THUKSIMY, NOVH.MBKK 8, 1888. 1 DAILY AND HBMI-WKKKI.V, j 1IY Tit" j Knit Omgiiiiliwt, I'ulilUliliic t'iniiiny, AT- l'KNIl,KTON. . tmtuioN. tlAlt.VaUllACltllTION ltATM! One copy it year. iy mull...... ; IS Ono ropy lx month, hy mull f Ono ropy pt-r week, liy currier. 'r Hlnirln iiuiiilirK..N AHVKIIN.1I.NII HATCH ( Dl'i'liiy Aih'rrthrmmM One Inch, or li', Hi Hi'inl'WiM'kly per, uiiinlli.. W i" Onn Inch, nrl'H, In Dally Per month....... I j TwiiliiclifM.orliwK, III ImiIIi, pit month... ! .t...... u.iiiil.Wiibli nor liifl. per month liver inriv menu", uniiy, iht men ii month I 2- Ov-r time Ini'hcrf, In lotli, per Inch p r nioiitl 1 74 NKtf t'WKKKI.Y HUllHCntlTlUN IIATKHi One copy per ynif f- BO ono ropy lx niii"iilhM 1 'ii Hlriglu numherx.. "" Protnliiin paper free in yearly atiotttlhorH. Holld iiiinpnroll iidvertltu'niriita In Hcnil Weekly or Dully, Hint lixorlton, pur inch, l.); each KUliHpqiiRiit Iiiertlnii,i7). lineal notice, It'll cmita ht line each In-ncrtlou. II'. K Mr. Clcvulnnil hud p.inilctRil to tlio lurid" iiitiilcrnrH, uml dodgtid tlio Ihhiiu, anil iii!Kl(i:ld to iirnelultn tlio trutli ; If ho liad hIium! uvcry fraudulent and f 1 1 -furltiK I'tTinlon bill piiHscd by u rubber 'oiiKre ; in uliort, if bo bad boon n truckling, dlMlioncHt iiinn titnteail of tlio couritKuouH man of truth unit irincliln that bit In, lin would bavc boon clcctcil. Thin In tlio wholo explanation of the, ii!Hiill, and in iih ood iih forty colutntiM. Komi: of tlio cltl.utin of I'onilk'ton and otbor placuH tblnk an nbould bo Hindu tn tlio nuxt LcniHlaturo to appro priate a niiiii of money to build a road drown CainiiM creek. If ho, ii Mtltlon hhonld bn clreulated at oneo, and u mir vey and imtlinitto of tliu o.xpvtiM) made. Tn kiii: Ih banlly ever a defeat ho com plete and crtMhliiH but there Ih hoiiiu whom a hiiiuII glimmer of coufolutlun. Umatilla county N Mill Domocratli: oh peclally I'entorvllle and Cottonwood Tiik returiH aro not yet Hiilllclcntly complete to determine what will lie the complexion of the next lloiine of Itepre KontutiycH. Wo liotm it will have a Re publican majority. ('.u.i comma and Oregon hbow a largely IncreaHcd vote. Hy lH'Jli Oregon ought to Ui enlltleil to two ConnreHtuucii. Tlio Hperchli'4 NtinlfnU. Krom the Vuncuiiicr llt'ulHtcr. Thu hcIiouI for the deaf hiw Juxt mo imncd. It Is generally known an a pro lircHMlvo hoIiooI under elllcleut nuituik'u ment, and it I it nitifylnn to learn that the oxcopllunal mlvuntinjoH that it af ford aro ln'imr morn widely known and appreciated, and that the niuiibcriif ntu tlnutx ix lucrt'iisiutf. l ew hcIiooIk all'onl Mich a ple.imtut educational homo for children. It will htriko a vinltor that tlio denf Muilont have mom than oidhmry keennecH and Imdnht by iiieann of the edition o( wlilch thev am in pohhohhIou, tbttri coriolmratlun I lie couplet: "If tloil mitt inililliT Iihh npmi'n.eil IIu'm iiihiIk iiiorn perficl nil (lie rrl." The Kiop1o of Clarke county have a deep interest in tho education of till