East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 26, 1888, Image 1

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Kl"fcfi TUI,VI' hl.USCUl units TO
HiCMiwtei:Ki.v son,
rriiiltrlnii ... Oreuiin,
n Am 13 A 13 f
I . Caaln tntnit fl Hfita
jftice on Subscription, Adver-
. . n.M!tnn ApArlllnf'
tf JOB rri""H
L. 1.
NO 228.
j" ; t
'iiiit tli- Muoonlo Temple on tl.e
: ir. i. ii. cijiitiiw
j, it iii"irw " ......
. t 1. i
'v' .1... ..fninl Mini fiiurth Mun.
""'i . I. 1.1 7MHI llVllWlr. II. .1.
If. M.I " r"
it.. Mnjintiifl icmDii! on ins
w t j. Million. W. M.! It. AL
.....n Ul ttJ A M IT VL'
TriT r n . iiriiiiuni
tifwit vn. n- I. (i. u. R. Mppt
M. U iianurourK, u,
..... ....ti iiinttlh. lit 7f.tnnVtnok
' n IP 1.7. 1.T HlllUnW HiiMliM
iKKRHKtC MIIKIRNo. 13, !. O.
.. .. .. -.-111 ..1ju.Is I I I iriuiniir
I WlllTAKKK.K. Of K. 1111(1
,,1ut tt I t lL. I 1..
f(tW4- HUH I'VITV IMUlflXlHy
nirii-m.ii. K. of IL ttml H. '
... li.tLiti t ft II .......... ..a
i'aiwii.i I ir.ii. ii iii Ik., iiirrin ill
Rothchild Bean,
Till IJIW. IIIf'llllF, lllllll III. J HBf IT lla
CK. ITliUI inn wrruiHi.
IkllU... II.. ii i ..
Uv Illrf Kinitdm 1,2, 3 nixl -I Ah
It & t tntuVit 111 I MHIVIIlf
k ,i i i j tt r i mi. . i iiMi.r. l
U. ' n No. K Mint H. Ahmm'Ih.
rilh.il.if . it. u n.i..mi..-
r rt Nutintiul Imuk. Ptui-
I'klilnH'.. I.. ir.uM.n (l III I..
''n" i' i vn.iu ii Him ui'-
It ..f llt Al 41 111.. I J!!!!....!... i -.1
General Merchandise.
Main and Alta Sts.
imiiui.anii I'oisrs.
A I'roillint Siiii-'Ciiiiiiulllril Miilcltlr
Huii1Iiii Kxcllrmriil Nmrlr 0r with
-Ollmr Nlc.
roRTI.ANI), Nov. L'fi. A
Tucker wiw
Woinm In I'lnrc nf t'lilnr.r.
San I'ltAM'Mco, Nov. I'd. It wun
clitcil ut a lute iiu'ctliifi of tint council of
1'i'drrutctl tnulcH to admit to tliu riunr
umkerH Union n nnuilicr of Hohciniiin
women to tukn tlio jilucc of Cliinwc.wlio
whouHk IiIrIut mukch on account of tlio
. ( oxuiiHion uct. An .meiicnn BHiikinK
ifiw arrchted in u miloo.i VrUv A '"" wivm ihuu wm
nlitht on a rhMKe of foritlnu tlu, .mt, n .If ! or"ero4 "omo ,ro,u "Y
m . . . - ... - Will nnr ft
itQV. Ulltllll tO U ClIGC'k Oil I lit Kim! Va. ' " "wv "'
Great S
laughter of Goods !
tionul Hank for t'Jb. llo moM lli. check
to Air. l'crklnH ol tlm Iloltoti IIouhc.
Neither Huv. Clupp nor Mr. l'erkliin up.
pearcd to prosecute lilm, mo ho whm fined
fft) for drtinkennoH.4. It is raid that liin
prent(i are wealthy iieotile of tlio Kant,
and hud ho ut htm uwhv from homo on ac
count of IiIh worllilcH,MncKrt.
