East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 25, 1888, Image 1

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    T A.ILY.
Am DAT)!
St ItHdltllll'.Ks TO
County Scrip taken at par
mi:mi.vi;i:iu, - noo.
DAILY ..... 7fle.
IViulli'liiii ... Urcilun,
office on Subscription, Adver
job Printing Account.
NO 2(R
I.OIX I'lin.v iu"
. .mm.- vi i i'.1. i. (i. i). r.
(lollllMV nliilit 1)1 ltl Kl'l
I. KIN" HM'I'KIl M....I. u A. .u.
ilh Ktlili'" oi " ". '";:''"
... . i-f 1 k Jit k . f 1
r.n.l .ml fin rlli on.
mini - - . ... ., i. if
i. inmill. Hi i w iicim. ii. j.
itiiV 1.0 1(1 K MJ. a. r. A..u.
... it... viukiiif i imii mi mi ii if
thin Monrno in 1,1 " "
i Mt t ini. Ur. M.i It. At. I
MIIOK Nl). 1M.A. "y- . ,in'lii
TH'inmi) iiikiii i; """
J'0 ll'.'lOl'K. .It I.KAHUHK. .11.
f, I. liimliniuclc. N. O.
. .Ml'tll "in liu' "'ni'i'i ..I.-. n."fc I
1 ...... .1. .,,,..,11. nl Ti.-KI oVIiiKk
ill rn.'ii ,... "
, II. 1.. I Ull ntnv UnpHin
Rottichild h Bean
Till: Vlli:.T ,M A ItKKTSi
Tlm HrllUll Mlnl.trr'. l.i tl.-r AuhIIIiir 11
llcrUtuii- ltiilliiiitil War In ('Hiimlii far
iii'H CiiiniiilH'ilaii -Train Arclilrnt In Nciv
Jrrtvy -Attnrnr) In l.rlum, Willi tin-Clilnr-ii-ItUlnr
hihI lu rt j- In .w York
Tlii I.iiiiiIiiii Tliiiri CriiDhi'il In Atom
ftftD.OOO rirf-l'iirrrl l'lr. OrliiR Out
W. II. Itnlcumb Cliii.en lllriTtur itntl
Vic I'ri'nlilrnt -runrri.jn to Ii H Alur-Irrrr.
.. I IIIUIL1 Vli 11 T II 1
.i. .i.itiii
in in'"'""
f.n.i .i'MiloL1. .1. I I. h-A MIT lit- I
Frlitiw Mull wry VimiM.iiy
. t,,, , tAt. ,,L, l. Mltlll'lt Kl It IV'
:mi iri.tt. K. itf It. Jlllil S.
itrWI.V 1'lWr. I. A. II.. Ill 11 ft HI I
.1 II. .11 ..'Uk TllllfJllllt. II Dill I
i fitiiiiiuiiilnr ! .1. s. l!iiVfr!V. i
at IIOOMIK IX mill US AKtoclu.
IVIirlll nitl. I iri'L'IIII.
Oil I'i llDOIII Ml. II, AMIH'1.1.
I'i'nilli'toN, Ori-C'in.
I 'lit.'' JMllll- .'.'. .IiiiiiJ I A-
o.'X. I Viiiiiii ioii. (iri'iiuii.
', I IKHII Nl' '"i'i u. AnooIii
IVtlilli'l Hi, O'ritiHI.
Mum Mii'i'l. in I lininii'iii-
llu'taini.' owrtllf I'oil (Itllcr, i .
-. r.l". .1. .,. IHlHtl i
r.'i.lt .
Ml II III II. I lllll.M.l A 1.L.A W..
iiimnu',(iri'i.'iiM. win pnipnre
ill iin'iciiii .n il 'i I .11 i uiiiii. ill i
1 . U lllli'FI ITIIHIVI-'VH 'l i
Knuina .1 ami 4 nr tlii'"h.ni nr. I
ullilliiic, niriii'riif Miiiu unit Wrbb
M'.M .'.ll .f. ..11.
)Vnirliiu(uri'i!iili kihiiiiii S nuU
i iiiiick. ;
Tlie .Murkel KntrrL In Nun I'mnrUtn
Htrniljr In t'lilmsn Hull In l.li rinli
ml Ult In Ni'W York,
.Sas KttAKciHCd, Oct. 1M. The nhcat
inurkot was enplcr tliln nuiriilu. Ituyur
tliu year $l.U7Ti i NomnlHjr f l.UU.
