East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 24, 1888, Image 3

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lt I'IbI'I , l. 1). Wilson, W. S.
I IJycrfl & Co.' huail miller, wuh tlio vie
'tim of un uiiikiisiiiit accident, which,
howoycr, tnli-lit have torinlniitol worbo
limn u dm. no wns c:u iiu si with
rum: i.anci:- vikwi.
....... (VVllll.'lf M 1HH
iDrrKOi'l'"' HrniiPliOIUri..
..... Liut f lllfcUlllVfA V IlIlM ! llt.-...ttr..U n .....It f .1 I. -
0IH(T oi til Vwinii "".viiuiiiii ii i -vi nun hi mg inuiiuii ihupm
llnaxtmllrr ll.i!.iiiilntcili
Tho Mormons nro bunted, which Is u
tiotcnt reiiKon for their iiun-urrlvnl In
I I'oiullcton hint night to ilay tho Stars.
I It Is reported tlmt tho ineinborrt of their
i nlno were liu'oiitinentlv bounced from
.Co.. riiotogruphurt.
' "tufcer, ilunttrii.
, .'licioiiH confectionery
An Inlrr.-.thiR l.rttrr on Tiling. I'nllllriil.
To tho Kiillornf tlip Kil nn-Konlnn.
Uiihhltt'ri iiioliil . !iihI ,11,! .wvi:,rt tl.i.i Imllmv iHnrvtlitii, i.i..,,f .. :.!.!.. .1,,.
. . tu ivv iiwuvw ( -.-.. - m '"Him ( i 1 1 1 1 luu iiiiio were
,uiuro wus iiuio i or so ol wtitor in tlio Wf oi uivs iiews.it.,.i' of liift po Meal l'ortlutul hoteU mitl uro now woiullm:
I"?.!!1' , J. hR f'rwar,ls tu.infuUy .lis- yreuM, no matter how palpable l'o false-, tlelr bvdhVoZV Zl os towa the
urn;. nuun uie nict.ll inwosilll u 11 V i'ie PomeroiH l ie statement. : ..ii. ..f tt. i 'ii..,,.. I.M......W,.
Aim tills wimilotfnl faith ! inn ..tiiituxl i ,, . .' . . . ...i .i. i
tri .mi' ..un ..I ..... . I . i nuiiiiu nun .iii-.wn nun, iwcu iiniiuuii
... ,' . . i ? I"10''11-'' ,rn ,,f I'oiulleton last nM.t. What 1ms ho. i.mo
i9""' j"'iui-iiif nun fuiimiuu
sense, as readily swallow partisan false
hoods an tho inot Ignorant und union
soninir. It l entetta nitii (If vmi Imvn , i...
excellent eomrol of your teniK!n to sitJ l.utei -It
ituu iiniuu id mu I'UIIHY
HniliH-li. 1 If will lio 1 ItruUIHl tlio hem! anil ivis. lint nut
.un iif IViullrloii. and enniiirh In uri-nalmi 1.1... t ....mi t'.i.ii-
r",v : ... ....... iK. ii. l ink. " " --
V" V, S " in win
Uluior tiii-mmiy wrvlro In nis , I t irt said that the eouiitig of I font's
railroad his greatly enhanced the value
of the temaimler. Including .Manager
Aiciirhle, is not known, all of which goes
to show that haehiill Isu Verv uncertain
is sine learned
. ..f ...I. i I., itt , . .ii . t . llltll llHlllll In IWn U.llli..... .. ... . ....
vi jk-m i-niiiiu in Mauaaua, iinu nas ,. , " - "',,," "v i er Aieiiimo skipped out Willi wnai limo
' proven a h itmtixii for the owner of town i ' 'V T11,1 ,l,.l,w' 1 rolllVIiSonl!'t' ,ro , "kk11o tho club had obtained, leaving tho
(property. This would bo u go-.d Hum for '''.i '"'"'V1 ''.'''ivH'on- talk to ! m, ,l0 imei, iuttlatl. onlv two
Pendleton teal eslato owners to paste in j 'VX .1 '' 0NV aun$ ifo"iuttioii, and 0f u,om, .Straubund l'luecken, passed
their hats, and pl.ico under their pillows . wenrn ':, Motin; tliclr favorito newHi.it , thiotii;li town last nluht. tho remainder
nt 1 tit Ilitlllta ill ofiitir tli:it tiinv ltmv iMiiitnn
M-ui umuon;j. i low iney Will CIIUCMC , UL, , oekmlml. ill,...il ,.im- ni-
salve and
ill lake your photos iw
ten tnncK as pruu.
