East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 20, 1888, Image 3

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    txrrimvM'ja. mss.
I I .A 14 V w - r
ffiru of tllO EAST OllEOOXIAff lis
"y.V.iV ii Urn A h.iiirinn
Uifui" "... .f. ,i. ........
JiOnul , ln,l nlnn. .mil
iimjim epiieriilly. l make
,.. ,,lll in I Ulllllinii iiu .....
Co., Photographers.
Whittaker, dentist.
icrut W. C. Tlllon's. '
i .i..1t,t,.iiii mn fnitfntinrv ut
ii .
i tuWrt rour photos aa natural
leu times as pretty.
Pendleton ut thu baseball park
nclier In announced to sponk
jty on the evening ol tlio lidii
...a i'k1"!1 nnt,1 ,Wul,or Howmnn re
turned Thursday night from their visit to
the coal lie (Ih ut tho hcud of Huttcr
crock. niter, who is un ambitions
Voitnc tilioloLTiililinr. i,l.t,it.,,l .... .
eellent view of tlio Umatilla Coimtv Coal
Company's mine, bIiowIii the windlass,
drills, etc.. wiili nr.. .i,i.,,. (,. ..
iiuiui. in r. v
coal "blossoms
In tlio samo rc
to!.,.. ..I I. ...
.ri.iu niiumiiir. inn iill nil
, creating quite u stir, and oll It mtulit
J. M. Huntley, who bun boon taking
u clrclo around over Lta county, and
spoilt u little time in Hollsc. sas that
farmer -ire happy in that vicinity, havo
inuiiu; huh iuci uio oueeis oi u good liar
.. .. i i.
ni7 IIII .IIU .,' M.M..W..
....... I...U linmi f.nmlil..fni1
1 1 1 'W I n I '."' .,.. .....
mile of town.
i...tu ,iUti ttm utivu (Hut.
f l t. f kliitlittinil ut
In town u day or two uko.
tiv morrow uHoruoon ui tue
.11 1 ll,.' .it I f, unn
Uvon Muiu ntruct. ncai the
. . . . . . ...
... . .i .. .. .
tMlUIUIUll iu .mi r-i........v fbJ-
.1... - ..I f.
lOr UIU rillliuilll riilfitll , IVI
I. . ii... .....II I.. ..I
lmih anndry in iiaisor city
ittrprho whlcb would pay In
. L.' . .....!.. ...I ... I ..II...
, will 1)0 in roiiiiieioiiHiiniiay
not, and will lecture at tlio
..i.. .1 i...i.... .i,...
...mini fn iiinnt hid U'ff.t mill
ulm nrrlvi'il un lut nlulit'M
I.A I .1.1
... ... -
'i.irn io ii nrruw uiiltiiooii.
.11 .. ..1. 1. 11 .11 A. ...
-. . . i . .
iinlittT, biwlncx aent for
i . .i . . . .
uml the Oreiroii Statu
. . i . i. . .i
,,v '
niit'i. imihijii itii.iic. mi mn
.i. .".ii i i ... i
jiiiiriniL: ni in inu i iiiu.'ii
He wih taken to Jioifo
iunl, iirniirietor of thu Han
Tuminir hum intii 'niium i im
mill near Orouon City and
. . in . .i ...
I.t.tt ... L' .V.... Iu .....
iM.-t'Mmunt P. If. Mnnriw
IMltniHllOtl. llld nxn ith in tt ,. ..1 t .
uulxtyfoot trcHtle tills Mdo of Kainola.
out throiiL'b Home lnt-riosIilnti nf I'mvi.
vc?t and food ntlcert. and that uvorvtlilni? ''oiice, did not b.iro tlio awful died In-
pointB to proHperlty. The mime iMruo ,0"V,!I- rl; paswiipT, headed by two
also of almost all iKrtioim of I'maliUa , ''WIJps, ran Into the giant powder at full
county. Mi. Hentley Bay Hunt'H rail-. "I,CS(1, 1,10 concussion f-timned botb tlio
road In jimt "humpinR ilHelf" in trims-1 cR''"-w( put out tlio IIkIiIh in the culw,
portiiiK gialn, MmlniiiK overv nervo to ?,"J l"Sko " 'i'""'" plow out of one of
reuueo the largo piles of wheat nack at 1 1"0, no.1 'Unto fiimigli to ditch tho
ivory Hlation. 'ruin. Hirtbor than this no daniaKO was
Thf Ilf port I'onmli-it on rcl Tlmt un At- ! Th. ail Ali.otblnis"T7Ilic"nr ConTcr.nilon.
