East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1888, Image 3

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    Much to lho9ehugrin of their lcudor,
only four or llvo tnombcre of (ho Pendlo
Ion 1)!uh1 wore present Suturday ovonmg
to inuku muHlu for (ho Demootutiu rally,
'although the full liumbur were engaged.
Tim llOV liMtlll tnrtinil nut llu ..II ...?.....! .
ALarga anil Knt.itialn.tlr. MeulltiK Satur
day Ktenlnc-A MimhrrorOood Hiierrhes
Made-Mr. Mltehrll'i. Adilrra.
day, should bo compelled lo pay $1,111 for'
f i ivnnn oi wooicn ciotning, ji.tc: lor ft
worth of eugar, $1.70 for $1 worth of
woolen blankets, and ho on, through
nearly ovuty article of food hnd clothing
that the laboring man cuts or wears. M
Special Sale of Fall and Winter Clothing.
Mindo by tlio band" SintitnW
m-iii. ui uii-iuuuit., u i trcciai 111! 1 in im
lon Fishoieli ' I""" Atort Pcvon7,tl the' to the
pauper luiKir of l-.nglaud, eo often
llrnnch Ottlcc.
It . .
l would remind you of the fact
i Lot Xii atlmi run-lnt- r- Men u Dark limy" Tweed Hulla, Heck
nn-inii Hro cordially
, i u " . . " 'm ",nu BIHfiiWnu would take nkn. . l, n- , that the labor!.,,. ..w-,,f I'i.l.Iu.,.1 am In ' m 5 0 i"5 7..' .VT
l -"--ir (ini rueu i-iiuix, mrn
fcl' " " i-iH- UltMIOMA
: forcoattho 'handstand l. Wvn il ,! uJi1 n",,Icn.1? t ,,! l)L'ra Hottso, which wan ' ulRdtercotidltion than thosoof Ahierlcnor' -Mf ti' sti (p.. i t, viot suitH.'s.ieU ".'."Z. """."..""'..
.x.. " . J"1"' . 10 KlV ItKlldU'l- K,H)i, n B( to In nil,,,,., ...!.. ,,nv nl me lilM.tf t.r.x 1 ,......,(,... ''I, In ! "lilts -tut-
nl 8.01)
'"..'2 j l'ort itn. nikl.
T ho nlllco uln tun At).
lined concert, mid ovoiv timiiilme U
, , , ..i.ii.iij , umui I'lwvMiit ,ii Men mown I'hil i Mult. Hiek
I ladles liein" proent. and mime ........a Ihev luav not receive .tul.o as much , M.nN i,.tn...i i i... Vo.. M,7.i?
. fctnlf .
Tiur.1 reel, iMi'wi-fii
ncetly roiiuoeted to Iki nrcm.iit bv
nnt " ""..... ... II... KlUf ! ,1. .
i 'rtiin.1 illIIM, unit oilier ore
fiJift .' lcrrii,ry paper ru ul- 01(1 S.
,..,1.,, 1 1 i. ii. l i"""""" neru noil, j, ii. ku- , hii "' "Hiiury, oui iviicn f con-; .1 eni inii-i'niiui',1 chri k Htilt.i, Sueli
! nt 10.00
M.rtiiiienuiiy.iv'i-.-v,".: - , . . .j. nNU lun jumi. ro- ; icy, iiremui'lll 01 1110 ovn tie V I.' Pit or llio inw lir cox nl w U fli I i.v i.I.t.i 11 1 .iioir i.iitlil S o 1 1 t.-.l ii.km Cn i. khpU
' I llUCHllOII Of II HliOlt Hum U-lmti tti.tifiinr ! Inn vl..n I 1.' . . ...I.... 1 ..1...1 1... 1.1 . , . n .1. ,
I -111 I .. , . . . "vl IV" ".r:"' ".V iiunivinn, Ullll II. J, MJIPr. "- IIJ tun i uiiii Diuuior.
111 iiumi i mi unici courted Honor of be- win. 1'urnonH, W. K. Ilutcher M 1, 1 wanns of laborlnc m-onlo from ovorv
'.'t I! lro,!,l,1,,or,"i''H- IjwiJIiiR ts Iw- Weston. F. 11. Mitchell, S. While and . '. uiitry der the mm ,!ro landln on our
ylructcd hcyond LpxhiKton, ulthoiichi 1 resident Huloy opened tho tncetinu ) 1,10 V.ntUMi HpuakhiK race aro fewer
DccaiiHo of lack of iron, track Iuim benu with u hIuiH l.m ..,.r.,ui i .i ...,.3 , Hum anv ntlmr. nn.i n...c.. ...... .. i. .i..
addieH. Keek n homo with ti arc, at von nil
It. J. Plater, IV,., in tin agreeable and know who have met Kimlishnicn, In a
1 ablo winceli of tweutv iiiIiiiiIch. i1I.,mivc,.,i , belter condition, tlnancial v ami lutrlloci.