i.'..nli.v. the boot and
14 1110 IllllKlu. """
I. .. ..I. M I TV 1 1 .
i i , V.. A. Walker's a lino
. .,( Cm.u i initio os. nms. iruiis,
crat Vers anil canned goods.
. i,..n.m nf ttmo went into cf
eiitdxiuna passenger hub re
if I...I..,. nniirlt' ulwiivs on
... . ..t.. i.liiil.iniiiliM ut Ward's
the lead. I'on't fall to see
tt. "vi ut it uirfini. linur iihi
I . . ..k ..L I.V.kn...,lli l-ll.T, ll.lll
'.Mil ni'iiir ruiuiiitiiii in
tty hick' man for u limit, is itn
men hat, but W yt uuahlo to
.it ink nn.
(UHIV-PV"! Hi"
fJ.iMi.it nf Him. M. l
HlU tlHI Pvuii
. -ft ..I .., In mint iin
rilHiuan iiiii"iuf
... .... !. ........ t
W. MiMoti, lie muMcau cuiuu-
. . . .. ... tti ...i.i...... .
(nmi Mm lffn U'lltflifV it fill
TJl'IV w j
1 .1 1 II.. ..n 11... t.. II...
....I ..... .... Iiii.l llin nf.
.in,' u eons i oruino Mir. ami
n'turii of ono spism out of tho
Nothint; lite advertising.
it u.t. t..n u inna ill iiiiTiniiiirn
null SUO will uiKO iioarnors
,(ii.r SoveinLer 1st. and nlso
. . . ...
one r i.jui io rum. .um.
... .iit....i.Tit 1'iiit iifiii kiln nil
ill I'iiiii iiriu .... .... '
1.... II... Wa.jl.tli liHi.k .11.1 II
II II . t'..ll.. C. I...U .f.
Utlll.l .1 ll. Tlllllll.J . 111." "I
,K the nli' of t in ian en
I :. . r. . ' . .
Millillllv of u ktlll lower nrlcti
m In freight rates can tie kc
II...- T M ll.vv.l a.i.t
Wlutidicr, on'Taniiliso Hill,"
; i,t....
. . . i..
l.ml'ltirf M'sliloni'i'S. mill Is
.... ..i ... ii....
iviiii;ii mm it lu ii.u.
ii certain railroad man who
. aim . t . . ll 1. ..
! un eHHiiKJd rouvicl. lio
. i ... inr t it . r ...
A . it.. J II. ...1
1 1 ILll'llllll l iull 1ILUU1 1 I 11 1 II A
ihoAing that his oxpcrleiico
i i . i. ..i...
fully uwaro that Ihev are urui ii:illv iiIh.
Ing Hoinethlng which would provo bene
llelal to them und the town, and should
walio tip and do somntlilng.
Tlio public are invited to make iiso of
tho Kant Ohkoonian llbraty, wherein
tlioy can skjiii1 an idle hour to good ad
vantage reading books, voriod!ealH and
tho nowspatiers of which then.' is always
a generous supply. It is the aim of tho
Hint Oiikoiinun to 1hi liberal, fair, oner
getie and wide awake, and nothing
pieases.it morn man to huvo ixoplo unjoy
me iow messings u can isjstow.
nur me i osi inviui wi . curveted against tickets, In Oregon's metropolis. It looks
v, .............. . uiuou ei Hiuo.anusay u, Uiongli .Mcltridu had arranged tho
Ti, n V i ,,,.ack.?st gnie with the Stars merely (or a little
against the other parties. Wo are , practical joke, and then wont on to Salt
all more or less prone to give ere UitUo. It Is rather a complicated mix
ii.i'i . .i" i""J"1 1 'fundcil ttnu. anyway, and this mav not be tho
charges laid at the doors of our enemies, i Htrniulit of it.
whether it bo in Iwlltics, soeietv or rellg !
ion. 1'owofus are willing to admit that CnlMpitlKii lrll.l.l l.iU'liliic hi I'rmllr
tho devil Is not so black as he is painted; in.
most of tis think much tuoro mludit lio ! it...... ii u u iii.t.. i.. ii i. i...
