MONDAY. NOVKMBKIt 10, 188. DAILY AND HKMl-WKKKI.Y, ' nrriir Kant Oreguatla,.; riililLliliic Company, . at I'KNIILKTON. A H(llkt I'llOCXAMATION. governor tietnplo's Thanksgiving proc lamation Ih not only unique, but nenHlblo nml unobjectionable. After designating the day, he h.ib: ',1 recommend that on that day the IMJOplo of WadliltiRton Territory do M Humble in their platen of worship, in 1 their hcIiooI bonnes and Rociety hulls, in their loggers' camps and minern cabin, on llioir kIiI'ib, and by tlio llrcMdea of tbo rich and ioor, in city and country, and OHKUON.j there give thanks to the Almighty God i lor iiih iniinueKoouneflB ana mercy 10 us and to oil men. uaimt huiwchiition hatwm , any I,0inelen8 ones bo Been otandlnR onu copy poryror, by mull . no ly tlio waysiuo on that ilay, 1 trilHt tliut n5S.P.S.,J?,,ni,tl,i",hI,i;il I thoBo who aro more fortunate will caro M, J?' ,'. fll they may co the silver lining oi .ineir cioiius and leel tlio nun I bIiIih) of kindncMS, for a momnnt, and ho ADVKIITJONII ItATflt (l)i)l:iii Alrrrtlenent:1 not dcHpalrof human nature. Much bread will return, in blesHcd form, to thoco who cast it upon tlio waters." One lnrli, or U-h, In Kriiil-Wi'.'kly prr IIKMIIIl 12 10 Oiip lucli, ir )i ik, In Dally prr month 1 fin Two Indie, or If"", In both, per iiioiiIIi... .1 50 Over time lnclii'x.Mciiil'Wc'i'kly, per Inch per month 1 a. tivfr Minx. Iiii'Iipm. llnlli. urn. limit iiak month........ .. i 2.1 ' known im the "American tfugar Huflnery .. u, in ikhii, llll'll HT Tm: Attorney General of California lias instituted unit utfahiHt the Sugar Trunt, iiidiiiii.... ,. i 73 Mr.Mt'U'KKKI.VHIIIM'miTION HATHA! Onu copy p.r year J2 AO Ono ropy mix inotitliN.. I 25 Mingle number..,,,, , 1 l'rumliim paper free toyc.rly MitHCHberx. Mollil iiuiipiirnll HilvLTthPinunt In Komi Wpokly or Dally, Mmt limcrtloti, per Inch, 11.10; each HUliw(iicnt liwrlloii.floc. Umi notice, tun run In prr line eneh In-nurtlou. Tiik Bunion County leader, ono of tlio bunt local paporM in tlio NoitliweHt, Iiiih liccotne 11 Homl-weekly. Ami now that tlio election It over to member thl proverb of TIioiiiuh .Idler aon'Hi "I nover Htill'or 11 political to be omc 11 perHOtml dlllerenco." Tiik MoMlnnvHIo Telephone wtyn that nuothor UiIiik which added In llarrlnon'H thancuH Ih that, ho wuh tlio son of his Krandfathor. Wo roKurd thin iih an niter-t-nmpniKii Ho. 'fin: MoMlnnvHIo Telophono wij-m the ItopubllcaiiH of Y11111I1III county "havo fettled on 11 Hum for uoveinor two yearn bunco. Now don't IiiukIi, and we' will whlapor tlio luimo to you: K. O. (I, II. t). It. N. U'attH. "It ih rumoied" that IVcHldent Clove laud will bo oll'eicd the pio.ldctiey of Iho Ballinioio ,v Ohio niilKjail when hln term Imu expiieil. The only foundation lortno riiiiiur In tltat .Mr. (iornmn Iiiih vlnited Cleveland lately. Salem Wnloninun': "The I'oilland llu- ximl kept tlio fact of the existence of Hiuallpox in Mint oltyipilot until It be came next tiling to epldemie, for fear of InJurliiKHoiiiu I'ottliind ineielmnt'H biwl iu'mh and losing mi udveillomont. The' lliiKiiril In uiiiHt absolutely edited bv it biiMlneHHotllro," Ui.aini:, "Tom" I'hitt, Now, nil eomip tionlHtH nml iwilUfiMl wouinholrf, urosomu of tlio men