East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1888, Image 1

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5000 t;;
TlttAt. M'llM!ltllll:ltM TO
,-tllla County acnp iurui, u- Ha,
C-..I. - nl ...In.. Arluap.
. llia inly AH nl M a a
in: r.Asr oui. human.
xCMi.-vr.t'.iti.v . ,iu.
Jill OfnCC on ouuswi i(iin r.u.i,.-
I'rmllrliiii - OrreuM.
crjob Priming Account.
NO 218.
l.olioti No V2.
I. o. o. y
.Airy imiUy nlKht In odd KpI
.l.tVTON ( nri KIl.U. iM. . .M.
Vi .!. l Hi' Mavoiile TcinplB on tliu
'j iih rfldiijn of phi-Ii iiiinlli,iit7::i0
Irk. J.r- '
IrslW. UMK NO. m, A. K. A A. M .
J..I.OU tin- cmmiihI mill foiirlU Mon.
. J riiell IllOlltll. I"
I " ... nv 1.7 I'fn i
k,.. ( "
JhTyTON l.OWIK NO. M. A. K. A A.M. '
ruHbiln tin1 MiiK'inn n-mpie on hip.
ItSl llilnl Mii"Iii of piipIi month nil
rtiotk. T J. .mh.i.iow. am
,,i i tJIIMIB NO. IU.A. ). V.W. Meet, i
r.7i.rv Tii'irnliiy nliilit ill the Kmtltip,
I " '. .. ii K .1. I-. I.KAKIMIK. A I
uilli the lHiitlmm of tho lino of uiiv mieh
ruilroud which clmll not In; completed at i .
inu nam 01 mix act. im nureliv ixci ut
tiik would wiii:at htoiikh.
1C Pin wink, HccrPtnrv.
Rothchild t Beata.
Knim lltiiilitr.'pl'-.
. oun dollar anil twi-nlv-llvn centHper "cro. 0"f of KkM j.r wheat in
"Sen. 4. That from and utter ,jl0 , hr Hillcil Mati ntl (.nimilii, on tth
piiHHUKoor till m:t, uny lioinfuleuil pct '," 1 ' i"" . v-
tler who Iiuh pettlcd letN titan uiiL-inmrter '""K" -uropo, .. 1 1 "
icr unit ml ,n,i"i! mock hi inn .'mien imukuuiu,
Plant, llrlmuil l.nbiirliiK Mu I.Npiit-
rrnl. uml tlir Mun irpp Arrp-l.-.l.
' San r iuncikco. Nov. M. The Cull
luriiiu 1.111U mm lanor eonipuuv, u Htn-i ij.V , j
uuJ, Up,m ,1Ubl",u: ",u" V' T r Mott entry, uliii-li M ml not n I h ' KBreKat ..Lout ' I07VIKKI.14 1mii.1ic.1m,
, Unitoa Stut.-H, .Mini, to lirlef ypHtunlny In ",u' ? ' '." " .. ' .... ''V , uiIuni IOii.M 'iI.OIHI ImNhi-U xmir nto. lu
tlio iirii-st ot I. (iroverUeuil.oni'otltH ' ",',.""rl '- . v,,i,.llu' VltL" .in . ... Ai
pi ii i . i in i up HL'irrpLMin oi i! iiniiurpii nun kixiv , a .v.i.inn.
, J fprtlon of luml niiiy LMitur other uml ml
mini I villi' contlK.iotm to the
r'rmu'e, (iornuiny, llplKium und ut Odpw
tZil 1lllllH NO. II2. '. O. O. V. Mr rl
l.iffr imiurJiiy cvi iiIidi mi 7iJ0Viook.
' J Ji. I. HiiMliniiK k.N. i.
Mi'M on Hip ki'Cii'I'I uml limt
.r inch mimtli. lit TKXIo'rlnrk.
luirioioiir.C I'.i K. H.MiiAiios,Hprlli...
laiNK nuiKn i.oi)(iB No. la. i. o.
far M 1 1 I"" "f' imrii Tiuin
LnfM'ti liinillN.
IlKJHlNV I.OIKIK VI). 21, IC. OC 1'.
IMrm'ii "in i tun"..- jinn iivprj i nr..
