j Leozer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS Tin Inrtfert ari'l rnol rotiiplult itocU f Tlio Ithodo Inland llallot Itoforin Aeflociatlon In circulating 11 )tltlon to Iho Ken nrnl iiHHeinl)ly'oftlioHtuto,UKklni for tin) piiHrniKOuf uu electoral reform bill, 'flio following clieular ucconanIen the petition : Hnmpti' of nil Ollli-lnl llullol l.iilrr llir Mtiatrullit.il Sylrm." Ttic VMti-r pliirrdii rro'H'X) on tliotlKlit IhuhI ulitouf III" uniniMif tlio pernio torwliom ho hIkIick Id vide. For (iovoruor, HOYALC'IAl T, Uupul-liciin H of t'roviilotiLV. JUI1N W. DAVIS, Deni. g of Pnwtuekot. ui:o. w. ootn.w, Pioiii., J , of N. l'rovlclonco. w For f-'enator, CH.VH. SIDMJV vSAUTH, tj Hopntillniii. OSCAR l.Al'IIAM. DctllOCTat. mi ii (i i 1, ANDltHW J. OKO.SSMAN, l'rolilliltlon. ii.w.uir itt:riu.M in hiiouk inland. jjrugc. iVicQ IIAI.I.OV JtliKOUM. To tlio ooplo of Hliixlu Inland : Tint AiiHtrullun nynti'111 of votliix Ho-culleil becuune ori)(lnatin In the AtiBtru lluii coloiilurt lmn fiwn unacted by tliu U'iflluturo of MuHKiicliUfettH, and take ollcct In tlio November election of 188IJ. Tlio Now York I-etflHlatut out ltd liwtmsH ilotl pawed u bill oinbod'.lnn tho CHHcutlal fi'uttiro, of thU nvntcin, and it failed to Imjuoiiio u law only by tfio voto of.Oovernor Hill. Tho bill will undoubtedly bo attain pawed ut tlio nuxt hm-Ioii of tlio I.egiHliituro. In Connecticut utul Minnesota public oilnlon Iiuh bren etrongly inunlfeutcd in favor of the immediate mloptlou of the MHteni. 'iho eHientlal features of thu "AuHtrulhn syftetn" nre, I. A compulKnry Heerut ballot. . Tho printing mill dlntrlbtitlon of ballot ut public expciiHc, one official ballot containing all nouilnatloiix made and blank HpuecH which thu voter can till by writ lug lilt own choice, votlur If ho cIiochch fur ono of tho uominccH by Indlratlng his cholcu by a X mark. Tho advantages of tliino leionnn nro eaclly cecn. Tho objectnto bo nceured are: 1. A ceciet ballot, cant a protrnffod in thin plan IntcrpoHCH the moHt ellectual jiroventlvi) of tho n 1 eiy of tho voter over deviled a. A n-cii't oallot M'lMint i iho votei mralnnt tho coercion of unduo solicitation for ollierH, and enables tho inoct dependent elector to voto an his consclenco dic tated, in ifrfeel froudoui. It. lixctiHo for iiHHi'HlinentH of fundtdiiliH Ik taken awav. A ixnir man u placed on an eipiallty with a rich man uh u eandldato. .Money will bo (chh of ii factor in politicH. S. Tho voter will bo "alouo with bin eountry, hi roni'i'Ioneo and IiIh 'Jod,"nnd cloetlonn will Ik) inoro than over the Intolllent and eoriMilontioiiH. rcKlnterln(? of the popularwlll. 5. Till methid of ballot reform Iiuh been much dmciiHcod In the United States for noveral yearn, and Uu received Kc'iierul favor, being iceoimlzeil after careful fcriitluv mm u pim.'tlLiil and palmary iiicumiiio. At'tho .Mav M!r."lon of tho general assembly of Khodo Inland, u bill Rtibatan tlallv Idehtllleil with tho reform l.iw ouacted In .MuNnaeluisottH, wan Introduced Into tliu lloiHoof Uujio!entatlvoH. iti early en.ictment by the general iiHMetnbly will livo to Ithiidi iHlaud tlio hoii'ir.ible dl-itlnctlon ol being tho tlrxt .Statu to actually conduct an election miner rnu h.vh'.'iii iieHunou to immeuiaio general nuopiion. . Tho ithodi) IhIuiiiI ballot reform uhoclatlon uikn every good citizen to give his Inlluoiico mid hN aid in favor of this IndlMpeuHablu refoim, chciilatlng tw widely an IMinxihlo thu petition ff Unaturox. Auiiui DawnoX, Secretary, l'rovldeneo. . An I'll'ort will bo uiado to pnwi a Himllar law at the next k'kmIou of the ( regon 1 glnlaturo. livery lover of good government hliould lend IiIh Inlluoiico and help along thin great reform. Thu K vnrOitKxNi .s would bo jileased to hear from those . who feel Midi u law will do good and bring