p.lY,.NW',,,H"1 " 1888. Another novel election bet wag nmdu ycHtertlay between Mono Tribblo of Echo, Democrat, and .John Duncan of 1'roHpect Koplibllcan. Thov each lion of good breed which they watered AMimtJMKNTS. Tlii" World" I'ruilnrctl I'cmllf tun-i An AvftrHcn i.r. l'endleton people are very eaprielotiB In i I'MATIU.A OOUNTV. Il liirnii Furnt rtfunl I'rom, Cnnip.irtil J With .lutip. i inli (inini. "2!!(.rii OMnin rn conllntly H, " i I'tinl Hut. iitiil make , "I nJ mill v - '-- "" ',. nf I III I AST ,wll .V. u'rrl nry imW lire iil-,10L7itrklli'i'ntlHMnici' .....mnTtosAi. mutton. '.iy. in irrfli. Hunitiiy " . .,,1 tiia ii. iii. similar '' fn.i ucclt nriivcr-iiieoilni:, IN, .. .... nihil ttAl. Willi.. III ::?JntciHinwlntwllliollirr T tU"' " ., iu l..iu Mti'T' 7. " it tif. I'nklnr In case I lovchwd Ih elected Duncan must regatd to theatrical nutters, and u person ; walk to Keho froin lWwct. wiven nilles, ' '!vcr calculate with anv degree of! and lead his homo; and Tribblo in to i cortulnty lieTorehand whether thyv are' make tiio tr non foot to l'i-.wti,,.t ir itur, riepn Ir elected, and turn his horso over to its ntnv owner. Apples lmvo "ri)!." One dollar it box if now the price of tbo bent quality In Portland, making the fruit worth about 1.7" in rondleton. Why is it farmers of I matilhi cannot (-row fruit enough to supply the homo markot? A good or (jo ins to turn out heavy or light when liow" eotncH to town. :v.... ..i..t.. .i . i..m ,. . ... "'B'"! "'O pnxiueiion I'lm'tMis, lf ' A (llllll M I jo V orld" was greeted by a very largo x 1 V" uuuienco. MiM'inhiL'lv fur tlii ItUtl.tflt.tl -.... 1 J. ...4 son. Uio tloor of the limine and the two I Ou'crviiic. ifalloric'M nm ontuitivl I,. ... ..-il.,,. I.... ioUoiiwimkI There was nothing greatly meritorious uooui uie limy, uiuioumi there worn churd near l'endleton would provuii initio fcw V;U,tio .!,it!? f ,lldl". the of profit for its owner. scene'' in particular lielng quite lnt a HKKVITIKS. ... ... min wanm iv work for bin "tend school during tiio win- . 1 1.!. i.lliiV. rturr. the '"11 l rcsHed TOli,ilnil and tiio Wil- !,vMiiipicasuru ,r,l' arnoffnwinn m "rom rt r....l..rtf liinlrlnif ! ,.n,i niiriiciivn muun. found on tho dwr fltopjt of Hospital In ini " utiii iias .. il,n Jnllrlllll cxiiroHHes it. ,ta i - ' untold. iwinct wlleu 312 voton !. airaliiM l!5ll III .llllio, n iu a few moniiiH. en- . I . ....lU'lt.tV hit coal will be woitli only Vlli Wu u wlicii Mtini'H . !.. ....V In W.lllil .u Ih IiikI ! ire iu ... li..U.lt.ii .mil ly.im Ah. . 111.. ..1.1,. I., n fruitlwilil i. Thr tnwn cannot contain iheMJUigaiiiratioiiR. ('reck Kagio ceetiiH to be iJctcblv about an outfit tf ttttisflWH wlio have Iwoii mmnlnlll III that IlK'alitV. time m-lieilulo will cnublo tlie uniati to reach Walla ..lic.f lllllillrjlldll. Illlitl. 1111 ibolli iubliHhcrnand roailem. l.tnn Trillium ban received . . . i... i i Dill llllllTV lor IIP IllllhUII i!lalnbo printed "entirely imot on tho Kr Ohkuo i.i- .....l... U.