WHD.SMitfDA Y. OCTOIIKU ill, 1888. Estes & Guilds, Proprietor o tin; tin Homo of our ubletd, brighter, and inoHt useful Htatemncn, writer, orutorn and InrM. Meagher, Shield, Sheridan, O'Connor, CoIIIiih, and alioit Hint might bo tnonlloned, uro beneath dogrt tn this j jyy lh'eRY FEED il SALE man I IiirrlMon'H estimation, beeatim), for-, STABLE. Hooth, they itro IriHhnion. ' Wo ilty tlio spirit of tliu IriHhinan In America who can cant a vote for till dc f.tniur of tlio Irlfli nu'ii. An IriHhtiuiii who can do ho nliuuld novcr complain, If Harrison In elected, ut being treated wot ho than a dog, for tt Is on u piano below dogn that HarrlHon, In a jmblle Hpeech, tins placed Irishmen. I.kvi 1. Moino.v 1h not a man with n contracted Hoot. Salem StnteH- DAILY AND HKMI-WKIiKI.V, ItV Til K KimI Orrj;iilnii I'lilillolilliu .'inuiiiiy, AT I'KNDI.imiN OltKOON. i DAII.V MHMCIillliO.V KATKt: , One copy per yciir, by mull - M IK) One ropy tlx month, by mull '2 W . Olio ropy per week, l.y eurrier. i , UllrroW Mlllttbi numbero ,kl ' !l . ,,vk,t.ko .,ati w; wlioMaiil ho wiihV of hoi BLACKSMITH S (WvrihPm... tMI.,. HlMHonllHHnclia broad-Kagnouf-l One Inch, or lc i Kci.il-W. kly per " . . Au tnOnlMt , .. inn tiutib iiu m;ijun viuiii itv.nrn . .... Baled Hay and Grain. Mplcndld Hilt", HIiiKln ni Ilouhte, mill Mailitle llnrxe iIwu.vn an linnrt. llui'Hfn boarded by tha day, Week, or Month. All Kind of r'eed For Hale, In SiiihII or lMtn ImU. CHAKGES REASONABLE ! NEAGLE BROS. HAl.OONH. WILLIAM HOKHfMl, PltOVIUETOll OK , I he i;ny Hrewory, Court Htreet, l'on dleton.Oreiciin. lloiiN5i for our oeer nncu ; nml promptly delivered. , HNOLI) A M'HMKKIt, PllOPIUKTOItH A. of lliu Umatilla llrtwery. Mniiiifuoiiir ertof mid wholeale Mid retail denier" In ; beer by llmKliii,bottlf,nlloii,kcs -tr barrel. . Trv ltnndee If you don't like It, j MIc( KM,ANr.Ol. 1 U KILLIAJJ.JUHTIOKOKTIIK I'KACK i). AUil Notary I'lllilic, vnnyeie, urrpiu. Collcciln prc-lnlty. F limit on land re-1 cclvrcl, unci IIiihI proof" inkcii at rcilced rate". fOlt I'KINTINO CAN IIB IIAIJ AT THK t) K'AMT OltKOoSlAN olllre lit prlee Hun will prove tiny urn cheiiccr thn'.i thine of , niiy other Printline lumen In KNlern Orceon )IIM Of si;ltVP. TIIK . hTST TWEWTY-'PIVFj GENT MP. at t. -PitoiMiiirroiiM of. Mailt Street, below Vllliinl Hotel, NO CIMNIXi: KMPU)Yi:i. B.2W MP "nil, Oiib liiHi.orii'M.'ili Diiily lr n Hi....... 1 Jii Two Inrliiw.or U'im, In ImUi, Ii.t niontli... .Toll I lr llir.x. lilf.ilM.H,iill-WlfUIV. tH'rllll'h im.t month I Vi Over Hin-o Inolic", Hull', prr llirli pir month I I Otit Hiren Indies In Intlli, per Inrli r . IllOlltll.. HKMt-WRKKI.V KUIW'Hll'rlOS HATCH! Ono ropy m.t yenr. t- Ut Ojio ropy bIx inonthn. 1 It HIiikIo numbvrH U'i land to Italy and imports Ida K'irdeiiero and Hurvant-uoini'ii, ItecatiHc lit) can ettf j ploy (hem cheaper than hu can Atni il-i t . 