Tilings wore found a little topsy-turvy flKVY.NOVHMBKIl H.18.S.S. l0rrK(.iiliHi l!rnmlinill..f. i . morning by Msverul Pendleton , icaiuiH, c-MnH ttt.ru removed, boot (black stand woio hidden, boxen and Htovos wore placed ug.iinst doorH, etc., 1 .'.-. g'-K f loughs iliirlnir tin nli-ht. iiiiHiH go ng to oxtremo In practical N- "tight mul Bhinlng neceMt, und It in ! Jokfiiir. and If the ekeri, could bo raiiKlit I not to bo wondered at. If three brass and made to tuiend a iiL-hl or l. Pi,., land, blazlntr ...i .1.!:..." . " TIIK HAT1K1CATION. ! one of tliu rliVni-ttlnif . t-nmtlntr nrdnr. a rr.t8ucc,.M-Nt,r Krrty HrpnWtmn j w -bllcmcd by J. H. Eddy, who re in Ihn utr T,m n I'ri.rram ?ted. 1 "" 0 '""-cdoto or HO, which. 11 . telegraphed to drover, would TllU KetllltlliiM.i .ltll....ll I...I..J i .i... . ..1 it. . ... Wi.lorn uivaoii ri i'mciiiiiij' ' uiiioiiiv soillltill! ill llwi i',,f,l,.- t i. . i.f I u llliiliinr in In,,.,..., .. 1...11 j 1. ..... i'".'. .. ii... V.AXt UliHIiiNlA 1 1... .. iii.i 1 ..." " ":v,V." u iKiiiviy 01 ncavy , ... .Ill I. ' . . Ulll lllLllllf 1 1 1 1MI. 111 I IIAI P . ,1.'. ttimllnlii.. II rl III CI VII IMIhlluu.l. 1 ..T I . . 'Siihru 1 rr 1 mi. Mini mince - xi.ihi uniiiiKiiiuiiir. i t . 'i 11 u !'vcnii uuviih, rem :Tihiiitii. Tin-niii-ij min tiiHAb-i John f.oworov m In inm. Imm n, , luroid by tin-horn tmisketrv tinutit mml 4i-"ll Sur'E. " iifiTf 'US K.vsr ' ft"011" ,,f "ork on 0. & W. T. It. U. I tw or .J1' regiment f ambitious kid.-, , . . l.iril IHI'm-it. .... . - . ... ... --- . w "I'v..... ii'i.r, .iiuiiK 1HU I . ...v, ll'i.lil' KM " 11 ' "i .. 1 ....w, ..iv niiiiiuii 1111 miller J.UlVKll Illll n .. . ..., i... uniki: u - T'M I I ' .f .- Ilia iiwimmoi.ittloii of u. I.,.. 1 1 . .....! .1 I ti tin lieu minn.,lil 1 1...... 1.. 11 .ml 11 n-hnlioim in llioolllee , ." l."",au " :iiuieiioii. ,.:i '."V" w in np. 1 1 riu k in mid wil lln I IlPim n.ll-j f owhjuuiiiik iimiriniy wroni; wi ll t ie mil- Trii" iXTtalnly have mudo him Verv llliiMinfiinililn. 11ml eonlnin- 1 plaloan itninudiutu rcsiutmtloii. Hepre Hentatlvo-eleet II. .1. "Iteun next ml BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. Special Sale of Fall and Winter Clothing. He- .ti i.tiift. i .... . -... .. ... ii . .." i. .. .........ii.... ... II II 1VI"K III III I'l IWI 1IIU. n 1 . . .. .. ........I .. .. I.... i. .. J i.lti IllllHO 111" 'Hinii' 'It'll iiiimiuu-i i.iii.iriir HdiiH fie?. Walla Wul mul il.o i ...in i. veiK'. - ' "iw Kiiutmu till! UU i tit i . ,.r.---t---- ; itiuy romiileled to town. Inifore the tlnm : "r"om tlio day liioiiilnent l!M 1H) M .''v'v.-'-' i"reed liiuiii. iiiblleann from all over the eountv ;,ib!(KijK'Ki'M'i"r.... ii uii. ,. ,, dieeii nour in- n. und tin. p,.v...l. , ' '"- -- , ; --...v...i. . . iic iki'iniuiii.tus niiiiuiiv , ni ii mi viim m,il' i. ........ .... ' .. . .. "Uinih" I Klllllllil ipilliH from .... I.. 1 ..II inu iiuijv:ii, nil About llftv weto Milton, coiiift twenty 1 1 ten. 11. l.ci:, I'liiliir. mont for H.nt.endm.HeH.i.t, jinilinete bHt, ffi TJmL dliiKUuttlHtoHt. hlh tarlllentlst, hell-llred- I Jbmll from oh int. inn fron uiitaiL.iiji -.ni! i.... I ri uuieii irom .Milt ' ,.w.iuni i.miii.tliuu I l.ol ,n .'11)1)11 I'nii.l.l- ,,f tiii- IVtrlt (lr.iv l'urri1 MiiIIk. Srpli he.