D A.ILY. "W-A.3NTT E3IX SCRIP AT PAE! Xriri TUIAI. Sl'tlMMtlllKIl TO ..mi. nuuntv Scrip taken at par rum.. -Hi, office on Subscription, Adver- oo. Iflo. L or Job Printing Account. Aitilrt'.. E. O. PUBLISHING CO., I'riullrtmi ... Oreinli, N)L. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OKEGOX, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER!. 1388. NO 212. M JS aSRR .4 Bk -k -bh AW I.UHUK DtUKCTOKY. irnlTV f.OI)UK NO IK. I, O. O. K "f?1?." "u. II..VH. MKI UKT ,11111. ; ;.. . LrM KI'IIN' t It MTKI NO. SI, K. A. M. "'':. ... ii. u ln. mill' Tnninln nn tin- .n7 dli Fflilyi f each iminlli.BlTsw lUV. Nil. Kl. A. K. A A. M. nerond nml fourth Mnn t.SfMh Miitntli. at 71.10 o'Plock. K.J. ii?tt.M'! y- " IfTWlWK, Hccrolnry. IrVll.KTUN WUUK NO. M. A. K. A A.M. I IN.1".' ... Un.n.1. Trtm.il.. nn ft.n ' Ii .nil third Mnmluya of each month Ht . . J. AIlM.tON, W.M.J It. Al.- WMK M. III.A. O. U. W.. Mi-etii ftrfr IIUiruuy ItlK.I. w. r.iiNllliT : l 7lW o'clock. J. C. I.KAHDHK. M. j'l'.TfHTtN, lleconler. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, Hollirll ild & Bean, t'KKKA I.OUtlK NO. !tt. I. O. O. K. Meet iw Mltirility evriiltu at 7iS0 o'clock, " ' M. I 1 1 bh brntiek . N. o. fuATIMA KNUA.MI'MKNT NO. 17,1.0 ! 0. v. Mc"l on tbn mtom'I unit hut E-nJ.T, f ''"'i month, Ht 7::t0 o'clock. P ' ' r ... l iV ........... ... ' f UvntUOKr. V. I r.. rM nil Allil.,r.vriUf. -DEALERS IN- iBMXK IIBHKCCA I.O.XJK No. 1.1, I. O. nr. Mict. tlio llml ami mini Tliur. linfmli innnth. iahmuxv'mmkik'no. , K. OI-" i. I Jlrtl I" ,,,IU ri'iiuw jihii nvrry .urn , .r.r.lTilf ut Villi) ll'cllH'k. .1.(7. I.KAMI1IIK. I'.iUJ. WlllTAKKII.K. Of K.llllll H. mN WIWIK NO. . K. Or" I. MvfIm 7l I 1 KrllnwH f mil iiverr Wcdnckiliiv !tlnt 7lW o'clock, M. M(iiiKHKAl), (J. U.KliAHKIKI.D, K, llf It. IIMll H. Kit caiison ri-osr, j."a. ii.. mctu m WBftiiTK nun vit.v i niirxiiny niRlit. . Wirti.r. roniiniiiiili'ri .1, M. Hiiwkv. launl. AiTOltNKYK. ICHTIX.TI'IINKIt A CICHWH. Arrou. tfjlttl IJIW. IKHllllK IH HIIII III, ANHOClll- a Block, IVhitli liiii, Ori'Kon. New York. Four htitulrvil unil nix illn IrlctH In Now York Stain uutnlilo of Now York unil Kin couiitlen plve Clovolnnd 7IK)74, Iliirrlmtn M,flH, FIkfi3H9. Snmo llBlrletH in I8S4 kuvo Clovolnnd 67,134, waino nit, i in, tt. .lolm Honton 105 Iowiib ulvo Hurrlson 47, WM, ClovcUnil :W,785, Vlk '-' 048. Sumo towiiM in 1881 kuvo lllaino .W.4i!