THUKHDAY. NOVKMBEK lfi, 1888. renter intcrcflts and of the nnnCH, tlioro for mo no alternative. Upon the hugs- Hon now at Ihhuo, I Htunu where I Imvo DAILY AND HKMI-WKKICI.Y, nr tiik Bait OrcRuuInn, rubll'lilnjc Company, -AT- HKNDfiKI'ONt OltttUON. nAir.r (iuiwkiition iiatmi One copy peryrar, liy mull . ; ) Ono copy nix month, ly mull J ' Ono copy per weelf , liy rnrrlnr. is rtlurli lllllllllCM. ' AIIVKIlTl.llnll HATIil! (; liwrff.ienf.t iinai inrii. nr iiua. lii Hum iWokIy ner month W Onnliioli.iirlum, In Duilyjier month....... I M Two IiicIiph. or low. In txifli, pur month:.. 3 W OTfrlliri'uliicliw.Moml-Wcf'Uly.porliicl. per month 1 IWi.r thrM InrllPH. DnllV. tier ItlCll lief miuitli Orcr thri-n Inclir, in iwtli, per men per mouth ., I 7a KKVl.wrKMKl.v NUtwnirTloic RATH1I One copy per yrnr M HO Ono copy lx month.,. 1 Mafic iiunib'r.. 05 Pn-mlnm paper trw to yearly -.iiuae'lber.). Hollil nnupantll ndvrtimmeiiU In Meiul Weekly or li.lly, tlmt Innerlloti. per lurh, tM; naeli MtlMHiirut ImerlJnn, Me. titcul notion., ten eeuU r line aae!. In aertloti. "HAM. WKCONIIMIKTHK IMII.Yr On or Ixifurc Uio llrnt of January tho Htirr OuiiuoaiAK will lit) 1hucI as u morniiiK p:lr, with comploto telegraphic llHplohc) fiirnMioil ly tho AHsnclutcd Vrrm, if tlui people will itnanuilco it a lircnUtlmi of .TOO copliw in tho town. Tlilti will kIvo it readcrri tho nuwn of thu Way fully twenty-four tiourri ulieail of that furnixhoil I iy tho Oruiuniuu or any other journal. Tim people of I'onilloton need u pijior, and to Imvo ono tlioy am obliged to kIvo It their niOHt liberal MUjiport. Un J"W !w Ilirv'J linudryd ubnerllerrt can lxi olilulnud tltu abllcntlui of tho morn tn dully will not lo commenced, and tho ovcninn dully, which wo now pub Huh, will In) tllrtcoutlliuod. TIiohu who Wo not wMi thu daily dlxcoutlniied will PIchho tidco uiioiikIi InterwHt in till) matter to astil in obtaining thu required num ber of HtiliHcrllwrri. Our oxcuhd for put- t ting tho mutter mi pluinly In bocuiiKO wo rati woU uworo thai ptibllHhltn; a daily pin.r in n town with l'cndlutou'tt popu lation in promatiiro and tinprnllUblo, but if tho cIUxoiih will moot tin half way Ihoy can have u dally pawr which they will bo proud of, and which would bo a credit to a town it larjju unuln hh Pendleton. Mow tho inioHtiou In, do llio mplo of IVndlotou want a dnlly pit pur or not? It it for thuin to decide. tWII t)t'ITATIONlt Tho Ruiupaiitn in over, but it will do no harm for either PcnnxTiitHor Itopublicuim to rut'onHldor and rollout further on tho imucn dlHcunned duriuK tho iant few weoltH, nnd for that purMni wo hornwitU ropriMluro oxliuvtH from two lettorn, both written by men wIioho vIowk wore in their day entitled to coiiHldorution. Tint tlrnt in h lattor written by Henry Clay, who Ih often ipiotod un u protection ist. Hut IIiIm ix wlmt ho wrote on tho nub jecti "Tho Hum und MiibHtauco of whut I eon celvo to Ih tho true oliey of tho United HtatoH in rt'Mpoct to a larlll' may bo lirietly Htatud. Incoufuriuity with thu principle announced in tho oomproiulKoiu't, I think that whatever rovenuo in nrnvunary to un economical and houoHt administration of tho general government ought to bo do rived from dutlcn iniorHd tixn fondgu importn, And I boliuvo that in OAtabliMi iiiKatarltrof thono didlen