DAILY. koEIP AT PAR! "mbBS1R-WP nsflLflflnfln- .F .HhHBHHBHHHHHIH m SnW n aaaBSSnaeeennSr Addreea 1 I renilletmi ... Oregon. L. 1 r l 1.1 -i Willi County scrip inm.n i ur L ((nee on Subscription, Adver- Ler job Printing Account. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1888. NO 221. LODOK PIHKCTOKY. "'r niii'l k'"N0 M. ',' U OO. 7!rr Monday nlKht In Odd Kol J Pit if ur. IbLETON Clt A1TKH NO. 23, K. A. M. ..i. f.(,ii nf rurh month, nt 7)0 j. r. w nx, u. r.; k. it, cloitok, mtu-IK NO. K. A K. A A.M. Iumi tli" aecouil hdiI fourth Mon t 'ilrh month, ut 7:SU o'clorlc. II. J. T.M.I W. K. ivrw I fff nwremrji Mt-mVlJintlE NO. AC. A. K. A A.M -uln the Mseotile Templu on Ilia hi third Monday or rcli tnnntn at innruc NO. 1U.A. U. IT. W. Meet ... Thnndnr nhttil nt the Endue III J0 O'fKWK. J. U. HAHKK, M. r.TrTl. Heenrder. fcKA UMK NO. tt. f. O. O. K. Me cU BAlltrtlHr ('Truiuff m ,ovu-ciu:k, M. U IliMbruiirk.N. O. lllLU KNC.VMPMKNTNO.17. 1.O l F. JHf.P1 nn int1 pcconu mm mm iii of each month, ut 7i.Kt o'olork, r' .. si n . l i- u ....... .. u -i i. - IjNK ltKUKt.'l' U)IMIK No. IS. I. O. r, Meet the Hrrt and third Tliurx l nth mourn, I.NV lAllKIK NO. 21. K. OF I. In Odd Fellow1 Hull every Tue. nr it ISOu'i'liiolt. .1. C. Lk ASllnK. I.WUITAKKK.K. of H.iihd r. hv IflPflF. NO. 4. K. OK '. Meet In I K.llowi' llnll every Wednculu v fc.l 7:! nVloek. M. Moitr.llKAl), C. , m.vfrMi LViif P.filwl M Rothch ild S Bean, -DEALERS IN General Merchandise. lOARSON' 'POST, 0. A. II., meet nt iWflffn nun ever' Tiinnxiity uignt. nmt, imiiuinnticr, j. . iiowkk, ATTOKNKYS. MtlllXKIt CltKWH. ATTOfl. kiitUir. llmnn In mid III, Am(oIu- , Prurtlrtlil,t)rr)(un. Main and Alta Sts. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. TIIK WIIKAT MAltKICT. golet ud Httndy In All the .MHrW.U. Bin Fkaxcuco, NoTcmbor 17. Wheat ciulet; buyer tho year, 11.01 ; buyer thoiicaBon, 1.71?4'i December, $1.68. UitiCAtio, Nov. 17. Tho wheat market Is Htoady to-day. December tl.l2.'i: January 1.11., May $1.14. Kkw uuk, Nov. 17. Tho wheat mar ket waa llrm to-day. November, $1.09W : Docombor, H.lOJi, Jnuary 11.11V. May 1.10?4'. LiVKurooi,, Nov. 17. Wheal dull! IAiuornla wheat in ouotednt8. lkd. "LKT TIIKM C1MK IN," A D.morrntlc I'anar .Umnl., th. mlMlun of All the Terrltorlei, MAW 1.,ntW.(.nn V.... 1 .1 . amlncr. Democrat c. In nn edltnrlul HiU nio.nirnr, neiuiou, "lA!t Thcui Como iu," huvh: "Ono of tho duties Hint ConareHH cannot Mil o(T much Innwr i tin, ml.nlu. hion oi tiiorcmuinincTorritoricHUM States, lrri... ...... i. i. . i inu iiwiuur nun won ireiiuid irom u no 1WI..1 ..I ..I . .. mum iiuiiifr ui viuw inn iniii. it in n slmplo question of JukIIco, und no other fouHiueruiion should have, nnv wu u it. r i.. .1, . . . . ji in iiino nut ut otic Tcrrltorln Montuiiu omitiK ""'I Iditlio. luivo at icaBt 10U.0UU IhI..iI.II....(.. ...i. .. . iiiuiiuiuiiim imcii, uuii uioy iiuvo resour ces which nmko it certain that thoy will nuvur no roucil OlirroilKIIH." Ijidy Mount Morrlt Te.tltlr.. London. Nov. 17. Tim l'ri.f.1l c.nm. miHsion heard ynxtcrday tho uvidonco of ijkjv louiit-Aiorrii, wIioho hiwbund, IflrA Mount-Morris, waa murdered at Clombar county, tiulway, In 1880. Ijidy Mount-Morris testifies to friendly relations between Lord Mount Morris And I'arncll, (lltANT COUNXV MKWH, Htnrmonlhn ItrltlthCoMl. i.oxnoN, nov. 17. v o ent uh cs nro reported uIon tho west coast of Great lmtntn, and numerous wrecks have oc currcd. John nrlght'x Condition. I.OMDOM. Nov. 17. John HrMit Is sliKhtly butter; congestion has decreased j icropcraiure normal. Ad- both Afl.r Kl.rtliiB Thought., From Hit New Tork Herald, 1. That It was a ureal surpriee to parties. -'. That tho Democratic matuzers lived In it ffwil'tf ...... .It..