I the Hiibject of "FurnicrH and the Tariir." '"illy, than thone from any other country.
nuvitiiiK iii.ti iiie larmcrri
i.i... i.- n tin Hi lltiir.
tH.'ff.?-1 ". -I oVti. H 1 lay
",, j .1 we": pni.ver-nie'llMii,
Hi Cunllai welciiiiii' to
, ih tM-iinncnitttwIlliotlu-i
u-it free.
(mo. II. IiKK, Tumor
. ti.... nvfir
JlMllllJ w.v.
,r. of tho Viva Cent
house to rent.
4 cotitiniiR to arrive in im
mttio uo poi.
... t i..i i
..it im ii niceiy iiiriiiBiiuu
..i fl.iur. lii nint
' Onlco for photoKfttphH
I l( Ullll ICIl lllliun on
unit !Uf that vou have
i. hum iiohm lor uio com
... i. ...I l...v(m.i tilntil
It "IDIIUH Il' . !"
t fliPflll M KaiOt onuiKiii
mil Hcppnor aro to bo Illim-
lonmuiiii'ift ""
..tin vk'ncttcH liru lltHt t(Hl
So pi ami Kci inein oi uio
... ii... ..Li. 'i. In 1'nt llin liOMt
l I ... If T. it. I Til. nvne
III Ul ii " .
.ii-ytnm liiMt rccalvcd at
ftoin'g.Star Hotttuumni, iw
iM IIOHfO Oil .'till" niiiui.
Ii .... .........v.. ii .. vln.lu I..
1, 11. VU. HIV IU j MiMtwi'i.
a every endeavor to that
totegrai'lH thoy are tho Ioh.
ihwiibcrry huiicc for dinner
.'imiUv, at Klrhy & Keonan'H
rant, Main ntrect, bolow VII-
.-.t.lv.. unit i.tlwiia U'llfl U'lll
wifiatiiro next whiter will bo
.t .. Ill l.r.
tliai MUa -l-llll r. Tim 113 ui-
.. . ...... ....
mlTM.I ih.iiiiii .iiiiiiiurv 1HI.
libn, Into of .Sin 1'niiiciHjo,
ilnwnmkin parlors over tho
irelwiiw, anil would bo ulud
. .I.An.ni.i t( llin I'iit1llllllll
t muiniiiii,u in tuv v i wn
MuJctof California, iiolro of
ntlcy.)f IViulloton, urrivod
, V. .. t..t.
DIIIk h ir.iui uit u vinu iu
rfU'.fvcH horo.
i-" ,u .int.... ..ii
I It...- u.
ir III lliiu la .Inn In flirt
uliU'li liiivo brouciii Willi
il MtwIniM.
II ll.inf.1. ..1... l.'.U ut f.i.iP
i I ItlllTi ill .1. . t-v ......
.1 ..nlli nl.M.. .Intnl. Iltd
"ii to Iho Wtilln Walla
i Ixi Improving Udng
.u :u i . li I and who bin
liitliciilty Ho will proli
ukulmiit t iiristniiw.
.i ii. . i. .
l. ' .1 11.11 1 114 11 HlllJll 11 I III!
3ii lui Im u In town din-
' niiis ' i oci tiny mini up
it 'iiei.d rc-nilt or on par
' out ii- i .'iii'di'iit Kcpubli
Im nj 1' iio to win bin
i..t.i .i. . .i ., .
nun no iiituier man inai place.
Tho bolting fover nan reached IIm height
in I'eiidlcton, and niany wagerH have
liecn laid up to date, u great many more,
tirob.ibly, than during any previous Tich
tdenllal election. Clovcliind money
pcuiin iu im iii inn iroponucraueo. .am
Nicely, a youtiK Democrat from Juniper,
Ih In town with fjlK) he would llko to
luivo eovored.
Md ward Oamnbell. u vounc umn llvlmr
near Nolin, !h rojioitcd to tie vory nick
with typhoid-pncinonla. and Dr. N. (.
lllalock hiiH bcon Htimmonud by relatives,
behiK oxicctod on to-nlght'M train,
l'.tigenu Campbell, a brother of Kdward,
Iiuh nlRo liccn troubled with tho diHcace,
and wuh taken to Walla Walla nomo time
ago without material benotlt.
Saturday morning while hoiiui men
were engaged in unloading a car of lum
ber belonging to the 0. H. itt N. railway
company near Mct'alloy'n mill Walla
Walla, tho Lody of u tranni wan found
(load in the car lying undor a lot of
bonrdx that had become misplaced, and
nearly '.DO (ilecos had fallen on him while
he wiih Rleuplng.
