'JDA.1LY. - Am n a D I WW aOkXIl A - - - T CAAA TIIIAl. St'llM'nillCKS TO Ovvlvl tiii: hast hui.iionian. sinii vi;i:ki.v - aoc. IIAII.Y ..... 7fln. E. O. PUBLISHING CO., I'riiilli'tnii ... Orrirun. da uounty Scrip taken at par officii on Subscription. Adver- r job Printing Account. I. PJiNDLBTON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1888. NO 201. i,oiiuk niKKirroitv. "s ,. n, f .. il if. I 'Vii-rtf Mnmlxy lllltlll In OdUrf'll ill. T. .M. lloVli, HWJKCT ;,mis- ' ileJTMt No.isi, It". A. M. ! n:l i tin. Mnmnlo Tempi". on ' . I..... llf Hlll lllf ITU II . Ill jl.lll j. " f"iiKK. ii. r.i f-ii. 'i.ni'M.s. : y. . i ilii f ootid Hint fourth Moil-! !. month, '" 7" vi'M'K. I "r.1. "il.,. Mn.nulM Tcllln ( Otl I IP . i l. i urn iiniM til .'.Mill iiii.iii,, ... ,.k. T. J. oiii.i.ii'J't ,, : n:,vrv"irv. i I ntidK NO. 111. A. I i. 17. w. . Mi'PW "...'.. ..! tit tlm l'm I in 111 t! 0 oVIook. .1. CJ. l.KAHITIIK. SI. . TCHTIN. ItCOOnlT. try B uruiiy yiiiHiK m ....... " I, I lliKhrnlirk, u. . l.lli II lUIVWT VII IT I If Til. I. A r .IL llil I .'I...1 ' ..w, ,, I. MPPlll Oil ll'll hcvonil till', liifL j llf CIIIMI hWtllll, HI Il-iHO'l-IOC. vwimuhi:. C I'.i K. K.SHAHo,Hrrlt,e Rothctiild & Bean, -DKALEKS IN- .1 ..... ............ . r ntwii.- iv ii i.i ii 1 1 1 1""1 - - . - - - - i. MieU tll limi mill mini mum . .i. r.ii'ii iiiimhii. .... i Mil .ii tr iil ii Ii II 'ilil I" imwtr nun nvrr.v i 1.'lll.....l,.f. .1. I 1.1-AHttlll'. l! U'lllTAKIOI.IC. Of It.llllllP. ON IjOMIH N(). I. K. Of l. Meet. III Id Krllinvn' Unll every Wetlnr,iliiy , ml -:M n'rlcirk. M. MoitHIIK.VI), (J. ifAIIrl r;i,n i." iMtiinin, l ittt-ltV PHUT. f. A. I!. mp' til llul iiviti Tlilirsilnv nlulil. ... ...... I'.uuiiiiiiiiliir. .1 . IiiU'iim I int. I TT0UMCY!v i TIN riiiKK .v ruiiWH. , i j ui rjnil I JIM. KlI'HIIH ImiiiiI III, A . will- 1...1. I.u.ui I..4.... Ilr...riin in . I n.. I. '". .. .MAM I'MIHlSH ATTOIXNKY' AT ijnr Oil r.' ItiMim No. II, A'voclll luck. Oliillelon, Ureicnn. I. 1 V A nVI.I.KItAY. ATTOHNBYM II, 'iMT 'lll'T ItiMim I, 'J, a mill I A iin lllofli, IVlnlli'toli, l.lr.'KOII. kii a Krr.oi:ii.i,u. attohnkyh i Uh', I r hi. No. 1 iiml 0, Akrorht. I1I AS. ATIOIIM'.Y AT LAW., Iimcf Mul it Hln-i'i, in Thoiiipniii. , artllnllilli ,ovl llii' 1'i.ot-CJIllrt-. I A A Ml VIM. ATTOIINKYH AT l,AV. a. li r Klini Nml.HK.1 llniilt, IVn- I, OII'XO'I. I'.lll Tl II Kit. ATTOItN l!V AT LAW, IfiilfrvlllH.Orrzoii. will pnirtlr,' urti ul Ori itiiii uuil A'lu.liliintoii. (,il ... ...i ..i . i At. ItiMitn .1 1 1 1 1 it l of tho '"I' lixt ur. . M ...Il.il.... ......... ....... .....I II . General Merchandise. Main and Alta Sts. $20.00 REWARD ! Twtmty !l)ollr gold niece will be give to any one who will iiud ii (5UO013RY S'l'OKK in IVndlelon, tlmt will ?ell GROCERIES reguliirly elieuper tlian they are Helling tit the BEDROCK STORE. ...,........,. ..... ............... .11, ItlllTKIt. PHY'ICIAN AN'OHIMI. 1 ml IVui'hiT of ChrlHIImi Holciicc i r iii.i'iiii'. i iifihuiiiiiioii rn.. i;iuh I. .,'ftll.l Riuir iir Il.illll.ili , tin. l'. lull. ..... 