniro lloom No. II, Axuocla. I Block, Pendleton, OroKon. kXEY A ' IIAMijiltAY, ATTOIINKYH lit Law. OHIpo Itoonn 1,2, 3nnd I An nua uhkk, renuieion, urcRon, rnt A FITZaKllALI). ATTOIINKYH it Law, IUxiiiih No. ft unci 6, AmocIk Hock, Pendleton, Oregon. fTllKAN. ATTOKNKY AT LAW ibirt ItullilltiK, ovr the lMat'Oltlce. II JIINOIt. ATTOIINKYH AT LAW. Otft-over Kiwi Nutlonul Itiiuk, l'cu r. IIUTCII K It. ATTOUNKY AT LAW, i rmttrrllle, Oregon. Will priicllre ort of Oritnii uu'l WiuililnKloii. Col. lost (promptly Attended lo. kV8F.T 4 WAOKK, ATTOIINKYH AT Iav. ltooini H mifl I nf tli a Kajil lint. Iin" building, comer of JIaIii und Webb fi,itniin'inn, uregon. IRTEIIA WItITK.ATTOllNKYHAT lU. Pendleton, Oregon, ItoomaRnnd Kmmo uiock. IE, B, hlltTKU, I'lIYHICIAN AND HUH- i iron, mho, uregon. rive yenm itcee- ffim aim irivaio practice. I PA A. K. UIHHIIIN, MKTA-l'H YWICI AN i "au learner or uuruunn ncieure. Mitttntlou ulven to rhmiinutlim and In dUtaet, ConHUllutlnn freo. Clnm pctlon lot Ii or each 111011111. Ortlco- p . tmnti floor pt Kant Oreconlan I 1'cndlf lun. Oregon. CRISW0I.iT, I'lIYHICIAN ANII HUll- i"iq uiiire in irvinca urug iiore, 1 vitjon. IV-M- I'HUKTT, I'lIYHICIAN AND 1 nron, timcet uver icMirnoue t Prntort'l atnre. enrner nf .liahnmil anil titrttu, 1'endleton, Oregon r-JW. KINO., M, D. OKKICK OVKU I rnoue A Co.'a atore. IteMldence, on I''urn near uourt atreeU KeAldeuce. wnceeonueetwl by telephone with VII tL tpeclul utlentlon gleu to the " t aomen und vhlldrrn. UENTI8T8. n ii l . ...... . . . . . ....... Iti r?? omcet Main Htreet.lnThomp-l-nk Building. 1'endleton, Oregon. MKqHANIC8. uS JAY 1'AINTKH AND I'Al'KK Rotbchild 4 Bean TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, TIIK WHKAT JltAltKKT. -DEALER8 IN- General Merchandise Main and Alta Sts. Toys: Bazaar. Fancy Goods. 1888 Santa Glaus Headquarters! 1888 Our Stock is Now Complete in Every Department. Comi! nnd the I.trKi'Mt mid Flnoet Stock of Toys and Fancy Goods in Kaatern Orvgon lit priccH that cannot Ik) lxten. AulOKrapli A IIiihiib, riiot(Kriili Allmtiis, Kcriip AltitttuH, I'lcturu l'raniCM. Ohlldron'a ltookH, ClirlstmiiH JlooViotH, CullltiK Curdri, Card Ubbch, Ilund Kugri. l'ockct Hookh, I'lctureH, lirackotH, Wall 1'ockntn, Vnnos. Cups und SuuccrH, Work Hu-skcU, Wlilxk llroom Iloldcrri, 1'IiihIi (ioodn tlio tlncat llnu of tliofo g'oodH in tlio ruurkct, ut prict'M that noil tlit'in. Dolls, Dollrt, DoIIh, from .'h to r.o. WliitllmrrowH, DruiiiH, MornH, Trunipcta, Doll HusKifH, Doll Furnltua', ltockini; Horxea, Wagons, Phoo'tly Homoti, Stick Itorsc", Uhlldrcu'H Clmirn, KludH, TrlcjcleH, VoloclpedtiH, Iron ttnd Tin Toyp, IlunkH, IIiiIIh, Htcutn ItoatH, . Hti'Utn Knh'Int'H, All Klmln of Illockfl, In fact uvorytlilni; in tho Toy.llnp. REMEMBER: We are the Leaders in Our Line. Dsspain Black Pendleton. Utr. Wnrif imiiimllv " U Wheeler (Ire don. Leave k BulMtr, I'tnd'leton, Oregon. OouHtry ' K""""a" rurnUhedon j.. UI'UJ.S, CAKPKNTKU ANE "Court and Thompaon atreeU, lvnrtle. flLa!M RQl'KIl, HLACKWMITH AND Sfr Oregon., niackHmUU w-rknfU S.l!, '"" J'Arllcular atteiitlon elv. DUN STAN, The Walla Walla Regulator in General Merchan ise, MORE THAN REGULATES THE MERCHANTS. Menu und IIovh Winter Clothing in grand profusion; Udiee i and MiHwa' GaimentH jHoim unu o """" -R manifotal.nn .lav's uie. Money refunded II K I AXE A ll.ti,v ttrtv.fi r . ltT 4 V i "'ntcTH, Pendleton, Oregon. Iiu;.," Incentatreet, uear Court street. t1UUMfn,nlil...l ..l . II... n.lai Ita ..iiri Ull luua power, uint" rioteountry will receive prompt Htten thtn painfing a aclally. fcllXlAlt WILKINSON. 