IIAM.OT lli:i l)lt IN HIIOUK INLAND. TIio Uliotlo Inland ISullot Reform AHcwiatloii In circulatln u ixitltlofi to tins iton cral UHPcmbly of tiio f-'tato, uMn for tho tuiKHuKc of un clcctorul reform bill. 'i'Lu following cltiulur atvotiipunluM tho petition: ' Numptii nfnii OlllrlM llnllot Under llir "Atiatrallnn Hyutetu." Tim VHtnr liircmi cti l.i nn the rlvlil huml f lt t tin; niilrieof theperMin for whom ho Hlilim In sot; For ( lovornor, KOYAI.U TAI-T, KuptililiniH y of I'roviilonrii o JOHN W. IUVJK, Mom. . 5 of l'lisvtuckcl. H (JKO. V. WVU, I'rolil., b of N. Pro villi) nro. For f-otmtor, (JIMS. SIONKY SMITH, Uupul'liciiii. OfcVAK I.AI'IIAM, Danioorat. ANIMIiW .F. (JltOSSMAN, Prohibition. II W.I.OT IlKIOHM. To tiio pc'jplo of Rhode Uland : Tho Australian h.vmuhi of voting no-culletl bucauw oritclnattng In the Aimtra liuti colonics Ii:ih U'.vn onnctwl liy thu l.oi'lHluturo of iMiiSHiicliiiccttH. and taken ulli'ct In tliu iNovciiiIkt election of 1MB!). The New York I-euiRluturo ut Itn hint Ken Inn tumped u hill utnhoiIvIliL! (lie eHHOiitinl foutureM of tliix m-ntmii. und It fiiileil to bccoino u law only by thu veto of.Govurnor lllll. Tho bill will undoubtedly but UKuin panned ut tho next newlon of tho U'mlaturo. In Connecticut and MinnuHotu public opinion I urn licen Htrotiyly nmnifuHted in favor of the Immediate adoption of tho HV-ntom. 'I ho OHHontial fcaturoH of tho "Atihtrulhn Hyhtcm" uro, 1. A coin imlmiry Heoret ballot. Ii. Tho 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k and dlHttibiition of bullotH ut public oxpuiiHO, one ofl'icliil ballot containing "11 nomlnatloiiH made und blank hucch sshieh tho voter can fill by writ IiiK IiIh own eholt'o. votltif if ho cIioohoh for onu of tho nomlneon by indicating IiIh cholcu by it X murk. Thu udvuntuuuti of thee o u-foi uim uro canly hccii. Tho obJectH to bo (secured uro : 1. A Hecret ballot, cuht uh pioiHiHcd in thiM ilan IntorpoHCH tho tiio.it ell'ectual provonllvo of thu bribery of tho voter ovor iIuvImmI. 2. A m-crot bull'tt feeure.s the voter uiraltiHt tho coercion of undue Holicitutlon for othurH, and unableH tho inortt il 'Kjudoiit elector to vole uh IiIh conneienco die tutoH, in tierfeet freedotn. .'I, Lxeiino fur UHxoHHiuuntH of cundidatcH in taken uwuv. A tioor man Is placed on un equality with u i leh man as a candidate. .Money ill Ui Ic.mm of a factor In poIltlCH. 4. Thu voter will lo "alono with liln rotiutry, bin connclenco und IiIh God," and elect loim will Imj moru than ovor tho Intelligent und eouHclentioim registering of tho popular ss 111. Ji. TIiIm method of ballot refoiin Iiuh boon tnticli dlfOUHhed in tho United Stales for wivoral yearn, mill Iiuh lereived genorul favor, Imlng recognized nfter careful Hcrutlny an a practical and culinary uieaHiiio. At tliu .May Henhion of tlm Koneiul uHHcmbly of lthodu Inland, u bill nubstan tlally Identified wilh the lefoiiu law mulcted In MuHuohUH!ttH, wan Introduced Into thu IIoiiho of ItuproMiitativuH. Itn early enact inutit by thu otiur.il iiHHOtnbly will Ki vii to lthodu Inland thu honorable distinction' ol bolng thu llrHt .Statu to actually conduct un election under the Hvntem dcMtliicd to immediate general adoption. Tliu lthodu Inland ballot reform unsnoelatlon unkn every good clti.ou to give bin Inllueucu and hirf aid in favor of thirt Indinpennahlo reform, circulating un widely uh ponHiniu tnu KitiiioiiM ior MguuiuiCH. A t.Kiu:n Dawhom, Secretary, Providence An ollbrt will bu niudu to piiHH u Hiinllar law at tho next fcxslon of tliu Crogon I.CKlHlature. Hvury lover of good Kovornnmnt