TIIUK.SIUY. OCTOMilt 'St. 1888. IIAIl.V AND HKMI-WKKKIiV, HV TIIK Kml Orrjconlmt I'nlillolilnir (Nonpnliy, IT I'KNIM.iriO.N, - . - OltKOON. iiAij.v MUlwrntiTio.v katmi )ik copy per year, liy niiill '0 Omicoy tlx mouth", ly iiikI I 2 Ono copy per weak, by inrrlcr. I" HIiikIc ntliiib'rs.. Hi .WIVKUTIMNfl HATIX! Itlni't'ifi A'li vrliirmrnt.) One, Inch, or Icm, tn Hem I-Weekly per lunnll 10 One Inch, or lo. Ill Dully tier niontli I M TWO Illt'llCH, or leHI, In both, JUT tn mi 1 1 1 ... ,1 Ol) Over three liiclioM,Hciii.Vcckly, prlnch pnrinoiilli 1 Oyer thrcit Inclicx, imily, per Inch per niiiiitl I 2.) Over Hirer Inchm, In both, per inch ner ill on 1 1) 1 7S MKMI.WKKKI.V MlllM'lltlTIII.N IIATI.S! Olio copy per year. - ti to One copy lx mntitln I v" Hlnglc numbers . 10 I'rrm I ii in paper free to ycurly kiiuhci I hers. Kollit iioiiniri'll iiilviTtln'iiicntt In Si.-ml-Wcekly or Dully, Ural liihcrlloti, per Inch, $l.i; cucli NUlciicnl I inert Ion, Me. lyicul notln-n, Imi renin per lino euch In- pnruou. II) llm opcnillon f ii protective ilnrlir, tlin Kovrrniiinlit lilulcrtilkel lo lllulnicm ployinclil for H rrrtitln fnw ori lie people by Innlnitull tile r,tl." Oit-Kiiuliilt, April H, INH.1 Allium; Dm ruloe clulio of proln lion It (the cenu or I MHO, explode i tlm pra tciun Hint our Mliiiu.t prohibitory lur n iiiumm iroru plenty mill Keep. WiiKra llllfli. -OrcKonlmi, Aim. !i. IHH'r. WHAT lltl'l; WOOL WHAN. Knini Import of Wiiv.iiinl Mi'ioi.CominlltPO. Wo say lo tliu inunufiiL'tuiiir mo huvo )uil wo'il mi lint run li.-.t In enable 1 1 1 in to obtain lutoigu iimiLt'lH and successfully compote ullli tlm foreign iiiuiiufurtiiror. Wii ruy tn lint laborer In the iuutnry wo put win. I on tint lien Hot mi ilmt it may lie lniMitli'il ami lui in:ty liu utiiloyoit to Wot i.n you huvo (.'Icvclund, who haw nover during bin wholn career proved mi enemy of tlm laborer, or I Iiirri.son. i who Iiuh in person commanded I a inlllllii company ready to shoot down like :i dog tlio worklngman, Htriiggllug j for hi riglitn against monopoly, and linn . during tin; piiHt defended tlio American ) l.ilioror'M grimiest enemy, tlio contempt!- bin .Mongolian? Ami still Hopubllcit'ii journals and oratorH continue In (insert that I f an Imoii and .Morton Ii4 tlio lalioilng m.m'H ticket, and that a protective tuiiir lathe laborer'a ami the farmer'H friend; mid tlio dear American people will Mill continue to Im humbugged by this soph- Intry, no doubt, although thu delusion in becoming more and inoro manifest to tlio man who votes intolllgently. Itnr nfnw more dujH and Iho l'rcsldcn tlal content will bo upon us. While It Ih hoolesri to expect iiuylhlng of Oregon, it might Iw well for I'matilla county's lo moeruey to turn nut en iiiuhmu and courage its brethien in the Stale wch tlm knowledge thai Oiegon eoutaliiH one banner Deiuoeratlu eotinty, which