1'ltACTIOAL flock nnd Chronometei Ma " Iheubove lranche. All work KtL iStt ,.om-e t Itrlgg'u old atiitd, Main JPtndleton. Oregou. EK DLPKAT. STONK AND llltICK iimV' ,'cdletou, Oregon. Tomb- Jl.BlinVr """"miieui eiiuiK ii;iiiaii. It briPiF Pl"terlng, all kludk of atoue livISf i?10'" executexl reunonably. Jlol I "-"ck rinproof partltloua. eoodrt ndt hs recoruinended. Holds General Auction Sales on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sixsclal Salen every day in tho woek excejit Bundayu. Look Out for Christmas Goods I Mrougerlti New York und ChleiiRii. CtiiCAtio, Dec. n. Wliint Ktrong, Do cumlier rlosc.1 ut Ift.Otj Jamwrv $1.04 j May $1.0!)J. Nkw Youk, Dec. fi. Wheat innrket to-day Is utrongor. Decvtither fLWi; Jnntmry l.(Ht6i February 11.077, i May 1.12g. Sak Fuakcimco, Dec. 5. Wheat quiet. Buyer the year $1.51)6 ; buyer tho wuHon $1.(X)?. j Dttvtubcr fl.03. Livf.hi'ooi., Dee. 5. Wheat dull; California 7m. lOd, rOUTI.ANII POINTS. Mora Abont the Ctilne How-Adjudged Inaane Hworn Out or Cuatody Chlaf luntle Fuller Will llrrlde. 1'okti.anii. Dec. 4. Ii Yuk, one of l.io.woiimicu uiiiiiuineti at me liomi a niarltan HoHpltul, wan interviewed yen tcrdiiy. IleHJiyHho came from AMorlu last Satunlav, where he had Ikvii working In a aaw mill, to kciui IiIm eartiliiLm to lim loor relatloim in China, lie watt walking along Second htreet when the Hlimiting comtiienml, and istaricl to iini, when lie recelvel a bullet in the liack lust over tho the right hip. He doex not know who tired the idiot that struck him, hut known Hoverat who were wioottng. iiimcoikii tlon rendenil it almoxt imiHin)lble for him to talk, and hu wan not c.xcctcd to live more than twenty-four liotn. The kI!iv claim that Yek emptied IiIh revolver at otio oi iiih asHaiiauiM, ami wnen in me net of rtmniiig away wax Hhot. The otherH of the trio will probably recover. WIHIh A. FiKiier, a young man who Iiiih lieen emplnved tin clerk in nilcv It. A I len'H mtittlo htoro, wiw adjudged liiHanu yesterday. The caue of hiM mlnfortuin) Ih due to tviihold fuver. A Mm. Klenlou of V'jisi l'ortland whm criminally arxaultcd. on her way home hist night by a man named Hkccn, who prniicrcu Iiih werviceH in Heeing lier Home, lloth parties are tirnntetl. Ilarrv Fulton, who wan arn-ntiHl at Ten dleton bt month for Helling liuiior to In- diaiiH, Hworo out of cuntixly under fcftinn 101., l(. h., namely, tne t'oor ronvirt Act. Advice from WnHhiniiton txiv that Chief Juntlco Fuller will deliver the decix ion In the ciimo of thu 0. It. Co. vh. the 0. It. Co. on January 7th. Thin In tlio (line in wlileli tlio i), I. iv. Co. wan until and Judgment for damagcx obtained to the extent of 1 1.000,000. Thin iirinen nut of the (). It. t N. Co. 