4 t . f. l.. can, and becaiiw no in iicternnncu hj protect American labor from employ ment at decent wuin. A UttrriiiJiMN IniH been convicted of Il legally rcKlHtcrltnj In Now York, and Hcntcnccd to two and one-half yearn lu tho pcnltontiary. Ho had rcBlMcred in four or five dlHtrictH. ItcptibllcatiM huvo Hunt thoucaiidH of nct;roeH Into New York and other citlcH to reulittor fraudulently, 1 but thin timely conviction and piinlfh trimit may chei:k the fame Homowhat. During tho hmt .piartcr of a century tho i ''' fKnla.i in npiallnK to th.) Ito- Illtlch ' iionnen 10 Hul ', jllllil inaKU nit) ovemiHT inajoruy epuii Thin In of cotirno In- Prrmluni pupur fn tuyrnrly nuonti llcn. Holld uonpiirrll iidvcrtUi'inriitu In Hinil Winkly or linlly, flrt lunnrtlon, por Indi, i iieh nubif(iieiit limrrtloii, lyiriil tiotlctn, tun rcnU pr line rnrli In-Mrtlon. FXT TI'KHHAV. Wagonmakers, orni-r Mnb) nnd Water Pondloton, - - Orogon All kind of niiickninlthliiir.VIono In tbr beHlnnd prompt mnnncr. WagonM, I)uifK''" bp it hacks mudo to order. RepuMny a Specialty. Parlloulni attention to bnrxe nboolDK III Henry Bowman, Driller In TliorouKbbrcd r. K0A1. lll.ASKs. niliiri! limn two litinilnil fornix of lrl i blnnkii ut thl oillo. lawyer mid other , iipiMlmr m'rl1 fonnncnn Iw mpplli'il. JpHl'HAY ANIMAIA " ' If you huvo nn unltnul flry, you run ro- ; rover lilm by rxprtidlin; H.W In mlvrrllilim j III the Ka.it OiikooniaW. II catrbr them overy lime. BAZAAR! BAZAAR New Goojds t for the Fall Trade Boys' Expross A 0 IHOHJTION NOT1CK. army. IKiinoorutlc paaty liun neur liad m occanion to vote fully iihiiow. I'irtli0lo jmt ( jmi0 flmt tlmu In many ycam they huvo now u dlMtinetivo jiolicy, a clear-cut Ihhiioj and without tho leant doubt time aio tatiKcd on tho right nidti. Thero nbotild theteforo bo u full vole. No matter if Oniyon it lioioloiHly Hu publican ; let tm make the bixt cIio'is Iiik ptmnlblo. Tho man who falln, without Mourn good oxciiho, to voln now , ouwlit not to complain if huroafliir hlx DiiiiiimtiU'v Ik Uiiublud. lio to Hie iMilIrt niixt Tuesday, and wo that all your Uttmocriilic friendrt and nnighliorH go too. Drigoti will qtiito likely Ihi it Doinocnttli Slnto within tho next two or four yearn, iind then tlio men who hIihhI by llm p.uly anil mora ch Hcially by Hit) tight and tint right of tlio pcoplo will In) entitled to ivjolco and bo honored for their failhfiiluiiHH ihitiug tho I darker iliijH of defeat. j If every Hoiuociat in I'tnatilla county I iJMr IiIh duty, wo will give t'luveland ii uuijiirlty of at leant U noxt Tuemiay. It Ih iiinrely a ipteHtlou of whether they will do IIiIh duty, Let tin have a full Peiuo emtio vole. rim nim of siinii .v Downi-v Im HiIn dny iIIfikiIvi iI hr inlimiilcoii'ienl, A. V. .Shall rr tlrliiR. TliobimliieHKor the old Mrm