. L ItfltfPAT PAR! & .mi. nduntv Scrip taken at par SUM" Hit office on Subscription, Adver. , or Job Printing Account. PENDLETON. UMATILLA CO., OREGON. MONDAY," NOVEMBER 12, 1888. NO 216.. 1 I f r "HHHHB as. . ruBLianinu ww., , 1 . I'andl.tmi ... Oregon. .nut' 1.(1 X1K .NO 'irj.'-ii U. O. r .iJ-ry Monday night lit Odd rl ,11. r. M.Hovi,r.cm:r TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, TIIK I.O.NDON HVSTKHV. AIHH'T TIIK COAL MINK. PLKION ft una I II AlTKIt NCI. SI. It A. Mk i u J!. Hi Ihv Mnminlo 'fen.ple uii lli- ,nJ llti Friday .if 'Hch'nmiitli'.Ht 7i-fl J, r. IIUHIIBK. ll. i-.i r. ,r, uii iiij I-V7IK WtKJK NO. IW. A. . A A. M. umukii the Mcuml and fourth Mon ...ru month, at 7130 o'clock. II. ,1. ' W u u K. INrrwiNK. Hecretnrr. HDLKtfM LOWIR NO. U, A. I-'. A A.M. , UMtln inn ata.uu.iu Aeunnr tin un tit third Monday., of rnrli month at ' "aIoMKNO. H4.A.O. IJ. , W. M.eH, ( UVM1VU ild & Bean ' I'arllaiitrnt taml tha l're Arrtutrd br thr lj.tr Munlrr r Aiiothrr Woman-- No Ho. litllon totti. If orrlbta TraKdla. London, Nov. 10. In Iho Commons to tlnv Convbcare nuked the nuontion I t..l.nll.... II It ..... . A-.. . . .1 . . Han Fiia.-sc sco, NovomlM'r lll.-Uheut . nmn tm(j j,, ,nrtiert.,i i ,on,ion.(S0n Ititni; imyer thu year, l.lKl.ij: Noveml,oi , cral Wurrcn, chief ot the motroolitaii i.e.; ix-cnnwer, ii.ihiv ; timer the con-1 ponce, ought not to Do ntiporitcdcal hy nn TUB WIIKAV MAIIKKT. ! Dull at Nu V'anrl.ro-Staady at C'liliag. llull at l.lrr,o..l, nnl urt at Nuw York. Hon, Ciiicacio, .Nov. 10. Tin.' wheal market opened nteady to tlay. hovcmbcr I1.14J,, Uecciiiboral.loj,, Muy $1.17?, ket IVfrr nil Uni J nrni hi, HtnMi fiwn, 0. r. .Mrtw on iimi nrciirm hum iam KKWltr( v w.iMnnwitiivi iur( LINK ItKHKlICA IXJIKJK No. 1.1. I. O. HI, Jlii-M uii' iitri nun mini jniirt. nir.iii mini.... AHMONY MJIKIU NO. C, K. (JK I'. MftHliMhld Ki'lltiwV Hull rveryTuc. i.. tit 7!1A nf Iim'L . .1. I l.aAuititv OS IfllHIM NO. i. K. OK P. Mm in lii IJ fVHori' f (nil "very WodfuxUy rat JiSII o'clock. M. AloilKIIK.iii. i H.h.UARKtKl.1), K. of 1!. mill H. ' CAI1.SON 'COHT. (I. A. It.. hii .-Ih hi i Whcrlrr't Iliillt'Vtirr Thurinliiy iilulit. WACKi.r, t:rtini:iiil t-c: J, h. IIowkm. cUnl. I A'lTOKNKVfi. nfjil Ijiw. HimiiiN iNHtiil III, Ak.ocln Block, I'l'iKlltton, OrcKnn. IJ!. Omr ItlHIIII Nil. II. AiMnrlii. Klufk, IViiillcton, OrKiiu. tl.Uw, illlrc -Kikiiiik 1, 1', 3 inn) I A- ti Uw. t'outnit N. A mill , AM.du. Rlovr. IVii'lletnn. Orcniii. J. ION. ATTOUNKY AT LAW. I (imn'l-)lMlli Hlrl. in Tlif.in ,.. DKAIjMKS in- General Merchandise. Main and Alta Sts. ottlcur iicciiHlomed to lavcsticuto rrlnio Tlio HH'aker Haul that u uotico muFt tu kIvi'ii of the niiKNllon, und It Nhouhl ho put in writing, sir Chuf en Yi arrcn un nounued frcotmrdon to itnv arcoinnlictt ot Nkw Yoiic Niiv. lO.TIm ulumi 'o iiiuruoror oi iho itwi victim ol the .