1 1. ,...,.. I - I I sum m iii irvlnn. ilmif torp. j i "ui;iiii i . pin lirr. eiiYriuiiAN ani "uitcmn, uitli'i t-Ovnr "Moorliomip it klm'I.. I'i.iiiUhIi.ii. Ilr'n I Mnnrlintiip ft O.n.'i atorp. ltcl J linen, on Irffl ll..r f'.iiirl .lr..t. If nlill.lifl imnii.i iiiu.ii .... i.i.i.i, ...... .ul... I'll. wttl. K.iin'inl iiitontlon kIvpii In the I '..'Mil.. ...... I-II.IM.W... IlKNTISTS. B. BKATIK. IiBNTIST. UAH AUMIK- latrMl I I kil. luTlwimii. Jiuiii nwrritiui iiwiui" I i my ciihIi and' MKOHANICS. lUnjrr, Wiirk nniiiiultv done. iuv f Willi m. m .... J..... ' n iivuivi be uitntPi on nmn SELL FOR CASH And can mid will make lite BEDROCK STORE Tl e eheaest Grocery Store in town. I Have no Old Stock to dispose of All goods are now and t"rth and of the BEST QUALITY. I intend to tcoop tbo lead in High Grade and Low Price goods or will pay the above, reward to the one who earns it. P. A. CARRIER, K I'arkek. rosrnAfrron and faculty. KHlltuHteft urnlilifd mi lice. K. hi ll?fu 4 l riL'VPVl I VI I llUUufr. Iuvm unlPM Ml rulllli. I IU.IAM HOPEn, HLACKHMITH AND it . "' iKtT. mm unu on.. "a iua bem LMiihie inanuer. and on alorNiitHelns, kNK.tUT)W.N, H0U8K OAKKIAQK MulsiKn I'ulntom. IVnUleton, Oregon. PP Ull VlniKii, .1.1 ..u.r I'.nirl vlrMft.. 'U'ihiriiUlifsl on Uort notice. OrUein "'""luinry win receive prompt imq. ; I Him rutinting K ipeclulty. . 'ILUAM WILKINSON. I'HACTICAL ' HAti'li PI..-I, t Via. i.Im 1 . WV lM I.IIIUUUIIIUWI I KS'I the above l-raucuM. All worn Fa nt. unlet, ul Ilrluit'ri old .IhbiI. Main '.leuilletou. Oreifou. "SK DUPUAT. HTONK AND 1IKICK k!!.!""1 tnouuiuenl LetttnKiia apeolalty; K kri J' Pkteriii, all klndi of 'one Wwt trt-proof partltloim. jOtld Fellows Building. Main and Alta Kts. FURNITURE, CWRPETS. E. 0. & B. M. WHEELER, -DK.Vt.KUS IN- rE?fc)J UAKVEAU. PHOriUETOR OK ,uT Beard of Traae," Oor. Miun and ub.Sru PenUletou, Oregon. Krtdw J cTron dfun' ,'Be Wlnra, LIq. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTHS, SHADES, MATTINGS, ETO. A Complete Stock of Furniture and Oarln. Our Stock Covers 6,000 Feet of Flooring. , (JOODS KOI.!) ON KASY J'AYMKNTS. E. O. and E.- M. H;jlELEip tUCCCEStOIVt TO FORBES WHEELIW, , , .... I'endletoa, Or. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS. tiii: whhat makkkts. Dmtrttctlir fori-.t I'ln-. ItHllnmit Win- In Oiinailii Itrrlilml AKHln.t Hit, I'ltrpnl t'otltl-Klmir Mill llurtiril-l'lnrd SlOO Itare hi ICugUml. lU'.HTKIICTIVi: I'OUKST riltKH A WKAVlJIt ON WOOL Ittiglng In Thrpp Coiintlf SnrroiimllngMin I Hp ? Tlml thp "IkI TiirltT I'lirretl Mini TIIK WIIKAT MAKKKT. Tim .Mrki-t WvnU In Mini I rntirl.tii A Ilnt'tlnp III ChlraKii Vry Hull In l.lipr- pool, and I.iimit lu Ni'w York. Kritiili,rii. San KiiANi'int'0, Oct. L'8. l orcct llr8 nro niRltit? lit tliu Ihreo wiitilltm htti roiinillii San l'mnclnoo. In Suntit Cruz, county nillw o( trccn lmv boon ilo- stroyod. mul tlio lirert utn ho rutmlly cov erliiK tlio territory tlmt coiiHlilcrablo ularni in felt that tliuy extend to farm property. Iro broko cut yeHterdny ulturiioon In n Htrctch of trecu buck of Sun Unfurl, Murln county, uud in llorccly out ox u.v !... .0........ ii.- .11 ti i . Iiiiriilnu taw inornliiK, Men nro SAN I'ltASCIM'l), Oct. ''. Dm wlicut I il.Il1,li,.n (!,minn .....P villi r,,l,l,lv uiurkul wuh very wcuk this morning, und tlnuuiHli them (IiIh nftornoon. A do buyer tlio your dropc(l two cuiitH, closing tdruetlvo llro in riming In tho hllN, flvo nt l.(Ml'.,. Novomlwr dropped P ecntH, n,II,! northoiwt of lIuywurdH.in Alnniedi; .., , 4, ,,,, .' . ' foiinlv. Tho wholo country iHulurmed T ""1 T,,u" "" hiuHh out bnttllim niruliiHt th lire. If tlio wind cotitlnuoH to blow, a ropetlilon 78 Ctii(!A(io,Ocl. '.'. Thero wuhu decllno ,f al veiir'n tllKiitrouH cotilluurutlon Ik of -,Jii centtt in .ovcmucr wiieut to-ilay. 1 not ul all unlikely December mul May wiieut wuh Mliilitly lower, cloning at tl.l ljij and f 1.10. Niiw Yoiik, Oct. U'4. Tim heat ruur-1 kel clwed to-day at u kiiiiiII declino. Oc-' UAll.UOAl) WAIt IN CANAIIA. TIip I'nimilliin l'n.llln Itallrnait Ntlll Until I UK tlip I'nrt AKiilnat tlip NortliPrn, WiNMPKii, Oct. L'll. Contrary to ox IK'clatioiiH no attempt Iiiih been uiiido to ellect the criwsliiK over the Canadian Pai'lllc rollivad truck. Tho track laying Katig t'outluued orutloiiri uud laid ralln up to the IiIkIi board fmico orecled by tho 1 1 nniKiian ruciuu ran roan. Miorintcn , dent White remained cotiHtautly at tho m'oiio of oK!rutloiiH with tlvediiiudred . emtiloyoH uhoaro kept tlieio day and niuht, U'lng fetl and cared for by tho j company. They are bound to rcM at I all liazanN, hu'vltiK imicrutlo iiihtruc Ioiih from Mr. Van Hot no to do fit. At tho iciiifit of tho Canadian l'aclllo , railroad the Im-al milllla aro bulni; held I In icuillncHH for einoriiiH'k'M. Al VINST TIIK I'AltCNT IIOllltT. 1 Thi Cili'linilnl Anrli'iit OrilfruT l'nrt-i r. Sliiml nllh tlinAiiii'rlriiiiCiniri. ti.w KiiAst ihCo, Oct. L:i. Tho District ' Court of California, Ancient Order of I'm- cstcm, ban decided bv a voto of L'S to 5 to support tho SuliHldiury Utah Court of America, which bus been HUHitcmlcd by tolmr, M.OS; .November, 1.10?o j Do cetnlwr, $1.11' May, $l.ldV l.ivmii'ooi,, Oct. 21. Tho wheat mar ket n vory dull. California wheat, 8 8liilllup and l'j pence. I'oiiTi.AMt "niTxi's, Tit Olil NxniiKiiRim Mulil A Mlic l.uiviull Klorllun lletThn IImIij' Mliow -IhiintH Ahlmtt In I'orlluinl IVmimiiiL. l'onri.AMi, Oct. I.M. The old .lowl-h MyiiaKouuu wuh eulil ychlenlav ufternooii ut puiillu auction to Hon. It. V. Corhult for $l'l,filX). Tho ItiilMInt,' wan put up In lHoSaud Im peifoctly Hound now. It in timlcrxtood that Mr. Corbel t will havn It traiiHformed Into a Iui'ku rcnltleni'o. Tho new hviiiikoxiio In neurliiK coniplotlon uud will bo reads for occupancy within a iiiouth. A bin tawhoiied IiIhIiiiuiu in working for a Chinufo lauiidryinan on It htreet. He deliverH washing uud keitPH iiccoiiutH. A verv luruo number of viHitorM hnvu been hi rorllaud hIiico tho opening of tho the High Court of Kngland, tho parent fair. A prominent hotel tuati informed I court, for admitting ucgrncrt