East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 31, 1888, Image 3

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    cnlY. UOTOilHK Ul, lttM.
'IK;' " i lliillm-k. Ilo will Im
""'r. iinuin spiicriiiUi m hiiiko
'rlmler ihtni wrvlw In his
ut'ii tTlll.S'Ali
. ix-'ir i'iu:k iftli.' K. O. llllllilllU,
... .ml .lllllll"'" "'J
,1 nl 111 I. HI
til, mrum
In h certain rcwjrt In town, Sum l'rco
iinui, the wniliutor who Iiiih already
wugoreil foiifhlerablo, ullcrcil to ImjI fib
luuro on lliirrlnoii. I'eto .Mmlcrwu'lt,
who wuh then.;, promptly iieeciitcd tho
projKJsItlon, and mm the (.trnuuo part of
llio Htorv eoinuHln. an Smith, uu int-and-ont
Hunlnon man, lulloved .Medor-
uuuii ui pun ui ins not, WUKorllllt . oil
.Air. .Smith evidently backed
rnctlt rutliiir tlmu hlu imlltli-.il
Iist night u follow wiw ulmwercd at
teniitln In itlievc tin old u1illuinan,
n i.. u.tL ........ .1 If -I .1.. . . ... . i
. . . . """ man bulimy uiiiixit'aa'U.w
oi urn viiinatJieit, and li'jth wuin anvHted
ami longed in jail, TIiIh morning 1h)IIi
wcro Hiek. ami wero tumble to io hefuru
NIIAHI.V , TltAI)(ll;l)V.
Jftiuni flay hum Atli iiiptn t Kill III Wife Til I'nrllitiMl Illinium- .Moll te tntrrtr.l
mill Clilt.trtn In ll. (l, , i.(nln,r. I ,
wiuu !rFti u, i)ri,lU. , t tho btiHluviw men of lVjrtluml :
.luiueM (. Iiiyliiun civatetl a NM.wition in 'I'he Kant Oiiuionias has been a highly
' . i m" 1 1 Mou,,'ll.v "ll't. Iy atleiii))tl.i(,' j MKH-onHfiil noHiuor ihirli.K the past few
, to kill hlH wife and children in the ; .vom. It in to dav tho leadlni; journal of
tioldmi Itnle Hotel. Ho lu.lM.eon In a I the Inland Kmplro, and Ih ueeurded tl.U
jininken condition u day.and had doubt-1 dlHtiuelion t1iiouuho.it tho Nortliwcet. It
It'"" I1HUIHU IT7.CI. lt
Special Sale of Fall and WinterClothiiig.
,y'.' :,,l,m 'itilil or- Mi'ir- Dark (Imy I wrml Siil, hvk .
v. '" "ia i uoi'.i ni.ih "ai-K ,
, M-n'- s riH Win l il mill,., snrk
ii".IIljll i l.i UIISIK'K
tlili.k. AIoiil' to-1 in to tne country cant of tlio Uasea. o . n-n r.uru u.i. m-if
...v. nii.iir., nun uiuie.eo i.nwn ' inuiiieue vaucv. it c.icuiuiph larpeiv
the tlwr of the room occupied by his wife anions, and i read hv eoplo whoeo '("..Ct,.; i'LMl1'!.'rL.ll,'"kPa ''lul,, s,,,,,-s'",, -
and three ch i rcn. Tim l.n ,1 t..i.t. . tm.ln imvurtli ,. ..r..,.i .r..i i. ivrtl.in.l ' m.1. i1. . ; .SMI ''?.",A','.?'.,,t'kv.v " -
" m.tl I IMItMM Kllll f IIIIMk .Mill Ml- I lllHI'l I IIIIK. NJ.I'M
watchman i.tie.npled to prevent liim from
entering! but Claybiirn thieatuned to kill
tlio i-ecordor, lint their caxert have pioba
i oiy been attended to tlilH afternoon. The
' ..1.1 ...... tl t
mi wmieiimii h nunio i.s wuniieni from
wV'irmiio'io I publication, as he has relatives ami
him, and tho nlu'litwalchmau ran awuv
i lie luonstcr tlien enteied the room and
told his wifo.uho is encicite, that he hail
come with thu intention of kllllnu' her,
ami fho Miieained for hell. The cry wan
'iirJo'tint riiniifciwi witl.othcr ovldontlv reHtieetablo when solMr. answered by the lamllotd, .l.xeph Trues-
. ii.- im.j. i-w.ii" w:i i j,i, i,. i., i I. .... . nun iiikiiuii iii.oiiio room ai an tin-
IIM.. u. UY.r., i-iiiuir . - .in, -im siu ...,m wiua- Jr,n ,,, .....I r,..,. .)... ..1.'.
i nun iiowr. ironi ' n iiiwv iwi.iv nm . . . - . -. .."""