claiM, 'l it Im Interest ban been inanlfeMed MitiMtiinti.illv throiiuh oiiriopieKeutativex. Tlio now ImlldliiK which Ih liehiK erected ix Hitinttod about two intlort from the city. It in of red brick, handsomely de.siuued, and hl.indliiK on an eiiihieiice oveilook hi; thu Columbia river, it couiniuudxnn uninterrupted view of that plctnie."ipie xbeot of water in oitlier direction, hk far iih the eye can reach. Tint building will (jive ample Ion to two bun dled Miidenih, and there in no doubt but that till number will lie reached in the near future It ix eliooriiiK b hoo that tlio I.eKUhuuie of this young Territory lum uuido ample piovisluit ho that tho meaiiH of a khmI Muglish education in pliicetl wllhiu the reach of her HiH'oehle.-h children. I'liU l- a groat adv.intago, and will nodiHilil hmeitH wnight with jiaieutrf of thin cI.inm who aro coiiHldorlng wiiethor or not thoy "Will inako Wuhhington Torrl tory their future home. A llnrrrl of I'limr MiIiIaIhIo llrenal. i Tlio American Analyst tlniH huijih a bu ker'H profltn, or what a barrel of Hour in , worth when inudo into bread. A baker will toss a barrel of flour into a trough. Tlinn bo tonnn.4 101 pounds of water on top. A quantity of yenut fH added, and then tlio jolly baker haH 3J0 ikjuiuIh of, dough to ojierate on. 'J'ho tl'iO kjuih1h , eoHt liim 5. In i liort order tlio dough in turned into "twislH," high loaven, pun j loavoH, and other tylp.n of tlio huiiio cpial-1 Itv. Tlio ovcii'h lieat reihtccH tltu 'M) i poiindH of dough to -M lioundrt of hiead. Thu baker hcIIh IiIh bread at tho rate of four rentrt a pound, or at an advance of over ill) per rent, over what it cit him. There aro 1.-10U bakcrH, great and mini), in HiIh city, and to thcni Ih committed tlio tniHt of Hiipplylng biead for 1,1100,1)10 porHOim. There are many bakcrH in thin city who mako 1,!100 loaven of bread per day and Hell it for from f 80 to f lot), or at BUY Notes and Receipts FROM FIRST HANDS. Larif. Stock Jtint from I'rv.Hsim, nf f.ow Flfiirr.i. the. The Latest For ms In piulxorbookK, Wn nlnn linven $2000 Stock of Legal Blanks r i a ft A II w mm dm m. iMPomtna or pardware, Iron, M AND FARM MACHINERY. FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STREETS, POSTU' CAI'ITAI, W5.0O0 04HI Solo Agonta for Orogon and WaHhington for EsUblished in Portland in 11377. I-o-hcm paid III Orcitoli $I,I8U j Loused pnhl In WiiHlilimton J Vr M,iNl a net profit of f 10. I.ittlo tnorioy in lost int.lmliig Circuit and County Couit, ' ..iraln. w.hiI, - '.t;i?.i',i.':;.t:i f..'il V.i'If.itii Probate and Count v Court, JUHtice h i H,t,i u Portland or Han KmncNcn, liieliuiliiit Court, Ileal Kstato, MlHcellitne ouh and Land ISIankH. in tho buHluoHH, and most bakorH do Ai eaHh trade. It 1 very Heldoin that bakorn fall. Tlio huolncMH in uteady, relialile, uml attended by a very few rinkH, uhIchm ! Incompetent workmen aro employed. Nlnnlity llfnril I'nim. Nowh Iihh beeu received of Htauloy, tlio African explorer. Ho wan econ by Araba In Novotnber. 