m D A.TLY. ' -n Am DAD II W I r M m m. m. miA. 1A.waw- Ervrv tiiiai. sinixomniiiis ti kJJJJ uikkao u human. TO ... OhJii Itilrnn nni Ua uouniy ou.h " r NlI.MI WI.KIU.Y OAll.Y office on Subscrlptloi, Adver- 70c. Ail f job Printing Account. E. O. PUBLt - -C ,0.t I'MllllOtl'll Ori-Ron, 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA. UO., ORBiOiJ5ATLTttl)AV, OOTOHIiLlSO. 1S88. NO LOS. rag: I.0DUK DIUKCTOKY. ? M, nVlHy nlnlit III M Fol nri 1 . ...... Kl. It. A. M. .-..vj rMltPTMItNO. il'.i'ilin Mnwinln Temple, on Hie nh Kr uiljs rnrii iimiiiiii.hi isw "1 II II . If II riinm.v J, l uusimni ! -" Voi-h mnntll, w" "'tlHK'K. H. J. ;. U.i . K. I'ol WINE. iTicirjr, . ltiiU M1IIOK .U. HI. A. r. A A.Alt ...I. ii Miinnnlu leliltilu on mo Minium n ill rn,ii ....t.it.t ii. .C T I MILLION. W. M.l II. Al," - u.iM npv. U)IW1K NO. 114, . O. U. W. Mrctn H U 0 oVlook. J. C. I.KAHUKK, M. ! t iinriiiuii' "i wa r'NItASII'MKNT NO. 17, I. O . MrMii mi I no xveoM'i iinn nni . I. ........ . ... ( l..ln.L ti 1. I.:. I." HIIAItllM.Ni'rinn lVK Ilk! IKrl? l.'IDHK. NO. 13. I. IJ. MIClMMin lirsi llliu mini l II vi i n rh niiinlli. UNV 1,00(1 K NO. ill, lv. OV V. -i.i.i iii.i Kiii(uv' mill fvcrv I in-.. ! ' , ..,...,..1....!, I f. I ... ..... j.WinrAKKii.ii. or ii.unu f. IS I.OIHIK NO. 4. K. OK I. MreH 111 i kvliiiwn" Hull rvtry Weilnenlsv (i mi i r mi. K. of 11. anil 8. ft Bean, -DEALERS IN- All't rwnJi $ lb iiii'uin iiv ATTOKNKYS. k liull.fiiii. llriikii. k. lVntllrtnn. Uirtron. i uiiitk. I riiuiuttJiit vfrruuiii il A r IT7.IIKHA I.M. AlTOllNKYi MW. MfMlltlti ?t. A 14 Mil II. l ttkth'IU KKAN, ATTOKNKT AT LAW. i- Mil III Mlli-cl. Ill Tluililliann- (CullJli u, rivirllif l'oxt-uniur. Alllill. . l l llll. r. l n , l 1..VW. ivi-p Mr" I MilKiiml IIHliK. IV II- it.u?iiii. Ill Vf'lfl.lr I1THIJ.V ITI.IU a..-,,,., ...aw..,.. ...,. I. VI IPIl-KDII ,l?l I. IIIIII.IIJII. pruiiifinr uiifuupii u. uouini .Hind i or uiu Kiui (tif. uiiiiilbii, riiriiiror Mutn niiiI wclib ,mi .inn. iir,,fiii frnilluion. Urrsun. tiiioiui 8 u ml iiliio lllock. General Merchandise. Main and Alta Sts. SlU.."h AMI SUlUihUIStt. ItllKTItl lllf.'jttl k vr i kfitutin A.K W!M8IIIN,MKTA-IMlYM!t!AN' ittfiiiim yli rn to rlu'iiruMUm unU n luiu or (Men tuontu. otTii-. m. pia'Krr. i'iiymoian and tYMtn I llrli.i,i i.-..- if,..i,.,iiu. k .KIN0 M , UFKICK (VKU nrar LMurt vtrct. HeMldence ruunt(tii.ii tiu tdUn uinu uitit vii. . 'fviiii Mvtviiiitfii k vr I Ifi W woiiira mut clillUren. HKNTIRT. UAH ADMIN- Cheap News ! TJtie. JSona.l-'WoolsLly East Oregonian AND THE NEW YORK WORLD IFroin now until after the Presidential election in November for Only 75 Cents. Stamps Taken. Address : East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. MKCUANICS. 11. I X III mn.jii i fe ts I l-.AiniR.lb Anil I'V I ftlfc Whrelfr a Ueene, on Court PAKKKS. C0NTHACT0U AND "Htf, rttidUlnti. nri.i'Aii. I'miHlrv Pilty. KMllmutittf fiirnUhidnn odrtimlTliomptfoii MtrreU. IVuitlfi 7." wurr loiiriien nu urouipiir A ' ,7 --vi . nit uinruniucu n.t iwrMon. IllhoUamltii wnrlc nf all 'tit LKI nntalkla ... .. .... a mnl M. r ,'",u IIIUIIIIVI f WM Great Slaughter of Goods ! FOR 30 DAYS YET, AT 25 PER CENT. LESS THAN COST The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes, A fine lot of Men's Furnishing Goods; A large stocJc or Harness, saaaies ana Dmua.oiB. Fine lot of Rubber Goods below cost. COME AND GET BARGAINS AT MY STORE. James Wjieelan COURT STREET, 'liUOWN. nniMT.