I lotixod him in jail, for awanlt with 'a dan-' r y"'. ffiw I Sfi
IipiiVwT 111. T iii.iiU ..Vi. I.!. " ' 'llIUHtHUwu on the point of
but whocheilah an unwarranted untile
alhy toward this city. .Now that tho rail
' road lines of the Northern I'lielllo have
Invaded that section, tint connecting it
with rtieel Sound, business men of Seat
tle and lacomu, taking advantage of this
inharmonious state of feeling, aru com
, mencing to "work" Ka?teru Oregon for
all it is worth. Portland Is entitled to
' this trade, and hi.ouhI Criu hard to hold
MenN l.rliv ii'nil .llu.ui n...i ...ii.
.Men's lllai k anil Willie Mottled Kails', Micii".
hinio ui -.Mi n'!. l .ini y l'JnU-l lioi-.J xtlil. fiicK..
I NIlllB, Mll'k ..,m 1.
ilt'. m k
'J Mix Kails .
I murderer illht as hn wumitlniniillinf I., it. livery thissllile rMnil hIumiIiI !.. .,.,! i M-ii. Hli..lnrit I lii eH' Hxtni null, m-k,.
i, in-.. . . -----I n - .. .- ... sii. ! iirimn Tui-i'ii riiiin eii.i. mi
Jim'n llulr-I.lmri wi'cil Suit, sack
Co,, rhologrophei-s.
uiiittiikor. dentist.
T..l.n- "
... . l ....nr iiluttnu us tnitlirul
l mu i
ten times us iiuii. .
arnn "n z
tin toiiKurtul lino ai Miuruuuu.
. .1 - lilt. .1.. a I !.mwirl " .1.
lllf I.I'lllU WIIVlll. .'.I
. i.-'j ...i.l .Inlin Ijmililrfli's.
i . II... L.irluir illlll llilllil
.tilt a ..if
. ... ......iirnil III tTlirl'M lllir
ocru i
execu-itn tnwurt tnu sinittor
caught tho upraised pis- Sound merchants, and
l.nt V . :tOi(l CihihInIo ul
.Mi'.rn 1 1 1 in viui m
.Men's Neat I'lalil Halt
Men s .Mo, lli-il l ulu
Lot So, :ili:i:l :oinUt r Mimin Itrown Miliiu suits. mi'U
.Men's lllns t 'Iihx lot Sails, mirk
.Mi'ti'n liaikrt t'litrk sells, wti'U . ..
Mon's llrlislit I'ln-riiivK sail , ri.
l.nt .'u. :i(M( tniiMlntM r M-u's Ihirk l'lii'i-k Sullil Mill, .iicl,
Men's l.luhl tlray t'l.rvlot s.ilti, -m'U
dulgencoin langlefiwt cause.l tho ttoii-
Tho two conies of ITmutillu countv'n
UHseHsmont roll, compiled for the ..so' of
iuo nucnii ami lite Seere arv of Sta e.
tliM-harged, and us luck would have It,
his thumb fell under tho hummer, which
prevented it fiotn exploding. Truesilnlo
wrenched the putol from t'lavbum'H
grasp and drove tho wretch uwuy.'
ll.it the uHiih- was not yet ended.
Olavbu.-n nnx-.ired a knlfo anil retuiniil.
demanding of Tt uemlalo I hat his pistol
r designs of tho
friend v relations
wnn ino iwopio wuose irauo is sought i i,.,t tfn. ao.io I'miNist- or-
encouraged In evci.V way tsisslble. .Men's Wine .Mlxnl sulls. surk (fhl llm l cxlni heavy welshtt
Itelleving that I'orlland would cheer- i,i s .(ioo!oiihiih (ir-M-n's iiiuimiihI Ibvi riiiiii siili,.n, k ,
fully Hccond unv tnnenient caleululed to .Mi'ii'n llliwk anil iirnwn stripe Cheviot sul., snrk
htrengtlinn tlui lmsiiiew lolntlouHlictwoeu i i.t Kn lt70 Cnn or-.MeiiN llrown nmt While MIm-iI Salts. nri
in ifS.oo
at 10 (Ml
lit I ().'(
al 11.00
at 11.(10
tuts city ami r.astcm oiegjii, tnu pio
priotorx of thu I.am' Olkooman, on
Alatx'h 1st. 1HS.H, nstablisl.ed a bnmuh of
fice in 1'ortland, and inployed an agent
will probably bo llnlshcd tienlght, the
w;ork progressing rapidly under ilio nlui-
i; ii nngerM of ti. I'. Uosenburg and A. II. lie leturued to him. saying that If his de- and correiondciit( wh Me sole l.uslneH-.