, , . it.. , , . ..;.v. .i n t- ...I... n.-r. .....ii . .i.j ..T.l'.n
(added without oveiilrawlng the subject. )0 Presidential election, and not a
rp. ., , v. 7" , . 'strain of stirring cauipaign inusio has
Tho (th of November drattcth near, iM011 i;iirit )n Pendleton, and members
I ami till iii'rinv will mwiii lm nvnc M tint i . .1. . 1 1 .1 .1. ... . ...i n
.1 w v....... .i..t.. t.t 1.1. 1 1, : rv... .. .. 1..1. ... r.. ,r. .....: " . ,i p. " i .".
ii . .1 . f.i. K hi T ,. . ' ' ' "..'"V""1- in tlio Km, the light of enthusiasm,
II I . , It ,v,'!'r'L""'t;,, 11 Hlt"'J "ln.ln l!!JMH.l.?l'ur.u",Il iUo ?,fronV:(.'h,, ,ar- torchlight pm-esslons, rallios mid brass
ol nulcs for '. S. livers , & Co., the II," "freu trade," ' protection," "Chinese muAa W-cetli llerco and strong. In Now
auitnalsurrlving I riday. Hiey are coal ( luimlur.itlon," und tho numerott-i other ! York (ltv tnusicians ate at iinretniuin.
IlltW! fltlil tut Hilling urn iiri llti ' ilmllliili illljlutltiiti noil' II 1 1 . .hmmi . r i . .
iiiimi tjt Minion
..... - 1 -'-- . 1 1 fi 1 1 1 1 11 : 1 11 1 n iniiM 1 in 1 iivnrv ii'imi in
1 rittero," being. valued at flOO. They shoot, great and small, all over the land. ! itrooklvn ami Now York, und have a
will bo used for hauling tho mill triiuk, I imagino the editors 'f America will ; 0olner-n ,,u IMUHcai nuirket. intending
for which heavy work they nro fully 'be us happy as their readers when ; , m,i01l( ii,c!r stock of parados, etc., a
capable. ; they can drop heir eiinibrous, monoton day or so before election. No brass baild
Tlio bulldlnif eommitteo who were un- ,,1K 1" ''il eal fal'Crs.rest their erlniped flu eould bo nroeured for lino or inouev In
I 111 Mm .1 Tl
lVkL'iiuiiii in 11 mv i uiitrati.
. 1 . t .
1111 iiriMiui'M itiiiii in mi liirri'i-ii
! t t
to do and ,1m now lo.sor.
. . . I . . A . . . I..llf .1 ft
mnnnvih noi uh iiirniii m hhii
nn uiiiiir iml'iii 111 ituiil in iiiu
t i-hlkiivniillll tl jllTi IWAilllli
tiw canine lumtwii un and
Moral All poisoned dogs do
It is liettur to use 11 idfltol.
up yesieniav morning iron)
1 11 1 1 m 1 if lit tin fi'tiu
l'eiulli'ton and ti.acod titular
Dr Miiccnt. Tho man fell
11 1 .1
lift esciiiiwl .annlliihillnii hv
llo Is mjt Hcrlously Injured.
h.. ........ 111. .. I. .....Il
n.viiT.iu I'njrnni iv lviirn mm.
nit in vuiu. Wlroa woro
L .1 .. .. .. .
i inn iii'Miriiciivii m 11111. huh
liifcomtiiitteo w 10 were un l""" " l " ri -iiir" ii- coil d Ho tiroelired lor uo or inouev
pointed to confer regarding tlio erection gfH, unit clear ineir wearv Drains i uio eithor of these cities bv Hie Hopubllcans.
of tho .outhorii Methodist Church in plViH with which thov have Uen 1 1 Is probable that tho IVmlleton band
I'ondlehm. mot this aftenusjii at ono jvros ling for the paM year, before lesunt upi, l0 H.rf,.0ty willing to bo thus
o'clock II Is not learned as yet what brighter and less tedious cornered.