1K87, at I.ako Alticrt. Ny un.a. Stanley wan in good heulth, but had millered coiiHldcrably. .Many of bin party had died, and at that time there remained only UoO men. In Homo cohoh ho wan compelled to fight tho native-!. who rofuKod to provide tho party with It wan lilrt Intention to punii tor j rlxkn In tra nit from cnlx" to steamer, while: nil nurt rn, l.KltilKUT I'OUIKIt, .MniiiiKc r, 27Htark rt.. Porlliiiul. moldIkotx- flKMl. wurd us rapidly uh iiohhIIiIo and reach Wadeli alioiittlio middle of January, 188S. Tint ArubH am of the opinion that .Stanley Send for Samples and Prices. ADDIIKHS EAST OREGONIAN PUB CO., I'eiulUton, Oregon. Iihh rcaehod thin xlnt In nafcty. Thm newH will ulvn eneouruiromenl to thone who aro IntereHted in tho hiiucchh of tlio, expedition. Although the iiowh In Indefi nite and iIoch not give complolu aHHiimnre iih to Hlanloy'H nafoty, tlicro in good gronndH for bopo that hoiiio iiowh may bo reeetvcil troni tno exuorer ouioie mug Cows For Sale ! j M-plK :jm lVnillctDiii Orison. : Yillard House. I IIAIK HOII.1 I'Mprletov I Northwefit Corner Main nml Court Hlreet PENDLETON, 0REQ0N. i CENTRALLY LOCATED , -tuRE S NEW DEAL PLOWS. ulnvlfl. Itoiililn.nrTrtiiDtp Pllin.W. ThrT ,10 no llinnla nml mm. i Inn. Hint tlimt, who have llicit thetil or own Ihi'm Hnrk n ha, t heir pmlc Wo rurnlnli tht'in with or wltliouliwiMucklil?! Heat iitlnpliinentxitra extra. APPLY TO , Re-()i)encd, Ru-lurniHhetl llnrnUoll P. IlinlOnn i Enuiunutl in First- Pondloton, Orogon. The French Restaurant i Trnvlrr In Knnii. A bill ban leun prepated to reuulale Pullman earn in KiniHaH. It providen tliat, day or night, when berth aro not Hindu no. travei'rn Hhall have tho nrlvll- egoof pureluiHing neatH In tho hUdikth uli.irl .Uultifii.ii. If fttrllier tirnviileri ! that when upor lierlliH are not occupied ''m Oei'brv, I'roprh tor. thoy uh ul I bo kept eloped, giving thu oe- iMl,n - Opposite court lloiee. eupantMof tlio lower Ijcrtli that much ,..,., utr ll iIyi.m (tin iirlenn of bortliH V NMh-Iiink In all of It iippolntinunU. Tin more air. t iixoh ino pritnij oi mn mo.nt.pil.-.i with thu i.est the tm at prexnot l' a night and .l for .'I nmrNM nitonlx. hourHj wivH tlio minimum pay f tlio n n j ui li jHirler nhall bo per day liiHtead of ' UpBfl UQV 3110 NlgM. ill! a month, makes It a iiiImIo- ' 0.whlio luhor lu tin dlnliu.' loom ineiinor for that olllc al to reelvo "Hph" mil Ulii-ln-n. or extra pay from tho paMrtongero for ecr viceH rendered. OImhs Stylo. -(SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL I MEN. Free Coach to nntl from Tritium. X)ESiaE OPO-WEJia LIT BULKY BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL IttKI Hueknya line l'rt Ondn Drill, lluckcyn Hrrilvrii, ihiekeySprlnTooUjH I (liftln Iirlll,buprlorHtdr. j CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER, , The Intnl. Improved Implement for xonvIiij; mimiiier tov. Tht mott. licc:aiui umi ,ui iiii iu,nMO in UH. We atto hnva a full lino of BurrIoi. Carrlagei, Fhattoni, Uw