Cliarlon HukIioh, an employe In the
buhIi and door factory ol tlia Nicolai
nroo.. of KuhI Portland, committed nui
cido lait niKlit uliout 12 o'clock, at IiIh
rfHldenco on Klfth and A Htrcetit, by
nliootlng himself In tlm forehead with a
38-cullber S. A W. revolver. Apiieur
anccH Indlcalo that ho was lead to com
mit the raxh net on account of IiIh Hlnter
und brother mttreiiiiK from thoetrectH of
vaccination. A few iiiumentM heforo hit
committed tlio act, ho paid: "Mother, I
wimi I Miiaiienu."
A TcomTlilrf Arrnl.il.
San Kiuncinco, Nov. L'H. Tlio police
nave Hero orrentctl . v. Kentm, who Ih
wauteitin laeoma lor tlm lummy ol a
largo tpjuutity of jowlo-iy.
A MMlcmMan Ills.
S.U.KM. Or.. Nov. '.'(!. I'Ved Mueller.
one of tint proprietors of the Willamette
PtU'klnn Company, dlinl this morning,
uh'cii mi.
Nrl Twmlj Yturs An", Abraham Lin
coln llllcrril Tli l'ruplirtlc WnriU.
Yos, wo may all connrutulute uumilvoH
that thin cruel war In drawing to ii'cUo.
It bun con! a vuhI amount of treiiMtuc and
blood. Tlio bent blood of the flower of
l'rrr.rriu i.. mul Cinrrliin. Htiunl lln.-
Vht Kirk innyil".
I'nim the Milton Knitle.
While tho peoplu of tlm ei
treme eotitern jiortion of rmatllU
county have u preference ua lo lines of
dlvlhiou, and the preference would Iks a
lino un mtbmitted by the. Trlbuno, oi'
tliereatwutu, ntlll it thorough cnnvuM
union); tho leading farmcra ami taxpayer,
rtitcloHc tho fact that couconmIoun will bn
made to uny lino that will tiriiiK thorn
within tractable dlntanco of a
county heat and utibrd Midlo
lent territory to utiHtnlu u
county Kovernment. Wo reconi;.e
tho fact that heretofore there Iioh lieen a
certain , denreo of nectlonal Htrlfn ovor
iroKiHcd linen, occaMloned by a dlviolon
in Hontlment rcRardlnn tho location of it
county eat, and thin, wo bollovo, wa, the
cuuho of defeat two yearn uo. The eop!n
of KuHtern Umatilla county are united in
their i-entltncnt In faorof dlvlNlon, and
know full well that any opposition or ru
iiioimtranceH uiraliiNl tho meivNtiro from
thla portion of tho county would only bo
ut tho iiiHtlRution of interested town-
lioouierH, who fearful thai the neat
of Kuvcrumcnt might not be lm'ated
their locality, would prcler u
Amorleuii volilh baa 1hoii frcnlv nfrnnil
i n.i.i. ...uiiiui, i : r . r , . : . ui
II.. . .. . l.-.l IllHi,, llllr nitltllrv'il iillilr Mint llm liiilliin I .
ML' IIIU11 lUIII HI IHMI. i -I;"'- V ...... ..." ......w.. , ,,, ,
took u plntol Irom lH!twe.on tho matrehseH ' mKi"iu. it na, wien, timccit. u iryiiiK ,0flir tu) nmtter another term,
iind before uny ono could interfere, he 1 ,,mi,r Jor '" republlc.btit I uo In tho future or ,y ri!llmu 0f 0tir Kecllonal ntrifo. So
placed tho pinlnl ti hU head and fired, rinls uppwachltitbut ttnnerveH meund , Ht.J,,im ,jK,v mVll determined to uo Into
cuuhIiij: iiiHtunt death. eauHCH me to tiemblo for tho nafely of our ! t, uHhuuro on u bioad und lllMiral
Mr. U. (1. Morrow tiled u petition yen- W'"try. Ah u renii t of tho war, eorora; i j,:lHH HuK (r dlvMiin and HiibmlttiiiR
liinlav in .Imli-n St.irim'i-.uiri uuLlmMi.at . tiotiH have been ciithioned. and tin era of ' n.. .u,i...r..r u....u , . 1 1. ,.t i.,uit. iv..
