East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 20, 1888, Image 2

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    SATUltlMY. OCTOHKH 1!0. 1888.
nv Title
Knt Orexotilitii I'lihllitliliif; Company,
, OttKOON,
. f
One copy per year, ly mull
I Inn ....lit' .1 r inttiitlia 111' limit
J?.1.'" ?''.W::r. l"' "y Hrr"'r a
-. ......... .... - ,
f 7111 u ii win uvi
AllVKItTlfli.Ntl ItATKH!
(Dhpl'lI .l'lrrtlUMcn(t.)
Onu Inrli, or !. in Heinl-Wcekly
iiiiiiiui,. ";;. ;y :
Otiii lie i. or em. Ill Da V per liiontl lot)
Two 1'ielll'H, or 1 1, III both, per 1IIII1IUI... .1 w
Overlhri-oliteht-H.rW'ml-YVYckly, perlheli
HT tllOlltll ; I 2
Over three liir.ht., Dally, per Inch per
tn on tli ) I
Uvprtlin nllirlii'K, In Imlli, pur Inch pot
month 1 "&
Oui ropy p r y-ur , I'.' W
Dun ropy -x liliilitllii I I'i
Hlnelfl miinliTH W
I'ri'iiilinii paper frw toyeiirly kuom Ibcrn.
Kollit iiiiiipuroll iKtvrrllx'iiii'iit" In Hfinl
Wwkly or IMIly, llrnt liiKcrlloii. prr Inch,
II.Ci; luicli mlii(iii nt Intrrtloti, Mr,
Ik-oI iiotlnn, lii cint per line each In
Mtrtlon, ".Mmiurii'turliiit Imlunlr.v l ftotiuinil n n
leech iipnii NKrleultiirnl Imlnttry nil U
gnrcliiK Willi Hi" irollU.,,-'lrV"l
Keh. l!l, tHX.
"Hut tliee inrn lilii-t lie liyt'irrlte, fur
they leavn Hie American liilimnr lit trttTe
wlilln lliey run their mllli ltd '' nper .
Impurlfl frnin Knropi-. Thin l prolrrllnn
forllie nmnlernnil imtrirllie limit. "-Ille-Kontnii,
.Murrli I, IHH!I.
.M'STicn ro in: i:staiii.iniikii.
rarllcn from Centcrvillo havo been on
KtiKi'd in Hawing wood thin week with it
tiattlou ciikIiio, fur covural bithlnonH
lioiiunn anil nil.alu famllioH. Kent wan
nunthtr lllii.Uwl.ui of thu udvanttiKU of
eir dTir";!;o";rk,on
than ton iitenj but wowi yut, ll nup-
planted mivural iHior itiitn who iiMt.iliy I
Vi tilts norl of work, and iiihiii wl i
thuro am buliilenn fainillitH (lepouilont. I
Ira Cmli.lt. who Ih nnitally luvel-headed
iituiti tiif.i wniiiiti'iM. ii'iiifi'ii ill oiiiiiiiiv '
iition iiiont Hilblt'ctn. tcbiM'il to otiiiiloy
tho coiilractom. nlatlnu an a icanon, that
hu had citMttiinetn who cat tied on tint
litiHluenn on a hiiu.II fc.iltt, mid that ho
prefertcd enti.loylni,' them, oven at an I
advauco in tint print. Irit wiw ritflit. ,
WchIoii Leader.
If thu workiuft people will look into thu
itit!tion of lahor-ravliiK' machinery
closely they uill tllHCOvcr that it in their
friend and not their enemy. Owinn
ccitalu lawn thu protiln arihiim from
man'H iiiKcuuIty and natuial oppoitunity
roun to tint mouopolM, thu c.ipitalinl and
n certain "Idle ot,"when rightfully it lu
IntiKn to tho uctivo, tho cnterpriHiii); and
the imluntrioun. Of courro theie In nottiu
IhiiiK mioiiKi ilieadfully tinjiit-t , whon
men mako tlioiiHiiiiiIri of dollam lhnmi;b
wild hpec illation of every conceivable
thapo, ami men who are honcM, Indus
Irioun and ftriviiiK, liattlly mako enough
to mako Ixitlt cudn meet. Siiimm) that
all work on tho earth could In. done by
ono thoufuud, men workim; ten
bourn a day, and one of thin tliounaud
during an Id In moment Invented a ma
chine that did tlio woik of live hundred
of then) iiicii, throwing thin Hum
Iter out of employ ini'iil. Now,
if we hail a juxt law, tho
condition Would In), inntcatl of one thou
Hand men working ten hourn it day they
would only lie required to work live
bourn a day to maku what limy mado bo
foro thu iiiat hiiiH was luvuiitod. If tho
inventor of Mm niarhlno ilumaniK'd it thu
nmiaiiiitiLttHHi men could allow him cay
oii(-timlli of thu product ivu Niwornf hln
mat'liiuu, which uiuild fjlvo to him an
ainpla fortiino, and at Ilia cat mi titnu lay
no Kro.tt burdttii on tho hhmildurH of hln
follow wurkmun. Tlio ixindiluin now tn.