'a leanu of the 0. T. Co.'n Hue. and tho fulluru of thu former to comply with the teritm thea'of. TIIK TI.ANSCONTINI.NTAL WINH. A Virtual llef.at or the Union PavlUe - All Old Ituiuor Itevlveil, Nkw Youk, Nov. fi. Tho Injunction ntilt of tho Uregon fc Tranncontincntal Company agalnnt tho Oregon Hallway ic Navigation Uompany wuh (leciitou yenter- -day in favor of tho plainllir. By thin uccihiou tnu uregon itauwar i naviga tion Company in proliiblled from building branch linen, an well an from lining mo ney in tlio liuiKin oi a mini company, or thu proceeds of Oregon Hallway A Navl- tlon coiiHolldated inortgage boniln, In con structed of tho brauchcH in iiueHtlon. Ah the brauchoH were presumably built in tlio lntereht ol tlio Union ractiicit ih con nldoreil a virtual defeat of tho latter com pany. It Ih now reported thut thu Union hicfflc and thu Noitliern I'ucillc will Jointly buv'tho O.K. A N. Mock from tho Oreiron Tninncontlnenuil and no hceuro control of tho proerty without guaran teeing iiiviileniiH on tlio iioating miock. II I O DAM AUK HtllT. Callfornlana Nurd for Over Two Million Dollar llarnagea ror Cutting Government Timber, San Fhancibao, Dec 5. A null of tho United Ktatcc auainnt tho Hhanta Flume and Timbor Company, for nearly two and a ipiutler lullltouN of dollarn, un dam ago for cutting timber on Government land in Shanta, Jlutto, und Tehama coun-tit-n, wan commenced in tho United fitutes Circuit Court to-day. LKT THKM COMK IN. CoogreinauKirlnner fHVvra tli Ailmli- aluii uf Ihn Trrrltorlea, With Ilahotaaa (Inn Ktate. Wamiiimito.s, Deo. 5, At u Domocratle cauciiH to bo held Homo titno Ihla week. Conuretwmau Hpriuger will urge that all tho Territories bo admitted at once, ac cording to the provision!) of the bill which ho reported from tho comuiitteo dm Territorien lant winter, III bill ad nitu tho wholo of Dakota un one Htate. DUNSTAN SALOON'S. UAUVEAU, PUOPIIIETOIV OK ittak,Boara l Trade," Oor. Mum and I..." ftelA. I'amlljf..ti nrmr.wi ITrfMler. wTj. van sohuyver & CO . Wine and Spirit Merchants, G3IFRONTST. - - - POnuwu,--- AGENTS OTPOn! 5ARD NCH AM PAGNE. (Yellow Label.) Ju dsw 8m KILLKU IIIH OWN 1IIIOTIIKII, In a (Juarrel Oter Hair Inllar-Tie Mur derer Arreated. Coi.oniun. Olilo, Iee. 6. At Urhana lant night Stewart and F.ldrcn Juck, brothorH, who had l)een throwing dice, iniarreled aliout 60 wmta, and Ktewutt druw u revolver and nhot hldreu between tho oyen. Tho victim, who U aged twenty two yearn, died in a few hourH. Tho inurdeicr luw been arrested. r The Chicago Shootlugr I'olleeiiiau Arretted, Ciiicauo, Dec. 5. I'oltcetnan Cunon In under arrcat for tho Nhooting and killing of Mollio Olncn, tho young domentie. whllo ho was In purnult of u uiMotcd burglar, fe'unday night. Curon will bo detained to await the action of tho cor oner's jury. a notion passaoi:. A Mteamrr Kncouittera llntl Wenthar He tneen Port Tiiwimwul and Han I'rau- etoeo. San FitANctneo, Doe. n. Tho nleamcr llinluuton lias arrived from l'ort Town ncnd, having mado tho roughest passago oi Iter oxperience. hho canto to tan Frauciflco in the teeth of a Boutliwcstcrlv galo, and the atmonphoro wan ho dark and cloudy that tho steamer had to feel j her way down. INI-'KLIcTty'iN FKI.ictTV. Outrageoua Treatment or Colored Children In the Heart or the Solid North. Fkmcitv, ()., Dec. 5. -Tho oxcIuhIou of negro chlldron from tho hcIiooIh has Htirred up u bitter feeling botwoon tho races hero. TwMitv white citizen" have