will be curried on Ht I ho mine place by flume Dow iiey.wlmwIIU'olliM'tHll debt duo nld IIiiii, nnd wliootiniH atl the llnlillllli'". CIlAKliK liOWNKY, oc'i A. I'.HIIUl.U Pendleton Or., Octolx-r n. M WHOM IT MAY CONOKHN T l.tWKIt IMHl'KM THAN HVKIt, Wagons, Veloclpodos, Girls' Trie rioiuro rrameii I'or Oil mid I.uMre Pulnllint niiJ I'uper flower Matorlil, The I'ineM l.tno of .Stationery over nhown in tlio city, and ut U,v ALSO A FULL LTNE OF 11ASKETS. Bargains on the 6, 10 and 25 Cent Co i MM ."Sly CARPETS! wife. Ilertlui A Hinc. Iiwvluil left my Iiiii'ltue n.Kalfail ln.u imp l !HV( IHIll lfOMIWIIIIU HIM IIIH I'llllMJH'n '"J ftW'fch waU Paper, Laoe Ourtaini, Window MV.I... ..f. ..... ilnlM. , IVlidlelon, nr., October '.t,l I onll I Fair at Pendleton! tended tin an npjieal to iio the iihiiuI nietliodrtof repeating,brlbcry,and all cortH of iliHhonoxt and (ll.ilionorablo uieatiH,j umtally renorlcl to liy tlio uepuidtcan a Uroml fioiey Kalrwlll iiike pb" t "". iwv.wc, swow.-.- GAC'FNS NFW HOTEL Tin: I'endleton Tribuno thlnkH Indiana SPANISH MERINO SHEEP, ' J ' J will go Itopllbllcan, becatihO, it hiivh, a PKNItl.KTON, OltKOON. ' Tin "dny, Wodmdity nml 'riiiir.Ju) , TTl I!:," central - 'The 20lh,2lstand 22dof November, viiy, wo tiiotight there wrro no I'cm-! LlVBfVi F&Sd 211 Sllilk! !..rnilu .ir tllll. ftl till I'lltllll OppnMIe Court Hoiim', MAIN sl'ltKliT - U'.W.I.A , I.A, .Mil. IIaiiiiihon navH ho would buy IhuiiIh with thoKiirpluH. That Ih, ho would pay .. ..Inn. .if uliit ou ,,p ..nni In llm i Klrd-rlHK iii'coiii liodut loii liunruiiteed to a premium oi aiKiui pertoni to inn ; ,.Vl.ryiioiiy. a tlii lot. of livery rlH bondholder! tl.'-'H for what ciwt them. "ml Hie hei of liny nnd irrnln from 10 to (K) centn, in ordur to pay u Knuov Work of overy denrlptloii, IndildliiK Mime be'iiitltiil wax dexlKii, ami lium tier of vnlmitile iirtlidex kindly ilo. Iliiteil bv piirllro In I'endlelnn.wlll be illpoeil of by nlllllUfi. nlwnyN on hnud. debt not yet duo for three yearn. NKtV TO. HAY. OPERA HOUSE. Horses Bought and Sold fonie mid nci me, everylxHly, nnd be well i treii'rd. Ini-Slilm ItOIIIIIlT KIHH. l'rop U C Inhnonn Pn Ono Night Only. lit I iJUIIHOUII UlUU., Tuesday, November 6th., Prescription Druggists. The Greatest Succoss In America, OIIMIK'KATIO It.M.IA. (Iriunl priiduetliin of the wonderful miivix. fill il-net Scenle Driimn, PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, U the ()Hni I lotiHo attuday evening j "THE "VORLD" KOQulBitos of tlio Toilet, ntr.;;o. a largo nuiuUir of Hjvakemw ill, U V(,Mon , jStationory & School Supplioa ik prOM'iii. .i iiHu wilt no itiruiMiicti I v i 1 Hdor tin H'rniinnt imimiuf uietit or oeo, u, , ., . , , . ..... . , , , ' Morrl", Introdiieunr the iMipiilui'iielor. iMith b.iinln. A dozen dilletent HiibJeclH , j. -.