hucIi a ills criinluation ought to Ui madu um will In eidentully ull'ord reaxonablo protection to our national lnterextH, I think tbero Ih no danger of a high turiiV Udug over oh tubllHbed; that of IK-.'h'wuh eminently downing of that denomination, I was not in CongroMH when it passed, unit did not vote for it ; but with itn hUtory nnd with tho clrcimiHtancoH which gave it birth 1 um well ucnuaintoil. Thuy were highly discreditable to American legblu Hon, and 1 hoo, for its honor, will never tw rojHjtoil. "My opinion that there Ih no dnugor hereafter of a high tarllt'U fouudetl on tho gratifying fact that our muuufacturvH have now taken a deep root. In their in fancy they needed a greater meaimro of protection ; but un (boy grow and advance they actptlro Htrength und idublllty, uud eouHoipiently will ie)uim leu) protection. Kven now norno brauchua of them are able to maintain in dlntunt marketH huc coh(uI iMinimtltion with rival foreign manufacture," Tho other Ih u more recent declaration, made not many months ago by that emi nent Kepublicau, Mr, Hugh MeCullough. Ho itiod thin laugtiago : "I have not only leen a Republican, but I wan, aa long an tho party existed, u Whig of tiie Henry Clay ncluvol, 1 am very aorry that now, when near tho end of a long llfo, I inuat discontinue my party eounocUonii but when the party uuder bad leadera, UUregardii itt pledge, aad tloteruiineri to pcrietuate a ayatota of taxatioa which was adopted aa a war Maura oaly, kud wkick bow auatabaa, r ia iatoaiMd to auaUla, oao graat later cat at Um expmaa of auuiy otUar aatl ntood for ycarH. I can rctnuin with tho Kepublicau party no longer, without a Fucrillco of principlo and dihrvgard of im perative duty. A man named Jordan, who arrived in HoHtoti u few davfl ago from Durham, N. C, told a big yarn about Having been run out of Durham on peril of being inur-1 dered if ho remuincd, Iwcuuho ho ran for coiiRtabloon tho Republican ticket. Tho wliolo Ktory wort incredible on tho face of it, and now rollahlo gentlemen of Dur ham tell tho truth of tho cuho, which i.s that bo was invited to leavo that placo bccuiiHO ho incited negroen to break open u uoiiHtruction car of thu Northern it Dur ham Itallroad Uompany, nnd jiofhoph tliuuiNelveH witli 100 dvuamito curtriiigeH, nnd uIho to burn tho renidonco of Caleb tlrcon, which win actually dcHtroyed, with other building in tho town. Onk of tho Orogonlun'n chief delightH, and itn inont congenial occupation, in to vllllfy dond men. With kIioiiIIhIi glco it loves to jiour tho gull of ,it hatred of lui inanity upon tho graven of men who did not ulwayn in their life time vote tho Re publican ticket. It thought it had a now victim tho other day, when it wan re ported that W. II. Ilurnum wan dead, but wuh a littlo premuturo, an iJarnum, at hint udviccH, wan utlll allvo. No promi nent Domocrat ban died for yearn but Iihh lx:en followed to tho gravo by the in liumati curncn of thin Mr. Hydo of Portland. Two KmpornrHof Germany, father nnd Hon, liavo gonn tho way of nil the earth within a fow months, and now the third, tho grundnon of tho old Knlner who ruled no long, and Hon of tho humane and pro grcHHlvo monarch whonu time upon tho tbrono wua ho nhort, in reported III, Though young, uud a king, ho in lot mortal. It would bo u Ktraugu bit