.ifl.iui: u I'M iiVIim'U. .1. I'h I.KAM'lli:,
;.t J. Willi AKKH.iv. in ii.iinii f.
k0X N)l'(l NO. 4. K. Or" C. .MpiIk III
I Hid Krlin' Hull "vprv Weilnt-MlHV
!! T!l llVllifk M. Mhiiriikaii. i
ll.!..(MKMM.t, K'.nf It. uml S,
iT.AllMlS'l'OST, 0. A. It., implK nt
WDiclrr'n iiiiiipvpry . niirniiiiy iiikiu
wmii'. ( oiiitiiiiiini'r; .i. m, iiowkn
KjtillJItt. IliiMiiiN Ik uml lU,,Wiclil.
Buck IVii'lli'loii.Ori'Koil.
oriuinutuis. riu iillt'Koil Poini.uiv ims
beun tlcMKlin' the .Soutliprn, .MliJillo uml
Now KtiRliinil lutp.i with I'lrriilurH Htul
, iiiK that hIih'o tlm l.iw imlmlln CI.Iiicku
: from tliln country linn Iippii jiumhpiI, lu
1 bornM of all pIhpm Iiuvu lioun in iruat
I ili.inutul lu Cailfornlu, ami tl.ut thu com.
1 pany wan In a ponlllon to brln laborcm
I to thin Statu on receipt of flH"),wlio, iihin
Urrivill, huiiIiI In' Ivt'ii jn'riuuncnt cm
! ploytiioiit. When Itec.l'M room wi.h
Kunrcliuil (O.OOil of tlio circulnrH, ami let
; tern from niurly a hunilrpil laborcM In
tint KiiMt iihUlnn for i.iforinutioii roiuern.
iitr tlOkotH, uere fonml.
In tlio aKKrciMtc one luitiilroil ntul nlxtv
acrcH without proof of rcHiilenco iion
ami cultivation of thu additional entry;
anil if lltial proof of pultlcmciit ntul nil-
tivatloit 1i:ih Imoii limilt' for thu original In Kruno-..
Hinpkknl wlifut
I'lillnl Hlnten itinl l.'iitiiiiln.
On liitii;r lo Klimpp
In Uiilli'ii KIiikUiiiii
entry, when tho uililitlonal entrv in ;' 5i'1r,,,.,"',y
mailt, then thu patent hIiiiII Ikmuu wllliout !; "ernii iVuiii.'.V.'.
furthpr prwif,
.1 l'2.MI0
ttlilPh CiuiNilit Sii..K III Kliliirar llrr
('milium' With Spuiilali NluiuU.
Ni:w Yoisk, v..-. H.-Thi! HeralilV
Hieeiitl from Dttawa rivm tlu.t Sir
Oiarl.'n Tnpper ii. ntV'otlatiiiK n
treaty of I'ommoii'e lictweeu ('umiila
uti'l Spain. I In prosicef to reoiiro
thu hiinio piivlloKPM Krmiti.'il the
i nitcii Mati'H 1 iy the tre.tty reliHlpJ In
u wiiH aui ceil in I Mill
ou. That ovory pemon untillpil, iiii j itXViMni
i .i .1 t.i'.'.'i .... ..... :.: ' ipiniiiintf pxiMirimri' n
uui uiv iruvmiuiiM oi inu nomrnicuii mn, , Unlini Mtmii, u. iiil.rr ill
m euier u iiompHicuii, who iuih nureiumro 1
cnmplipil with, or who hliall liorealtrr i
IO7,0;U,0i)7 IOtW,lT
(IiivNIIiIp) nlldwliiir hut
.7u,w..iOiiiiilnN ri-frB r,(xi,rni
comply nitli thu comlitioiiM of Haiti lunN,
ami who u!i,ill havu mailu IiIh llmil proof,
Uioruuniler, for a nuantity of land Iohh
than onu hunilrpil anil clxty acreM, uml
rcruiveil tlm reielvorV tlnal rcroipt
thorefor nhall he untitled uiulor Haul
Uwh to enter, hv le'.il HiiliillvNion of thu
public latiilH of thu t'liiled Stuten toilijoct
to liomuHttMil entry ho miicl. uililitlonal
luml iiM added to thu quantity provioiiFly
ho enluroil hy him h1iu.11 not "ext eeil oni.
hunilreil and nlxly upret.; I'rnviiloil,
I hat lu no rase Nhall patent hhiiu until
the perxon makim; mtch mlilllioiial home
pli'iul entry hIiiiII have ui'tually ami lu
loiifomiily witlt thu honierfteml lawn
..I.W.073.H07 I (!(., Ki
uiv. Ilirpp llonlil No. 11. Ammolu.