(l. Clove hinil 'M,7itii, Hutlcr t(.:mi), St. John '.',801. UlilciiBo KeinrnH from IlllnoiH mitHido i of (IiIcuko uro very nit'iinro. A fow town i uliiiiH hunrd from hIiow ltvutilillrian enltiH .Nkw Yohk, Nov. (. From Democratic or ?i"HS HoiiiUlicon governor lull noun-en KlriL-K iiiiiniv Ih H:if.. f.i. mm ' '"K behind. for Clovelund. ' ""' Milwaukee, WIh. Chairman of IHjmo- IiidlcjitlonMiiritthitl ltiL-hmntiil rnimiv i crutlo Stuto Conlral Connnittco Iihh M Ih I'iOO for Cli'vclurid, a iw!n of otW overi"cal!or,nH PfdnftH, givinRanct Doino- , TIIK KLHt'TION. llnrrUiin nml Morton IWialily i:iri'tr,l- i Nrw .Irr.ry, Cnniiprlli-ut, mul IVrhnp. CalirornlH lmncri,tlViit Vlrlnl lloiiblfn.-Uiritr Itrpuhllinu CniiKrv. ' uliiiinl (lnlnOrruii HOIH) r llltoo h l.ra.tr'ul Itxturii Not In Wl. K HKKN TO UK MIOUI'KII. 1884. InturcHt iutonw. IncrottHo in the K'rat Kain of 1,845!, unit mvh the I)mo' Konubllciin votn in wtv murkm!. lin. . Vr''c cHiiniuto l more tliun rracliotl fo publican twin in iho lLiHliititr. un.i 'ttr.- . Iho ConnreKdional delcL'atlon nmv l ' KIc imond, n. City irivea ubout 000 etrontstlioiiud. .majority for tho DetnocratH. Tlio chII- INDiasaI'olis, Nov. II. Tliera in Rroatt JV11" vo0,,n eini conniicn inuicaio uMiiiv.iuiiu iiuui i.irvi iu loini. onthtiHlaum ul ltenblimn headijuurterH. ' ltctublli'unn claim Iho State by 10,000,! IUJAM l'ARKONM, ATJ'OrtNKV AT LAW. IIItlC IClMllll No. It. Aamw.li,. t Block, 1'rinllcloii, OrpKnii. lAILRV 4 IIAIJiKIlAY, ATTOHNKYH it U, Jltlco ICimiiiim 1,,3 unci 4 Ah- i Hlock, rcnillcton, Urccon. fVER A KrrOMUAMI.A'ITUItNKYri I Ik. Kihiiii No. A unil (I. Aaiuwln. i Block, I'ciiilieioii, Ori'xon. 1. WAS. ATTOIINKY AT I,AV. . HITI'f :-.Mftln Hlnt. in Tlintmnuin. Iibirt IMIIiIIiik, ovr tliu Pout-Office. f A tffVMI A tvtij tit ft t.t t ii Am a OOcfr-Mivir Kirut Niiilonnl llHntc, I'on F. Ill TCII Kit. ATTOUNKY at law, i Onlirvl i. Oii'uini. Will iirni-ili-p Imaru of Ori'Kon uuil A'ni.iliit4iii. (;oj. fcuni prilIIIll llll,'IIIPII 'It. jlllSKV A WAOKIt. ATTOHNKYH AT U. noonm ilitiuHof thc"KuHl tjrw. I." Ml (llllif. ivirin.riif Mi.li. mi. I U'.l.l. nlMYlMlli'lmi, Ori'tfnii, Kit A WHITK. ATTOKNhYH AT . P'tHl Hon. (Irvmill lliumm S nn.l K-Uloll llllic.k. ll'llYHIflANS AND SUKOKONB. U". IWTKlTiaiY l ..' "n-jon. rivn ycuni hiicw.h. ihihmi inniiio priictlcc. HM'i! "ItlSIIIN.MKTA-PinVICI N I ail Tii.1ii. ..r ii.i.iIm.. u.i. ...... uiM'ii to rii.MiiixiiMii Hoi Mllf...... '.ulnoi, fv, flu.fc ranlon Kul, i ,.rt,., monlli. OiMpii- B I. ftt-flllit liium L..-t I kx...nn I.. lir, ivmiti'iiiiuoiffiii. fiKihWliMk, I'll YH(1 A,N . KHlll llrf,,. ,n i.i-i.,.i. I'U (in-yon ANI HI'lt Irnif nlorr. lj;M. I'lll'ITf. I'MYKKHAN ANH I lirmii. iiitlc.Lii.'f.r i.Mi.i.iiK.. - kllkri. IHIftlAr f. .It i. it. imiirrcln, iviiillcion, ur'ii , rw.i:iK,m' l- "HKici: ovkh Lk .S"'."u"" ,v "l,,r HmIUi'Iicb, on t1SM.0!!L,,,,r1 ,,v i"i-pinn.i with vii. MXtl. L.lM.cll.1 llllftllllilli ulw.it ,1.. r of wonirii hiiU ehllilmu. UKNTISTS. X. Hl'lTl.. r"fk