action was luil, but It Is pnibablo that 1"','1 ' everyday, cominon-placo jour- .
overythlng was mado iniMileioiH for the "al'siii. Ul "onuncp.
siKiedy election of the neV church. 1 .'residential eampalgiis. like nil good , , l)e rc.mll)!t0)l Unit aultoui ap-
Tho tln-roofof tho warohou-o of tho tliliiKH, conio but oiico In four years, and lK,aleA in Um Kast Diikoosian iMluinns
fZ-tI i t ZlZ r' v Sp.. ' r.V.BJ ! .. ..'Iv,m . "l'1""1; io.no tl.no a'go. iegai.1 the death of Henry
1... .. t.V.i.. . "1 .. . f. I...." . . J oiumit, ciiarpiig ami , nrv .is.U...br.it inrn A. .iH.ir.i.fniiiiPr.
counter chaw ng, oncyclopa-illii-ransack. ly of 'omieton, dm lug his voyage homo
liigatiilMiatlstl.craiiiinh)glia.ltobo kept (ril), (jcr,mmv, with a Ismny btldo
up year In and year mi hero would no , iioni ho .rociitwl In the old win. try.
bo enough sane eople. left In the I tilted jt WI1H 0f cottro, a sad storv, but Its
HntiM to 1 take cato of hoo driven Insano I K.itiess has Ikcii modified soiiit'what bv
bv it. itnt the heat. I'xcltoment and feel Ui. ..1 1.. m .11 . i- .ii . .
I1......1.. u M I,1 ., ,. ii.i. i r.. i T .. ... . . . .. ... 1... 1. . .... .. .... 1 10 nii-iiv iiniuinu-u ill uiuiu ii iiimvi
. I nil. . , .iiitinillll 11. r, ,1.1 in, n, . un- , lnu ytl M1VCI1 I r L'UIII IIIIIIIII1S III UVOr.V lOUr (, ul.Hui'll lirllln 111 Ijuiir.l lirilllllir
land, cutno up last night witli U.o Indian, j years soon subside and things iesu.no "f0 the deceased .naklnli 7mV t . nd
.noses, who was uiKon oeiow recouuy oy tneir normal course unit little or no nad i,m. a n .1,1,1. u,i,. 1...1I,,,
... ...Ii 1 . t .... I .1 I . A . It ' V ' - -MV -V V
resuHs.oxi-p iiaiewuir iisi eiiieiiii i.iousp..ulll.(. , H l)MH.r.,(l i,.t the h iss ill
the winds yesterday afternoon. Tlio ex
tent and nature of tho damage dune by
the frisking zephyrs cannot be learned,
but it is supposed that It must I si consid
erable. A force of men was engaged to
day lu repairing tliVvreck.
recently by
was sentenced to
l I' T. 1. 1 I ...
11 , .1 . I'liriiisn. .nusiis
" . 7 . 1 Vf IV . . U;V 1V1 i. iMMfi miii'ti oiw tim; iiuuncu iiciiu", uiiii t-onplo have i-ettled In Weston, where
and w II Im in tlio ,!r.rk"VHf f his coll thu world 10I s merrily on to tho next, Mr' UoilVwillengage In thobutcherbus.
when tho light goonv)itt. cainj.'.ileu. J hediio iro.dlctioiiij that onnj,,
Portland Is 111 il furor of oxpeclaiiOC "-"rfoil commonwealth wh! golo pfwo! ' .
over the eonili.L' of Kintna Abbott, tho If Cleveland, or I arri'on, or HsU, or rur iirnlt.i!r.f.U Min,.
groat ongstrcs.;, whoi-o career witli her
company since bur last vi-it to tliu l'a
elite Caist, over tlio I'ast and South, has
been ono of triumphal musical compicst.
Anntlinr frpiiV- nf viMterd.iv'H wind was
to blow over a large ireo in tlioyard of.M.
t .I... I 1. I . .1.. I .. Ill ....... .... t' . . . .