It'irk, IViiillcInn, Orpuou.
IllFV A Illl.l.HtW. AITOH.NKY"
IllUW, Ulli p IIimiiiin I," Uiiml ' A-
1'M BlWi, IVlliIll'IOM, (IrfK'NI.
iw KnzoiTt.M.o. .vrfimT.v
IiiUw. I'm tin ,, hikI H, .i)Oli.
Ilwl, l'i inlktnii, OiPKOll,
fnl'-f Mlllll HtrrPl. Ill Tliiilimmin-
IWt I'llllill i if i.v. r Uiv ront-otllpp.
., Kirn .ShIIoiiiiI IIiiiiK. 1-pii.
1 1. IliPfitii,
M'l Trill.lt. ViTOHVKY AT LAW
I. (nilfrvillr. Onviin. Will iirnilli..
lurti of (IIYf.111 lll'll Vlllllllllllll. I III
inprmiiii)-HHPiiueil u.-
M i UAIll',11. AVl'lilIVKVM AT
U l:iili M.iniMllf llin"hi.Hl lirv.
u 1 ill i I'.irni riif Miiln uml UVhli
h IihIIHi.ii, Oiikdii.
u, liMlleiiiii.Urt2fiii kimiiikNiiiii.
IwUiiriti liliick,
nV-lfUNs ami SIMNiKONH.
I ("ii, Ki mi, Or,' ini I'Ivm yp.iri mi.
i i il pMn l pi.iPl-i
V ' I IIHISIH ,s . M kt I'll YHU'l.X N
-.- it-prtirr nr -irii.flHfi S'f1ini.n
iiPi'.. in, given to rliiiiniHtlm Mini
' .... till Inn fttf, ).
1'llj tl!i itf ., Ii mi.., til. IIIM....
. - Mll'llll It... ir ....I I I Iu..
!' IVlliKl Tin, I I ,...l.
TnlnN ,
Thuru Iuih been rerently an iinunual
lU'cumulatiou of wheat at CalviitU mnl
Komhay, ami there urn ulxii conHlilurabln
HtocltH of wheat uvaili.blu in Vlctoriu,
South Auntraliu uml Now euh.ml. Tlm
rciuainliu; nurpliiH In Victoria in placed ul
:i,(HM),(KI0 btiMhelH. uml Chill ami thu M
Cpntiiiu Itupuhlli' probably have Homn
accumulation. It may, therefore, be rev
Kanleil uh certain that from all the.
coueccH then. atoHlookHUL'u'ri'L'iitliinalKiut
I 117,07:1.(107 IiuhIiuIh lu IKSS, iiK'tiiiHl about
I I Ifi.K'Jtl.OlXI buxholH In 1HH7. Thu wheat
niirpluH of ItiiMHta protnlfPH to ho larger
Main and Alta Sts.
lllMltV 111, it
, tho Pniteil Sutton hhoulil ailmltt hit v free, ivniileil u'liou ami cultivated the land i "Ver iKiforu. The United States,
, or will, eerlaiu M'lieiluled Uutiei.. aleo K'lilered theieln and othiirwlHu comiil.'pil I ,'l",,i uim utill mi available ox
I K'heilnleil arllele.H which wcie the pro-1 uilli hiicIi laH." ' j'rh.blu HUpily of uhout iri.tKlO.OOd liu-h-
'iliictH of the NmnMi Mph, Cub... ami! Should m oulnion an heteiii exnreKhed ; M. rt,l'k"" "ll a reHurvu .Inly I, I8SK.
. I'orto IUim, mid that Spain kIiouIi! irunt Ut verllled. in.inv homolei" nooiilu will 01 ,IUI i'..HH),0i)0.
.Minllar jirlvileceH in tlm.-n luleri. It Im Imvii occaHlon to rejnicu in tlio opjiortu.
j hoped tn build up an oxtfiinivo tiaile i nlly In Kecuio homeH.