liull.iiuf. I'cmlk'ton. Orrtiou. MKCIIANICB. ' li... '?. rAINTKll ANI I'APKIl IllDJCr. U'f.rl ..m.. ....... r ....... r t.l. . '""I'HJ MUMP. MWIO liu Wm-Mer A Orctnc. on Hour BniuiPS1?. CONTRACToh' AND "llWrr. PtnH .inn a .. . Uolic? u",nl frnlti4oii TLT'tfls, " CAlll'KNTKItANl. "MM to ,ur'" "MieiiiHi nu prumpiiy Veh ,!,l.'KU "I'ACKNMITII AND Stan!.0?1"0 Blttckmllh work of lf S. S'..b,t wuur, uU'on 'boraVwjnif attention giv biiJ!K9., IIUURR OAHKIAQK near Court I'1 n anon nowcr. urawi Wrl1. recelv prompt attcu-lntlnKaIpeCtty,, I'KACTICAJ, iirouomeMr Ma rnnchen. All work toZ'o1' ,,,d M" ft3.0UPKAT. HTONE AND HttlCK ' " . r-eiui mnn nmiMM ..... Ib. "onument etllnipmi upcclalty; 'D.t, Pla.lerlnif. nil klmU at alnnu ' Work or st'eutml reivHonably. Hol J Hrf.prK)f purtUloim. SALOONS. .'AIIVKAU. FHOIMUETOK OK rttu? Pendleton, Oregon. Krednr- ..'""On dmillrht! Wl.. Win.. I In. I " I I'otnocrut o inunaLvrM tlve tlio Stuto U mtfo for Cleveland. Atlntili, I !.i t...tl....ln... ,s( urn vi nut iv jhwi- , 'V .. "7T"', .7.1 General Merchandise. Nkw Yokk. Nov. (I, II p. M.-Clovolund'H f Ko clecteil. )luralityinthim.ltviHi'laiinetltobo 48,- . ,'V(H,k,1.vn' N.5 T'W out of 100. DomwrutM claim Connecticut, but ',r l ,K',cf . 'ovel?ml "'.f,-si tlnrriHim WW no neuron. Itntlt hIiIck claim Now l' .'.7 "'5' r wivornor, 1MKI Miller IO.K'.'.'i, JoncH I 000 If r." '- "r" riiii-n i.tiiii i,jn . ..... .lumov. irictM, nut ti;j,,o,i M,v l.'ii 1 vi'i..'.. v.... .1 v.. ,1.1 1.. MIOII. Inlty Is known ub'oiit tho tlvo Atlantic' Yor,k;T,'u. s"" .l,"!!otlu. "'" Stati'H, All nro coitHldercd doubtful. ' " 1 H nJ"fl'r In New ork City In (IV Nkw Yiiiik. Nov. it. linn l,iuwlr...l 1 0011. nun link 1 rilMIIIO IIIIIICIIII HU H llllll iiinarettirnH indicate that MarrlHon Iiuh miino Kains in every cotiniv except one Main and Alta Sts. Hovontj'thrcc election diMrielM in thist cityuivo nurriHon..0,8K7, Clevelitnd 4u 15711. l.AiKit l our htindri'd unil hivcii din. j triclM Kive IlarrlHon lil,:i.Ml, Cleveland i 71,410. j Nkw Yoiik, Nov. II. Five hundred and Hlxtyoiit of H.VI diHlrlclH kIvc Hiirrlmjn , (W.H5I, Clovelund 10t,I4ll. Fink tl!M. NKW YllKK. NiiV. II. Six linnilrml iimrtycnu Great Slaughter of Goods ! lilh.,11 .1 Ulrl.-lu ..ill ,,f V..... V...I. , i.Ui, llnrriM.i. T MTII CI... ...I..:.. I lln.r.n IUIHI III, I) 1(1. I'lHK 10711. hUtllO TwentvelL-lil iilcftini. lUtrl. iH fi, ,. ittsl J?ve Hlalne L'4,0!tt. Clove York anil kIiikh coiiiitleM itavn Cleveland , "uVcr ;V110' Jn ;t(itr itr,iu,r,. r. -m i.-i.i. u 'timim eivo llov. Aiucm 127.11111. ''it- iniiiiruii tfiitii. a ina . 