I... I... ..II I . i. , I -I I .tirillillnti l.i lili.l. .1.i...tu i. Ill f.ll..tc .null. 1 . .
no i;o uiioMuti on iiHHiKiieti mi I inn nir i,i h" r"n " !" .
defendinu criminals. llooxectMto make I V,u ",("ll,.T Hwor of tho country will en
u tent eiiHeitH to whether an uttornov can ''vor to prolou iln telun by worklmr
" , lit-' ,r IU ll IIIUI III! IlillJI tllTV V l 1 1 .1 1 t
be compelled to defend erliuliiula wlthoul j i")n the prejudices of tho People until nil
pay. The iiisn will 1m argued Monday, woaHli Ih UKgieu'iited In a few-hands utid
at U::tO o'cliM'k. i tho public is destroyed. I feel at this
Tho HiuallHix excitement bus neailv : nioiitent moio anxiety for the safety of
died out; tho matter Is spoken of us ii , mv country than over before, even in the
thing of the p.tst. Theio was nno verv , UM of the war. tiinl grant that my
mild case of varioloid reported from L'7I nuxpli'lons may ptnvo gniundlcss.
Mfth street vest ertlay. Tho patient was
Itnonw ;inniN.f tlio'lK'Ht i)r-.
Mnlirnnd NVebti f"
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes,
lot of Men's Furnishino: Goods; A
stock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets.
Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost.
A fine
Mill l.ukr, Dillon Cmintf.
Kmm the l.ndriiiiili'.louriiiil,
The Hot Luke, lying between Union
and l.uUnindo, has long been noted to
ikwcss medical proH'rtk'H, which long
removed lo the smalltsix hospital.
Work is progreshing rutiidlv on the
roadway of the (). It. ,V N. Co.'s luiilge.
A lame foico of ineii tiro at work, and the
rntiitilntliiii will 1u, inih.,1 mikiii.
The receipts of the custom limine for ' Mom this should IniMi imido It famous
the pus! week will foot up the sum of i s hlth resort, but itu proertleii have
tSU.OiNl, us follows: 0. U. A N. Co., ; never been properly iidverllscd, and, out
steel niils, H'.00!l: cigars. WDfHJj sundrv i ''Ie the State wo might nlniesl say
merehiinillse. l.i,0iKI. This does not in-' county Its existence Is scarcely known,
elude icveral Urge cargoes which will I Now;, however, tho lako has Wen pur
iiiuko Hut amount as altove. i chined by a comblimtloii o; capital, und
A. II. Kerr and J, M, Itentlev are at I inciirpiiriited under tho trame of The Hot
theliilinan. ' ' Medical Utko Association, wltli N. Illiitii,
- - M. linker, W. . I. Snodgras't. S. I'. Now-
iiistiii:sinii r.tSK, I hard, Mint A. SominerH us tlirectors. They
intend, us hisiii us the pioivr itmuiiut of
vvjuiiiiw. iiriirr in Ainiirniiii wtm
'ii WIMTK. An UllNr.YS AT I LjVJltLJll i-i.X J Jl XXXJ.,WI K XXJ. ajj. jl. wav.vi.
rrinlli'liMi.Uri'Kiiii. Uihjiiih 8 unit .
I A llri.a f .linn l.fiiv4 III. Wlfi- mill
' Children In M.irvn Hint III,, IVtiir Out nf
! Si-rir.)reiul) IIchcI- Itrllrl U'liutcil.
