East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 17, 1888, Image 3

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    family havo
y . . V Members of tho Fnninr
V-iiCX" IMVvlnftWAWl wireiv experienced tlmlr Miiiifn nf il...
2 world'fl IUh wltlila tho last month or so.l" Vou ""i, -rh.it the it-.i
......... . runt, nun UU irymie-' - """" iifty a iiivo 10
man himself, who while engaged this .
Ilrfnff?, "'WfiHnBU track from ufraliilit , Nearly oycry mnn In Pendleton li in
nn 'ui m l'",10'0ll'0,H'u1' striking vf wtoo Hunt road coming lioro.
on ItlH Hitlo In tho doorway of the cur. Hut Mr. Hunt says it won't eomu unless
Ho km Injuied eotuddorably by his full, ! W.W0 and ilghl-of-way through town is
sulleringii btokon ril and othur hurts , Biv Mm. 'Hie total eost of gelling tho
from ilH elloets. I Jo was removed to his foad would probably bo in the liolghbor-
rcHidence ill ail extires wuinin nnil itvnrv. 1 hood of tdU.UHI. 'I'iil 71.... ...
'omlli-ton.nnd til tig possible It now hnlnir ilnnn for Pendleton Would .......IK. i n. ...l
vmmv owners. IIioho nr.tn.irtv
....... iv nrrmtittit 17. ikh
(Orrpiinlitn llratieli (Mice.
,l. rtlllCOOf tUO KAHT OllWHJNIAN lll
S B Portland In the AbuiKioii
w.V. k riiiil floor, under tlio iiuiii.
.111. V. .. .I..II....I Iin ...II I...
. ... lliltlipr Il linii.ii. ...
iv .......... ... I... I
III llllVO ll'iu.:i "
i I'rtitiTii OrtKOJi nimeroiiy, l iihiki; re nf
l'.uii wIipm In remain., no will
WlmtH rrmllcioii C'ltlten He In Say Ito
RrillnR Htiiit'n Unllroad-atteu rir
Wlmt It L Worth.
Tbero is a great dlHerenco of opinion
among Pendleton peoplo regarding
Hunt's railroad. Whllo tho majority of
them appear to think tho bcnellts to bo
derlveil from its entraneo into roudloton
will lw worth tiio nubsidy and oxiwipo,
theio In of course u minority who tuko a
dlll'otent Htand. Ono of those, ii nroml-
owners nent and Inilucntlal citizen, inn corner
V1.IL 1.11L".. -'..- -- ...... .. . .. . .. ... . ,
ii. i. mi niiv hitvii'o in it i' iirii hurt il...... ..n i... iiiu iinunjmeti in nut ..i..i.... ..I il... ...... I .....i, i...i.. . .i. . ...... iii
re ' . " .. -Kwil, UK 11 liui llllf; ruiuiti UII I l, ,,, . " . , ui tiiv miui r........ ii:iitu lo ul0 iiriijeui , raid lie I
I tho occasion of UU matrimonial vovauo. V u 'U"H 11 ry to them, and if il could not pco whom ihO.OW worth of'
wa.s loiHiored u IHtlng sen-nailcMast night ; i:wd would bo dotived from tho road, '
v uotnoerH of the romlleton bra-s ow, ii tno real wtutu anil i iwas oppored to thin plan of giving
band,whoweioofeoun.o ho-pitablv on- V'" "ty tho amount will ; wib.HldleH to railroad comiianioH whorol
. orlanleU by tho bludilng-mi, happv ; 0 '.'"'.V" wlU hllv tho road, and thoy Hero curtain of HUlIlclontJiurillt to In-1
I bridegroom. Hen uulhori.en tho K.ht 1 u'" S(,U",,J,USH l,rov 'i Ko invent- dueo tlu'in to eomo without It. In regard
'A Twenty Dollar ' I
piw will ho give (o nny onu who will
STORE in Pomllotnn, Hint will sell
new ftylo photograpliH at Wunl'i
tho lead. Hon't fail to cei
(iallery on Main utrcot, neat
, Co., Photographers.