n7nM"1M",'",!Wr'cl'Bl'n""nk',r I 'rl,n & i tho chief topic of
itwi lbe rcmeinlKTed tlmt tho Kast I conversation In lVndloton. Manv think
WIII.HUM.XN 1)1 , I.., I. .....III... it I. .... II il. .4
ueenllnf nf i. .imu i.p... .in i .mn 'ur.itum.t.' n uucliuii iiiuv t
. . . i n,,i'iwu wrecKtigo oi u mo rcai esiaio ownorrt mvo ten per cent
(...nnvntVI lllllll L'O Ml! (IVIT llln lllllllll. 1 liri'l-Cllt t-AK I vallln nl ll.ntr ,n.l Until Mlfu
It is fair and eiiuitablo, and if adopted tho
A , iiceenmirv .r)0.0viil win lm mined without
rd ! dlllleulty. The cash valun of real ontato
. I 1.. .l 1.. .1 . it . ii . f
i..i. ; i ..... i vl'iiu n huh Mine , iuiiu u"i, in mo coritoiaio iiiiiiih oi
t t. . i ii iu "t the story had reiulleton Is about foUO.lWO, and ton
s foundation in stem rea tv. The iur-. tx;r coin of this uiiH.n'nf u . ihn.it iln n
well) HUlMatlt i.Lll V U4 fnriimrlv W'llleli will Piniiit ll.. ..tu -,f .w.,.,,r,. ,.!.,
uuwii urougiu hack Homo """"i ") some iienils innuman form.
irom us min mi; ciu m " nien mere v n rtu.mr ..n.i n i .
U101I. Wlilfli imiL-it (i titiitM. i i. IJllH'l:llM t'lnhiinil 11......
inutiim luitu iruiii in ma -n. 1a i
m m m m mm
T1!.. t t . t.l i . .
ui .ir. wicKuy vh. .loseiili
..wiju nunuii nun lu iuij' in iiusnce liar
rettn court, wih what result Is not
known nt this writing. It Is u rather
complicated inixtuio about somo wheat
Juiiliiig business, Intermingled with u
Httlo ganiisbee uml attachment lltleallou
on tho side, and It would take too long
to unravel It for the reader's hoiioflt, so
mo leui is iioiaiteinptcu.
Another national bank 1 UM liiwtti nr.
ganled at Iloppner wllh 1). 1. Thomp
son, of Portland, president: K. It. Swln
biirno. vieo tiresldent: Kil. It. HImI tntt.
cashier. Tho directors are, I). l'.Thoniii-
hoii, I', (J, I lioinphoii, NeU Jones, T. K.
tell. Kd. ltooil. unit K. It. Kulnl illrnn
Thoy will not bo ready for business be
fore January lt, 1880.
.Memorial t-ervlees will bo held to-nMit
Under tho ausnlees of Knn.L-.i t inli-n I
(). O. l' It beinir tho i!7lh nnnlversarv of
none. 1 lit' ev ilenl inlniiitxii it...
demons who did the Job was to throw tho
irain iiom mo irack fur the nurnoso
roiibery, and they may again nttomi.t It
as inu nioiintalnoiis country on either
si m oners an eusy clianco for
w ith boodle obtained.
A hpllllliullit.
An old spiritualist, (Jeorgo Church bv
iiiime, lormcriy a tesiuent of Uavtoll. w
l., and for six years a member of its
iow n council, iiirulHlicd amusement by
tho preaching of his doctrine ut tho How
man iiouso to ilay, entering into warm
iiinciinfioh whii us inmates, who were
oiny loo realty for such a talk. Mr.
. nurcii is, or used to bo a well-read ami
inicniimiit gentleman, uud was un In
I item al cillrnn of D.ivinn. lint l.r.u.,ll..
over the death of his wife caui-cd him to
becomo deranged, with spiiltuallKin us
u mania ainl since then ho has been Koine
tho death of Thomas Wildoy, tho noted fro"' pl to plco, clidmlng medium,
founder of Odd Fellowship. Odd Fellows
In good stnnillnK from all iicighltoring
looses are invited, isowt. si. Uoyd and
l' U. .Mitellell Will oaell lli'llv.T in nni.