whuit it laUtr ui.u'hitut In irvHhiv;cd thu
lalxtrinn ih.iu'h work in not cut duuu i-or-rcNpouditiKly,
but Inntoad. a iiiiiulHir of
men mo thrown iwit of cmplowuuut in
pniportlon to thu piodnt'hnj cupuclilort of
thu mauhluo. II to umUnjr pvoplu, and
cveryhixly uio workim; hmi.o whocarn
their llviiik' by brain woik or Iho uo of I
niuntflo, are beKinnliik' to undtimtaiid tlio i
nlliuitioii, and a ieme.lv ii near at hand. !
,. , ,. .... ,, I
I lie ttre.lt ilimntloil broilUht illtotlleCU-.-
nton by (Jrtiver t-'levelund in anenteilni;
wcIm to the ontablMiiuent of iiifllce.
Iiihtiai oi llrotliur Itideimur watting
bin j;.H)tl imwiler in the vain ollbn
toelwt Htiveter and t'unuiiiKham, the
filler candidate!, tbmili Utth are k,h"I
men of excellent- ciiaractcra ami
worka, he Hlteultl ceo that drover Clove-1
limn ih me lutitriimeutality through 1
w' ieh iIkIiI and jutioe can m made it
inaile it
... , ., ,
was llrat '
Urthri;hti Abraham Lineobi
in waniKaiiiNi cnaiiei eia very .aim 1 1 rover
Cleveland iHllrHtintheflKlitai;aliiBtlnuiia-i
trial elavery. It ia only a matter of a few !
tdiott yearn when the Ihiio will bo plainer i
und thla Intellectual llnht more Interest- i
Inn. Surely Cleveland ban beun the i
fleht. ami w honor him forlh.it: ami th,. '
fight, ami wo honor him for that; ami the
writer of thin g veahiui Ida feeblu Miiptmrt
for this nml thin only, Uvaumj of bla
manly uttentuccH in behalf of ritht be
tween mitu and man, untl justice pure
and uliuplo for all men.
Tim Southern Pacific railroad manage
ment tia ilocl.troil for Iliirrlnon nnd Mor
ton, nml promised that all of ItH Kreut
Inlliienco would Uo lined toward their
election. It has been plain nil along
that the inonnK)1U'.H, trimta und tho cor
poralloiiM are Interested in thu huccchh of
tlio Republican ticket. It Ih jut us plain
that tlio coo'h IntoreKtH do not lie in
thu hiiido direction, henco thny aro Hiip
...... . W I
reform. Hhall the nionoioliHtH, trust
and corptiratlwiM, or tlio iicople, rule?
I Ml . . .1 .1 .1 II. . I
that ih lite iiuchuoii. ii win do niidwereti
1 on November fllli
San F.scih;o Kx(.mim:k: A wholo
nhipload of C'IiIiiuhi! huvu Ihwii turned
i away. 1,1 in lite inllliMiiuin that wo In-vc
.11 I. t I ... I ... .
u i n h i uuoii, nut never oxikt
' '
to Kt0.
And tlm man who tnniln it a reality Ih
(J rover (Mcvulatul.
Voto for him? Who would iiiHtilt tlio
Coant by rtiiKBOBtlni; that It would votufor
anybody nlsoV
A Cai.ikiihNU railtoad man, Major
Hon 0. Truman, a prominent Republican
and protcetinnlHt, puhliHhi'H in a Now
York paper u ieniithy ilofcnno of Chi
iium labor. It look peculiar that a pro
tcctl.JtilHt Hliould at thu hjiiiu time bo
llovn in Jhitiexo pauper lalwr. Wo had
an idea that all protectioniHtH weromvuin
and eHH!cial friundn of Aruorlean white
labor, "t'oifintenoy thou art a jowrl."