Cmc.Mio.Out. '.M. Whcut Blcmly. No-i-mber
1 . 1 1 3 Dcrrmtivr fl.m. May
M;-oiik, iM, I lie uliuut inur
kct wan nitlel to-iluy, Octnlwr f 1 .01, No-
ivftnlier tl.0t)... I'oi'riiil rrM.tm. Muv
l.tviiiii'oot., Oct. W. The win-lit .tniir
kut U M'ty (lull. CullforiilH whcut, 8
nhlllltiK unil l'v pence.
I'llltll.AM) I'lllNIS.
tiik Titoititi.i: to nr. SKrrt.i:i.
Tim lUllrinul Wnr In C'iiiiiiIm Will llnnlit.
lrn bn Srttlril A in Irnlily.
Ottawa, Oct. LM. An apiillcatloii of
tliu .Mutittobuti (luviirniiuiiit to tlm Domin
ion Govornmont itsklnt? Hint tliodmuillun
I'acillc hocoiiilN'lkMltoiHsrinltthu I'ortnuo
j l.:t 1'rarlu road to crort Its lino camo up
, boforo tliu Hallway Coiiitnlttco I'rlvy
, Council for connldorutloii tn-day. I'roin
what can bo L-utlicrt'd this Canaillan fac
lllo Intomln uiakliiL t-omo voiuvhIoiih.
iTho MluiHtorof UallwaVH HtatcH that no
rcinlinir to tliu Htatuto tliu Canadian Ih
onlv iliHimnilliiL' that which law Trunin
(The Htatuto nivea powor to all rallwayn to
croxH otuur ro.idH, hut in cam) oi tllennrco
I incut an to tliu point or innnnur of Htich
i iromittir, tho huiiiu bIiiiII Ihj di'tonnlncd by
Main and Alta Sts.
Twunty Dollar joltl pirn' will be jjivt' to any onu who will
liixl a GROCERY STORK in Peiiillotuii. that will .oll
IJWTH:, I'llY-lt'lAN A Nil Kr It-
. Mini, ori'Kiin. hvh yi'iirK iiiicrri.
,ri-inr m i nritillill uru'iii'i'
I ',.,1.1. I llil li.. tau .,..k
Mvnml ItiHir nf Kni.1 (Irt.conlMM
IViiillrlnn tlriKOll.
1 "r iii irvlin' tnic wtd,
ktorts itiriiir of .IoIiimiiii unil
l mhih'iuii, tirnKO i
, n-iu n nriiuriivriuii
....... .11 ri. hp. , .-...-w
ft'llUrfinl bv lAli'iiluini, with VII.
" . ? InJi UAH OUi'Ui-
.7 wtuiii nrrri.iiii iiuiiii'
''fi I rndlpflkll. llrVt'AII. JklllllrV
r-M. riiinuiis inruiiiri nil
-- -ac ii mi rw hi rrsmriicv.
M i 1 IlllllllUtflll kirCHIM. I'IIUI
- ' vl r,IW. nilAIIKNAI 1 1 f Aillf
a.Urrson. liluokkmtlh work n all
twt in-ib)Q rtnnor DIi on
" mm lUrtloular Hiif ntlon ulv .
- Birrvi. near inun irwu
anJUliiI fin khnrl nnllAA Ci nl mh
"Hintrv Will rtHlvt nnnnnt ultpm
" yrriniiY.
. ii,ivinii7v. I'ltAirrn Aii 1
Ml' tllMulf l....kr. AII.Bn.kr I
cheaper than lliev
1 rmv wirih
ire yelling at tht
And cam and will make the
The chcapi'st (iroccry Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose o f
All goodu are now and I'mdi and of the
I intend to Keep the lead in High Grade and Low Price
!odtf or will pay the above reward to the one who earns it.
Odd Follow Huildinj;. - - - ! '''h' Aim SIh.
B. 0. & E. M. WHEELER,
Til 1'liirlil tru n J'llri A lli'l l.luii I
AeiiIiiI (liiinlillnu -linn, ,1. N. Ilolpli till
Arrive I'rltlu.v N'ril An Otruiilnii litl. !
Inr in llrlUrr ii l.rdnri' I'rnfi nmr ('Mrri
llrnil .1. M. Ili'iittr.r In I'm tliiml.
I'.iiiti.anii, Or., Oct. HI, tK8S. Thotlrnt !
pri.o for tlm k'i.t dl.xjilay of cut llmu'iHiit
tho Mochatilcw I'alr wiih awaidcd yoxtcr-1
day to W. II. IIim'.mIoii, Ho Imd u iIo-Il'ii
iiiiiitii In tho hhatio of u crown mid ruin-
posid moHtly of dlllcrciit kltulMnf nmcn.