- r. 1. will Imi iIIhcunxoiI. People from variotw i iVl-l? 'J . u. X-lll. lJH 1 j Htid u upletidld eompnny. lartHif tho county will iKipioHent. Kvory- U-1 0,000 Jitic.-tctl In Spnlnl IkmI)' is invited. Coiiih all, and como Scenery a utt h'rclH. Kveryiniiii; nnw, iincm mm .iiiiKiiineem A Large Doll- lepri -entlinr ii bride dreed In white Mttln, unit the Wheel of Fortune will ho vtry ultrat-llvr icuturi'M, A Fine Supper will be served every ovenlnrj WW1. GARDNER & CO., Sanitary anil Beating Engineers. .Miinufitt'iiirrr Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, KOKI)WKI.I.IN(iHOIll'tllll.lOIIHII.I)IN Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. The "WHITE" Sewing Mad THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Failing's Carpet Store, mu. 111 ulichl, dhu inn iiriinrn. rinffirA m - "- -.BuT- ma in i i 1 1 1 i i n iini.r u,riww HUM IIWVU rnnu nnnr uium rnum rmoi rard, A l.tiifn Slttrt. fr I'rfMirti, ut tow HgHi C'AI'IT.VI. N.I.OOIHMMl Estnblishcd lii Portlnnd In 11)77. . pnlil In Oreum III.M'.il I.. .....1 .... I...L-m VfM .l.L Fine Imported a nil Key West Cigars. pMille Vlllitr I limine. PKN'DI.Kl'ON, - OltKOON INpcnincntloniiiud elliunleii furnMieil for lientliitf biilldlu In any xecllon of the eonu- 'tr. Corrniuilenee Millelled, i I OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, IIAIIItl.lll.S AND Till! 111111. Tlio llepiiblicau orgattM aio at thin lato day brazenly attempting to deny Muni- enrlv. I The folluwlmi iirnnd n'l'iiex will be hi. ttvniy iro iiii'.'ii. ' Act I.The'lliirlmr. The lemrtiire. Aet 1 1. Ship nt hen. Vim NlnkliiK Hhl. Aetlll. Tim Itiift. "Wuler, wutwr nil nroiiml. and mil one drop to drink." Act IV. Tlie iiiinleiik. Mrotlier nml Mli. r. Hon'rt utterance and action loardiMK J n.vnU f.nli li.'VV.um.iloVuKli .V;anl. laboring nion, nnd OHpecially IrlHhnien, Ai t i. iii inuei rarmr. bill tho proof of wliat ho caid and did in AiHnlmlnn, ?',. anil $1.00. H.ovorwIlolmlnKllmtlU.ono who ixutiU I rieket.im aluat I'lute.ie, Jewelry htor... It can fail of being convinced that the HtatemvutH aio true. Watson & Luhrs, Portland. Oroyon. p Money to Loan .. -r.. i vnnnn i' i i. mi I i""" ' ""'iMMxioii ir i,irM OZUUU OlUlirt Ul LHil I tirillll, wikiI, etc., eoveii'il rioin tltniMir lie-. , , v, . ., . Iler loeouiyrv wmvlioui- oi i. ilr niliinlll1 Including irctllt nml I "ltr I Hflhl III I art lift 1 1,1 ill'Sjill I'l'..llil...... lli.il iiIIiii .. . . ... I.. I rliUK lu Ini l from ni m lo nur. while' " ; ) I 11 l.'l, Ill.'lt'C I II . i I 'I. t Kit I.I .1, I . f I. I I .11. ..lllllMJiVl , IT . Murk M., Portlnid. I.OIMOS A Jackmiv, ui'lll. M'plH.'liii I'elidleti.ii, iirepm. Villard House. Il.tIK l!Olt IToprletor Norlhwiii Corner Main Hint t:oart hirei PENDLETON, OREGON. CENTRALLY LOCATED Cows For Sale ! fM APPLY TO In is'ii .Mr. Ilarrinou, who had junt been defeated