WKDNKSDA Y. OCTOnKIl 17. 1888. DAILY AND HK.MI-WKHKI.V, IIY TIIK t'.Htt Orngolihin I'mIiIIkIiIiik Coinpitnr, AT I'KNM.KTON. ' imi'.HON, quartermaster F.ltlor, deufncKt nn ultorncy for the railroad and against 1 C. W. Scott, 271 Fifth street, I'ortland, ,tho employes nnd worklngmcn. Ah a rneumaiism curon. . man he ln'tH alwajfi been an oxgIubIvo hU S0" overlu-ariinj ariHtocrat, who considered u eiut jvjur mutt little above a brtttu. I Whether he paid the particular tiling 1 charueil HL'alnut lilin or not Is of Ptnall i coiif(Miieiice. Wo know Irom iiih whom j linn of conduct wtiat his Kvnipathtcs, his jusplralloiiK, his HcntimchtH are. Work j initmen will not vote for such u man. , IIAIt.V HUIISCItllTIO.V HAThM Onu I'onv nor venr. IiV mull Ono ropy nix months by until.. Una copy per week, by currier... Hlnulu numbeM. AIIVKIITIStNO HATW (ltltn .Vlrrrhiwrnt:) Ono Inch, or It-s In Keinl-Wtckly per monil ' Ono Inrli.oi lt cN, In lullyncr month....... I M Two IiioIiik. or In iNith, tier month... 8 Ml Overtlir.oliii'hcH,8i'iiil-Wcekly, perlneh p(T llMllllll.... 1 Over three Incliut, Hully, per Inch per ninntl I V Over tim e Inche. Ill Uilli, per Inch 'r llllllllll 1 PKMI-WKKKLV HUIWIIMIIOK KATKMI One copy per yenr... , One ropy lx innnttiK...... , Hlnula number , 1 2-1 m I'remllim pnper free loyenrlyitiiosc'IbcrM. Hnlld iiniipuri'll ndvcrtlituncnt In Hcnil. We-It I y or Dully. II rut limertlnn, per I noli, 11.10; ench nub(n,ucrit liifcirllon,fii)r. crtlon. lintlrt'H, Ion icnl per line euch In "Os'i: of tho Mtirtirlfes of tho cumnalim Ii tho w:iv In which thu fartnorM am Htandlni; Hfde by side with tho working men In defeiihttof tho lariir." The ifbovo occurs in u long New York dispatch to the riiiUdulphta I'ress, re )iilbllHhed In tho OicKonrau. It iniict Im u "surprise," If true, that either farmors or worklugmon nro.Htaml lug "In defense of tho tarluV Wo don't believe It. Wo don't bollovc they are . ...1. ...... . iooih, i no rcniui win piiow. I where unv 'thcm.l DOCTORS' TKRMH OK TnKATJIKMT. I)rs. Darrin can bo consulted free at the Ktlno Ilotipc, corner Fourth ami .Mn'ti. Walla Walla, W.T., and will iiu dor no circumstances take a cwo that thev are positive that they cannot cuie or benellt. Charges aro reasonable, and tho poor trcateil free from H to 10 a. in., lues davs and SaturdayH. , Ollleo hours from 10 to 4 dally : uve I nlng, 7 to S j Sundays, 10 to 12. All cur j able chronic llceaes Iohm of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorrhtra, 1 stricture, spcrniatorrhrr-a, nominal weak , no h or loss of desire or sexual power in i man or woman, catarrh and deafness ate , confidentially and successfully treated. Most cases can recelvo home tieatnient nfler a visit to tho doctors' olllce. In- answered and circulars sent free. National Eclectic Dispensary OR. McCILL & CO. KANTOWaMJUAJ llUll.UINO, l'hm.CTON. MieccMniltj itml ScleiUlllcully Trent Alt klml a"'1 slae of chronic iIImkm-n Kyc. Bar ami Throat Dlxonn-. qi'OiilBill- piTw's of women and chlldroii. H dnd .Vkln tlji"n'. Dlwoimc o. the Mdticy.I.Iver, 'ilcnrt, Madder and urlmry owniiK. Srronu lii.ltlieiinmtUin. Nitvouh iiiiiI