Mllliuau, assisted by C J'. Davis. niai.d was not ucceded to. ho would cut Ik in the interest of ihelr paptT, and
A rendletou uentleman heard a few ! Truesdule.H heart out. The latter then , whoso aim is to accomplish that which
. day ago that .Mr. .1. .1. Dooloy, of Haker.LlM,',dctl revolver at t'layburn's breast I'ortlaud no much desires, and which in
county,, wanted to bet fl,000on Harrison, aim loui nim in go or lie would no a dead ' most nuvuntngoous 10 1 lie people that a-
unu at once telegraphed un acceptance of . man, wnicii advice he was scuBiblo per represeutH iho
tliowaiTcr. but no renlv has hocn re- Ifiioiign to take. ' niony lctweon
Mi n'i l.liii'k mill U'lilin .Mlixl Wnllx. mii'U.
Mi'ii's i:uk 1 1 'hrvhil l.litut llniwu Stills, aek...
Lot Ktt. .'limit !i,Mlnti. ttt
is ninvri'iii I'liitrrns in imm Klmnril t'lmshiirri
ilinIII I miiimwi iiiu
i ...I Viiinlrn. w hich luiH ltton
. ... .....
k. oi l'.. meoui ki-iiiuiii.
. .r.f..l .l..i.r.lA A fill! llttntl
. . . l.. il... cl....i I i.Ioh I shnillil tliumfiim b Miillti'lnnt
Tiien on tho advlco
r. . .,(... i . ..ii. i ....i .
Itakcr Lliv is ijiiuii-ii iiji ruiv (
.. T.. ,1... '
I . I.. II... II.. tl'.ll.. ....
lyiM IH 11 11 11I11L 1I11I1U. 1IL-
Scheol clerk A. K. HartHayHthathch.sjl 1 'Xm'nui
taxen will Ik, dellnonont by to-morrow, P"r, i..L' 7, lunt'
A H.luwii i.it (u .... iii.iiimttfin u'l.ti.i. freight train (llllccrn wet
....... ui...,.i.i ...... ,iSii,.n..i however, and telegmniN woro sont
choiiM therefbro besuillcicnt. t"'V.,'.t u' . no-,. ' !'. 01 "T' ,va.H KV
ceiveu ny .iierni iioiiser, wuo capiuien
at Sn. .'IIMHI t'nimlHtH nr-Mi'ilMli-alli
Men's silk Mlxril stripe Sail, nek
Men's l.imkcl fhn-k Suit, frnik
.mhii's iiiiii' Mi'iiiin sun, friiek
Mrn' lliil iiiul While .Mixni Huh, fns'k
I ,u Vi. :itn i'..nii. nr
promotlon. of liar-1 "") !''.T,V'!A ) ... i .ao
.leumirortliinil, .,..,'.,:"'""'
(no iiyis)
suits, sack.
r Ml. n I Sid), Snrk .
at 1 1.00
CorkMTcw Wiirs.t'il
Hon. S, A. H.iWHon, Slate Senator ftom (the
' .' 'l ! I . ,.f 1. ..II..,- to
mnittiuii in inn ii.iii... . unv jn
be ouite HI.
. II II v
1)1 UlllU U ill" ' .
i.... a-i... .....
iuiv nesi nuiiiiiu. " ii-
iliiiico cannot J er. no learned.
ftvlotiliutograiiliH al Wiitd'H
tho lend. Don't fall to ku
IfiV oil iim ruuvi ii i nv
..1IIIP1I J I ft I lltlf lira
it . it. tit
luini hv i ntfin i in 1IK3 (on
Mint i'oliiuv. N in tdwii toriiiv. Mr. i.., r.. ..d .u..u
. ... . ' lth Wn 14 IllynUIII lMUI llll'll It UtIKIItl
nawsoii ls ii Uupnblican, but wiyH lio i Instead of looking him up, however, It
thlnkrt the ltopublican vote will bo much MCeuiH that ClayburnV Pendleton friends
tietsiiaded llouscr to let them lake
....... ..r i.i..
less In his county than in June.
Itomumber the Democratic mass-meet-lug
.Saturday night at tho Oora Houee.
It every cili.en, and Domocratit espe
cially, attend, and mako it a mass-meet-
j ing in fact us woll as In uiiu.o.