foi governor, and wan in att unatniablo mood, waHniakingahiH'ech In which ho took occasion to nay, uh htautially, that our ponitcntiaiioH woto Ihreo-fouttliH tilled by Irirlnneii . that Ihey wero only lit for graol hhovolorn, Ainl were not a donlrublo cla of Kiipli to havo como to Ihi.i country. Tho Htatoiuout is tivttiiliHl to by over a dr.on well-known and entitely reliable cltlr.ens of Hlootulugton and other placoH. who hoard tho hpcech. Their voreii im vary clightly us to phraseology, but in 11 r it are all Mont leal. Now thero are bad Irlxluueu and good Irixliiuuii i thero uro Irishmen who make doilrablo citioiiH, and are u ciedit to their adopted country, ami thotv aie hoiiio who aio not mi This if true of any and all itatlonalitleH. Why then nhouM object in Mdlin.:. loito .t. sirM.mli thN nueeiiiig urimivrat, tliU attorney for monoHiliHtn, tills general who wanted to ulutikthtcr woikingiueu in tlio etrectn of !ndlanapiliH- what occasion had ho to donotinco tho whole Irixh race as juil blnln and Inuten '.' In thiri Hiiuio Hpivcli ho bpoko of tieolng dti como out of cattle htulln, where they bd mudo their IkhI, nnd pitied them becAiuio Irihhinon had iKvuplcnl tho name place,, and thu dog had to nlcop in (ho Irlnhiuen'H bodn. Thin is tho bort of a pcli llarriaon nmdo in 1870, and now Uo oxptji lrinhmcn to vote forhiut, Thu whole nuv, hr. intimted, were toaMth dogu tho race which ban (ivea PioprloloM of Hot t 1 . mrlll r, i. . oitwu-IJiumub- xuiu, ouaii una i m .mull mhoh on iiep.nm.1 neenrlty at rea. Door Factory and Lurabor. onnnie rut.. II it. LI. n m i i i nuguiiiiuie rdjjor uiscouniea, iijt' . .Apply to K. II, HOY II A. t'O , HIV ' l'ill Oi.-vonlni. I In I I.I, ., SICLWS3 . - ?rtdtilt'i5?v; CJ "An AdminUtnitor of the .-.lute f n, .i.ii. ii lir.n, iiuiirniiuiltui Will Hll ottx IIIIH IJIIIII NIUW. . Send for Samples mi .HliltrHN EAST OREGOHIAH Pi IN-nilUtmi, Unnoc Marshall & Dickson Pondloton, Orogon. A Business Opening. -I (' Intcrrtt In a iood ;f ; lirtuiutnt In Jlnknr Vltt for milt!. JVc'. $140, or Entire Business for $250; MlllKITCIir. kept lu tbi. mid mid to order. OKllAll Hm.NCH.KS KOU H.M.K i Kli.it-luM workmen employe! mid work ilnnu at nnlr.l I itiirlnvt lll niMl two monlliMMll the bueka m enlly iiwniMl l. ld ilecened. the mine ltiif Re-opoiu'd, Jiii-KiiiuisliL'd imtlj Equippetl in First- Cliirv Stvlo. mm m 1lnflll Vfi I nn mM u ummm lllllllllll LBH A, I .... n.!., nn Churl Ut Vim . . . i..i f a . n . . . , niii..H,n aim i. S1UUI CSIHIU. IIBUianvwn -1 llf r.iiavaa I ww . n i ill sm i v i.- .i..l Wwh i'llllllVIj wt 1 1 Kcho, Oregon. J ".I.Hn oiNi'tf WATSON . I.IMIIIS, PemlNtiin.OieKon, Tlioroiiuliltri'il U fIt r(l i ami Ormlf ii7,. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEM. I Free Uoneli to ami from Tniui.s. j i FOR SALE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. HKAXItiY I'ltACflOAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER MaIii and Welib Hired., Kaaterii Made. HiiuIk and Hho lu Mloek. m...... ....... i Ali7ouioii. Iind lire .11 line .iimlllliH. !m.l I ' 0,.lr lt Ulltl a 1,0.. o the Hat. Ileal i itHinnisbiy wuimi. tlio (). J(. & . deiKit. contrallv Imated. iieinmern;iiiuwiiiviniAiiiuiivtjry Wed- good water, mod fenieH for 1iKVi iicihiy, umliiiiet any parile. wUIiIiik lo keel p.,lv- ..r.V, "-"-r lOIJfHHHI. Fml drifter, Prtfr I Main Street ''ri1 1 iibli'..iieiHpillt'dmilT!-- . UI.Lft upen ua m I ' . ..I. .1.. JlaM I nut klti'lieu W.Dilansf0t1& J Good Paying Business. Perfect tit Quarauteeil. Adilrek.: - SHORT ORDER HOUSE ITHE BOWMAN HOUSE nc'tl lw lUker r lly, Oreirou. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, til" Moek before inirclinaliiu iXV.u?ili,naM,,,,,,"w,,,u,9r :iartT, 'l'k. oar It. O.THOMI'MiN.Adnilnl.trmor, , ",0 "Men' chool,for fc!.0 canli, nuaiMUH- ivnn eton.Oreirou. OLOPTON & JACKSON THE OPERA SALOON. 1 ln.uranoo M. BRENNER, Prop. I pkviu i.-riv r I I'KNDLhrO.N, .... oliKOOX. I'Ol HTMTItKOT - . I'KNDI.KI'ON j s ' . r':r;::: iT18 d8to" Hoim mihs, I'ltrau Ol'eity50biirTelpirduy) Sandwiches or All Kinds. w s- BYERS C0, Proprietors, WKINIIAUDPS IIKK1U . l'eudletm,, Oirifon. pfjleolu K. J, Harlan, Proprietor. Main mid Uiillroi.l St., I endlet in, Orezn Klrt-JU'. la every re.MH'l, Near the de- piimiu iimi. cTer' conveiiiiiire, dny. First National Bank OK PKNIir.KTflM " f I I.KVY ANKKNY. President. TH ilw JACOB FKA.KH, Vice l'n MMiiufaoturer. of (Imliaui, k-ranul.led und Helf-rlntuic Hour. Mishrxi t'u.li l-nof ,m ror All I KIiiUm or ra In. I flonr, nial .rliop, feed ete, Hlwit) . in; bund 'Ico President llank bulldluir, Court trvet,t,endteton Oreirun, Muitcal Mer chandlM OF ALLKINtM k.piln HTOCK. m C Planoii, Or- tmum, mm nil lud Of nn. leal Inntra rueuUMldoM , In.tall uaiil ptaa. un i aon unnce Broiimiu-r Mri.T.at Ira.ley.Prs-rietrcn. iimmim OlMIII K-M- 0HSIMSS Exchange m All Parti of the WrM SAM I. NTIIItniS, Oodiler. D , , - c. . wade, A..ttant caihier. ; w Garden and Gymnasium Hall. MalnHtrc! randUUn, Only 0nit-lau aeooniiuodatlon, IIea. quarur for oummtrrlal travaltra. Tha pat ronage of Ut pabll aolleltfd, iparn as palm to plea (hen. BURt trV- Sld. OalleeUoB midt at all polaU oa rtaaoaabU Uarveaa A Klae, frapa. Main Street . . Near Iivitonii-e I'ENULBTON, OIIEOON, .lil? A1I,y.??t Oymna.lura Hoom n connection. Ju.l the place to upend an hour in exerculngyour muicle and trcBitheolaz VSSHSSSl UI o o all! " OatubrlouiHecrfc. aglaa. Jyl Hardware ui PIT MPS AND Sift PLUMBING WroMp VMS HTHKKT, fM-" i u I A Hhnrto of the public p"" nichl-diw T r.nTT)T HI IIKAI.KK IX ..emm UL BEEF, P0HK. '"TU 'ik cifiF DRIED IIATS,U Court Htreat, oppol' h mcliiodur , . y- BKaw 'SaiS-' letim nrmtt lMMr.KwWH