Mlilmtl ill"-,.n-v impoli-iiry, I'rtHlatorrr imi. I'rtMniUmo nlilnii'. WlVrtt.ilUo-tHi-Koriill klmUof 'lin r ocx rmllcnlly ctirvd tma cum uuuniiil wl. lt.,,rrli.I.M'(or pllri.) curr.t l.y m r I mv. nrliilii'il unit pulnlfis niftliCKl ttltliont nn detention fmin IjuhIiu'hs; cun snamntrtMl. ( Mtitrrlt tirilio IihiiiI unit rtlr-iftnise, Itiolu iIIiik Hiiy 1'ovn- iiml Asthma fii'i'd by our iirw- tnetlHxi on tho Imtot of lu jiurm )rlRlu. t'lidor-cil by thu Kr.'iilrt nodlciil l'Klitiof tlo world, isocline tnUrii unUs tlH im-iI cur- "rii'i! dorlom iiro rouulnr KM'limtrH of two I'jiMcrn Collwi, ami Imv had over ten ynir- cxpcrlcno; In tin' Kwlllitt hixplln's of fhuHoutli, itiul In the trntmi'iit of prlvato tt Hi ws unswi reii aim circulars sent cu. Sfi.-d,;, niiilnr.. th. r.fort. woli (riiol)is. Darrin also have a branin UHnieii mid rt iponlb:f . Uoiiultatlon frro o(lliv at 2:ii Fifth street. I'ortland, Or., !iuidcmitldenlil. i.. ..ttir ill t in uoor net t'U irce jionuiij hhu . IIVKIUVIIM .MIMI I'ltOOr. Tlifirn U no pliin of prolrrtlmi that will hrnr rxnnilinitloii, I'.wry piirtofthn (MClir. nyniriii li trnn hi Hit1 iirnutru.nt mr inn proti'i llon nf uol. 'I lit. ) ti tii throtiich nut It it Kliort.nlKhted Kititif of cnird. rrpt for thtt Krutl tiiniiopollit, tvlioin II rrriiii M imil (.upporu." -OrrKonlHii. liui 10, iHM. Of Dm Htipnriiirlly i.r Kli'i trlrll y In tht Corn or lllri.f by Dm. Il.irrln U ho Can Doubt Whrn t Many or Our Cltl (viiit Trutlfj? Ho much has liecn said in praiNj of I)r.' Darrin und their new method of cin e by electro-magnetlo tieatnient, that it seems useless to add further proof. Still, we had occasion to meet tho most of tho following named people, and from their own llis llnd their cures to ho genuine1, tand that no exaggeration of their cases .Vitlrn NEW TO. DAY, t ;eart Htreet Ownrro. rroperty Notloo In hoieuy ulvm that J. M. VrxxHl, John Cahooii, uud.W. M. IIoaeIc. freehold cm of tin town of IVmllcton, huvltu tho nualincatlnmi pro-crlbfil by scilon V, Artlcln VI, of Ih-nlmrlerof the town of rendition, hnvo bcon nppolnli-il by thu Common Conn ell of mild town, vliiwiim. to vl-w the pni poied wldtnl.iK of Court Hired, between AlHlti Hlraiitou thM went nnd Vln.'tnt ntrett mi I Im t'HKt nutl .tnldnticGtat no widened, hihI mitkr no uxKextnienl nf I tin ilunmxua ni tnlntU unit himi'lllK nrcrulnic by ri-smn of micli wlileiilm; of Court utreot in piovldeil oy Hertlon II. of xulil Aillrlo VI, of Ih charier of x ild inn n. Tliitt llif Common rouncll tins n-Klftiieil ilm council room, on Ih t:ornr of Mam nnd AHh tivolH, iih the pincc, nml Moud ay, the jath tiny nf Oclober.A. I. Iis, lit o'"l"n!t In l lie iillorivion.im ino nine, mr 'No linpimlllon la Inn Krnut to i iltib Mil. pld people, anil lirieln llet the Kreiit utri'HKlli of our i;lcirlini proli rllte lelil.' I'rotectlou i It leKHll'eil fiirni of robbery, ithlch miike the tiiriiinr foot III" blllx of the iniiiiiiriii-tnrci-," llrrKiinUn, Kelt. In, IHH't, Till'. WOOI-St'lM ItlMI I'llliriHITION. Ono NWMibgroMcr said it day or two ago that he would give ."