-.UI. ii Hoy .Niurdock At heliool . Ml! I.. iiuteatpuli, but cauliij; no Tim li'lm.. ICiirnmpiHiMit... I'lWtlT .Iitnlir. Mlltoa. Moiintuln N. I'l'lllllclOII... S. I'rtiitlrtnii Pf-nalioW . nrnfi i union M 11.1 i; HI i7 17 n rw jji in it I Ml '.'12 "St bltiek 1503 raft ri... ' i 1 I-"'-". free-trade HUook. .MlniiliT W..hi V." ..." .T" 1 ,. . an.) prejudice iqqnlar- to be the trinity ' m " Z ,C TiiiMed rCnli? whle , put- ISonianili, HarriHon In tho " , L.I' iremaci iiat enair. Ktim, Konianimii . tnmbled arouml on tin. "mlllim lillWu'i ttuittllti S?.d. ifSh 1 .JW " ,ri,,it.v M tiId 1 S SiT'lIm prevloT "LiS" "be I vlaI MU l"u ,,IIIU' , "h nk ins h i ti. w.-m not li.nl. ...it.-l.l .!.... Willow Si.rttiir-, lioUBo-moveiH liavo now attacked the ! the op-iortunity ollered for a 8ticccniiful y',uu " 'll! wiHlliinil w Willi. l-.,..l.t.. I ul.t-.......-1, .... tl. II i II1IIKUIII.M i V) browery. work on which was comtuoiuvd ' Htuu.. Total to-day. Tho hardcKt lob. thodolden' J. 7,. I.lttlo. tho Star, iw 'Mfurn- K1I1R. MJrity. Hiile 1 Intel and Wlieelur block, bH been, ton," Ih evidently a tiaincd actor, and loft for (lie latit. Hhowcd a thorough acmialntiinco wltli Ttifrir....ill.i.. 1... 1 ....... A. I e 1 hlM lllirt. Till! L.tni.tnitrtf .if flu. n.iul iiiuiiiihiivii i.iin i n . 1 1 i m ii I'll inini . ..... - .iu rtv . j ... . .... . I'ilot Hoek that cred torn ar uttaclilnu : were merely iatr-to-intitUlItiL, ultliouuli i unown iiinuuian inane his apiiearanco Uio proorty of X. II. Cottrell, who haw ' ,larr.v nurieiu "Kriggcr " mado iiuite not been lieard of for boiuo time, and in "u cU'cctlvo villain, and could trannform HupiKHteil no linve followed iu yalisburv'i" IUB counionanco into uiai oi u tionu ai fcKitMtoph. I will. Harry Jackson as the Jow made a lair repreeciiiauoii oi a Mcneming, erni)" lug and iiioueyworHhipiing Israelite. The two ladleM Iu the cant did moderately well iw K"l I III M n u i '.'i 17 170 ai 17' m : I Si 1 a i i 1 !!l IU ll ilVil IH I I i ! IHl I . . tan i m :ii :m I i i.i in ii IM j I'JO ! III 2J I is , ai , III i M ti in l ai 47 j BROWNSVILLE WOOLEN MILLS. ialeof Fall and Winter Clothing. rwi-il Sull, Sook . I.ot :tilOl (NumUtN r M ii Durk (Iniy Mens t.laht (iniy'l'w-o.l SiiiIh -iii'k Mi-ii'is ripi- Vnrl it Mill.. Mirk . ... M"llV.HtrliO('llrMiit Sli., MPll'HSc ill'll t'llOCll HIUK. , y Men' lln.wu Pint iHul'n. Mi.'U Jl0U' Mllttlfit l llcvl'lt Mills, Slfli I.ut Vii nilllM'iins l . uf Mi-nN llinkru t'lnlil Hlllt", Sui-li .. , M.'u'h I'iui-( 'ol.ir.il flii . k mi Is. Mick . , .Mpii'k I .Iu lit Mnlltr lln.kil t ill . vurUy mill Ilia -k Mt l uit.. nwU, ..Hil l nuifK nun wiilli- Jliillliil Mii,l, vii-K l.nt V". .,10'i(M;oiiNi ii'. Mimi'i. I'oiirv MCtl'H I'llllll t'lll'Vllll IH, am'k Mon'h Nenl 1'lnfil Sull. u-i .Men'it .Mo.ttcil l-'nlir.v Mix suit i.ui tin. :i:iii :)uiNi.ir mhi'. .Ml'll'Kllllltll'llI'VllltHllIlN, VH'li . .. . Mi'ii'H lliiikct t'lici'k Hull", vwk .MciiMlrlizlit l'ln-t'lii'i'k snit, ,'.