! Si'okam: I-'.m.ijh, W. T., Nov. 'J(l. Tour
i weeks ugo tho family of Huns I,. Holler
cuno liero Irom Aiiniiesiiia, am: as soon
us tliey uriUeil Holler went away, leav
imii.a .i . 1 1 k irci.iiiv
.iviiTHt. eiiv-iriAN- AS'iiki ii. i COURT STREET.
n M"' iir jriMw .nil-'
' I"
j, m m iii riiriiiiiniiiii Tlllll
iri., I'mtfcMllntltm Uv. CAM
i -nil ii 1 1 iiiMir fir i-:iii ir-u iiiiih i
James Wheelan,
sliK'k is siihscrlhcd, to hnlld u large mid
elegant Hotel, mill lay out a town, wlilcli
they will advertise extensively In ull
parts of the United States,
Mr. Ilium, when ho went 1'ast n few
inontlm since, took some of the witter
with Iriiii.and hud It subjected to analysis
'"Wol.p. PIIYSK.'IAN
4 i,,i,-,. mi irvlnn't
drug More,
11 1,1, t L.'ra. '........ . k . . .
More, rornvi of Jolimoii unit
, rnnllton, uri'ifou
' fcl.Nii . M n nirt-inw. nvun
-wuurcilHI IIV IOIP1II1III1M Willi 111.
.--ii-vim iiiiviiiioii kivuu w nir
"1 KUIUCll Rllil ..l.ll.lrnn
.j'-.1 .limn nin-ui.iii i iiwuif"
wimiDj. IVncllfton, Ori-Kon.
.Al, I'A XTKH A.NU l'AI'Klt
whcclfr A ilrvme, on Oourt
slble; Trlllay afternism
esteiduv Uiulii. e hi it e:irs
hour later.Christiun. ton years old, and
B. 0. & E. M. WHBELEB, t
f t r rDKALKItK ...
A Compete Stock of Kurnltnro ftnl CurjH!!.
Our to.ck Covers 5,000 " Feet' of Flooring-.
Ing hU wife untl four children sick with j to compare it with the. widow of Hot
pnoiiuioni.t. The Utdies' HellOf Society J Springs, ArkunisuH, and competent physi
found the' mother und seven children eiuns proiioiinicd It eipml If not superior
sicu pun Pneumonia in one room, i.ixh, ; in ciirutivoinierties lo me not ."priugs
wiiiioiit Iolki. a I'ominitico kiu so
clety made tliem us eoiutntlalile us im.-
tho liuby'died
i old, half tin
up hour and a half later 0 neui twr ye.irs
old, died. Tho mother una t no reinuln-
wator. '1 IiIh oiiuht to I hi sulllcient In It
self to make It isjpiilur us a health resort
fopthu pooiiloof tho Norljtwest. Thisoiir
terpiNo w ill also bo u Ismetlt In advertis
ing tho' (.mud Hondo Valley InJtonerul to
i tlio pceplu ol tlio I'jist.
Inn L'lillilriin bavo lieon lemoved to the Kmlurn lilrimof thr Vt.
hospital of tlinSlsleiHof ( hurity. Ono i from Hie Alluny Drmoon.1.
of the three at the hospitnl catinot live' "Tho drummer front tho Hunt ns much
till rnor)ln. The mother und tho other 1 uh uny other clus, of coplo gives us an
two uro filing coinfoitably. Other fain-, idea of what lCaslcrn people think of this
IlieH here me in almost the same condl-icou" try, und how ubsolutely ignorant
Hon., Uio KclKl Society is out ol luiuis, ; uioy urn ol us, a nay or two ago ono re
and will nppeal to tlio citizens mr tun.
do not deny the fact that there is a pref
erence In 'each of the three principal
towns for n certain Hue, and the choice
of nich (Hirers widely. Hut shak
ing of tho farmers und princi
pal taxpuifliH of Kuht I'lna
tlllii the great majority we voice the
general sentiment nhen it Is said that
any lino by which we may iceelxo not
under twenty-live townships, unit
whereby the ctuiuty t-citl may lie located
neat- the center of population, will bo sat
isfactory, und that the representative
who will iiitiodtico such n meiisure will
entitle himself to the eternal gratltudo of
our people.