'n i .. .1 mi' i ....
IIIL'H' m.'iu III IIMPI 11 iio.uii iiiiiitciii VII-
rlutlcH of roscrt Iii tho I'lillucliou, and
tlno were Intiwori'ed with huliotroiHt
and Hrurn miiIIux'. Tho nomTiil display
wan Hiimtl but very pretty and tinlitio.
JihIl'i' Slliltllli'k. hv a ri'rnnt iIi'i'ImIiiii.
1i:im laid down tliu Kt'iuiriilrulo that nioiiuy
let iiiiiv bo at utiv timo nrlor to Uk dcliv-
I ery recalled by ttio hotter, whether hefom
or aiicr tlm I'vciil coiir'h mi, anil that If
tho Htakcholdcr icfiiHcH to dcllvor such
money, If notified liefore ho ha paid it
over to tliu winner, tho loner may lecovcr
from htm. The decMou but' excited con
hlderablu eouiineut iiiiioni; pportlnit men.
Nearly nil tho lawyer who have e.xpreHK
ed themselves on tho Mil'Ject to your ie
potter atn of the opinion that thodecirtlou
U correct and will Maud, iih Hid law iIIh
couiuoh punl'lliiK' in uvety way It can.
On tho other hand all the puitlcH holding
Htakenon tho approachlun election who
have been interviewed maintain that the
cotirtH liuvo no riirht to medilln with
money that Ik hot, and nay that the party
who wiiiH will get the money, and no one
Siuator.l. N, Oolph, who will arrlvo In
thiHcity fniiii WiiMlilnuton next I'riday,
will lxi tendered a lecuotloii by tliu varl-
loin ItupnblleaiuiiibM.iit the'l'alieruach) in
tliu evoniui; ot mat (lav.
Col. Will I.. VlMchor, ono of the edi
torial writer on tliu Oreifonlan, who ban
cutiHlderablu notoriety ana ioet, humorist
and lecturer, will duliver bin Hoimiwbal
famoim leclurn, "Sixty Minutes In the
War," at tho taWiincft! to-nl;lit.
Mr. II. (. l'urkliurMt.iiHMlhtant nut mior
of tliu I'aclllo ItiHiiratico I'nlon, wiih
married t.vdav Io.MIhh W, II. JoIiiihou,
dauhterof II., . .foliniti. the wealthy
butcher of Oils city. I-int ululit tho mi-der-wrillnu
fraternity of I'ortlaud, hear
I ii C of Mr. I'arkhurHt'H luteutioux, inn
Hinted him with a very handoimi lilack
marble timepiece.
Prof. C'harleK K, Carr, who u Hhort
time hIiicc rexlKiied a iotilt!oii iih pro
fe.HMuro: the IiIkIi mthool of thlmlty,
died middeiily luct iiixlit of Uphold fitter
at tho (iood Samarltuii HoKiiital.
Iliotoloma, a iiaudHome hark owned i
be J. O. AhiNWorth. will nail for Horn;
Ivoiii! noxt Saturday. Kvery berth in '
tho cabin liaa Imxjii enued, and there
will bo a jolly party on board thin trip.
J. M. Iteutley, of i'undletoii Ih In tho
city. Ho in Kelt inn to boa bleed pulH
up at tho Ksiuond now.
Tito I'rrlKlit Train Colll'lr. unit tin f.f
prr. Train Ilium Into tin' Wri'rk,
I'oiit .Ikiivih, .N. J. Oct. Two
; frelKhttrnliiKon the Hrle ndlroad collided
'.. i-.i ... . ....
in an eany nour huh inorniiiK "'ir ;iim
villi). The Went hound train ran Into
the rear of another and to tuaku the
wreck more complete, an oxprcxH train
Kant bound, ran into (lie wreck. Two
, uiiKinocrH unu twelve cat were com
pletely HinaHlied. George McMulles, a
lirakeman, wax killed. William Hector,
one of the oiikIiiom, was badly Ncalded ;
! John llawkliiN, conductor, foot cut oil',
I A. A. Crank, llreman, leg cut nlf;
( liariert ClaiiHeti, brakeiiiau, n-altloil and
otherwlno injured. None of the pun-cn-I
Kern wem hurt.
Ciiilr or I tin l.rtliTK I'lililUliril III Mm
Tluir". AkiiIiiiI Piirni'lllli'n Aakml tit lm
I I'riiiliHfil.