-H0d the km ,f ,,.turn(-d fueen. and S i ; i'V, V, w.'., J li-l'. ia aiililaudeil when lie lliil-lmil wllhtho M .i'-ki,,,, i i, m,,s,iii. .! iiui oiiiu emenitiu uio iiniiienco lienor Mc' M.,tticii i in..tsuii s.rit . mn bo. The im. .t, Dnliili huh ii.i... . "" intr.Mluoed. un.ld Ui,ntu,,.. ,,il, i. . ii .I..;.V..: L'.r XV1' H""" eomniaudliiu iuohmkv. 111m fieeeh huux Mni-1 Uivk'i i ru'i -, wk . !!.'.'.!!.;!""'!!...;.'' '.i.;..'.'V.l!".'"'.!!I. an Hard v ulmt .m mi. . ' '. !." ". i H.-h m i wi -uu-.-uok dlcc.1 ner.011 u V. 1.1 "v "M . wen " rK wl"" M',,,lw k - in United .-lalfH Senator bow-1 l"t.:v'l.,:,.l,,l., ,V"',,,!" '"' ln"' I'mn-y IMnkClit-ck Htiii, niick nvnr lllia r , ' i i . ,0W- Men i. I lulu Ciicvlul suit, mi-k . I, ,i " .n'"" " milium oi wir- .Miir .-sem rmiil Mulls, mirit I mil l Vimn jl,lm, ut t() .if.,...,,.! i,,w.im,,i MnnV Mo tloil l-ulicv Mix Hails ' ". ' puwotmer bituiKlit In a iicrfeet 'dc'luw of i "'.IVtVir.r!1.!,1.0! ,iun)' i"mv, M MoriJ ' m"? .s,n.?";,?l,, u,H,!-'"' ,Ml "'" ll,,m" M''""" S1""' "Mh . 1 1 . . '.. . :h ";iaino cuiiermi HimIioh nf i.i(.,ni,,n,-.. , .mod' tt-tti c haIdihh i. mh-i limine for the Itetiiihllemu S r. !'' ..- i!i ''"''U Hniis-m'U iln. llnni.-... i. .. .1 i " ; i .M.'irnl)illil lMii.rini-1; hiill-,"" IIHhl'HlAlN tnule 1'riiB IU11 to-iilglit. .w.nil iOIIViiliH lIL'illll oil ilt. njhi'licenhuuril of Jv W. Hal- ttafWI'lwr- J. X. Doll'" wl" Iimvo on lit Im twin tor l'ortknd. . t ...III l....f.. .... oiwl. j,an UiU lloti-l will Ivo thrown rt-i rAtiiMrifl .Mnililiiw In wt ittranRO to nay. I'm. J tint I co of the I'eueo of ,.n iitivllon comes oil' next Who Hill be the candidate? aitiU at nil hoiirn ut the French .. I W UI....I1..I.I I, r,. I, i-l.it. I. 4t II. I.WI...V..., l'..'1'a.w.... csJletoii rianin Mill in runtiln ! c-iucity, und yet can hardly ilhilit onlorn. I'.,.r ni Dm Mill, i l-' i il.. at the iluli'iiMtiou from Milton mi iii tliu nm canon. ;x Ik crc.itiu quito u ntir in l. All tlio children in thenclioolH . i...r i ..i l, mv 1.1. If, imiiiimivu. in u iikiHant little ball i;lven Hftclicrln theoN!ra liounii, after nilVlli MIUVII 1111.1 WUII UllVIIIIUil. ll.r.Nnptoii, of Vale, .Mulhetir hwnlly received iiowh of the kii lirullicr, al Heloiia, Mon- lioin Ueoton, nearly Heontv from tcryillo, and robably twenty-live l;)w-oiit that ever bhook tho rock-ribbed lillHln the.uepaitB, or mudo a Democrat bunt bin hole anywhere. A ucod honpital in one of rendletonV lon-felt wantn, and whosoever e.iu fill it will have the thankH of the doetorn and tho community. If the Catholic Biatcrn wcro to entablinh one hero It would bo both a Mennin to liumanllv mid a protltablo ventum for themnelven. f-overal people on tho nick lbt are naid to bu eonvoli!."clmr. A ron of .1. W .lour dan, living hi the upjur end of (own, and Mm. I.. A. Walicer. Iinth nf wli fllll liuvn iH'en verv ill witii tun tinivniont iIihouuii i men unionist t ie emwii u of the erIol,typhoi(bmnluriu, are rocov ''V,,1 Dl' M-'el1 thri-ailliif? Con front I ratn: b it.,f lu.r. .iiVi 1 "-"-"... .