- r a ititt AfiK - m idlllli flit hi hwl mi hnrt nntlnA. Onlrn ' 'WUCirV Vrlll fmiuIv nmmnt uttn. " rinunK KlDrclAltT. iaitf-ii on innrL nouoe. umcn i li ii . V ' 11 1 Cti. I I.Li-lr 11.. PI,M,.ml.f ta. ln-lfi . viiiuiiuim(ii . . i iiu Hitnvat nrunn inn a i i wnrr w i i'H ni nrii'u tfiiii klunl Main fiir all bltulu rf utnna t, - 'viiw.u iu.yijHU f II vi SALOONS. lrr ii i"r; Mkia u YS: nllei'u, Orrxon. Kredof PENDLETON. OREGON. C. K. I10O-1K.VBI.T. K. II. TKMNKItY. K. II. HIOIIMOSO. R, T. R. CO. Gro and see their new style Photos "The Russian." Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc. R- T R Co Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon, Successors to J. A. Briggs. TO-DAY'S TELEGRAMS, TIIK WIIKAT AlAliKKT. CanaitUu ATiiunril-Mlutt ftmii Ainhuiili A l.vl'llrndtl lin Curlr. Otil IVo-pin-Thr hllovlmprl llnrrnin -Arclilrnt nn I hi. II. & O.-lTotiuMy Floml Will Itf. cover SMII Anollier Canillilutn furllin New York Mttjiiralty-A l'r.,innrnt Krruchman llrml. rOUTI.ANII I'OINTH. I'oor Dfimt Kurllltlcs-TIm K. O. Man Tumi llaoit Situikrltan -An KmlKrnul rmlljrltU t.fift. l'uitTiiANti, Oct. lit. Tiling uro tu u Very bail Miuh) and decldeilly Iikoh ventunt at tbo ruilruud tormlnulrt In thu north end of town, where tlio coVcrul trutnnol tlio 0. H. iV N,, Northern 1'iu ll c and the wont-hldo divlHion of tho 0. A C. urrive ami dopurl dilllv. Tho dox t of tho Nortliern I'hcIHc, which la eanleht of uccexx and neuier tho city pronor than thu uthoiH, in u very uncouth unit iiit'onvcnlcnt a II id r, and loo unall for u town of onu thoiiHund Inhahltuiitri. Ah tho jiliitfortu In very narrow and two nilnuti'M aftor tho train Hlow hlockaded wiiii ntiiiKN, mo iari) crowd oi panfon uum whlcli arrlvo bv thue trulna uvorv day arc put to a groat liiconvcnluncu anil often aru coinixilk'd to wudo homo dlHtanco In tho mud to gut from thulrrar to (lie hotol Iiiiihch or liackN. CotiHlderlni! thu attitude of tho North ern l'acillu toward Portland thin ntato of afl'alrri Ih ciihIIv accounted for, ho far iih that company It concerned ; but houio thliiK much bettor hIioiiM rciifunably bu uxHicted from thu 0. (!. cimiiiauy who have been operating u road in Oregon io many yean, llow aio they llxeil? ill they hnvo no deHt at all? '1 ho weft fldo traiiiH ntop in thu mlddlo of thu Mtrcet, way down lowaid Weidlor'M mill, and uh tliuro in not oven ho much iih a platform wheio paHt-eugerri aro compelled to alight, tlieiu Ih no alien, a ivo bill to plod along, in thu mud till a walk Ih reui'hed. lWcni:erH aru not u.vacllv compelled to get oil' (hero, bccuiico the IraliiH Htop at Yumhlll and Knurlh HtreetH, but iih there in nothing at thorn K)lutH rcHonilillug a(leHii, HtrangetH Ui thu city invaiialdv ttav on boaid till the turmiuiiH Ih reached. Ah to thu 0. It. A N. eomnauV'H faiili- ticH. it may bu naid that they are do cldedly oor, but Hirhaiis thu company art) in u meuHttru oxciiKatile, as thnv weio left nothinu hut llonkln'H clnle of groundH by thu tlmu I hoy gut traiiiH to run over the bridge. Their dopot is Hitu ated at thu foot of KKth and I HtreeiK, nearly a mile, from thu