will Htand up bravely for riovelaml, 'fhnr man and "tarifi' reform," againnt Hur rinou and .Morton, "free wIiIhLv" and monopoly, Skaiicii an they may, Keimblicatm can only find one IneoiiHiHteney of any con- wipieiav In ( lovelantrrt record in the While Ilotico IiIh fulluiu to Btrielly ad- lieie to IiIm HtatumeulH regutdlng civil , nervico refotm. Considering the- gym-1 tiuntte ablllly dlHplayeil by ho many cIIh llnguiiliod Republican ollttclnn and KtattiMiuen In fkuiping over on the taritl' jiUOHtlou, thU Htonc-throwlng at Clove-' i landV lecord Is llldteroim and unwise, to i Huy the least. Tin: dlll'ereiHc between the Democrat it. ami Hepubllcan partlch to-tlay In that the former wInIi to relieve the people from the burden of war tarill' taxatlon,wllhout injuring any one niuglo ImhiHtry, whilo National Eclectic Dispensary DR. McCILL & CO. I'AHrOitr.noxiA.v IIcii.iiinu, I'i.nih.kto.n. Stiecchiriiliy amt ficli'iitlllvally Trciiln J SALOONS. OII.V liKNHT, PltUi'lllBTOIt OF T1IK t siiirSuloon, Klnc wince, lljuorrml ! , irarn. rcllilietoii oecr on oniiiuni l. nve , ccnlioi !. Wliiclmrt'H tiotllpil liccriifipfc- 1 cliiltt. MbIii nlre!t,opvoltn Court lloii'C l.lltlll). KKMI'PK. I'llOI'HIKToirOKTlIU J) FlvotVin tlccrllall. Mnln Ht.,oppoPc potni)lc, I'enilh'lnn. Pendleton lerr on i ilmuiilit. iVIiich, liiiH)rMinit nlRiiri or tlx-; tv-l lira ii ill. II Mock. All Klml ' niel KtiiRCX ot chronln tlleiiKe4 Eye, l.nr inulTliiiiHt DNcnno. I'lnotilc tll piiwi of women anil clillilren. 111. .ml uml Skin l)lensc o; Ihn Kldiiey,l.l. r, Mcn.t, llliiiMcriiml tirlu ry oivmiN. .en.ru- nii. : Triv lis imeH or ii kind oroitn- M I,",p,"", "Li IO pi".r,!!l!' rmc.t niriiciiiy emeu tinti ourn vinitiiiitecii Hi iiiorrliolilH (or plli-i) i-un-il hy our new. icon l KiNK.i'iiopfuirroit oktiii: ui: i pllon I'nrloiil, Until Htreol, oppollc i i Court Home Himiin. In TlioinpxuiN nov 1 .trliliiut Mild tii.tlliiMiN titetli.ul u ll ln.ll I uliV ilclcntioii fo.in IiiiIik'h; cur- minriiutcHl. Cntiirrli of Ihn IichiI nud nlr-.iVKiiae, Inclii 11 ii ir Jliiy Kcv.r anil AkMiiiih ciihmI liy our new mctlioil on tlio lincdi of lt- Oerm oiIkIii. .itlor.cil I iv the irrentcF.t niMllnil l trlitnf llieworlil. Ml eilo lllKi.'ll llnlei ilcellicil cur- illwoii.ilicuou. I'AItMKNTIKIt. l'ltOIMttlMOlt ! nf HiHtlntulirluu) Mull. Mnln Btreel. op- i.ii.llnt oi.ri itmike. Kli iiintiim or vidc. Liquor uml 1'lKnrncoiiKliinily on Imtnl. 1 CHAS. H. DODD & CO, iMPORTena of parclware, Iron, jjfo AND FARM MACHINERY, FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STREETS, P0BTLAn Solo Agontn for Oregon nnd vyuahlnjrton for utile. tlMr.I.rAM 1IOKHIMI. V the City llruwery, L'ourl uml pioinptly ilcllvcreil. t'HOt'ltlKTOIt Ol-. .xtrcct. ivii- ill uiuet or mil beer llil.d i l UNO . I) .V HI' IIMUl-.lt. '1 II) ' r.TOIl.