I.OMI0.V, Oct. Tho l'..rnell com
1 iiiIhhIoii reHiiiued Iih M'fHlon tliln mom
l Ini!. Sir Charlci IUiihhcI deiiiauded the
production of lcitorH that the TIiiioh
I iHnwcwd, alloKi'd to have Ihicii wrhlen
by Dillon, Hlir and other I'arnellltoH.
Attorney (ieneral Wob.Hter naiil IIioki
iioi'iiiiiciiih were not tnutert.il to tliu ciimi)
and (lecllued to produce them. Sir
Charlex then uxked for iiarticularH and,
cnarcen annuel nirneii nun oilier
NatloiialiKtH, J nut Ire llauneii wild all
of tho paitlcularH were Im'Iiik nlvcu that
wero reipilred.
illlUr, Hip rolmniir llei'riitly Km uiril
from NioknliK .lull, -MllUr. u full l.'onri-
Siokink Fai.m, Oct. J.'i. Miller, tliu
prlHouerwho recently occaed from tho
IKikauo Kalln jail with hIx othorH, and
waH afterwardH reiltptuied, Iiiih confohM il
to Ihu murder of Kohl, lie datum that
Kohl Hcdiii'i'd IiIh wife and Induced her to
leave him. Ho then determined to kill
Kohl and ha hIiico followed him the
world over with that object hi vluw.
iuikiiam) ani w i rt: mi:m i:nci;i,
IIokiii l'lillitntliriiilta i-i'iitrnri'il lit I'rlt
in (or r riiinl,
l.osios,0ct. Jl. Mm. (iordou llaillie,
who claimed to Ihi a phllanthroplx!, and
Hwludled a number of tradesmen tinder
the preloiiHU of charitable purlieu, Iium
Ih'dii H-'litemed to live yearn of pomil
Hcrvitudo, and her hiiHbaud to eluhtecu
iiii'IiIIih' hard lalior for Mm; her accoin
They Tnlin IJnitrlrr. ul Ilia Klflli Atriin,
lliitrl-lllitlnii In I'Krllrnl IIpmIIIi.
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. Itlalno arrived
hero at noon to-duy and went direct to
tho Fifth Atcnutt Hotel. He in In ex
cellent health and NiilrltH. Tho party
coiihIhIh of Walker Illaino, tienl. Adam
K. KIiik, of Maryland, J. M. Tlmrhton, of
Nebrawka, 1 1, A. Iloiitulle of Maine, and
Dwlght A. Iaivreiae of New York.
I.MIlll SACKVII.I.h'H l.l.-ri'MI.
A lttT iirHrllloh MlnWtrr Wil'n Crralr.
a KiiiiHoii -Tli huu'i 0iliilim.
Cmnrlicu Atlorn) Maklnir n linort
tu IJtml (Jliliiriir ity iTUliil.
Has Fh tNCisci), Oct. The attor
neyn for tho I'IiIiioho coimentod thlri
niurulni; to olht more allowed ('lilnemi
merchantH. who wero uliown to Ixs frauds.
j belns rvmauiled In China.
Ilulroiub ,ild lllriclnr.
; i, i-. .ii 'i'i... ii.,i.... i in..
I l,.fnif.i, ,-fllu I ...nil
directors held a icutliitf to-day,
W. II.
Ilolcomb wab cIiohcii illiector, vlco.Col-
....... .....( I C.l.u. ...II.P I lp. I, ...... I.
... y. . ... !.. t If I I .illlll JCniljlll-ll. i;ilIWllUUill1 l.WIV.fllll'
WAMiimirns. Oct. 21.-fho i.nbllahod , ' , 7 vko 1ri,Hi,iej;t to succeed tho
copy ,ot tlio JlrlllHli.Minwterv.wtH ici- Iulu,r10-t. P()t,uruH chief executive of
ter to a inenii in waiuoruia, iuivimiiik unu
to vote for Cleveland, wan kIiowii Id
. . II I. ... ..I.. I.. II.. ....i.i.i
cccreiarv imviwii iuoi iukhi. ho nui
' ""iic.uu, urrifiii. lumu
I PlMtlrinv. nil bin, la nr lit nil.
tnp, -. . . . . . .vr.
i-proo( partltlona.
uj' uieiou, uregon. rreaer-
A Complete Stock of Furniture and Car.-etH.
Our Stock Covers 5,000 Feet of Flooring:.
E. O. and E. M. WHEELER
Pendleton, Or.