most prominently mentioned uh member of llairleon'ri Cublnet. It N uIho thought that Wiinnnmnker'H mil lloiirt may purchase liim u pi,(.1(. It IH Kolni; to bo 11 "hlnh old tlmo" f,. n,0 IkxiiIIhih. Tin: ClitntKo Af iillrvmarkrt : "IajI tm Ih liiuil to the loiiix nitM. If not an lilwh In IhoHciiIoofiiiilnml llfoiiN urn Homo other cieature.s. IhevHtlll Imvo 11 dcKieo of feollmt. I In vIm'k knocked thorn down and jumped on them onto or tw ee, ho to Hpoak, lot iin not IhhIhI on lolllun them In the mud that In. not a Kieat deal." Somi: dityn ii);o Chalrinan (jnav tele implied to llepiibllenit party bosnen In California that tho IIoiimi would bo ho close that it wan necoHnary to Imvo a Holld Itepublleaii delt.aioii h,m that State. That jrhapn aecoiiiitn for tlio fact that "the leluiun were not all in jet" from eountiw, (on .lavn after tho eluclion. Company," on tlio ground that It ban dis regarded tho purKiso for which it wait incorporated, by Hiirrendcrlnu tho man nKcment of itn concerns and control of itn busincHS to tho Sugar HeflnericH Com pany, and that I ho latter company Is an aHKociatlou of individuals not residents of the State of California, that it in formed for the purpoHo of limiting the mipply, and tliun advancing tlig price ofmifcar, uml that it in not u corporation but is an unlawful combination and a monopoly nctiriK in thu rcutralnt of trade. The Attorney-General aitkn that the chatter of tho company against which tlio Hull In brought be vacated, and itn franchise forfeited. Opera House ! BUY nnil Dnnninlfl nuico dim ncucifjio Nights s FROM FIRST HANDS.! Monday and Tuesd Nov 19 and 20 Large Stock Jttnt from FrrtHfH, at Low JPIffttren. the Hni!iiK''iiipnt fif W. K. ftfx'lioter'w (In fun on the HrMol) nml SENIOR AND JUNIOR, thu urn fitlihlcit mIi-iiiiIIIIik I'M'i- uiltlrn, iniruuiiciiiK uiiQiPAi nnucnv nnuDANV muoiunu uuitilui uuiiiinni) The Latest Forms --...- - Widow O'Brien, $2000 Stock of Legal Blanks Including' Circuit jind County Court, l'robato and County Court, JuHtice'n Court, ltcal EntateMlKcellanc oun and Jjind Blanks. Send for Samples and Prices. .DDIUX8 EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO, IVnilbtoii, Oroiion. CHAS. H. D0DQ & GO, AND FARM MACHINERY. FBONT, FISST AND VINE STEEET3, POMmrD ooio yKom air uruRuu una wattninOBftr Xdt M)inlr, New Soiiftt, ItntutlJ'ul Vliontxrs, SpmUtl Scmct'ii, .ml Alllliet.atfHtNovelllis GRAND STEAMBOAT SCENE. Itmvrveil Seals now on HiitualKlvtclicr's. A Fair at Pendleton! A flraud Knliry Fair Kill lukc plnctMit GAGEN'S NI5W J-IOTJBL on 'J iii filiiy, IVrdiKxilny mid TIiiim Iii) , The 20tht 21st and 22dof November. Kancv Work of nvtry iliM'rlplloii. liicliallint siiinti hraiitlful wux denlKiiK, nnil u iilitii lirr of vnllliililo iirtl.ii". hlliillv .In lliilril liv purlKslll I'enillclnM.wlll Im dlpici of hy rlinmi'. icpriMTilliiM liililcilrii'i d in wluti' , satin, noil Hi" H'k itKi'iii.Yr III thin Issue ii inittion of an article from the Milton pacr, advocat ing (IIvIhIoii of Uiiiatllln county. Wo havo nocommcntH to oiler, an anything that in Hiild in thin jmper, unless it lie un coiiilillonid mid cniiinletii corieiiriiincii willi tho Milton edltor'H viown, In met A T AJ Clf T)OT T with nothing but personal liiHinuatlonn j J-yAV 1VVJL UbJ' and abuse, and wo havo no use for that suit of un nrKumuiit. Thin stylo of ml- vocaey of tho ICaKle'n pet measuie may j TTyU ark" ff TPCtVl'ITn a Hiiecce.1 belter than tiny other, but wo1 vv "'L UA,U1 OUiltJ .loiii.t ii. t.enerauy. w note many io-, w, l(llMllhl. .ttlllrii. plo aro Interested In it pioponltioii, Homo for and olhern aalnt, it little mental Fine Suppor will ho served every fveniti concession and cuitclHul(ift iUv n. litirm. 