of hlHtory, if three Ktnpcrorn of Cermany, uud lineal dcficonduutn ono of tho other, Hhould glvo up tho ghoNt in tho mIioiI pa co of u year or two. Tiiukr Mornivn cldcrH who had been in Murion County, Georgia, uWit ten duyn, wero tarred uud feathered, uud warned to leave within twenty-four.hotirH. ItiHHuldtho tarring und feathering wan done by alxjut llfty of tho bout cltizonH of thu county. Tho Mormon bogged for their liven, uud promlned to leavo, never to return. Thnt'a alMiut the right way to treat thorio fellown. At lkaht a fow men, each with a few ncreH of ground on tho rivor bottom land near Pendleton, could make more money by ruining jwultry, eggn, and vegetable!, than moHt farmerH muko ralclrig wheat on u ipmrter-Kectlon or u bulf-cectlon of land. It in htrange that thin fact ban not been taken advantage of before thin by other people than Chinamen. Tin: Salem Statesman, Itself a Hepub lienn paer of tho stralleut sort, thus puyn itn compllmcntn to tho Oregoniun: "Tho 'malignant littlo scrubs of Oregon lournullHin,' an termed by tho Portland lluMitrd, uro tho newspapers that havo brains enough to hco through tho arrant hyi)cflsy of that venomous old Huddle blunket, und independence enough to Hpcuk their mindrt." Dakota must bo u lino pluco to live. Two ir three days ugo they wero huving u nice lively hlUxard, with miow not over two or three feet deep, uud now it Is re ported that great jiralrio flren arc rugiug. Tho follows wiio didn't freozo to death will now have u chuueo to get warm, Tho twelfth genorul assembly of the Knight of 1-abor is in hCHsIon In Indian u polls. Harry, tho Michigan Knight who wun expelled, wuh' present und tried to speak, but was not ermltted to do ho. I Powderly will jirobubly retain bin ascen ' deney. Tur.iiK aro twenty-llvo or thirty cusea of Hiuull-pox in Portland, und imito a numlior of case in tho Willamette val ley und Southern Oregon. lVrtlund hud several cases of tho disease when tho .Mechanics' Fair commenced, but thin wun kept Hocret. (UhuhlkV majority in (1,051, but tho Republican uro preparing to count him out becuuve tho edge of some of tho bat lot cast for him wero not perfectly smooth, Of course thoy bellovo in u free ballot uud h fair count. VimitsiA nnd West Virginia uro still "doubtful," though from tho latest re ports it seems probable that the Demo crat havo curried both of them by small pluralities. Opera House ! 2 Nights 2 Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20. KniriiKcmrntof V". K. Uoclii'fU rV MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY,! - Prmentlnu - 1 Widow O'Brien, (In t un on Hid llrl.tol) nnd SENIOR AND JUNIOR, the two fimiitcst iiliturdttlcs ever written, Introducing JVciw MuMc, New Sony, licautl'ul Chovuncn, Jfew NitcclattlcM, Special Srtticr, And All the Latest Novelties. GRAND STEAMBOAT SCENE. PcnTve d N'i now on Hulnnt Fletcher'. BUY Notes and Receipts FROM FIRST HANDS. lAtryn Stock Jtmt from firrtmfH, at Low Hfitrc. the The Latest For ms III pmls nr Ismko, We ttloo Imvru $2000 Stock of Legal Blanks Including Circuit and County Court, I'robatn uud County Court, Justice' (Vmrt, Itcal KMuto, Minccllune oim und lamd itlanlis. Send for Samples and Prices. AlmllNKK EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO,. 