into tho nr- jour icporior yemeniay thai tlio avorugo tier. for luMt v eek wum fully ouo thousand per day, and that tho tola! number tdiico Oc tolwr 4th wum about o,(100. It in ec tlmutcd that IIioki vlnltois left In the city about fUL'.OOO lu hard each. ' Sol, Abrau.H yenterday commenced milt agaiiiHt tho Oregon California Itullroad Company for l!:i,irH.:i:i, for HcrvicoM performed, clipplieri uud money furiilNhcd, and aHNigued accounts for lu lor. Your. reporter wax witnenM lo a gcxxl- nIxiwI iiiftrfliin lut viimIiitiIiiv. Mr. II. f' . '."'." ii. .i.i ..i..t. i)onaru, onooi too weaitay ciiir.eiiH of I'orllund, lxt II. Y. Thouimoii fiOO to I n.i.n Himikk. H II Mann, llutter iM) that Clovelaml would carry Now 'Creek; Henry Stover; II O 1'etorKon, York. ' ViuKon; UK Kelly, Alba; J K Clarko, Supplumeutury urtlclon of lncororu-tOiiiuhu; IC ygart, rorllanili Mn :illlllirlilKrp.lliriStiiUr. -'- l.nsrtoN, Oct. 2:1, Tho race for tho Cambridgeshire tilaken watt run at Now market to day and won by Voracity, Cac ttiM hccoud, UUiuark third. riniir .Mill iiiiriinii. (in.Hov. Cal., Oct. I'l). A Ihu early thin morning dcHtroyod tho Central Mill ing Co.'h Hour mill and conlenlH. Tho IohknIII bo thirty thoiiHand dollaia; In- Hiiranco unknown. . , i Kpihthoii und clilldren, Chicago: .1 (ioodmau, I'hilada; C U (iraiiain, San FraclHco; II M Vheeldom, rortlundj Sid llonton, Colfax; U U Cray; .loo Mc Donald, John McDonald, ('oiiiIi'h Can yon, Miko Carey, Karmlnglon ; J I' I'uti cett, Woftoiii 1'ifd Dolau, I'ariiiington i I Frank Chutivot. h arkov I'ralrlti: II ! Chilton. City; .loo Overman, YVallu lion of tho I.owIh ,t Dry den I'ubllMliIng Company wero liled with tho county clerk yetitorday by Kdward Cooklnghatn. D. V. Drydoa. H. II. Wllnv, A. D. Charl ton, and V. T. Muir. The capital htock tri),ll.(XH). Tlio lubv hIiow at tho Mechanic fair will bo held to-morrow afternoon. I'ho flrw, lirlvn fur llm lititmintiiiMt li.iliv Im ii I'nlil imiiltil Hm'ntifl lirtrn. triiiul ullvnp Walla: O W Fulton. AHtoria; W W modal ; third prUo, silver modal. Only I HolwrtH. I'orlluinl; .1 A Slorrn, Will II (leorgo, K W CIuh (leriuan, (Iran, Hi Paul; Jack llromloy. I ho Pullori; Itakor Cltv. IIowman IIoumk D Merrick; K V. Miller, Thori CoiihIiih, J IluriiH, Portland; A Ituhnko. 1'emllelon : C T WIIhoii ; A W Uo; M H SiKirledor, Valo; Job Hulglit; Harry dray, lurmingtou ; Mrn llurtlioloiuowi l) V Aloou, ljtiraiulo; babieM 1H niontliM old -iiiil uudar can cuter. Mr. Uiruinlo Mayor, Democratic repre sentative from ClackamaH, In the tat lugiHlutttro, Iuih located (icrmuncutly in Seuttlo, whoro ho Iiuh engaged In tho goneral coiiiiiiIhhIoii merchant liiiMlneHtt. J. II. Ktvney und II. Solomon, of Pen- illi.tnti. u'.irii In llm i.K viirifiirilnv ThovWt of tho gifted and popular , Wj LI If" 'ij , l;d Morun. ! Mti prima donna, Kmma Abbott, who open 1 Allen, F Klonhurl, Oiuuhu; Max MarctiM, ut tho Now Park noxt Mondav will provo 1 hlcugo. , ono of great Intercut to nil who huvo I V,.'L,"KS, ,tl,l ;-JI-' ,oil'l", J ' Hellly, isecn and heard thin