Auni'i.KH of Ineorporatioti liavo U:on
llled ultli the fc'errutary of State, inenr
potatitiK thu .lohn Day Koad ('ompany;
capital Htoi'k, 4 :t.0(MJ ; prinelpal olliro,
Anlelniie. Wuci'o county. If I'ondleton
wiuiIh Iho Jnhii Day country
trade, cho
will liavo to riiHtlu to i;ct it- Othci en
turprlnliiK toxwin arc iiftr it.
Tn k Kood prico whu.it Ih briiittitn; ju-it
now Ih diiu to thu plmrt cropa in Kit
(land and I'ranro. lVrhap thiTu mo
plenty of ltupiiblli'atirt tho claim that
I .., . ' ......n...,. tnrlll brotiLdtt thin icnult
- -m !
with many otliurn whlclithuy make.
am. ukch tho fainiar ban Intcn
robbed, but ho ha t uovor been moio !
HyHtoiinitlcally plundercl than In .1,1:,
... i . .... .. . .-ii t
ii-Ki'u niKii-i.tnii year oi man, ami no ia
bculutiiiiK to rcaliu it. There in to bo
an awalutiiii)!.
1 'tin. Dwvkii, tho owner of the cclo
bratcd racing ntablcn In Now York, otl'ctn
to wnp-r lO.OOt) that Clnvclaud uill be
ulcclcd. lie Kiyn ho tlilnkn it i." ttafcr and
Miter than any Iioimi rai n he over taw.
Tut: Kcpttblicau policy in to j;ivo tho
public laudn to coriMiratlonn and thu pub
lic money to uuiiiufactururn. Tlio Itu
publican platform t-hould read, "Tho
public m d-tl."
Tiik Old Itomaii ia meeting with u
Kiand iccuptinn In Indiana. I'veu tho
Kupuhltcah plena admitH there in ft cut
ontliiiHiaNtn ovnr bin vlt.lt to tlio State.
I. km I'. MoiiTo.s wayn Went VlrKiiila
will go ltepubllcaii. I.uvi imii-t havo
ncnt hoiiio of the rontontn of bin "band"
down thciu,
It.-.r.l ,.f I'ni.l.. la .. I.I.. i.umI...
rilin-i n iiviiiii wl ..i.'iu.i. iiiumim..
,, , , . ,r . . .i
U In nukliitf an eirort to eneour.iiie tl...
huildiii of it raihoail from
loatl frtiltl Sidem tit .'in-,
A i.i, of the foup-maker of San Fran
nisei have announced theumelvtvi for
Ai.iiakv In IMO fcol aliovu thu level of
thofea; Pcudlolon 1070.
ovi:inviii;i.Mi.Mi 1'itooi'.
Itr the sitperliirll) uf
(hiro of lll(.f by
itlct trlt ltv In Htf I
llf. It irrln Mui i
trim lliiuld Wh.'ii ..i Many of Our t'lti
eii ivilfy?
So iiiuuh. ban been H.dd in praine of
Dm Darrin and their new method of ivro
by ulectio'iiiaKuelie tieatmeiit, thai it
K'omn tii-eliwh tu mid further pimtf, Still,
wo had .)t-mun to meet tho nnwt of tho
folloaiiiK uaituxl people, ami from their
oanlipn Hud tlio ireuiuM tu In) lienuiiu.
ami that no exaoruliou of their cut-e
In I bo miiln Dm. Darrin u"o electricity
and auiiiial maiinetiiuu, applied or im
iMitetl by their own hamin to the dW-
cimhI by ruldiiiii; or iiiauiptilatiunn. Tltoy
do not, uowever, lely wholly tiixui thin,
UH Ihey tu-e nii'diuluo in npcetal cat n.
So,w? AiS l,t riWoivotl treat-
ment pronounce them groat humbuvs,
ultlL. Immli.-.l-t .if ..llit.ix toumk of tlmn.
ill temiH f the biltcHi praiMi: What
phlciattH ate (here of any note or prac
tice. itL'aliiHt whom then- will I hi no vtich
denunciations? Dm. Dan in tli not
, i ,.,,., ,,, ... .,., I,!,,,. .,,,.1
lenil, not can the) cuie eer)tlitnt; and
ctiniiKHiv iiiiu luiir'm, mil we Kinm linn
miiltituile'i have been urtallv luttietltled
, ...ii. ..i t .. ii...i. .... ..... ....