-. i... .... . ..... hut end, whu will iiivo liifomiutlon lead , nw-i uruuY. .luvcunirr, ai.ia: u.. , it... n..nt..... H... n-.t i ... iromiwr. fi.ia itKktvi; juy, 11.10'i. Inforumtlon mIiowb tluit the inurdctcd lJVKKMioL, Nov. 10. Wheat dull : I woman wan u nutlvo of Mmoriek, who tHllfornla wheat Is quoted ut 8s. ajtfrf. j A llltKIT HINTKU ArOltM. Ilr Know ami C11I1I WV.tlhrr In thm Can ! 4lan I'lurlnrrK Hrtrrul Virl In III,. lro4, amla Niimlirr f l.lr. I.uat. , (JrniiKf, Nov. 10.- , niiowhloriii which has M'ldoiu Irvii t-ttiultctl wt In hott t TliurMl.u afU-rniMin, und continued until noou i'luriiay. U ottended over Ihe whole of iucl.wwnd llio Mnratlmo nmv- 1MCCH. I Uii ami U-liall fevt of HIIOW f( Cliarioxl Willi Cntnpllrltr In an AtUtuiit niOllH 1110 lower M. l.ltUIVIU'O mill it in, at lllnrkmnll. leareit inero la a nrco Ioh of mon1 Sas- Kmam iki-o i,v n -.ij.a ti.,.n I iunoii( imiiurmejt on noiit nnoniK ol llm one wiik uuo, W. W. Knott wan iihhIhI piiii At Aiiiiitiif it iiiiuIkt lailfii Huliinj- uiit dUlrict uttoriiiiv In UiIh city. Thin ! nut w iiHioni und the nuw were up hi .ininrnoon ho wuh lirruHlcd and lukcn to tho rlpKinca II iiiulit They went remued the tounty Jail, hamlciiuVd, with two un irio mornini! iwuiy iroft iiltton. (Jno ; other men. Knott wn ono of the jnt of lliutn Vitliuot Hlirvivo. Tlio htcamcr hoiih Imllrlwl hv thn i-ninil InrC vmh.r. laliim. In iilU-mplinK to run up tho uay for complicity with 1'olnoni, (Ireon .norlli .Sunlnaw, wuh conipelled to i.ut'und Wild In an attempt to hlackmall Iiitolrlulty liny, whoro tho ilr.tcKed her i .Mo.. A. Dehovo through tliucolumnA of , nciiorH aim wont ahhoro on tin loekN. ' tlio weekly p:ixr called thu KnterprlHc, , inn ..iiiiuiii m iuihiiii-ii orownni. inooi which ii ih Ham ne ih pari owner, .Steamer .Montreal left hero for iMontreal (ireer and Wild worn ltrrraloil Tlnirmluv ! riiurwlay : iilajtt with two paM.onerH. and ' niulil, and Knott wan taken Into cimtody mm not U'Cil neaiil irom fluri). I lum lo iluv. II tlm Ion nnv ermiieelloii Willi inlamtcd to Walen. whore hIio married u man named Collier, who wuh killed lit' . un oxploHion. After herhunbaud'H death Him came to ljiidoii. All tlio mornint, pa)icru contain ionKiieeountH ol tlio new I tragedy, all much contradicting each I other In the factx. They huvo uIno loin; editorlulrt, the Stuudard Ix.'Iiil' frieuillv to tlio illicit. W. W. KNOTT AllltKNrKtl. Great Slaughter of Goods! ItluioiiKkl, the hint jiulf Hlullou on Iho Internatlomil railway, comex a ntury that u INhliii; ciniiek with llueo men alMMrd wuh loot, Telei,'riih wiren are tlbwn, I niul tnilnn nro delayed hy the hiiow. I'IKIITT HOtlNO NA1.M.IN I'ACK. the hH'al nunor or ItHOwncrH.fiirtliur than that of boiiiK their nttornov, and HayH ho will Ik! able to oMabliidi hm IntUH'cncn in court. Hall wuh net in the ciiho of each of themimen in the ciiin of fltOOO. W. II. flrlrher