The bultilingri in this old jiostollU'o block
are now nil Mettled on tneir now (omnia-
tioiiH, and Homo Idea of tho Improvement
to bo accomtillHhcd bv tho widening of
the entire Htrcet may Ik gained by tho
good work already done. A Bolid dido
walk Ih being built in front of the re
moved buildingH.
II. K. Joncrt. tho O.K. t N. IVi.'h iiu'ont
at tho WeMoii depot, formerly stationed
hero, Ih in town on a furlough, having ex
perienced u touch of nlckncM llu will
lea vo for Portland to-iuorrnw nvenltii! to
join his wife, who Im now vinlling iu the
Tho mother or Homer II. Ilallock, thu
Iviht Oiikho.nian'h Portland agent and
corrcHH)ii(Icut, Ih dangorouHly 111 at
lleppner, and her fon left Portland on
thin nftoriioou'H train to vixlt Iter bed
Hide. It in hoK)(l Mr. HalliH'k will noon
Theio wan it nice little crowd and it
nice littl
given I
'i.i... i ..
..M.. .......
!:"t.:,,;V.:,,:i0 f- Meu'i Kuuey I'luk-Clicttk Mill", nark....
.11 I'll It 1 mill 1 II'MIII MIlll.MU'K
.Mcll't Neiit I'llllilSlilf.. uirk
MenV Mo.tloil I'lUiey Mix Sult
Lot 'u. ailUll CoiLlNtMiir-MciiN llniwn Mellon HiiIIk. xtK'k..
.Meii'n lllim Cheviot Mull, Nick M
.Meu'H lUitket Clierk Hnlln. m.li
.Mi'llV lllluhl IMll-CliccK Milln, miek
I l.cil Mo. TlOII) I'liutlHt- ur -Mcii'h Hurk flieek Sollit Suit, miek..
about Imlf tl in
pcopio ot tins country ate enormously
taxed, but receive absohitolv uo benefit
whatever from tho tatill.
Mr. F. It. Mitchell road a thoughtful
ewuy on "Uorkliigmcn unit Wageo,"
which, an It wuh written out, in prcnented
I in full,
t'ol. Win. PunwnM woke tho audience
up with a npirlted Bpeceh, a portion of
which wuh devoted to Hhowlng the in
iquity of the tax on the giftH of (iod, wood
and coal.
8. White, Kwi., Hiioko ujion tho Chi
nese iiueHtion, whowing that every meas
ure looking toward reBtrlction o'r cxelu
idon of Cliincne bus been urged and
pmwed by DcmocrutH, and In spite of the
opiKwitlon of HepublicaiiH.
W. F. Ilutcher, 'i., made a hull-hour
Hpcech of great ability, showing that ho
had htudledtind undorHtood the tarltrin
iqulty in all ita phutcM. He drew fre
quent outburHts of apphuiHo, which wcro
welt merited.
J. P. Wager cloxcd the Hcaklug, tak
ing for topio "Ih LaUir Protected?" He
advanced ten plain, Himpio and unde
niable factH, which prove couchiHlvcly
that protection Ih u curho and not a lien
cllt to labor.
The Pendleton baud und Fletchcr'n
band dlHCouwod agreeable iiiuhIc, and an
Hlutcd cry much to nuiko tho iMfiudnu
(julto a large number of ItcpublicauM
wore present, und when .Mr. Slater, in
tho opening iiddreH, alluded to lllaiuo
and llurrlHon, they applauded loudly.
Col. ParnoiiH aflonvanlH purpocoly gave
them another opportunity to do Ihln,
n lion lie reimiikcd tliat no wuh plouncd
to hour u email cheer for a very email
candidate. "Hutch" also "got luck nt
ilii'in" wan tlio ciiestnut Mint lio wiih
Thoy uto eatlsllcd with tho condition of
thlngH ut home and are content to remain
My frlende, we may theorize on
itiriii an we may, wo can nut nigii pro-1
icciion or a reduction oi ine nurpliie un
til our throutn are eore, but the etubbirn
fact HtarcH ua In tho face that hi free trade
Knglaud wugen are higher than that paid
for the eame dime of work in any pro
tected country of Kuropo. Wo have had
a continuation of high war tuxen ever
einco Leo Hiirrcndcred bin sword to Grunt
ut .npomattox we havo reduced prac
tically no taxcH on the nccoHmirlcH of lifo;
und with thin highcet protection
ever known In timcH of eacc,
and the hlghcM taxes on tho nccoHMurlen
of life conoumed by labor, there Iiuh Ih-cii
a etcudy decline in the wagen of tho
worklngman during the font decade.
