. ...... t. j, . MONDAY, NOVEMBKIt 11), 1888. m NUT AFHAID OF TIIKKATtf. A l'fomlnetit Cltlaen of Grant Count; Or derail tolara, Bat Will Not On. Tho following from (he Harney IUiiih, publiabed at Duma. Grant county, 1h Keif, explanatory. Mr. Watora la a prominent attorn, and formerly practiced law in Saloni. He haa achieved hoiiio notoriety in investigating awamp land rand In Grant county, i Editor Item: It aeetna that u number of the beat cltliena of Harney Valley kave keen notifled to leave tho country. 1 have received the following, and .then I have aeen are aimilar : Mr. A. W. Watora Sir: you are Jiereby notified to leave this country fur fiver within ten daya, never to return. By daunt or 101. At tho top of tula notlco la a akull and c row bonen. Now, Mr. Editor, through ihe columna of your paper, I desire to notify the "101" that I am not going to leave thin coun try. Come on you "101;" come yoit filthy mob; come on, you hlrollnunof monop oly coirie on, you fiends ot hell, and at tempt to put in execution the unlet of your atierlora ; but I advlae you to bring on your uaceniion robea, for by the Eternal, the unerring leaden inevienger from my never-failing Winchester will kiaa your oyelidt down and you will , quietly HluraW until you uwakoin bull, whore you belong. For moro than three yearn your dirty liirelinRH have been on my track, but too cowardly to come to my face. The Unit ache mu to get rid of mo was to whlwr me out of tho country, aa you called it. You Hcnt your hirelings all over HiIn country telling nottlorn that I hud cold out to hind grabbora, IiojiIiir by thix mounti to Injure my bunIne.iH and licnco would leave the country. Thu next cowardly nlun waa to give ino u rackut through tho columns of un in i3mjkuhH1o nowspaper. All of thcHO plana having failed, I am now in imhmohhIuii of u pererantory notlco toleuvc tho country. Thin plan will also fall. When I cumo to thin country and bo Kn nneurthlng tho gigantic land fraudx, I knew it wtn at my ticrll, but I proinli-o to contintio my work until I urn foidly murdered hv that gang of cowurdn, Coino bofnro mo, you dirty imuh, nml 1 will nplt in your faces and you n 111 In1 too cowardly to rcnout it. I can hu found at ull times, uud I now notify you that you need not wait thu tun (Iuvm, hut comoutouce. I will givo you a warm recoptlon. A. W. Vti:i:-. lien, Or., Nov. 0, 1888. Ilntrl Arrlntlo, Vii.i.miii House If V. IlickciH, Allui: Chun Diiulap, Howard, Kuiimim; M J Koo, Nuw York: W C Itochchtcr and wife; J no Ilurko; Harry Mooro; Harry Connors; Herbert V Wood; Hairy Dowlev; Ira G Nelson, Walla Walla: Will ll llray: ltoslua Ivviiiih; S M StriitiHH, WashliiKton Terrltorv ; I.Mvwiul Olcott. Pilot Hock; O Hull, K W Wormlngton, Milton; C S Clark, City ; Fl) Connor, Toxuh Furry; J V Vunner, Arlington: J N Shannon, Sun Francisco; A it Kiky 1'ortland, Or. (Ioi.iiks Hui.b IM Ulbbs, H ItiiK'UH, W N Alaitiu, Flank llunctt, A