IMHMATI.HI'IKI) ritUllIIIITIOMHTN. thrnr Hu.pect Thul In Hunm Wn.r Tlmy Have lleen Coiitili-il Out. Hrrlnl totlia Kxamincr. Ai.iukv, Nov. 8. 'Die tumor 11 ufriiriK ntriiKtll throughout I lie fitnto tlutt the greatly iJcereaHeil rroliibltlun vote (aim ing to the crooked work of Keijulillciui leader. Member of the former party hereabout wru llrni in this belief. Fred. F. Wliooltir. Cliulrtimii of tlio Ubany ('utility I'rolilbltion Committee, Haiti to day thin advlcwH fi out private detectives -employed fur the puriose oi'iuvctitignting tint clmrguM Kticngthcncd tlil.i belief, but ho wah not prepared to my whether they would Ihj utile to tuoVd any tiling. The l'rohihitlon veto in lH8d wuh Ud.OOO; in 1H.H7 41.800. mid this year iibmit -iL'.&no. The 10 K!rct!Ut. gain oftlm pruviotiHyour in noi aipareiu huh laii, windi .Mr. Wheeler rcgnrdH an unite HuspleioUH, par tleularly in vlow of tlio greater activity of the party than over before. Tho can vttcH of tlio iclurti will Iw eloflolv nerd- tinlzed in order to tirovo, If jionttlllo, whether tliu Prohibition vote, or ii large part of it ban liocn counted fur Hurriwn. (The Mr. Wheuler Hjiokcn of in The .acovtv uiHputcii In tlio fattier ol k. M. Wheeler, of I'endlcton.) night of Way to Ilnppiitr. Kniiu tlie lli'PI"Tltle. , .Tlicron ''ell was down to 1'ortlund lx-t eek, "cheeking up" the right of way Recount of tliu lieppner brunch with the Comptroller of the . It. A N. Co. the total uxh'iihc for right of wuy and do)ot jritiundH from tho Columbia river to I r. fhipluy'H futico is fL'-'.itjrf. Thero aie mill Homo oxtHinno items yet to bo paid 'to tlio county clurk mid other which will iirobably amount to WO more. Wlien ileneral Mimitger lluleonib for tho O. K. A N. I'o,, agreed to ooiiMltuet a branch road to lieppner, it wax vei bally ttgreed that tlio tvoplu oOJorroiv I'oiinty Hhould Indemnify tho eouipune for I he 1'iHt of tliu right of way fiom the Colum bia to and through tliu town of lloppiur. A bond uiiH given to cciiru tlio fuliill inont of tliU obligation. Through un Iniulverhiuoy, it huh not detonated in tliu bond that the right of way hhould bo MMMtrod through tlio town. Till Iiiih caiiHi'il a dlvernlty of opinion among tint idgucrH of the bond an to the extent of their obligations, a M)itlon of whom knowing nothing of the erbal agree inont, ItiniHt that thov nlmll not bo held ttxeopt for ifmt of right of way to the town. They now Hay that they do not connldor tlicini-elvcH hound In anything not nominated in tho bond. tJlhcrV, who bad M.'iMonally confeired with .Mr. Ilol couib jogatdlng tho coiihl ruction of the road, Htulo that thev feel under moral oh' ligation lo M'l'iirt) I hit light of way on inrougii town oven n met ate not umlei legal obligation. Ah they eoiiNlituto but u Miiall pori'untaKu of tho xigiioiM. it in it matter of iinivitainly What IiirUter action