Iu ccttuin portionH of the country cer
tain clueecH of laborcrri have banded
thouiKclveH together, formed eocietioH, or
ganir.utioiiH und uniotiH, and in a certain
nieannro havo etopped tho current of
low wagoe. Hut elill in- the ptrugglo for
their rlghtH, etrlkce, lock oute and dctl-
tutiou among the laboring men and their
famillcH are of dally occurrence. Ijibor
unions and eocletlcn have doubtlrnH done
a ureal deal of cuod. but In tmtnv in-
HtuuccH they have cauccd much mill'cilng
ami Horruw. rroiection huh placed the
mill mvnorri and mining kingn iu eueh u
iMjHitiou that they lire now inastcrH of the
eituatlou, and tho cry for juetico and rea-"'
eomiblo wugCH lalle on unlieeuiiil earn.
And choultl the worklngtnen iu their iIch
Ignition demand of their uuiHtcrH u just
coiiiK'iiHalloii, the conHequeuce Ih a lock
out. Tho great whcelHceaeo lo revolve,
tho factory doore are closed, and the
bloated millionaire roll by In hie up
hohtcred carrlago, or ehutH hiniMlf up
Men.it Hlieii nl cheek Mxlrti Hull, kiicU.,
.lieu nrou'ii 1 nei ii I'liuil MIU.fiiTK .
Meli'n Iliilr-I.lue Tweed Hull, miek .,
Mcn'it l.lKht Uniy Cheviot Hiilti, irnek
i.ut . an.io ciiutiNtM or
Men' Wlnu Mixed f-ulln, miek illili IIiip It exlni hrnvy welulit)..
tlio Xa. :iun CuiinIkIm nr-MetiV lllne mid tted Plalil Hitlti, Mirk.
iro- I 1,ru B iiihk uiui iinnvn riripe i uuviui niuit, puck
til. U).o()
tit 11.00
til. J 1.(50
at i:?.ro
I .ut TVo. .'1070 :otiM..ti nr-Meirn llniwn unit While Mixed Hulln, nnrk...
.iien fi iiiju'k huh lino .iiixeu niuiN,MieK
Men' Uiuiket Cheviot l.tgul llnnrii Hiilt, niiekn
Lot X11..-IUNO UonNlMtH or-
1H I II Here nt I'atleriii In liarx I'IkiutiI CiiKtlmere Hulln, Miek
Lot Vn. anOO ConNtntM or Meu'K ltenlhrr Mixed Hull, Hunk
Men'MHIlk Mixed Hlrlpr Hull, nek
Men'H llntkel Cheek Hull, fnerk
Mvn'ii lllue Melton Hull, frock
Mch'h Hid nnd While Mixed Hull, frock
y0'.n"HM:o''l'tqr- lot Xii.III40CoiuI.Iii of-
nl 14.00 MtU'iHtilpeilChrvril,itoillihreiiiit
.Mctrx imrk cii.viol, rroek.. nt iu.no
Mrn'K DirK lliir l.lur, flock -...J
-l nt 1-1.00
Men' Hllk Mlxnl Hull. mink..
Meu'i Hllk MIxnlClienHHiiltK.KiHTH j'
Lot Nil. .till) ( Vm,ll nr..
Meo'k Nutiirnl (Iniy (no dyiH)
Nulla, miek
Mch'n lllHck Mini white miiiiiII
Mpii'i llrown CliuvlotHnitehHillla,
Men'a HUek Corknctew Woraled
nulla, aiu-K
hi in.nii
glad to flihl eomo UoimlilleuiiH there, for i oonlenlcdly in IiIh luxurloiiH miitiHlon,
ho "came not to cull tho righteous, but J "" ,lin daric ep rit oi wuni un.i etarvii'
einnere. to repentance." Ho iiIho ro. tlon hovers ovpr tho hoincH of the iwr,
..I.,. in.i ii...... Hi.it r.nii- i.i.. ii. 1 .No one iloubtH that tho nrotcctiou al-
llin ilnnce at Iho iioenhiL' mocI.iI ui.it.'lilni. ntfi.ilii im ' I forded tho manufacturer by tho Iuwh of
iv CO. Sharn and W'illlain Welle. I "lllulno. Hlulno. Juiiiee (I. Hlulnu." i ourjxmntry wuh not aleo Intended to. ben-
rholeiVH feel encouraged, and will n,- Hut now It wuh: "drover, (irover. he'll ' n.1" ! hiliorcr. Itiittho plain truth Ih,
. w . . . r... ' :n.,ii ii.iiiti.i.iii
Lot t. tWIO CoilMala of
M n 'h Heavy l.'iin.liiirrn 1'mit.a
Lot fin. il'it Coinl.li of
Men'N Heavy Cn.aliueri) 1'iinU, iik )
iHit ax.'in (Tiilialula of
llnya'CiiMlmero Hlllla, alrra 12 In)
17 yer .