wlcrllngllttlowomun. CoM Spring; I. II Hrookii, Portland; Kmtna AIiIwU'm two beafona of travel Kobert himl, Cuiiiumj hC Uwlgerij. Jhh Mncoher last vinlt to Portlund htvo Iteen j Kjmnedy, D C Creswe I, kuuielu ; b Hltnply triumphal murchea through llm i Moloy, Country: Mra Tu tlo, Iowa; Mrn Hunt andtSouth. Sho 1h credited with J Northway, llarvey l ranklln, Imva; tnin mul iifunlir I (too HIucK. Jake I carcoii, Oiualiu; ,N U balunced ou'ra cointiany over organized. !'rett, I'ortlaiid ; C Johimon, lowu ; J M Tho weather Friday. Saturday uud Sunday wuh nlmply delightful, but to-day the wind Ih blowing u galo uud tho ruin is pouring down In torrunta, Hiioitr .ioo,ono, lt(i'hardHon and wlfu ('old Spring. - I'lacer Clalmn rurelm.ail, Knim Hi" linker (Jliy Inincrat. I ho placer cjuiiiih ol wear iiennon, ai Oranlto creek, woro recently nold to Mr. I II. lbiuinan. of Walla Wulla. Mr. f IIowman urrivpd hero laid Suuduy on bin 1 wuv to Oranlto to oxumiiio Ida proorty I .l...! ....... .......I... I .. ....III.. Il.,..l , . . .... ,ni ... I , linl ft II llllllfc nun llttutu lu i-.i.,, ...v,.. Ci.kvw.ani., O., Oct.:M.-n.omaiAx- f Mtan-vo oratlona Iho coming worthy, city trea-naT. Iiim Unm away , Tho claluiH cw.hUI of forty twrea from tho city a uionth.IllH UindHmen , bankH d (.ovorut u ltccii luveritliiated and 1i!h accouuta found to bo live hundred thousand dollars nhort. It Ih tliought ho Iiuh gone to Canada. Til Trta.urrr of tin. C'lly of I'lr i.lmiit Miurt In HI Arrount. ff . llfu ..ir.li'u I. ..',. Ul MHO K4CI UUIJ.n HlllMUIUIVll ' mi; unmn,, --". ," - ... ..... . of .... ... Hly I wutcr. I'aiia- u uf..viiiiiiM inn, in : . . . ... - Mo ol lurnlHiiiug an iiio water nucoHHury for tho working of IIicki inlneH und other claliuH adjacent. Mr. IIowman intend i.iiiiIiiiiIih, din rlalniH with till, luli'Ht im- Tin: HK-4KHVATION uiiicstion sKT- ,,r'ov hvdnuillcH, und feeN cotitident of the r y u dim! u magnlllcent output. V e Tl.llll. Out r the TrHile Mnrvallon Wairm-- AverwK !',' "r ItmiiU l.rit limn 430 per Month -A I'onutiilruin for .Mill (Inn. rn A Srli.llile l.etlrr to llm S, F. Hum. liter. To the I'jlllnrot the Kxnmlner. The Portland Oregonlan of tho l'Jth liirit. publlxhed an intervinw with 11. Slieldenian of tho Oregon City Woolen MIIIh, in which that gentleman gives nomo very interesting Information in re gard to the eirect of tho MIIIh bill on Iho woolen InditHlry. According to Mr. Slieldenian, tho iiiIIIa at Oregon City em ploy 17K hamlM und pay out monthly IlKlOO a Hum that look very largo until you dlvldo it by 17". tho ninnlter of hand lu tho iiiIIIh, when wo Und that :tl and a fraction Ih tho hIiiuo of each. Now tho superintendent must ircelve alKtut 1TiO Per month. Tho overseer of tho card ing, spinning, weaving, finishing und dyeing departmcnta each receive about ono Uiitidicd dollars ier month; tho loom-llxertt and two tlretsor-tcnilcrn 170 per mouth each. After wo pay theso high salailed bosses their wagen, wo llnd that tlio aerago wugca lu tin) Ore gon Cltv Woolen Mills Ih less than ,",() per