( Ill $8.00 Pink. Chock Su t. .nk.... Ilniwn .M I'll. in Hull, melt A number of prominent citizen from till iwrtioim of tho country have been iu town yesterday and to day. Many of tho county'H influential anil roprcnentattvo i cmzenM were hccii on tno wrcem. U. II. rarrCIlt, Oi KtlUdOCk. Ir! ill town ,i,f ,,r.iUn. Hi., rnwnlnw ulili. to-day. lie uih two daughterH In at i tauco by tbo occupantH til Ibu tumbling tendanco in this .St. 1-ranclH Academy. I raft being quite reallHtle. Wliun, how .Mr. Parront Ih very much doprcHsed over ever, toward tbu latter part of tbo plav, tho probublo Ilopuhllean victory. KrlgKer, the villain, who wan caught In A Htrneeln with Chliipoo HlBlililuilert. Sunday night In an Francijco an tin lown Chinaman made hi atmearamv at lioimo in Chinatown, kept bv Jim Hop and Wong Jen, and occupied by a number of ChincFC women, and anked to be allowed to pan the night there, the re quest being granted. He liiHtructcd the old woman, who had charge of the other lemaiei, 10 can nun at o o'clock in the morning, and then tetlrud. At tho hour Kundur, but come of thorn woni wortliy ! "Iiow of rcuirin to lenve. but uh tho ::z) i fliU Hum Is i xlm ln-iiv moIrIi!) !' Lot Nn. :itNin:nnnlMtN nf M"n' llliiunilit Hmt I'luKI Hulls, suck i Muii'h lllnck mill llmwn Mlilpo t'liovlol Sult, nitrk f Lot fin. n70 ;nnnlti nr- JIrnV llnnvii nmt While Mixed hulls ii-k 1 Mi'II'm lllili'killlil WIlIK, Mlnot Kllil, Mii'lt . McliV VMsktl Chcvliit Weill limn It Killln, MK'kv j Lilt !Vo. at4 ;onMlM(N of M.-ii'h I i:rk t'hi'i'k Hollil Sull.Hiu'k .. ., Mi'ii. sitoplii'nl I'liri'k Hxtnt suP, ni'k. ,. Mcii'k llmwn Twi-cd Plum su t, k M , .MHI'M llllir-Lllll! I'IMI'll Mill, Mll'li MimV l.lithl Uriiy I'hiivlnt Miilt, .ivl. I.t .o. :i().tO 4.'iinImIm or .Mi'ii'.n Wine Ml.xnl Hulls k'' lit U).(H) nt 10.60 at 1 1 .00 at 1 !.)() Lilt Kl.,:tOHO UunnM IK Dltlcrutil PattertiH Iu liar IMauml fiiMlnu'ro .suits Mick Lot n. ao0 ,oiimIIh or -.M. Il'H lli iillu r Mlx.-I Hnll.Hiirk I lit lit. at at 12.00 V,.00 1J).C() i of prul.tc, the rem: K'cn at u (IIh- town thin morning. .. I.....I. .. .. H..I.... .t... it riltliuil III imhvi i'H3 uu ,'ii.......l .. ... . I. ....... I s.'iuorii wuni'iL-vimi Iiiii;ir, ij.niillli, r. Clarke, l. .ai. '. ltrkinx, I'oum.'iliuen. und !t, Itvifurer. No pollticH rbaigunn to Wallace, Ore- I i.l U'..ll...... i.i. i... mvt feme lime ago, unit t fruity More at that place. ii;uiiim weroHiupiieii to (.. The Kov. Mr. Talbot. blHhon of Wvn- luiug mid Idaho, camo down on tiiu 'rain laHt night from Northern Itlalio, and wem ICiiKt on the delayed train. He Ih on bin wuy to Washington. Nearly ovoty cill.cn in iioh.vhhihI of one of .Meyer it 1'etkln'n uovol election cardH, nbowlng the electoral and (Mipulur vote in 1HS4, which inn compliment to tiiu llrm'n cntcrprlKe. A. U. Iltielat, a, voting man lately from bin own trap and chained to the prelum ably Holld wall of the lunatic UHylum, doubled up and temoved the entire Ht ma ture from tho Htage in full view of the audleucu, it detracted cotiHlilcrably from tho eircct, and nearly iMiilod tho "moonlight Hceno" diHcloHcil to view by the tcmoval of the asylum. On tho whole, howover. "Thu World" might be called iihucccssIuI ireHentation, und It Ih believed that tho audience pii's cut was not tlixapiiuinted, itlthougli It h I'ortland, luiH lieeii engaged bv Wheeler , , mmn might l.avo been Jnntitied Iu Greeno A V. to take charge of the booun r,M,..i,lt, ,.,.,11, ! Itni f iiivriitilltiiml ilittitirrtiifttit I II IIIVM "f1 li'iliiivin Damon Uidgo, IC. of I'., Iiuh work in tho hccoikI degree to-night, and other Im portant biiMlueHH. Ilandlo uh temleily, treat us with care, wo