Lot Mo. .'MOO Con.Manf
Men'a Heavy (ivereoala, alxra
to II
l.ol No. .1340 Connl.ln of
Clilldreti'4 Knee-I'Miil Hillla.SS put-1
tenia nt - I
l.ol No. .1100 Coti.Manr-
Men'a limvrr (Jirreunta, alira ,'ll
I't ila
Prepaid Charges to Pendleton, 50 Cents Extra,
Full Much of our Superior lllanketH coiiHlantly on hand. Send for price Met
Order by Lot Number.
Brownsville Woolen Mills,
f.at Mo. ailtMCoiialnta or
Mr n'a Dark Cheviot Hulu, anrk 1
MenN Kmiry Cheviot Hnll, Hiiek,rHt
doiitilclireuMrd J
Lot Mo. .'11.10 rouiUtanr-
Men. Ilmwn und Illnck HI ripe
Hulla, miek
Mrn'a lllock ami (iniy HlrlHi
Hulla. .ark ...
Men'M Illnck Cotkaerow CutHwiiy,
Ht 1(1.00
nl 1.7ft
Ht 4.00-
nt t.OO-
nl n.no
Hi 4.(10
in, no
Uetuil Store, No. 1 10 l'lret Street
Portland, Oregon.
! that American labor (Ioch not receive tho
full meiiHiim. or ni'iirh' llin full iiieiiniirii
. I of t!'o protection the law intended to give
louhlo tlicIrutrortH in the future to make hold over."
their eoclule euceeeeful. Altogether the meeting wuh ii line eue
I . ... " .1 a 1. . t 1 1..T . .kuu mill u In tit U f lint I in I I.i Itli u, 1st I u i
UT.. ' . ... . )u7!, i ;Z"Zr . e., . . v . ir lit. Wo lmv manufacturerH i fo labor
eomo time with un attack of typhoid-! gen
pneumonia, Ih now traveling elowly the, l ollowlng le
road to recovery, although not yet on-, ,, , mii.mitciiki.i.h adihikhs
tlrolv out of danger. ' Undoubtedly tho greateet ioIitical quoe
Iron rallri have lieeii replaced by eteel
Ih not exceeding ii per cont. of tlio cost
' of their product, and they are protected
! nearly double that amount by luriir
, taxoH, while they linvo lieon hlead
lly reducing wugee during tho lunt
.!.. ,.i .i. .1... i ..... tii.i, tu ..,.;i..i.. nv rcducini! wugen
.i.i ....:. ..i...t.. i..i ...!.. i..'. I few vnarH. '11 im Ih ii llueriiiil
! ';."..: M'"0.!" ' o : I I Pm.ec.lye policy of the
i mutiiiii in iiiiniiiiuuui, iui uiu us i-u i- i, , :; ,i i 'eiiiinirv. and onu w den i; ove anil, an-
'"iW ",. T. ; ilxtYenieiy Volictloue ' r Ihii web I W W
i i --
tiou of u four-mile
ton and ( ayuo
nt uiu i
.M-r.' v i
S. A. Saylor hae been under the
weather for the pa! day or eo. Klnior
K. Lance is now employed by Mr. Savior
and in oernting hie ehaving parlorH.
Architect (I. W. Ilahrncl:, euiHTintond-
out of the I'ntiitlllii county cotirt-houHO
t . ii t. . i.i . i .ti.. i ii...
1 1 .no oi nun uo ciiriiH iiim iiiiuy iiic.ui iy
ine eneiuoi ine nniw, wnno me uetno'
Ih Inileavoiiug to reuirdv.
What the Americin lalxirer now ncede
iiilht, Ih, llret, protection ugaiiiNt the
cheap lalwr of the protected countriueof
i-.uroiie. and next, tree raw materiaiH io
cratie party Ih alHodevielng wiivh und
mcttiH of making tlio piltaiice of In cad
i i .....i .. ..i.i. ,i.. it.. ii...
uiii;i umi t-uniui fi'iiim. ...it itiu , . , - . , .11
.....Ti.,..Im .,u,..i i.v. n..i t... nm.ii ,.,1,, enablo o'tr workingmen tocheu h'u their
for the attainment of IIiIh g.ertend dlllcr I l'rHhiclH without reducing their wiigoH'to
um widely from one another iih doee tlio I o.niaigo tiiuir nuiiucie anil uoeoiiHuinp
. TCI,
: O'" -
I t.