- .....tl a. " 'nimii iiiiiii vieuvrui lion jamin Harrison drove thorn out wllh a UatuinR sword. 3. That tho Kepubllcans got away with tho country-lock, stock and barrel; hook, bob and sinker; l'reKulency, Sen ute und llottso. 4. That evorybody wondors what thoy will do with It. ' ft. Thut Mr. Hewitt "look It out of l ll m i . ., . . . . . . iu RoiiHiuor wiictnur wo may v,iurciuiui io iiioumouiitoi just about i'o L-ot rid of nlmoHt our wholn fU.UUU und is clad of it. ilsystom. Wiwhlnton, Dakota, ! UmUlio lluruld Htlll belloveH, as it . Now Mexico. Arizonu. U'v. Muid last Novumbur. "that tho iiiiiIhciIvii Jt 1'AILXONH. ATTORNKY AT k. Oitliillmwu No. II, AMiicla M, rniltlnn. OrrL'iin. IT A HMiI.KItAYi ATTOHNKYH lit. nr.ee -IIhiiiu 1. S. 3 mid i A. k Clock, I'f ndldoii, Onxon. ! FirZOntAM). ATTOKNKYM l. Ilmitll. No. A Ik 1 1 it S. Auiioln. yl, I'tnUtttou, Orri;on. EAS. ATTOIIN1JY AT I.au- ?n.Vln 'f'ti Tliomion rtCallJIcy, ov r thu ront-OrtU'f . IHI.VOR. AlTOIlNkYH AT I. a w I-oirr Klrnt .NiiIIoiihI Hunk, l'n- TisUn lllf.tlriedii. win r'ClOrrion ui'il iVii.iiliit.ti.n i .'.I ! IPMlpllyftUfllllftl lis I." - M n Atir.ll, ATTOHNKYH AT ' ifTT-" ntnortn"Eat Urn. .1, i" ?rufrif Main and Webb ".mitiiiii, i.iri'unii. , 1 WIIITIV 1TTIIIIWPVU All. 1 II u, f l?n (ttM. Uiioms H Hiid UIUCK, Great SWter of Goods! TIIK I'KltUVIAN UlrKICtlLTV. I . .... All tl(iiioii nt llr(iimrpr Tint It Itoii't Amount lu Murh. WASIIINHTON. NOV. 17. AsHtHtunt returyoi atuto Hives savs that t in do. lurimeni tuts received no further in lormntlon roirun hit; tlm I'nriivtmi romnllcation ut Molleutlo. Ho Is of tho opinion mm u win nut amount to very much, and IhotiKht tho United States system has yot tho supRrt of tho major ity ui nui .luicrR-iiii copio, untl 7. That tho I'resiiluutul veur til mil Koodtimo to hci!in tho dobuto on this luunuon, nut 8. That nevertheless wn had u numt in teivstliit! und imiHirtunt "idiii!iilnniit cauiiainu," und Unit tho iirotectioniRts eun't nlutnl aiiouier liko It. 10. 1 hut tho Star Kyed (ioddoss is ull rlcht. but hurnuxt friend. Mulnr (Imw.r.il Henry Wuttcrson, is not us uood luoklnic us no wum uuti, uiuh, probably don't know any tuoro. FOR 30 DAYS YET, AT 25 PER GENT. LESS THAN COST or thoy would IlUVll CUblud. i'urtlmr nown is oxpoctca by loltor. TIIK OANADI N PACIFIC. fflCIlXN AM) HUlUilvONS. '"KTEll. I'lIY-ICIA.N ANIIhlMl- .'.fir? "feiJOMi I I I'o yi,rK suri-m. "uriviitcprarllcv. ' BKISIttV f W a ntr iiufiii . t lurunr nf f,.l.,l.. i.t... wtou Khru to rheuiiHttmn mid In 11 V,n"",.,'",",, "- OI .'. "rli miitith. onich- hVOLb. PIIYHICIAN M "n In Irvliii. and mm. druic more, l!'. J'"A'WT. lMIYHICIANANIJ , .i, "ra'i-vrr MiMirlinuio a ' .tort. IVIIIin. ... f,.l...u... Ml. U... II . ' mi.iiii.iiii Uilll II Uiii Xi", " "?..? VII; i.t - "MnHMl UIIDI1 I IJ II1B omm ua children. HK.NT1KTK " " ''UlDrV ln;iiHonT6Veion:',,, MKt'llANICS. " 'l Wh'li.ly"mP"3r done. I-t HftUr it Ureene, on Court Mtluiutri rurnUhnl on The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes, lot oi Men's Furnishing: Goods: A A fine large Btock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets. Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost. COME AND GET BARGAINS AT MY STORE. James Wheelan, Iniruitnii limn. u-An.r ti.. u.. i..r..:. Hun tho country still leans toward .r Ti.ov Mii'i:,"' "...r. ,u ",l "Y.u"l tho l.opublleun party but will slum! no nonsoriHo. l'J. lhat ns uTcrvbodv mik if.lf mo Kopubllcuus hud had huiiho onoimh to nominuto Mr. Arthur In 1HSI tlmv would nut lmvo scnt four yniirs in uxilo. III. That thoy can't ullord to kick ui. tiioir Heels in tho uoxl four yours. 14. That oven boor llttlo Dolnwant couldn't ttund .Mr. lluyard any lontrur, 15. 1 hat tho next Domocrutlo 1'rt'sldont will nrobulilv only call Democrats to his Cabinet, because u inlxtuio of fobnll Willis ttou't tet)iii to work well. JO. lhatukitchou Cabinet ouuht not ludlmtloii That It U Trying to (let Into Detroit. Nl!W YOUK. NOV. 17 Tim Slur la atitnoriiy ior thu statement this mornlnu' that tho Canadian l'acillo ltullroad Company Is pushing tho conrtriu tlon of lu llno westwurd from Indon, Out., to ward Komoku. with, it Is bollovcd, tho uitimato Intention of entorlnir Detroit. ItlnmiriiilKPiltlniMI.il f, iii.i, II I,.,.tllr, may ultimately buy tho (frund Trunk 10 ,,iK0" nilrojy Irom Kentucky. lino from Komoka to Detroit COURT STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON FURNITURE, CARPETS E. C. & E. M. .WHEELER, A KKKI.N OFTKKKWII. FIt Mm I.jnchrd (orTralirtlnir Again! llnnillt-OUICrr. In I'ur.iilt r tho Mur- ilrrers. Ozaiik. Mo.. Nov. 17. I.vnchl ni of Ihn II vo wllnesscH uiruinst Duvn Wnlkor. tlm louuer oi i no imid Knobbcm, yostfrday, bus created a relKU of terror throiijihout tho country. Shoriir Williams has koiio to thu Bccnu of the murders with u luro ikwmo oi men. itnu savs no win mini i own wie teretratorri oi ino deed 11 It Is po dlblo. -PKAlJJItS IN- iKUIty. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, ETC. A Complete Stock of Furniture und Carpota. Our Stock Covers 6,000 Feet of Flooring. I N IV It IT AND UNIIONOUKD. Nlrnngi Ncvnei at Ui llurUl ot a Mur. drr. Anmvii.lk, I'a.. Nov. 17. The bodv of 1 . i . tt t ine muruorer fjnowors, who wus minced ut Ixbunon lor killitiK his two grand children, was brought into town luto lust uiuht. and Immediately tuken to the Kravo, followctl by n JeerinK n.ob of old neighbors, und burled by tiio light of u lantern by tho ida of his victims, Thoro woro no mourners und no ceremonies. 1 1 ho crowd threw stones ut tuocoltlii, l'KOIIAlll.K WKKCK. U"' 'rtlll'JS.NTKK AM dn(jfi,u,u''r ul reiufuc, iW0nj;m,;fo.u "Ireets, IVndle. . ,7Wtr. miidted nnd j romplly iUffiP "(JKHMITH AND UrwniT iA,.u BU" Harden vrrfOU, Illackklllllli iri.rlr ,if nil t-niiV: i."',..'.nHU,I?' ""I "u Eoje vuw uutiuioa bit. ?S?& HqVHK CARUIAOE ' ViB,.r.u'5 I'enuleton, Oreton. I"2fr.L.i IT,V,Uf8r (',,u,', !. Im....,UH Oil ihcirl nntlna llnlun. win .wv." .'