i'lRiiorm una uwnr opiiuf vaaiciei. . SCHUTTLER FARM WAQ0N8. Lnwrriiif Chnpln'it Hprliu-Toolli Harrowii, Dwre Harrowi, RcIhUiI I'MvlIti) VnnnlnB Mill, IIVIHIl JIA.11JI W 11113, asTC, OSTC 0-.KNI FOIt SI'HCIAI. CIItCULAiW AM) I'RICK USTS. A Uiiutitfiil C'niiipllinent. (lueHt 1 wIhIi I bad como hero a week ago. Proprietor Ah, thut'H very llatterlng to my hotel. "1 don't know about that. What I mean In that f would have preferred to have eaten thin flnh then Instead of now." wm. Gardner & co., The Pendleton Holler Mills, Viai'laiM aaJ flaaiiaa Vaaiaaaaa .W CENTRAL Li?2rj, hi an. Sale Opixmlte Court limine, MAIN SiTltl'.KT - VA I.I. A VI. I.t. Klrt -elio-n iKcoininrxlatliiiiK Ktinrunliril lo every hoily. A line lot of livery rlK nml I lie tiel of liny nml grain nlwayM on liutnl. Horses Bought and Sold (iiinn ami rn nie, every hoily, unit tie well Iri'a'iil. oeUinm ItltllKUT KlltU. I'rop. Walnuts for Sale. I hnvoUne llilililreil llimhelH of llluck Wnl IiiiIn forMiile nl One Dollar per Bushel Harkeil ruul itellvereil on hoanl furi. Suiul on I it to Goo. M. Settlomior, (lorvaiit Oregon. Write inline uml uililreni philuly. x3.) ni SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. L'ttACI'lCAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Muln uml WolitiKtrrl. Kaatern Made Uuot nrt Mhnra la Hturk. Mnniif ii'lurtr" (CapiiPilv'iiu t nrrel- ptr.luv ) S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors, I'-iiiiU'toti.OiiKoi , MMmifnctururit of ilritliani, urHiiulnleil uml Ni-ir-rninir riour. I'erfrct fltnnnntutdrxl. I Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, RIKIIWKI.l.tNdHUHPtTIII.IUIIlMl.lllNOr- t'nnh ITire I'nld fter KlmlH or Jial. All SAlWIi.: WJI.UAM U0X'1I, lli nil- llrnrifY r Uletoti.OrCKOii. IUirtmlJ ana pruiiipuy utiirtml. A UNOI.I) HI'IIMKKR, la XV oi iiiq uiuuiilift otvtrj. I era of ami wliolcals M m hcer hy tlniKlHosboith lllmj i rr ii ana n you uooiu !'Wonr,iiioal,clioii,frcU.Hi', alwiiyaou lii'nd. Hprcllttal lima uml i"tluiHtfN fiirulxhril for) hrntlmt hullUlnui In uny ofctlon of tlieronu. try. l'orriiiilriirc ol Icltoij. First National Bank OK PKNIII.KTON I.KVY NKBNY, I'raalilclit. JA('(II KIlA'.KIt. VIOBl'olitlinU SAM I'. Hl'lllllltri, irnMhler. ('. II. U'AUK, AKltmit CuhUr. T AWHON A KNOW, Mod JJ in Fair at Pendleton! OFFICE: 1 34 THIRD STREET. Portland, orogon. juuh ! Transact a Gsnerajjanklng Business ; Exchange on All Parts of the World Bought and Sold. . rollii-ilniiK iniiiluut all polninon rmiMjiiuhle J lei inn. ' r.-i.lti i jnrn A tlranil I'aiieyKiilrwIll tiikeplniHHl i tbirtuiiiiiou loai. GAGEN'S NEW HOTEL, J. C. O A.RSO iST, ! j Put Up your animals and your on Tuelny, V.iliit-ilnyini(IThur.lny, .MHiiiifiu tnrer of unit Denier III money at tnisstana. i noro , tl. nnik Olctanf. 