Hon, and other oxercises will bo gono
through with.
Kdirar. tho liawnbroker. Is emaeed in
Nliiitting up his shop, and will prob.ihlv
tuu.i. r... ........ t W..II.. M'..ll.. it.. I. ..
' . .Will. flU .V IT1IIIU lllll II. 1111 HI I. I ." "
lono well In the collaterlal Imnklnu 1 "',,n "er us pages.
iiiisincss wiuie In I'emlletdit,
and attempting tho rofoim of those who
are miiiicted to the many vices of man
kind. Ho never becomes unreasonable,
but talks In u (pilot way, am! shows an
evidence of consideralile mind mltnm
which has all centered on the one idea of
spiritualism, However. Ho has u bible,
which Is his eoiHtant companion, mid
wnen noi-nuking, no isturs with great
ami will
lotibtlcsr depart v illi several tlioiiMiml
lollars clean cash wlierewltli to lieuln
business in the Harden Citv.
II. V. Stevens of Alba, uml Miss
Xlmenla Haiilsirn were married at the
residence of the bride's Parents at tho
('ove, last Wednesday. Ills iniinv Pen-
lletou friends wish Hint "lliirti" will
meet with unlimited hannincsH and
Hiuvess in his inattliiioiiial venttiie.
Tim man who shot u doi; three or
four times to-day with a target rllle, mid
then had to beat It to death with the butt
ml of tho u'lin In order to end Its cxImi
once, would uniko it good subject, for the
Hocloty for the prevention of cnielty to an
imais io praciico on.
The Milton brass band is said to be
Industriously piaetlciug and Improvlnu
each week. Hvery town iu tlio county
now has u brass band iu u tlouiishing
condition, ami many savage lueaMn nave
undoubtedly been soothed tlioreb.Vi-
(or tlio grand oonl;ig of tho
n . .'i Mini iv ii'ifiiuir "inn
UeinimitH lloor, -5 contn.
ci an ttimirt, una Uio bom
ini1 uml llntKirit mnutiiiiH v
i. '
Uolm M. (Vllnrru. utlior
noli known ami rcHPucted
un iuh nn rniiiiirv. iirn in
i ho iHil L'eiitluiuan vu
ni'in, and wan nnablo to
Mill mornlnif
i. .
iimui i in MinuAi'iiir in irniir
.v.. 1 tt . '
iti. niti n iu i i i n UIIIIUO
firaril(o oiitaliiintr election
It till! iVitnii'invf lit ititiirnlli
i .. .
ia evenly por cont.of tho
ir Htoppini horo to play,
-ivi "iii iii'k vwiirviik iv
I I lULIl I . I
- 'vwV ii4u.i:iiii:iiin iti
II ...
"li'al Walla Wulla. U yet
, - iii unuviB III ItlU
lV .. l.t , t .1 t !
miit 'ii nil wm tiia vii
i lain i i.i j r i i
iU IV ut r I ...I.. I 1 A
- IVUIlll t . HUM IIII V 1 Nf I I I1I1L
4iuiiwil 111 VI
m Ulu.J. . 1 . l. la.. .
WH-ritf.vo of UIh travels
ll!.VAn.. fill. ....f.l .
--Buun, nueii wiiii reiUKceH
e in town todav. forenoon
i uriitii. iiir lilt iiiizi . .i . if 41... L' ...il.
. rillWi? lU I t.l It .. .. Lit a.'u
J ill I.l,ln!..r,...u ..,.i.l . liomo to night.
I " l"""il I 1,1.,
'ul ..y
The Alba baselKill ikivs arrived un
afternoon. They call themselves tho
Unknowns." rather a oupiiontous uue
lot of furnituro wus
Hotrl ArrlvnU.