.Ji,kl7,H,0 HtAtJTICAI.; u'ii uit Chronometer Ma. It .w"").e l'ranchefc All work T'. WONK AND IIKIOK ! i taiinn,: .u' oreon. Tomb- GOODS SOLI) ON EA8Y I'AYMKNTS, E. O. and E. M. WHEELER SUCCCE8SORS TO FORBES WHEELER, AjtMociatlon Huildlm: Pendleton, Or. Alexander & Frazer, UKAt.KltH IN General Merchandise, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and Fancy Goods. Eamily G-roceries a Specialty. C0OD8 DELIVERED FREE OF CHARCE . . rr.fllil.r.liir., wiirr".. AH Oterdu aal , Nuiipoacil to IU. Hern lot. IIOUUAY. Nov. 17. Tho Naitulriia coast ing vessel from Cutch, bound for this iiort, is long overdue, and has not Ixien heard from since ho failed. She hud nino hundred uullvo passoners on board. It is fearod that I ho shin has foundered in tho recent hurricauo, und ull on bo-ud lost. 17. That (iunurul lli'iiljinln llarrlMnn is not (ienerul Gurtield und thereforo will not usk Mr. IHuiuo to tuku u tilaca In his Cabinet. 1H. That tho Democratic mlsinunatMrM doliKhled their opponents when they tin- uerioon mo stuio Kumo oi nazurdini; too whole cumpatKn on Now York. 10. 'lhat Mr. William L. Kcott is n Kreut man, but not so grout us ho thought ho wus boforo election day. 20. That noxt tlmo thu Democrats will know better, orthoy'll get beaten ukuIii. If I . I hut tho country is so clofmlv di vided thut both Dailies must nut forward their best men and measures. That Mr. (Irunt oiiuht to inuko u good mayor, und, that Mr. Howilt will moan in privato tlio rest ot His Iliu. Thut Ciovoruor Hill is u irood man al ulmont utrj' weight he chooses, but will nuvor bo president. 1!1. Thut tho ltcmtblicanH lmvo drawn an elephant, with u wholo meuugorlo an- noxeti. 1!.'). That thero will ho n crcut deal of fun in tho noxt four years, "A. That the old bandanna U us dear to our hearts us over, "7. Thut when u nation of slxtv-fivo millions holds n most excllim! election in absolute peuco und (pilot, and tho 1'res idont is tho tlrst to gracefully accept do feat, that Droves that we uro u ureut noo- ple, with an orderly and conatitdtlonal future. i!8. That we AltK a great ieoplo no matter what our huitllsh friends in Ha- gland and this country may nay. Another Hhootlnc AITnlr llrtweau flheen. herder.-Fliiley Mrltne I'robnbly KUM Crime In tlraut County A Nnrrow M-eape-Thn Vote-Other Local New. From thoUrnnlCounty News. Ncal Hull has tinrnvrreil a ),rj.r,l ledgo of highly mineralized rock near hi pluco up tlm creek, uud llko a tenslbU man ho is prospecting it. Wo understand Juck Hhopherd, of Bear Vulloy, has bo.n missing for upwnrda of three wcoks. It Is no doubt a cane of 'another good man gono wrong." Oillcial returns from all tho precincts of Orant county show tho result of tho elec tion, so far us this county is concerned, aa follows: Total Republican voto Dili; to tal Democratic voto 8112: total I'mhlhltlnn voto 1H. During a Itntltlblirmi ilninnnatmlln. .Saturday nicht. M. A. I eyebrows, whiskers and tiiiiHtiirlm hv a can of ijowdor exploding in his bauds, besides his fuco ami hands wnrn snvnmlv scorched. A lucky escano. indeed. chiMitinir sheen heritorM fur becoming too common and slumM )- stopiKid. Over on thu North Knrlt ,m centlyu Chlnuinun wus shot ut, acros thu river, und nurrowlv oscatMiil. Pun. h ull oireiulers of thnlnw If It lunik mm. (Irunt county. An oxnmplo must be tnudo. Crlmo Is Increasim? In hop lordcrs, ami criminal ilurkiitu urn nltrv. gother too long for her credit to stand out much lunger. A courier arrived in town lust Friday from Duyvlllo after u