been indicted for riot on tho tentlmony of colored witnensen, and tlio men Indicted threaten to shoot tho wHiichhch on eight Hhi.t In Weiuen'a Apurtmenta. Nkw Youk. Deo. 6. Addle Stanton and Klla Ilaniuiond, In whonuupartnienlH rlill I 'illy, u well-known Hurting man, wun shot lant night, wore arraigned in the police court this morning. Ualy did not apMiar, an no ih contineii to iiiHrooin,nnn is sullering from the efTcctH of tho plntol shot. The women were remanded. Tho two men annuitants ure still at large. A rromln.nt Man HulelUea. Taov, N. Y., Dec. r. Theodore K. llalnehurst, trcanurernf the Troy A Al bany street railroad, suicided yesterday. I Hh family denies the suicide, und suys bin death was accidental. Vatal I'all from a Trnck, San Josk, Dec. ft. Jo. McDonald foil from a truck last night, the heavy wheclri panning over his stomach, from the effects of which he died this morning. Killed by a full. San Fkancihoo, Due. !. James l'owell, a laborer, fell over a ilO-fcot embankment in tlio western part of thu city lu?t night, and was killed. Small I'm Found on a Steamer. San Fiiancinco, Dee. 5. Tlio stottuer Wilmington Iiiih boon placed In iiiaran Hue. Thomas Duncan, ono of bur Heattlo pannengers, wus found suirurlng from smallpox. Wiirkliigmen'a Strike Ueelded on, Hiit'snKix. Dee.n. A eencral strlku of all colliers is about to take place, in tie curduueo with tho (IccIhIoii of thu work- Itigiuen'H congrens JuhI held at Chalelot. llltorlan llaiirroft III. Wasiiiniiton. Doe. 0. Bancroft, tho venerable hUtorlan, is siiirerlng from a i-ovcro cold, and his friends are much concerned. The Huli'in F.lectlon. Salkm. Or.. Dee. 6. Tho Itepublicans have curried the city election. Williams, Ketiublicau, Is elected mayor ny .'.I ma jority. Small 1'uk In Chlrago. Ciiicauo. Dec. fi. Several canes of smallpox have devolopcd In South Chicago. CONOItKSN. How Ilia I'realdant'a Metnagn Waa lie- rehed-Notleeanf Meaiuren tu be Con. Id. red In th Heuate, That portion of tho mennago in which tho I'renldent treats of tho taritr iicti(jii was listened to attentively by inemlMjrs of both sides of tho House. Now and then a nmilo,.tnoro of triuiupli than du rinlon. would utiiiear upon thu face of somo cnthunlaMiu ltopublican, but thu hllenco was not broken until inu cterk read In u clear volco: "Cuuno for which buttle In watted and Is comprixed wltliln linen clearly and distinctly detlned. It vbould never is) coin iiromineii j it is tnu peotilo'B cause." Thon tho Democrats could no longer rcmrain tiioir iceuugn, and broke into u round of applattno which was answered by tho Ketiubllcans witn derlnlvo laughtor. Tlio Congressmen prominently men- tinned as Sisaker of thu uuxt llouso ru- celvod more than usual attention. Kan- lull of l'ennsv vanla was warmly greeted anil congratulated at beiug able to l-o present. During the cull of memlnirn rrenldent Cleveland ontered tho Kxocu tlvu gullory and listeued uttentively. The iihiiul prelitulnury motions wore mado und carried. Thoro wcro 1237 members of the House present, und 88 absent, ut roll 111. . . IntheHona.o Ingalls, in answer to u (luestlon from Hoar, said thu pending Ijuiness lor i ueMiay wasiuo lunu uiu. I'rv miva notico thut he would call up tlm bill for tho settlement