1 - - - Lot ihvii.i.K Coi'iuiui .loniNvi,: An honester, braver man nover occupied llie ' White House; nor yut onu who lendeivd tho country (jrouter, pmer servhe. The ' KIiikIioihI of paity leadejnlilp wun dented hlin. The nlftH of iniit(iii'tlsiii and V'liico were not nvn him by tho falrv that bunt over bin cradle In llie liuui of bin birth. But loyalty, cour.i. iuteHilly, devotion to duly, a rued, self-reliant splilt, and a stem, unlhigiiij,' faith in truth weio liln; and he, ninety, caiiiiUbrd , to step down and out witli the neuse that, however fuilinnly, he wan line to bin convli tlonn, and inado no coutesslonn lo party claims, or huHIhIi inlerestn of anvi kind. i M Ml utuRE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. Hlnalc, ttoublrirTilpptoPiirrcw. Tliey -leso Hlinplonml romoto nurt inpir nniiNC. w n iiirtimii iiirni wxm i.r u'ltiumt ....i. ' -"-n Si'llt lltllli'lllllfclll HMl'Mrn. ",fc TTmn'm fq-wis lit"!1 , BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL Hunk nvm tiM lrpiM flrntn TlrllL lltirkuVi Hi ilorw. ltnrkrvn UmliMiA. tt. . rim In 1 Irlll Miiiiof UmuIaM - " --tvw, 3 CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER, Vim lulMl liiinriiwil liiiiilcmnnt lor miwIiil Hiiiiniirr fHIInu- ti, . Wo alno hnvo n full lino of I)uer.los. Onrrlneai. I'hantnm Mnn...i. Pnifrncm ii.wl nlliAi.flti.lni. V.hui.. -win oUMUl I LbK r AKrVI WAGONS. UiwiTiirr .v Clinplti' Hprltnt-Toiith llinnots, Derre Itnrrowi, 8otD.tlu rj Pncllle I'niiiilnit Mills, ' "'rn"u rut 11.V1HII JIAlt ll Willi:, 1SXC, liTC. tf Si:.M) I'Olt M'lvt'lAI. Clltt'1'I.AitS AMI I'ltlCK LISTS CARPETS 1 mM?Ay, uixil Ml! i'tr ovKii il f rout n.!l iinii'iirii". i - j SU OKA G Ii and FOlt WA ItDIXO I llveiy I iiinlry wiiri'tmtli or rnllivinl until i 1 1 In I'lirllumtorHnu Kniiiclxs,, inrluilliiK O.VI'ITA Ji .,UOOOOO EstMillB'irdlti PorllanJ in 1877. lisM puiil In OniKuii Jllil:'il IjlHPU llfllll III Wlivtlllll.f.kll J14 fut II. I.. ... II. ..II .. ... I ' I ' I. .(.- .in. oiiiy io riesioeiiis woo navo l lu'eu cauuulate.s lor tc-olcctiou and worn lieateit ul the olln weio Martin Van Huron. lM'aleu In IS 10 bv William llenrv riturlMi... ii, ill lli.i'n ('I... ...... i rUkv In Ini ii fnini In lSHSlil Itimlaiiiin IhinUmi. ''I'liU Ij ! "" 1 li on' lot, nwU lie. I rl.l I .Vitttfc'iV'W.. I IToprlrtor of tlf 1',,'!1lTl!!lf1""' , , lZ;UcVXNiw Steam-plaumu Mill, Sash uud lho leleKniniHhoul.U'etuchlld'n bin-! n... v.,A... .i r. ..... tnrv of 111., fulled Shiton ...i.l i.r..M., Ill " IUUU1 4 ,"'fcul iuu uuuiUOr. Ihjoio imikliiK hlateinenln whlth my iTIlG P8il(l!8iOI1 KClIST hi'IiihUm)v oiiKht to know uro lucoiiect. I I Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Window I Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. I.ioofanrl 