- L ol tlm t'nintlllii llruwery. Miiniifueiui'- Tliu tloclom aru rcuulur urHiltiutcN of lo I-jiitcrn C'ollcjefi, mill have hull over ten ycur exiictletic" In thu tcmllliK Inxpltiili of Ili.iSf. illtli. uml ll. II. n ImiiIiiiiii.I .if itrlL'tit.. ...i. I .iir.ui!.. .11. .i. i. n erxof uml wlmlf :ilo unit retail ilculern III iiiih..iI uml icKiMinslb e. ,otiultiitlon fire . by thcRln.. iiotUo.mtliiin ki(t r.r biuret. ; iiliilcoitnlenlul. Ttv IIhihIkh If jou don't llkn II, , I he pKir trcuied free Mommy uml l- tlitny rtotii Ii to II n te. OI'KIL'K IIOItlLH .(In. in. loK ii. in - even. Intr, 7 to K Mumlny. B to 11 it. in., I to3 p. m. N. II. Moit cnxcN iiiii leculwi hotmi treat liionl uftcr otiu vlmt to lint Doctors' olllcc. iMtiiri'KK i NATIONAL KCI.KLTIO IMfll'KNHAIIV, rellJUIon, Onuoll, UdLINK.ILL FOR SALE Four loin and it Iioiiho od the Hat, near the (). it, A .N. lexit. centrum- hx'ated, 1 U KII.I.IAN..IUKTJ(.K()KTIIK PKACH ' 1 il . Ami Notary Public. Viiuvclc, Orcuoit, i i CiillretliiK ii Hiinclulty. fllliiK.1 on I ii ml re-' celvnl, uml mini proof uikeu ut reilitreil rte. 701) I II1NTIN0 CAN II K HAD T THK ' 0 Kaht Oiikuoman otllc ill price that' will prove they ate cheaper tluiii tlioe of any other ptlntlni; Iimihc In Kimtern OreKon .-i-..fl mm y:UAI. lll.ANKS. , Hie i), 11. ft .. depot, centrum loeateil, r, ,i'i i nin iwo numtre.l rorne. or leuni itiuA Wllti.r inawl fnnnnu f.e ttllOil blllllK" Ht Oil IIIllCH. I.UWJCIN Hllll Oilier KOOM Wilier, good ICtlCCH, lor TllHU. ru-UlnKKpeclHl formKciil hemipplleU. Four lotH, one ipmrter of a block, near "ITltAV ANIMALS theSlMterH'ScluHil.foroOwsh. Jiry,. hHVennlin"ul elr..y..vo.i eun ro rx ATimnlT o TArtTrnniT cover hlrn liv cxpHiiillnu fi.nti In iulvcrlllnir OLOPTON & J AOESON 'JyJyJi,1' ,,M,,,N'A''' 11 ,'",cUt"i i Hlnulc, . cuRE S NE'.if DEAL PLOvfc. They Insurance Agents, i'c.Niu.indN. i IIIKI ION .. The French Restaurant! SIGN OF THE GOLOEII BOOT. i .1. I .. .. . . . ,1 me inner warn net) wuiMwy iintl lonaero , ratluir than to Himender anv iKirlion of, I'ltA'friUAb the proUctlve tarilf xynlem. Would you ' BOOT A SHOEMAKEH IlllV'lt tllllllltt (litlllllltr lifin.ll I I..... 1 . , , . - . .lilt I'ld H ' l'yklll( I 1 1 1 II I I II I J I I IV I make lla, g,H.dH thai ate now j.m.Iu l.y . .ecMlHert.or oiilflyt.u Iiuvo fn-u wlilrfky? ChooHo ye Iteiweon. 1 Tn 11 OttiitioM.ix keepn in ltn coluinnM i clippings from I'liglinh papern commenda tory of (tloveland. The Orogonluiinhoutd 1 publUli the (MlllotialH which uppeareil In, fotclgu labor and imtiorted inlotlu) lTnI ted State. We nay In the eoUNiimer weliave put wool on the fieu lint that he mav have itHtit ii mi WctibHir-eU, Ciitei'o .)lmt llllll Hlioer. Mtoch. I'erfe-I III lilllir.lllteeil fffl I 'ml tivlnt, I'roirh tov. ' .MiilllMlieel . Onpoilte Court one. KlrM-elii In nil of lu up olntineitlN. Tin)' ll(!e tire .uppll. w.ili Hie ii.,t thp ui irlit I iil'oi Ux. Open Day and Night. hilior hi t,i tn the illniuu tiHim eirW'hit. mil 1(11. 