will bo taken. .Mr. Wattn. lepromin! Iiik thu O. It. A, S wan heio tliu llrnt ot tliu week, and met a nuiiibei of thu ellieiiH, Villi whom he oicehunged viewrt, but mi di'lbilti' (ellleiiienl wu iiltroeil iiK)ii. .Mr. Holi'oinl) ban Tieen Very neiieroim In IiIh treatment o( this nvxtein, mid to I rim or bin muivKnorn reciprocity of rourteity indue, und wo trunt that no lo-'linlralltlcH may lie grasped to uvado uiai wnioii tvaH aeeepted in L'ooil laltli. Mr. liolcoinb ban now lieeomo tho leiHiral niaiuiKer of the I uioii Paeillc H)Htem of wlitcli the (), It. V N. Ih priictir (ally a division, eotiliollcd by him ien Ideiitii will bo In Omaha and though dlHtaut from im wu Iioh) ho may have i-aiiho to remember thls Hecllon of .Mor iow county iih heitih' Mittled bv people who consider their woul un liood im tlieir bond. - - - Nhr Pa Id the fori. 1 1 A dlHpateli lo tho OreRonlan fiom Sa lem, datel tho 10th, xayHi The reatest tixelteiiient. mid admiration yet muni fented over the payment of an election wuer wuh thin ufteiiiooii, .MIhh Iteatrico SJoIkuh, a IMiiIhIi lady of rank ami re llnement, who ban been noJournliiK In Halem for home nioiitliM, had laid u wu Kir with Mr. Uaao Scolt.ufellow Ixatdcr at MrK, Itellly'M, totheelH-el Unit If llar rlmui wum Huiwiwful xho would whcelhini in a wheelbarrow from the boaiditiK iilucu to the poMtolllco, a dlnlance of mI lilockrt, ho eat i y hi); an llauud liurruhltiL' for Harrison and . Motion. If Cleveland uuh HttoceH.sful tho onler wuh lo Ik) reversed. UavitiK lost the lot, MihH SjoUirK hmUted on puyinn it, mid did ho hy wheeliiiKliliudown lluouuh the eiowdeil HticeU at t o'clm-k. Tho "cav nlciido" wiw Kn-eteil with elieerx of ad miration of the cleat rlt dlftnlaxed b the lady In redeem I iik her forfeit. She Miih placed in a haudwuiiely decrated ivirriane after remiiiiiK Hie K)stollico, and driven homo in triumph amid tlio henrf MaluleH of the Ctow'il that Until tt: Ide ! wulkw, ----- - - Ai rr.tril on Sinil l(i, I I nun the l.ul.r.oiiluOnielte, A felluw by the niitne of Jos. Manlay waH arretted at the tiolden Itule hotel last niuht. lie Im HiippoHHl -to bo the man who put dytiumitu on tho i ail road I nick near ICuuielu a few veokn ajro. At the time of hin ariv.-t it fellow by the name of llurke, who occupied the 'came room, wuh uliio ai rested, llurke, wlio cIuiniH to tut it detective mid who will I hi the main wituchx apiiiist Munluy, was lutuuHllately released , hix urres't oulv Kdnu done for a blind. There Ik no full titateinent of tho ullair, us vet, o.aipt that lluike has Wen with Nlaulay or ulMiut a mouth, endeavorini; to iiMVitain facts in icpiul lo the ullair. Mmilay has Itoeti it wiKHl-choper, mid K'fore Hu'rke'H arrival occupied u. cabin alone in tho mountains. - -- Uow max Hot UK llervev rnuiklitn. It .lackiuaii, V II Maotiu, Is Smith, Ii H lAiffervue, Ixing I'n-ek :1I