1'endUlou, Orrfun. Watson & Luhrs, t'roprlaton of tb Steam-planing; Mill, Sash and Door Factory and Lumbar. First National Bank OF PJCKDUCTON t.KVV -.NKKNY.l'rtnldrnt. JAL'OU KHAZKIt, Vice ITrsldinl, SAM I. HrUKU!8,l'Mshler. I u, II. ti aiik, A'KKisnt uaanisr. Transact i GentraTBanking Bysiniss Exchange on All Parts ol the World Bought and Sold. Collection tnadr at all point on in solialile Irnns, I WM. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary ami Heating Engineer:. Miinufacturt'r Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus. KOIt IIWKM.tNIIHOIt I'Ullf.tU ll(nU)INOh HHoltk'Htltuiii and fstlmi-. MrnUliixl tin lifKtlnit bultclinr in any svctluu or Die iyhui tr. CorTllplndll kollrltnL OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Partland.Oregon. ju-j flfestand, Warier & Go. Echo, Oregon. in Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller Mills Flour. CHAS. H. DODD & CO. Mfomnt or gardware, Iron, $tee AND FARM MACHINERY. FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STREETS, PORTUlfy Solo ARcntd for Oroeon nnd Wualilngton far KlltlNKJIJ.' , w tt-RE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. Mingle. Double, or Trlpnto Furrow. Tlirr rao nlmnlofjnd tomato Mtrttaltj. .ion, .aav mum wuu iiuvu inrii, ur prvii iiit'ni worK MQ not wmmTi!1 thilr tiralnr. WofilriilKli tlii'ln with or wllhoot t .iiTrJr""! hpat nltui;linionlnto');trri. ' . BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. Ililckr.v Ho Vrm drain Drill, r.uekcye PJrri, DucUcye Hprlnr Tooti Htm k anln l)rlll,HUrlorHtdW --"iw,i CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Tin" lateil Improvnl Implement for owlnr? Rummer fallow. The meet uceiml tool for tlila purpoie In um. W a full Una at Eimglen, Oarriaei, Fhaetoni, XoudUJi 1 Platform nnd other Spring Vehlolti. . SCHUTTLER FARM WAGON8. , Luwrcnrr riiajilnV Hprlns-Toolh Unrrtiwn, Dfrrfl Harrowi, BcUtlfi tmil 1 MUlItU F KI1IIIUK llla 11A1H11 IIAItll WI1113, ETC., OGXC. 4 v-sl'.Nl yoil SI'UCI.VT. CIKCUI-AiW and prick list. Fair at Pendleton! A Urand Konov I'nlr will lnio iIbcii ul GAGEN'S NEW MOTI3L on 1 iicoday, WulniMliiy und TliurxJuy, The 20th, 2Istand 22dof November. fancy Work of wvi-ry dfrlptlon, IncludlnK Mime hmtitlful wax drulKii", nnd n num ber of vnluablo nrtiuliM kindly do natPd liv pnrtln In lVmlli'liti, 111 1h dUHWM.Ml of ly (ilinnco. SALOONS. VLTIt-f-'AM IIOKM01I, PlWPIUt I lie vny nrrwrry, Win I iiinidiitureKOD, MHini'rtror nud pminptly JellTerM. ri KNITUKK m-pl In 'UkK and made mi oruer. CKDAH HIIINUI.KH Kdll HAl.K employ-! nil. and work Mrl-l.i workmen lone a onleni WATSON A Lf'lltH. I'endl'itnn.Ominn, SI Oil A O K and FOU WARDING SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A. IJ.EJ-A.X-jIljY' ritAOTKI.M. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main and WeliliHlrfoU, f.nxtcri. Made nnd Mhot Hlork. t'vifrut nt (limranl i Hoot Money to Loan In umall aoum on perMinal m-curlty at ica. Minablit rtfH. Negotiable Paper Discounted. Apply to Cows For Sale ! APPLY TO Marshall & Dickson Pendloton, Oregon. James Crawford. 