()() louaril tho estab lishment hem of the wool pulling muf scouiii g mill spoken of In this papi'r a few days ago. If oven a few of tho other prominent uool-giowurH of Ibis region will do as well, tho iii,icssary"em,ourago incut" can soon bo raWcil. It certainly would 1st a great advantage to I bo wiKjbgiowerM of tills region to have such an industry started here. They would save mi tho one Item of freight about a cent and a half a pound on ship ments to Huston. That Is, tho man who has 60,0.(0 pounds would avo $7n0 annu ally; ono with IlKI.OOO umls would save 1,MM, and all In llko proportion. Itesldu, such an Institution would bring all the wool of this region here. This would bo where all KaMrru huyeiH would come. This would be the local market of all wool naturally or sss,lhly tributary to this siint. Tho "lAing Creek trade" would c.omo hoiu without any further etrort. . Wo don't know the gentleman who makes the proiosltlou. Hut he is willing to come hetn and satisfy tho people as to what ho can and will do If they will give him any reasonable assurance of thu in quired "encouragement." Theio ought to Ui no hesitancy about nevoid inn such an oiler. There might to Iki no doubt or delay about it. Tho wool urowors of this vicinity cannot allord to neglect such an uportuiilly. If wo do not grasp It at once, The Dalles, or Ar lington, or UiOramle, will. If tho wool growers and townspeople will hIiow a lit tle spirit of liberality and enterprise In this matter, tho wool center of several I'astern Oiegoii counties can bo hero at lVmlloton, Wo doubt not thete is favor able d!sHihltion enough; but there must also Im concerted action. One man should not wait for another, Tho l?sr ()iii:nosi.N has shown the way; others can pmlit by immediate and resolute action. nit. ii.vmiiMiv and lanoit. Tnr. I'nlon Signal, thu lndiauaiolls la lxr organ, continues to attack, with great peil-doiicy anil bitterness, Mr. Harrison and his course In tho paxt with reference to tho hitcretti of laboring men. The Ksi' OitMin.MAN has been careful not to publtnh, on its own account, any of the current charge against Mr. Uuriisou. If It has copied any, it has given credit theiefor, and allowed readers to Judge of the credibility of thu tcMhnouy. Wo do not Isjlieve, for example, that Mr, llarilsou even said In so many words, that "a dollar a day Is enough tor any wuiklngmau." It Is not llkOly that a public man of Intelligence and ambition would make exactly that lemark MMfll VI U'etM t.l lll.,tl fl.fMILlll tllirtllril,1. ...... ....... ....... Tut liiniilrl(n itni! termini or tin- propoM'ii In the main Drs. Darrin use electricity and animal magnetism, applied or im patted by thnir own bands to thu dis eased by rubbing or manipulations. They do not, 'liottusor, icly wholly upon this, as they use medicine in special cases, i"" Some people who have not tcccivcu treat ment pronounce them great humbugii. I xireit to b.i i.iidout,wiii-ii'ii,iiuileiitbirii'.eii, while hundreds of others speak of tla-m ',.,, 1U,,.orrcll.mof u, in terms of the highest praise. Wind unhnt Mum Mrr-i, with inn no-tn lihe of phvslclans aru there of unv nolo or prac-1 omit mn-H.ln Mtbt town.Hini iiiiiniiiKlhriii'u lice, against