11, rut iu Newark, N. .1. Pemocrutlc hendutmr tern Clovelund'M tilttralltv in tlin Stale at 8.000. Ich MoinoM, Iowa Sinull Republican U'lliiH over uulKrniitorlul nlcction of hod year. Ilonlon. Ono liilliillett Iowiih In Miihh lulitiHollH L-ive IIitrrlHon L'H.'.'STi. Clove tontiH iu lauii ii, Three UllMrioll I'.i.:ll7, Ivurlo 1I81 FOR 30 DAYS YET, AT 25 PER GENT. LESS THAN dlHtrlclH in lasi civo Cleveland Hlalne A,ir.i:i, St. John :L'4. ' Thlrty-eiuht eleo'lon dlslrlctH oiilHido , Now ork and Mux countleH Kive Clove lanu. I.1I.H, I larriHon ,7(l.i, 1 If k 5181. I itp.wii.K'1. inii ..r .f.T. ..i.... ,i i ,5!l,(i45!.' Harri)., 17.1118, Fl-k W, V,7VJ,ll"l..rJ1,CB Ivo M'lrriH0V tHlruolvr l. t level ml 5 04 ). Samo j Iucoh Ih 1881 IllOOKI.V.V. Nov. I .14! nut f !1H il m. '"".' '"-.''i V "vuiuini .imii. New York. Two hundred unil clffhtv. eluht elccllon dlHlrictH In Nuw York Stare. i oulKiilo of Now York and KIiikh countlen, , IkWch Cloveland 4l),'.ll, liarrinon M,457 i Concord. N. II. Vote lit twentvllvo The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes, A fine lot of Men's Furnishing Goods; A large stock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets. Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost. COME AND GET BARGAINS AT MY STORE. James Wheelan, AAAT I MA I triflHlu llrooklyn Kvu Clovelund ::o,7W, 1 ,P,V,,',r,' "Ti "7 K .VM" i" IVu,' UUU I HarriHon 24.M70, Fink II7-'. 8tr.Mtcr .'( . . f "'V3 "VTJ' bSM'.C l'T,1 im' Ithaca, N. Y.-Soven election dhtrlclH ' .AT?', ,;Jt"!i' 7-',1' C,,,onL,-v in Ithucu complete lvo Clovelund Ml i.l.T.Vl'",i"""' lW' I),,l0t;rt'l, '' piuruniy, uKuitiHt i'7 in ikhi. , ... .... ,. , , New York-Thlrtvlhrci. dlHtrlclM In ! . llnkce.-llio city Iiuh Imjoii iro-d h COURT STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON. FURNITURE, CARPETS. B. C. & E. M. WHEELER, tricted and tho returns are thcreforo do laycd. Chicuuo. Ono hundred and into pre clnclH in ChicuKo islvo IlarrlHon 18,418. Clovelund 1W,WW, Flfor 17,810, l'almef 'JO.nlW. Ciucliinutl, O. Ohio prcclnctH hIiow a not Democnitio gulu of 8(151 in u total vote of 85!.7!K). New York. Tlin I I.tiiIiI'h l.nllnlln IMMM m liUIUi titl I IP till 1 ' . " - .... --'' ' ...... w. ... :i5.'.7i:t. Firtk l.tll l. Suuui illntrlctH lit IHcVI f huvh KIiikh county, with but ono dWrict lMivii Clovelund ".VIKI.V Hlulnn .'II.OMi?. Kl. . to Heur Iroiil, iflVCH Ulovelaild lll.a)? Iiltt John l,rH:i. f jority. Four hundred und nixtcoti iIIh Now York. Cleveland. 