with thu Union l'acillc railway. Chandler said Dial no would ask ior action on his resolution to Invcotk'uto tho Lounluuu eloction of April LtM, and Allison that' ho would ask the Scnato to proceed with the Turllfblll, aud would even (11 tnu iiiacussion pecamo too protracted) call it up during thu morning hours of tho session, What .Might llue Keen. Tho first babv born in Denver was thu daughter of u settlor named Harvey, and sho was Isjrn iu 1H00, urtherealwuts. In recognition ol Her enturprmo in being I rn in tho camp, publiu citizens pre sented Iter witn ull t no taiui in signt oi her futhcr's cabin. I nfortunately, tho taxes were never paid, und tho land, now worth '.000.000, full into other hands. Tho girl who flrt-t owned ii nil in now a singer In u variety snow ol mat city. Now jinst think what might havo Ucn, If tlio taxes hud boon paid? But such is life. Somo ure born lucky, others in Denver. Hall McAllister, a celebrated lawyer of San Francisco, died Saturday ut San Itulael. COIItlAOK I I'roapeeta nut all ao (llnomy rur the Dena nrratlo Tarty. Krom tha New York World. Tho World does not Nharo the gloomy forebodiugH uf faint-hearted Democrat who tiellevo that their party is doomed to another long period of oxclunlon front power. On the contrary, it holds that the prospect of Democratic success in tho next general election is bright enough 'o ItiHiiIro thu party with confident coun go and high 1ioks, How ((liferent thu situation from what it wan after thu defeat of 18721 Then the Democratic candidate. secured but forty two electoral votes. Tho party was not only badly beaten, but utterly detnorul iced. The cnotuieH of Democracy jubi lantly proclaimed that thu historic old party was dead, and Homo of its frlenda woro half-disposed to accodo tho claim. But in tho very next contest, with it can didate truly representing tho party and a platform boldly proclaiming its prin ciples, it carried thu country, aud waa only cheated of Its victory by fraud and jurglerv. In tho late election tho Democratic candldato for IVesidcut wan defeated by tho mora lack of a few thousand votes in thin Statu, mainly due to his own mis taken and failures. But the Democratic party carried Now York, tho pivotal State, for all of Its Statu candidates. It retained New Jersey und Connecticut, typical manufacturing States, und gained in nearly all thu manufacturing centers of the country. Indiana waa lost by Um Administration iulliienco, which caused Governor (Irav to Ih) set nsldo as n candl dato for Vico-rresident, aud by tho most wholcsalo und Infamous use of tnonuy that ever disgraced nn election iu this country. Nuttu of thu errors thut cont thu party so dearly thin year are likely to 1st ro- pealed In im)'J. mo tariti insuo win m niadu plain to thu farmers bv that time. uh It already hud tu tho workmen in uiauuiactortcH. ino alliances wtucn (Jen. Harrison will seek In the South nnd the division of voters there upon thu tar- Ill Isstto will minimi tlio oilier nugapoo upon which Iho Ketiubllcans havo rullud. Tlio rural Bepuhllcuii monnbacks will not vote again, as they havu Junt dono, against tho "Southern Brigadiers." Thai siKMik will Ihi laid long beloro the next I'renldentlal election. I lie Democrats party will lo