whom there will ho no such ""a.V.wM.Mi1 Jinty Al V?i iT.rM'SS'Vt denunciations? Drs. Darrin do not pic- tfftftE tend, not can they cure everything and i line of court irui, -ml in mi rMMtrly air overylnxly that comes ; but w o know that Ji" V:'!"'1.1 1 'JKof ll.!n.e!"'iiiV.!!?0Wili,ViLiii muliltmle have been greatly UwlIlliM iJftSWVtfM ne urn ni.ini'iilh' I'liii'il liv I lii'ir treatment. ' In it imriliHrlv 1 1 1 ion i iirnlv IK) feel to the I In. f,u. iiml ifiole iiMIivm urn etnwdi'd tint ! north line of Couit trcet, thence, (it rlshl i rr.lil 1 III 1 1 1L m OKKICKHOUIIK-Bn. in.toSp. ui.i even Inir. 7 to S. Holiday, B to 11 n. m., 1 t p. N. II. .Moxt raw can reeclte lioiio trfat menl af tr onu visit to the Uoclori olllce. '"NATIONAL rk:l.KCTIC DtSI'GKSAIir, I'cudlutun, Oregon. W.Dta'ord&Co. Dealers In Hardware and. Tinware PUMPS AND PIPE. PLUMBING Promptly Dono. MAIN HTHKKT, TJCNDMITON. A xIiiiik of the puhllu pnlronuito It solicited inrhPilAxw irst National Bank OK I'KNDIiKTON IjKVV A NKKNY. I'reMtWil. ,, , JACOIt I'ltAklt. Vice rrexl.lmit. HAM I'.SI'IMldt.S.l'iishlcr. ('. IV WADK, AsulMiiut Caslilrr. Transact a Generajjanklng Business Exchange on All Parts of the World Bought and Sold. Collection", fninle nt all potals nn roasoieiblo terms. Hiestand, Warner & Co. Echo, Oregon. IIKAI.MIH IH Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller Mills Flour. (UI'lTAI. n.I.OOO.UOO j Established In Portland in 1877. S'l Oil AC Hand FOKWJJtDtNG ,.f il,..i ...I I l.'it f,.. am en, in ii wc.iinriy. i reui. on uiouk , ine "'. "'I ; norin line in conn tiiieet in inn innco oi no . i urcatcr n.irt tro away iiissaiisned, is pretty gnou dunce of their success. Wu would not knowingly pull' up a fraud, either as a physician or otherwise, but facts seen with Vour own eves cannot bo con tro verleil. A l.imlhooine Cntiirrh Cnrml. Dr. Darrin, Dear Sir .Inly 3 I came to you for treatment for a dlsagice.tblo case iifcahtirh of seven years standing. My head and thioat was thoroughlytliscuHcil, and it had deranged my stomach ami biouchlal tuUiS to that degree that I was partially Incapacitated to do my work. .Many things in thu way of patent medicines I had tried to no avail. You cuicd me in two months with home treatment, and I do not begrudgo tho IliU I paid you. Itofer pcnplo to me, at Kalcm, Uicgon. 12. Asiiciison. :ril I'rinii .Mr. 1 1 1 . Mr. Kdllor. Sir For tvo yearn prior to calling on Dr. Darrin I had Isicn seriously allllcted with liver and kldnuy complaint dU.luess and alns all over my system. I wnsalmoel w holly unable to alto (I to my woik as farmer, and was dragging out a miserable existence, until coming under Dr, Damn's electro-magnetic treatment. Now I am able to work and I feel like a new man. I reside eight tulles west of I'ultou, (lr,, and that is my postolllco; can 1st leferred to. (!. IIik.sk. CoiiIiI Not lllt fniiii lll Chair. Dr. D.triln, Sir I am ono of the lucky ones cured hv you of a pain In my b.u U of four years' standing. At times I could not move or raise from my chair. Can Isi seen at s'eatco, W. T. A. Jackson. Mure Cure by l)r. Durrin. Mrs. M. ltolie, H.'l Water stecet, I'ort