physician to uttend l lnley .unllito, who had been shot In tho right lung with u 41-cullbro ruvolvor while lending u baud of sheep In "Coy otu HhnIii." homo h!x miles northeast of Duyvlllo. I-uancois Lolllauo, or Frank Illuek, as ho was commonly known, was his mom II. V,"'.. nml JVUH ,ll!r'H"r: for Murray Hrothurs. Thoro hud been somo dispute in regard to thu rnni'n. uhleli ni m. eriiiuunt land, und claimed us it rango by uiii .'iiuiu nun .iiouiio. ino young inan was shot in tho right breast, the hall KO 111: through Ids rli.lit Inmr .,,,,1 through his right unn, which wus ling Ing by h n mI,Io. After being shot he Walked Six Illiles III Duvvllln urrlv In i thuituixhmiHted from ovepoxcrtlon und Dss of blood, but informed tliutn of what had occurred. Dr. Orr unn Hinnmnuiul nnd hits boon with him almost continti idly, but Indications urn strongly ugulnst lOV'M rAlAl.IIPt. I In f - v . .'..i... iiitn ivuii aiuui tho 1 fow thU W...tl 1 I I . . it a a .:iiiiiiiiu, ins mttivo nomo, but a years, and bus no relative in country. rruncnlH IajIIIuiic was nrroHted. anil (u now connned in thu city jail tiwallliig the result of iswr Mcltao's wound. Iln Is a rnnch-duriniiii. nml I III lllll liuu milv boon unhurt tlmo In America, und can not speak Kiiglisli. MAIN THKBT, w, 00. 63iFRONT ST. SALOONS. ,.?.'VEAtI. Pltmmirivin nir ICaUniDuht. FlceVVIne,LW. J. VAN SOHUYVER & "Wine and Spirit Merchants, PORTLAND, OREGON AGENTS icvmis N08LE .0UB.ON AND SYE WHISKIES; 10S S CBUIZ .BREWING MM QUOTPONSARD NCHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) Juiadaw 3m fthot III dlrl nnd Then lllun.lt, Watervillk. Iowa. Nov. 17. At Haw loyvillo last night Stephen Franks shot his fiuuee. Miss Carrie Love, because she refused to consent to a speedy marri age, trunks then shot himself, iioth aro seriously, though it is believed not fatally wounded. A JlmaliiJ-er Ac'iiltted, Ran Dikoo, Cal Nov. 17. Tho secnnil Iriul of I. H. Alexander, tho book-keeiier who.khot und killed I-onis H. Cravens on March Olh last, during u ituarrel. re sulted In Alexander's ucmilttal lust night, A HtrlboKiided, Nkw Ychk,Nov. 17, Tho strike on tho lirooklvn otreot car lino was declared ut un end at ono o'clock this morning. It is said thut iioth Hides have mailo concos bions. A Hullillni.-Wr.cU.il. Guahcok, Nov. 17 During a hurricane hero tile dome of tho Kxosition building was demolished, and tho ladles' indus trial depaitment was completely wrecked. All Irl.lt M. V. to lie Tried. . Lonoon, Nov. 17. KdrvurdJIurr'ngton, M. I', for West Kerry, bus been ' sum moned for Inciting boycotting, and will be tried Novemlwr l!6th. Advices from Indian Territory repre sent utiuIrH in that region In iv critical condition. Tho partitions of ilyrtl and of Guy. contestants for tho uubernutoriul odUo, are heavily urmcd, and tho capital, Tishomingo, is in u state of great dis order. A proposition has boon tnudo to submit tho election dlsputu to 11 vo leading Indians of tho Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek and Sominolo nations, uud ubldo by tho decision. If this Is done thu bloodshed will lo uvuided. Otherwise tho Chickusaws will drift into anarchy, . . Tho I'rcfidont'a noxt annual iiiohsul'o Is likely to Ixi brief, but voryjsjlntcd, Ho i uus noi yci oegun worx on it, but will have to