: in I Im Spauinh Went Indie for ('aniiili.in IIk.miv N. Copi'
t pwl.ietH. thereby euttii.K inlolhu l-nltcd ! u' 1 1 a tt h k ! iTa m i k mk a n h .
i State commeri'P with theho isluudf.
I " I Kr 1111 l.lll l'.-tilll I.Muilnrf I ji).li.f)riri.ll.
M, I Imp Ii, llipl.nii.li.il -lyme-J. Hurrl..,.. II. -l'l. ''frlmwl
W-U 3 v Ml ... 1 itt itt
Ri I Ai' i l A I ','""' -!. it- ciriiniiuNi iira-u, the lulwiinc inmi," tho noblu mid arinto-, cxporllni
vjv a 01 1 fi iTTATf) AT I AAflfl f tT,',i,,M!,r,ifM,,'!?Ii!a,!'r,li?:.'.w,,,M amithu.
llffBilviHDrli IRE BTlBDill. mvi jeMpn iii,r.aiii ium iiu-i i. lour- ti,0 KiraiIvcnturo of ii doubt. Now what UayH, will, tlio
LXwltULrSil LU1 JX VflVVfvlU . " n-uurn rvi-uMun-- uh- uu.-1 limy wo i-siH!ct ill tliu way if mi amellor- "Top, will prolmliiy mli
I. ...,.. , ....... r. ....... .'ii.. hvvihii, .inn i anon oi iiiuuxiHiim: hiaio o ail.urrt; a , u ipiv anoui lo.uuo.oou
A line
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes,
lot of Men's Furnishing- Goods; A
stock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets.
Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost.
James Wheelan,
I'.ery Mm;io cum lias oecn inycftlirated. I chaise, of coiirro; elmi vou would
I huiv aru yet Home c own and idem which i Inn-.. ,liM..t,.v.i ti... :..t.. (1-iJt utivtittt
uru.oa'upyiuKoiiraiicniion, mil uiucii it
would be imiMilitie to fnreMhadow to the
j public.
VKnt illon I'riil.ulil..
Oi rAi, Nov. H. it in Hinted In well
, Informed citclen heru (hut .lo-uph Cham
burlaiii ban been IntruMted by thu Im-
Jpuiial Kovernmont with necret iiihtruc
iIoiih, looking to the poKllile openiii); of
ui'pitatioiiM for a iidw liHherlcH treaty.
A Slrmnrr llljlirr.l.
1 IIamiii iiii, Nov. M. The lltitUh hark
, l'dwmtl IVrry, henco for San KnineiiH'o,
. urouuiletl in thy river thin moriiiiii!. and
I wux then ilamaned in u coIIIhIoii with thu
i Hteamur I '.I bo.
..kiw .1,1. I'liwt'iAN
IIP"1 ' l)i I rill...'.
ll 'IIH-..M
ANl, Ktlll
i.rii: Niore,
-J. !, 11(1 I. IT I'll VNIIM AV AVIl
ri-.iii till... . iii.ir M,..irln.ii.. a
I n.irr' i .if.' i.riii'i ..f .li.hii.nu nun
nr.Ti. i, iii mi., iir-t"
h ':.K"''N''-. M. 1. OKKtci:" OVKIt
L 2?', 1 " " l(piiU'iicp, on
' ",r- iri. iipkiuciic
SJwnntvU'il hy tPli-plionu Willi VII-
!. K..KXln llllt.lllli.il L'lVI-ll to Hip
- t hiiiiipii uml phlliiri.ii.
I u.!f'"T":'-l'l-NTIST. UAH ADMIN-
"'im urnr... .iini.i mh.) iHTimiui..
reiiilletoii, OrPKnli.
ri Hallilinj.
l llL .i""l l""'l'Hjr U.I.I P. ll,YB
." U U In' IT .V Iii:....... -...irl
u.oJr"w1Ls;, 'NTI(AtTO)t AND
ntKjtlV r.piinmicii iiirni-iipoou
ftiulr f'l,'yi A'ltl'KNTKK'ANi:
..ri'"' MUP iinli'm' nt rolilrm-K
i ob1U"!j."',"i,.'",'ii "trreu, ivinilp.