called back to iKiwur to reform tho tarlll". to ro nton economical government, to throw oirthu domination of a plutocracy in IKillticsaml to thotth Triihtsaud curb the growing greed of momiH)lies. Thu lto publican parly can do nono oi tnuno things. It in tlio servant of thu uvit forces which must be overthrown, It ro prusentsund defends tho ubunes which the people demand shall Ihi refoiuicd. Thu Democracy lias not been liotter united in twenty-live years tiiati it is to day. Nor ban it within that time stood ior summer principles or a mure opuiar policy that it now representH, It has only to keop united and to stand firm to win In "lour years more" tnu victory which bad management has junt IohI. - -Klumath City. Krom the Yrekajiiurnnl, Yu understand that a deiiol is to 1st built at this new town on Klamath river bv the Southern l'acillc Company, und that Kluiuiith City Is destined to becomo ono of Ihtt largest towns in thu county. Tho corNjrat!ou to build thu mills will de cide linn week at rortiami, wr., tueir plans for construction ol mills, lliov ex pect lo build u stone dam 45 feet high. and will have In oeratlon next spring a sawmill capable of cutting lfnJ.OOO feet of lumlier mr day, to Imj followed with live more uiillnof the same rapacity, be sides smaller mills for manufacturing ull sortH of woodenwum from the slabs and strips thrown anido by llui largo mills in making IuuiIht. To test thu mutter of getting logs down thu river, Bit wero thrown in ut (lie Oregon boundary line, aud 111) reached tho locality of Klamath my, wiiiiout uny nirtiior utieiiiion, tne river being now ut Its lowest stage, In .Michigan and Wisconsin tho floating to mill of 00 iter cunt of tho logs Is con sldciod very good. With souiti improve ments ol thu river und Ilia ussistunco oi men employed to work out tho low standing, vciy little orccntaga will bn lout In thu flouting of logs on Klamath river. During thu winter noaitoti ull tho tributaries und dry gulches will bo lilled with logs, so thut w lien thu winter ruins und freshets come thu logs enn Imj swept Into tho river, a method very successful in thu Kant. In addition to these Improvements a u new road is being built up tlwt river to I.Ik l lats, near Mliovol t;reek, joining tlio l.iukvillo road ut thut KIut, to bring KaHtern Oregon business to Klamath City, tho new road being free from thu troublesomu adolnj So ditlicult for truvel in tho winter season. When this nuw city Is established and thu several mills are In operation, there will bo umplov- meiit lor probably inwj men, which win make that city a metrutiolis for tho coun try surrounding, aud for the Klamath laiko basin ami other localities in South ern Oregon. ii 1 1...... n ..i... ...,i.i ., ii.. ii...... ... iiuiii phi. puiu nnuuuv, jiiii iir member if Harrison wan defeated I was to marry you, and if Cleveland wuh du featcd you wore to marry mo." "Yes," he tuid in a dejected tones. "Well Cleveland Is defeated," she conliuuud, suggunllvely. "I know it. Misfortunes never come singly. ' and ho got up and wont out so ho wouldn't smolhor. Tho olllclul votu of Kentucky Is us fol lows: Cleveland IfU.ROOO, Harrison 166,y 134, Ubor Or-', Fltik Oi'lio, Bolva Ijc wood-. - . Kttact"oaaru:ht- eiu Wlnei, Ud- 'A' .-