taku it up soon. It Is undbratotxl that ho will repcut, with emphusis, tho recommendations of his last tnossugo. He will not chungo his uttiludu on tho tarlir. nor iguoro or uvold tho iasuo on ac count of tlm recent election. Another slago robbery occurred wlnesday night near Tcmpletou, Cut Making IVitrfHrn l.'nilurnhl.. Krom IhuKsn I'raiiclaon Kx.imlnrr. It Id U ML'tlofudvunrliiirelvllltiitlnii that tllO InVOIllorH of military tiuirlilnnrv nr turning their attention from contrlvuuces to maku war morn iiiurduroiiH to do vices for inukiui! buttles le Hri ilfiiinvliitf tii nut. slders. ' An I'.ngliihmun has invented u vuoor gun. which will dischurgo sixty missile umintttu siluully und invisibly. Ono of llio chief objections to u heuvy engjgo mnnt In thusu days of poiulorous guns, is tho dlu of tlm urtillerv. Tho iHillltrar- cuts seldom havo uny consldorutlon for tho comfort of iton-combatuntH, nml us likely US not thuv Im'uIii tlmlr rupkt ut daylight, just when other suplu wunt to sleep, Another nuisunru is thu villainous smell of burnt owdor. Woro It not for this odor inuny a curut knight woujd liuvo become u buttltvgrlmcd sntlor or a hero of thu cumiuissuriut. Thu Fngllsliman's steam gun does awuy witlt liolh of thtwootrunsivo fuaturon of wur, and goes u long wuy toward mak ing whnlesalo murder u decent nnd quiot proceeding. If iwoplo must go out In bands to kill each other, thoy ought to do It without making u genurul und unnec essary dlMurbunco of tho peace. Hut in order to make wurfum nnttrnlv estlmtiu and luotrenslvu to Mtrsons of suiwrsonsltivo temjiorument, orwhoaro not directly Involved, somebody should devlsu u mlsslli. that will do Its work Without CO VO rill If tlm lmttll.ni.1,1 with nn. plcusuntlv shretldetl and munglel re mains. Shells loaded wllh thu ileadlv sower guscs might bo ellectlve. Thero U no paient on tho suggestion. (2uincy A. llrooks, collector of qtistom for tho district of I'uget sound, was dln inissud Thursduv In comtillunni ultli u skjcIuI telegrum from Wusithigton signed hv flriivnp !li.inluri,l ft A Tl, j w. ...,... ... 4, .iiMiiimij. who wus recently untKilnted siiecial doi- uty ;collector, vice Win, M. Ilunicd, ills ) missed, is tlesignuted by tho rresitlont to luBsumo full churgu of thu olllwi, untl act (as collector of customs until further or uors, Tho direct cause of Mr, Ilrooku' re movul is shrouded In mystery. Ycl enough Is ohtuiuuhlo from tho non-com- , muntcutivo oiiiccrs to warrant tho sluto 1 ment thut Clovolund's orders emunatctl . from tho rojiort lllcil by Kticclul Agent j Crow lov, who captured l5x-Chlof Insix c I tor h. A. Gardner, tho notorious opium - smuggler fit Chicago, und uftorward dis i patched to I'uget HountI on i tour of In- vutiigation. A whnln wiirt r.iroiitli. utpuriilnil t.i ri.il-. by u solitary musked robW, w Hit u Henry j ,nni1 creek, Culiforiila, uud wuh killed. It ritle. Ho om!lled thu pum-ngerH Io ; ,wuH 'of,y long, and will yield forty alight, -iind ordered thu wail-bai! und ox-. barrels of oil. uugiii. iinu oruercu ino umii-uag and ox iiress-box thrown out. which ho rilled. Then he mounted Iii horse und Todo oil". Thero wero teveu passengers, all unarmed. Huprcsonttttivo Thompsi n claims that tho Democrats will havo u nmiority of I from one to throo lu the next House,