nhoiild lend hin inlluuncu und hcl ulong (IiIh great leform. Thu IIaht Oiikcionian would bu ple.iKcd to hoar from thono who fc,el Mich u law will do good and bring ulxiut un hotiOHt ballot. Leezer & Kuabler, druggists! i Tim lMTti'il uii'l nioitroinplctn stock o I Drugs Medicines CHEMICALS, :i Toilet 1 Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despair) Block Pendleton IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE tiii: Ni ituci: no r (jijiti: ovi:it. TlmNtrri'l C'ur Mlurt Hp Airnlii Nt.iv Mm In Clinrtfn -Muni Trouhln Ktpi'rtril. Chic aoo, ()ct. lii. When tliu tlrnt cur on tliu North nldo htarted out thin morn Ing. guarded by the illce. It wan an-' nounced that now men would take out IIH Hul.Htcail ntrool e.irM lu'lvwen H) other Slates bodden ami II o'clock, piHHihlv. ('ablu roads (Mevelainl. Another THE WORLD It Is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Bates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Thu North American Continent 1- Large I'ugert und K-l Long Columns. A POPULAR NOVEL Tlutrk lu M.ntt.ifit ft. Iittt-tt t tin tu I . f i i . I.; . " i .m ; ! ' '""I kIvmii wMU wwU Kmih of niiwiin .11 iiii.MiiiK iiiu lijliun lll mil t'lini,! Hie WCI'K i ('till loll A (,'llMilllD lift. Viiiii tlm WVxIon I.-iiilcr. uIho announced an early nturt. 'the new men arrived thin mumiug, HiiiirlKliliig revolvers, ami tlueatunlng to nlioot thu oxMlrivem, Trouble It uxpeeted. hu will Im'I two liundreil ilollais that ho will iiamu twenty Stu'eH that Cluveluud will carry In November. Then ho will but fso9 more that he can naiuu ten that will go for Wontonian olTorn III. AIM! IN INDIANA. Tli UiiPriiuiiptl KIiik Hint III (IlmrK)' "f n (.r orMlonlnt. Sai.oi. Iml .Oct. 111. Illalnu and party reached hero IIiIh morning. A croud of -,(HX) KrHoim awaited thum, and chceied hiHtlly uh Illalnu upcuted. Thu party is in charge of Colonel (iuorgo l-'rcodv, general solicitor for thu I.oiiIhvIIIu Hall road Company. Tlm I'rlnuir NiiKr IIiiIiir Dmrii. Han I-'iiancim'ii. Oct. 111.-Thu two. ofglithHof a cunt leductlon in tuiLMr vuh teiday wan followed by another eighlii of u cent reduction iiuh iiiuuiliig. Wliut AliilnlaliH WuKtii, Krom Ihn New York Itwiilinr Wnrlil (lov. Hill has a great talent for going to inn root ol (mentions. While partisan theorlnts on both sides woro Hwapiilug contradictions uh to tlm real law of wages, (iov. Hill applied uirtiniy to tnu nieii w no earn and I no ineii who pay wages. ii wuh un inspiration, uuiers may cuess. llicno men know. Thu Himiaii of hibor StatlstleH upnltcd io iiiauiiiacdirurri ami to iaiHr union-. User ono thousand three hundred em ployers reisirteii wagen tnu namo or higher than live years ago dlsxnlng of thu luiiU'scaru), und over Ik) ur coot, of them attributed thu increase wholly to "organisation of labor." No omplovor claimed to have ruined wugeri voluntarily. Only nix uttrlbutod thu Increase to "I'm tcctlon." Over 500 lalsir orgaiilatiotiH, ropremuit lug 114,000 nieiulMirH, emphatically utllrmod that thu malntonamo of wugCH in duo wholly to tho union of worklug ruen, . tJov, IIIII'h Coojsjr Union Hocch waa tho ablest und most etrcctivo campulgu otfort yot inudu in thin city. Lucky All Aruuuil. Krom Urn tjtdruiulu iIhu'IIc, 1-int fall Y, J. Snodgtas.H Hold to A. l.ytlo, ('. IVniiiugtnu and John .Smith each u quartor of section of laud on thu wand ridgu, at an average price of ulsiut $17 per acre. At the time tho xulo was made oveiyhodv said that tho heller was u locks man in gutting such a good price. Thrt purchaH tint List spriiii! tiroko up their laud and put every ucru of It in wheat, und svero rossunlod bv an average yield of over thltty-tlvn liuslielrt of lliHt-ilasa wheat to tho acre, which thoy ato now do llvcilng ut I-ulirutulo for tlftydlvo cents a bushel. At these llgim's the parties will almost uy fur their land und tho coat of cultiv tion tho tlrxt year. Nosv osory UhIv Ktvn tliu pnrt'husorrt aro tho luckv men. 