nte iooplo who have hud n free-trudu Heart1. Jiuttice (iarrett in teiHirletl to bo quilo a nick inini ut IiIh icHltlenco on Nob Hill. Oood mealH at all bourn at the I'roitch rextauraiil, .1, W. Staulleld, proprietor. Social dance at MllarkoyV hull next Saturday evening, t'onio, everyone. JttHt think of It! I'matllla Hopubllcan. How bavo thu mighty lalletv Kminlfia . Iliiiiriii-l-'roiii lhi lUkcrCll.v Doiiiocint Our icuderH will lemember that a nhort time Hitico S. II. KiiomIch eouimcuced an action at law in tho courts nf St. IiiiIh old woman took down the barricade and opened tho front door for lijm, ho caught her by the thVoat and throw her to one Hide, and In an Inetutit (lie room wiih tilled with ten hlghblndem, evidently IiIh confcdorateH, wlio had leen walling or ills tdgnal. Tboy immediately npread tliroiigh tho house for tho purfiose of ran Mcking. One threw poper in the even of the old woman, and Htruck her over the head with tin Iron bar nevcral times ore hIio fell. iiiicoiimcIouh. In u coiner. ... . .. . ... I mum. iiir full? Jnn. iiiio nl t Iiii tiriiiirlnfiira ni tl.n I m....i. u . ..... ... ...v ,....r.,.,v,uv. .uu , ,-ivun iii.im ..in. w..,v r.rv, houco, iiwakeiietl by hercrlen, oiiencd bin I ,. H."1'.".i f d.ior. and wuh ul nnw, Mlrnolf urnwa il.n i Mr Hck Cotkucri'W i ut iwiij , faco with uu iron liar in the bawls of a highbinder. Ho attempted to fire at bin assailant, and a tlesier.ito Htrtigglo on Htieil for imKeselon of tbo revolver, nhich was llnally knocked from his hand by a hl'coikI nHnaliunt. i In tlie meantime (tint Hop, Ibu other proprietor, wiih Htruggllug with a higle bander named Horn (Jung Too. Thu I latter attempted to uu) bin revolver, MiMi'Hllk MIxpiI Klrlim Hull, sack Mimi'h lliiskft t'liwk Hull, fni-k .... MimiV llliui Mnllmi Hull, fiiwlt SlftiV Itxl nnil Whllo .lllxi.l HUP, frock. Lot No. :ilOOC.)liMtWif- Mi'li'uHllk Mlxoil Hulls nnk 1, Mrn'uHllk MIxrtlt'lH-nkHiillsiiutM Lilt Mo 111 111 t'.iiK.iilK tif- Men'k Nut ii nil (Iniy (uu ilyml' Milts, mick Mi'U'm liliu'k mill w li it o -tiiiill I'liiM Hulls m:k v .Men' llmvm Chuvliitsenleli Htiln, frock Men's Utricle Corkuricw Wnrnlcil Hulls, rack . Lot So. .1litOlViiii.li.tii nf- Mrn'H Dnrk Olmvlot Hulls. mck ) Mi liM Kuncy Cliovlilt hlillh, Hck,rHt I.I.AII ilotllile.lircHKtcil ) Lot No. .11.10 ' ni..nr--Moii'h llmwn nnil lllnck Milm nuiiK, hiick irn. niiii-c .... i.i ., tit. M.00 ut in. no au.ilnxt Jonathan lloiirne. Jr . to recover w ion Jlop Hliol lilni ill tho iilidomon his inrtion of the stock Issued bv the I '"" u Mc",rv rl,l' ,',ml I'" ell to the ptirchaserH of tho Kurekii und KxcelHior i tloor mortally wounded. Ollicer Olllen inincH at Cracker ereek to ltoutne, who, ' 'msburg, a c tlzen allracled b the It was claimed, wiih endeavoring to tie- "proar, entered tho homo, and camo up. fraud KiiowIch of hl.t iiitcreiitH. Tho fol- o ""P J,J' who wan still Htruggllug lowlnu In roll-explanatory: witli C lilii Hun. lhti olllrer Hiicceeded . . . . . . . ... , lit tl ii luin i Intt i Ji ft ilm li.ll.iB "Mr. I.tll IH, UCl. 1110 UUIlCllllletll, ",' 1"J""' .ii..i..v.i.in i.i. uiu lllimi, Mult l....iiilit I iv tin. ICnowlcH Intcmsi in though Hun fought dcsiicrately and I the Oregon (iold Mining Company i . . i. i.. ..,.... I 1.' I..I...1.... ..f IUl.il ll.u.lr .v,u In UKUIIini .IUIIU1II.III liuilllli;, in., HI li.ll land, fur t:i7ri.