"'I have only thU to nay, without lull
l authentication of the private lettewof lord
Sackvillo Went, which upon tho faeo
wore not lutriideil for publication, can
1 not l noticed by tho Kovernmont. West
iuwacknowleduHil the authorithip of tlm
letter iiikI dcfendK IiIh ponitlon by Miutlnu
that ho fallH to bee that ha ban infrhmed
I on iroer diplomatic unaKeH.
New Yoiik, Oct. at Tho Sun editor
ially commenthu: on Wet'n lettr nayw :
"If tho letter Ih an audacloliH forirery,
Ijrd Sackvillo nhould ilciioiinco it uh
hucIi without an hour'H delay. If it bo
genuine, Mr. Ilayard should neml for hi
paiK)rtH Jiefyre to-morrow nluht."
Tli rajxr AlwafsKueH a Ureal leal, but
Wa AW" to I'ror Llttlr.
I.suo.v,0ct. It Ih nlven out to-day
that the TIiuhh oplo know where th
I'hunlx I'ark 4tnlvon wero bouKtit, and
are rontvdent of their ability to provo
that the iurcliaer waa a weuiber ol the
Irish parliainentary party,
late Thou. J. I'otter an chief executive of
utiidmof Ihu I'liion I'acllle.
Jaiupnl Urn Track.
Oakiano, Caul, Oct. '.'I. A nectlon
of the overland train, whllu runnlui; otr
the Nteamer Sulatio, at I'ort Contu, thin
morning jumped tho track, badly nliak
Iuk up the ParuiuiiKerH and wiverely In
juriiiK MJVeral of Ilium.
I'oroul I'iri, llj'liiK Out.
Han Fuancuco, Oct. '.M. Tho forcet
flrcH, (u Kunta Cruz and Mariu couutleri,
ate dyln out. Fir en are now rcorted in
Koiioma county, hi tliu vicinity of the city
of Santa ItOria,
Crudi.il S Aloin.,
II. ...... .'.. ...u I... I i .i i
JohtiHon and Win. Akin, whllo engaged
in raiNinga largoMUinelromuipiarry near
here, the ntono foil, cruithlng Uilli men
to atoniM.
AcadcliiJ nf Mualo ISuiikiI.
Wiuiisoro.v. pel.., Oct-.'-M.Tho Aca
demy of Muole burned latt nljiht. The
lutH in fM.OUO; fully lnniiad.
A l.arsw Coulrluullou, (
Komi:, Italy, Oct. '.M.The l'oe haa
contributed nlxty thousand dollara to the
autl-flavery movement.
ThP WIlinlprKum ' !! Itnlnri,rr
iiiniiN ul Slmrl Nollro,
WiMMi'Ktii Oct., 1M lTnlll tho (IccIhIdii
of the Chief JiiHtlce In tho iniunctloti
cae Ih kUou to-day, tho croHSint; dllh
cult v will remain quiet, iih the tJovern
inen't In not inclined to niovo for a day or
two. Tek'Kranui have Iteen ncnt out to
to tho country and feelliiR baa been
worked up to hiicIi ii pitch that Hovoral
thounaiid men can bo brought ia on miori
notlco to annlHt the WlnnipeRcrH In noon
eromlin; tho Canadian I'aclllo all which
Iiiih put another dead enclno on the nldo
track and erected a miifHlvn plank fencn
acroiH the Oovemtnent grade.
Snntll I'm mi llimril.
Ni:w Yoiik, Oct. -M. Tliu Hteamnhlp
Kllve which Iiiih been dotaine'd at tho
quarantine, Ih reHjrted to huo two cnncR
of Hinallpox on board.
aiioiit vo(ii.i:n MII.I.H.
A Hlllnrrllir. or tlin Hnlnn SUli'iu"
U'rlli'n a Lullrr.
Tho follow Iiil' letter autH-ated tit Tuch-
dav'h Saluni ,Statcitnan, onu of the ithloHt
an'd Hiont partlnan Hopublleuii pain'rH of
tliu State. It HtieakH for Itnelf :
Kunott Statkhman ; I nolo yottdeclaru
that voiir favorite project of u woolen mill
al Salem would be dcHtroyed by thoeloct
ion of Cleveland. OIIiuih familiar with
tho hiiHlucMH hold (oiitrary oplnlmtH.
JefHo Metcalf. of tho Woonnockct inllln,
Providence, Uhode IhIuiiiI, Ih iimoiig the
largest maniifactururH uf Now Kugland.