7 I Mauuratitirer of and;t)alr In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. ' Whips, Etc., I i Sheets A Large Doll tcprreiitluK n brl'1" ilrewcd In while allu, nnd tin Wheel of Fortune will .m! ry ultntullve (ciiluriK. A Fine Supper will be served every evening Commercial Litify, Feed, ml Sale Stable, J. 0. KEENEY & CO., Props. Put up your animals and your money at this stand. Thero is no bottor in town. Our patrons and frionds will be well treated. COMKTUbEK UK. AM. KINIM UK 1U08 KOU HIHK-TtlK KIN KMT THIIN OUTH IN TOW'.V. J.B. KEENEY Co.. PROP A ItNOLU A PI'IIMKKR, I'Uum x. oi in uraaiuia iirtwrrr. u or of und wliolmala and null i berhy th)clMii,boUle,(llM.ktl i ry u jou, T AWHON KNOL1I, namiH XJ innmarMaiooo. nnatiN,Ut onca'". i auuinoH mr on urKiv crnla a nlai. Wlnehirt'i InUleiV olHlir. Main ilrcct, opfxwlUl TTUlKll KKMPRR. I'ROI'RIKTOI JC KlveCenl lleerHall, ktlam. Ioitoro, ilrauclil beatbraudi, mtook I'endletou. lVid!lM Wlnet. Itqnnrttnil TT KINK.PBOI'RIKTOBOri i ;eition l'arlora, Main Him Court Jlotirfl rlniiar. In' Ttw brick. The ! WIliM. U'joon. Kluctnt tunnlie nerrrd to utrm TJKTKU I'AltMSCNTIRIt. rSOfl I Of .b.lMl.lltlll!Hlll .Mll J,liii '"if it i,.M7K I i ... I . ... t .- li ! ' . ,11, I I.M fill ( t l 'l IIIMINil i S H l imv in, r tr. r k m . III llllU ! 'l' Tents and Wagon for Bala K l. HOVI Jt CO,, Ku.t OrrcoiiUn Il.illdlinr. A V B 131 J HOOK PKIO ES. I I'midlflon, Oregon I Headstones, Monnmonts R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. Vor daalfma and nrloM nuill Jw aiua aws (.itinw, Uf a tMi Mm. fk. Till PMdlitOR Kollir Mills, (Capacity SCO barrvla r day ) W S. BYERS A CO. Proprietors.; i I'uudUtob, Orfnuii. I MHiiufuctuivra of tlruliam, Kranulaud and Mlf-rUlii- Klour. Hishral VumH I'nrr fa Id KImiIm r rnln. nr All Klour. mi. I .rliiiu. cU t. ultraya ou haud, Estes & Guilds, Proprlnort o ih CITY LIVERY rKKD Jt SALE STABLE. Baled Hay and Grain. Mvcr4l Htc. Miracle r !, StMflle Haraca alwajra kruKL inm kr4c4 by tka Aajr, Wk MMlSu All Klada or Fl Far 8lt, la Hatall ar OXABOM mBAAOMABLB! THE OPERA SALOON. M. BRENNER, Prop. coimrHntKKr . i'knui.kton Nfiedoor lo I,axer')pra llouw. ThK ItMt llrand of Wlnm. Uouor and Clfan Sandwiches or All Kinds. WKINHAHiyp.S UK Hit. -I I I K" II. ,ri . ' " n- i ) ni'wl'n i"l'.l ' ""' 3 ROBERT BOND CAPITA!. U.M)M EsUblishtdln Porllsnd in 1877. .x paid In Orfsoii....... ...I1CJ30 IM4paldln WiMhu(toii Tar, ....... ,7 Oraln, wwit, t tc, i-overvd from time of de ll very In rounlry wnreiioinh or rullniad until Mild III t'ortlaiid or Han KrancUco, Includlnc rlaka lu tru nit from cars to utonmnr, wbtle on wbarye. etc ' IlKKUKItT KOLO Kit, Manager, . . . S7HUrkHt.,l'ort!Ml. CtorroK A Jackok, Aeenu, apll3ii, reudleton, Orecon. -DKAIJill IN- BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, SAU SAGE, DRIED MEATS, LARD. Court Btrcel, opporlta J. II. ahoetaaker!. aehladtw W.D.Hansford&Co. Dealera In THE BOWMAN HOUSE -Jf. rta, rrtpritfr. Mala Mil Railroad Bti., readlaloa, Orego at aa4 kaa a?.ry MimlMa, Term st a Hardware and Tinware PUMPl AND PIPS. PLUMBING Promptly Dmi. MAIK HTKMtT, rKMBLBVOlT. A MafcWatl UbUC l"T"" -Ha4 ' ,'""- ...i-..i, i. cover nun uy rifiiuni III the Kaut 0ooIAlfc II ' yery time. Villard Hoi avk mmnit NortuweNt comer mm piNDLiioir, cm . i AMI nUNTU Al.l.Y 1 .1 H i A VUal lall.uu Re-oened, Ke-furHiW iniiiiwl in Fir 01m Style canals' DiUlaK PM OL Free Coach to rusdfi Bucks for . .... '' . . Of ".7ZU William rom.. - durloa lh P'V.'rT.HlSw DeiBg; Tim . .tiara' aih&. orfMI.Htr m ut1: ta iiaaa . 1-t -ui a