(MX). wuh dismissed to-dav at tho cost of the plaintill'. TIiIh wan the Hotel Arrival. result of ii wittleiiient of all conllictlng Vii.i.uiii Hoi.Kf.-J I' How Man World 'claims. Co: T H WalHh, City; H (i I'eterHou. Vinson; A II Heuhip, II Iteckwitli. 1' Worthlngton. Portland; .1 . Little, (!oo MoriiH. Komi Wilder, .1 II l.logitn unit tried several times to choko (tlllen Tho other iilghbludeiH, ulartned by the appearance of the ollicer, lied. Horn Gang Too wan found dead on the door. Wong Jim Hop was arrested, charged with his death, and a number of CIiIiicmi wero tletiiliied uh witnesses. Ah tlie i,. .1.. i. ...i..... i... i. i... jiiuiiiKii iii.ien n h hi n . 1.1.11? I l.'.I'Ill III I ITII . 11. I . . . . . 1 1 .f tiMni'lrt l).trrnllt(l Uiotliicl: fc'UiMirrt, 11 io ant named ,1 i . 1 1 r Mniv a tin. marble und kUpj.,ii H..s .....W I el.. Vfitix.tr ifj n.i.l If .v. ill. II.. . inlVfrl t' M'L'f rJ il (11 1 1 1 1 it. W i Haylos. Thornton; H Iti.. iilui... II wmilil iiini.Mie llitit all iliflerenceH Isitweon the parties have . highbinders all had thetrfacos blackened, been amicably titled; If ho. it is verv ' H'' do not expect to identify them, likely that the Oregon Hold Mining' - - ... . .... .t ..r. .. ....r. . I. . , in.. . 1 1 (iini)iinv wi i res no i cuvo M'niiiuiiH i ... . iiioh rBKU.smirrxiiiuj , , , lu .i-. . i.i-t.i. vi. .. i..ii.. , . uu ineir VHiiiiiuiu iiii'iiii.i . i uu I'uiiiuu.i .,i..w..., i....mii- 1. lliirl.il 'V 1 . 1 '.il. .Mum fri,ik. I ul Xo. JIUO rmnlkl. of .Min'N!4'rlii'ilt'liclii,itiiiilihlircAil') Mcii'h Dark t:livlol, fnick. nl ttl.ntr Men's Djik line I Iih', friM'K .) Lot n. .'114 10 C(illi.lt nf Men's llrKVy t.'alim'tc I'Aiih Lot ii. :iiZt 0)UKt nf Men's llrayruiiiiiiri 1'iuits h Mirteil ... I Lot at:m (Mhviitf. nf ll'ivH'CiiKlmeru Mill, klr.m I'J In I 17 'r:ir ) Lot V. .1100 I'niKlntsiif Men's Heavy uvennutk, Nl.t H I In II l.ol No, It'll" iml1 nf- l'lillilreti'4 til l'HliI HiillH.HpnU) Icrtlt ill ,' l.nt No, n'lllll i'iiiiltsnf Mcii'h Hover Overcoats, stir t't I 1.. (! II4HI nt a. 71V ill 4.01 nt 7.00 nt ft. .10 ill 4.no at in, on ' Prepaid Chnrrjcs to Pendleton, 50 Cents Extra, I'll II Lines of our SuiH'rlor Hl.inkutH constantly on hand. Snul for pi Ice list. Order by Lot Number. Brownsville Woolen Mills, llctall Store, No. HO first Stn-et I'lirtliind, Oregon. Tti Klertlnii In Wnll Walln. i taken a series of researchcH on tlie coll'eo . . . . ...... . . i.t ... i I tiriiuing uu me iiiiue, iroui uiiirn u up- BAZAAR! BAZAAR ! New Goods for the Fall Trade AT l.'iVt:il I'UH'Ks THAN KVhtl Boys' Expross Wagons. Voloolpodos, Girls' Trloycles, ' Ploturo Frnmos. A Complete Line of Artists' Materials Cur nil mnl I titi rwlntltiKiiii'.! l',ii"i- I'lnwi r MiiterlM . Tho I'iuesl l.lue of Statloueiy ever shown in the city, und ul Isiwei Trices. A LSO A PUL I, h 1X11 O I' 11 A Sli UTS. Bargains on tho 5, 10 and 26 Cent Counter. 