-in-, ii.ck niont there wan none. 111k statenuinl ;.n No. ilifli) " miUih nr M-ir iMrk ciici-k Sniiit mill, ,W) Hi, it tin. ,., nm,.. I.. I I fuiumeni m, n h Mlirpli, nl cheek Kxtni sill, mo ; M mat iitoi ountrj l ad been wived from a Men' mown Twi . .t cinm mi i. k " " . A.i ,...y i.. i..: . :.ii- "y.,r "rno caianuiy limn mil ireiilPiiiu i imiv Hiilr-l. ue' I'weei su l. car ( ...... p. .,. lal,r,j uiuty ai.ie-liodieil t ur ,. ,0 evJ wur. ,i , vj:.r " MrnS l.lhl llr.iy Cheilnl s ill..'lt .7. T Sn ?'X colli! Jul a fuTl eh fn '"rttho nallon anVrK an w '"he , No, .! r- r X ii ! llio c o V. by 1 10 Y cs ,jf i-W'I'l. '" '" !:ot anH r -Mimi'm lil.io met I1.-.1 1 .1 Hulls moU. luiiKH hi mo o. p. ... . f , ,., , ... i. . i Men' lim it ami llniwn Slrlim clipvlnl SulU. mick paiaiauie to an Impaitial mind. Tlio'!;"' :n70 !miH or-MinV Hnmu nml Whltn Mixni Nuli-.Mirk eieeiiou oi a wemnerutli! l'ril,onl f,,n, ' "iih-h unu wiiun .mxi'ii ini, men Uli,lliit. . ... . ....'...v... .v... .Muni. liu.ti.l f 'I.....I..I I l,il lh,'l, Unit, h.l.tlju . .... . ' i . venrn aei) nun iiol i iMirnvp.i tin. i.,.i!,... - .. iim) inajjie irom mjiiio Hidden noutce, no tlmm ll lu.,... ii. ..... ...... . " ..V' i.t :intu ,..,.!.- .,r four yearn of relirn thiV nlM 1S l)lff, ri'l '"trrn In Ourn nnui. d c.ilni. t .sulln. mirk South had not held tlm m.Imm I !. . :"0 'n.lil r- McnV llrnllinr .Mined Hull, Hack Hie remilt wan that ulnru- tmvunl ..Villi I Int' tho fltreotn were lined with animated I humanity, who neemed to have nnrnmi i , . . I l . i . . . numien wan tne iuhui an inn train e.ime In. All wore lfatrinon and .Motion liadee:). und uverv face iIIkiiIuvpiI h lixilr of oxiKictauuy. antleinatlori. ' Now and i'rjin luve no advantage over ;nl.(rdtlnnri ill tin. miiiiiii ,11 UIUI onloy l're.4- tin the llAir Ukkooniak buildiuK bm f.-' lo each, IneludlnK hot IUlai,ite:iiu heatini;, hot and h.W. Wulknr In ut l'limiilenu. Ill brother..!. M. Walker. T. 111. .11 1 1 1, f I- Mine. fH Pill III, I .1.1 1'.il ml f., fit.. pn inpni thf KifT Oiiimiosian. but know njj. ii. I i.r,....... m.I.xh I t.... MM.. V.JI.nillll, ii Pllll- u rorinimtel in town hint iilflit l nf citlienn. It wan quite u u din wimty'H reprunentutlve sVtk am nearco in I'undletoii. .iiiuiiu in iiiiiio mail inn IQj I lief r Will.prf nr.. nt tin. tmt Nahort lennon in political lr. in ii... ii ii... i IVl lurtl.... ..I.I. I ...III... --. . rMi.iVn nun iniiiui 1111:11111 ,v'iii Tii.ii inn i.iiiiiiur 111 llh.ll.h l... .1 . - I .1 . I " """"IMiriH 'ILH ill Hill until- Xllton band, conildorlni; the w lb ureauiiatinii. iieniiliin.1 --j U.IIUUH, inn ri'inno- niuniu nun im 0111 eMail- erliig Don't make uny mtntako, all nH'ctatorH fit) renU, lady loankern fiO tontn, and Ken (Ionian mankern fl. Dominoes und mankn for rent at tho hall to-nlsbt. Don't fall to hoo tho bicyelo exhibition und calcium dance. Tho flrnt nnow of the neai-on fell thin forenoon, nol enough, however, (o bo called "beautiful." It will nerve at a Ki'titlo reminder to the family man to lay In bin winter nupplv of wood without delay. IT. H. Mnm hal Uulid. and J. II. (law. ley, tlefeated candldato for Conerenn. both of. Idaho, punned through town Monday ovcnlne on their way holne from South ern Idaho. 0. ll.Wllnon.of I'llot Hock, one of the flrnt men to Htibncrlbo for tho Kr (: IONIAN when It wnn Unit launched on tho neii of jourtiulinm. in iu town to-day. C. H. Mvermoro.of thotlrm of S'omi'r indyke A l.ivermoro, of Wulla Walla, wan In town yenterday. .1. 