147.040: Ilur-i tricln outBlde of Now York and KIiikh irlrton, 05.00."); Fink, 1,073. icoiintieH eive tiloveiwnil hii.hs, llurrlHon i Now York. l43dintrictM in Now York.1 Ua.lMtl, FIhIc 11384. Same dlHtrlclH In : Now York State, outnide of the city, l-Ivo v loveianu i.i.u.i, tiurriHou I7,.w'.i, fink. 887. The huiiio dlHtrlctn In 18.11 iravol Clovoluud'l4,ia-. lllaiuo 17,5UU Now York 700 out of 8-"i(l dlntrlclH rIvo Clovelund 147,040, Ifarrlnon l."i,00"i, Fink 1,07.1. ; Now York 1151 election dlotrictH in State oulnldo of Now York und KIiikh. courltlcH rIvo Clovelund 'J 1,010, HarrlHiui, -DK.VLKUS, IN- FURNITURE, GARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, ETO. A Complete Stock of Furniture and CnK',M' Our Stock Covers 5,000 Feet of Flooring. GOODS SOU) ON KA8Y I'AY.MKNTS. K. O. and B. M. WHEELEB UCCCEltORS TO FORBES WHEELER, Awiociatlou DuUdluK 1'eniUeton, Or. W. J. VAN SOHUYVER & CO. Wine and Spirit Merchants, 63 FRONT ST. - - PORTLAND, OREGON AGKNTS CYRUS NOBLE BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES; JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CYRC0.(5ilwauk Wh ) EX PORT PILSNER B0TTLE0BEEP I ARCA DIAN SPRING MINERAL WATER, (Waukeniaw, Wis.) VEURE CLI QU0TP0NSARD NCHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Label.) ju5!3diw3m Alexander fc Frazer, DKAI.EIIH IN General Merchandise, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and Fancy Goods. TPamilv Groceries a Specialty. '1 m.. .ur.rn OF CHARCE. CW" . I'ENIll.KTOS, OHKOOK outHldo the cilliH, Kive Clovelund '-'4 .040. Hurrinon :t.',713, Fink 1,014; In I8HI Cleveland 5!5,(iO:i, Illuluo .11,035!, St. John 1,51 1881 cave Clevoluml85!.l75!. Illalno 103. 037, St. .lohn WI44. Portland. Or. Forty procinutH oulnldo of .Miiltnouiali county ulvo Harrison Denver. Col.-HarrlHon'H plurality ex. Clovoluntl 5U31, Flak 1851. Tho ... I .... ... . ......... .. !....,.. ,.. Inui ..1.1.1 ccciIh lilaino'H In Colorudo, IlarrlHon Iiuh 150 In Novadu. ItoHton. IkiHtou Iiuh gone Democrutlo by 10,000. HuIoIkIi. N. C, Nov. Tho election puMxed otr iuletly. Tho returna hIiow )einocratiu Ruinti. Hartford, Conu,, Nov. U. Ultcun Mime urednctH in 1881 uuvo lllaiuo 331 On rotund II'.IC; In June, Ifermauu 5I005!, Ucariu 317. (HiicaKO. Ono hundred und twenty ono proclnctri kIvo Harrlnon 5!5!.Ui8, Clovolund 5!3,140, Fifcr 5!I,o00, I'uimcr .SO:'. 'll.ll.... Tlitu ..II.. !..!.. ..1.... towna Hhowttllepubllcan cain of 3'M over' Clovelund 70,730, IfurrlHou (58,107, Fink 1884, 100,'); Drill election diNtricU outHldo of Chlcaito, Nov. il. Fifty-eight prcclnctH i Now York ami Kiupi countleH kIvo iu CbicuRo Kive llurri-on 10,0851, Clove- Clovelund III, 1WI, Ilurrinon 81,880, Fink Und 1 1 ,451.1. '4(110; Hamo dintrictH in 1881, Clovelund New York. The "HeroIU"btilltiu nay (60.5100. Illuluo 76,744, St. John I -'17 I.. l...l..l l... .. 