irghiiu HilHkult
evening ut Pilot
1 it. of coureo. by
' iiid tho In Wo-1
1 n-d the patty
1' .M'l'ueton nolnii
n j li: and merry-
I 0 II 111111 Will IlllWIIIlil 1 W ' . f . .1 I - ...I a I . .. I.. I
iiilldingi in ovor from Walla Walla, Nottli w o frem tlio south jmli. Uio ' i""y". " -
Tb. Woil.l (oniiunv at the Unora Itepuhl i-an orator on one lmnd'WlH lunmml for la or. he Mil
inn otiii i onip.in 111 win uiH.r.i ' ,r..t...-f l.iti " wbllotlio ivriiiM-rniio 1 hi 1 w ich wuK introduced into and
Houee to-morrow evening. lon't Mien , out -ru tot I n, wl hllo (he De. uh nitio )f c.,roNfIulhoil llllr.
tho iHjrfor. nance. It will bogood. ! f.'1" ' "i Mfon f ili l-X on " n o( t'ni'U-i !''
J..,t iccelveil tit V. A. Walker'e, u keg , ' ; i!'"iu I h object the attainment of IhU dudred ;
offhOhiochoHtnute. ' lZmnUot the Hl.uation ' an tuV, ptvee,,..,. h.
It. Lee, of he 1 10, is iu
New Goods for the Fall Trade
Boys' Express Wagons, Voloclpodos, C'rls' Trlcyclon,
Picture Frnmca.
A Complete Line of Artists' Materials
Km Oil umi l.1ilie i'liliillni! unit Paper I'lnw -r Miilorlnl.
The l-'iue.it Line of Stationery ever ehown in the city, und at Uiwcr l'rlcce.
Bargains on the 5, 10 and 25 Gent Counter.
!io. W. Skill, 0. II. Woodabd,
Hamuil Hxithiid, Fiixn K. Aknold
Snell, Heitshu & Woodard,
Buccrflsors to Hodge, Davis & Co., and Hcllehti, Woodard .V Co.,
liltiTT lyr
Mr. t
r. t
who lutWv vIh-
h v- theio lwve
the ).
iiii'nR ul ripe
1.111- Sunday.
, lrry th.t
ui.l one lull'
W'i'ild Kik
"Y; naturally leads one to k'Hev.' that lw
, latter method would proven MmU, ' . ui V ,. . ' n ?.. . '".i" J, ! .d
--v r ., liStrs .i Sift .S
by HhMiHI IfiJ. or Walla W.lla. Tlittf imlunlial Hiitlvir-lii il-u-
wro urrtNdeil under u iHium of t lie mar. Qn (iriut llr.t took hi Keat in the White f ' Ku VX , v 1 ,
Uir of John SBtiimervllle. of aattlo, ii((IMe. s.i ur bl rh war tniee hw I r, Kom bl wii In w ' V' .'..!
. .. i .... - !-.. i.-i.i , i,i..,. i . . . . ..i.. i.. i'riUMu i lie mxtM on muni n'm-rar
... tb - f,oue-..di.i,'thuttu.ethk.ttifo of John Siunn.v lnK tilled to bur-limt with the .urplu "'J '",,1 MJ"1I1 lalviwliij!
II.- but wiih- w'l"- Tliiwfwow.iiiiaiie uUo ;,!,. t, ,Uil cr.,io,l uiio tlimii; .mr ( ' M j,, ,
' ,Mn lunK.eai.loihiie.iiulChaH. Iticks the young imm t.'4ru.-ui. Ammidonn,. and all the re- , "y
' - tag., the '). 7 v.. i .. . . "i.T. iV... in..jr . """ V": ...i....:;..... ..ti.- mn-I miuiil..i -iuimI tlwiu. niitlio
t, ..f ..I. . llllllH 111 J'" l llii-ll, v . , Hit U11UI Willi I MV.li'1 .."ii.. ..
'H Ml rilu' . i ...., I..l.u. tliA1 . w i. .1 ,1. I.I ..f .1... I ,l.a..r
lli.'K UN. r-l'.'.l-mi, un idinoi w ulll nearer 'II" IMTO-'l-'lii -i 1 1..- if .-". ,
! Ic.vh it u.iii.o.1 un thu Hjmo t-haMHk ' ull(j lt i.uxi4 wuil of the workiii'.'-
but miiiic thin- nine he ,'kipp Qfil.l iii.in'n cliild i ofleiitioitfe h.'a,.l i.ill.usf
iho in. uiiiuiu- .rut llin lttie.iU(ilil in (, ,;,!u.. l.uxurn-. thut i-.tn mily !
i ntiLzii.. A il. 'n -r III.' ut1M lif tilt WO ,).' .i-:eil bv our ItllllloUttini UI1U HI"'.
una iihiiii f iiat.- Hutu iii . ..