. .lhii Hoihk f'has ilackott. Pilot
KockiJ Hsrnes, rortlandi TA SiK-ni-er,
) V Mcf'aithy uml family, Van Fran-
risco; it .At llasen, Lowell, Mass; Win
Lewis; A I'Magart.T II .Mcintosh, J K
I'atten, St Paul ; W (,' I'alhoun. Center-
vilto; Uenry Vellit, I'oitland; W 11
t orielt ami fainlly,nioeiiiiOiW K I'otts;
.urn roreinau, iwnver, UoliS r Phil
brick, Wniden, M T; F Jl I'anlv and
to Jadles; J.ti Wells, O.VHlerville. W T;
Jus Carden. City; 0 L Whelllo, Jus
.sliton, JJalles; Jus F .sioano, Siokane
Fulls; H Crossen. Jolliett: S Miller, riun
Uoi.iiKN Iti'i.i:. .r F Temple, Cold
Spring; W II Williamson, F K lluiin.i,
Cold .Spring; I Hathuwav. Citvi'Jno
Wullace. City; (J Hotr.iund son, HoIho;
IiwU Neace, Waltsbuig; V O Casev,
Helix; Mm J Northwuy, Jim 'Ihomproii,
Harvoy Franklin. Seattle; F Williams,
(tiiiahu; Tom Shanuoii, F Henjaman,
I'atahu, Clly ; Kdlo Stewart. Cold Spring;
Win Hudson, Wiiujion, Win; Ora Hold
man. Howmak llottHK ' A Fnlk. .Mattoon,
III; A J Harry. Wnivlla. Ill; Daniel ()
Hurra, John O ILirru. Witon ; i: J Mil
lor, Jacob Vhu1iii, W II Kuos, i'mi Dil-
llgon, U (iarrln, lai (iruiido; F A
Faber uml wife. Caiivon t'itv: Mongol?
Church. J K Hervev. Salem:.! C .Sh ulds
uiidscn, Pilot Kock; K JacobHoti. Mrs A
II PoHolI, Miss Kthel Powell, Hitter;
J A Scott, F KugloHtoii, 0 It A N.
.ilViVl.fil Lrltnrn.
Tlio following letters lemalu uueullrd
for in thu Pendleton potolllcn, Octulier
M, 1888:
The .Milton Maude says, In u very chi
ll wav: Milton cltv shoiiln now ne-
itiiro land envtiuh witliin the citv limits
along the river for u city pari;." Yo
usis, and reiulleton Is only u town; its
itiiens must lyestir themselves,
M. M. Morchead of Damon l-udk-e Xo.
K. of P.. has received his commis-
Ion us Diinuty Urand Chaneollnr vt this
Disttlet, J. II. Kddy's term as such hav
ine expired. "Muxlo" wears his now
honors with becoming modesty.
I'eto I'armentler N sotllnir un example
hli h should bo followed by other busi
ness moil nlonu' Main street the build
ing of u substantial new sldowalk. In
iiiaiiv places tho b.iuuls show sL'ns of
decay, and should bo replaced.
Mrs. Marhhull and Miss Annie Mar
shal! will leave next Wednesday fur San
J cisc, Cal., to spend the winter in
that sunny clituo. While tburo
Miss Annie will attend the seminary for
yiamg ladles.
Walla Walla nutliorltlcu uro puzzled
over what disHis!tlii to muko with the
Momuliaii discovered to bo ullllctod with
that loathsome disease, loprosy.
Tho Imys from Camas Prairie, who uro
said to inaku u crack country club, will
play the Stars nt. tho baseball park to
morrow afternoon, at two o'clock.
Olio of Pendleton's prominent mer
chants iu said to be very suceoMtful in tho
thiinLh-selliiig line, having disposed of a
very largo one tho otherliuy. '
One hundred and twelve acres of land
wmo. sold near Siwkwio Falls lecently to
it syndicate for f4i).D)J. and will be con
verted into an addition.
There aro between 3,03 and .1.003 more
selusd-Koliig cblleron In tbU Stale this
tear than last, which is a sure ovldenco
0! Oregou's progress. .
!i,.w, i .,c ..1..1.1 in tin. uifii nf .inin,M teitiiie nun now iincoaiiu:i'
A Unit-... tuniluiiutitttrit. 'the father Isllimly he (Riker) had w.rkwl fur him
now tho liannlest man In town, and he I in ihe June eauialii and how,
has u ilu'it to bo. N l"Hu!i. ilia JudRo
The clerks and printers havo decided
tn.il iv liill to.morrov. and will l.eulu . J""
their game at about ten o'clock in
Mr. Hunt to brine Ida rnnd In I',. mil. .I.in.