! A man named Kane, who tramped into
town In mi 1 1 io direction t'ctilervillo
last night, ami is nlllieted with some (lit-
. rtt .71 .... 1 . . .... I
ui u inuiiu, i lay- anil inn uriiiKiiiK iiie.r inuiu ui mm I M,i- Vniiirui iir..v
and rode to Hil- nietroiHjIis. . . f-uli-. rn-K '
a west-bound To establ sh and ma nluin a biuneli I Mr'.'. '.'h'l'K "nil whim
( (Ulcers were on IiIm track, I nllico by an interior nowiuper is a big
all undertaking-, but Is n characteristic uct of
ni.lnu,. ,i I ail ., II... I.'...- III....
viiivi 'i iri -nil iiiii i'i.i. ... ....at unn
goMAN ml-iiIo and will succeed. Their
capital Is iue.xhaustablo it Is energy,'
industry ami resolution. Their object
Is a worth' one uml should tecelvu sub-
' Htanllal enciXiragcmcnt at the hands of
I ... i..i..lil...,.,i V.,.i.,.- ....... l i,ii.,...i
lliu iiiiviiiuuii. iriiniiirn invii wi j 11,11.1111
cam of him, Maying that I hoy wished to! Introduce youoclvcs to tho jK-oplo of
take iiiDi to MipM.r. It seems that I lay-1 i.aslcrn U.vgon by advettising your uiimI
burn then escaped his custodians by
some meauw, procured a vel.tciu, and im
parted post-hasto for Contcrville. Hut he
wan not allowed to escape. I In was fol
lowed by Adam t'rosuian.a sisjclal olllcer
from bitiiamlc, and Sherill' llouscr, who
wma among them. Ilv so doing von will
help to HUstuIn the olhco hero and entiblo
tho correspondent to lay fa-ts before
those, people that will help to show,
not only the advantage of patronizing
homo market, but also that the business
men huio mo H'iuaiu-dallug mid liberal.
m not a ci.a.tty
I 'In lit suits, mirk
Mrn's llmvn I IihvIi
M.'ii's llUt'K
Sulls, nick
I.UI n. ;tl(M''iliMH of
.Mrn llnrk Clievlii'Siiliii.A.'ii'k ... )
Jtfli'n r alley rlmvliit hilll, .iek, -a.
ilin.lili'.liri'iiii'eil )
l.nt No. aiilOl iitmliilsiir-
Men's llniwu uml lllnrk slrlpvl
nuns, Niicit
Men's llluek iiiul limy HirlK
sal... nok .....
.Men's lllnrk Uoik'i'rew r.ilawuy,
tt ik
Hi 111. 110
Ht I It, 00
ui v,,. :n ioi'niiUN of-MiiiV-
rl.eii'nrtlii.,-'iialihluvMt )
Men'K link I'li' Vliil, rmek Mil il.,K
.Men's rit liar I. hie, fnH-U )
l.nt .n.TI2tll I'liiinlkls of
Men's lhnvy Ual.ilre l'linln ul 'I.7A
Lot Xn. nitien r'ntMii i-
MenN llenvy i:usliiii're I'anlii, as )
i.ut :i'?:iim'iiiiiiIu nf-
II -. DiMlluer" - nli, slfos i
I, yuan...
I .ol 'li. .-UtlO C.inl'mi
Mi ll's llensy i,iiniils, ls
loll ...
i.ut No. .t-iiui'iiiiiiir -
rlillclien' Keen Puiil Siilu H put - i
term at ',
l.nt No. a'UMl i ,iii.iif-
III 1.00
III 7.011
ill A.,1ll
Hi I. ,111
M-u'slliMver .iM.vimls, si.-s Bt (( i,,,,,,,
Prepaid Charges loPontllolon, 50 Cents Extra.
Full Much of our Superior lllanketH onstiintly on hand.
I .1... ...... i. l.-.ill- 1,11.
I IIIU .-"i.i.nv.- . ...in ...
. , I .1 ..... 1 I,. ,1... V....I,.,,
W, T mid it sherill and i
. .. . i.. . ..ii
ft'lV Ml j.-aiJiaii.
", 1 1 .i.i .... ..i .i .
'. lllL'lll. .111(1 IC11 111UIKII1I
ii iiiL'M.'iui uu iiiu nuiu. iiiiitn
Iiouhis in l'cuulotou.
Id'., i.i l...i.llnl.t..u ,,llt,l,ftul
iu .'I ciiiiivi.J.i n ii',iiivci
lave loon ortlurou to leave
uicro am Mill i)imant inu nnui
I D"l WLMI'Il'IV II in riicu.
1 II . l . .1 11
- . . I
III...- .... ..t.t.