MorrlMin Htreet hridgo and a fuw hundred yardn went of tho Noilliern l'acillu deot, and at thu pruHeut tlmu Ih a regular nulMitico. In thu Unit plnco il Ih built immediately over tiiat rotten cchhiooI, once known uh (Julld'H lake, but now a decaying )iid of hIIiiio; it in Hinall and entirely inadequate tor thu great IiuhIiiiihh oi tnu company; it in uiiproachablo from onu Htieut only Fifth and nine out of ton HtranirorH who rA ,IIrJul,iil tittlil.1 ,lniu,l fr,in. Hill, fil lint mi town hotulH. cninii dircctlv to tliu ' Northorri i'aclllo ilojxjt and from there loiion aiong uiu iracK. an any onu uuuir ally would, tmvaid the train they wluli toWinl. When within a few hundred feat of thu depot, they aru confronted by a long M retch of trontlo.twouty feetubove tlio hIIiiiu kih! and with nothing hut lion to walk on. A fuw of tho during men mid lueuHiotiullv u ladv. lookilii! vullllv In all directionn for hoiiiu nafor meauH of approach, pick their way aeroH thu dangeroiiH Htivtcli, .Mont people, en-H.-ciully women witli chllilren, turn back when tlio trentlo coufrontH thorn und look for another routo. wliicli muaiiH a walk of three hlockH Houtli to (i Htreet, four block ent to Fifth and three blwkH north to tho dojHjt ten bloeVa, or ugoinl wven nilnutns' walk. Tho train leaves at 2:10 v. u. every dav, und a would-bo paHncnger whoai riven at tho treittlo llvu minuleH heforo tho leaving timn of the train, und U afraid to rink tho walk over it. that Indi vidual in miito certain to got left, an by j the lime tlio neven minutes' walk around I (s made the train in gone. A walk along j rltlier huiu oi huh ircHiio wouni prevent all the- trouble, und rave thu company many a blenlng(V). Ah your reorter waH coming from tho depot in question u fuw dayn ago, along in tho afternoon, a family confuting of man, wife and four little children, car rying the customary numlier of bundle, bag, HatcheiH, etc,, came hurrying down the track toward the O. It. A N. train. Their progrcaa had twen much retarded by the llttlo children und the burden Homo luggage and tin y were late, hut in the language of another "on they camo" 1111 the treacherous trcHtlo wm reached. Here thev halted, and looked norvouMy alxmt. They w eni afraid to Hturt ucrosH j tlio treniio, umi noemeu ui a o u mt to do. The rain wan coming down at a lively rato.und the little ouen commenced to cry. Hut a few inomoutH inoro and the train would Im gone. Tlio Hibt Ohkoo nun man explained the filiation to tlio man, who wan but a poor Immigrant on hl wav to friendri in Katern Oregon, and iwinted out the only wuy to reach the train. Hurriedly Hiiatchlug up their lug gage, awlMed by your ivorler, who carried in IiIm urnin a Kcreaming cherub of about tlinii Hummem. away we camcred. tho K. 0. .Man leading the way, Well, to make a long ntory nhort, juHt an the corner of Fiftli and O htreetH wan turned tho train wan (Uncovered moving away, and the unfortunate im raigruntH were left, 'the woman burnt into teara, but the man, who Deemed to im cue of thoM uncomplaining, good' hearted old granger, after gazing at the disappearing train a few momenta, re marked: "Novcr mind, Amanda. It's all my fault. You wanted to Mart Hoounr, but I thought wo had lotn of time. We'll trv to make it to-morrow." And