Tho Kasr Ohuuonian thinks tho real
estate owners should pay tho fiddler, us if
ino roau comes inc greatest good and
profit will como to them. On this basis
1 110 palter Will Uttcmtit to r:i(HH Dm innniil
deslred.leavlujr the routoof location until
inter uic subsidy is promised. Any per
son whoso name appears In thoso
columns, saying ho wUIuIvoho much,
is not legally liable, but it will furnish
an idea of wiiat can lo done, and
whether tho subsidy can be raised or not.
Hy your work you will bo known, heneo
it devolves upon nvery citizen and
proieityownorln I'ondleton to do his
uiiiy ami no it quickly, l lore Is the po-
KiiiiiuiKui inu iruiniHes maoo:
A Twenty Dollar gold pioco will bo givo to any one who will
find a GROCERY STORE in Pendleton, that will poll
ar tho
Jacob Frazer 1H000
W.F.Matlock -JjZ
1.. Hlutn 500
J. II. Turner ,00
Kast Ohkooman Pub. Co f00
Frank Duprat M 00
now, who will is) tho next?
Election llrtlloc.
1'roni tlio Arlington Time.
Hettlng on election is a contusion
apparently. Last Monday a company of
our citizens accidontallv commenced
dlscussliig tho "probabilities" of tho
tiireo iioiibtiu htutes. fiuw York. N'.u-
.. . ...... .
ueisey nun Connecticut, "i i bet von
twenty joti won't gel Connecticut."
"I'll t)Ct Votl flftv on eeneml nmillu I
....i.i .. i . r "
sain a tree iraoe man.
"Make it u hundred If you want."
"Lct'H make It two hundred."
"All right, or two hundred and flft."
And thu eentlemcn went over the bank
to put tin tlio hitler sum. Hut us they
uiu nniiuK out mo ciiccks, nicy raised
inn iimuuiiis io iwni cacu, ami tlio lie-
putiiicaii protiosed to maku it JoOO.
I here has also lioon a very novel
wairor ucreed to lietwecn Dr. Ilucon and
uud .Nate Hulrd. If Harrison Is elected
Air. HalKl is to wheel Deo on a barrow
up one side of Main street uml don tlm
other, stopping at every place where
cigars uio sold to treat all hands. If I
t leveiaml is elected Doe agtees to do
uio samo by .Mite, it is settled that tho
boys will havo sumo fun at sonebodv'
Vvllouitnnn Turk In OrtuWr.
ft .. .. . . n
J no iorn ern I'ac c ra mad in con-
uecuon wiiii inn lonowstoiio I'ark asso-
lation have nrraiiL'cd to fiirnlnh trails-
IWtutlon und hotel accommodatlonH
throughout the park durlnc Octolwr at
greatly reduced rates. Passoneer tmlns I
regularly cheaper than thoy are
1 pay cash and
And can am) will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of
All goods arc new and fresh ami of the
intend to keep thu lead in High Grado ami Low Prices of
goods or will pay the ahovo reward to the one who earns it.
Fellows Muilding.
Main ami Alia 8t.
will make tho round trIp,frotn Livingston
to Clnnlbar and return, on Tuesday,
muiMi.ivn nun oaioriiavs, aim u livo
lavs trip from C'innibur'to tho principal
olnts of Interest In Iho park am Ui
B. 0. & E. M. WHEELER,
A Completo .Stock of Furniture and Curpots.
Stock Covers 5,000 Foot of Flooring.
made ut an nxpenso of not to exceed
tlility dollars, 'the nil rate from St
'an, .Minneapolis. Dtiluth or Ashland on
the east, und Portland and Tacoma on
tho weM, to Cinnlhar uml return, will
lo 150, und from Intermediate Points one
unit one-tifth fares, but not to exceed MO.
nr..i... in i... .i.. . , ,.
ii .i: in Mill I HI (ill kaiu up io 1111(1 in-
ludiiii; Obtobor 'J-'A. Parlies colne into
I. l. ..I I.I .. .11 11 .
nu Hiifw piiuuiit lmii mi v . .-I. Ill) l Hjrilll, T7-1 t n jw -r i T- ----.-.--
iiKeiil for the Northern Pacific ruilroad, Jl. C. Ul LCI K. M . W L"I J l 1 0 lj ID I
iiiiiiirui4iuiy n arrival ui i.ivingsion.
For full particulars itmulro of your near
est agent, or A. I). Charlton, upsistaut
general passenger agent, Portland, Oro
iVssociatlon Hulldlng ... . IViulleton, Or.