MNfpr kiiiiiMii' iiiul lula if iiiv'l
. i f i.. iii r
Ul ii Itllirt'iHl 1 1 111, IJIHIWUI
iJiilil)' no ninutng I Hi-
ii m i.i mm 1 1 ii in i i riii i uir ir
IIntiMrl t itnl It iu illnl.likjl
man li.iu (...mi .i.ll.tiliMxt ii (..iiiillv.)i,ir.-..tlinUHl With Illlll tlllH MlOl'llillL'. 11,1
uml olnroil fn llm iimir Ikiumm. ; UllM foillhl I IllL' III 11 (Iriltlkutl HtlllMtr III i Tll KHT OltMl-tMAV
1 "w 1 .- ..f !,,. I".... i-.lll,,. II.... II.... I - . ... ...
Track-Iaylng on tho . Hcppner branch , " " . , ' V' IVel e , I n ' 'hi S ' Il " . Helall Store, No. HQ First Street
ous natiite, It is Hum Unit I lay burn "cut lal uowHiiitpcr that gives (nil value t
lorovorj nmiar oi patronago aivonted n, ,
lias been io-i:ommeuced from Lexington,
... . .. f i. ...i i tj.i.
'V" " ",u " . 'WZ ",. ' struck lien Hurrin. who also assisted in
in i.ccessar.v fioeine n (iiii uiniui:' ui . ,i... , .... ..... i ,. .. , i ...... ...... i.. ...i.-...,.. i
' 1 1 ... t ..I,.,.,. i inv iwivi) vi l liiv wie.K vi uiv nvaii wuu is eiiKaKcu in icxumiaio iiiisuicrr, uuu ie-.
' ' ""v i t s iiiiimv ed hands. Ho o b ee ed to
Miss l.ixxlu Iblierson, of altsbuig, , wearing tho bracelets, and in that man
W. T., is visiting In rendlelon at the M,.r (0lik rovemro.
lesldemo of Mrs. I. (. Tay lor. ; t'layburn Ih now pafely i-eciired behind
Send for pi Ice I lot .
Order by Lot Number.
Brownsville Woolen Mills,
Portland, Ohi n.
Dr. John II. (Jregory, who was injured i
bv lielng Ihrdwn from u buggy leii'iitly
a Walla Walla Js dead..
A. stlllmaii has just lecelved his
. . .... .
eoinin.s,Ni(iti inun inn governor as noii.ry
publie for Oregon.
Judge II. (i. Yoakum is in town to-day
fti'in Sollu.
'I'lii-y urn limiil.
"The World V company will appear
fur tho llrst Hum In I'cmllctou at Fruiter's
lHra House i.ovt Tuesday evening. In
speaking of Ihelr visit Io Chicago the
Herald of thai city said : 'Tim World,"
with its weallb'of nuignllleoi.t scenery
ami coinp.in of Chicago favorite.' otiencd
a week engagement tit HooloyV Theater
mi . .. .HI...I ...
last evening, mo uouse wiw uuuu m un
tho iron bars of thu jail at Pendleton, and
will Ik) taken back to bitiramlo on to
night's, train to answer tho many charges
that will Ik) p.ereired agalnttt him fur his
cilminal actions. Ho will probably Im
: iiiude to Miller thu full extent of ll.n law
fn. his misdeed, which Is but ii.ee. . Ho
' has proven himself to lie a dangerous
character, uml a long term in the penl
(entiari Is none hxj gotsl for him.
1-ltlMI I'CTKIt TDK I 'I I I'.C.
i lil- lleeeutrir lli'iila. 11 riles u Clini'itrli-r.
I. lie Letter to Hie Ciol Ilri-Kiiiilun -Tlio
l'll'l-lll l' of l)IH'l(-llll il l (J.
.IM-I.N I..IKI:, til l. -S.
I'i ll.o 1 lillfirof Uu- Kin-iiiri ffiilil.nl
Mallard ducks! With duck-shut,
knives, forks, etc., wo aru now fondling
. 1 ..t 1 1... I .1.1 1. 1 ... .
- - .... ....... ' . . ,
LnnrrTJ m n a wt .iriuiun I ntmiM m i inn mini iii v iiiriii:). iiiriiiii uir.-t' iii:u nun uu im riuuua ui iniii,'ii
i.t. 1 . Fi . I . I ..!. 'I'LL Jww.i .7 1. I.t..l. lu
n rriHi kitmtnir uiibm . tritmiuu i ma liiiiiuiiir iiriuiiu i 111 .i . j i.ii . iiiiii'n iwiiu .iiiii. uu 1111 iiiuitiuu. uuu miiiii
' .... . 1 I 1 .... 1 ...11.. t . t.. ii tl .. t... it....
I . . ... . ... II. ..irii.il iLili tt'lilKII lllia 11.11111 UllfMI Wlflll. IM III 1VIII111U1II t'fllllllV. 1IIII1TI1 Illllf'H
.MIIIK II VIIT tl 111 IIWIll i . ' . . !!.. !..... ..f I" 1 ..III.