11. Keeuoy came up from Arlln(ttnn on thin morning' train. r.iiu.x IIKI.OW. Democrat hin way to nomo at inter- new und ouietly and dojitcdlv aloim obneum retreat, ami even vain the close obnerver could then njiy out a Clovoland und Tburman IiiuIko, worn In u opirlt of bravado, but tlicnolnstatice-jwero few and far between; the KeiuiblicanH had ulmoft a clean sweep of tho ntreetn, and wore in over- wtieluiiin; majority. nnoruy uiieriiie raimmi?ion train ar L-aeo and 'pronjierity hun beoii the ilfn'" ,t,',1 Hn'' Wh,l M,X,', H""' ,MK'1 Straiik'o. in t not, that a United .. ; y. .iloconiMnf Bnn,orvlH an,ert, ln7hoalUt of ' fiSSS Silfc SSMte ' " pi Borernmont, nor the nation been brotijsht to iHJVerly. On the eontrarv, an era 01 jieae tenult. Sli S'taton f-'ennt 1... .....1-.1 ii 1 . mill niwnieoKo, (11111 anoincr lour voarn ol Democratic mlo would havri iH-onruin, disunion, dlnruiitlon, "connplracv." Hut Dolph made one rtatemont wlilch wan artleularly plcanant that there wan per hapn no town In the whole United State h It h I'endliilnn'H fiipMIHpd u IiIpIi 1 an n neiier, a more Klorioim demoinitra 1 ii... 1 ...... .. 1 . . 1 . ..... Ml B 1 : .... ill, 1().(K) at 10.50 tit. 11.00 at II. (50 at at at 12.00 12.K) i:too at la.W) MenVHIlk Mlxrtt Mtllne Willi, knek. Jinirit iimkel Cherk Hull, froek .... jifir nun' MPiinn Mult, lioou., Mrrrlrk I'Ueril Mt.liitls Ilrnilj'n lllnininl Wllliuul Acrlilfnl-lllaek Ye I III IVnrtle tun. Deputy Murnlml W. .1. Fiirninh mudo the trip below without uccident with Jo nepli Merrick, (hnwouM-botruln-wrccker, forger und denporado. und placed him at tho dl-poMil of Judge Deady. I'd. Hlack, bin ullrgrd uccomplico in crimo, had an oxumlnatloii thin morning liefoie Com iiiiuhioner Tiintin, but no decinion wan rendered, t'ubllu onlulou In nald to run high on tho other utile of the mountain iH-kilnat tin. tr.itti.u'ropV.irM iitul If tliiintii, ployen who were on the pufrvnger whleli lowed by tho rendleton band. rived, the ntreetn were 1 Inmiimted hv bon-llren, and the Itepnbllcati huunen ami placon of buninenn along tho line of march of tliu proeennion were decorated prettily with Chinese lanterun, and rown of caiidlen in tho nhow-windown. making uu ellective liniuy of lighted nplctidor. Tho prognim oiiened with munlchy tho Aiiiioirunn remueton nanus 111 tliu Hand stand at the court-hoiine. I'rnvloun to their urilvul uu impromptu baud of youthful ilemoun, untied .with tin-hornn und terrltlu lung-Hiwer, had been making Home unit lcinlty howl with inharino iiinun uoinon. Nor did they eoani after the b.uiiln had occupied tliu htand. hut attempted l drown tnuin out, making u conglomeration of nouud that wun truly uwtul. .NoIm wun unoul all that wan wanted, however, and theio wun enough to pleane the mont fantidioun. The proeennion wan then formed ulong Court ntrcet. Kveiy one, who no denired, Kciu'd 11 torch and formed In the raukn. Nearly every one of thotorchen prepared by the committee, and there were many, found a carrier, und there appeared tube myrladn of tliu glintening lightn manned along tho ntreot. The riinkn were formed without much order or arrangement. At tho head of (ho nnx'cniiiou rode J, M. lacier and 1. J. Suuimervillu. who wcro tho iilllcera in command, gaily attired, and bentrlding magnificent