AllltlH II
Ilakor M A
Iternstein Isaac
Imico ('has
('umeron Wni
Clark Frank
Cramlall H II
Dick Kobt
Diiuiihlurg Hurry
Downltn; I'homasM
lhnvus John M
Kdner Mrs Dr
Forbes Win
liabrelsuu W
tiiles Isaac
Ilurrlngton JIrs ICIls
Howutd Miss (i
I .eo ioo 0
l.eo .Mrs .M K
Lovington Wni
Mimily Ooo W
Mi'thtrrv John
Nel ui .loliii A (l)
Paildix'k Flunk
P'ht) .dis .)ut Hi
ltlcliai'dill (us)
Itntlinvk .Mis
Shull W A .Mm
SmPli Na im
SnttlMr Win A
liar I lay .Miss Alviiiu Wiwl Henry
Persons culling for the kuiju please say
F. It. OwroN P. 51.
' Omul tr .ImlKti IV
rrmit Hi" linker 1-1 y DeiinHm.!,
The other dav at union u cae osiim ' ii. ..f iV.,.mi.ii ,.....,,,...
- , . . , .mm t ! iiui'imvhii iiiunaiiuip t
iip ljriieaiingiii itiecireiiii iHiijrt wuro Youw trnlv, John IJixk
Jiiuge ecu iu which ono r. n. ijiikw win
an interested parly. Duiln$ thuprogroMt
of thotitulhoMiita litw i U;e judg.)
tcllini! him how iinM4lrily uml iiutlr
I In Atht a Ctueillnu.
.fohu ltcck, a well known working;
man. has Published tho follow ine self
explanatory card In tho Ran Francisco
patient :
To Hon. 'vy. W. .Morrow uud Hon.
Timothy Guy Phelps Cir;NTi.i:iKN : I
urn a workim; man, 'ind you gentlemou
aro now- tryiHK to cot tlio votes of work
ingmeii to tend you both to Congress.
As you ask for my vote, I want to usk
yoii a question und 1 want you to answer
it ut tho llarrbon Win" am. I wautvou
to visit tho woolen mills in this city, us
uiey uto "rcuMioi" nuiriKon proiection
Industries ami full of Chlneso "Nutlvo
Sons of 'Ameiieaii fudustry." When
you liaoin)ie liiiseo to thu Harrtsnu
protection cigar factories iu this city uml
ou win nn. i uiusi iuii oi I'll tinmen.
Then tw mcr tho luy to Oakland and
visit the Droxlor Clilncso Harrison Juto
Allll. Tsko a eoIiHMie Iwtllo ulonK to
! lk..1 I., kimr nuna ulillii I iivn.it I nut Int. Ilita
ir!tllfel W. J. VAN S0HUYVER & 00.
notuctcd by this kind of protection on
New Goods for the Fall Trade
ATI.OWi:it I'HIUI.rt Til AN' 1 VKH
Boys' Exproua Wagons. Volouipodou, C rls' Trlcyclos,'
Picture Fnimoo.
Comploto Line of Arfciats' Materials
Km- Oil mill I.u.iro ralntlnciiu t I'.ip-r Hmwr Mslilal,
Tho Finest Line of Htutloncry over shown in tlio city, uml 'it laiwor Prices.
Bargains on the 6, 10 and 35 Oenfc Counter.
bv Ids Inituence. Hie ludce nail Deou
(ifeeted. In view of this bo docired the
to extend hin sicial favure und
,l, I give a verdict in his U'hulf. On tho io-
'" T :. .. . t .1 . I.. .1... ..f,.. ........ ..
' OIIIIIUm Ol llltlUOillfr ill lllll mioiHwn n
ltev. Michael will pre-
ii . ifi
--J iiitriioon. un wore
BlUrilXl II..
llri, i, i i . " A
-taiiii) u nn mm nnii i w - .
ivrin ........ i....::.i.. 'lb s afternoon. In front ot
- . v 1 1 i UN lll.'iril III ril ' . . -m .
ib - .1 - ' ,injA tW M II I nil I1MIIII .
.uu now coiiri iuiiikp
U -V.V WI JUKI 'LIW ' . , t 111 V I I I m t
had it. (In mmi mm Wa hi Wu IU oh Ut Illfflll '
v m t PlTII 111 L 1 1 1 ' . ---
laruo crowd was piesont and Jtaker was
sitting ut tlio bar Willi ins utuirnoy.