, Whittaker, ilentlnt.
t elder at W.C. TIllon'H.
nnd ilclicioiiB confectionery
.. .. ...... 1
Will tlIKO your lli)iiin lin imtiiini
and ten times an prciiy
. . ,...1 I. It. .
inil t" iieurocit I'uiiHitnii,
U wiling at o- ccntH a uuhiici in
I 1M...l.. i..1lni fintiMtilnlnVtll
11., " " " f W -
n nil tlits niilo of tho inountainR.
Pendleton band will glvo a grand
. Tl.....1,....tf.i. tnl.t H'llli.ll Uftll
I worthy of patronago oy morry
of all ai'H, hoxos and condltiotiH.
tlflel, Anotin cotintv'H nhorltr. will
, Williams n, aittiougn a price oi
I.o.i.il t wy ulnnn tilia noiniti.i
) KK0.
. Iitnitu A C.n. bavn Hnenrml lint
' i nr ii.,.n .. ...... i
01 .111. 11 . Uilt.ilinuii, tt 'it;ili;ui
. el 1.trtl!inil. iltlil urn llnw tint.
1. U. . .w ......
1 II I.I...I . ,.f ..I I.n,. ..I .1...
locj iblo rates,
UitiHioNUN to oxpreHM Ids xinccrc and
inn hANrOnv.ooNiAN has given to HuiiI'm railroad, ho could not under-
grateful thanks to tho band bovH, and to tl J-'11,1 ,WJ to tho Hunt-road Mund where It would greatly acHist IMn
........... i, umur iriuuiiH, in rciliril lOr Hie V ' ,, . line muiu, uuu iiiuiuii. il WOII1U
miiHit!, congratulation and well w folio
.... .. hum! m geneiuuRiy mioweteil unoii
do more, ljifo paM-r owiw In Pendleton
.about $o,(WU worth of real lhIui... mwl
lint. lfifritiiu.i U'limit.
hauling during tho grain ncaon. im tho
farmoni In the region of which l'endloton
I Ii I tltf . . t V .
' " rAflii Tn l ".,.Von.i,,,, "V.l """""'ft Hlilpplng point woul.l haul
, iManybetHarn up on Jjundav-H game , T wTn.MwSh, Imd1'kM hu f" here anyway. It would curry very little
between tho prlntorH und'elerlM. Jloth 1 I ? ,0 VfiSt o-1 nl . "- No,w.,H ,rtT,.'K')r trrtllici the employes of tho
Bides are confident, and are willing - nttli. mi.? iVli- l ownern do? U-t , road, however, might leave eouMderablo
hack their conlldoneo with ea .. , S . " V,f Jl ofr vil'., X,n,;rH VV ,,0r '""'VV 11,oro-0!,l0 "".g in its favor. It
naarascan lie learned, tho cloks will n i U ld ol'I locreaso tho price of coal, but u re-
present their fame battery, and will I IP S , wno i ..11 f1, i Uo;l ' ,1,ld V" in h,C0Hl this commodity
Kd. Strahon to their nine. Cram will iFbn,, .1, T 1,. L "i f. Xl, ,,n?flti wollUl L'0,n0 ,n ,imo .ul,.houl 11,0 nr
uuicililU DOM mil I lio Mill for hi mTtitu
!. "... . . . ' 'J Kill 1 1 U '
-More money will chanm hands o'i V I c XI" ?,i."'ou,,i, B,l. 0,,r,H..,V though that by discountenancipg IliinfaJ
. . r -w ....v u niiiriini tin i uiiiii iiiu iii nil iin mirii in inn nniran. l
land they ehould
i brim; it bnrn. 't
Mpay me tidu or. Jow S r. lJniii I'uintn if Hi., n v t. v n ...1.1..1. v. . . ;
.ri. mv m n , n,,, ,Wu mi & tu, mm uh! locuuou hioii, una una now Iwhucu a now tir
u. .11 ii ".
renuii. wian on any oilier game
piuj cu on uio rcmiiotoi. diamond.