animal,. Following was Kletchur'n band; then earno a long Hiring of toreli-lieiirerM fol- r 01 low tlon. It wan u luiL'O liieco of ll.illerv. but a very iiloanlng tompllmont to tho enter prlno of tho town, and more enieclallv of ItH Peiiubllcan eltlr.enn. With Dolph'n nheech. the program cloned, and tho crowd dlni-erned to va rioim placed of renott, many taking 11 nnlot nmlle, or u numW of nmllen, ho lioving that u little lirmld eiitliiiHl.mni. proj-crly nnHlmllated, in goinl for tho mill, hvery one united in congratulating ovo- roDotiy eluo on the nuivenH of the rat i Ilea tlon, und on tho nuccenn of tho g. n. p. which it celebrated. Tho ehulrmiiii of the ltepubllc.in county central eoniniitteo, and memlii'rn of the varloim i-ommltto.s apioInled to luko charge of the work, are certainly to bo congratulated on the nueronn of the nitlllcatlon, which wnn really 11 credit to the town und will I mi not without itn ben eficial rcNtiltn. Tho ratification will be the wlnd-im of national Hilitlcal dcmoiiHjratloiiH in ren dleton until four yearn from now. Mem bent of the dllTotent partien, abarply tllvl (led during during the content,' will noon ro-unito un of vore, jxilitlrn will tako 11 back coat, anil everjthlng will be jioaco and neicnlty. I.Ot " .11 III C.lli.'ll. nl Men' Niitunil tlrny (no l 1 Hllll,HPk Mon'n Itliirk und while Mimll I'Uld Hiillx.Niirk , Men' llnirn CliHvlnl mpIi Hull, frock M?nV lllark C'nrkfirir Wnmleil HllllH, KUPk I.nl !. ai'iOOitnlMi of Mm1 l)rlt Clu'Vlo: Hulla.k.irk ) Mi'MM l-unry t'lu-vlol Hullo, nirli. Vnl double, tiri'HHtrd J Lot o. .11 ill) ''(inNlilmif. Men' llrown mid lllnck Hlrleel Hull. nck ' Jleir llluek nnd tlrny Hlrlpe HllllH, MIIL'IC Xpii'ii llluek CntkNPrnw cnlHtriiy, fnrk - nt M.(0 :HE;-:;:H.E.;:E:.:i3 I ni o. :illO( nliklut iit Mi tisirlivili'lHv(ii,ihiulil lircil ) Meu'4 Dark l.'hovlut, frnek Vat Iti.ftff .Mi'ii'n li.irn lliirl.lin', fiin'K.. Ill 1 .1.00 1,1. no nl 111.00 Int .f..T4IO (VinnlMK ut-Mi-n' lit nvy CiKflini'rP I'hiiIia... l.ol n. .122(1 Ciinl.ln of Men's lli'iwy ('Hmlinere I'mil. 11 xiiripii I.tit , H2:ill CiiiitlMMiif ll'ij ' CiiKulinero Mill", nines I'J to I 17 yearn - f l.ol Vn, .111)11 Coil-lklK f Mpti'n Itenvy "iveieoiiln, ulatr nit Kill. I.nl No. .11111 f'ntil-lM nf Chllilreii't Kiipp-I'nnt Hullo.iS pat- icrni nt ; l.ol Nil. nilllll I'lillihlmif- Meu'n Itciver liverponu, U nt o.nt I 4.110 lu.no 10 II Prepaid Charges to Pcndloton. 50 Cents Extra, l-'ull Linen of our SiiKrior lllauketn eonntantly on hiiud. Send for price lint. Order by Lot Nunibor. - Brownsville Woolen Mills, Uetall Stom, No. 1 HI l"irnt Street - IV.rtland, Oregon. H . I'I.... fP. 1 1 k'm.n.l 11 11 ... . . ifMiiiniii iiiirriMiiri in. Ptmasturat Walla Wulla. It in ii.'iiim m nariv Mi 111111 ran into tint iivnamito eon id 11 ita in non- 111: inn wan inn leaiuro 01 me nro- H.:Hion of the villains, their lime on eai Hi Icen-ilon. "graudpa'n hat," made of a would Im hardly long enough to breathe I barrel-hoopn, covered with bunting. Un it prayer or merev. It Innald Ihat.Mei- dor the hat wan 1111 Innocent-looking rick will booouvlcted of forgerv Ik'voihI a nhcop, looking placid und unconcerned, doubl, having given himself uwav on bin Tho whole mailt wan (Mated on 0 llltor, (rip lxilow to Mainbal