I.OCKWOOO 1SUICC en will ruiiiu ij iihii. i Mr. W illi JohllSOII HUUIIinil Illsl 0V0-
float iiwtiy like a stiniiner cloud, , nn., vu ituktir Cltv from the (iranllo
and we, tho masses, will do lust us Creek mines. He rooits the .Monu
piiispeious and happy as if our favorite tnuntal mines lu operation again iiflei
eandldiito woro elected. ho ptqblem of ivnc t.11.. for ,,ui.i years. Cable Hros,
oxistenco will resolve itself Into tbesamo 1 ;.IV K ler eomvntrator at work In
In lilow iivor 11 lnrt!ii ireo in tlio van! ol.M. I""' . .v- v... iiumi kui inch iuih.viihi.iui m ni.
wards tho street. Mad it fallo.i on one of "7 ? "ork. I''
the housos lu tho near neighborhood, the
cjiiseiiueucos might have been disastroiid.
Tliu Walla Wulla press dlsputehcn to
the .Seattle I'ost-lntelligeniersays: "W.
II. Habcoek, tho wheat king of I'tireka
Flat, rocontly refused uovoiitythroo cents
a bushel for Ild.OOd bushels. Ho holloves
tho price will yet reach fl.OO."
The Pendleton Klectrio Light mid
Power Company liavo purchaMMl to-day
three now electric light inachlneH which
will more than thrlhle tho capacity of
their plant and when complete will sup
ply every demand for light.
lulies who entered into a fall house
. . . .f 1 .. .1.. .1... . .........
I Cleaning cauipaign iHiiurr 1110 mini ruiiiii,
are now cleaning notisa over ugaiu, uu 01
which Is very pleasant and calculated to
put tlio gissl ho.isewlfo lu 11 very cheerful
humor with tho elements.
The ornameiitul top of 0110 of tlio
steeples m tho Pendleton hotel was
blown ti tho ground hv yesterday's
wind, Hhowlng the necessity of thorough
braeiiiR against futuro attacks by KUstorn
Oregon wind-storms.
A now iron turn-tablo bus linked, and
Is u massive und substantial arrange
ment It will bo UHcd to transplant thu
old wihmIuii ono now in uso ut the yard,
which In many ways has ln-en found to
be iinxatisfjctory.
Pom-iuI of lliogaugof iirisoners who
esoai"il frojn tho Spokane Palls jail, in
cluding a murderer or tw", have been io
cuptuiud, ami many of tho roma!ndr uro
bciag grinUially hnnteil to earth bvvlg-
nun' miicers,
come to our board tlirough loll. It will i,H,cirt for tho mut voar for tills
take money to buy clothing und luxuries, ,mn,K Hectlon an. very oneouraglng,
ami back of this, It will ropnlre labor to
pioeuio this money, notwithstanding tho
promises of the doughty knights lu tho
IKilltli.al arena, who uro now ollerlng um
these tilings without money and without
prico if we will only trust the ship
of stoio to thls or that particular com
mander. The result of tho. election may
make rwino dllloreneo lu the high plai-es,
but to tlio ronimon toiling tm.sscs the
dillereiiiv will bo hi slight that you or I
cannot preoeivo It, supss!ng wo bad the
tltno or Inclination for niluuto ciimpari
suns. Ciimpaig i arguments and prom
ises am principally talk, and iuik Jo'Lllnnl Mibslilwl for Ulsdiivs on wuterciess
know, Is quoted choap lu the market oIiaIJ(l c,kecherrlrs wllfiln sight of tho
Overy dajv,pruetlenl life. If talk, puro I)oM un,j H well Im Imiiglned, tho
and slinpto, could reduco tho tarltr, nl Utruiigi break on his tutrt Is cro.itltu u
the workiinnnan's wags, bar out ! h0nutlou lu Wulla Walla. With tho
ChlneKj, adjust the dillerenco lictwcen ; kimi of nursing, ho will recover,
capital and labor, purify K)litics. r bring Tin suniHised reason for his act Is that he
Jay (iould and other money uuinoruis u , Hl(( 0t 0n a drunk 11
ovcrylhliig iKilnlinu to g.o.it progress bo
lug mado. Tho .Monumental will con
tiniio work thiougli the winter, and will
probably buy rock from other mine lu
that locality to enable It to run full time.