iiiuIcimIb. . I.iibiuii. hnutiui, Mlt, ami
IH' l
! i
iIiIul' ti.ui ih daiU (kiiiriiiiMd by i bo
I v. bil.i on tho (ithiir hand n ri
'.iiaii.lnJ u( all Uxii.h uu ruw inuiw
-lein imiwr.
i that it will
m.iy Ut ac
. -i debt effort
n (lone. by
dl but ninu-
inoii the W.dl.i U'ullu thori:t ivturnou W i.hl m -n mnu iut
a nHi!unini. and .c- m u iu he left Uie , urely duty hv,
women wi-ri-ll.' i i eeca pe, ami I MM aro ul-i.tut'iv nt-
' iii i.i.
trtt ,
ii . i ,
i i
' iiaci
in me"
uf inr'.... i l . . t
- in uei u.iwn iiuh wav in
1 1
ira alill ul Uriin. 1 Im lU.Ht iloiilo
fnntiir.) of i!ii , In .le utfHir In that the
lady ItlckH U now ell ulniK' wiih Iw
et'verul clili.lren to .-are lor. nnu uiiwjp
i !.. .....i .!..ii;tiit.. In.iiiii.Ihiiiw. ITrtl
. lilt urwi " - - i
i iiutldlng u ubiiii,,,,. hanlN tiny clothe, to wtaf,
t.wi f,irvi.
tlio Idea
i oui p rM uliii'i-it ua
ilu tluw article .Ii it
I'-HHIV t" Hil-I.lill lit.'
i ui'diHt by our liiill" and labor; ti t
'i ieiioii of all notMllcMMi tax itpoii thu
ii iiioo nwHwmirlan of life, and a foil
I . . tertloii of the wukea vt hilior Iu till uur
..mpetltivo iuduatiToH. Tha iKMjplii mlo
iboi uintry; thoy niato th luwe, Then
let thoiu hoiiuetly und eulinly eonehlor
thflr ballot
m VtsJ 111 -W Em 18 U
3ash, Doors, and Building Material,
' A.t Bottom Prices,
iisinesOpeiiiog. FOR
. I VUMlM f I" " llinillMM "
l0: j and tho old UUr i with ut wood or fieeh ; .j, Ul4( ,vi
I It Ih prob'ible tfmt the dtixone will hatff tin. iMa.rcr mi
nt ....' l ' .... I-..1,..,
2 ;,v f.ter' ! W-n, le,.cl,h,g
' IbillilUthsp . k0U.4 M.0 1 1191(1 l,1Iil-
m i a' tiando was not ; to mnw , j,t.r nmxa
lire taxed I nv, liny, riavr, ui r- ..
uamMt oven hundrott H,r ow.
tihoHlil ench a etoto uf thl'.if '
tt in fro and pnllahtenu.l Vmerint?
Shmll'l our noiil
riitflnl.llll 11 1.1U I
lllltt it cuiihhh uio Hirw ut
lie : "iniii'i 'nir ninan.v iuvo- i
iwouh riiinii.f h"-h uoniinuo to p lo.
. . Ilntoltrttioaeiiryine juriuu. '"'"' "" nAKNI!s-T. lh lf 'f I. r lUriwa..n
r.i the uniiu. r rendieioii uiiii vieiuiiy." jominery while our laboring nion, the Iljo- j.rjjay,(),.toii.rai.iMiu Jdrl. wniutit nlm
.1 .in I u II i- ns.1 mil blood. ) .lie and elliew Ol il winunu, , ihiu ime-u...! i.i....
Ml fll'lWie ( fl !'!(
JitHltiurmit in linker City
fur naif. I'rhrs
limit, on lit" lint, iii-.it
Uit,oenlnillv liK-iii.-d,
i a -I fniioee, f.ir l al
I'.Hil lldM MlllI
the (i. It. 4c S
imel .later,
Hum ti-tliiM. .
$140, or Entire Business for $250 i'"ur iot-..me .,u.,rier Vf umk i.. ur
' 1 . j thi-nutere ekilio.il, fur fZ'V) citMli.