Makr. a Htat.nirnt la Am. rrtu Nnmrrtiut InqalrU.. To the Killlor of the Kaot OrrnonUn. Many iiuentioiiH hnve Won asked relative to the Umatilla County Compa ny'ncoal tuluo; whore it is, what it inland what uinount of work had been done, and thin, together with n Htatcment made by your rcprcHcututlvo, who claJmn to hara vlxited Ihe mine, that it confuted of "log cabin, an un worked tunnel, und a drilhhole," leadn mo to niako tho follow ing statement: The mino iHKltuated at the head 'watern of Hotter creek, about fortynU m lies hoiiiIi from 1'endleton. The foruiatlou of the country in sand Btono, alato, Hoapntonc, and free clay. A tatter formation for coal caunot exlrt. Tho company'H hooka ahow un expend iture from thn flrnt wotkiugri to the pre enltimeof 4'J00. Thn dnvoloiimcntH are an followrt: A tunnel, (1x0. K'd feet in length, well tim bered. iiltchliiL' ut an ancle of twenty degreeH, and ehowiug u vein ot coal aver aging three feet In tlilcknenn the whole leuutltof tho tiimiul. There are nlacoa In thu tunnel which hIiow the vein to be over five foot In thlckncHH. Thoouatlty of coal Ih good for heating or Hteatn pur IK)hck. It wan nronounreil ut Iho Me- chaiiica' I'alr itt Portland, wheru a nuan tlty of coal'waH an exhibition, to fio of uh g(Ml iia1ity an nnv then on exhibition. ItiMViitle. ii ilrlll niiH Hlitrliwl with a view of llndliiir it Hccond vein of coul, A four-inch holu wan nut down, und at thn depth of Ihlrty-ouo feet Mow thn Unit vein, u Hccond vein muh diHcovorod. meaHiirlng flfty-ono Inchen from top to bottom. Tho coal I of lictter duality than thu llrHt vein, Ihecomtiatiy Ih nuw nutting down a work I n it nhafl. Ilxll feet, for tho tmriMMo of taking out coal. .Men will I kept al work itt tlio mine all winter. . H. I'l.KTCiout, Manager. FOR 30 DAYS YET, iW. i I I i a mino.':. ATroitNiiYH at i 'Wrnvr Klrl Nailonol llHnk, I'wi Mil TCIIKU.AlTOlt.VKY AT UUV. i IXntfrvlllf. Ort-nun. Will riirili-H vuru ur iirt'k'iin umi .vmhuiiiuIihi. i... . tl..tt.ft . MW. .......... . LlW. Kruillk. !lllliil A nf tl.M II h!u.l IU" lau lllliir. rtirliHri.r tluln un.l W..I.I. Uw, IVn llHiin.OrrKon totoiim H unil AT 25 PER GENT. LESS THAN GQST Nearly 'I.I.OOK' 'fm, t It. Mrgrtl on Itoi . , rl. rk.tti.i:, ftov. !. .iiio Minion neiiKon on I'ugi't Sound Ih now alwiit closed, 'i'o morrow morning tho Seattle Trado .lour- 1 mil will imbliHh a nummary of thu NKWM KltOM lilll.N'A, Mtraiiivn t'aiiKhl lit u Tyhunn-Clinlrra Ahatlug A I'al.a lltpurl, Rn FiiANuinco, Nov. 10. Tho htoamur Oceanic, junt ni rived from Hong Koni briugn tlio following uowh: riioloru AN AOCIIIKNT. A raianacar Narrowly l-Urapii. Ilr.lru. linn, anil Hat III. Itlglit Hand :ruhrrf. l.ant Katurday night, nhortly after oho o'clock, an thu i'ltriuingtou paHHcngerwaa making preparatlonn lor lln departure up tho branch, an old gentleman iiuinad Henry I.. ItrookH wuh thu victim of u din- trending accident, and came near lonlng bin life. He wan bound for Ury Creek, und wuh iloubtleHM ufruld of In'lug left. .H.hiln'Kll. luiv .iri.vv ivnui i. fu. li-l.ii. Orii.