'In Doub c.fir Tr pule Furrcw. They id ho Mniolunttfl uon, nun, mono wnouuvo uictl tlieiu nrm t hem work enn nni .i!r" Ihclrpralif. Woftirnlih tlicei wIMi or wlthcwt, iwuiuil?9' Hunt nttucliinenti nro extra. ""Ht. m trtirur nllnr r-nc"ArA... DuorvcTU onuc rncosi ViKAlIN DRILL lluelicye lliw prcm Omit) Drill. lluckcvoHccilcn, lluckryoHprlnB Tooth 11. Ornln l)rllU,8upcrlorKidor. """iimtct . CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Tlie iniml linprorcil Implement rnr owlmr unnincr fnllow. Th mot , ucccKful tool for till purpoto In inc. Wo nlo huvo a full lino of IJukkIos, Ottrrlncoi. Phaetoni, Mountl 1 Tlntffttm on rl nf lint MnHM tr.ft.i-t ' "tJituK UlUClCi. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Uovremc ,v Chnplu' Mprlng-Tootli llnrrowii, Dcero Itarrowi. ScltntHi rJ Puclfle 1'ntiiilnif Mills, m IIVIHll at.Vltlt VIU13, 33XC, 13TC. j-si:.m rou si'iK r i. cntcin.Vits ani ruicu lists. woolen uootN cheaner. We nay to I lotnoHlIc ..l.g.oner wo ! IIIM ',m",!n '" i.,.. , , !rrt 'm lni lowhiml for Hl3nlng ' " ' "r " tlio ('hinene JI.m'IiihIoii bill. the manufaettuer lo Import foreign woo! Tun only way to keep the (.'hlncfo out Commercial Livory, Peed, Sale M Be Pendlalon Holler ills, fiU'iii il Wtt Imriel Ji-rilav ) W S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors, V tiillt'toii, OiVKMi, ' .Wiiiiiiriicturfr. of oiHltiiin, KruiinlMte.l urn! clf-rlnltuf Klour. lllBllCHt I'aili I'i'ict I'nlit littlllM n' I'lll ll. lor ll lo ml. ul.h bin ow., and .hit, enlarge his f ryU .ZZ VZ- U ' KEENEY & C0- f'r0 market and ipiickeu the demaml for the coiiiuimpllou of IiIm wool whilo it HgliteiiH the burden of the taxpayer, rim duly on wool now pruvunlK nearly all the belter eliiHHeri of wool from coining j into i no country, wnen inn ilume.stie pit In California. MKii.i.ri'i.TitrA-m kn r. duet can only nupply aliul uno-liulf of tlioauiouut ivipilied for homo i!onHiiiiie (ton. t in i,n not in: iii:i rui:. land. Thitl Ih uliat thu Volera a.re Hiivlnif . rui up your nnimais ana your monoy ut this stand. Thoro ; Is no bottor In town, bur "ny1 patrons and frlonds will bo Urn. Darrln. lear.SliH:-Yoii m.iv i.uui won "OUtOd. ! Ilh my namo amotig llioo cured bv .oti. 1 have U'cn it Hiill'eier ftiiiti aHlhmu I ' "M: roWCK u. AM. KINDh ol' ukih or over 111 yearn, i lie naro.WHiuH woio ' rou unifo rm; ki.nkst tuiin- I'lntii-, iaul .chop, ceil do. iilu-ity on Imnil W.D.Hansford&Go. Dealer lit Xntlce ,i oiirt Ntrrrt On in. Wluil Three llii.i) ouU I or I lieill.ele., lime Hardware and. Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. j EatnblltherJ lt Purtlnnil In IU77. ; Use imlil In Uti'u'nll ' , Ic piie' .ti U'iflilo. 'I,. .'. " Notice N bnniiy vlt,i, j, v J ...ii.. f...i....iii ...i ... i ... . .1 ........ x ...i.m ii, .inn ii, fit WtriL IT f 111)- ' ,iv I of IVndti.lra .. imilICHl..ii. pie.CfllMUh)NTilt Lot ill- eh. i :rr iiMI, l,.n.j li;.e been iiinmliiieil l,jr ifiriimi en ni niu .oo, vitmren, !u n , v, :i-llt Wllleli'.i. ut Cun Mf.,11, ifnln Ntre.'t ..i tlm wl m.l Ym on ui' , im mi. I mini i. iciKKirt-H mime in, n.,eHlii.il of lhi dub) lalmil uml Iii'iiimIIh Htnlnhi MI'lll M liliifitnif III Court klrxla.K. Sei'llon .1 or .In Altlcle Vl.nJiktcJ uiiiiou, ilmt tin Lomluta i nHlQiie.i council runm.oD iLi Main nml Mo, utrct'l. a Ibi u .Motnliiv, tlii...M!luly i.t CVtnU rXlil oiieo'clouK lu ttii.uMcrm'.'i.nlki'l iiiu ve wet to .irll tillJM' j on noiiiiiinilciiii.llrrmlrl(.ifi nueti 10 im. n.iiiiiu.w.iiinUn M.t.fllftfl IHUI . nr... r llllll, iiioti) or Uwh constant ut all timca and hi Miverc iih to not be utile lo do mv work 'noran)tliing. I tiled many iloctorn and allklmlKol remediea but to no avail. if ...ii i i .... , i ,i .. i ... ,, i i nun piaceu m.vHeii iiniter votir elcclro What ii the iiho of willing editorials i magnetic, ami now after a month of mowing me iiijuhiico ami Mui-e of tariir! your Hkilllul tnatniBiit Ot'TH IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY & Co., PROPR n m mm mm I" si m . . i . . rfcumBlwi, WromtJtlV Done "7f "'"'iiiiii . Mutviioii... r rulliuiil until , . "''" ' u ' "orr'nmi .irSun ! i.iiiel-.-.i. itt.-rmtiiiir "ll A I S U'Clttl.'l' III. rl.Lu in li-i. I r. . . ' .. ' . ."..' - .....ii.nii'iit A "I Hire of the public iMlromujn lx xollcltoil uicIiIxI.Vnh' reform when all one hai lo do Into turn to the llloMof ItepubllcaiipapurH amltlieie Hud able aitieleH Hhowhig Iho wiilom of the UemiKTiitlo policy of lu-day. Ah an illustration of (IiIh lieto is an rdllorlal la ten from lit San I'ranclHsi ('hroniulu publlHlied in IIm ltuii) of April llitb, lust), ll it an good a tuilll leform argument an wo have had the plcuHiuoof reading. It Miyri : "It H a burning dNr.ico to our Na lional leflnlatuio that the combination of live monopoliriiH in the I'niied Slaten, who me engaged In Iho Iu-nIucm of man iifaiiuiiiig wool titilp, with (Im nilicr fuit'ilvii miuiupolliiiM who iniiniifactuie j iper, have Micceoitod in imMMiing mi in folerublo tu upon IlioiitstmU of journal oi me eouutiy, ami imtneetiy ii-ou mil fouri oi noun wi per louder, for I am mot en- 1 tlrely ettivd of my trouble. Von mav ' refer to me .at lli:H Ii Mrect, Tacoma ; W.T. ilt l.MN UOHH. I M' Allltll AMI I.t Ml Tlllll lll I'. , Drrt. Darrln, Dear SIrn: 1 have Ik-cii ii 1 Miilleier from catarrh for ten veaia. It got no lad Lint fall tuiit I wax 'decllulu-; into eoiiHUinptiun and did not oxp,vt live the winter lluoiigli. 