m, ..H,k. wii. iQLOPTON & JACKSON
InGuranco Agonts,
I'KMlLimiN. .... oiti:u. iM
r : -.111""'!'! iny entire eUck of Mllllnory goode at ' are mpelle, ur ou uua , , ,r "M vr u CUHDT
--"i.mn oiiice. .nr. iiioiuiratorv to muvtug to iviienx- eiarvauou n.i--. "'! r .' .. . .. ..7i. I ""I'll? "", '," ':", : , : jiiuh I
iupcr man from tho ' him t'on e and bring 'your eider und r ced for clotliing. maiiKeiH, tuigiir. 0Xcullent crop oi wnoai huh year, mm got
'ltl.m. L-l hi. eii-nriu Milton . 'u.r- ...'.?',"?. J" ... J. tu u iiniiior . i.,,l flvervthiuc that Ih nccesHary toeuntalii tt uowJ ,,r a, ,,r It, and bin, Joy in Mill i t k"r
il i, .w -. your courmn nun ji'itt .... 17,7 - 1.. n.n lin.lv1 t...n. 1... ...... ..,1 1... .... ,,.l,Mil..n 1., I, a . -
- lltl.lll.T 11... I ...... .., r ' . . I-1 1 I . I f,.llru .. lllf. nr k'H.111 WUrilllll 111 IIIM I'V- ' llllllll-r 1111.1 U..OV11 ... M. 1
: -K i ,1,0 slate "'The K.Sl-'i 1 w II eur U ,,11.' , '"ihit our 'lle.mbllcat , frtood. opjjo.0 a , faInlly ,or all l,o;o favore xaf Provi-' OIQU f)C
; otinuo in -..rf...,. ,.ir.,oia n''"''"' "m ' I." ;i. .....,. IrnvMon of t ho turiir lawn on tho dence he Ih truly grateful. iOIUll Uf
r hia ni........... "i. ' 31 "' i ti. ii it would work an in-( : ;.Tri. ;: .
kiIU.il ' . " . i -
' V . .1 . I..l.- 'I'ltai till im T iiiliii.Ml
Utaji-ei lu !Hnr '"i"" Kla
huw u
Good Paying Business.
( Uy. ureuoii .
i i. -
'i.i.i u,iu im ,
To lh Attllrted.
riiln U to certify that I have tu leroil
Vlt" II... ... ,.
ilrc.,.1,.,.1 f,j.nl rli..n.n ltism lor 1UOI1IIIH. uio uuieui-w
. .raii levernnat in wuiiii : : .,,... .u i
' Barked . i . .i
-. ' vviiiiOM In lilt- t!UM
.quIetnesH in Pendleton
- itt. judging from
-wu iliat on to-morrow
L'.ill.i IJMIU 1 111.-1.111'. .
.""J efoming beyond mod ca 1 d. I am now
Z Well, thimkH to Mn. A. F. ltriebhi, mota-
il..', I hyeician, under wIioms treatment I have
2 Heen cured. J. P. IU'hiikc,
' 'llQn will Ik. decided
"eeming (juiotneHH, tho
UIUI1 tli ViMnili. ilrv-
1 IVIUI t ul u v
earriAat k;.,i,i.. ..u in
b7 Cleveland's maiority in
Attention Umatilla.
The Umatillaa will hold a meetiug thin
veniug at eoven o'clock eharp. at tnelr
iew ouartors. rooms 11 anu i- iu
Kaut Om.aosiA.s building.
to the laborer, iney run
i r-.ii iitr it 1 1 1 :t a. ti ivfi a
tions. that wo are cnemleHof the laboring
man, and declare that If our ctiHtam
duties are reduced wo will lie placed on a
par with Kngland, and our workiPgmcn
would eUrve. My friend, we aro not
asking for freo trade. There are very
few men who bellove the time lias yet
come when our rt should be thrown
open entirely free to tho world, and there
are fewer men still who believe that It Is
just and right thsthe who work. i tor one
dollar, two dollars, or even Ua dollars
WAJ.KKK HAI.KH-Al Hie llowmiin llnuae.
on HMturluy evunniir, n
John wtmrr hdii cnti
Umatilla coiiniy.
,ny iiev. i. ai. ii. . j ii,
ab.'tll IUIl-i, both of
Mr. Tom Bradley, Proprletreif.
MalnHlrcct - - rualtn.
Only flnUelaM aeeummodatlun. Ift-ad-quartera
foretimraerelal traveler. The pat
roease of the public solicited, (paring ao
palm to plea lliem.
Main and WebbHtroeu.
Kaatrrai Madn
Mill Mhooai
Perfect At Guaranteed.
;The Pendleton Holler Mills,
' M.lniiAlIu tfrfl l..irailu li.a. il.l r
THE GOLDEN BOOL'W S. BYEns 4 CO, Proprlolors.
I p mtlrtoii, iiretfou,
j Muiiufucliirera ut (irulium, sruiiiiluled und
aeii-ri.iui. riour.
IllSllCHt I'nwh I'ure I'uld for All
KIuUm u' fjralu.
Plonr, iiieut, chop, feed etc, alwayaor, luind.
K. J, Horton, I'roprlelor,
Main ami Itallroad Ht., I'endletmi, Orexo
Klrt-elaa la every ret. Near the do
pot and ha every convenience. Tcriui II a
day, lylldav