IJ ii r "i iipl ..l pnimpily
"u'llK"' m..VCKKMrfll AND
rSru ilikpr. Alia un.l Unnlen Hit.
hiBiK'y"1'- Uliu-kmnltb work nf all
Mim. i.: P1:'!!"'' maimer, anil on
I'jrlli-iiPir nttpntlon Klv-
B. C. & E. M. WHEELER,
hiurnuovur thu mui-i-chm of thN man. Thuv
I havo Hiiccceilcd by their Yotun in placini
uim at 1 1 u lie.ui oi tin. nation. ny
' havo Ihoy dono thin'.' Amover To avmt
. . .. , ., T . liu uwiul calamllluH that whk tn havo ro-
I i he rw .iiiiliiiiiinl ih.i.ip.iPH.1 iililTimi Hulled from "freo trado" had thu Demo
di.i ,,t Upphiiip ., i.m. ,.,uM eeeodod in their clccllon of Clove-
some fuw weekn aK.) I avo a nyno.in h,,,,). oh I for patleneo to bear wIiIihucIi
i f u bill pendint- before Cnnuir-M con- Hiiperflclal IhinkorH. Wn appeal in ull
jtuintiiK Important uml U-nellcent pro- earneNlneM to our icuilern, uml ull nthem
, virtloiiH, ami predluled that it would panN wi, toll, to pauno and iiuiHlder what UiIk
, ImMIi hoiihcs. Well, thu t.roiliction proved ''chanKO" ineatii for them. Do you hoxt
' correct, but thu hill fulled to U'como u i to hoo u chanuo in thu awful mid mimam
law IwcaiiMi it wum nut leached by the llnanelul iwillcv of tho government that Ih
.....it.... i . i .i ....1...1 ii
taxi iiatiiieii'iiiK mi' ix'oiiiu : I'u vou
AtiHiriii-iiuiiK.ry huh huh in renure a
very comiitleri.lilu available export nur
plu, ami the Dauulm reKioii, from lhril
mid Sulimi, will probably havu ax much
wheat tn nparu from thu uood wheat crop
of ltoumauia i.m lu 1H77-HS. India on
of i April 1, only live mouth auay, will beu'in
: Iron, tlm eroi ol IKSIMK), Clilli
Arenllne llepnbllc wllhin nixty
proinlHeil ii hh 1 whual
I to thu world
buihelH, in thu
not HlateinunlM thai havu been mailu, hIiow-
vou : inu a relatively minill delirlenev In tho
evinced in IiIh election'. Ilut wo 'would IworldV wheat nupply, cropHharviwIeil ten
auk our Itcnuhlicau friemlri what clmnueM ' monthn a no wero iueliiiled. Within nixty
I ate Imminent, nort- tliat their favoriln in j dayn uuw crops will beeoino a factor, ami
ul the lielm oi thu nhlp of Htntu. will thu w Him.il ueiiciemy wipeit nut. I no only
couuo veer u hiuitlu M)lut? Aye, h.ivm ' lniKirlAntwhealexpottim; country, where
Mr. Kntliiihiiint, bravo Hariimui will J Iheru in a Hfrioim tluflciency, IhIIki I'nlted
throw her lielm a-lee, alHiut nhu'll count, I ShiteM. TIiIh ilellcieney Iuih alreaiiy
uml thu hIiouU of freu trade will be j canned mi advanco In tho ptliti companiil
uvoided. Freu trade! IIiIIIhIi MUprem.iey ! with a jcar ap of about thirty centH nr
I'lolei'llon to American imhiHtricHl )o bunliel, and Iuih cauned Holno linprovu-
i you know of what thuwi ciien ruuilml uu? ; inentH i.Iho in pricen In other iixporlitit;
Ihoy force uh to thu conehiHlou that iii aland importing couutrleH. Wheat from
inlu, tho uveraiju Amuilcau voter iHafiHil. jlhu new cropn lu thu Houthurii
A majority ol tliuiii liavu yelled IheuiHclvcH nemiHpneiu caiiutu no imiuu avaiianio lor
coiiHumpiinn in i.uroiio uuiii annul .May
Navigation will clofu In HuhhIuu
A Coiupleto Stock of Kiirnlturti and Ciuk)Ih.