'"I Jfl IllllllUtlll 1 Lllltll lst llllTII tl Till IllUlll.
'I'll,, f , l,.,l llnitr nllliHW ir.i i-ri.Hili.it tlm
e.realer part ef the time, ami that ho few
K away uinatiueil, it pretty uikhi evl
,"IUV 01 ",01r Hiicivna. o woutit not
knowinc'V puir up a fraud, either as a
11i1,.t..i,... ii,..,...... 1...1 f....tu .......
with vour own oyea cannot btt centre
'. . ri. ii.ii i'i v i.vji ., cv, .'..t iiiv.n n:vu
A l.i.tliiiue Cttitrrh Cured. 1
Dr. Darrin, Dear Sir July 3 1 came to
ljKrMMK Cleveland, Thtirtnat, and turlffW". T " VTt r
you for treatment for it dlHaiueeablo cuKsasli, Ioom
"f caUrrh ef wven yearn Htundinir. My ihio i'li'i
heatl tind thrift was tliorouKhlydiseaed. .."V
.....i i, i. ...i .1 i u. 1 1
huh it tittit uviittiKvti iii rttJiita.it ttiiu
bronchial tubes to that tlegivti that I
wita tartlully lncapaeitatis.1 to do my
work. Many thinpt in tho way of patent
niedk'ineit I had tne.1 to no avail. You
cured me lit two tuoattu with home
trvatiueut, and I do sot Ugrud(t the
j $00 t paid you.
, Hulom, Oregon.
Hcfcr people to me, at
K. Anijkhho.v.
Cnril From Mr. Iltese.
Mr. Kdltor, Sir For two yoara prior to : renm lnv. wineimrrn honied ;jr impe
caillt.B on Dr. Darrin I had l.cen Hcrlouely en.liv.JlMn r't, "PPo-lm Court Moiim..
aflllctod with liver and kldnoy complaint TiMtKi. KKMI't'.U, PtlOfltlKTOlt OI-'TltK
ilizzini'HH and pains all over my Hyntoiii.
I wan almont wholly unable to utto d to my
work u farnior, and wan druKidng out a
miflcrablo exiHlonco, until eomlnjr, under
Dr. Damn h eleetro-miiKmttic treatment
Now I am able to work and I feel like a
now man. l romtie uiuni union cm oi
I . . t . S . , .1
Cniilil Nut Kim from Hln !hnlr.
Dr. Darrin, Sir I am ono of tho lucky
onon curctl by you of n pain in my back
of four years' utandlnp. At tinity I could
not move or raifo from my chair. Can
lie coon at Seatco, W. T. A. Jackhon.
Mure Cure by Dm. Ilnrrin.
Mrn. M Ilclto, 1411 Water wtceet, l'ort
land i'implen and blotclten on the fa'u
for yearn, paitiH in tho back and womb
Doublet) cured.
Mra. W. H. Autttln, Tho Dallcn, Ore-KonC-onflnod
to hor room nine rnonthn
with an eye afllic'tion, called "iiorvmiM
abhorrence of llKbt," accompanied with
intlamtntttlon, cured.
Kov. M. M. Banner, UrookH, Oregon
Nitnal and throat catarrh, cured.
W. K. Ogle, Seatco, W. T. Liver and
kidney comitlaint and dynpnpHla, alno
dcafnenn and whole ayntcnt run down,
Wm. Allnow, Drowwjy, Grant county,
Or. Catarrhal tleafncwt and rinitiiiK in
tho carH for -0 yearn, perfectly cured.
Wonloy (iraven, formerly proitrictor of
the Chcniokctit hotel, Salem, Oregon,
now renidliij,' a' (iervain, Or. cured of
eclatic rheumatinm and tlio opium liuUit.
C. .Mcljiubliii, corner of Nineteenth
and .leUcmon ntiectn, Portland Ca
tarrhal dcafnenn, could rcareely liar a
a found or the car bulln and wa.n in con-
Htant fear of bolu run over by waonn,
cured m hu can hear oitlinarv conveina-
"'Vi.V. r i i
li.tin. iiuriij, i.iu.i, it. i it inik i-(irn
Mm. S. A. Wooden'H ulri. HI I'lflh
ntrcet, Portland Ncrvoun tlcblllty and
malaria fever and tllnehatln car, re
ntorctl. I.eiix.ld Dletznoti, Twcnty-cecond ami
A ntieetn, I'aU Portland .ucrnfuloun
i huiipn mi tho neck ami head, cured.
j .1. W. timwalt, Albany, Oruon
I II ll Al I llltlt Iu,l Ullllllll i.illll llliltlll .illtllu llll.l
uuiiaila. rcNtorctl.