1 I . I . I ..!.. t?I4.... I . ....... Carlisle in elected by a haudxomo inulor ity. The "Sun" bulletin eavH Cloveland ban carried IiIh own diHtrlct in IttitTulo by 42 majority. Chicago. KlKhty-tHO prcclnctH out of 341 icUo IlarrlHon 14,400, Cleveland 10,- 17, f lier la.H'.tt, rainier iu,7UI. St. I)uIu. Sixteen urerlncta outnldo of St. I)uIh and the county of llutler, com pleto, kIu) IlarrlHon (l. Clovelund 5.T01. Ti Hamo precInctH in 1884 gave Iilalno 1741. Cleveland 55443. Cincinnati. Two hundred and hcvoii i teen prcclnctH Kive a net Democratic Kuin Ilrooklvn. Three hundred und thirty of 08.5. out of a total vote of 76.312. out of .'176 diHtrictB give Cloveland 70,4055, Tlio Domocratn CHtlniuto that ClovelaudV IlarrlHon 60.768, FUk 013. majority iu Kentucky 1m 40,000. All tlio IndIanafjlH, A heavy vote wan polled Democratic Conxrenflinen are elected but in.thln State. Tho vote Ih JitHt bcKinninK ,oue. Ui coino in at K:U0 p. m , ChicaKo. Flfty-nlno precinctn outnIdo New York. New ork City complete, 0f ChlcaKo, In fourteen countleH, nhow a Hill HO.Hl-O.MillcrlKJ.lOOjfllll'H majority I et Itepuhlicau gain or l'renldent of la 60,021. K07. Wheolini, W. Yu. I'roliably il will be St. I'aul. Twenty outaide townntcivo midnight More onythlnK Ih Uolluite. . IfurrlHon 3,001, Cleveland 2,126, Fink Haltford. Conn.-Fiftyehtht towna 100. ahow a net k'uin for ifarrlaou of 1484. Dch Molnen, Iowa. Klghty precinclH Itoiton, MasH.KlKhtv towna in Maine In Iowa give Harrison 12,318, Cleveland give Ilarrlaon 20,074, Clovelund 17,407, 8,182, Flak 100. rialc tH6. i lie numo iowiih in in i gave iiuruoru, uonn. I'.inniy iowiih tnciud Hlalne 2.5,75151, Cloveland 17.867, Jt. .lohn I lug Hartford and New Hritulii ulvo 1,001 813. HarriwJii plunility of 0207 aKuIimt I gain for IlurriHon. HIalno'h 787(1. Now York City. Kiulit hundred and Ikton. Kvery Itepublicun Coiiltchh- thlrty-thrco out of 86(1 dintrictH ulvo Ilur man elected except one. u Kaiu of two. , rinon 101,716, Clovelund 167, 008, Fink New York Herald Hill ct In huvh that Imth ItepublliuinH and Democrutn claim , Connecticut. Tho DetnocrutH clulin the I State by 1400 and ItepubllcuuH by 5500. Now i ork. The city prewn uhHoctatlou 1.183. Detroit. One hundred and flvodlMtrlctH hIiow 4061 Itopubllcuu gain. Now York. Five hundrod und twenty dlntrictH in Now York Stuto, oulnlile of HuyH urunt a election ih uxHurcit nv iroiu mo city, give uioveianu mii,i)7U, llurrlHon 20.0WI to 26,000 mujorlty. .117,440, Flak 76(11. Tho name dlhtrlcta Tribune bulletin u)H Suirolk county, (In 1884 guvo Clovelund 80,112, Hluiuo L. L, give IlurriHon 700 rnujority, a Jto- 107,077, St, John 6871. .publican gain of 1253. St. Iuin. Thirty-Hix irecinctH in St. Philadelphia. Indication uro that !ou!b out of 162 give IlurriHon 75WO, I'enriHylvanlu ha gone for Harrlnoii bv Cleveland 6420, Kimball 7864, FrunclH 60,000 majority. 