C White.Kchoi 1, It tlray, Houser Man ; Cluis tienevie, Nick Itrunt.J V Hay, l'ilot lluck; Mm .Montpiinery, IMde; T ('otello, Alius Jno .MuHahoy.ltutlor Creeo; I, I'ti.l'retlo Jas Nelson, John I.inhtfoot, Vinson: Jno W For. I Beer Garden and Gymnasium Hall' m Krjjr llnrvi-au A Klne, Vrpn. I Mnln strxvl . N-ar Fiofllc I i I'KNJU.MO.V, OltKCJON, Ittiwlliiit Alloy ninl OyintiRKlum Hoom In eiiiini-eilon. Ju-l tliu iIhc to spend nn liourl In fj'irlfliH! jmir uniHnle and trpnitlipnlni ; ) oar inone. s "nnuai inviiaiiou 10 an. (lamlirliiiK !.( iV a it!n. CQ 03 U CO CO 53 a CQ tn to a a w jyi v. o I y. 'A a. CENTRAL Livery, hi and Sale Stable! -I 4- I M Ifl HlHIliI-, MAIS Mill. I I . WAI.I.A I . LA. t'lrvt clieei HnniiiiiHiilatloiiM iiunilitiU to Itter.vlioily. A tine lot Of llverv rltfH unit IIip licit of liiijriirnlurnlii i iWhji on hiiuil. Hoi'808 Bought and Sold fnlill' im I re ill", evryljoJy, unit Ije well Iri-iOeil. (leliim KOI1KKT HIIIH. frop. V'. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKKH JWELRR, Hank liiitlitlnx.Coun utr et,'Vfii(i.'iiiti iln-Kiui. DRUGGISTS ! Tlie InriCfl aiel IiiimI coaiplt-l) "Ux'k nt Drugc, Mcdicmcc, i CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block IF YOU WANT Pendleton. THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the time thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER Mimical Mer Wllltl'lls or.M.i.Kl' i kepi Ii X. Nl'OCI. I'liinie', ir yhliN, iilitl all 1 KitiUf or hoi On Tho North Atiieiieau Conthient. nlllU' ill i i i lea I lntiiN Ms I.tttcu I'aj.i'H and HI I.on (?oluniui, IIII'lllMMllll (III InvlHtl llll til plllll VILLARU HOUSE RESTAURANT. Mr . Tow Orad Icy. Proprietress. AluhiSlitrl IVnilteliiii. I Inly liHNi-lii He-iiliiliinlaliiii. Ie.ut fMiirtii f ir .iiiiuiiiri.- it tniveleiH. Tlio i'HI Milan1 of tin puliil,- xillelieil, pnrliur u inln lo plriisii ttiein. Walnuts for 'Sale. I lilive Uuh lliliellfil IIunIiH-. iiT IINu-h Wal nut for Mile in One Dollar per Bushel eknl alHl 'iillvi'iiil nn tMiiinl im-. M'lnl unlir lo Geo. M. Settlemier, tiervnlH - UivKon. U'rllriinme Hint iiJiIk hh iilalnly. m-.W tin Wnller llcmoit. WllkliX'olllioi, Itntit, Mlli'liliniin, It, I. M,VKIIiill, II l Knrjrnii, TIiiiiiiii" llanly. .IllllHIl llllNVllltirilC, K. W. Itiililiikiili. Klillle lOitHirlail, Jllll- VlTllf, Win. Itlm-f. Henry Kopottkefc Co., IIKAI.KIt IN- n.iv, tuiAi.v, noon asd COAL, W. i'l xi'UKi . 'KNIIl.KT(lN I'll 111 tt Itt'll III Mil. ll " t Hill nM HO. .1,.. lli-ulnnlliL- All.. 1, ami rotilliitiliii; Hkii utter, 'Dim Wnrlil will jirlnt Willi eneli lue a ciimjileli- novo! ti u x)iiiur nut hor. Mutiny i lie wri't i win uri .Ttu-:iMirliii. Mr. Alt -cninli-r, puliil M. WIii it. illeiiry WihhI. ,.M. K. Ilrinliliiii. iKIoici'co Wnnie.1, MnrvlVell liny 'lleitlia .M.Clay, Annie ICilwanls, HIkmIii IMwiinU, .