Alffi.'tl ltcher, Tillamook, Oregon
.INt liiiijfiiii: earn, cured.
Mrn. N. P. liriKisn. Corvallih. Oieuon.
"""1" W
rujoicen in it intrmanent cure Of paralvnin,
i '"
Tliln euro wiw K'rfortncd ono year nt;o by
Dm. Darrin.
J. P. Peebler, Atlanin, Or., ileafnofH
hovoii yoam, rentorcd.
Jim, i:. A. Alhf, 100 North l'ourteetli
nticet, Portland, painful meiiHtruatlou.
Hen yearn womb trouble in ovory con-
tvivaitiu ways cuicti hix montiin ao.
Alno, her hunbund wan cttted of it cronn
eye in one minute.
J. H. Utckman, Kuappa, Or., hkin din-e.D-e
ami a loathnomu catarrh; curutl.
C. W. Scott, 1271 Fifth ntrcet, Portland,
rheumatlnui cured.
Adolf Atithounou. uuartermatter
ntcamer (Jooiku W. Hitler, iloafnenni
Dm. Dai rln can be conniiltctl free at
the ritlne llouee, cornel Fourth ami
Main, Walla Walla, W. T., ami will nn
tier no ciiciiuintaiiccH tako it cane that
they are ponitivo that they c.initot emu or
Ix'tiellt. CharKon are icanonable, and tho
junir trcatiMl free from tl to 10 a. m.,Tuen
d.iyn ami Saturdayri.
Olllce' houm from 10 to -I tlallviove-
l niiiKi, 7 to S; Sunday, 10 to 1L. All cur
i .. i .. . .
i al.lt chronlo dlseanen lonn of manhood,
A,Utin ,..InlM KVIIi.iii.. ..,.t . rri,,,.,,
Htrlctiue. niHtniiiitiirrliii'ii. kKininul ui.uL-.
etricltite, Kporiuutorrlui'ii, heminal weak
ne a or loin of tlcniro or soxual. jKmitr in
man i woman, catarrh ami dcafnenn aie
contlduntially nml nutrushfully ticatctl.
I .Mont'caet-n can leccive home treatment
-after a vinit to I tie doctora' olllce. In
; ipiirien miHwered and circulam hont free.
1 I Tho Din. Darrin alno have a branch
olllce at IM-j Fifth ntieot, Portland, Or.,
whore tiny hi that vicinity can commit
them. I
National Eclectic Dispensary
1 DR. McCILL & CO.
! KST OlttnONIAN lll'II.IUNtl, l'KNIl.ni)N.
; NlK'l-l'-xiflllly unit Sclt'iitlllciilly
i All kln-l- una ktiiin orehntnlettl-ixiveii
I L)i, ti-tr mid Tltrvwt Hl.ui. I h-m.lo dtn.
I . gf T.iikii-it unit vhlldr.'. Hi.'i.ilund
I tUlii duo.. . urn ih.' KUtni'y.l.lvi-r,
1 Heart. lllii'M.-r MUt nrln iyiiv.nn,. M-rttrn.
I li-ltlieiiiiiiitltni. N.nvmiH hi..- i-tl.-unl it I
(MMet, luiiKitum-i, I'liLiinnrriliin, I'tonnitiin'
oh' nr. 1'rU te .lit.-,, f ni liimu of elih
r M iiiiiifiiiy I'linnl uml rtiiv mtitruuiveil.
1 llt'iiinrrliuliU mi iii--i iuit by our new.
I hi kill-.) Mint iMilnltwt nirth.K. wlltimil any
iti'teiitton fiMtn hn-,tiit'; fin k'u irititiiil.
i t'ul'trrli of Ihnli iul unit uir. i,.in.- in.
iiiiik i.h t.-tT unit .iiiiiim euii'ii i our I
new ntelhiMl on the luuo-t of Ii tiiirm OrtKni. '
II.... I... ....
i-HU',l'l-M U.I mi, Kr"IHLiM 111 UlClll I'KtllhOl
the uiirl.t. .Nooae IbIich nnl-Uciimil iur
i.ble. llm doctoiK nrw rivillut ki .ilu:iti-of two
ijiicrn (.otii'ce, and hud over ten
pro-t!V.1u"''.nm.,1 1,1 11,0 t 't pi
I and uhronioillM'UMti, unit an nrrefore
,,ipiiiiii nmt rw.poiMlb:,'. (i.iiinuioi
ytitn t'xprnvill'e in ill.- it.i.ill'
llO-pltll'N Of
Llltllllnil frni.
an. I rnnlldi'ittiiil.