Thai ovritor
evening. The lean and hungry prints
fay thoy have faffed all day, In order to
more than fully enjoy tho fruits of
their victory in tho shapo of u feast on
tho luscious shell-dull, Mombcra of the
two nines of prints and clerks wlm con.
tentcU Hunday will please meet at Frank
M. Cohn'o to-night, at half-pant nine
Tho appealed oueo of Young vs. llnrt
man will probably, bo tried in the !?u-
.inf,ln.iatloiimrtvwitHteniIurL.lllV',-:,.,loGV"r! "9ft .Monday or Tuesday.
ottiird. lho now pastor of tho : ;, ,. " i . " i i " ruI,r7o,c, '
iienee by many kind-hearted ! "".S'L!!!: .T.
on ladles of the faith
out for tho grand opening of tho
Saloon, Saturday, October l!0th.
VI it) nl if 1 1 1 u 1 Inn r ! itttta
II til l llllllll til I'VVII VVIIUM
tcltei of all kinds, and tho best
of wine a nl liquors constanlfy
... -I. Ll I. .-.I ...... ..I .1...
. I I... i ..!ll"....l.li.,l....l
. . .. . ... .. ..
fjimiry, m on h;iiu tit iiiu xo.it
. i i.-.t r " t ( . .
tuy it to read.
"c. ..! .....i r....i. iv..... l
I 1 1. ..t ,i.,Ml..
i niui iiiu uiiiii'ii hi run in liiij
up In thouriinu Uomlo valloy,
ire now irnuhm on Tutu-Willow,
Tho IwvH uro browa an Iwrriun.
I. !... .1. 11... .. I I .1
Wl'llll 1U iJAlt
in ikii wiiii iiir lvtuAii luwiriiit ti'itit
MM 'Mill fill mym rVl'IW Hl
mipiirehs vice In Pendleton, to
. .... . ..
u ii cnniDiiiiiiL (MTt'iiNinimii v. in
....I....... .1... I !..... .1...
tuiiMii: iiiu iiiiin iiK.iuint lllti
of litdeous mien, ollieers need
wurui:iTiiiL'iib iiiiii niuiuriui ilh-
of tho citizens, as thoy will bo
.1 iioiii unit (lungoroim an wen an
t pel Icq whfotlo, exacting a fine
tho kind onlv to 11 ml in HorfiH
mcr, a wopped-ovor individual,
( llw sleep of innocenco. Htich
bt wm an KtsT (Mir.uoNiAN ro
i rail cxiK-Tlcneo.
fijlor, who was out yesterday on
cs trip In tho Cold spring xoun
)t that farmers out there are
o;Jxed in raking up and burning
t delentalilo gr.iin-raising fwst,
eed, which awart'ithu
liegun. H says tho coimtry
tail iresenlH tho iipiHjaninewof a
ire forert lire. w
i should not Iks left standing iu
, and left to their own devices,
u a fruitful source of runaways,
wcummon a pAictlcjnl'endlo
tlierislta nutnano proceeding
i 11 hi niuuious tcaniKiuni to leavo
.-. --- o . ........... . u..i. uuu liv... innuuil H I1UIV 111110
of tlio road can bo Kettled satisfactorily caid which would insure considerable
..v.w....... . iirt ,ui un uuu oui nine initio io no glvon to tho place at restau-
money can bo raised, and then settle the rants, saloons, etc. And then ho
location aftorwards How much shall i thought Hunt's railroad would como hero
i-.,.'u.t1n' ,$;i0' !30l)' ri00-' ' H"'" Ho said! wlHi truth.
r,i,ow, -,,0tW, ,600? If you are that a very largo mlstako was made when
in favor of the road coming to l'endloton, I tho construction of tho road In tho (Irst
all right j then, givu to get it. i place was not begun with l'ondleton as a
1 t"' 1 starting point.