-nii. I'l.n IW.A. y Itliimtiw Mirr i.iMi vuum M Tmm Iii r nf ClirUllun H- u-nrn Mt'Il(Oi K.M'M hi rlltllMHll. Mini C !. I'oi.tnliuili.i. iti..,. MHlKWllt.fi, fllYKKMA.N A SI) HUH- Ilfl .11. HA I. ..... . LJ. U Itt I Lt t . a. - a.... kI' " nil, III I fllJiAn A.JI rjhm. urnrrl -Out MiHirliuiiHH a a'liir. Ifl11ltl tir JiUlllaf ill Mil I I i l't k. . . . . . Ua.i ' " r r- m roll nriir i.iiiirL uiiattti. i.ifiiiAA nrotinffa..! i. tuiu..i... ... mi . "iTrini utirimon tfiveti in ma DKNTISTH. D tin..... . it.'jr'jriK, IIKNT18T. (I AH AOMIN- wt umrrl -Main HIrrut.lnTlminn. " noiwiDr. l'rtidlftiin, Oregon. The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes, A fine lot of Men's Furnishing Goods; A large stock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets. Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost. COME AND GET BARGAINS AT MY STORE. James Wheelan, COURT STREET. i, In r-i I.. Ill. I 'PI... - a I... I ?i. ".WZl.r'm' . ."J'iresldenrfl of tho Ainerlean Mlnllr nt wtt" '' !'Mg. the HIUIII track. 'narked Hiob t Huiked by Chlneno J'M the train, In the i-rocenn ol making patKeiiHiuucaneHolH.ilmonunl.'OO bar- , I,-,...,,.- t.,,.,1..,. ,... ,ir ('i,i,lr.K l thu reipi red number of cam, waH elso HaltHalmon; F. Tuttle l'o. MoM b.teklng'U!..' The old genllohiun, U K"z .: . v. .r". " i o.naha in now ut shanghai. . l,t,ur '."""f. u",vi,r,.lo ,,lm- nor mo noino oi inn iiiovinc train, no packed 27000 Fivo Mllu canen: Klikwooil ,V Lo.. Itock.uro Htlll tiackim;: tlnin I lar nioy navo ranncii itiHiut oiHl canen. j'fho totul iiack for the xcumiu Ih -4,-tUO, i being by far Iho largent pack over made . on l'ugut Sound. ThuHteamor Kllduro. while on her way from Hong Kong to Juvu, w ith u cargo of HUgar, wan wrecked Uctober lOtlt, In a typhon. and lour ol the crew drowned Tlio nleainer Junluta wun alno citught thin typhoon, und wuh badly ukci! up. in OIIKAIII'lll. OINANTIllt. MKCHANICS HltT.r ' f AI.NTKK niDl,r. Wflrk ItmmHIl AND I'AI'KH IIMMMH. .In.. . I uuwm wliwlcr A Oreeiif.. on Court '-..I'AttKKW, Jl.lty. K-llnj t'ONTUAWOH AMI Orrgnu. touutrr ruatf. nirnl)ifl on V. IU'I'lfs, iv"niiv"'ri.'l! " A vi ri."'.'Bn iiioniDMiu alrwU. I'viiUIh. . ;v.iiiit arilwr. ...II. I. ...I I nw......!.. till. ";w.i noiEH. III.AI'k-MMITII AND . uw.. n .... . . t, . lu inc i-.t ......n i .... ii-rmn. I'.irllcuUr attention xlv- EA Hliin it i ' lUL r. liAIIUIA ""injitn MkilMi.- ii.....n..tn.. rwx.j r UU V nia..i ..." ' " I.-'.-- .V AQK irMnn n ..'nroliliwl on .hort notice. Ordoni - nn.ni ... .n. . Pintng a iclaUy. '"JAM WU.K1.NKON. I'ltACTIL'AI. aSt'!'