Mr. Johnson will ieurn about November
1st to the mines, where hu will winter.
--- - -
Wnllit V.MIn HM1..II
The soldier found u short distance from
tho Walla Walla gurrlscu recently was
named Kdwln H0II11. When ho demoted,
lie weighed 'JU0 pounds, and w him found
was reduced nearly nan ins weignt. 110
a rtMllnlng sonso of their Iniquities, all
I thbiL's would be the ordi-r of
the dav, anil tho mlllenlnm would bo
close uton our l)eols. Itut It won't ; and
ho who Is wise will accept all this cam
paign talk at its commercial value, and,
after casting his vote, will thank the
Iird election is over, for the pa-scut at
jount, lin:i: IjAM'i:-
Wl.ilnlll't Vlolfl t'rriiin
Is the most exquisite preparation in
tha world for softening and whltoniug
the hands and face: Nothing enters the
monsl tmtunnn I TuiTit llin nn I
ei.,1 1I....II....I.... a.. I liA .... I I
. . . . . " : . ' 1 .... .1 1. .n. iiii.... i.d.'.i nr.
-...ivv4 y n, t uu :jreaKMges 1 ' 1 , iul r,i
..11 1 1 lit . 1 mirnii iiiiw it 11 111 11 hit. 11 111 Vi'Miin 1 w v
1H11I I Ml fin 11 1 III I M II IH Ulllt7 IIL'iilMHIIIM (1111a
I lf " I T t 1 1 ,'IWIHJi"
t..,tlfl riiH'.t Tluiv nru tvrtUlMlV rCi1nT In I.
. "ivi IIFIirtvt " ' " . - -- m n n -'IIV
, ... - ( Ml VII. . I flMIHIM'MM'
mi k n i . i
Lwlil.mnflliisdullirlitfiil toilet art!
c!oMl'l''' 1-1I ;'v',rl""H '' 'll'loutid P. A. Surgeon, I
until after roll-
call, and wus ufr.ild to return to the sst,
Wlmt n Noti-it rii)li'iiii Nn)..
CiiicAtio, .Ian. .'list, lss.
W. M. Wisdom.
I)i:au Sir: Ah you loqueslcd 1 hao
examined tho formula of vour toilet
preparation, called "Knls'rtlno." I
can assure you that the ingredients aio
botli bland und liarinlors. arid that thu
eoiusiund would form un excellent uppll
cali"ii in irritated euiiilhions of the hkiii.
i?nrs truly.
AiiTin u "Oi. an Hn'tx, .M.
Prof, of Anatiuiiv Hush Medical
S. M. II
most iMn ato skt;i. ami uutaotl, it might - - ,
' taln in'- null) il rfwt safety. I Walla Walla Union : Tho now ultotrie
It I, . nl tt subslituhj for. but hi light Is hi w I lt I has been HUggeBtod
I AV.irv twi'm. siltrlor io g ycenriu, .uu- nun n mnu i .-"
IOtei.Tipvv. imii'viiv! . r j. . ... ..ir,.,i in niiiko urramrements.
uoin cieam. -: - - . y--- - ,;. - ; . p, ,,,..
iiX nltlVII HUH Until i nil i nr-v-i !'-'
iir.itni itniinor m :kv mir
' . .. t......A.II. t ...... t- lallllt lilflltllirr II UMlMl 11
Mliml-.rnr la iitriiL'Oimtt hV ft I . . t- . . l-lil uli tv't-U lllliv ltd WWII lllim"ui- u uui w. pit v f .b. n. "
Hhii Ti itiiraiiJ iii7inlriftM tfi it I u H5pliliu-in 1 cfntury uxciirtiiflo ph j tf5ii.iviiiti It. Kor iwinlcnw-n'n fcchemo mttn v,UIi favor Hio I n on
U,tn kind hnn taken vUvo wf'W. K. mnwr m h v"' 1 ;.r -huvini!. it uiU wltliout nn doca nut iwlievo u wouui 10 u kihmi Vm u
nr i.i. ni..i.i l, .Aiiiiifi tKiiiiuK nn uu nun i iiiu i-vm-v-. .- i-vyi i i u ij .i.mIiiiiihiii' l'tw ii iiiii'ii iiii in iurrvii ihu (iitiii -n
at it U next oltn iwMlbla to roukln f,,r " ' AH 01 ,,ltw 'S hthlv t. easit g in Hw fo-t" The j-opular idea that the c ectrle ligni,
PC ffiil. JU I a rn. ,tlt v of tho Fat nu'rH Cus-! 1 "s " iil t the skin. twcuum of its tsiwer. will igbt n very ox-
--v.. . ....v, ............... ... ":,., .,.,.. ,.., . nn ilin lllliyn r, -- . , . .,,. u, ,..,. a ,.... f, Ul,iii,sS.