ii.onlh, and this under high protois tlon, and tho additional protection that 11 distance of .1,000 miles from tho Kastern manufacturer gives tho mills. .Mr. Sheldcmau Iuih Ih'cii llguriiig for night inonths, ho say.s, and tlmls Ihat wagen aro hU per eciu Higher in too woolen mills of this ciiawl than in tbo I.un)ieaii wimlen inllN. Thla may bo lino of con- tinenlal lauoKi, wheto hiuh protection titevaiiH, nut a ih cotiainiy mniriie oi l'muland. I would like to have Mr. Slieldenian tell what ho pins his weaver lor -id. Ml ami m pick work, mo mtccti oi IiIh looms, tho Iioiiih winked per day and tbo I'oriosiHtiulliit! tiguicH from the mills of lliuterslielil. I'.ugland. Mr. Slieldiuitaii says tho amount tho luauiifactuier will lose under tho MIIIh bill isuppalllmr. and uiakoH tho Hlartlim: iitatemeut that tiio only one that w ill really gala anvt' iug if tho Mills bill becomcH a law Ih (do l'!uroeau iiiauiif.icturer. Now it sceuiH to mo that llils Ih not h, for IhN reason: Tho people of thin country will not buy nno yard of foreign cloth unless it pavH them to do hi, uud they gain by the Transaction. Thin u'entlemau further rayM that he will have In reduce wages If tlio iint v ih leiuiceii. i cannot hciiono iiiih. either, for this icasoii: Agriculture being relieved of this "ohl man tl tlio sea." nu abnormal laiill', will oiler greater induce inents, yield Kdler leturns and employ inoro men. Materials being chc.iper. Iho opporliiully lo coiiiblno them with labor will bo greater, and that will glvocmplo inmit to moro bands, tberoby creating a (leinand for lalsir. Mr. sliiiidoman will find that men will not beg leave to toil in tho dlheuHodiiecillug atinosphoto of Ida woolen mill to Iho extent I lint thev do now for the princely lemuncratloii of losi than (!!0 per month 'Iho writer of those Hunt Ih ii weaver. Ho can weave any thing from a Iioihi blanket to a Paisley Miawl; but strange to nay ho found the longer ho winked at tho craft, and tho iiioio skill ho attained, llio less wages be received, and that too Isiforo the tarill' leform cyclone apiK'aied nlsivo tho Httlcal liorlrou. Year after yeur I havu ccen tho prico for weaving go down, mill by mlll.cenl by cent 'rynnl I have seen it drop while all Iho time tho excuses lor lining the weaver multiplied and the hhci) of the looms Increased; ami the number of tho French Camidl iuih increased, and tho Hungarians in creased, ami iho hoiiwi rent inereased, and the family Increased, and the anx iety in regard to tho future of inynclf and my children IncrcaMil. At tho saino tiiuu I obsorved thai tho inlllloiialres bu camo Kioto iiumoroiiH, tho coaeh-mun who wear liver) moro iiliinerous, und the nuinls'r of ikmijiIo who had to iccelvo uld from town moro numinous. I llnally hud to abandon (ho calling ut which I had woiked ho many eatH bceunso I could not earn enough to Hiipjort my family in decency. I waH forced to wefc employment in tlio Ichh highly protected Industries. I would like to call Mr, Sheldomau'M attention to tho fact that wo do not woik for