they started oil" for a hotel through tho drenching rain. TIIK V KOI' I.I'. AHOUHKI. Thr Will Not Allow tlio Cnnmtlan V.rlllc to Inlcrfrrr With Their ItlRliti. Nkw Youk. Oct. It). A Winnipeg nH3clal Haya: ivopiu lieru nro auxiiiiiH to loam troni tlio local government li tiioy want to del tbo Canadian racllle Kaib wav In their nllortH to prevent tlio iSortli em l'acillu from croonlne their track. If they do, hundred will turn out und blow tin tlio oiiHtrticnouH. ami stand guani un til cronning in ellected, Dynunilto in greatlv talked of. l'remlor tJreenwuy Htatcd to-day that to provide agaitiHt fur thcr contincencieH. tho Provincial gov' ernment had telegraphed tho Dominion government of the cxaHieratcd condition of tho people, and wished Ita haudn of uiu conHuquunccH that must follow II tlio government d'ies not call oil tlio uaua dian l'acillu Hallway. T 1 1 KWl TitXr MA UK I'.T, A .IAII. UUKAK. Tlio Markrt Ntrmly In Hun I'rmii'l.cni .Ixrln ChlraRol Wruk In w Vork, mill Wry thill In l.lti-riiool. I.ivkiiI'ool, OcIoImt HL Wheat very dull ; uuiiiornia H HiiiiuugH. Ni:w Yokk, Oclolnjr It). Wheat in huh weak. rovomicr in quoied at tl tiU'tti Decembei fl.lUa, May tl,10?u linked. Plllilkilfl. Orl. 111. Wlu.ilt mmlnr In. dav. Novcmlier 1.11 anked; Decutubcr und Mav 1.H!?,'. San Fiiancikco, Oct. HI. Wheat Ih Hteady. lluvcr tho year fl.tWo No, veiuber l.U2lM'. NIIOT 1'IIOM AMhUHII. Thn ruyiimilrr of Mm l.fliluli Vnltry Kill I . roml Klllril mill lluliliril. Wii.kkhiiaiiiik, I'onn., Oct. HI. Thin morning payinHnter .McClure, accom- iMiilcd bva voting IriHhman. loft 1'lllnWm with :i).000 to jtav men in tlio employo ot the ixiiign valley it. it. un uiu way to the workH they had to iuhh through a strip of lonely woodn. ilhoutf warning both were nhbt at and killed. "Tho vll HaiiH uro Hiicpected. Tho :!0,0(K) wan taken, lircat excitement pruvallH and a no ho of lot) men are making a thorough Hcarch for thu murdcrcm. ACCIIIKNTON TIIK II. O. An Open Nirltrli Him Cim.ii-Hrvi'rat Llira Lout umi Muny IVrxiiK liOarril. I'mHiit iid. I'a.. Oct. HI. At WiiHlilug- inuton. l'ennxvtvania, lids morning, a Ihtougii train from tho Went, on (lie Hal tlmoro A Ohio road, IhiuiiiI for I'lttHburg, run Into an ou Hwitch in the heatt nf the town. Tho buggagu car and two Hlccplug cam wero piled upon top of each other, iliu engineer ami one paHHougor were iiiHlaut v kll ed ami tho fireman Ih dying. Fifteen to twonty paxHcngora uro rcK)iie(i injured, hoiiiu Henoumy. IIAUKI.I'.Ss"5ll,ll lTOI'I.K. I.riiie tlm a Turni-il un IllTlmlr llftl II. mm, with rat ui Kll.il. San Fjiancikco, Oct. HI. Joseph I.tiger and IiIh wife, Julia, an elderly and well to do (iermau couple, accldently turned the gan on before ictirlug WodiiCMlay night and were (Uncovered in u dying con dition last evening. I.uger will die. There uro nliglit Iiohjh for hlrt wlfe'H recovery. TIIK WIIITKCIIAI'KI, MOIIItOIIH. Thr ri.inl ihU til" Klilii.r. of Onoiir III. Vli'llm, to Ilia llcaU or Ihn VlicllMUan Coiiiiiilttrp. London, Oct, H), Ooo, l.unk hrndof the WhitechuiHil vigilance committee, received a box Tuenday night contaiiilng a meaty aubHtance. A note accompanied 1... Ml. ,11.1,. H..I II U'UU llllllllfll IIIU uu. n.M.,,, ,,. , w . kidney taken from one ot tho murdered I women, mo liox wan taiccn to me i mil lion lloHpllal and lr, uinHiiau huiu me conteutM certainly came from full .mm .'