1 llnallv went under your iroatmenl ami now tmureHiilt of yoiirhklllful and fcientitle tieatnient i am niONt en re v cureil of mv ion. I rouble and catarrh and have gained in lliwb ami Mlreuuth ami have impioved In eveiy way. I glmllx reeoniniend anvoue who may neeii .Miur netvicoH and can Ik lefened lo at DnwanilHli, King ((,., W.jr. I'll n i; Domix.w. I'AI.MIIIII t.M) iiuia II VTINM. Mr. Ivilltor, ler Sir: I have been troubled with a very had and olluimlvc : caiarraii Headstones, Monuments! First National Bank! 1 nrWI r JM'I'I I'llAZl.ll. Voorcli,.nt. li UL.rjl.Li ham p. sri'miis, iuhicr. uiu ctnu oiuiie Transact a Genera! Banking Busines i i i uontractor. 1'iir ileMaini ami price cotuull Jeo Full. Inn, Slain Mrcel, IVnitlcten. ntinintf Klven on Moue iiotk for b Via Oliih u linn I ti-.tj .. ..1. 11.1 I llH i 1. ...11 ( .1 ... i ... iKvunlatv Umellt . f tlmtlic .... . ,n: 7 ' lH" ' ' l7wmn .en yeaix t go lor ""irrnlJrn Z&,' ".kV,,i,,i rami I.KAtllSO MERCHANT TA1LOH, IViiiyi lon.Orejoii. Main su.mur V, Mi. r i. Mi .stock or 'iiriu Exchange on All Paris of tlio Bought and Sold. Collwll.itu tuailo tit nit point on r.UNiimble term., L'oiillnenclHtf ut IhulittrrwIlinrfM llimof Main Mrccl, Willi Hit uul .131 . Court litre, l.lii'Nuld linrtiJiiiiliiiilai iilionill.e nil cofl 'tail er. inri" tlm. i-i my i, .4 W.VKm rlali, nnvl Ut umII-I.I, ii.i I mi.- , ., . Oi... .ill. ,. i. . ,) tloli In lite 1 1 I l.if Mill fit .IH'U IM ii rl.LM ii. . . ' i.'".iiiok ..i rui' oi iniii .irrc if5.f-i I Oil U'lurin. i.t.. 1 iiii.'iimiiiv nr.ioiiri.l liw i uiir.ii. .i.. in n noriti iiviiir,iiiui.,nirir Ill.ltl. 1.1,1 I'llLOIIIt. .:iini,L'..'. north llm .. I ourt 'ic-f. IhrMi , rJMiirliSi.,J,orlliiinl. . iiimle lii it irc.irrlv dlrfciionin keoiV'tiiT u m'i'V''1""- "" Uneof I I w rot to lli tfl MIUN.IUI I'Kiult.'tKii. or.-if.ni. i KluiiliiKMimior 1 1 to prlmai rsrl i iipproiiriiiied for in il iirrw. o'i . i rlc nml il.'.erliiMoiniirnnl.JnTi:!, w . . . I lull. I twenty Oi r. ct in wMik. m b rfll ma n'd R cl a 1 1 no n I i '"" ". wimie or i aiko t uujiuuiuui, jiwcive. do iiiivk ii. iiiocica n,tini 3. ami Cmirt Home block. In ull Ui i meiimireiJ from lb" wulli llueollVitl un.y tim mass Ocstnurant In Portland I X! i llllll county; to Miim iiiin. i .Srrvlci' l'iiurniNMnt. World stock or Juit r.i'i'iv.il. Sntisfnctlon Cunrnntoocl j j In ev-rv pnriienl r tieatnient. Now afler Kvury mHM, u,U;r our ..lilgh W rWrtrMF HOUSE wtii I, "opMiiH na. i""'o JdieumnllMnd'.'W i 'Mil 0r crime ; , Htrlou, IMopiIet,,,'. iHiiwholi). If any ntleuipl Imiurta at a nio.mitdid -r ihn t-i - -h ubl. lia MHln "" 1 toi,"re.i niluetloi of dutleMn any imrtieular all . il . l i " . ini4,V" r e the proleetlve liiteiestH ffi, their "(or ' w,ir. ',n ..uw,h Hw!.. I , e.c, h... V,,,r in, ,le- i iovuiiiiiiuiiu inn MiiiiuiiK iniuiauiiv. to i poi .imi ti. ex r couven'en. . rmiiu . . ..... i..,. The Nortliwcsi KOIIMKIltiYTIII.; XUW .VOIlTHWKfiT. 'N;,,.r.!.'