TIIK IIK'TIO.NAItr IN TII K Mfllimi.. Tlifo fo nun mnti'u ntil..L.n ..f II. n .......
- 1 1 .1.. ;v
it i, uumviiHn muni iiueresv inroiigiioui i
mo county. I's points are all well
known to readers.
A row took jilaee in Vlctoriu on tho
15th betwocu tho managers iind young
imrformers in the .liivonlle Opera' Com
pany. which miiv cause its d ssolutlon.
i Its manager and treasurer were over-
bearing in their treatment of the kbit
causing a row. In which the latter was
I squarely knocked down by Kvun (nimble.
George Swcollng was mound to-day,
eoniiiieiuiiiiiy oiiBcrvtug io young mem
liers of tho g. o. p.: "Don't forgot.
.Aleut at tho court house to-night," it
seems that this prominent cltlen is
using every effort to materialize a hearty
young Kepiiblican club In l'ondleton.
Ubiquitous drunks who have oxer
tonced Us frigid hospltallly say Hint the
tow n jnll is becoming a wonderfully un
pleasant place to hjhmiiI u night, now that
winter is coming on. King Whiter is a
tough old monarch for vugs, anyway, and
thoy sutler greatly during his rule.'
K. H. Hill, thu widl-kuow u stockman,
has just iuixrted a fresh lot of lino Jer
sey cows, thoroughbred bucks and aris
tocratic pigs, which were to-day quartered
in thu doHit stockyards. Tho unlmals
will lie shipped to 'l ho Dalles.
Tho Matlock buildings noxt to thu
llowman House are Inilng litted with tin
roofs, tho iron covering in use having
been discovered to be liisutllclont to koop
out water, although a good protection
against lire.
Flour in Pendleton is worth wholesale,
ft. flipper barrel, and retail, fi.OO Hr bar
rel. This Is tho highest price known for
Hour in l'endloton for many a year. A
rise in wheat is not all bcnofit. .
Miss Minnie ISuzzoll, the young lady
who has been engaged In Chinese
missionary work and lectured on her ex
iierionceri in Pendleton, is now lecturing
iu Albany, Oregon.
Tho construction of tho framo work on
J. H. Turnor'n now residence, which will
evidently be a handsomo and substantial
edifice, IniH begun.
Tho little building owned by James
Wlu'cliin on lower Main street bus been
for another
tor, and is merely given as such. All
ut.:. . 7i .. ..... : ll,,l.,fM '?nl'Jofcd. tho Hunt railroad
lJelng IntcreMod in all that Hitains to i problem Is a knoltv ono. Nothing Is to
the micccm and usefulness of our public ' be gained by dallying with tho question,
schools, wo would call lho attention of however. It hhould bo decided soon
educators. to tho value of earl training one way or thu other. It ban never
in tho iiih) of anguano and tho need of changed 'Its Matus Hunt's railroad Is
more thorough instruction fn tho knowl-1 for salo for about $60,00). If it is worth
edge of words. Wo mean tho Kngllsh It, buy It.
language, and for tho most part, good old 1 '
Anglo-Saxon woids. omiiXAsm: no.-
Jtevn.!l!te ,0Twn Atn,.t
words rapldlv an thoy occur in Uio read
ing Je.-Niu, iu the geography or the his-1
Inrv iu f.lli.u...l I., ..llt.... ..u .1... full .
measure of Instruction in tho doi.urtiiinnt eotlon 1. That, from and. after tho
1 1, i' 1,1.. ,.M.,,. .....I ii... ., i ii...., ........ ... . passago oi this oiilinancu its hull Im on-
... t.iik..t.kw ...... ...u i.i. in..-, nmn 1'itnn in i . , , .
other fiohrs without the ability to either , for or
rrt i. . ii i
geography or the his-' 10 l,C0J". " ",n ,ow 01 l on.iioion io
"... 1 . ... irillfn itfl fiillnii'k
fitted ui by Durham & Sou
Jimuh until way late at night, meat matket.