It may be well to xtato that n recant
correspondence in the Hast Oiikiionian,
written from near Ceuterville, contained
slateiiient to tlio ellcct that Kepresenta
live Kirk contemplated Introducing u bill
for division. If there is truth in this
statement, we will submit to his judg
ment, and do so In full faith thai bo will
do what is lust und eipilt.ible In the
piemises, hilo it will tie admitted Hint
.Mr. Kirk is it friend und promoter of the
Interests of Ceuterville, we are pre;aicd
'loucipiicsco in Ids views, und with it nil
and fair discussion of tho iiicustiru heforp
the legislature, abide by the result,
which, in tho event of uny eiiiltable di
vision, will he' pleasing to the people of
this end.
A l.o.lnic Triiii.Hrllun
Put Kino was in need of floda Safiirdav
and was In somewhat of u hurry. 'I'll oris
not being un iixprussuiaii In sight, bo in
htrucled (iip Wills und Morg Castle to go
down to (.agon's manufactory .mil bring
buck ii box of tho refreshing beverage,
placing us ho did implicit faith In their
trustworthiness. .The pair started out,
und in duo time returned Willi, the re
quired box. On lis being opened, how
ever, what was Put's surprise to llnd
every bottle empty. HimplciOii pointed
to (iip WIIIh, und it Is thought that, many
of his friends along the street wemtiwani
where tho sisla hud disapH)ured, but no
direct evidence could ihi prougiii. Any-
f.r-.. .
ftrltlier One nr dun Srnrr. Illm. hut
Hun. Whim Hp I. Ull.
PoiiTMNp, Sow SO. (icorgo Weblwr,
a barber who lives un Fourth street, was
awakened lust night by IiIh dog pulling ut
tho Is d clothes. Ho IlNtencd, und'bcrfrd
u itiuu ut the back door trying to open it.
Tho dog then barkod, und .tlio burglar
wont ton window, which ho tried to raise.
win- it riiH ii emld ioke. and Put Was com-
eive.1 tUHier at tins ciiy iniorining nun i l)M . .,L .,,,,,.. W)V(,ru Uuies on
; ill a serious iiiuiiuer ii.av .larriso,, wun , HtroK, of It. Of course, ho WU,
e cctud . lint, ah ii Joku, but tho writer juK(, n)I111?0(., ,0hmld forunother Isix of
i thoueht he had probably not heard of it, l.,.,.i ,i i ., .. ... t,..v.
iiih "isiss iuiii nun lie i
1 would havcto go Uell preare(l, us he
! would have to travel mo-tlV' In wagons
i whercuH he had not been in one at ull.
Another commcfviid tourist, ufter reach -lug
the Columbia, wrote' buck to u friend
dchcrfblng in flowing but not oxnggerutlil
words our country. He received tin un-
'swer Ifke this: "Your di'hcrliitloil is verv
Webber . Uion took ti tilstol und fired over nice: liut I Isilievn It Is a d d Ho."
the burglur'a shoulder, hut it did not And so- wo mu
frlgliteu'lilm, and ho wourto work again.
C. and E. M..FHEI
. ' . ,.; . . v " ..
Association Ihilldlug
'"uiriou. iiniiou. i.uiiHiry
xict, , I
ciJ' ''' urilcrs . ut n-.lilf m'O,
"rtnd TlinmpKon .treets, reiulle.
oaoiriorjr xillclted and uronitUly
w, -
i.- ir niiAVMJiuii
Vfl ilker. Alta uud (irUu Ht..
fo.Ore.'on, lllu. kmllh work of all
.i;r. wl e""ii' mmiuer, hiiu
w U;rm4. Particular attention Btv-
El BRflU'V Illvl.ac AllllMinltl
P.lulHn:. I'.n.lblui. Ilnirilll.
v:1 intfrlll .,...1 .ttu ,'...rl ulrwl. 1 .V 1 .