iizciniii.mil .inifa iinii vi.th i iiitti .ii 111 n in a iih.t ."-j .. ... t,,, ,ir miu i,n , ,v ........ .... -
of the moon election. PenioorutB and Itopublleuns ; , emoiiut ellect havo possessed tho ---
. , ,ne U T'1 v 7. m, .o,.l, oilier to nut It up. . 1 f.?, . SIi.i-fturesof Isdng either Terrlblo sullerlng from MnrvnMoii Ib
-., .-,,. v,.,.,.n..n , , i .1... ....... i i, i '.in. .. .. .... .i,i niinii i sun: uul i hii i renoneu uiiiuii mo i"
"1 the streets iHgottlng to 1 i neat in ' :"""..," '"T ... , mthelv over an Norlliwcst Territory, and it. Is
Wlline Ijist night. lnor-'dleton, una i w " tr ..Ti,. r: ii .I"?" ,i of Wis lom's Vio said that in tho Peace Hiver district
theynuneJers a wWsomo two cents can U taine bj sellers ut cotne It. the pns ot x a(, Mten
liconflnecTthem The Mechanic.' Pair at lytlandvo., dlstliictlva vir.u ne-m
ThU radical medicine- 'tlnues to draw largo crowns nigiiuj. or oy" " , . ' - -"
, , i in lAiiivAi iii,.n" iinuun if Hum ... :' . . .. ,,, ,, i,I.wl .
i.i.. i r . . . ..i.i... ..in i, ml., tinivii ..i(i.i.i At 1 1.14 kind.
"! iuvo hid nesireu oiieci ior pt0M!Ut exntoiiioii "" i . ",--.-- ,.r ..rnvimt ni! and
. ni-vertholess. a strinirent or- lKrcatly protltable. " 'V 1 . hafed and
"i' l Mrs. Tom Uradley Is making lliu - T'n" . irritations. It
tylVniisnit Stock .;w,,er? in at,l Hom. restau.aut a vw lPP.lr ( ""-VlnK H" Hofte.
-v aic nun in inn iiiiui.1. ui mo i .ii'iin mill iit-i 1111 .
, acta
i and
i....i.i.. .if tim skin nnn h r
,ul'. A general horse irathr.r ! .lerorvpd. t , .. . an.n it7.ton tends to prt-r-erve it from the ao
la prirevs In the l.owcr Pon- UiuH advices from Hlot IU?k are to , U' ion tt i .J(I HUnVhInej .
- - ' tim I A 1 1 L.U IIUIII IIIIV W -Till M 1 1 I, L 111411 - -. . A . I.niil ummi Till I'M UIlll ttliai -
ill Iih tlnr..iinliK. Mivlied. ,i...l u ill ih'iilbtless pull through. re",V","J,. 7i '.i,
-aUring as)ut fifty "bnccar- Mp'iianlel OMIarraN rcisirted to bo 'our , ' . ,
- mh niirn, anil oy inn uuu- i . ,. i,,,i.i,iviii. 110 m .mictrd.
.. ... - ,1111,.. .. .... ,. ,ir..r..,i
"'' .n.i. u .....lriirt- mail iiavo nuncivu
" Tl,: ..oa.Ts for months, tho disease
lmsiness Irom
nninhed it is s;ife to nav there
klr-.. j
Wly HeiiuK-rat Parlie
V"lite-.t vf JUkor
unurni ith mill
ii. : t r , a oue-ieiilset. v
llorcarrvini on .rtnBivo do.. T ' ..ui
' - - . 1IIIS In HJJI.