I food or shelter, anothor praetico Mrs. J. P. Faull, of linker City, la visit
nail too prevalent in this placu. ing her sister. .Mrs. J. P. IJusheo, at her
l'otwlnu write- from l.vir llavftn. I resldoneu tm Thompson Hlreot.
'ticut, under dato of October 10th. i Tommy Nyo again olliclatosi no iind tho
mu ana weather ermittlug," ho
'jwblv lie In on tho evening train
lsili Inst . (to-morrow ntaht) and
rt lean ulll I.. I.. .1.1 I., n... I.-..I ,1
' "tn iiiiii. iii iiiu i j iiiri.tji .til , ...
next Sunday at tho usual: .hours. t. , " ""' ' ' ,.
wish to maku tho following earnest hlutu
mentH for tho guidance of lho good public,
which is gencrully iiiircasouunlo on the
i irriMt)i utuitl itpiMri-.itili iihiti.tiim... ii.. On 111 Hi; i
WOltlu thov havo Used, and with mi i buildings
knowledge at all of their
lion or wealth of meaniinr
mo derivation or History of a word
fit her
ng or using any
tho town of Pendleton
maintain any stovepitio or
metallic substance whatso
ever, which shall pass throng1! the floor,
rcguliuly ehcupor than thoy arc soiling at tho
-I pay cash and
And can and will make tho
Tho choajiofit Grocery Btoro in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of
All goods nro new and fresh and of tho.
I intend to keep the lead in High Grade and Low Priced of
gooda or will pay the above reward to tho ono who earns it.
Odd Fellows Building. - - . Main and Altn St.
found In thu dictionary ofion ojiens up a 1 cSi.l,iVK or Wdo ' ""' h,,c,, ,,ui'lllnB
nio.tt delightful Held' for studv and in- wiih,""al(,l vn'
vestiuMlion.undlhrough this thG learner's .'V A '?1 al 1,1"M htr con
ambition to attain greaicr powor and 'H,nic ?(l xvlt,,,i'i Ha. (1 t(wi. which shall
fluency In tho tiso of words might bo In-.: I'.T "ro,, ' 'Wt "'""V cJllnK' "?f
cited. Wo bellovo that the learned man T. ?f,nn' hNdliig, shall bo conslruclcd
Is most clearly distinguished from tho 'of ',rUk,orr?to"0, .
Ignorant by his greater command of Ian-1 ftf Ti'n '10 l",ron. uw or Pr
guuiro and wider knowledL-o of tho nower ; ,nlt to. b? ,.' .""y. hulldlng tm ne.l,
of words. What K'ttcr Held can there
bo, then, for tho development of u greater
usefulness on tho part of our public
kcIiooIs tliuu through a larger and more
Intelligent study of our own vocabulary?
Fortunately we have a standard ml
thorlty for tho meaning and use of Kng
llsh words, a recognized and universally
conceded court of last resort, an ;k'
"Webster," where are recorded for the
use of all, tho decisions oftho liest writorH
and speakers upon tho correct usage of
every Item that goes to makeup thu beau-
occupied, or iimm! by them, uny defective
stuvu or Htoveplo, and all stoves or stove-
Ml Hum on (lecmeii ticicruvou oriiuv-
lug been so declared by tho flro wardens,
or any member thereof. '
I Hec. -I. That no person or jiersons shall
build, or permit to bo built, any flro in
I unv rrulln ir lnitlilt.iir liui.il tr rMniii.tit.l It i.
them nuk'i-s tho flro lo In a hecure stove,
or brick or stono flrcplnce.
Hoe. Ji. Any ptirson or jsirsons violat
ing any of lho provisions of this ordi
nance for tho Hiiaro of twenty-four bourn
. . ... .