Stock Covers 5,000 Feet of
I'ruMdcut for nuuatiiio Ix'fnre thu ad
! journment ot CouureHH, I have no doubt
! that thu mutter will receive early at
' tentioii when ConureMH ru-cnilvenc in
I Decemln'r: that thu hill will bo re-en-ucted,
ami rccelvu Hid fluiiaturo of the
1'iehldeiit. In older that thu K'ople muy
' be familiar v lib ull of ltn proviHloiiH, I
piint II enlliit in thin letter lothuuxclu
1 nion of other matter, deetniui: it of the
I iitiuont iuiorlmifo:
' "An ucl to allow perMiiiH who lmu aban
doned or rehmiulHlieil their liouiCHtoail
eutricH to uiiiku another entry, ami for
other purpofOH.
"Ilu it enacted etc., That unv HirHon
. , who Iuih not heietoforo iK.rfccteil title ton
X1 iOOriXllJ. trai t ol l.inu, wiiien lie huh mailu IIIIuk
next. Navigation will clofu
Northern uml Southurn iiortH in Icm
than thirty il.tyn, Htopphiuforlivu moutliM
an iuiMrlant Hoiirce of nupply.. Within
IIiIh Kiriod tlm chief wheat lm"irllii,'
countrieHof I'iuropo havo UKiially relle
upon I'niled Staten Alluulie mtlH, only
lun iI.ivh imav, but uuluH.i rall-routu rat en
from the I'lielllit coant enable tlm Atlantic
porln to nupply thu ICiimiK-un demumlH
for thu wheat neceHnary to Hupplemunt
l'uroiu'H nun crori wilhout very much
further advance in prlco, it Ih likely that
C. aiid JS? M. W HKEXj IG!R
Pendleton, Or.
pluck abtoatl will bit herloilcly ileiilntcd
can you, exH!ct to m'u thu railroad rob thin winter. Interior pricen in thu
Hern ciieekcii in tneir laiuicioiiH hciioiiiohm unci. riatcH are ih lucHeni iini iuuo in
of plunder. In your iiiohI hoeful iniy.d, ! I'-mnu any margin for hliipment to tlm
can you for a iiiunent uxK.-ct that Ihehu h'ea-board,
IiomIch of iunorant mid vicloiiH puiiciH ! Itufcruniu to thu tubular Mulement
Unit arn behiK landed iion our falrphoreH ! hIiowii uliovn ImlicatcH that the leul vln-
u HI lut KtavedY Ik Ihero uintliliiL' In llm II. I.. bltiu'L'U til llilu iAlllitli fit. I It liilutut
..... " " . " " 19 j " np fit iin l.Miiiiii j wmiii vwiintnj
hWorvof KepiiblieiiniHiii to Hint to uh ur.) uU.lit IMHW.OOO butiheU Hiimllor limn
1 un iividoiuu that couipetltion-deHtroylnu onuyuurai'o.ulthoui'h.uHllkewlhUrhown.
triiHtH will not tlourlHli uh thuy have dono tlm uxportablo Hiirphm nun year uko wuh
durlni tlU inberuhlu pant? I Ian not ' nlioiit .Ti.OOO.tHM) liUHheM lurKcr tlian it
your rent leader, that typical llepnbll- MttH hint Satiuduy. Hero Ih a declino if
can, JumcH (i. Itlaine, thundered forth Miippliim in tho riilteil SluteH uumiintlnt,'
tlm dumniiu; uHHertlnu, that Ihoy mo . t - ,0Ul),(H)f) million l.iihbulH (vUlblu and
HOinethliiB wlthVhlch wo havo no right j IiivIh11 ; of HtiKikn in tho United Kliiu
to Interfeio? KrlenilH, and brother-Aiuer. iioni uboiit 1!,(XK).(KKI huHheN and In
ieaiiH, ullowinu thut that ulleranco wuh Krunco and tlunnany about 1,170,000
un avowul of Itepublicaii prlutipleH, It j bunhelH, a total decline of 17,170.000
wuh Hiilllriently oiuino.m to have cuiikciI ' IiiihIidK Aaliint thin thuro in uu uppar
oii to piitiM) in terror, und coiiHiiler bu-,ent kuIii In Huluimi Htovkn iiinoiiiitlnn to
loru yoii cuhi your vote lor tnu puny nun TiOO.OOO IiuhIiuIh uml lu South ItiMMan
AMHociutiou HiiildluK
Alexander & Frazer,
General Merchandise,
iijKjn under inu iire-umtiiiou law, orontry
l ol under thu lionieMeud law- muy make "u
i u honiCHtead entry of not uxcccillne, onu
. qiiur'ter pection of nubile hind Hiibjuct to
' Mich cntiy Huch pruvlou.t tlliuu or entry to advocated it. Yot In your bllndnefiH you
thu contiury notwilliHlandinu'; but thin. I.i.inIi.iI tiiil Iho uurnlin-H ho iilnlulv elveu.