I'aul Sllverton, Donvor; Harry Miller, J T VnnOrmlulu, Itoslyn, W T; Simpson and wife, Adams; John Nvc, Jon smith, Boise; IVIor Tufts, Cold Spring. Howxam Hodsc MIhs Ida Campliell, I'. Campbell, J 0 Connor, J K Summer. Huttor Creek ; A Chapman, Vinson; KK Wutsou, Clius Norton, ( it A N; I. K Kelly, M Warren, Echo; J T Hoskins, Gallovwiyj 0 S Emory, Hardiuun; .Mrs Barruru; Mrs A K Ilarnuid, Kunsns; I) F Myers, San Francisco; II K fitiUu, Walla Walla: I. M Sams, Iowa: F 0 Christv, l.aursndo; J Anuerson, Farm ingtou ; B W Carrlngtou, W 1' Idimb, U Grande; Mm Mattlo Wutson, Autcloo. Nit Uliaaga ofllckool Hook Neeilad. From the Unton County liulr. No change of text books is ueuded, for thu reason that the defects of thoso in use. if there be defects will bo ruinated in the now selections. Tho truth is that tho making of text books has been retro graded, in mechanical vork uud tho beauty of the engravings, them is doubt less uu improvement, but in the mutter and arrangement, the progress has been small. The proposed change will bo ex pensive and the peoplo ought not to sub mit to having this expense needlessly put on them. The protest ought to be long ami loud. Our citliens, wtio are inter ested In the matter, ought to get up a pe tition to our own superintendent to vote against a change. The books ho have arc uood enough. After all, there is not mum in text books anyway, It all ile (Hmls on the teacher. Carter Harrison has returned to Chicago from his trip around tho world, but suys ho is out of polttcs. ill ! ! n -vaBniiiwt' i co v. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Han biiilului, Court trrM'enitltti Orixn, MualcaJ Mcr- Rhnmlli" orAt.l.KtilM kept In HTIK'K. m I'lanon, Or sunt, anil all kind of mu st cu t Instru ment old on lnatalt merit plat) Cows For Sale ! APPLY TO Marshall & Dickson Pendleton, Orogort. First National Bank OK HKNIIMCTON I.KVY ANICKNY, I'rt'lilriit. JACOII r'UAV.klt, Vic I'rtkMrut. HAM I'. bl'linOIH, UHnlih'r. U, tU WADK, Atltnut Ciulilrr. Transact a BimraJBanklHg Business Exchange en All Paris ol the World Bought and Sold. Collftotloui tutde at all points ou roatouabls Uisai. Beer Garden and Gymnasium Hall. liarvena A Klnr. t?rpn. Main Ktr-t farl'oslofilce I'KNDl.KTON, UltKCION, llmtlliiK Altny nnit ClyniuHxIiim KK)in In ciiiiiKvtloa. .IiiM tlii I'lni'i to prnd an hour In t'Xi-r:ltliiK),"ttMnucluu!iil trpnthonln your friuiif. A ronlliil Invllstloutonll. (lumlirluun Itef r fx, n kIiih. Jyl t- - ' - CENTRAL Livery, Feed and Sale Me! 0H,ki! Court lloii', I MAIN VI' MKT . WAM.A W, l,A. ' I'lrol.nlusi. sccoliiuiDilntloiit uiimimiiIi'mI In eviiryliily. A line lot (ifllvrrv rl mill tin- t.ot of tiny nml uniln nhtiiyo on linml. Horses Bought and Sold Liizir & KNllir, DRUGGISTS The larKMt so-' raotomplAW Hik rf Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS. Toilet & Paocy Articles tn Eastern? Oragon. GIVE TJS A CALL. Despaln Block - Pendleton. ffYbTRir THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is ilmt Hi stwi tltng. No Premiums; No Special 6ffers; No Cut Rates; Hut CiiiiiimiiiiI n iii), fM'ryixMl.v, mill io (!! t ton t i'i. Million ItOIIKHT KlltH. I'rui. Walnuts for Sale. I huvi'Uui' lllliiilinl Ilil-lifU or lllnck Will 11 1 1 1 fnl'lilc lit One Dollar per Bushel Kjiriifil kihI iIi'IImmiiI on liimril rm. Hcuit nnlfr. In Geo. M. Settlemier, tSorvuN Orojjoiii Wrltrniiiin' unit mlilli'i, lliilul. iM'ilil I nt Commercial Lhiiy, Feed, ana Sak Stalk, I. B. KEENEY &. CO., Props. Put up your anlmalsand your monoy ut this stand. Thoro Is no bottor in town. Our patrons and f rlonds will bo woll troatod. COMKTOXKK t'K AM. KtNDrt OK IlKIH KOIl 1IIHK TllK KINWI' Tt'ltN oris IV TOWN. J.. KEENEY Co.. PROPR WM. GARDNER & CO., Imvj and Esatiig Eogiaem. Mumifmlntrr. , Steam and Hot Water ( Heating Apparatus, KomwKM.ivaHtm I'tniMu Hrn.oi.vtii! THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tim North Amoritnn Cnnllncnt. I" I.iiikii Pucom and 81 l.m C'nlunnis. A POPULAR NOVEL I'llllliNllI'll III Mini alvrtl Willi .'lll'll l-III- III Uu wrrkh nlltliiii. Iliulniilnir An . I, Mini coiitlniilni: Hiiti--nftur.Thn W'orlJ will print with rwii lui n ciitiiirtp novi'l ry a popular tml luir. Miiiimk i no wriiom win ii:i U'nlli-r llonnt. i WllklKCnllllH, , Unlit. Ilurlmtiitri II. I, Hll'Vl'IlHl. ' II 1, 1'nrji-nu, Tlintiuix lliinly. .fu 1 1 m n lluwtlinriic, K. V. Itolilimou, Kinlli'diilxirliiu, I .luli' Vvruc, Win. llliu k. i iii'mi iinvt'M win un Tlie'Diirlir., Mm. AlrniinJi r. Jobu H. Wlnirr, Henry WimhI, M. K. Ilriiililnn, Kloriiri Witnli-u. MaryOi-ll liny llnrtliu M. Clu), Annlp KtlwnnU, Hliodii lMwnnlk, K.U. I'Mllll". lllO tHlCnt Wurl( III till! lH'l wrllcm at lliry urn puullHtu-il -llif immik wlilrli nvrry otic l Miking uliniil. Nnlhliu; but Uu vory lnt will bo mlmllli'il Inln tin Wiirhl'itStiimluril Library of tlrllnu, TIiIn l.llintryor t'tuliim Will Hv snppllnl to Sii'crlbr Only. No Rxtiu rortc Will !n I'rluli'il. No Ituck Nuinberi Can Ua I'liniMn-it hiuI No tllkirt CoplM Will lif Hold. If Vou WUli tho Hcrloii Compl. if, HUIMU1UBK ATUNl'K t)iu Voiir (Vinnniber),li (I Motith(W Ili)mbM),.'0.; II .Monllm (IS nambeml Aililrt-tk THE WORLD, New York. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN! Tliry tin happen nvrry dny.ninl wlirn nnn ! liMppetK In. vnu, you will vrlh tliut ynii wrn7 luaurru in 1111. TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y, Tiik'Ikavi:i.i:ks' rmourc r- tiirlcl-iil in pay m nnro tbo inont iinuriuniH mux of rlMliim ttiAt evfu erral rallrouil hiuI Kli'iim Ixmt nrctilputt run brine iirwui ll. I'uy nil claims, wllhnut ttlncnunt, Imuiwllniily upon riH'fliU of HHtlifiirtory proof. .Nun Korfi-llurt nmvMim In nil It policial. Ten Millions of Aiteti. Two Millions el Surplus. I'AIK fOMUV IIOLDKIlS.JU.lWl), CditM 4 itcksm, ffealaJent AgeiU, K:utOrifoulit hullJlnj. ivmllroti, or. I i to t bats.BJ VfiniM h Ml iaaal wHimi aHmM vMaUMl 0a Blj G hu ttrtn natr s 4l uttiUctlon In Ibt enr of Uoosrrba'a and OUtt. lpt'rtbrllnil fluflarrcuaBitait- W In It .a !! f.mm t.J.STUlKR, M.B Dtttlur, Ilk rmcR.si.ei. Bala by UrociUtv, l'itr& KutbUr, Aetii t'l'iiJIfiou, Or. FOR SALE UprrlrtmUnin ttntl rullmatrt furulnhoil for liratlux bulliUDgv lu any action of the coun try. Corriponunee kolIcitoU. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, kJHI Portland. Oregon. )ua JOS. BASLER,! IXalfr In .V.w anJ Hifcouil-hanJ our otg an,j a hoU)w ou ,0 (,t near . I the (. K. St N. depot, ceutrallv lix-ated, Furniture! Ua "m' y , i IVmr lota, one mrter o( a block, near l iu Huitcw sctiooi.ior r:so cash. Household Goods olopton & jaokson mt tiiHuufactunr of j Insurance Agents, Tinware, Coppcrwarc and SheeMron I'livuM-rroN, oituaos ol Every Description. I T. r o i JOtin iltDirt, 1 in Roofing a bpecialty ' lcauinq. - ' U-vounn trial. , DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Man DUTCH HENRY, THE FEED MAN, A'KUH HTHKtfT TENDLKTON MERCHANT TAILOR, l'etullfl6n, Oregon, Main St., nrjr Wodb. .1 FIXE STOCK OF GOODS Juti rtoiYru. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! ! . luarary ptrUaul r 6 O 4 v "I o so m o O o P 0 3' 0 1 0 4 i 0 Tickets WtefiJ - tumpr, -i BIgntPiiHnMinN WPta can n,,lkJ AMA, CIUNCIL ILWiM! hMlrf.hu.. . "--'wiih0,trt) CtoM manuil.,.. . ITs " Vf Mil H aa... J!.i,rrt r-a lau,KovR Columbia. Vm Iii ZM Mara PpMt Bt. wharf.iua fmi, Cabin, tnoludlDK mnli.n HtMraco, . . Round Trip, Utillmlttrt, , r or rurinrr particular! Iiwiilrt nt A, U r. h. neiA-eaii, Orntral Manatr. HIM U.M II, K. MIHLkV i Great Rock ALBERT LEA Ml The illrccl nml xipular lint It a wiin mu norinrra ratllr ironiM, i'hui unil .MlnnrapotU To C'blraao anil the Kail. ToMt. Loulaanit IheHtitli To Uch Molar a, Uatti itrhlHaaa Ku Tho Only Line JJSSSSa aiv-nuiicu iiiuik, iarfniotu i wy ror cmu.iuo Ann all row Pullman Falun Sit Palace Dining Accompany ull lliroajh KirwTi mu iviuir. Tlckeufor aulrby all ronnrtfliii anu connernoiii inajr in m a Forfull Infiinnatlon rfMrJIom etc., apply to any roupon ipuil A N. or Northern IVIHc Iu:J panln.orto n.'"l nkHAnnl.u.M rcB(lltUH.U CHAM. KK!KKBY,iifa.J No. 3 Wnnliliifton HU, - v a lim.nrmnv. Gen. Tkt.and Pa.Ag1-C. f-l llin T. onil KAtLlLirt Ap6 laaMll GREAT OVERLAND I THF Northin FMifk With BtrUtl f& 1 FrtM Ortaoa aaa WiWPj tt HM emc aa U.I.I on, I UlrinMSdIEl ' raateat Tlame rf!.,SljJ To lon City. Couall.K 4 AtahUon. waTeawortk, all K)lotthrurtoBti "J MlrlaSt. l-aurana tl"Wl Art Bauiea nr,rr&LM ! enure irnm Xaltraad. imXZIZ'Z at. Vast Bi , fourth day. .,..., p..iui!l .Ooaneftion mw'-janjil oil to an i"oini Train will lrw$i - ...... ll iai ajliaJPf tf oeaerai WahlaHon8l.,JWg:ru Uttny mi MP1 In PontU? Fan ONLY FIVE PHM 1 i..i nrlfeAirk1 1 iv,rti.nd or 14 o 17.00, with V J Beeda al, nd yearW froacoto$3w,"' . . East OfH I U.aUal I Whlldtf largeatawj-jj