Furninli, but and carried by prominent wool men. It whether tho evidence will le nulllcicnt to wan jirobably deIgned to prenent the convict him of bin other and blacker fact lliut tlm "grundpu'H hat" of ltepub crime, in vet 11 matter of doubt When lleanlnm would hover over und protect it in known (hat hud" their uttomptn been the woolly muttonn and their ownern niiccf.sHfnl,lraliiloadnfpacengoiwimld from further invaslonn by Deinixracy., have Ih'oii danhed to hihtant ileBtriiction, Intermingled umong (ho torches wero thewi men, If gulltv of the crimo clurged numeroun trannparenclen, of varied do ugalnnt them, would upjioar to be tlend- sign, nomo of them rather into from 11 IhIi tlomonn Inntead of hiimaii bclngn. 1 Itepubllcan point of view. ( artoonn and Their purposo wan evlduntly to kill overy mottoen, calculated to make Democrutn noul on board, In order that none might I feel unwell und Republican elated, were bo left 10 hinder their uttemptn at rob-1 numeroun. Adamn, the "lianner Hepub berv. Thut tho villaiun wero thwartfd llcan precinct of Umatilla founty,' wan in a matter for great rejoicing. well reprenonted in thin regard. Hie II- liistruted vernlon of 'Turn the ItascalH .,.., Arrlval. : Out" wuh not partlcularlv edifying to 1 in t Domm:rutn. One motto, "0110, but not ii.i.Aiii) ljoutiK W K ("rtiH.CIncIn- F( ,, u ,oro ,re probably than KJ,0,,,,.morvillp;,-,1Uot'l V,,'; im tlenlgnern .-oncelvcd. and four yearn uirKuiiu wiif, tiemoii, 11 niunuii, " .V. luiiicii nmv 1 nd itn verilieallon to Hie nir- " - . 1 I . .1. lloothby, II F Day, Frank Mitchell, W V , Mint lllmarlr In Hip Konl, John Slanlleld, proprietor of the French restaurant, let bin enthusiasm run away with his judgment lust night, and being romowhut excited, com menced nhnotlng bin pistol into the air, while Htanding on tho Hiiewulk In front of bin rentaurant. Deputy Hhnriir McCoy Anally riifhed up to put 11 ntop to tills dangoroun priKYeillng, an 11 mail shooting with a pistol on n crowded ntrcet In by no meaim n nafo foil of iiemomige. Jiiht an McCoy ntepped iii to nelr.o it, Slanlleld threw- (he murzlo of tho pistol toward tho ground, und ut tho namotlmn It tx'curno tlincharged. Tho result wun 11 hole mudo by u -tl'-callbro bullet through (ho middle of bin foot, lie wanrarrled nto tho lentnurunt, undtleonlted In bed, and 11 phjulclan nummoned. It is pro nounced a serious w ound. - ... Tlifn t r li'M I Trrnt. On Monduv und Tiiendav imit'W. 1". Itochuster and bin company of roniedlami, numbering twulvo ladion and geutlomei,, will inuko their first npHiarauett in Ten tllelon. 011 which occasion they will pro duce tho two funniest comedlen ever writ ten, and in which will bu introduced all tho Litest nongn, choniHcs. music and ppcclallien, und will ull'ord uu entertain ment to suit everyltody. They coino ill tect from (ho Jlusli Street Theater, Ran Francisco, and tiro Hokeii of In the high est term by the pren of thut citv und Portland, They carry nmiclal wenerv for each play, and their own music. Thin in iindoubleuly the best entertulu mont over diluted to the eitirenn of Pen- .11. .1,.,, V'.... I., ...... nn ... l.M,.ll..,.l . nroeeeded. with torch boarern nplltting ta...irv tir Ji 1 ...111. 