jiiuht nhall not apply to rHoiiH who ier j uro inn truth for you, uml wudcHhuyoii
j feet lltlu to IudiIh under thu pro-ompttou to murk well tho prediction! ThlHchunim
or lionieMeud Iiiwh ulready Initiated. 1 from a Democratic uduilnlflrutlon incuiiH
t .-vi-. .urn ninii.Mi.i ii ruuii mi , u reiuru io .uu iiiuiauiiiiiiiHiniiiuii oi inii'nt iiomo uvuilutilo for oxiMirt to I-.uroiH),
muni) to appear lo inti rcKiMcj' unu re- Xearn between 1874 ami J8S, no more, no . includlni" uuuiititloH of wheat now ulloat
lew. To IhoKu who. Ilko him d , old, oll t,0 ,Kh wtan, uutoiintiiiK lo.ri.OOO.OIX)
ttero"almoHt iierHiuiled. but coiihl not hmdielH, Mill fiitthur corrolxiralint: Urad
itiito Hhako oil' thu Huh ul tartv nieiii- uir..i.ta ..... .ii,,ut,, ,,f n...
dice, wo have thin to h.iv Althouul. your piobublo HtipplleH und niiiIrementM of
derollctioii in thlH plain duly to your w)uat ilurlntho reinuinder of tho cereal
year which end on July W.IKH!).
HtockH of 1,000.000 biirtli;lri, ami of wheat
on pjMHuu to IvumiK) 0,770,000 hmihelH,
a total of Incruuhoil f tockH amouutiiiK tu
P.M70.000 btiHhelH. ThlH IndlcutcH u to
tal net decline in MocIh In ICuropu, and
culver of any public land olllcu, under
' Huch rcgulatioiiH uh the Secrelury of tho
1 Iuterloi inav prefciiUt, thut any i-ettltir
; iiixin Ihu public ilomuiu iimler ox Mini-
law, Ih uiiablu by reuHin of exlnliny
V o v. '" i puuu'ioii, urciiuu.
lk.iVi'.",!!'f,'t. neur Court -ireet.
lJ'MmBn,,.'ur,,.rn '" notice, oraer
F s'w rt .f? w,u wlvo prompt utteD-
"i'l WII.I-lN-Knv miArriMAr.
" I ...i- .7.7.1 r.V. .: ..Vr.' '
'm... . """ viiniiiuiiiriri jiu-,.7-'l
.....ubovi. l.n.l.l.M Al, u-.kplr
!,. me
1 VII lllltfl.-
uiiie'ou, ureu Tomti.
i UMlnlnj, all kluiU ofn-one
fK fXHIIl.l iutw.lnUl.1l 11. I.
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and.
Fancy woo as.
TltKKT. ' ' " ""
. 1 il I l if l .. .. '
iiiouiii. w uoio or pain... uemme nun oi eountry uml Uh luturo weiiaro wuh retire
erom, elcknesH, or other unavoidable , hejiHlblc, it can Ihj cowdoned. Kru Ioiib
canualty, to Hccure u Htiiport for him- un will havo unother opixirtuiiity to
pelf, herhclf, or thoi-o ilexndenl iijii rww tc thu world, thut to lo
him or her Ukji. the laniN fettled iijioii, ; freemen our iniiulH Hhould Ihj freo.