0 11 Kingmati, I-armlnglon; i Hawur; Tl.os Cohtcllu; W ? Staloy an 1 wife, M t! Tribblo ami wlfo, J II Koontr.; Dr Siiiiiinerville. fundi ; .f Ii .Ioium. H Wii son. . W Motso; l K Smith. OK & X Co; J A Kinrsloy. Ilakor City; W A MatliewH, Oakland i C H Adams, St 1 am; r. IJIuw. . . , i,1P iitt,, .i iiuiworks nroU)lni: burned I was colfeo udded. tho nuantltv llng iioi,iii.. uu,'.--!. ii'Hiii ." I .ii.... M.iln utni.tt. A I...IW m In U f:i , I iieociins corri'HiMini nif In alio it two llllilrell The following dispatch to the Oiego iiears that, though tbo diurnal iiimnt ity 1 iilun,d.ueil tho nth. hIiowh that they iHii't lot urine is not serioUHly inleifcred with, i take thhiRH coollv in Wulla Walla : . tho composition undergoes a very decided "Tho citv in wild to-night with excite ' change. Dr. Jhimont kept tho subjects mniit. Tim' streotH are crowded, theiu ato , of his researches for some iIuvh on onlM I largo bonllrrii on tho principal corners, nary diet, thu constituents of which woio , I thrco bauds of music arc playing, cannon . determined, During part ot Hid time only iro is)i Wall CARPETS! re- I'liluor. Sam Wat ner and wlfo, J Hot Itock; Dave (iaiden, Jast W CorneliiiH. Jiiiilisir; IM Miller; (i T Klgln, .1 W Simpson, Country; 1). .Murphy; Jno Mose; Nick Ur.int;-(i - It cboy. I Meacbaui : 1 A Wild, IVspalii liiilcii; J Morlck, Mcacham; .1 11 l.v.ms, H 'Kuatlco. Mr. Hprlnger, Knmola: V II i try ty Is it I'liiiK. i iu iiirui uf ii . i in... it. . I in k . .. i it ut i Mfiiiinipn v i i iirriiM iii. i iiiii hull ; i " w ri n..iiiv w oi tea py " " ' "V;'",V!, .. ' -, .i . i k. i It ll.r.n,, ...... ..... ..1.1. 1.. . I. II lllir. I 1L1I1II1UIL. IIIU .',.r',w.i..., , in niuui iiiiiiuuu I ;. , , .. V u 1 T"l ll-l .ehjht.vn inelius. leasoil, ma no; nun ii-hV , . , iw-wr ! !h.n, Win 1Jryoa an I wife. Frank , e -..I., i. i . ma n nut in u late t our. i uu iiaiuin In drown each other out: overylssly ahoutlng. Wagons full of men shouting and singing urn rushing up uud d.iA'n Main street. Kig lire uro burning in front of the court and okmu houses. C. II. Warner is addressing a large Demo cratic audience in tho opera lioue, ami Jtiilgo Ko'inod ami local sjieakcrH nie at coin t liotiso. 1 no itepiumcaii siue I lin u Hilnvt tn nlL'ht. but both parties extteinely conlldent und anxious for ,i..rr.iw to O.UIIO. Monev Is still ebiuig- : ...i KUi, Pilot Kock I ""mis mi uio gunmui " ounces of ro.istcd coU'eetier dlcui. Hv ' regular uud careful iiualyseH of tbo untie, it was found that during the I,ih whi n 1 colfoo was takou the urea passed wii" in Ictvased by about Huvenlv-tivo gritlns. The olfect on tho urea was produced imiiiuili- atuly after the coll'co wusconummcoil.itnd ' . . .. i.. .t. .. . i us soon iih ii was o'liiiteu uie iiuanitiy oi urea rcluriu'd to that which it lin t ex hibited previously. Tin' HiikIUIi KhI Tr.iln ItKimril. Dining tho recoiit railway mulng to Kdlnluimh mid I1I.iki(iw, tho Nortlusist urn Company ina to no cliungo iu thulr omilneH: tlie regular inulues Hint hud dot It Tnkrn. tieeu mi the St'o'ch service wi-m used all 'i'i... ..ii.. i..,. uhiiIIi frimi the Ilakor I tbu Hum. und iu noarlv all caseM these rail. n iv." .i ii. ti""' i ci... 1....1 .. I.. . I- I. II II...... Ili I In..iitanir. IIIIIIIllIli; IU II1U IT.IIIUI 111 WIMP f-IIIIIIMIIIIIIi vtiuilirrx. :1.k....i," "Dallv .S.r:m, JZl TaS lvy mil lir.i.iliut ami well- if ire i-i.tbels Bxton-1 :.V.V:."WT. .:.iriii.,.. 