1-i.IIj fir "ll,lrrtj,.n J-"'". lllO Illllionpiiuiu mill ji.,." .v. . em. Let tliom thov mav. for no what astonlshern four yearn may ' ,'iaiL'u inn iM-111111,1, iiv.. inif I 11 "lllCll WMM tin. In,. ..l.iunu Wern S un'nl... I . .. r-vi t'UllllllUll.'(l ctrnniil .1 . .11 . m v ,vb,i,( "Hvo usnemoiy. . I. K1I1I1U11 .M. .1.1 ...... 'v. ins, Mpri,.,, .1 ..... 1. mn uie uiaiifiii' Isaue an "Cleveland and Thurman" ; wnt aloft, to show that ilia ' Man of lVrtiny and the Old Homan were , .l.X .....1 ...I.,!,- Stliunon, Pilot liock; II Stover and wifo, ti.,.r,.foro n.'iolce whlfo ti lilreli uicok : J v. amiin, u i- flioouy, is ,i. .11 ii..u,... . 11 i i.'..i. i ki ir :-v'"r. ' . 1.1.. r-v . 1 .-liui:i'. iiiinuii, 11 ,,i 1 iu. nm, .ir lirinir fnrlli. """'i 'luicaniior inu i) ace. 1 iiniviii.111. .1 s yiiihoii. .oiiii : J a urons . .. . ,. , i.b...i . ....... .. . . . . . - , - ...... - --- -i'l.. i..n.u,L,u 11,1 u nil 1 1 mi 1 1 will' riiiniii v -',1, Mil iiii 11111 0111 iiiaiii. i.: iir..iiiiiiiiin. iip.ii i :iwii'. i.ouih i.iifeov. . j ' . - ,. , 'inciiaiiii. ,uki. anv-1 null v mm inriif 11110 cniiiiren. oiiv: i ' . , , 1 1 in, dhuiii 1 1 111 1111111, 1. 11 v r.iimniiiirp. I "....r., '-- . .. 1 l .. 1 ' niiuvin ..... . ........ .....p, 111,,.., I,,., 11,,,. Iim Inviviuin 1IH Iliev 11UIIIIJIMII "I" I fri ... m , " - I ... TfVi-miroof b neaniiiul to- lutrlck and wo, in iircunuu, m j S:. : " 'eamiy not tho i 1111, wwuui iiiy "a m....'.... Now und then uldng the b.... T "u ."" "u.1 IV "XT , " . . i . V r i . it' street u ntr.iv .. J .11UI1V IIUV1I LhjUII I II .. .vi,.i,.,, , ' 1 . . 1 . 11 11 ii zii. 1 1.' Uu......- 1 uiiinr nun It OIIUX, J. i .iiuoiu, vniiiiKVi I .. 1 ii, .tier, Uttii rrancinoo; . .iranwi an., -,. ureaklll,th() monotony wile, uenierviiio; a .j. iui iu o, . n j--- - chcerilu., All u,b Unwell. Jonnio Moore. Union; A Olwn- "'" . "."', i,lrfi ,n ,,f ,llivil. I ilorrer n F Holl, J M .Lawrence. I'ort-, " 'Trf": . V H,,g reYirbt l?SJ)M5lw'n'H., ba-Merh-n along the ntrcet I.Mciiom, nioi hock, j r.oian.i. 1...- ..,1..,.. ublir.rrvnt to nenHitivo U6?.6' . . .... . ... t..i. earn. Old noldicrn seemed to liko it, IJowman itouhK it -v. iioocrw., i, it rvrtt an a fa nt reminder 1 iney laceu mu swim roaring of a hundrotl died nor wavered not. rAervalu alone (he line of ..mull in Dm enneral etfec- San FrunclBco; It T Hart andwiie. - il!um,natlni. m j.eavens with lie, Wm llrown, Milton: J A l.lndnay; J Hlooin.Ogden; fiam Hall, Hepimer. Tom Mulligan. Fulton; J 0 Moorhouw, Wu la i:r "'er, wuicU called him Kock; C Newcoinb. A U limy, iJenry .inecise wan (bereforo uever U'.mlnv. Nve: N .V Kobenon. Pilot Hock. ""Will n thu ..4 ...... - ..'.l II. .... k',,inlrllll JIM , Arnold u .till I.. ...i IV e.J niitnii IHlnt .A.', i i ' H...H. W It Stnsell. O UOMaii . ... . I i.. i- L-.......K. U I! Kern. J i .;"-i-(Kiitii iu timiim,! in 1 iveiiiiiHir. r. nt-iiiinj. " " -.