! '" ........... 1 . .1... .il..l,lll ..till Inmt I uni'liu w tt UlUMMl. Ill rilH 111 U'llll'll u'tiriir.
nfaTmvM!vv'i in.tun.lly asked. In reply we fowl are very fond. 'Ihe lake Is fairly
T. , ' r.L , .... '.i: :.' will sav. Ikiuuso there is u purity In tho coveted with ducks, every one a fat mal-
l...r. 'llb .., .,.. f tl.n ..I...... u- Il ill III..
ufT... I.. It... . ...... . ... 1 '
l'p to ilat,e coinparalively few Fpiirls-
is euuairc
Aiocttully follcllH your patronage, be
, lluving tnu imluceuient otl'ercd wiulhy of
your favorable consldetutlon.
, Vory resiK'clfnlly,
.Manager Portland llranch.
II.Niui 11, Ablngtou lluildiug, 2d floor.
llotrl ArrlTUl..
Vii.i.u.n IIoim: Mis r.purseii, t'hl
cagoi T F Albco, Now YoikiJ I, Doylo,
I, II Folger, II D Poster, I.S SmonH,S..n
Francisco; I II Vtkluson, laho; 1'iauk
Wall, W Ii Herman, Pendleton; Jno
(Icorge; I'rank ltroniilloy; II Sampson,
(ieneseo, Idaho; .1 A Million, s II Fiee
man, bitiran.le; P M Colllu, I'nl.'ii;
Miss .lotie.i and friend. Colfax; F II
Pilne. Wontoti. Hairy Frb-kv , 4lelenn;
M Merc.re, llradfutd, lvn gland; L 1
dir. Summervlllii; Dan Smith, t'.natilla;
S A Dawson, Albany; J D Tharp, Slnto
villo; J H Wensloy, Kant Portland.
HowMis HoiskHoii W II Austin,
Domocrnt, Iowa; CI. as linker, I'M Haw
lin, Itaker; CIuh F l-linv. Stone Mt; N
It Purnev, Sail l.akoClly; II (i Yoakum,
Noliu,( ltohuert. II ('arr. Dalles; Jno
Johnson. Jus .Madison, North Carolina ;
J 1' Krops, Walla Wnlhii V C Christy, C
11 Pavne, IjUirando; Miko l'orhiler. Ne
braska: C W Slovens. Kaniela; Hen Leh
man. Oil AN; A Carter; Win McCaf-
Great Slaughter of Goods !
nio Ku)t!tj iii'mHH tho lino
u u -y navo U K'HHI UllIlK.
llirillV In u it.l ,,f 1..wllnlnn
a . .1 . . .1 1 1
iimi iiiiiibi iit urn nruriK 111 inu iimni'iicu.
- . . 1... 1... .1 II ...w 1
and the do.alls, mtuaitoiiH ami iiiaioguu 1 men nave urrm-n, "i iwi. ,. ' Urancli
havn that natuiiilness ami pleasing air 01 , an p.easei. 1 ."'y. " Pane. Portland; Yerton (ieirfn.
IorlglUillliy. II also iiossirrsi-n iii.uunvAJiiiw , i.-a r..v .,.o..v, .....,n ......
features than unv pluv over written. ItH j feuthen and therefore it i.i not to bo
I riift Koeno has Iwen admired thnmghout iHiiiw-ed at.
'F.uroiH), AuHtrallaanilAinerlca.and when ; The Parker shot-gun Is the favorito
' 11 ,.,.r..im luiek to Chicajo uisiiu after four , hero, though the Iteming!" n by no
iili,i ..I... t..f... . 1 .. . .1. ... l . 11 f . ... . .11. t l ...... j. I ... iL.jn III liiiir in
I, uh tlio anonumitiriM?ni'ioauin nniinv". "
l stono umlHlnkini: dioko." iUiol rli. lop simp ami ic-
iiriiva nim isvmi inn. uml ' ur,,t .mil ul mn mrimnii nriiiociui noai ' ikji inu L' iockh in mv uuu i mu umnh,
... (. II, III l ln nn ri I l)V HUH. I IIU II UllM III" w 1 n" - - - - -
TUTPiI leu 11-... , .11 . t ill I .!.!.. ..v., ..'...1u .mil 1 Ui,.m(J" ill illll'l.MIIlVlilllllf. 1 lllll 11 I III 111
ii tin m iimb nuiMuririi . (iiii'iii in i inti''ii iiiii i 'nui trii nrui-' uitu huhp -
d.KH.... . . Ji.T."' .... . II. t 1 ..!..., I il..... 111. ilitn
""v '"u inmrr, i lIU10 IHllMli1 n u .iiijui.n ir umiir huvmh ...v... -j -----
iikucii ijii 11111 iiiiiiiiiii 1 iiivrmi 111 11111 KirLri-ni uutifu 111 inu p.-.ni .vi. i- --r---.