.1..1-...I.. i.. . i .i liner iiavini; iM!Uii nniineii in urninir nv
uuu nnuiu oi uur uioiiier iiuiKiiu. ..i n i t .V
We believe that our public schools will Rm wardens or any momlier Ihoroof.
atlain a greater uwhil new, and Isi more flw J" ;"',,'4,;i1 h 11 fl" not oxeced
successful iu touching language Just iu '. lft ,llHl.l,arH', "r h' . ",,ir H0'nl't '
Ibonillolhal thov miiiI their pupils ,0 ; the town Jail not cxceci lng twenty days,
tho dictionary with more fre.iuei.ev, or ""J""0. imprisonment,
teaching them to studv Uh record moio , lhat ordlnaneo .So. 3t), mil!.
n e emit v ami nti d.t iv Is i oe 8 ohh .. " . n.."in.
more ate
to prov
I .n. uiiitiillml .lll j.,ma
iin..i.ri.i.....i ni..iin,.ri. . : il,.. f,....i .ii,,,. ""t "II ordinances in conflict herewith
i . . . ' am iiiirnnv uirxiaieii.
E. 0. & B. M. WHEELER,
A Coin pinto Stock of Furniture and Carpets.
Stock Covers 5,000 Foot of Flooring:.
35. O. iind 15. M. WI-IMlfiTjIER
Asaociation Hullding ...... reudloloii, Or.
teaiUaHtlv. It itPttilM 1111 nniiimeiit ; leiital which ikukichI thu rom- nm J
?;,i,Sxt;ir:u -oloK ! !-v.n:; ,: Vi;i;lclffi i New Goods tor the Fall Trade
, counter in Fiauk M. Colin tt Co.'s.
H. Alexandor was serenaded last night
by the Pendleton brass band.
with the words:
"S all my friends
Tho thought
again is po.il-
ifktVJ ..I . 1. 111 t .
r .l" .! '.. wo.ro. .",1KC,, ! mail ..iiesiioii .
f'Y thO tr.lVolIni flllflp HlllklUllll.
C"rtoto, and a tiree-leie.'d horse.
"'fly Struck th town. Tim
4 tllA Pitni.Ar.. Iu .... n.ln.1 In 1......
wit of Hovorul places lie has
for Improved language work. s a i
further menus to this desirable mid, wo
cah make no better uie uiimenilatlon
than that every pupil hluuld aciiilre lho
habit of constant reference to authority
by having at his desk a copy of an
abridged edition of Webster, and that
overv teacher should iv comMlent to
glvo "instruction in its proper use.
...... . . . . . . .1 ..i.i
U liiiuui tusuragmg mu oiuer aiinou
ments, wc regard WeUter's Academic
l'as-cd liv tho common council and ap
proved by tho .Mayor Oct. , IMS.
W. T, M.UI.OCK, Mayor.
W. K. Chkwh, Urcortlor.
Boys' Express
Wngons, VoIoclpodoB, C.rJa' Trloycloi
Ploturo Framos.
.iHmr. I.. I,if. Iin. Mnml Inn Co nil try
Vlirr Wliml AfriK' TlilrlyNrratt
lluihi'U in IhiiAcrr,
James Iv. I.owit, formerly a ranchor in
ary, It is not too inueu io say uiai u
should ls found on lho desk of every pu-
I mn. ultukia iilkiki'ii tint tnnut lirlintirV
ii . .l. If II. l.t. lll...o .....I 1 I" ' """- I
uuj'iu, ii iiiu,. uA'uti tiiun lunuin I crailes.
iianers to ini Wort on tho ovenlng's train, b ' . . .
- ... . .1 :.. .1... ..it.... ..lw "
must uopuml Ilium ill iiiu onitu uviuru rii
o'clock p. m Promptly at (hat hour tho
iHiuciies are cioeii. ami oven imismaui
navo to
wiciioiiur imiiiui... Mi. ..iu ........ jxiio nulglibfirljisxi. lint who homo
use of pupils, and when it is reinenil.ered 1Jmt. apl mVl., fjrly lU1(l
that i s usofulness will survlviitht. pupil's , VJ M hii!tt) ,:ounty, Idaho, wriles
school days, and iu the absenco of the , fiiVVH regaidii-g his action and oilier
unaiiridgcii, iiecoino ino lamiiy tiicciuu muitorj:
"uioi Hovoral places lie lias ,., ,lu.ii,nv ..iitm u,.. will liuv,
Tcluli in t ," ""V",0 Ty UmYn I remain over until tho noxt train.