.1. "elc iiuil ChroiiomeUr Ma- toil "'"vf hraiirhen. Alt wnrk ".WinULIImrnii ' rvr.n.. . . Hittn .r TONK AMI IIIIIC'K FURNITURECARPETS B. C. & E. M. WHEELER, -ni.Al.KKS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS. SHADES, MATTINGS, ETO. A CVimplet Stock of Furniture and Can-.- Stock Covers 5,000 Feet of Flooring. PENDLETON, OREGON lAmiiiirr miu i:i,.io.imi n, wuici. hi - I I.Ur. Ara lri.l. I'lTTriML'iiti, KaunuH, Nov. 10. Tho inont dreadful dlnititter In thu hlntory of KitunaH occurred atQ o'clock thin uveu ing, When thu men were preparing to le.ive oil their work ut nlmft No. 'J ut I'rontenuc, a nuburb of l'lttnlmrg, it ten i hle oxploiilon wan hoard that nliook tho earth for u, great illxtunai und wunplelel v Hhutlerred thu nlmft. On luventlgatlon ft wan found I hut 100 men w eru In thu initio ut tho timu of the explosion, being ML feet Udow Ihe HUtfuco. It in Hlniocl cer tain that all uro dead. Till: III.IZ7.AUD IIIISINKHH IIKOUN. itatarvNIorni. In Kfierl AVr.l.rn Slat.. Much I.uat uf I'mparly. Ciiioaiio. Nov. 10. A terrlblo hliz- Kurd Ih raging thin morning in lowu, iHCOUHln, und .NetiruHka, pront rating tel egraph wlreH, and iinH'ding tralnn. SKVMot'it, lnd Nnv. 10. It Iiuh rained hero Hteadily for forty-eight bourn. The White und Muncututuck rlverM huvo over flow ed. fund low -lying lundn are Inuii- dated. Murh llvo ntock have len drowned, and thoiinandn of buHheln of corn have lcen Hwept away, and thou- jnandH moroure endauisered. A OIIKAT IIATTI.i: I.N TIIK NOI'llAN. A HOItltlltl.l-: IIINCOVKIIT. came very near Ijelng cruHheil to iloutlt, hut Jimt In-foro he wan Htrurk by the train, ho wuh daringly noUed by u brukoman named Flunk IIIh and dragged iion Ihe platform In time to Ik, naved from death. Ah It wun, huwuer, IiIh right hand fell under the wheel, und wuh ul inont iiiukIiuiI to it lolly. He wan taken In churgu by Ir. Vincent, who drewied the wound uh In.nt ho could, und rent thn iiutlent to tho Walla Walla honpltul. A (urge iHirtton of bin hand will probably hao to Im auiptitated. Mr. linnikH, who in a renliieni ol iny Creek, wun returning home with bin wlfo irom it vlhlt to thu W'tllumcttu valley. Tho calumity by which hu wuh overtaken when ho nearly Home, ih io do regreiieu. It Jh hurdiy to bo wondered at that Homo one iiuh Ihcu luiureii ai I lie ren dleton ileot. The tiiuklug up of tralnn during thu night olfem dangormiH chuueca for accident not from any negligence ot train men, but from tho careleiinneaa of the piinrtungerti themticlven. Oui HOODS SOI.fl ON KASY I'AY.MKNTS. O. and K. M. WHBKLBR 8UCCCE880R8 TO FORBES WHEELER, Tlit HuilUa of Klafan C'ltlldr.n I'imihiI al the Outturn or.a.iu.crvnlr. Momkkal, Nov, 10. A HiHicIal do Hputth from St. Ambrono I.u Junnu Iruurette nayn- ComilaIutH huvo Imtii I ii ado concerning thu condition of the city rexorvolr, and thu ituthoritiort have re Holveil to empty the wnterworkn. The t nr. L- unu 'iiiiinli.ti.il venlerdav unil tint I remulnH of cloven children were discov ered ut thn Ixittoui of tho