ferv. Jno lllckv. Jno Hay. F I. Franclt
. . r -. .... 1 ,.i
11 l .lYUIS, .1 .1
ton (iuirin.
tioi.nK.s K.'Li; JnoDnrno. I'dio; Jack
Hai.len, Jno Domain. ( enlerville; WH
Martin, Kentucky, Mmtln Y Cox, Wes
ton, T )o.Masso, MIm S Crau.or, Coun
try; P J llarnes. Kd Miller. City; K
Swii-t ; i W Willianm;i W TIlswiirth,
Adams; J. A Spicer and wife, .I.i" Capp,
Pilot Hock: Kd llawlhi. Chun Ulckeix.
llaker City ; T K tilllmau.lted Html', Col;
! I ,.(lla Ml irlrni' ' P111I1 i.i : 'I' Stelllx'llM
P lflis,
the ,
the opening of thu Ihlrty-olghth, I features of
1 nbsonco of four yearn. J. 'A. glow, and
ah nleiisiui! uh ever In tho dual ' lr
'yiivrM-aiHMi nniniuiea, inn i
t i?iii'' in inn iirv iirinnu f iiiiit un
' Hi' John Day river.. Tho , I.Itllo w
a mm ext-ellont iiualllv.i 10m.
'larL'n I.1.I1' inn, ...1 1.....,, .iLl. -
it.." . 't ": r . : ki.wi. . t.'nie.
- vniiiTin 11111 MJLIIUIIIIIIJ.
'Uiwvo.iiiL'u hin.,1 nimiitiiv Tlio antiputhv of cattlemen to tho
Uunund ere long, when , sheepmen wim illustrutiil in u jiecuiiar
-. IJIUUU. lliiv- " " .
"t? unianutHi iuki. .1:. ,,,,
Wlow i onieom olecte.1 1 ! '. . " rVUr .. Tn. H
", I II ltalnv! Tveo " "?, -"v"
as TenaM.Tvn. Cl.ailr.s ioiiiHt. l" ,
.. v i.iii.ii ki.rint lor ikiuiiiv on
iiiiMi.li f. icrwoiiiiorif : 1 -.- - - . ... n ..f
ltoth -hlld. Th, fro"' Varner a low wee ago. ., .
iuii i uiii. ..1..1 . ...1.. lum 11 tin. i,,w ' n" - -
-mi uimr wnn Bomiu Pi . 1. i .. ..i. ...... 'i-i.. ,.,nm.
-"w no a success. . .:. :.....,. .....i
.11. lllll 1 Kllieil IWOUl IHO VUJiJurn, IMIi ri,
L1..1 ,,,.IJ,WV t9JnIun iiicalrwl; Uiili earn all gone, and their
,j"'r(iiiy, M. J. Greeno. .,11 tihmui tilnusted cowIiovk
-'u ii. .-urjcni beim.' ino . 1....1 1 ,ui 11, ..m nn tiiein down on
ft XI .... . . . m . I I1HU iiwpwvi, : . . .
. L.I1I11U1 HUtf.lt IK III- 1 .....I ....llinir lllll r ra MM ICI
in.i ... . - . iiuirjuu. Mini .,! .... --
siiurj ... ...1. . . . - , rr....,
aunii..i. 1.. ...v... n . 11
the sMrtsineu catch a ruddy ;
in the AUIIt-tnl,
1'his is lucerlifv thai 1 havo sullerod
ml apisjtltes aro rather wolllsh. .'.' ,,. , .,, ,tK..,,
P. J. Connolly, who boinetliue c.s.l.s ' ,,,. ,,..,, ......i..,., ,.1,1 1 ,.. w
mullards in a Dutcli oven, is no , .. .,"..' ... ,r- . ,,v ii,uhln. miUn.
r'i'i "I? XZ'cr l!X FaVbv ! Pl.yslcl.,.,,..nder whoso ttvatnuMit I have
.,' 7 . . i I ...7 ..... Iweil eUll'd. .1. I - UI'MIKK
ualii .1.1..
itd Ix'twecn two
mdal llres in tho wild and woolly l-ong
Creek region. It i uld that "llapj.y
Jack," tho famous hash-eater. ImsMiiiled
hinwelf to nut h an extent with tho lluglo's
lo.nalns that his waist is a wldo waste of
ISovil: You sinning ami ini i'""'"" 1 ,.,.,
tlvo scaiiw nan 01 ninnipiwi " ."''";
munti'iu huh ineici i" fh" nn..
nollvV csikingisaiipri'cf.iied. FeaHting
on 'fat, crispy mallard is elevating. It
litis tho Mini uIkim-louwii-kneiw, jiollt
icil fever and oilier forms of lunacy.