then Midi rcgiMcr or receiver, muy urunt , Think for yourM-lvcH und you willurt
to hiicIi pettier a leave of uWence from the Ii.h.pkiIv if not ulilv. I jx.L ulxnit v.hi
C" . 1 TT 'Ijini "I10" 'l"',CM or ho ,,aH f"r and a cuHii.il kIuiicu in H.illlcient lo con-
OUrOUUliy . ) u iHJrioiiiiot oxceiilliiK ono year at unv jco you n,tt( w,molhin U rudically
" . i .1 iiuil. l 1 litt- -jit riiiiiml I 111. il ..1.-1... 11
mm unu-, uim piuii wiiivi r.. hj wtouk win. iue);veruiuuui..i miicuinery,
leave of abene phal) forfeit no rihtH by ! , vital purl of it Search out llm
reni-oil ofhlll ll ullico: rrovid.il. I hat ,-m.i. .mil iil,.,n v.in havu fniinil It lut
i llio limu oi pucji aciuai aircin n pii.ui iini
"Viii.HV.Kii"'. PUOI'ltlKTOU OK
'HonTV, .iruue," iMr. Wi.m uuu i
urauichi. Klnp Wtnpii, IJj-J
Wine and Spirit Meichants,
bU 1 1 Ltuotcn. hiiuh-
. nvunc KlfiOl (T RmiHRflN
5:AM""ee;. ;v7a.knaw. Wis.) VEURE CLI
limn jrninu it,,i.w.... ,
Ik) deducted from the actual refiiloiici. re
fjuired by law.
"Sc. 'J. That he jirico of ull K-ctioiiH
' und p.tttfi of PccliotiH of thu public iamlx,
wiliiin .the limiln of the mr!!ouH of thu
koverul itrantH of lundx lo aid in tho cun
Ntruclion of ruilrouiU, which havo been
iinrutoforo and which may hciouftcr bo
fotfeited, which wero by thu acLijkiii
H.ich grautH or liavo ninco U-un lucreaKed
to tiiu double minimum price rtnd, ulxo.
of all hind wllhin thu HiiiIIh oi uny riudi
S iIhw Sin
Till. Ton I, I....P-.
Thu null of W. II. ltineburt and othurn
uuiiinVt thu city of HiimmurvillulhuH benu
deelded by Judtfo Feu in f.ivor of tlio
plaint ItTH. It will I xi rememlHtrcd that
Ihe city council levied a lux for the pur
pocu of hiufnu tho town lo-nurvejcd
Thu win k wuh dono at a cost of peveral
bund red dollarn, iiotwIlliHtunilim; the
proteiit ofanuuilvr of citizcuHwh did
not want to bo taxed for thu put pone,
honco Ihu Hint. In levying thu lax it
hpoiiih 'tho ciuui ll oxi ceded thu ailthorlly
..n.l ilu i.Hi.m.I ,.,t lIU iin i.r.iilieilU-nil. KIVBII ll li.V tllO Clllirlur. HOIIieu Hal III t III
elopint! you. Onco more uu appeal to 'uitnnor that a ceitain JtiKticu of thu
you to Infill now to iuvuxtiato tliuno ac extccileil bin uutlmrily when ho
iiiatterH, (or jiwt uh nuru uh tlm .lav fob hum! a mun for htoulini,' a wheel narrow
Iowh tho nil-lit rJ Hiiro Ih it that dipuHter In lhat inwt tho defeiiihint wan rcihuvd
and ruin wjll l(ortly follow if vUattw lo u i-ondilloti In which It wan linH)lblo
from our present ivMoin docn not wnme. " Ut "PI"-'" from tho J'ldKoment of
Ict not thu briKbtHUnoI our fair lepub-'O" coun. in uiih ouxu. iionovur. iim
uriClliiuilin KOI III u .ig.iiuux sivk mill
UH uboVU klUU'tl
uh nil mi to work ami apply tlio rcinc.iy.
Few of you aio proHMriin: uh Hioko du
Herve to pro.ipur w ho bear ull tho bnrdnix.
Muny of you llnd when you hx.k ulnitit
i ixi thut tlio .lowering' cIoiiiIh oi ilulit uml
railroud gnuit, and nobumbrueed in tho ( lie eu ijoun jn durkncHH mid bfooil, In our Ifftndujiti
grunt lying adjocenl tound colcnninouHij.rayer., , Iho reHiiltH