. ..tn.n.m 'I Im ftflliulltf IttlPUim, III lunil nuiiiuu, .iiu iiir,i; now at Scotland yard. A I.KVKI..IIKAIIKII MAN. Nlr John Mcl)iinlil AUI Caaadlan to Kfi C'tul and HuUiult lu Arlillralloa. OmWA. Canada, Oct. 1U. At a baniiiet given hore lant night In honor of the Secretary of Slate, Sit- John Me I)onuld made a Hpeecli wherein hn naid that Canada munt keep cool, If thu new (idling treaty cannot bo negotiated Canada muM revert to the treaty of 1HIH and be willing to Hiibiuit thu interpreta tion thereof to arbitration. tiik117.oohiiou.ndh lost. Triton r (Ivnrpowrr Uiu .laller, l.ork lllia limlila. nml Alalia Omul Tlialr K.cipa rrom Ilia Npohatio Jail An In. an. Man Iltirnpil to I lentil. Hprelal In tlio Kit Orcf otilnn, ScoKANi: Fai.ij, Oct. 20. Twonty-onn prinouerH eHcajHid from tho county jail thin forenoon. '1 hoy overHiwercd. Iwnnd und gagged tho jailer, und locked him in Hide, None of the priHouerH uro yet ca tuii'd. Among tho (KcaHd in (Seorge Miller, the murderer of Hall, of'liiirllold, W. T. J. I,. Wilaon, a toachor, lately from l'eiuiH.lvanla, went violently iiiHuno lant evening while at Hiipiier with hia Hinter, and told her huniUHt kill hur. Sim hogged, and dually in a mcamtro pacified htm. She then cHc.ipcd, when WiUm not lire to the house, unit waH burned to death. UNiiKH wiiitlir riTvti." Thr Whltrclmptl I'loiid Kvn Away with llio lllimilliuuiiJ.H.t mi III-Trail. Uiniion, Oct. 10, Tho Scotland yard olllcialn announce that tho bloodhoundn iini'd tu trace the Whltechaixil murderer have been IohL When let Ioohu on their hint run they wero lout night of altogether. rrobaldr Will ilacovtr. San FaANcihfo, Oct. II). A dinpatch waH received lato lant night from Heidel berg, Germany, tliatreMrtn the condition of J . C. Flood, the inllllonalro uh urcatlv improved, with reuHonublo pronpectri of liiHecoyery. , Another Canillilata for Mayor, Hkw Yoiik, Oct. 11), Mm, Cynthia Leonard ban accepted the nomination for Mayor ottered by thu Woman'a auiferage party oi linn city. G.n.ral Kalmiion l)a,I. l'Aiiin, Oct. 10. (Jeneral Salomon, Ki- i'reuldent of llaytl la demi. From tho Initlnimpoll ItilxirNlnnal, For Homo dayn thu frlondt of Ocueral HarrlHun have scattered liroadcaHt through thn city placaiiU bearing tlio red ensign of tlio llrltish nation, and beneath forged ottructH from KngliHli !iuwHpi!om jnirporling to appiovu I'roHldent Clovc bindV t ii rl II viuwH. That the alleged qiijla loin are forged.even us rank un ad vocate of thu monopoly im thu Kvenlng Nowh Ih forced to admit. Now comoa from tho other side a card which should bo scattered thu length and breadth ot thu land. It U headed the "Regular Hu publicau NomliiatioiiH," Then follow the yellow Hag of China, with thin In scription: roil ritKsiiiK.Nr, HKNJAMIN HAKHlSON. IIAIIIIISnN ON Till: (.'IIINI.'HK. Waidiington DNpatch to San 1'rancineo Chrnuiclo,.liiue IH, WUH. (leneial IhiriiKou took thu most radical IHwliloii outheHiilijocKChlnuse Immlgra lion ) and argued that them would bo precisely uh much jtiHticu and propriety in oxcludiug (iermaiiH and Irish uh In excluding Ihu CIiIiiuhu. llu criticised in Iliu HtroiiucHl manner Uiu iiciioiih und senllmeutH of