Some ot the papem ivported that lie was
ularmed uvertho M 111m bill. and had htatcd
that he had expected to reduce tho wage
of bin otieratlvcH if It panned. A friend
inked bli'i to give the facta about tlm mat
ter, and I cut the following from IiIh reply ;
I never nalil that I exported a reduction
of wagen under any eirciimntauceH. I
om certainly In favor of Ihu Mill bill and
af free iwool. t'nder tho prenent turltF
we han practically trie trade hi our
HprhiK goodH, unit yet we contlnuu to
run, and at a hiiiiiII prollt. With free
wool anil 10 per cent, duly, wo hIioiiIiI
have all the protection that tho mont
helllnh iuterenla oiikIiI to imk for, and far
more than the coiiHiimer ought to grant
tin. More than would lx a premium
on iguoranco and lar.lnenH. With
free wool, wo have not half enough
machinery in IIiIh coiintty to nupiily the
demand for giMxlH, and, certainly, we
could not expect lower wagoM with Hiuii
an lucreaned deiuaud fur labor an would
renuH. In the event of the pannage of
the MIIIh bill I have promNed tho I'roHl
dent to erect a new mill, an I can con
reive of no mote piolllahle luseHtmenl
for our htockholdcrH.
Thin Ih no campaign talk, but It In
hunhicHH by one who iinilcrntandn the
htmlucHH he Intalklug alHitit,
In 1H7II Senator AIIIhoii, of Iowa, the
author of the Somite tariff bill junt re
(Hirted to that body, wuh a memln'r of tho
wavH and uieaiiH comtnltteoof the IIoumi,
and In a Hnech upon the nubject of the
turlirripoku an followH:
"1 will nay with regard to tliu duty on
woo! and wooIoiih that 1 regard it not iih
an Intentional fraud, but iih Derating iih
though it wero a fraud upon the great
b dy of Ihu people of tho I'nlted Staten.
I lilliiiln to tho winilen tarilf a law the
elfect of which hai beuu tomateilally
Inline the nheep Iniliictry ot ttiin conn
trv." 'In the H.imn Hpecch Mr. AIIIhoii ru
marked iinm tho homo market Idea ai
follow a:
Stat I am told wo mimt leglnlato ho
an to furnlH i a home market for our agri
cultural prinluctH, and that (IiIh can only
ho done ny iiigu tariu. Any oueuxumiii
Ini' tlm Hiibloct will neo that our agricul
tural prinluctH increane moru rapidly than
our population, ho that If wo do not ex
port llioM) priniuciH in ini'ir uauirai con-
dltlon wo iiitint do mi by couveitins
them Into manufactuied artlclim, anil ex
Miri tlii'Ku arllcleH. Hut thin cannot bo
done under a high tarilf, for till nutloiiH
will buy matiuiactureil pnxiuctri where
they are tho cheaieM, and the natlonH
Helling tho clieaM'ct will control the mar
ket. Thin ruin uxcluik'H our highly taxed
mauufactuicH, mailo from highly taxed
mati'rialH, fiotn tho inarketa of tliu world,
although wo bavo natural iidvaulagen
poHKCHHUil ly no oilier nation.
Mr, AIIIhoii proceeded tirnhow that thn
blub dutlcri on wool and wooletm luiured
the HhiHip rulnerM an well un tliu maniifac
tururH, and that under the omrauon oi
IIioho ilutliiH iiiIIIh engaged In manufactur
ing Hue wooIuiih "had been comttelled to
abandon luiHlnenn or manufacturu the
coarnent fabrlcH." Mr. Alllnon would
now liu'rcawi u hyhtem of taxation
bu then ho vL'orounlv ilenouui'fld. Thn
deiiianiln of party aie thuri exacting, but
they tun not deniioy tne triiin or lorco oi
pant utterance, H.
(ieu. PraucoU Deuyn I.rglllme bat
been elected I'reHldeut of the Itepublio
of Haytl. Ho will probably have an ad
dition built on the executive iiuiihIou fur
tho accommodation of IiIh name.
Ono hundred and fifty people are re
(torted to lo dead nod wounded by the
recent dlnabtur in Italy, wherein auexcur
oiori train waa overw helmed by a land
idlde. Tliu range along Salmon river Idaho
wan never known before to bo dry an at
prrnent, and the name in true of every
other favorite utainplng-ground of
- -
The Norway Steel and Iron Company
at ISoaton haa decided to go out of LuhI
neaa, throwing COO wen out of employment.
I AmogUUob Building