Said a liivo-iUik gentleman ftotn 1'ort
land. with his moiilli full ot inaiiarn aim
....... full ,,f iu,,trle lov. "well, boys.
r r 1...1 ...n t:i
fin: is verv near, even iiu. 1
Vt iutl.rie. K.v.. u lealot.H colored man
named Smith beat his wife to death. Ho
wan pursued by the shorilf and threw his
llltlo child into a iumd.wlioru it drowned.
Ho then inumed in himself, but was ros-
cued and taken to Jul! at Springfield,
lenii.. to avoid lynchers,
Ikry, Feed, and Sill Stable,
also dear.
that HKI.F,
This exiiericnce teaches 1110
like the ilear one 8 Htocklng, ,
-lit to como nigu,
J. B. KEENEY L CO., Props.
-sin Pend eton. i .1ii.., .,te,t tha dihtrict attorney h romethlng tiiaiougni 10 ihj.i.u ..... .
nllh. win . . . . . :. .11. ... . ...1.1..1. i. .l 1 miruwit" ifiire ed the nutd iKiuuciaii
v-r- -I mow creK uruuen to prosecuie 110 pv"i V , .'" 'i:. :. . ",:.. 1.1, uii lm off a
"," reaciiaii lxlngton, not well ilo. lie, However, o tmi .0 . 1 .v. ... . ,- , , . i.i.utrt.
Hcppner. It was ? ox populate will, them, and talk to them, duck and waving em or '"g
'TOnHtructiou camp would about "freo wool," but the old gentleman otUm U lofty; but on yM!!!
(NKeek.lH.tlH-. . ". .s.., .A . l. 'l.lawst thu free wool!" sku- mountn alwve all earthly consider-
11 1
.mi. -i.'-ifc ik in iiiiw iiu
"J U lOHcil in ri..ln nil
""e iron artlv... Tli n.
''Ukeil llimrli.rj ,,l I ..vlni. 1,,..
'P and Willi .,,, vt'i.iu imw
T-.-mra in social ilaiiivH. 10
' "iroiign tho winter, at Ml-
UXt S.llllr.l..- .,t..l,l A
.ill... ... .1... . , . .
..v lUo u HJIllDK l "II
IM II! I, .-.. Il.f Inn, ii.
-.--M mo iK' 01 mCMC Will
"flbeoccMloa. tliavountf
la l. . . 5 1
ltNr "hnn..l ..1 1 I
Or Jnlerr.l t KU HlillUirr.
. at ions t
from Portland and I-imtcrn 0r-
I'ntll further nolu-o
,.h.,ij.,.rr.. . - .g - ,sj)en Ijike, should
.' .? , !".!!H, 'X 'the On'gon A California road from
' . ! Portland to Ager, from wl.lclt point mo
and fnui. tho ..rinclpal Faster., cit en fn-. - " -
UUU 1 lllliMlVllill.M, "... r- .
one coiniwiiiy rato only. During tho fon-o
of tho pwsont (). K. & time caru an
BhipmentH niUHt bo given in at the otliee
not later than Dr.. ,
J. A. Makmok, Agent.
The population of MonUa
la etttima-
. .. . rAU. unoVa vi nave biurieu hi
Keno a nowHia)er, tho title of which will
bo tho Keno Whlir. Keno, only one
year old. Im growing rapidly. H'"ted
on the brnks of a lovely river, (tho hUw
ath) in tho midiit of rich agricultural
land, fine timber and excellent water
privilege. Keao'i future proaperttjr U
Put up your animals and your
money at this stand. Thoro
is no better In town. Our
patrons and friends will bo
well treated.
The Truck Main
Tbt TraniJbr Man,
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoos, Aliuo
lot of Men's Furnishing Goodu; A large
stock of Harness, Saddles and BlanKbts.
Fine lot of Rubber Goods "below cost.
James Wheelaoi,
Sash, Doors, and Building Material,
A.t Bottom Prices,
Wine and Spii'it iVLM'chn.ii!-s,
ACihM -
QUJT PONSitDlfJ CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Labd.; juaa.W ,iia
Alexander & Frazer,
ikai.i:iis IN
General Merchandise,
uiotmng, Mats, uaps, uress
lancy wooas.
Family Crxroceries n
Boo, W. feau, 0. H. Woooaxs, &amvl Hutikv, Fmu K. Awmj.
Snell, Heitshu & Woodard,
on to Hodft, Darto A Co., ud HlUbu, Woodtrd A Co.,
mbXl jt