.w.,,.l" "o "P'ele.l mm iiwttMt ': i rnpiT in iiiu ,-ioriuwrHt. A Journnl fot th5 Pooplo. IiimI on 'l'hiirilnyii of envli week. Imli penitent in Politico ami ItellKlou. Still. erliilt.it, I....... m . . i i'iiiii iii. tin nine, OmijfHr. liy mull t.,M H x mmiiiw by man ......3 Tie Three uioiiIiik, by mull ' l Wimle copy ,....;..." lit) Kvlu Itulra i XewiiilcituV, Aililri-KN A. l'L llltMiitii.i J'flics Jiaihi)iii(f: Frivalc Room for Ladles. In vl.ltliiK IWllana etui tin.) Mv .IKJiJIjVI. aost, o!Flr,IH.r . (.rlu,r0fOd. Villard ouse. tJK lioit.N Iropiiiioi- Nnrtliwci foitier Mum uml Court Ktrcu PENDLETON, 0HSO0N. i t . . iiitui' iii.vii.i in rr.kniiu.ini ii i . ... , gam to iih luiiivhlual merit as a Henarnto I " ".. i 7, .... . r."'.. t " ! prottOM it Ion pi.neu iiecioeuiy oeiiuueiai in Hit case I ' ,.f,, , , , ,. l I" otherH that I know of. I caul ..... i.n,',.,.,,. ,,,, ..in ..i.H r niaiiu- giaitiy iw referred lo at 2013 Thiol Htivet, faetuiwn, the h oel-mil inon, the Mtgui , Seattle, W. T. ll.vuvi;v .Mom.. iiiihiiicvip, inin mi. wiiiiiv iim oi pmicctcti ' intenwtn unite In uV.litiu:: anv rediietiun in iiio until, i ue l 01011111110 ol Wava the S lino Hons., .v.r,..,c l.....nl ll ......... . . . . ...... . ...,...., in, i , ii . Iiiy. DM tUv CENTRAL Livory, -hi m Sals Stable! Oppo.lle t'ourl linn i, main srmiiri- . haiu iv.ii.w. .Voiihu- i,t, Vt,fe. V'"!'r. .rce.;iMr..au;.ro;;n, UIM e I nnmpn n wm.UAtlUlMtttfiitU., HcvpikuimI, Re.tun.iahisd Sinitary and Engineers, ; Itoescli.nti J-'nuik lllrlitiiiui' uSl .paln, Kloreiicir f, I ual, AHJ i juiiii, licniii"' i ciin, r.. llllll,. I OlU . Il-.wiin. . . ('iiikIuiipii K I .fy n I ii. riiJ l.'t u loH. I. KiurclM. . II. WjiU. M I If. V. Wheeler il'iil lr HHk Ifltintllln oiiimtt Thl nutlco I pub'WiM if 'wd Loiiiiunn I.OUII0' . iiimu'iu.i'-".: 10, UltS fi'.E-M oel7 Rnv.. 1 Notes and Recsi FROM FIRST UK A lMifi' Stuck IW frid Prwit, at rtljiw ' nn'i-i n t MXld onii k itoeim nii PUfE oy 111'mm.kk. I'm. Pari in can be couBiilled fteeat II Sliltil. llitllu.k iwia-tui .....1 and .Means In u ked" in the h.t.m.s ., ! Vi .1.. u ... xe n "..," " " ilgli proUH'tionlHiM. and It Mmdi l ; i oft-sea , dor no circuinManivM taken casn that ivjioit any bill on he tarill which ,Kk).s they are -Huitivo that they cannot euro or Ik owiuhI by tlie 1 1 1 it iHltHltii t l 1 1 1 1 f. i iyl 1 1 1 . , rl i iwwir ii.iii,..lliw? f.. wiVi !.iiv.!. ! 5jJ'.',?-.fS V! ' '.V.1.'-..!' 'armileeil .... , .i I i . V i . . . u iiiu it viii iii iv ii III I UViS I ' 7'ij iiuv ih i ' ivi'rv riirw and ia abMilutely coulrtilled by the higli- dava and Sutunlavn. ' amt the bi or imy .. i kwIh larill lobby. inilco lionrs fr.m. in m a .i,.n... ....w! iihvuy mi ti,..i "It in time Ibat the uion.iHiliHta hIuhiIiI ning 7 lo 8 j SundavH. 10 to 1" All cur- uiKMi inuirevtvi in Hi. i i id I ii. i i in, ....nr. i,i.. ii :.. , . ; , i iAUi ocaxiuuiiut it till no in ' fpeiancitioni uml e.iim,.i..w ,,,,,,11..... ... , - v.. ............... ,i,,ii. vim. iiiu ,iirv.M'.iloH ui mailllOOtl. -" 'm"' I ...... 