'the fact Is that a mau in in big luck to live In Uruudo Itouudo valley anyway. There uro '.',000 kinds of thread. The 1 pooU uro numbered by this method: yheu 840 yunls weigh a h)uiu1 ita iool I is No. 1; when twice 840 yards make ui pouuu ii ut .o. - uirvaii, uua no on up. Wo rcvolvo 17,000,000 cocivanuUu year from Coutrul America. In rainy weather tho treo ahoda two cocouuuta In threo dayn, und ono every two days on fair daya. Thoy average about ISO uuta per yor. to but ifL'O'J that ho can name tsvuuty State.-i that llarrlnou will currv next November, and tStHl that Cleveland will not carry one-half of tho remaining i Wales, lie then In conclusion mado : another hot of that Cleveland will r.irty In ! Ihj elected our next 1'ieslilent. Onhii; lit lln Aliirrleil. Itev. and MrH. John ItosenlMirg of 1'iirllaiiil have Issued invitations to thu wedding of their daughter, Miss Clara Mutlinglv, to Mr. Henry U. Johnson, on Wednusday,0ct. 17th, at 1L o'tloek noon, ut .St. iStoplion'H Chupol. ,Mr. und Mih. Johnson will leavo the same day for San 1'rancisco. .Miss itoneubeig visited friends in l'enilleton during tho pant summer and mude many frlemlH who wish her union happiness and prosperity and long yearn of svedded life. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. B ICAXKY IScullllillitr All . 1. anil eotilliiiiiiiir tnrrc- iifmr, l li World will print svlili mh-Ii Ikmio ii riniiiro iios'ol liyu pupiiiiiriiutlinr. Aiiioni; i hit ri'i'm win i'U. Tll("lllli'lli"i. 'Mrn. Ali-xiuiilcr, ,liilin H. S'lniir, 'llfiiry WimhI, M. I'. Ilriiililiui, 'Klort'iii'ii sviinicn .-unrv i.rcil I lay vS'nlu r lUxanl. WIIUIlM'llllllll., It'ilil. Iliioliioiun, It. I. hli'S'riuiiii II l KiirJon, 'I'Iiiiiiiiin Manly. Julian lliixvtliiirno, K V. llnliln- Kinllf (liiliotlau. lllll'H Vl'Nll' lleitliu M. I.'lay, I.OwhiiIm, I'H.VCTICA I, BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main unit VsVlihHtr Knnleru Slitile lilt MIlllfH Nlock. IVrfi-ct lit ()iiaruiit-.i, lliiulo m Commercial liver;, hi Sale Stable, J. B. KEENEY & CO., Props. Put up your nnlmals and your money at this stand. There is no bottor In town. Our patrons and frlonds will bo well troatod. OMKTOHKIiUM, ALL KINIVm OK ItlOH tMll HltlK-Tllt: HNKST TUlUi OVTH IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY Co.. PRO PR I Grain Bags and Twine for Sale T. F. R0URKE. Grain and Commission Merchant. AH ktuUkutKiulii ami nthr pnuluco Umuhl 1 Mint ilil. Ample ami coinumillouwutv- 1 liouam, UimiUi ami produce of all I Hiiiu kinreti us rououuuit. rules, Hav uow on hmia; qiisnlllv of DitMAUKU WHKAT, giXKl (or hog, chicken and hone feed, (or clifup. OKKIt'K AT WAltKltOUHK, NKAK UKPOT, lKNM.KTOK, OltKOON, ' 'S II 11 III IK SS'lllllN. : Ithnilil Kilu-iirilu. 11 III. Illllix, ir.L. I'lillllliH, ' Tlno niiviln will ! I Ik- Intcxt worKNuttlie Ihm wrilcri. hh llii-yiiro putilUlnittlii Imuks wiiicli (ivfry ono Is tilklim almiit. NuIIiIiik tiiillnvt'ry IhM will lip mlinlili-il Into Hid World's Stun anl l.llimry tit Hi linn. ThU l.llirury of Flcllin Will llu Nuppllnl to Hu'ivrllicr Only. No KxtiisCopli-v Will llu Print. l. No Hark NtitnlierH Cun H rurnlnlied inul No Unite Copies Will loHolil. K Vou WUli the Hi rli-s Cmiiplfir, HtTllSC'ltlltK ATONCK. One Vcnr (W tiiiuilH-m), 51; il MoutliH (SO numlHTHl.'iiK'.;, .1 Mnnllni (1:1 mi in limn . V. Aililrexs THE WORLD, Now York. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN I Tliey do liappoii i-vi ry iliiv.Hiid when one I IlKpp iiH lo you. y.iu will wi tliut you srere liikuml In lh TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. i'iik 'Ihavi-(.Kits' rmourcpM me niithYleul to puv nt nei Hie ninx ennrmnuit iiiiiwh of I'l.ilini Ihi'l nvni vreisi rnllixiud ami Meam. ImiiU aoclili.nti ran brltiu upon It. pay nil oIiiIiiih, svllliniit dlicmint linmeilluioiv iipon reonliit ir mll.fuclnry priHif. Nnn rorfeliure priivUliinM In ii Un pollclea. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions ol Surplus. I'AII I'OI.ICV HOI.l)KltH,ll,t0, Clopton Jackson, Resident Ageats, Kut ireniiln bullillnic. I'endleon, or. Grain Bags. Calcutta and Dtrlck' rtr1,m. td Ji. ir.'n Twi;snEs OfAII Uliit, Tviil. Vltxu Printed Flour Bags A Specialty, AMES & DETRICK, M.1 front Mt. jutad.w t( I'ORTtANB, OK. HWIUIII0UU IMfiMMlMMMMilN on linrtiUAt ttn Ii Ctuctfa, ll fad it of 10 4) "49 RMtoipte Sl, MjjBk THAHIC MMniMii Llml i; IPVMS Money to Loan In nM turnn on peronnal f curlly t rn conaiile ulr. Negotiabii Paper Discounted, Apply to B. I, BUVIl co EMt OreconUn IlulldlnE, l'ndl!tun, Oregon. THE BOWMAN HOUSE K. J, Mrte)N, Proprietor. Main and lUllroad gta., I'endletoo, Orea Klnt-cluM la etery rpet. Near the de pot and bae every ewaveoleuoe. Termt II a lyltdaw o m O O 3' 0 0 b 4 a 0 Tickets M' ay,h. Elegant Fmimanp. KnitaTmttl UI....I ..TOp,, "'B.ta nu tin . . umnfl,uuUNC LRinrr. rreaotelnrreind.,,.! ---wit Ctmo onnni.iii... Walla Wail a ... I,cnvei at t:0& a. m. tJxH?i To Ban Franelite, ColumW.Auttitii )retton,,MiB0MU nlV"; (!olUinbla.Anin.t Oregon, Auiimll uJ.ll HtHte.AiUinita uJoiOT OlIUlilliln.Hentl ihZJ ure8nn,Hfptft Hatfa nli..hi -,l""",",Pnar(,llrt)n ltate n( PaiMfn inriuuing nitftlt Mb l.'llblll, . Htet'ni(,'e, . Hound Trln. tint Imltxl ftr further pnrtlcuUnilMrt of Itio Conipmiy, or A. I. llu 'i i urMnnu, urf jon. on ... ... Uoneml Mntr, ii. 1t.MiRir.1J l'fMlill Great Rock Ann ALBERT LEA RN Tho direct and opuUr lln h'J wiwi mo nnrinern riMM (roiu Ht. I'h u I and Mlnnttpo! To C'lilenco and the f.t. To Mt. Louie and lar hh4 Tu lien Jlolnea, Uiin Atehlaea Ml rPI.. I :., Conu iiivnuncii iiiiiik, LifivfQvuru i wuvror ciiiOAUo xsu iv row I'ltllnuiH Palace Nxi J'atacc Dining Att-imnunt- till Ihroiifh Vtn HUB IMIUIl'. Tlckemfor rntleby all roaMrt! nnn connccuoni mijiioiui Korfull Information ttciriitt ete.. apply In any coupon p A N. or Nnrlliern 1uIV hi panlea,orto It t Jj Prmtlrhil CHAM, KKXKIIY,ri.i No. 3 Wnnhlnjctoii HL. v. a. imr.minnir. Hen. TKUawl ilsn. jij Chtcak'o, in. Oon.T.andl'.Att.K.I' APo Minsei GREAT OVERLAND I THE Northern Pacific I T1IKONI.V MfiKRrW It. . H U.I..U Cfuni. IVin' UaanWemt Hay tW' H'l'M Arf fli From Oreoon arl W to the Em. Via 81. Paul and MlWrtj' Hue runnlnr (Meali in cetUJ iaaaHrel. Bloux City. Counrll NJ uuriiniion, uumin r rJi ne 1 EMIilKANTSUtKrC .a Are hauled on recular tne enure icniiu w Ilallroad. t . 11r.ltt.ta lt,nriJa Minneamlli or Bt.Tll"r' lourinaBT. ...mil. uonnrrtion iu" T' .jm I-AVir v - . - Train will leave JrtiJ m.. connect lot with O. Ul airnolnUon Puittwaae. ; r - Klk . . -' ueoerai yt "i'" 7. WaahlBKton HL, Ifhujl.i To Notary and In PondIerJ 1 FOR OWYFIVEIIU1 The usual prlo to' "" nurtlp. in Portland of W n 7.0i), wltU expre f M- aeedeal,ndjiorwK ' from KM to M M " - - - - I Etemniiif mhlldU THE 5 laeataadaeei