. i ...:..,. ..until I'enilletonian, is . -i.a..... .Ham
Ul-lkllihi-'F"" - - .I. r...., IllJIH I llvi.ll... .. . 1 I f .. ,
.... i.miinPH from his Oranl i.... i, ir..l mi'iliiad aid. I am now
fcnrVltv toll . '
maInc overy . ni1(,.i..lfeti eoou has Iteen doing tho . , un(ler whoso treatment
a 'I . ... . 1 . . .1 uini.llli in ' .
ai lino iwi , .Mb...r. jjggu cured.
VOrk .ttirti.r. 1l,n vrtnt(.r
Srding and lodging housea
l rT I I 1 lctn
jioeral air of confldence in
IBMfVtlr .L. l-.a
v I.V U4BtW , 0 .
are gnuerally carta la ol
' iwmil g Uyond medical aid. I am now
11 t ha tiks to Mrs. A. F. Itrlsbin, raeta
.c .'. t' " ,..ir wtinsfl treatment I have
J. P. lU-bllKK.
aaloonH, etc.
Charles Ravburn 1. now in Mo-cow,. Several new .tall. Wea '"13
So 1 SfiSdta the butctcrbo.1, 'houae. and a number of Wft'S
M ta'SSl5ffi!Sd whlchwill r.ly co
tJitJ - iSBiW by-d.by..
Ti,,. rr.u.iiunf K.uv York um nof cer
tain of wlunliigllioworld'scha.nplonshlp,
und every player gets his salury doubled
Great Slaughter of Goods !
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes, A flue
lot of Men's Furnishing: Goods; A large
stock of Harness, Saddles and Blankets.
Fine lot of Eubbor Goods below cost.
James Wheelan,
r. r. itoiMKvr.r.T.
K. II Itt MtMONt).
R. T. K. CO.
Go and .see ('lieii ner style Pliotots
"The Russian.7'
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
RH T- R. Co
Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Succosaoro to J. A. DrliKS.
Sash, Doors, and Building Material,
A.t Bottom Prices,
-I'llHI'lttiri'HlIK ol
The Star Restaurant,
MtltVH Till".
us. m.M, msmi ..-. . ....
Miiln Stn-i't, lii'lim' Vlllnnl lintel.
rmidli ion, Or uu
New Goods for the Fall Trade
AT L'tWHIt I'ltK'K. THAN i: T.H
Boys' Express )Vngons, Voloclpotios, C rla' Trlcycloa,
Plcturo Frnmoo.
A Complete Line of Artists' Materials
Kiir nil hliil I.H-lKi I'tiliM Ititr mi t l'.ii . I l' i-r Mil'' ilnl
Tlio I'liici-t l lin1 nf MiilliiiH'ry i'vi'i ku in Ui rity, nml 'it Ixjwttr I'rUvri.
.1 T.i hISK Ol' ItASh UT.S.
Bargains on the 5, 10 and 25 Cont Counter.
Mrs. Tom Bradley. Proprietress.
MlnStrrcl rniuriii.
i .. m.u..Iu.m u...illllilflltutl'lfl. HuHll.
qurlJrforc.mmrrcll J've'rr- Th t
runtie of Uif pulillo Mllrltl. prlui- uo
pln to pUhho them,
All iiartlM u.lnii cltr vrater r rciutl
to prot:t lhlr pli from tnt, n In no
(Ui will rbte benllnwfd for froen plpfc
IrtU wlibln ImllMiontliiu Uie um of wa
ter for irrlnatln or other putiKie mutt o
notify lb huprrntnliil, a rtsular rate
will b.ebarSutll A?Vm"Si IH.
ocMltr HupUWaUr Works.
flo.W.Sixx, 0. H.Woodabd, 8iwol Hmsiiu, FidK.1m
Snell, Heitshu & Woodard,
Sfloceoaors to Hodgo, Dsvls A Co., and Holtsliu, Woodard A Co.,
"Wine and Bjiiil Mei'diau trf,
QUOT PONSAROIN CHAMPAGNE. tYellow Label.) indswltm
Alexander &c Frazer,
ir.A!,Klt-t IN
General Merchandise.
Olotwng, Hats, uaps, uress ana
Fancy Goods.
Family Ghroceries a Specialty.