1.. ....... .. "vii iur 1 uey are purtmmg is Having me tenileney blmul taints, nvpldlls. elect, ironorrhu-a ' - . ' ' ,,,"' in ny ecitiuof thecomi- ibinl u.b. . -"'"lii'ieiico kOiiciUNI, i.iiiiiiiHiiti ir 11 ii. I'vf rv iuii, oini i.a ...,11 writ Q. yT. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL uiutuxi ami J3.0L water Ntn. Heating Apparatus, K0UIWEI,UXU8Oltl't'IIU0IU!lUIINO -ioUor,,,;mbr 1 Horses Bought and Sold ! . wm ". e.,iwll. ...t.,. i.nt.. ..1. .. . i ueiiiiiu; tm liu ui!kliiimvi.erii. to naiho a strong ttw trade or "tarlH-fof- stricture, HH.rn'iatorrlma, helnitml weak-, coi.u.umt .,0 me vvrvi 1 rovenue-on v" sen ment t inniL. limit tl.. ..i ,.r ..i.i.t.. ' 1 ; ... , ' ".'") Hlu u mi,eriMi , , . " " ' ..... , ... .n-" v.. ii-oi.vi ,l mjAII.ll IIIItT 111 'll, couutiv, and tocreatoa imwerful untag- man or woman, catarrah and deafness ,,,'a,im onist to any system of legislation that are conlidentlally and Hueret-sfiillv ! llVoA I i.i.il. ir I P.... r. I -wi.ui, ,i7 umi irom l rains. ; . Bucks for Sale 1 1 In pdNorl-il.. W',T $2000 Stock of liP-l Including CTIrvitlt ml (';? 1'rob.tto ami Counly dwf, P.mrl Itnul I'ftl. Mi" oim 11ml IjhJ Send for SimIm ,t)PBIH 1 sucii mousmms oxornon lor tlie treated. .Most cases can receive home. puriHiso of building up mveel.il IntorestH tivatment afler a visit to the doctors ! the expense of 1 10 masse of the, pec- ollleo. ImiuirleH unawereil and circulars I plo. It only iietils that thev should K'lit fro. ' iverslst a little lomier in their Hiil.-lil.il' iti... ii n.r,i ,.1... 1.... 1 1. - ,, . . . ii, , . 1 ', mny IIHIV M UlUllCll jvol ev In onler to create a publ 0 opfnion otllco ut Fifth street, Portland. Or.. which will aweep away the entire protec-; where any In that vicinity can consult MOUKIIV HIJIK. I'rop. H. C. WRIGHT, IVulcr lu- .1.. u..-i.,... ....1 : ..1 .A.. . . 1 .i.u Bjniuiii, numr iv 11 ailllin ui llio (M-I lllcm.J lerinii 01 a tew ninuictunnir iutereatal Tl. iwiuk'.i.i. i w.ii. ur.n. 1.. bv imoJK hevy Uon on the uiuuw, limited. I-artiea, wishing to coaiult of coaiuiuen," , them anould do no at one.) General Merchandise, Xl'Ji, OVl-MOX. Carrie wU-.ortcd nock of (najt, and makM p!llly or Oroceilc. rwiRurrai ruoni r VAmu. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET. Portland. OrAvnn .... . "" - noon ROBERT BOND hk.u:k in """yTTON.VEAL. SAU- auc, unitu Ht ATS, LARD. recently .,wiie.H.v Juia r.V.'"" r "JP "" - i'wii, iiienaiiio 1 USTOEGOiUirf rodlrtoBW. Money to inmtl tuum on I " Thtmrnuhbretl JleyiMtemt ami Orwle Jlitckx. ', . Theso buck., are kri.t In -.i . .ru..r''.on.nJur; ,n mTe . .,""T. Iu small ,uuii on iiiitiuuicniy Honuii, mmk 1 TIlA 1 ...... r.TV 5"r ' v"lt Alba every Wrd Kpife-fnJea to purol.'u.e Apply lo IKS 19w ' TH0M '"""N. Adnilni.tr.tor. PendletoB, Oreeon. KMl 1 I