wages uftei all, but for what our wagca will buy, ami I would like to huvo tho gentleman demonstrate (ho being ex Itcrt ut HgurcH) how it Ih xwlbto for tho jieoplo of Oregon to receive moro from iho Oregon City Woolen MIIIh than they pay in turlU-lncreaHod price for tho woolen goods they consume. If ho can do tills then ho will find no dllllculty in showing liow a man can lift himself by tho HtrupH of IiIh IjooIh, or blto himself in tho buck of Iho nock. Maiitik (Jmf.x. Portlund, Or., October 15, IHK8. are pleased to wo such enterprising men us Mr. Itowmuu Is-coino Interested in tho reHijiircoH of linker county, und wo uro ipulto Hiiro they will find it to their hcu niary advantage. A Michigan syndicate bus ttondod U), 000 acreH of laud on Isith sldes-of tho Col iimbla river, from Wislpoit down on tho Oregon Hide uud from Cuthlamet down on tlio WiiHiiington lorntory hiuo. inoy coinmeiiced paying Ihu money yesterday This will put over a half million dollars iu circulation In Clatnop county alone. What tbo syndicate propose to do wllli this Im- inunso Ixsly of tlmUir tho Pioneer says in V vUitiug recent lotler from u gentloiuun !t n-ont not get-ut-ublo u i tho eoiiiiwny g tho Argentina Uepubllo hhowH I Ih vury rotlcent la Iho matter, h U ro- Tli Itlghl-uf-Hax Tlirmigli Ih" llra. lion liTu InllieO, II. .N. Co. Siokank Fai.ij., Oct. 'J3. VII dlllicul- ties with tho Cuiurd'Alcno Indians about tho right-of-way of tho Oregon Itailwuy iv Navlgutlon (Tompany'H railroad to croita tho recurvation hail Ikhiii Bottled I I. -!..!.. .1 ....... ...... Tin aim kuvii ii'ii ui iii"' ihiiir I thoUHand men will bo Immediately put to . . t .i . mt. , ill I 111! work- u, complete i no roau ai onco, tiw ",:. , .'. 'n,,,,,. ,,ro banks in emp oyiuoiit toov.ir 1,000 men. Tin- Willi line will reach kano Falls by early yre ' w th a S"" than Ih-Kt uniount of b'ulhllng and rallrojid -pring. n.lH Is ollicial. , . . r .. .. . d ocenpyin,. 1 proHcy ought to mako u Umih In Anto- w .T..T ' bulldlnga finer than anv in Phlladephla. MwHii ,Tho Provincial bank with u capital of t.13,. SA.vtKAKCisco, Cct. l. T. J. I-acey, 000,000 und deitoHlta of 7.000,00(). does who watj convicted of Wing tho conduc- J tt busInoM only exceeded by two banka i,. Im i,.,u.. I., ii... i.iii.ul siuiioi noneu inai iney win imiiki u unmoor m w i . .. .. . 1 I, . . ml .111 11111 I 111 IUirillIll'11 111 II1UL Uir.ill LUIIIU 1'" u.rL- iii ivim nlulil tin, roau aL onco, me : , . .... ,. . IniineuM! Hawmills In that count ' employment toov.tr 1,000 men ivlug hi- with tor of tho clock game, waa wontenced to pav a hundred Hollars line una morning, Tho ctjtva ugainst tho three hundred vis itora were disinbwed. In the world, twenty-Uiree dally paperH are published in liucnoa Ayres mote than lu either New York or Ixiadoa. Stock Journal. ria. The linn of Corwlth & Co. iu Chicago hari failed, to the tune of 13000,000. There is mi air of myatery In tho linn's collapse, and it in believed that "Old Hutch," the king ol the Chicago wheat market, hud nomethlng to do with it.