"'furnuhf.l nn .Smr, r...iiiv,. Onlani ! Tji.-. -i-w i hr I rTTlP.P,!1! e&
Niullnit a.rilallv. 1 ' net lUERCn PUCE OF CHARGE.
ii aw m w m am u-M m r. b w mam tm m
Pemltuton, Or.
Alexander & Frazer,' .
UKAl.KIWlNi " '
General Merchandise,
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and
Fancy Goods.
a Specialty.
Webber thou tired .u.ocoud shot ut tho
man,, und he fell, hut succeeded In get
tlov ifp nnd'escupin.' '
MtiittiKii intf riiANcisco
. M(in Why. ) Huiine.1 fur Mil limit HIIU
III Undlnrd Willi H IUUIiM.
And so- wo mftlit continue InutiinccH.
Theo show what wp have to content!
w ith, Tho truth is we are not us pinch In
the Kickwoods us u majority of tho tow lis
in uny of the I jtstern ritutesj wn wear lis
many iJug hats, buy as much silk, and In
fact dress betle than in many places
much larger. '
Has 1'iiASLisco, Nov. 20. Iist
night 'Frank Wessol, nropiletor
Friday I
of tho,
Central racltltf lodging tiotto, woni loom i ,w"n,p",7
room of Joseph McOurmott and wife, and ! world h. history.
tUAM Vir.k-lVKnj ii
I'. I !wb im.l fn.w.iii
t I'M' UlAl-A iMhiil.H.
ii..' 0 nl mi.Y oiaitiaivu,
iv un,, ureoii.
L'hrunoinutri Mil-'
rHiielirt. 'All work
" "l I I1AT. KTOSK AH lllllUlv
p.. ..i... .... i. '....1
. I.D 1 1 I II w. , ..Itlni... . ll'llkll V"
X p sr.'rlini, alt klud of Hone
vii oil reuoaali)y. Hoi-
' ti !. rnt partition..
ltt.o' -"V U I JfcVf ('III 14 A Vl w
K EM .1 l . .. . i il .
Wine and Spirit Merchants,
An K'lronruclufr HU S'sw. ,
From 'llip'llallliiiorc'Anisrlcaii. .
There is les-i drunkenuesri in tho nro-
fcHsIoni nowudays than everlcfore in tho
unrlil'u litdL.ru Tli.ir.. f..iv..r .1 rt .1 lr.
isepn .Mei'ormoit ana who, ami i -iv.v -
. . . . r 111.. 1 ...i.ni- 1 1,1 if I'lnrirvninri . 11 u ,ir iimii l.'i,iip , uu'viirM
ilenmnilCU nine iioiiuim rein, wnicu iiu -.y. . ...........
elulmed wiw xluo him, MulVrmott ae.1", drinking JourniilUtrt. fewer drink
cused Wesscl of abusing his wife, which n physiclaim, fewer drinking statesmen,
led to ungrv words, when MeDermott reiiiiierunco Is mwgnUed not only uh n
seized a hutchct which was In tli6 nsmi, virfuo, but tin un eloinent of succosh In
uniHtrur k WoI on the head, indicting j prfeMomtl life. I ho young rnart who
a wound from which ho died to-day. ""'J1 atcelorato his progs by alcohol
t MeDermolt has Uen urreste on u chugo 1 makes tlio greatest mistako of his life.
of murder. YlfrJ. imion.n.i..