1 M... ..f MmtTwa n'fl Teiltl(W.-io JoiiriiailHin : miwl wiiii pussongitrH anil iuw'b. .uu Walla imperii in . I t r Kimel Sbowov. "TI..' SnurtlnK' '"t"r .f the . Oiegoi. 1 1 ,e l..t day ot, lie ncroioniou ruiiiiitiK, r.n.vingt ml tho i;: ; V ISr WH Im, WUeoh-i'llhulilor-wasoutyesturilay mailing ins mer mn into nuinmirgii uiiriy-iour min ..!'. tiardenC'itv hm,TKi.l:A'"7. '..'L, .1.. ' i ii,,(i.,i. iimwI sillv talks and ollorlng to Ui 4M .lies before tlu.o ; the run w'lw.loiiu frgi.i ' hi 'hi' 1 'Ci . M. ii. It' uu iv no moans : Md wifeVo lllihai liaaiHin wouhl icelve immi c.ec- mav lias yet iltti r'H Iiino- . f ii, . siftt: in C ., M Hut ur d' Aleno niivin under i tiuiinesrt Is l reu'ht tnilllc Is a no a barsu lias Jiisiioiuo aid In trans W wpigiirsr hiiiiiiIIpk Id the tlnllll-.,, Il.nrr. ulll wiiigMie river the com- "UniifMd. . h im ri.niiiiitlf.il . - :-. ,r,,..,v.. -. i wiuo-aproaii, mis rnneh riMauiaut. und Mtln Hi .h-IxshMvIo. Ills " Mfonucv.Miprilicd with ? 'Jw market uHords. uud -ijiiic's nun enter inn 'HI I i. ii, i Djvlil X- S: Sum Hull. OIUHlur; .MIUI0 1 II' lard, Weston; Harry Ilayiimn, Heppner, l' Wire In. At How HI I.hiiii OUImiiH)- vrlituil. Why Is It that l.ui chlmiioyH iiiaken such a diirerenco to tho light given by u lamp? KeiMiiso it iiicrcaerf tho supply J of oxvgen to tho (lame by producing u j draught, and concentrate and lelloctH tho heat of the llaiue. iu cousequenco of .viiieii ilm eomuuhtloii of the cirlwiiis; r....i mnl rare little esciiies im- 0 111V." . .... , .,.! IJOU W.' . " if ' h ; I o tho call. iv- iiiuti .ii:uiiii, i.ij ....' - ... ,u i.iniii uliieli bears ."I . ..... He had been oxiHriiiieiiuug ior wu time to iucreiiKi the lUht, but to no pur pose. On the table oefoto h m lay tlie l.rokcii neck of an oil flank. I his ho ...i. ,. ,r.ii.w-le. mnl nl. i ceil It almost Z1.. will P1' i withotit thoiigh't over the wick. A ' UfnT. Z . ' . '".lV" ! brilliant tluuio uw.irde.1 Hits act, aim urn -niau IKIMH ll . . ..I.. film trvlitn, nnil was not uii iii 'v Nuwoustlu to Kdinburgli--li'V iiiIIbs In . ..i .,..tu ii., in t iiiv..l:ind. A !hmii.vi . VJR mlnuteri. bv oouinouiid oiiuinu No. nun bapiiened al"iig and cwivd ilm l'i 1 17. This Ih at the rate of M O mHos for ! rui oiiick that tho aforuild limn hadn't I lie wlmki run, and boats tho roeord. time to Vniw-lUh,' a thing lu w.uld tiavo - i done If lie had n lt'U afr.iid of tiio A Twi In holPI ( mil. HeetHt'f tlie crowd. It's IkiuIU iisht to. t-orrosisindent of the Colliery take udviiiitane f uu iiioco. mil in uuaiJiau resrU a case which, if true, Hits case there i an oxusption.' Paper, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. fhe "WHITE" Sewing Machine, THE BEST IN TUB WOIU.D. Failing's Carpet Store, Msln Street, near the bridge, I'oiiKtaton, Orejon. io. W. Bmkix, 0. II Wuohaku, Samitkl Hdrxitu, Khho K. Aimol Sneli, Heifshu & Woodard, Sacccasoni to Ilodgo, Davis & Co., ami Heitshn Woolard A Co., IMPORTING WHOLESALE . DRUGGISTS, NOS. J& Ot KKONTSTKKHT I'OMTl.AM), OKKCiON. CORRESPONDENCE nOLlClTHD. inh'i7 lr rirn Iu IuJuiihiIi''. ,s o'cliH-k Monday evening flumes . . ..! . ,1... II. .iri, kl-jlllA ,vero seen issuiiik uii I of Harry A Hall, iu Iudos3nueiico. uro- Tho llretneii resioiiuu j.ruun...j. i ii... il . ... n.t f ii tki ui rniw n to t no can, oui mo iMuiim no I.,, .1... ..ii ..ir...tu I.. uimiirpHS Hiom his name. kv i m ., d buildings wero aved, with t'ie exception of a small I.oiih. adf-Ining the stable, oc cupied by (iwrge Heaton. The bucg ies and horses were saed, but tho feed, to gether with the harness, was burned, ft.. I...H.II.... n i:iii.i two-ston frame ,,B rr.r." '".n.v )Av'a whit- 0,ri,ne.Ha- ? "r V' k .Ht Insur- . - 1 l M . r ----- - I.I..4.l I UiOi cnts. II vui ii .. ..i i...f tn nut tils discovery ...... .i .i ,i,i in -iiri iiuniv nriMiKt'iorH on : i..i.. .tm H.-il iiiMimtioii at once. r . .....i n.nnoiit to La of inccn .''i:"i iw ,,i i ,o if .(. , .-- ::' 'ivei it Hioim lit : , 'ineMiliu, i.mii, Unimi.ti Tho brig lUcliani r. ureon. vap.um "n it It. linn in i i ..... SJmplcte grading outfit ia uuu .uu Hnr. ui and makinc all other wm for winter Uwell ltrick, jfi-n . M.. Havtl, reports J.a"r that on Uctooer jmu, wuwi o ucj.i.ut... ,,, , to lue o wiw orderc.1 to heave to by u Haytlun mons Lave emigrated from UWi uie no iw oroofL iu 'ax.-.. .nut nn.milian Northwest during the pant sea- man-oi-war, .'"r..r. ' ..i,iU r c;Mi;monti. have already been IUU1I UIIUU uwi armed oiiicers thrco times, taking away the Blilp'H register and all her pa tierfl, also threatening to take her to Port-au-I'rince on a prize. After detaining them noma time, the papertf were re turned and the vessel allowed to proceed. If) ton. &oitiemeu tab sheUHoutlioi me iauaowu and are thriving. The MormonB cannot take up land before agreeing to abandon jiolygaW- They ore deroting theBMhM to cattle railing. iiiiist lie iuteresliiigto geologistH. In the Colefotd district of the Koront of Ivan ttsmall colliery has iccontly been ojH'iied, and while a collier was engaged In break ing up a fall of block co il, bo found ii toad in tho center. It seomcd firmly embedded in tho coal, und itwusullve. Its form wax imprinted usm thu faco of tho iiiluurut,aml (he animal is still living. Tbo Incident ha occasioned much Inter est iu tho neighborhood. All lurr-uillnr)'. Kiom Hie HakcrCltjr I'cmoerut A privuto letter received from tbo Cove, Union county, Informs uh of three un successful attempts to lire I-elghton Academy, and at lust tbo fire-bug had ,M-on niutreheiided. Tho incendiary is said to bo u boy about 13 years of ago V... lli n.i.iwi f.f'f .ntltu I tlll.iu. mill ullOHO I Ul . IMI.I V. ... ..v...... , - homo is in l'endleton. No particulars' other than stated are given, and we are I at a losa to kuow what motive prompted the young rascal to attempt such a das tardly deed. In a private letter to a citizen of Biwkano Kalis, General Harrison pre dicted that Washington Territory will bo abmitted Into the Union as a Ktato in twelve monthn. FOB LUMBER, Sash, Doors, and Building Material, A.t Bottom Prices, CALL ON HALL & BURNSIDE, HALL & BURNSIDE, DEPOT LUMBEH YAHD. KIRBY & KEENAN, I'ltOI'llll.TOHK OI The Star Restaurant, HKItVK THI BEST TWENTY-FIVE OENT MEAL IN TOWN. . 30 CJIINKHK Kill'WJYKIl. Main Htrttt, below VlllarJ Hotel, 'JVMm jk: I'sodteton, Urrtfoo