Tlie ptHir Uiiiiiil f n- Mi.ntltv unit Krldiiy
front t to II it to.
OKKIt'K IIHIMLS-Uh. If. 1 1 - p. m.t even
line, ; to 8. hiindnj. '.' to II h. m., tn3 nt.
X. II. Mint cukCM en ll lied 1 lionto (rnait.
ment after ono vint to the lm,-i im' oillvo,
Nation tu iVu mc li.i'KMn.nr,
IV'iulit ton, Oregon,
Established 1857.
MuuufKctmvr of and IVnlerltt
Ullutlii, Vlntluv A
luia unit i.'vnerHl
Building Supllea.
KnUnmtin nd l'rlc InU nn application.
Country order a ueclalty,
Fttclory aad HiUwooai, Waldierl Mill,
JyMUaw tat
,1 HmrHiilnoii, Him winfc.lliiunrnnnil cl
i.i.,itniiiii liipr on ilriiiiL'lit lit five
Iiiitr.i'. iriini !-., .! i..v. - - - i
' Klvo ttit liv-r Jlhll, Miiln Hl.iiippiK'e
iiii.tiillo, IVtidlHon. Pendleton beer on
ilrmiKlit. Wine, liquor nml clwtr. of the ;
bct brands, n tck. ,
J ceptlott I'lirlnm, Main Mtteet, onMltv
Court flnii-e f-niiiite, In Tliompon' nev
brlrU. ti hem Wine, LlquorHitoit Cifan,
Klutant .'uiiciipi nerveo tn pninitm.
I3KTK1! 'AKMK!mKTt"l,ltl)l,KtKTij7t
I of th. (Inmhtlntl'i Hall. Mnlti Htreel. o
tymllt.PonrtHi.MM'. Klne lirnn.ln of Vlne,
I.tior ati'l PIkhm fiiiiwlaiitly on linml
IheClly Ilrewory, Cmtl Mtriot, I en
itliton,OriK..iii Mlordernfitroui beerflllifl
unit promptly dcllverr!.
of Hie Umatllli llrowery. MannMeuir
em of anil wliolecaln ana relnll ilenlei In
l.cer Ity the rIiw, hottl,irilltiti, ki-C nr harrol.
Trv Itnnrfiito If you don't llho It, ,
tl . And Nottiry I'niillc, vontycie, ori'Kiin
Collt-ollitir n tO'eclnlty,
celvnl, nnd rtuxl proi
CllliiKi on land rr-
prunf wkvti nl rcdured
I Kaut IHimmxiiN uttlnn lit nrln Hint
will prove Ihe.r are rhenpur lhntt lhne nf
nv i-i'I'i'i- mlnlltiK hoiite in Kitmern (irt-KOti
ihsoh;tion notick.
.Vtitlet, Ih henttiy ulveti llmt thu piirtticnhlp
liftro'DriiU1 exiMMic nnnur tne nrm nninn m
llnwrll A Co. It lierebv iIIi"iI'ihI hy iniiliial
eoniciif II. K. Kurflflil irllrltnf, mill .Mrn.
.Iiuif Hnwre'l rnntlnnlni thu ItllUiiew lit the
old ntninl. Mm Jane Howell will colle. I nil
hllU.ntvl pay nit dela. All proil Indebted
tothelhni nre hurcliy notlflH Hint prompt
liuyiiieitl of t'ltdr ecconntH itnoit lt tnniln, er
the hiiint. will hit placed In lit.' humid nf ml
attorney forolleivliin
II. K.itAltKlKLI).
lVndtiiUiii,Or.,SiptDnib.'r, IhKlt.
Nfjpvfl lin
Mnr limn two htllidr.il fnrtiiH nf IfkhI
bliinliH itt Ihli iilthx. Lawyi-r. and nther
tieedlntf ep'M'lal forme cm lx applied.
If v.ni liave nn i.nlntnl ostrnv. vou enn re-
i-over htm by expending Ilfo In lulvt'rlltlui:
In Iho Maut Oiikocniak. It ftclif Ilium
every time.