I. ItOUrn'aNkulir j ,,ie Macon (,Ua) ToKwrapli.
. . t I...1! Snn. Irfitilu fir., liilli'li (tiiiri. Irnlllih.jl
Zi.WA, UUt., ssnv, .o, . iiuinuii nsuu I - V" r-'i-
f.itiul LMuliiril it' tut nr ii,,. nine-., u-xrn ii.t, uisait .tir. i-iooi.iiid s iiituro man Mr.
niMi. lhi,.,i Mini,! I.vohh. is Hiinoosed lo Cleveland himself. Wo know of no man
. - nnlinnnil lUn RVC WHISKIPS!
uian aritiwu "insu j wn, ..7i - - - -
QUOT PON fellow Label., ja iaw 3m
le that of Olscn, who ban U'en searched
for so .long.
Mil (lullly.
I 1ownievim.i;, Cul., Soy. M. -Tho Jury
in tho caso of Chorion King, on trial for
' the murder of Perry I'ratt, u Kun Fruit
i ciaco drummer, returned a verdict of nut
I frlllltV.
Arcltleiit ut Arliii;luu.
Auukoto.v, Or , Nov. "0. F. (ioldard,
while trying to get oil' a freight truiri. fell
laud broku bin leg, and hurt bin houd
who has miTo to hoi ki fur. Ho has won
tlio respect of the country. Ileisut the
meridian of life. Ho has ability, char
acter, fume, 11 moderate ultimo, and u
lovely wife. This enumeration of hi.H
blossingH Is, of eourso, climactic.
Tho KMtlJi tiiiin Isitwenn Han Frun
oifC4i und (JiiwiHduwn hua Isjon short
enol to Iwelvudays, two hours und twenty-two
mi u uteri.
Ndney- lillon, who In-gun life us a
railroad brukemun. is woitii 2 ,mX HM.
whether ho shull pay for two-Imuom or
one. Ho can't u'o whom the fun comes
In, anyway, us his soda Iiuh already cost
III in n small fortune already. In tho way
of drinks, on' tho house. ' (lugen will
prolmbiy lie tlio next millerer, as tliolxijs
pronn to pay him u visit,
A VuiiIiI-Imi I'orlr..,
From tlm Wslln Wnlla Juuriml.
Mrs. 1). drovo up III front of the Jour
nal ofllco In her dou-cart yestcrdav and
calliil uh out und eorulmieiiustotheplac).'
wlicli h hotter than thin. She talked so
loud unit so vlKoroush' as to attract u
crowd, und it Ih only due us that woo-
Plain. Mie sent us. it mmiiu entitle
''When I urn dead," arid cxpiip'tl un to
print it, We'founil It 'one of tlio flattest,
silliest eirtiHloiiH ever written by inorlul
liand, but desiring to please the lady we
wrofo u beautiful oeiii omscJf, pluced
iter title to it, und signed her name us
tho author. 'Shut was why she kleVed
Kho hud the nerve lo declare that slut
would hung herself sooner than father
our ss in. (Ireat snakes uud black huts!
but the gall of some iersoiiHl Do them a
favor uud they turn and sting you I Seek
to helpthein up und thoy wiint to crush
you down! .MrH, I), a ct('SHl We will
h ave it to any tiubluseil uian or woman
in the Territory If she knowH rhyme from
Jack-rabbits! When we chucked lier
jiooiu into the wuslo-liaskct und sat down
and flushed oll'u dellcioiiH little gem to re
lilaco it, wo oxKi lel u word of gratitude
In Its siead wo received liiHtiltsund abii.o
Such urn Mime of tho trials uud heart
aches incident to iho publication of a
groat journal in tho Wide West.
Tho Wlnonu A Southwestern railroad
was formully owned Saturday. Tho road
is Intended to form a link istweeu Win
ona and Omaha in a great Iraufcouti
noiital Hue, inchulinii the laickuwuiinu
und (In cn lluy and Winona on tho east,
and Hie I iii'-n P,iMii- mi tho West also
v 'Mi ting at iix I it with a projected
line t jOgdou