1i q ..linn .?? Ha inni iT7rTTrrAnH o xr.i lUtuuimiui utujtvi v. n;. s uc vv ill I il. ficw v ividL Echo, Oregon. THE BEST IN THK W0RLD- iKMimt. ' Failing's Carpet Store, r nri I Mol.. tho )..., Ii.. Vmif bl' Pendleton Boiler Mills ; Flour, i Watson & Lulirs,; flA. W. flif f) TT. Wnnnlnn R lunar. TImmm. TMM V Snell, Heitshu & Woodard, Bacccssora to Hodgo, Duvis & Co., and Ueitshu, Woodtrd h Co. IMPORTING WHOLESALE DKUGbli NOS-fli & 94 FRONT STttEHT. I'OHTI.ANO. OltKUtW. ".ORRESPONOEMCE SOLICJTP.O Mills, (Ci.lH.rily 'ftltmrrolv nr.lnv) J I. iM'.i l'resldent John Adamn wan defeated for Ky S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors,! ? tttl ro-olectlon in isoo. and 1'renl.lont John .,, n !" P My;ftfe , (Miney Adauin in I81S.,. !f'lH - MnmifHeitirei or tln.linm, wniiiiilsted un.H -iSi&K "'VfT lUsri-iAOiioultepublieaunaiotlalm. lf.rWii n....r. MhiWBf hiK' that I ol.h'n successor iniiht come Mnla M -i.hI, vnrv I'al.l n.e XII ' 'tV iwf- from that section. t)h. yo neaMll.led 1 KiiidN nr urniu. ' JM"-- iluiKin. have you not so much an learned ... I Villard House. UAVK HtMt.V I'roprtetor Norlhwot Cornur Minn I'ourl Mi'l PENDLETON, 0BE0ON. CENTRALLY LOCATED Two men, who Iniawlne tliev that the Ihwhch" In l'ortland havo lomr , r"",r' "H" '"n'.foe.Mtc, ..iw..y.oi. iia.u. since settled that iiuentloii'.' Dolphwlll; - bin own niiecensor. You KaMcrn Or- T-r -tt-t tn -v-r-m havo ejoii fellown had Just nn well lo don and i Xl, j, VV JtvXjrJtl JL I sAI.00.Ni. .i.i.m.'i ... -v ... " " -v. .1 .. ......... 11 .inlirt furclt . i.iiil in'i.iiliy .UllvrrrJ. . nvi.. ii i. 1. 1 inivl-M:. I'Cur ...... .uh.i1..M;ilri Mflll ..Uil 1 ln;er liv tlioulnM. Ucltlt-ailluniN'' .Try linn.ti.nMt o o.hh ... I.... Ll.ib.iai.'tf t.itilft! OIIIHV. .111111 Hltthwr""- Niiuotlilun to hay, niv to havo mi eielit- ,,;,-v at ,,,, mmx a C,U,MI w l'lted day dlsoiisrlon, two .IIsciismw u , Platen Senator. Albany Democrat ! CM I ' "J,. .... , , , . inviuni, i Miu IH-II. I 'niloi mx an I " "a ' 1 .miimu. idnun iiiv;uii -IKl.Prltl General Merchandise. unlnjltover.andtho other Clark llraden 1 1l,l,"'-'"' "kiB "y 'laltnn to tho nri,mv a Imlluvor, AnylKnlyAvho has cony f ' 'vV''it..rshl.. I'erl.apn .Mr. Moody, Mr. X ' ' TilmlmV .w llUl, ..t1l,liLviS"0-,'' Mr-l''l'HttkJu,r',wru '" Iraveln" euii sKind the tlnionioio i.tx.lli. I !, 1 ikii.ktom piimikn foii ahii. ubly than eoliii? I,, i n 1 . ........... .. uuirisam iVI'ltr,'tTirUK In KocH mill miidi to "inlnr, ci:i)ak saiN(ii.Kn von hai.k t'lr.l-i luwK H-orkmiiu cmployeil uml work unno nn nruri.ii. mvttr w.T80. a i.mrit.s. IVmllrliiii.Orevon. James Crawford io near litem. Tiik alutKh!.',T!l,Vil,of uitout tho KHir down den woikiint- breau" h lu Ttt u ",0 '''"rl,lnt out in , 'l " ''''T fo""Hy' H'dUeaso ,Mt 'i11"0"' any hero, and nhould Ih. fmvwiod out of existenw No ioir LTilu;ri ,t,,H my to the nonn, Salem htatejiinan. ..Mueutiy.iiio Statesman tealiien that lr now H'euiHthat the claim of thu He iublicaiitt that they would havo it ma jority of from ten to twenty-livo in tho next Congress, wun premature, and based tiHit little else than tho maxim, "claim everything." Soino of their leadetu havo conceded that tho majority will l no moiv than seven, or live, while l)euW