lWri3 I "TV1 !,f T W 'i0"' ow a gentle hint is coming rcgar
luuriced from bis tent. Wiuv'kliiL' . ... mi.... " ti,.Ti t.
ii. . '.. : " t iiruii luiiurn. 11 uiuau Tu iiuiwoiititi 11
.r number Insenslblo for a 'i,ii.rlr. wldeli Imiotemotied and
I lake the pleasure of droiipini! you a
f.tw lilies, m that you mav know that onu
go.-d Itetnm rut Is Hill ulivu j but 1 urn in
u country whern 1 cannot pull towards
much good for our coming President.
Wo are working hard to Iiecoino annoxod
to N aslilngton lerritory, so that we can
have a good State 1 am living on tho
llnoi half way between I'alouso
nils is
VvlluH.t.inr l'rl( In (Iclnlinr.
Tho Northern Paciflc railroad in con-
...... Him ultll lll.t Yl'llnttNlllllll I'lllk UKM
li-lriilnii liuvii urnineed to fiiinisli ir.iliM-lutiu'i.
i .. ,i t..!...i i..i.;; . "'. s
n.. ikiiiuuoii aim iioici un-jiiini"!iauuiw vny. . i.. anu .uoscow. i. i,
if iln... iinili.iL,li(. .1 tit fh I inroiiffiioiii mu parit tiuiuiK .'ituiiur m ricji uuu icruio couiiiry. uro m are
11 lliesoaredejKjo luiinino ...11W. i.,y-,.L.,,r tra ln. ,Uwi ti.tu ui,n..t avr..i.... ri7 n-.m
.. Y'.. i i... ... i,... .in. I.... ii.. .!.. will uiaKu inn niinm iiiiMM'iu i.iiinK"wii . ,jj uuu uanoy oj iiiihiiois iieracru. inero
rnntcrs are leomhnf noted ti iA return, on Tuesdays, rt uli plenty of applet, wtatoes and
& AS JSSffiRelrSSJ SwlB a drT Sero'tudfits8 m" a.uXy, l( j cabluges' but wo ha.l nuoWatvbaek in
Miiici.tnr TTnnhlnr Tl.j ....... iifli- .)iit.i tl... inulnlllm ilu-i"il '" " " v """. '" i uio iiiiii ui rn .iii'na iniuufiiuut iiiu
.Manager Kuouier ,0ss piomptl, entei tlio lHlH,l'V ' ... h. nt of intereit n lho park can bo 1 IUIouku lountrv this vP.lr. mvera deaths
ftbeaU iC" '" ' r V?""""'" al an exinto of net o 6xceed, being roiHo-f. fiend mo that good
111 iruill I11IUI lJVilU Viiitn wiiu I a'MI
A Complete Line of Artists' Materials
Kor nil uiul l.m.rt PalnlliiB nnd I'.ip"" Hower Mnleilal.
Tho finest Mnn of Flullonery over tdiown in lho city, and at Ixiwer I'rlceii.
Bargains on the 6, 10 and 25 Cent Counter.
terms were wanted, to which no
5Ct tHcn r.....lvi.l fit OAllnu.