('. riilllle-.. Tlirxi tiriVfU will li tliu lnlrl wnm nt llui lien! wrlti-rMHK I lii-.varii pii til In lied - tl.e iik u'lilrli every one l imiMiik ii'kmiI. Nothlni; tint very lft will lx iiitiiillieil Into tlm WnrlilV htaiiiiitnl l.lliriiry of lli-lloii, ThW t.ll.niry of l'li'liiii Will lie "niill to .Mi'i-K'rllH'M (Inly. No l".tin I'oi'kx Will Un I'rlntHl. .No lim it Number I. 'u li lie l-'iiriillinl anil No IliKle Coplex Will In? Hold. lr You Wioli tin- HfrlcCoinplf!e, SUIWfltlllK ATONG'K. One Vear (.VJ iiiiinbi ri, 4! li .Moiitlm (.VI nunilirrk),r-.; II Montlin (l.'l liiniilierKl. AiMrt'n THE WORLD, Now York. I'e, I ii' u. ol , llll uiimIi limtniclloii, ,-ilnti. Ii t ri'imt iiinii,iiiium )ioiHilai1t), Bmhu.i. iWtA.uii. CvmiMM School and NKmaMklp Dtpltt hih tiiiii-i i :t mtttvtl at any lime. I'nt -In .r Hint mh-i n( iM'lllll.llnhllncllt life, J, I. W KSt O, km .. K AUXSTHO.MI, ITIn. H. 0. WRIGHT, Uralrr III ! General Merchandise, j Currleiia i'll-in-nriinl mmk of kimMs nail i lankfM u uprclatty o(Urt'i-itni.. PKM MliKTOW tltll!KN )AHtl. HIIKiH .till I H. F.Johnson &Co.J Prescription Druggists, j ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I Tliry ilo liiipin'ii every iNv, hih! wIh-h our IlKpi'inn in yon, you will wlli lloil you wein I n ii r i'iI In ilm TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tn v. 'I i: k vm.kk' rvMiniTPK nn- hiitllnlrut lo I'.. n , v , iilitl, ,-Mii,i,i,ii'. (linn ill rlnliiin HihI uvea KifH ratlroml mill wii'iun bout acelili'iilH ean lirlux Uhhi It. t'uv all vihiiii, minimi iiinriillll irillliriniiiPiy K)II ihtiih hi n uii,ri,iry iiiuin, .-mih riinrnuie priivfil'iii In Mil It pollolo. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUME8, Koquialtoa of too Toilet, Stationery & School Supplies Fine Imported and Key West Cigars, ' OpiHt.iir villnri Itoui-i'. t'KNiii.irruN, HtKOUN WATSON k ANDERSON Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. I'AIH t'OI.Il V IIOI.UKItK, fl 1,1.0,101,, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, Kiu-IOlvviiliiun Ltll lUIlttf IVlnllruli, or. - I HltOhMclTfnntTtt ! ul il.tcllou In Ih vurv ot (laoorrhf and (llivl, lpn ' ,UUud tMl.ntdln . couimcuii , lux It to ul anfrrran. i.J.S'(iM:U,.U., i C.t.Ur, III. i-iti t t.oa. Suit Ii; UniftUti. l.i-yirA Kuttler, Auit, I'cn llPtmi, Or. FOR SALE Four lots and a liouxo on the Hat, near ' the 0. It, t N. deot, eentnillv loented, , itoixl water, Kootl fenpoH, (or 1(HK). ' Kny term. Four lotH, ono tniarter of it Mock, near ' the Sisters' S-hool, for iiO eiwh. j OLOPTON & JAOKSON Insurance Agonts, F TO UiTB. aVthmili Hi flB Hwlutouii. EH Wr4..ljkjlk. CUlaa4UjBJBH l'KNULhriON, Oltl'.liUN. -lit. M.KIt-4 IN General Merchandise, Adams, Oregon. aroObLXi Sietoert, I.KAlMNfl MERCHANT TAILOR, IViullvlou, Oregon, Main W.,umr Weliti. A FIXi: 8 TOOK OF pOODS Jut recclvil. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! 5 In every purlieu I r