The judge ordered him U stand up
und. taking iho letter fnun Iih joeket, ho
proceeded to read li ubnul uud after flii
Ishliw seveicly ri'iiriinandcd liim. Haker
hung bis bead liko a sheep and would
havo uouo throneh tho tloor bud theie
oil'' U'cn u knot huh ut his feet
Mrelmiilrt' I'ulr.
The tenth utiuuul exhibition of tho
Portland Mechanics' J-'uir ojicns Octolier
Itli uml clones October -'7tb, I8H8. I.argo
adilltlons have been made to the Puvil
lion, uml it is tho intention of tho manage
ment that tho fair of this season shall is)
tho great i-ht of the Pacillo Northwest,
ThoKecond IT. K. Cavalry Hand, tho best
on tho ('oast has lieerl secured to furnish
music Half faro rates over tho O. It. A
N. Co., O. A l It. It. and Orcgonlan
lt.ilhmy Companies' lines !iao K'cn se
cured Ono and one-fifth faro over tho
N. P. ft. It. Co.' linos.
hpeeial I-.xcnrsions over the O. It. & N.
Wine and Spirit Mcu'chniits,
CO. (Milwaukte. Wis )
(Yellow Label.) ja dsw :im
Alexander &i Frazer,
the wurt say lie will never again aiiompi io inwmi
1 date u judge.
Co.'s lines ut eH than half rates on
n.l,)j.i dlli IMI. .l ", II (nrlli..r
It Ih Ha lc I Information Is desired "uddress A. H.
Whiting, Hupt., f orilaiid, Ogn.
..... .1 ..It. M. U .......
. iiiuei-ii
lllal 1'itni ll,nu .........
-.iui ltowi iwit huu vbo-
imk of umusoment tho
S illirM,,!,.. .. ...... l .l ..l..i
... - . 1 , WTVJ
jerntmvDs und cities. A
rented cheaply, und
fookn, newspapers, whtet
venr small i.wiiui.i...i ...
be rood tchiiiMi.
i,fi. . i .T.l ti.tk
t uio Pinion wuiunnuin "v
r.r.?. ll' ".T'L , : How is that for hIl,?-Mllo K.,.e;
u . i, uj;i!r hub hkiid n. ... -wife,
anrl will roturn in a few days.
Mrs. Charles Mc.Morris, of Wetton, is
reported to be quite ill.
G. W. Hunt, tho railroad tnugnate, in
in l'ortland.
very Ul.
Tak It lluck, HoHiuer.
1 Umatilla county is 3.000 in debt, und
Ii l,nll,liin? 11 fiiSOOil courthouse, which
' makes a total indebtedness of 103 ,000. i woll, thanks Io Mrs. A. F, HrinMn, meta
m Ihr Aniictm,
This Is to certify that I havo suffered
from rheumatism for months, the disease
seeming beyond medical aid. I am now
General Merchandise,
Clothing:, Hats, Caps, Dress and
Fancy Goods.
Iamily Oroccudos a Specialty.
M IN hTlt"KT.
- I's-vuMrr-.tv. 'UKi()N
I'reltv hlith. but vou make it so from t been cured.
tlie whole cloth. Umatilla's court houi-o
will cost JU5,000, but will be paid for in
full from tbo sale of one block of laud in
Pendleton, and there will bo a few thou
sand dollars to spare. A county never
. A. I IILl.ll.
daughter of Mr. J. R. JTO. "
physician, undor who treatment I have . Beer Garden and (jymnasium Hall.
: lw.'ii rumil. J. I' iti.'MHKK. !
Col. John I. Irish will fill the can
celled encasements of Congressman
Mills in Indiana, who has lout bis voice.
Juke Kilrain and the "Unknown" will
Ciobably not fight, the backer of the
itter sot meaning baalneaa.
IMrveau A Hint, l'rp.
Utla ntreel . . Hnr I'otirlr
Howling Alley and Oyinnnlum Itoom In
oonneoiloo. Jut th iiImw loipi-nd u hour
In ainrelilDf your muwle and ImmtthdiloK
7Mirfram. A cordial lovltatton to all.
Uvmbriatu Hr to. aglui. j
Court Mtrttt, oixIU J. Il.8liooin.kcr.