emtio auUiuriticn nay It will Im none all. Tho liiimt that in certain at this time Money to Loan lu ktuull Minn, ou porwiui.l ireiirlly at n a. , konai.le rti, mUo.Ptigotfabla Paper Discounted, 'aVj.VpplWo K l, HtYl fo fapttal and iiiouoihiIv are no-.... t.,.. ! in that tlio Houm after December, 1880. nuro enoujjh, ! wl'l iy clone. Joiik Win rAKKH, collector of CUktoiUH for OroKon, tuiyn ho will baud in bin retaliation early next spring. He in teiuiod to tvaign next year anyway, if Cleveland had been elected, but uow will do no little earlier. Knt OrvL'onlan HiiIIiIIiik, i viiirton,(irrSon I Miomfrfcinrer of ami JDtniler In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Etc., Torus and Wagon Shoots I for Salo A r J3KmtOOK PHIO US. I (t.1.1 KwlloMr DiilUIInt, Mklu nireef, Ju2 Rt'-opciifd, Kc-luniialiud K(uijjj)t'd in Firai GUuw Style. and V Tiik New York MvenhiB World ayn : hyery where it In seen by the vote that (lovernor IIIII'h Irlum,,). waH neeurod o Si i .,,K,,lKV, ,e "Idontial ticket Int. I Jt' ,m,t,!l'wu8l' tho HU,.,rt of Jntellltfent ltepublicann, eHvial y thono ilu I0r t.overnor, althoiiKh In favor of nCiLr Ji''oKfor lWden? !reAhjr. he J.'" tcdllr n.anifwted ia . ..... uouoaia ine workiuB c-Immm : to kia ttOUt dfMnii nf .k- in.'.'. ,I f r- " n"w auu uuer- H "iiJ'fW'SduriaBLlitMlialnUtni- THE OPERA SALOON. M. BRENNER, Prtf. COUKT HTHKKT . . I'KNULKTO.N Next toor to Mr,i Qpr Houms Tbt Ht Hraodi of WIdm, Lk)Uor ud H.F. Johnson &Co.,i ' 1 prtscription Druggists. 'Hardware and, Tinware PUE MEDICINES, OHOIOX FJCEFUMKS, SquisltM of tn Toilet, tstloBtry t tokool luppliM flM lnprHl mi Kiy Wh Clfn. Oyr'f VUterl KM, nunsunroM, - ' oummm PUMPS AND PIPB. PLUMBING Promptly Don. MAIN STKKET, VKMUUTTON. A!i,rS.0Uhe Publ,o Pronfe U Kllctted ""VILURO HOUSE RESTAURANT." Un. Tm irUUy, PrtfrietrtM. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Freo Couch to and from Trains. Bucks for Sale ! AK Ailiiuill.lrulor ul tho e.lnlu of thu liit.i Wllllttin lUwii, tlio und.'rslciKHl Mill ll iliirlniMli next two inontliH nil tlio b.ickn rtveiillyuwiiiii t,ynUI iloceioeil, tliiikatue 2000 ThoroHuhbretl Jiei(tered amkOrade Jluchn. Tlieebiirkn air .kept In good past uro, unur a.uu. wi'Kuii,nim uru in unti rouiiitionaiiu i.inniuKii.y Miuiiii. , The underlirned will vllt Alba i.verv AV.l iU'.luy, uml nitet any parties willing to tee inn .iim'i. ur.urv iiurciiUMinK Kasy termn w 111 U. extemleil to purcUanom . . O. THOMIHON. AUmlnUtrator, RUiailOw t'eudlelon.Ortiion. ROBERT BOND DKAtR IN EEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARI. Court 8trtt, oppolt J, 11. BtuMikia. . ....... .............. I.udh'UjB H...iili.r, -r)nnivi,, A Ann. w n liiiiuii. boJ.1 brand., II tlocV. .iiiriiiiMirroit Of ..tliiii I'nrlora. Mam bw. brlek. Tlie br.t win..v Klrinnt l.iiinliea itirrru iui" A '"''" rtriAW Ji.ior and Clr roartMllJ" MISCELUNEOUf. 1 .. IV1..1.. .." ..... I. . AI1U mjIMJf M - . ... It .IMttlllljr. rm- u 1. 1 1 . 1 nml Divw. -" rati'W. T EQAL BLANKS. ms. . ji Mr. Hon man I wo ii"-.- neodl Of special torJ. C8TKAY ANIMAL In the Kast Oa every time. THE BOWMAN K.J. Hrt-,i Mala and Railroad VlnUflaw la every not and aa 7 aT. -MUtM MAT, OMAlM, WElNHABIrtf'BiUHL Cmm,m M H m to at 44 t4 NiAaa All