- .. rJraiin,i.,i,.. f.;.... i.' ii..i,.i,.. : w kniiit and wue, toia i.i " " '.rer"r i v . ...... ii i-inn. H ihi im i a. i...,i....ii Till, i mi j n K.iii-urv. reiuu .mn, I . Iliunro. IIH iu, veuHjiieioi ii " l-- .. . jmentloiie.il.yhomeM.OIdii.HelU; W J urown, Hil . ... ii in it I. . iiltu. I. W Kintf. Miner, n n humiiu, vnv '."A ,i I? Country; I M IHivU, HelU; 10 Hyatt, Wertoa ; W King and wi(e,C;aen iUe; 8 F Hytt oad wjie, Blue MI: Jbo Noble, VUmobjRA Dooler and wife, Ams; 8 J Hjkek ui ioa, HtUs ; L D WiltUr, Wwtwi, BAZAAR! BAZAAR ! New Goods for the Fall Trade Boys' Express ATlWKIl PHICKS THAN KVI'.Il, Wagons, Voloolpodos, Oris' Tricycles, Plcturo Frnmos. i A Oomplete Line of Artists' Materials r'm till nnd l.ulif I'liliitluit ii ni I'll pur Kluwer Mnleill. The I'inesl blue of Stntlonery ever shown In the city, and ut lower IVinm. .inso a h'ni.h ,.v: or haskkts. Bargains on the 5, 10 and 25 Cent Counter. CARPETS! NKVT TO-OAV. iAt.. .. 1 It lfAAjlnt-.l M Kt-nnnv. A J i Atiama ; A J Itorden. C A J Cri,e, j o -M hnen w he. KSUivgorie, ri anr, .v.1R-"t,V.-:.,1o,,.ttnil tliu Henry Uennon. nun bij -r". n; , m I, H C t.uieo. Maker Uiy; Jno u u .Morrm, .: -. t-. in uniiA, . ,.i. . urn- uie Hiaiinu- -in.. " " ' "unpieicu neioro rv ,u j eaiemay m isa -mies Uontented" t w W,i v-,,m,iHndc.rw,(lnK tbat M ths lortpr. l8toaj. it u T Arnold did tint U1111...1, In IHTH.I 1 .. . . - I . 7 iueniinim.1 iiv uuim u Ul for u.tM..i.. xr Iv... 1.1 , . . .rn..a.vTi,,vwra -POillipi... .11 - Hi to will U l.Mlilal imr a lurid light, and making a glgantto tableau ot moving form and face, utreeta and building. The procefllon was a auecees, but tliero waa one thing needed to complete it .lU.lMlnr. nf tlin HcDublicail (. A, H. There were many old veterans In town who would nave wrmeu wbibh m thrlienex)edltion finally halted at the court houne Bquare, and the apeakera oi the evening presented tbeiutelven. The band nUnd wa used for a roatnim, and Mned tbe purpose well. AboutthUtlme it commenced raining, but the outdoor audience itayed witfi it In vry Ijood nape, and atteuUrely liaU-d to tbe "rtU, wbkL wa well reived, -W W but few DeocraU witWn fot- Opera House ! 9 Nights 2 Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20 Kns'cment nf W V, Ho-hPlPr MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY, -IVwpntlDg Widow O'Brien, (lu Fuo on the ItrUtot) and SENIOR AND JUNIOR, lb two runnlrat kUurdllle ever wrlttn, Introducing New Mtuie, Sew Song; BemuUful Choruw, New HpeeluttUs, Hpteiat Scenery, Aui AlllaaljaUttNoTl.tlM. MAM STEAMMAT SCENE. Swiry to ow on aleatrtttober'a. Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Window ShadM, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. The "WHITE" Sewing Machine, THE BEST IN TUB WOULD. Failing's Carpet Store, Main Btreet, near the bridge, Pongleton, Ortfea. LUMBER, Sash, Doors, and Building Material, A.t Bottom Prices, 0ALL ON HALL & 3URNSIDE, HALL & BURHSIDE DEPOT LUMBER YARD. Gao. W. Siou,, 0. II. Wcodaio, ihbd xaenu Batten. HaiTiHH, Kaan JC Snell, Heitshu & Woodard, Saeoeasoni to Hodge, DaWa & Co., and HelUhu, Woodard 0., IMPORTING WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, NOB, 02 A Ot FKONT 8TKKKT, I'OUTI.AN 1), OHKOON. .'ONRKSFONDENC SOLICITED M Iff Estes & Guilds, 'Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, i'roprUlnrn o I lie CITY LIVKHY FKKlt HALK , STABLE. sl4i Hsy an4 Craln. lelif Klc, hfagle er uklr, ) MtMiaie Utm alwajrM kaatl. Murs-M. kMrtU by tke -lay. Wni mr nlaalk. All Kindt of rfi Kor Halt, In Hiutll or Ur Imm. OMAmOM mAAV01f ABLE ! Marble and Stone Contractor. Vox 1m1 aa1 price oonntiM JM Kail Inr, Muln ktrwt, I'fcdUloa. natt-naU given on iM work. ft