6285). tin Iowu give Hurrlwjn 0613, Cleveland Cleveland's plurality, allow in, for u fow 4142, Visit 120. ImlbHlng dMrictH, will be 60,000 iu the city. Tho Herald h.ivh Clovelund Iiuh curried Connecticut by 860. Milwaukee. Twenty-four precinct a In thin city give Har-inon 4336, Cleveland 4703. St. Paul. Seventy-ono townn nnd Pre cInctH, Including 36 prcclnctH of St. Paul and 16 of MinurapollH, glvo 1 furrlfoti 10.122, Cleveland 0,400, Fink (100. Dob MoIuch. One hundred procliieta gtve llurrlHon 16,071, Cloveland 0,771, Fink 21(1. New York Tho Sun bulletin najH tho Rtptiblicun plurality in tliu Stato will be mall. Hill in probably oi Ud. Cincinnati, O. 316 prcclnctH nhow a net Democratic gain of 16151 In u total vote of 111,00(1. A Democratic CotigroiM man Ik elected in the Ninth Kentucky dlitrlct. 7 Honton The vote complete given Har rison 27,312 Cleveland 30,160. Portland, Or. 00 iireclnctH outHldo of Multnomah county idvcH IlarrlHon 0.070. Cleveland 6,601. Tho numo precInctH in 1884 cave Clovelatu 6070. H a tie 6.44il: in June, 1888, Hermann 11201. dear In 4.- 886. Hpeclal to Ih. Kn.t OrcRnnlnn. New York. Mldnleht. Itcttirnn fmni 8510 dlntrictH of 8.MI In Now York city give Cloveland a plurality of 66181 a culn of over 12000. llrooklyn given Cleveland u plurality of 116510 u Iohh of 4370 In thn atute outnldo of Now York and llrooklyn. 4.81 dlntrictH give Hurrifon u clear gain over Hluiuo and Cleveland in IRS I o(680 The iiumu iucreuHo If iiialntulucd "ill give IlurriHon thu Htuto by 20000 pluralitv. It lixikH like u lleiiubllcan hiiccchh Init'lV-m. iK.mtn Htlll claim tho Hlate and fuller rn tuniH only can net! In the tinccrlu n tv. Tho eNciieinont lw IroinendoiiH. Now Jerncy Ih DcmiK'rutlc, ludiuua not heard from. Senator (Ionium Iiuh jimt tele graphed u friend hero tu go In bed iu lHueo uh Now York will bo all right. Hartford. Ono hundred and llvotmwiH hIiow a Itopuhllcan gain of 1182. Omuhu. Forty-fcttr prcclnctH In No liritHka, iiutHido of DoiigluH cottulv, glvu I larriHon 62651, Cloveland .'lO.'ill. Now York. Tho" Herald" HUH:"Oon. Knupp Hiiyn tho ItopubllcaiiH curry New York Stalo by 16.600. Montgomery, Ala. The DoinocratH claim a majority iu thn Statu of 510,000, and all tho CnngruHHinoii. Hartford. IudlcatloiiH uro that Ilur rlnon carrii'H tliu Statu by 4NI maiorlly. .Milwaukee. Ono hundred inui iiluetv live lowim, iiiiIhIiIo of Mllwiiukeo, hIiow'u Koimblicnii gain of 720. Sun FrunclHco, Fifty-four prcclnctH, outhldooi the lurgo cltlcn, give IlarrlHon 1772, Cleveland 1727: kuiiiu prcclnctH In 1884 guvo Illuluo 1103, Clovelund 1071. Chicago. Kighty-two prcclnctH