alxnit an honcHt ballot. ; CHEMICALS, Toilet Sl Fancy Articles j In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despaln Block Pendleton. (!i)ii,.s i,ami iti:vn:v. Till Nntv lloiiiioli'ixl Ijiw-IIiI Tlillnci fur lliihii'lc) Tliciummli. A now hind bill of gieat lmiituncn to peiHoiiH wholuiM) heretofore oxluuixlcd their riglitH under tho liomet-tead and Mi'i'liil tli li lawn Iiuh piiHM'il the Senate ami with luii'ortant miiemlnicnlH has been udi'iiled by the lb umi f licprcM'ii tutlvcM and ii liiiiiril to the Senate for concmri in or In thu uuicmliiirutx. Tho bill at naM,d bv the Seuato rer inltH all pcrM'iiH who have tiled under pic-oiiipllwi or hnriio-teiid law, but who lor any ieaou Iiumi lalleil to acquire title to luiidrt. to tiLMln two iiuiler tin homo nteail law and ucnulro tlthi to not uioro than ono ipiartei heclimi of public land. Tho fit ft amenduieiit added by thu HoiiHii of KenroMtntnlivcM authorizes ret: lHterrf and lecolveia to grant le.iveK of alt hoiicch to tlioxo who Iiiim math) entrlen uiidwho"by reiiHcii of drought, wholo or paitlal ileftriictlou of et.ipi, NicknecH, or oilier unas'o dali o eaHiialtv. ' are un nblo to "Heciiio a Hiiport for hluiKelt, hornelf, or lhoio dependent upmi them," Hitch Hiilmtauco not to e.ceeil ono yrur at any mm time, though the cr!od of hiicIi ulmcnce nli.il! not In) counted as residence uhiii tho umi In making proof uud er feeling title. The M'coud amendment provides that ikimoiih who have miido bomeMtead en tries for less than n quarter i-ei'tion may make add.tlonal entry lor mini conitgu ous to the oiiginnt homeftead not exceed ing, with tho laud in such orlixiiml entry. ItHl acres, or it Iho ciiliyiuuil elect the mav iellniulNh tho oilglnal entries ami niako new ones tho namo as though they hud never made enli Irs, except that no fees or commlSHlons tdiall bo exuctrii from thu ontryniun for such additional oi new iintrlos. Tho residence which ha Iwen made upon tho original entry will loiint us residence iikiii the uddltloual oi now entry In making llual proof, ami where satisfactory dual nroof has already bti'ii nmdu on ll.o original entry no nroof mi tho additional or now entry will bo reipilred. but patent may Ikhuc. This will U) glorloii news to thousand of iiersons anxious to ucqulro homes but debarred from doing so under nIstlin laws. There In little doubt tho bill will pass tho Soiulo as amended. Copies of the bill can tx) had by ad dressing members of Congress. IIknuy N. Con. Mlirilll Aliiitil It I k It t . Hurls't V Weekly eloces Its view of tho present itsisiv't of the l'restdonti.d can vat." with this statement of tho situation : "It Is notions that Uutlng on either side as tn the general lesuli in the coun try is tidiculons, whllti tho betting, wo 1m'I1oo. N favorable to Mr, Cloveland. This generation of voters has not hanl iK'fme the arguments ug.iimt an liuiuod onito and uujint ta Indeed, it ha, not ilcarlv comprehended that the tut ill' is u tax: but It is evidently in- j'lln.til In lUtmi Inti'lllifitiillv utul MViiiiui. tbeilcuiiy, and to sen that those who lire denounced us cocking the ruin of tho . country by promh-iiig tn diminish thu' sui oIiIn I y'llglitenlng taxation tiro doing mile wlmt Ibn iloiioiiiovrs themselves ad-' viH'iited a few ycirs ago. It m'os that the Hetaiblle.ni Senate Is prooslni: to do what tho Ko ublicuu l.itform eondniuns. -unit it laimhs at tho etl'ort to t-tlmmitlo ua ii Ir.ilu.t1 lullliil.' II l.illlr.l wlitpli l'mut dents (Irani and Uarfleld and Arlliur nod t the uuti slavery fathers of tho liepul Il ea n luirty upprovisl, and which resin! uisrn tho fundamental Americ.in princi ple of equul rlishts. '(ho lonuvr and moio seaa'blug and detailed tho discussion, the surer will bo the approval of tho original American view of tho turllV, which i