99rinf Nnwomhar li. iuora, iilini!, Window A la no bettor In town. Our ,nB Uin, ZlSianQ im WOVeiTlDBr. ..,, tanurnt Commercial Liwj, Feed, ana Sale Stable J. B. KEENEY &. CO., Props. hu Hiiir Kaiouu. I'iiii cliani. fciullriuN lr i cenli a chin. Wlorbutl b claltv. Mnuittrt,opoiUQ TTUIKD. KKMPER.I'KOHU'! a: r iveuem ixxniui, K pot(,i!lc, I'rnillelon. )M UraUKht. Winn, liquoni beat brand, n Hock. T)AT KINK.I'UOl'ltlCTUItil I rfntlon rarlnri, Mta Court llnme Hn-arr, In hrlck. Tha tt Wln. U VSIrgrint !u notic" k ntJ t-1 PCTKIl I'MIMKVTtltl. of lli-il'iiii'.onio' lli.'i.r. tl - l,lquor buU Cirfiri'i IISt'KM.OHM V ,. i irt . hl- ' foil. . I up I iii el. nil. I l.u iM.rf. James Crawford, .MuiiiiriU'tiircr of unit JlVulur In patrons and friends will bo woll treated. COMKTUNKK UH. AM. KtNtW OK HHIS Ftllt IIIltK-THK KINIWT TUItN OUTH IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY & Co.. PROPR H. F. Johnson & Go., Prescription Druggists. Itiilldlnu huppliuN. i Klliiiuii' uml I'rleu I.ti on iippllcutlou. ' Oouiitry ortlerx u xptcliilty. 1 Knntory nml Sulennioin, Weliller'it Mill, A T ' a n rr Hr r I I'OllTI.ANII . OltKOON. I'niiev Work of every ilcrlplloii. Invliiitlni: Mime tuMiitlfulwux iti'Nlgiiii, unit it iiiirn. ir nf vuluntiln urtlolen kindly do. imtpil hv purtli-N In I'i'iiillctoii.wlll ho illnpo.eil of hy cliiiiii'i'H. mi iti.NUMi r,s tniii f illKI,il I" will I niv "i" .' iiiv ,l.ri i Hllj ."'til nfi mm:-. ilmv Hin leprt'N.iitlint ii lirlileilrevii'il In nhlte Kittln, nml I lie Wheel of Fortune , ' will he very ultra dive li uliiru,, ' A Fine Supper will be servptl evt ry cvrnlnrj I MM I. I...H l-ii LUIuli"! I I,Ihiii m itil orflw nnuni' 'p-fwi rorin'm-- A Mi ike siiii. Old Sore.uit SulurM nl;itiM tlio follow infill Htiiolly true, nml h.ivh it tun I hi voueheil for liv forty of Hid iiioU iulluon linl eitioun of liust Mueou : Out on (lie iluntiition of Mr. J. 0. Kvuiih, near Mueon, tliero uio u nie:it many iikh'immIiih, iihiveiully uIhiuI tlio mill (hiuiI. One little poiul neur tin mill Ik n t.ivorite inKort, nml tliey colore Kuto in v;nwt iiiiiiiIkiih uhout it. It is, nupi'llei! by tho rulun, nml 1 A-t hiitiiiner, ; ilurint; tlio luotr.ietisl drought , it went ul mot ilry, with u t;ieat nuuilMir of Hiiukun to uiuiirn the Ium of tlio wuter. Tlio hiiukvvs iliil not lilo to lo evicteil by tho ilry her, so tliey er.iw loil out in ;i fiiiKle tilo fiMiu tin) littlo Kiml that lay . Ulov tho level of tho mill M)nl. When tho ilrnt Mtiuko, or leiulor,luul,rouelieil thu witter tif tho mill oiul it halt wax ealleil. uml e.icli Hiiako jirinvtHleil to nuallow tho tail of tho mialo in front of him, until eaeli mouth tuts tilled uitlitu tail, uml then every Htiako in tho loin; lino pro-, eomled to ahetl its hkin uml crawl out. Tho nheil bklns foruiiHt a lout; lentil of I ho.10, which, itetini; like it hlplion, drew water from tlm mill oml uml tilled tho littlo H)ud, uml, what is bolter, kept it ' full till miuimer. Mueon Telegraph, , PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, Requisites 'of tne Toilet, Stationery & School Supplios I Flno Imported anil Key West Cigars. Harness, Saddles, Bridles.! opit,v.turuio. Whine rin IMNI)I.KroN. - - OIIKUON lll70, klU, Tonts nnd Wneon Shoots j Bucks for Sale I Money to Loan .mull miiiik nil perwinnl .eeurlly rtt reiu rrZJ.T, ,T m.v tvi Miliuhl. rut. . I T W"u ,T l VL wegoiiduio faper uiscoumao, !tirari-uiv ...v.... . ..w . ... iforiiiiy ilt, o.pirwiW if i..n Iihva nn nnimfcl . " ;r..v. ....:;.