In twcnty-oiio countleH In IIIIii.iIh. outHldo of Cook county, hIiow u net Hepubllcan gain of 10550 for Prcnidcnt. Tho cnti mated Democratic plurality In Cook county for PrcHldent Ih from 1000 to 2000, for governor 51000. Potllund. Nlnety-Hix precinct outHld of Multnomah county glvo IlarrlHon 12, 707. Clevoluildll02ll. Tho cainu nreclnntM In 1881 gavo lllaiuo 10,118, t'lovelund 0020; Juno, 1888, llertnauu, 11,404, (leurln. IH7I. Sun Frunclwo. Slxty-nlx pruclncta out Hldo of tho cltlcH give IlarrlHon 2437, Clovolond 22051. Tho huiiio prcclnctH In 1881 guvo Hluiuo 1000, Cloveland 1618. Chicago, lll.-Tlirco hundred and four prcclnctH In Chicago glvo HarriHon 60,877, Clovelund 63,(H.ill, Fifcr 60.170. Palmer 60,414. HohIoii, .Miimhi Tlio Slate 1m Itepubllcan by alxmt 24,000. Now York. Heruld'H bulletin noya thorn Ih every indication that Indliiuu haa gone DeiiKMTutlo; 717 election dlHtricta in Now York and KIiikh countloH ulvn Clovelund 15(0,1110, IlurriHon 101,768. Fink 7007. Sumo dlHtrlclH in 1884 uavn Clevoland 123.207. Hluiuo 1451.646. St. John 7660. Helena. Mont. DetnocrutH concede IhoTcrrl'ory to tho Kcptibllcuna. ueicnu, .Mont. Actual count giveH Cur ler u majority In Helena 302. Ind auanoliM. Fifty nrecinctH in In- dlanu give Harrlnon 6810. Clevoland 40. 01. Sumo prcclnctH in 1SK4 guvo Hlaiiie 66.10, Clovelund 4470. IK'H .MoIiidh. 1 wo hundred and tiro precInctH iu Iowa gave llarrbtou 27,606, Cleveland 20,070. Milwaukee. Ono hundred and thirty two towna In WIbcouhIu, outHldo of Mil waukee county, ahow a not Democrats gain of 620. Chicago. Ono hundred und eighty. Hovon precInctH In 28 countlca outaide Cook county ahow 1118 net Republican gain ; 121 precincta in Chicago out of 141 glvo Cleveland 60,621, Harrlaon 63,006, Fifer62,801, Palmer 60,037. Omaha.-Fifty-Mix precincta iu No bruMku outaide DouglaaH county give HurrlKOii 06(1.6, Clovelund 1007, McShan, Democrutlc, for governor la running uhcoil of IiIh ticket. Hun FrunclHco. Ono huudiod und three prcclnctH outHldo of citica give liar rlHou4l40, Cleveland 385151. (lenovu, Navudtt. Nobtovillo precinct, Cleveland 60, llurilw)ii 510. St, 1juIh, Ilarrlaon 7233, Cloveland 712.5, KluibaJI 82851, FrunclH WKW. Detroit. Tho Itepublicun Statu Com mittcocluiuiH tho Stuto by 12,000 lo 16, 000 plurality. New York. A Herald bulletin huv'h Connecticut la for Cleveland by ulwut 1000 plurality. Ptovidencu, H. I. Complete; Harri son 21.008, Cleveland 17,100, Flk 1270; Republican mujorlty 51100. New York. Tliu entire Tuiiimuny ticket Ih elected. Don MoIneH, The Itepubllcan head nuuttcrh claim u majority of 5)0,000 ou tliu nullonul ticket, und oery Congrcwt (('oncluded on Fourtli pugo.) wjiux THKKT,