thu people of thu l'acillu Count in I heir opposition to the inilux ol Oriuntaln. koii viui:-riii:Miii:Nr, I.F.VI I'. .MO It T()N, I.ate of the Canadian l'acillu. ami pren- ent partner of tho I'ligllnh banking linn of Hose, Morton it Co. HAltltIS )N'K CHlNKSc HKCOItl). On April L'Sth. IHHU. Ituni, llarrlnon voted in thu United Staton Senate to ad mit to thin country fiou of thu Chinese KcHtrictlou Act nil Chinese "Skilled I .a- iHirern" and "Chiuesu engaged lu min ing." . Section I-, ot. tlio uiiiiicho restriction uct readH : "Sect on IL. I hat tho werdn 't Ii neso lalniierH,' wheiever the same iH-curH,Hhall bu constructed to mean lsith skilled and niiHkllled laborern and Chiuesu umployud In mining." Senator Harrison voted to strike that section out. (Cong. Itccord, April M, lbX', vol. 'J, p. :illi.) . . When tho .Miller twenty-year oxclusii n hill ii.iKwil bv a vole of L'l) uvon to lo ikk'H, Senator llarrlnon wuHulisent; hut Senator .Muxey, hln"palr," announcd that if present Senator Harrison would have voted no. In I ho otfort to nana that bill over President Aithur'H veto, whleli failed for want of u two-lhlrdn majority, Senator llarriH-jn'H votu wan onu ol tlio -I noen agaiunt 'JO ayeH cant. (Cong, Itccord, vol. 1, p. -Ml.) On Senator Iloar'n ameudmuut, pro vidiuu for the admission of Chinese ar tisans, I he votu hJihh! HI aycH to L'l uoen, HarrlHm voting ayo. tt;ong. Keconi, vol. li p. 1717.) On Senator Ingall'a motion to change the period of restriction from twenty to ten yearn, tho voto ntmnl, avon 'JO, noen, 21, Senator Maxey,wlio would have votud "no," stated that ha waH paired with Harrison, who would have voted "aye." April -H, 1HH'. Senator Harrison voted for thu l-'dmundH amendment to Ihn clause providing that "Chlneno lalsern" should mean pornouH unually engaged In luminal labor, (Cong, Itccord of that dale.) The necond antl-ChlncHii bill, prepared after 1'renident Arthur'ri etu of the twenty-yearn bill, suspending Chlneno immigration (or ten yearn, panned the riunalD April JH, ihi.'. enalor uarrinon voted no. (Seu Cong. Itecord, April 'JH, IHS-'.i On Aiirlr.5, KWl' Iteiilainln IlarrKon voted in thu United Slates Senate to utrike out tlio Chinese resliictlou uct aection 14, which ri a In an follown ; "Section 1-t, lliat tiereafler no State Court ami no Court of thu United State nhall admit Chinese to citlzeutdilp, und all lawn in conllict with thin act aru hereby rojKiaied," Ilia diirereuco Initweeu thu two cards in Hlmply lliln: Thu llrst Ih forged, and the mouooiy mauagern arucircuiaung ii wnn a full knowledgu of thu fact. The second in ubnohituly true, uh thu CongreHslon.il records rhow. Mr. llarrlnon cannot dodge bin Chi newt record. It in mutter of history, und he munt annwer to thu or ganized laboring men of tho country for bin action on the cooliu lalsir bill uh well un liin uttltudo toward thorallwuv striKem in 1H77. The Signal does not believe that any Knight of laibor, who ban thu leant conception of the object and alum of thu order, will bo found training under tho Chlneno (lag. On the other hand we lie llevo that every Intelligent man will thin year votu to maku the old Mara und HtrlH.-H an emblem of equal rlghta and Justio to all citlzeiin of thu Itepublic. Down with thu flag of China I