-.n,iin m s Ill lllO KAHT OHWHUfc H,' every tune. (vStl Apply lo K l. IIOVI A l-.iiKt ()rei;oiihtu ltnllillnir. I'liiilk'toii, orison Jlestand, Warner & Co. for Snlo A r 13E1DROOK PJilOKS. THE OPERA SALOON. M. BRENNER. Prop. mUltrHTUKKT - I'KNIH.KTOX Next itoor to KniaeiU Opem Home. (Mil rllnw' ltnllUliiK. Main atrolt. jn!l Tl !ost f w,Me(i u w MIU, I I'lKUrK WATSON & ANDERSON ! m K,nds- Ak AUliiitilktntior of the r.lalo of tin, tut William Itm. tin. nniUmli'iuul u-lll ....II lurliiu tin, uxt tio iiioiilhk nil the hurkv rifently owiihI hv ulil iiereiiKril, thumuue ' Iwllllf '.'000 Tioioiitlitniil J.'ijlstcrtil ami (tviiile Hitch. Tlu'e hiiehfc nre kept In ioumI pimlure, neur ! Aiiw. Orison, uml uif .n lln ooinlttloiiunil tlllllOlllflllV Mlllllll. t'lle lllldi'r.lL' will vlnlt Alh'i every Weil-! uetiluy, unit mret uny uinli kMiIiil' lo kee the ktimk U'foie piireliii'.lui.'. , K:?lV;riinr,I'..V,,f,ni,etl Pendleton'soXA.iiiilnMniior. t'JJ-u'C;-'JJ auic-SIOw I'eiulh'ton, Orecon. 11 ..... Boiler Mills Echo, Oregon. IIKAI.KIlH IN Gen. Merchandise IlK.M.KItS IN General Merchandise Adams, Oregon. DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Man DUTCH HENRY, THE PEED MAN, JVEUB8TKKKT TKNULKTON ROBERT BOND i I'KAI.Ht IN BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, SAU- J 1 SAGE, UKltU MEATS, LARD. I Court 8trl, opihwlte J, II. HhnemKlirr'ii , tnclilO'Uw W.D.Hansford&Go. Deiilerk In Hardware and. Tinware ( PUMPS AND PIPE. ' j PLUMBING Promptly Dono.' Flour. S'l QUA a li ami FOIt WARDIXQ FOR SALE I.Vll.. .....I .. I,,...,.. .1... . MAIN' s rui'ir ...- I u iiuiuw uu inu uui, ileal HUlht.r, VKMILCTON. IiaII If X. V ,t... ....-..ll.. J...'.. Beer Garden and Gymnasium" Hall. A ,m,l,,ii.i,., l'u,,I, ,n,rou'1 "citcj gJ., ooi fences, for iopo. Jtniue. ernp.. . Four lots, ono nuurter of n block, near Near ltofflce ; TU P R()AM AM Ul OI ICC i ,he slstcra' School, for $250 cash. ' - - . w infill IVWWb ' ULiOJf TOJN & J AUK SON Insurance Agents, MalnHtrvet PKNDMiTON, OltKOON, llowllm Alley and Gymnasium Uoom In connection, Ju.t tha place lo upend uu hour In exerclHlugyour mukcle and trenthenlnif your frame. A cordial Invitation to all. tiatubrlnui UeerSc, a glata, jyl K. J. Hortuu. lronrlptup. Main and Itallroad Kt.. I'endleton, Orcijo rJPXIfhtfl'l rvmt. Near the del .mi vuuveuieiicc. Term si a IvU .l.ur I I'KNDLETpN, r uny ilotn niDtiaetrf ( ; late. ...Mi. IVinlleiiui, vriKwi J OST-JIU lthWAKU lmvMiJr,fuurj"' lf, Ml.niililrr. 't IfW" wiruMieo; l?'SlH'?i old.Driiiiiieu J 7' nn riciil tllillliuri Ol'lilHIMr Grain Bass W t F. ROUI All kln.uof 'aiJ!j!l android. AmPJfj'TLl houe. "T.r kind Wi " Hiiv nowoubwidj good (or l.o, OFKICKATW Monty H 1 At Low Real Estafe, J. w. s Echo. 0r- OHEOON. J