substantially that o( tho l'resl dent's wctuMgi) ud letter." SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. H ICALThjY fttAtrricM. BOOT1 SHOEMAKER Main Mint UYMiHtri-i'l KltMll'I'll 'Imll- ItlMlla nnit Nliu.'i in Slueli. IVrfpi! tn Uunr.uiti'-i Commercial Livery, fed, and Sals Stable, 1. B. KEENEY L CO.. PropB. Put up your animals and your monoy ut this stand. Thoro is no bottor in town. Our patrons and friends will bo well troatod. i:niti.Tj.)Hi:Ki;n, ah, kinds uk iikim vx)i: iimu: Tin: kinkst tuiin. Ol'TS IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY & Co.. PRO PR Grain Bags and Twine for Sale T. F. ROURKE, Grain and Commission Merchant. VII klml.of undo ami fillirr prtnlurc IhiukIiI Mini cold. AuipluuliJ ciiliuniKliiiiKwurv hdUHri. UiioiI unit iuimIucu of ull k lliil ntnre l ut rauiinbln rulrk. Ititv.i now on limni;. iiiiiitltv of DANACKII HIIKAT, UimmI for hoc, clilrkrii jiiU tiuno fi-J. for Mule clirup. OXKICK AT W'AttKIIOUHK. UKA It OKPOT, . I'KNDI.KTON, OltKltON, IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BI66EST NEWSPAPER On The North American Continent. 12 Largo I'uuca and 84 Long ColunuiM. A POPULAR NOVEL I'litilUln il III unit iclven Willi eiicli Imiui of the wi i'kh' cdMon, Iti'iiimilmr An . I. umi runtlnulnic liu-re-nflitr, I hi' World will print witlt i'iicIi Imii ii roiiiiikle tiovi'l tiy ii poiinar atllliiir. Anient: inn wii'itm win no! TtH-I)UCll"H, Wnllirlliwiitil WIIUl.T.illlns, Unlit. Iliii'liiinaii, It. I. Hti'Vi-tmuti, II I. Kitrji'on, 'I'tintiiiiM llurily. JiiIIhii lliiwtliornc. I K W. ItoMimoii, I Ktnllc (liilmrliui, 1 JnlfM Verne, win, iiiiiev. Mm. AlrxiiuiliT. John H. Win er, lirnr wnmi, M. II, Ilrudiloti, Klorviire V unlrK MurvCifll 1 1 n v ItfithaM. Clay, Aiinln Kihvnnlx, Itli'ulu l'Mwanlx. . ,r. v., l lilllli. I Tlue riovi'N will tlliu Intent worKM of tin ln--t wiitrm at llii'yiiro pulillheil tlio lunik. ! wiiieh every oim I tnikliiK aliiiit. Nolhln inn ini very oim win nit nuiniiuii inui tin- Worlil'MiStiiii ant l.lhrnry of llctlon. Tlil l.lhrury ofKlcll in Will lie HuppllrU to Hn'ncrlbcri Only. No Kxlin Corl"H Will lln I'r Intnl. No IIhcIc Numhurx Can lie KiirnlxlieU nml No Itixle I'opli'N Wilt lie Hull). If You Wist, the Hi rlrn Complete, HUltHCIlIIIi: ATONRK. Onu Yt iir (K numlirrx), it; ii Moiillni(.VI mimbni). ; .1 Moutlm (1.1 mi in burn', 'in. AililroK THE WORLD, Now York. I ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I Tliry iln Impiien vwty itiiy, ami wlien ont hiipprnii in you. you will wl.h Hint you wi-ro liimrrj In ili , TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. 'I'iikIiuvklkioi' rcHourvni nrt minialent lo pay nl onee inn iii(it eiiormoiu mun of I'lnlniHtliHt oven jreut rallrmul una le.un Imiui iii-itlilfiitN run hrlnir upon It. I'uv nil clnlm, wiltiiuil aiKCount linniedliilelv upon rwi-liu of itlufHrlory pronfn. Nun Korfelture prnvHlom In nil lu pollcln. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. I'AItl rOUl'Y Hl)t.I)KltH,l4,(M),lW, Clopton Jackson, Resident Agents, Kal Orpxoritau buliainif. I'omlltnn, or. JOSEPH! i MumifMcturvrnf niut IVtil-rln ii. HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES, ETC. Main Hlrrol, Nixt Uoor to lotomcr, I'KNIH.KTON - OKKQUN. DUTCH HENRY, The "W ood Man DUTCH HENRY, THE FEED MAN. BBlaTHtCKT . rSNDLBTOM Grain Bags. Calcutta ami JJrtriek's Celebra ted K. II'.M TWIjSfBS OfAII Kindt. Triit. Flim V.w Printed Flour Bags A Sjiecinlty. AMES & DETRICK, 13 front Nt. juia iuw ir 1'OHTL.ANU, OK. Money to Loan In imutl iimu on penmnut k curtly at rea. Negotiable Paper Discounted. Apply to K. I. HIIYII CO., t.Jt OreKoiilan tlulldlnr. I'ciiUlriun, Oregon. THE BWMANTTOUSE K. J. Hurtau, lrprlMor. Ualn anil llatlroad 8tv, IVnJIeloo, oco KtrttaM la evarr rlct, Nr the da. iot anil baa avarx cobtuUuc. Trm II a Z IjUiiU-.-