reservoir In an ,., w.,. a hP.ri.ThT;..n r vntr... -vonrwl htato of taMon. I Nrit rtprliiK to Ailnill Trrrllorl... ' Till" MaliiU'a Army llrouUnl Willi M !. or.'IOOII Mn. t'AiKo, Noy.lO. Seenty tlu'iinuiid follovtcrH of tho Matidl uttacknl thu town of Wadal, went ol Darfoor. Tho garri Hon repulHfid thn annulluntH und killed 3000, but thu MahillV force uttacked and capturtMl the town. The Sultana of Wadal bun lied to Chuiri. TIIK .cilllONItll.K'N" aovici;. San Fkm'in(-ii. Nov. 10. Tlio Cltronl-' I do Htiougly tirgen tho incoming prefddent Nn' flra la Hmw Yark. Yokk, Nov. 10. I'arnell, lllng- ! to call un extra mhoIoi. of the Fifiyflrat i liam A Co.'h paper Ihis factory and Hen Sn, .. i... ii.., ..I.. Li, i... ! unit Jk Valonllno n lrook blm orvut Wortl .Vtociatinu llullding IVndJetou, Or. I (Vngici-H immedlntelv uimii yU Jimugu- nett V valonilno'H Ihwi : nintlury ul ortlt I .it... l1. - .1 . I .1 - I .. i ur.tt Ullfl MlUdlOII IMllI'M lltirilixl 111 111 rUtlOIl. IlJr IIIU HIK'llill IHiriMJMf III lUllllll niir . .... v .....,,vv. Alexander & Frazer, IlKAt.KllS IN General Merchandise. line Wellington und Dakota Terriloricn, ' und hearing Ihe cano of .Moulauu, I A M NAUOHTKAMHIt Ht.SK. Clothing, Hatt?, Caps, Dress and jbancy uooas. a THamilv G-rocenes GOODS DELIVERED FRtE OF .V?Hi.ffiwv k Y' r. TUr Farwiil llrr I'rr 1'lir.tmwil - A hhlp 1 Al.allop. IIuhii, Jxjnimix, Nov. !). A tolegraut from lluvrenUttH that thu (!uuard lino nteauier Nunlii. cameinliicollinion thlrtv-nix milea i nit'lil off tho LUaid, with Ihe (ieruiau nlilp ! tin. ru'rin iTheotloio Ituger, ('apt. .Meyer, unil that Only 'Iiirve fihlnamni. 0,-x.;r, lxr ?, UV f. V'! '"!'.. ; SANl'UAMIhCO, .NOV. 10 rjuuvji'i't ujf aiii h crew nan i.tnueu ui mihiih:. "u,()co . . . laio oi iiio re morning ; loan 10.ri,000, fully Innured. Thrnn men woru In lured, ono fatally, hv Jumping from ii window. Thr.a Mora lluillr. Ilarutarcd, Kkciioti:)!, N. Y Nov. 10. Three charred und mutilated IkhIIch weru taken 1 from tho rulim of tho Sleuni (Suugu uud i Lantern Con.' worka thla iiiornlng. in ad dition to the Ave Inxlien recovered lunt Undoubtedly moro UHlien are in IIN Tltl- MIKOON unknown. i-nt and llurateaiiiet'a crow In j N l uAM ihco, ov. 10. IhoHteumer mju rj nlo arrived from I long Kong thin . ... a . ... I in'tlll inorniiig wiin lorty-oigiit iviimeso, only !0lght-iound girl. Mnantaln Valley llama. No whlnkv wan on 'hu uround. and no betting or lighting occurred nlection day at ltldpe. Ihe htat two weekH' weather liaa been chungubhi. with Homu ralu, hiiow, froat, and Huuahlitn. Hhetin mcu are buny moving their flockn to winter rangen. Mr. Yt in. IlobiiiHon ban aold hln place on Advent flat to V. O. ilowman. and will move with lilt family to the Snake river country, MIhji Annie Hemnegar, who ban been very ill for the pant four wcekn, In slowly recovering. Mm, .Matlock and family will move