Notes and Receipts
l.urftr Stork Just from
1'riwn, at Low Blfinre.
The Latest Forms
In piflnorbortkv We alno Inivnn
$2000 Stock of Legal Blanks
IncluiliuK Circuit ami County Court,
Probate und County Court, .1 tint ice 'h
Court, ltcal Kntate, Mincellanu
oun untl Land Illaukn.
Send for Samples and Prices.
IViidl.itoii, Oreumi,
Bucks for Sale 1
as AdliiinUtrutiir of llm i-tuto of llm late
Wll tl.iiit ltn. llm tiiiiimliiiHil will toll
ihirhKlhuujitiwomoiitliKMtl tlm btteka
rcoently owiiod ,v 1-hIiI itemie. it, t hi. nam
'2000 Ttiorottfjlilirtut llc(Mrml
ami (Jraitr Hack.
TIim.i wirkt mo kept in koih! iituie, neur
Allm.Uri'Koit,nnd aiu ill line coiidltloii unit
liorniti;iily Mound.
The iiinlerMimi'it will vllt All" eery Wed
ttOMliiy, n it line! any imnlen wlihttij; lute
the Kti-k lifu-c piirrhnilntr
Ky tertim wnl Ut x. nd.-d m pitrnhainrx
Kor p irtlr ilius ndilrvKH
I'., (i. Til' .MI'iMN. Ailiiii.il.tnii.il-
Ktlifitt IVndli'toii. Urrunii.
O.il'ITAl. . . , 3,OIIOtlMI
tstabllshed In Porl and h 1077.
loi..' paid In Oresnn ,tW V '
lMf ii paid In Washington 1 rr taiTN) (
nil1!!". w,M,lt ete.eovereil finni Hmpof aJ
livery locottutrv wttreliminf orrullr nd until I
.old in iMrlhuu or Kin Kninrltio. iiicliiilli, J
cam tn tef mer, whliol
on uliarvm. etc.
liKllilKKT KOI.OKU, Mnnacrr,
IVnmctuii, OroRon,
epU am
HGnrV RmiAttlro Xr rr itht,",u.tt.n(ll,uro!iatcrrealeut,nnilwlII
ucmJ JiUptJliUCe OC CO. ,! rent building., collect ntnli and Iramactu'iy
Hi hP IllulrtbfcJ unlHilil a .... . .
m m M
J. Diamond, the Clothier and
KcHtxTtfiillv aimounroH to the imblio thai bin hIiiv In tl.t-1.. .. . . '
it few" wecku, untl during that time ho will Hncrttlco hlg Immer-'lrJf
jiiniioi . w v kj wuu uuuuiDii j.'iiih ii nthi...
T? TT!r4- A T?.OT.Tr!.Q fW
This is a Bona Fide
( 1 vv i jirirl IrTi-vriTt "V
JL.mM. ' m, -A. M. A X Jt J I III!
p'Tt-inr T - l r" -r a m r riw.i m. .
w m v " " m , i 1 1 li run
i l in r ii i r- u u i pia i iwi.w Lfin p
Clothier ami Hatter
Watson & Luhrs,
i'i'.t.rluloni of l It ti
Stunm-plntimg JMilJ, SnBh uud
Door Pnctory ixnl Luutljnr.
VUKNIVtlUK kept 111 Mork ho.I imeU
to order.
KtiKt-rMnH workmen .'tnplnred nnd xrtirK
done an nnlernd.
tnVfltf I'endleUia.OreBOn.
Motlre to Caurt Htrrct t'coprrty
Notleu la livrcby ulvrn tlm; J, M. piuetl,
John Cnlioon, auil.W. M. llnBle, frrrhold
or of Hi town of rcii.llolnti, having Hie
fiialltlcatliiili pio-urlbix) byre Inn i, Mllnle
VI, of lli'uliiirierof Iho town of I'mnlleton,
hiitii been Hpt.liilf d liv the t'otaiiioii Coun
cil of mid tnwii, viewKin, to vl w Hie. pro
point wlili'iiliK of Comt urert, belweoi
diiln nlru t"ti the u-rht hiii) Vln 't'tit ktrert
on l he eutatl mril ntit it m widened, anil
innki. nn iiiH'iiiitit of ii - diintiiuoit huh
taltitd and bvneifiN iicerumtc by r. iikoii or
audi wlilniliitfof Court Mri-i't u provided ny
Ncctli. ii n of tutltl AtllPln Vl.nt thu clmrturiif
unlit town. That th- finni Cnunrll hint
ifklkii.Hl .he coaiiell I'.tniii.on lle cm tier of
.Mm n nml Ai"i ireelH, in. the plii.c, nnd
Mlllldliv. thiittltli .luv ..f I li.i.iln.r A Ii Itiiu ,,i
joiini('i'iiio!i In ttie iiiliTienn,iin i no 1 1 (, for
..i.iii ni!m i,t iuti"i iiirniiiinpiirpiiH n.