..id iiiL-iiiv iimieii over mis
- .vir notoriety
An ordiiunco has usea tlio common
council granting lho l'endloton Klecrio
Light and Power l'oiiiauy tho right to
erect, ei-tublish. maintain and oiieralo an
the success of several nvur. . electric light plant and a system of elec-
miinallbovsineettlni!iiitothe trie lightH in lho town of Pendleton,
uy way of Uauen'H now Willi inn prnnego .'" i.v, r..n ....rtli-iil.iM Inmi ro of vour near-! Tim K..-.l I! h r-.tvalrv llan
parap .cn.ai.a. ,.Ht aeeut. or A. II. Charlton, assistant ' on tho Coast has bwn KH.-ured
hiil'u nun ' --f3'. -r , n. .ii r . .
cairnil u
il from inlerincdiato IHtintH ono
and ono-tifth fares, but not to exceed fou. ,
Tickets will Isi on salo up to and in-1
eluding Obtober Ittth. Parties going into i
tho paik should call on ('. H. llopiKirlin,
au'ent for tho Nottheru Pacillo railroad, :
immediately on arrival ut Livingston. I the
Wine and Spiri i iM oroluMits,
QUOT PONSAROIN CHAMPAGNE. (Yellow Labtl.i jusa iIhw :im
Alexander &c Frazer,
General Merchandise,
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dross
Fancy uooas.
envy, am a i es ro to an I to itUHiiess. .uioiiii ........... -,i ,:.,u,r ....pnt. Port and. Oro-imnuli- Il.ilf f .r.. rat nwr tin. O.
i a.. r... . . - - n . i .. ...it.... .,. .f kvilllHi I'woi-vihv. - ......... . -
1??- tonlorlal artist and tho town surveyor regarding tho projioscd , fc0"- . cmnIei;r,lnc;"hlluV0
, en,et' wn tho dow w denlng of t ouri wroei, wtwii i.,ii , Amictr.i. cured. One and onit-llfth faro over tho
lhLini 0lwi Their hearts ' jr hich was begun ye.. ,,ff iu t ,...rtfv that I havo sulJorfld N. P. It. It. Co.'s lines. I
"m. hownvwr iv.f..rn ti... f.i iciiwnii. the contractor, lho ordinance . uiis is ioci.riii I u.w..,i.,t p.-mu.. k. n it a, k i
rrwit.i. iiiil iiinv fiiivAnf.p.t t uuiiiihittMi iiruai vo........i -n r . . .. i ..... i'a 'a inni ur iomii iriun tiaii ririu nn
. ... .. . . J -. . . t . . ..... . jiiiin nn iiAi'nnn .iiraiirui uiii. i una nun I ww. m .. . - - . . .... ,
wt. Tx 4r,un"UK' to be seen by a.ior uio nro ecuuii """:'""" "Ti ,i,,.nk; t,. m A F Ilrisbin. meta- Octobei 8th, 16tU and VM. II further
twoin tlm miiAn i. tir.. iinnf.l he turofu Iv iHjnised by ev- en. tliunks to .mw. a. r. jinsoiii, ,.Mii .,m..u. a a
.v .uo oi neir au,puy ol ;nlVeVn hlrnll tUereb;-: I cura. J. 1. Uusiue. I WMtimi.Bupt., i'ortund, ugn. .
tenth annual exhibition of tho !
ind Mechanics' Kulr tuieris October I
4th and clones Octokr '.'"th, Urge
addlilona havo lc.'on mado to tho Pavil-' -iri l flV(-.-.in?rtu ti MrMjrn' n 1 lr
lion, and it U tho intention of lho manage- J? ailTlly V.T lOCOl J OS II. OpOOULlby.
ment that tlio fair of tills soason Hiaii po. rnnns nn ivrnrn FBPF OF CHARGE.
greatest of too Vi o orlhwest. U.,UJZZ . . . - ii:mui.ktom. ohkuon
Hand, tho best . " -
to furnish : - -r- -
Beer Garden and Gymnasium Hall.
Ilarvrau A Klur, I'rnpa.
Mlotrt ,Sr roUirrice
llowtlnc AILy and Orinnlum Itoorn In
ronnvetlnn. JuU the pl.r In ipviiit an hour
In emrel.lncyour rouwls and trciurtlirii.iiK
jroar frame. A oorUlal Invltallon lo all.
OambrloM Hr U, a glati. Jl
lth.AI.KK IN
Court Htreel, oppof lie J. II. Hliuninakrr'.