to I'cndleton thin week, to reside during the coining winter. ' Our little vulley la Ix-comliig Homewhat noted for rown, eioementH, uud nopara lions. Two young men, Hill und Charley, had a net-to it few da.VH ago, lit which Churloydrowu weajRin, and floiirUhed It around, but decided not to idioot uny one. Two married men, Jim and O'eorgo, Mint their better IhiIvch I .'ant, but a few duya ago one of llioiu returned, und I hear there wan u long war of words, which ended In her returning I.ast with her tie girl. Horn, to thu wife of Andy Carloy, uu a an.i . '"""'rani ireifon. loinu 7 '"'niimeiit netting. a apralully; ll . PUrrlrrllltf. ill) klml. of MtniiH kif5.vrk exncutml n.aiiiaMv. Ilul. 'Irwnnwif ivrr-tilirw W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO. "VVine and Spirit Merchants, .r.tjT ct - - PORTLAND, OREGON DO rnwn -AOHNTS- SALOONS, (nYRUS fjQQi BOURBON AND MEWmSKIES; JOS. SCHUTZ BREWING iiun..." . ' :... ..... mi. CYPOMI FILTincn MUI ILCUPttMr nun uV."vKAU..i'iiopmKTonoK' UU. (miiwaukee. r iU7-.V., uii.i iPHRP nLI rOarU Uf Trailf..1 llrir Frit. in Ullll till. ' 1 nuietou, Oregon. Kreder- Klne Vlne.IJl- ni u CD dim r: mi N PR A L WATER. (Waukensaw. Wis.) VEUKE UU QUOTPOS (Yellow lM) A rroiiiliieiil Jlan Turn. I'lirgi-r. Ci.i.vi:i.m, dido, Nov. 10. .Major F. II. Ilrigginn, chairman of tho Hepubllcun 'central itommilleo of thin coiintx, wuh iinestctl to-dav for foniug numuroiiH noten, on which ho hsciiiciI lietweeii ) fOiOO. und jrtkH) at dlilerent city lankn. lie Wiin locked up at Iho central oIlce ntutloii und confem-d bin guilt. IlUitr rexthan cauwil it great Keiinatlou. TO I " i; tol'lirut llir (ialluM.. )v AMit:i.i.n, Cal., Nov. 10. I'oIhoii wuh fiitind last nL'liI on Iho irorHOit'of AiiK lihiu. tho iniirilerer. who is to Ikj ! yenterday juldw3w hunjuil next Friday. 'OO-l, IIIK'4 Ol WllOllt UrO lor UllS City. I ... , U1.l .i iilliilnled ultl, llu. 'Mill. "armim j l"tf. t horn" coal mlno, near hero, uud do not HiiiiiOKiowr, Conn., Nov, 10. A tele-' Inillevo there Ih any coul tlieio, If any gram from l.linu Hock, Conn., Hayas ouu wanta to Ini convinced that thera Ih, Hon. Win. II. IJarnuiii la dying, lie hu lielter coino up hero in January, for itnun liieiu will M) plenty ol coin i inaku thin Htatoment for thu rcuxou that 1 uin opirofecil to putting in print Hiich tut- cannot survive tint day," llrath or u Mrrclianl. Ni:w Youk, Nov. 10. Win. Telll, of Toirt, Weller A Co., ona of thu largest drygomU houses in the country, died to day. A I'lour Mlllllr.lruyrd. Vim li t, Cal.. Nov. 10. Fox t Wil-( 4 - 'II IIMI, "VI'll V J ' rrf J ( I Ixihh f 10,000 ; iiirturanco terinir uccouuta for the nurinNU) of mukliii: u few dollarn by selling u liolo in thu ground, uud bringing luctt u distunco to In) dlt)upoiutod. Km. The School hoard ut I'ortluud havo re ouented tho children attending tlio pub . lie vchool to bo vaccinated. I