I hi. boiitidtirb'ii and lermlnf of the proniwi d
ktteet to bo lMlioiillwldeliiil,iitiiltMtitblii. .eil,
Comniencliiifiit Ihtilnti inectlonof the :i.l .
Iltji' nf Stitiu Mni, with the no Hi Pile off
Loinl Hire I, In Mild totvii.aiMl iiimiiIiii; llieu e
aloni; thet tine nf .Mnln Ntroet In m umih '
erlv dim tiou i lhty f.t imii fift, Incii -c . t
IkIiI mini. . on Itu.- purullt-1 wild t e itli
linn of I'oitrt lret. .mil lo an rimlerLv iltlvn-,
Hon lolhe lilt-rmo inn of Mtivh Ih o i li I o
W fctllini Uf vine, lit nine, Iheifue nt rliiht i
iiimieii itinnirt ii.. , rent lino of Viinniit h -el'
III a unrtln rlv illrro Ion .-.;iiiv i.M) feet In (h
liortll llmt of Court 'licet. Ihencn nt rlubt
aiu-leii i, , w.-nUrly direct on ui.tint the
norlh Pneof fun t .(itit to the ulace of be 1
Klnnlni" und nf tho prlvine property to bo
appriiiirliiie l lor mi d p-iryiM . llm iMttin hi
I Itw mill den rlpilniet urn ii fnlliiWKI A hi i 111 of
(laud twenty i.e ' et Hi n It, .I-iiiI .b .
none Hi.- winiloiif t oiler mi fk or bhe k
ttrotve, if) bio k II, block H fnintnitliil btiM'k
nun t o.irl llnii.o bi'iclt, In uld to u.aiid
ll,euured from tlm kimtli niiin.ri'.ii ,
I Inlil'.llt "lid "peiiod.itnd Itolotitflni; In I'lilf.
Hl.a f.iiiilyi to m pine tv, n. W Ilium
lteWt. it n . )rank illi-hm tmf; tn N. K. ' e-
Hpalti, Hnreni-" I l vputit, Alb rl M, H.-i
I'niii, Perolre Ht.-p.iln, K. iieraldini. j) I
j yj.mii. I.nulti 11 Dtxpuln, Kleun r Ht iomiii, !
l tut b.iiiii' uu4 ij.'fii iit'rt'fiiiurt, ..Mini, idii.1.
Conmaiici. A Iti npiiln, nnd Iit Uveriiutre: i
1 t m.'iii ,"H'lt'.r Uo Winder, nml to i
, I'niiitlllaemiiiiy. I
in e iiniieii u pnbtii-a by r.rder of ijio I
. ..",.'..,,. (.iiiuivii, iiiiuii, huh f nii'tii i iftui er ,
. 'SJ, W. K. CKKWH. I
Farm Lands in Eastern Oregon
Patented Lands,
iik nv
p- i n o
'Fnal Proof Certificates.
1 ATA. nliin nrAiiuvA.1 i.k ........ a . i . '
B.Uto Ajentu,
E. D. Boyd I Co.,
Yt-iaVi-iTiry Ctnnrla n-k-k4-n nJm Bl
Hats and Gaps, Etc. '
and Save Money.
Main St., :M door holoa Pciitllelou .National lUnk,
Yillard Hu
fii.intiiui a i i w i nni
1 I l
jllllitliri.il .li ri
.MUfir. niinmi run mi
ii rtn i .vinitii rn nnit inint i
. i , i. n.
jtft"nrnnrn-ri t .
- . n BIB
llrttllltOOi gnuufc-n
Jltitn -oieei, nei
: li F. iniinson
otauouury w.
... " ..j ...I K.'wt
Freiman's R
Only First ClaifRMj1'
Service UiiMrt"4'
Private Rt1
in vtaltlur lorUJ
Eait Orcfoalaa OMm,