land Pimples and blotches on the fa o for years, pains In the back and womb troubles cmed. Mm. W. II. Au-lln, Thu Dalles, On gon foullucil to her room ulno months with an eye alliicliou, called "nervous abhorrence nf light,'1 accompanied with iullaminallou, cured. Ituv. M. M. ltaslmr, llrooks, Oregon Nasal and throat catarrh, cured. W. t Ogle. Seat co, W. T. I.Ivor and kidney complaint und dvsicisla. iiIhi deafness ami wholu system i tin down,! filled. Win. Alluow, Drewsey", (irunt count v, ' dr. I'atarihal deafness and ringing In ino ears tor .ti years. (Hiriecny cuieii. ulnnlnu: nnd nf thu private properly to be nppioprhtic.it fur mi il pnri !)', tho lHiuiila rle4 and il mtIiiIIiiih itru in followm A strip of Inn I twenty (vu bet In wldih, exlrnillnu' 'loin: he wlmln of i ollcg-i blocll or bloek tfi'ixe, (l.'i Idoi'k II. IiIik'UiI frnclloimt bloow r, nml i.ii'irl lloaku block, In Mild Ioaii.iiiiiI nieiiinr mi rmiii ill" -oiini iinuoi u iii iMini imtliiiH.ini" Inix ben hcretoforn e-tnbll-beil. Inlil mil inn opi'iicil, imil iiiiioiiuiiik to win . tlliu .unity: to K.pliio livers, William 1 toenehi mi i 1'iiinU itlehmniid; to N. K. ' Npalli, I'loreiii'.' I, I iipalll, Alb'rl M. De nam. ItiTiili'i DoomIo. K. (leralilliiit Do Njiiiln. I.oiiIh II IKxpalu, Klemi'r Despiiln, I'.niKtiitie.. A De-piln, h ml lt l.tvennore; ioH. r. 4tiri(lii, C. II. W.hIc. .oclli HiiUHcr, II. W. Wheeler, and l-eo Wlnelvr, and to uniatiiin eonniy. This nolleo In inibllHli'd by onli'r of the Common Council, nmile und entered October l tt, im w. t., i;itr;wN, ocl7 Itecordnr. The Pendleton Holler Mills, (Capacity Sou bun oh p-nbir ) W S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors, Pendleton, Oregon, Msniifactnrert of Uralinm, granuliiUvl anil Blf-rUln Klntir. , HlBheKt 'n-h ITiee l'nld for All HlndM of Jrnln. Klonr, niiial .tilinn, fiwtd etc, nlwiiyn or, liniid. The French Restaurant I'Wtl (lerber, Proprietor. Miiln Hlit et OpKMlle Courl lioioie. Klrt-cln- In all nf It appolntine'im. The IhIiIch nresupplleil Willi Iho l.roltne nmrkt I nttordii. Open Day and Night, White labor In IkiIIi tho Ulnlnii rtann mil kitchen. Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE Marble and Stone Contractor. Ul'Hei p'lld In Oregon I.(ii's ji ild lii Witihlii't'i i IV r iie.iai; .... lt,SII . l.-Yl.tHW drain, wool, etc., eovend from lime of de livery loroimtrt wioelmtt-Korrillrind tuilll Hold in I'lirtland orHim Kranctfro, liKli ilInu rlklutra ml fmiii curs to le-mer, while on w hnive. i tc. , iii-;uiu:iit I'liiAiKit. .tiiimiKer, t WHtfirk Mb. l'ortlimd. (.'MII-ION .V JACKSON. ARVIIIN. Hupisiim l'uiidlulon.UrcKon. 'I r'nr dealcini and prices commit Jt- I'ull Im;, Main -Ireet, I'endlclon, Kallmntei UVmIov (intviM. fiiniiorlv iirimrietor nf id.. (!loin..l:.itii hot..l Sal.i.ii ),,.., I islvtii on mone work for now residing at tlcrvals. Or. cured of' - ....... soiatlo rheumatism and the opium habit. tJTQDdLjOL EHT3DC"C. t". Mel4iughlhi, corner nf Mneleenlh 1 ami Jetrcrxon slivets, I'ortlandt'a- lkadinci tarrhal deafnchS, could scaiwly hear a TVrTPRfTFT ATAJT? a sound or Iho car bells und was In eon-1 slant fear of Udug run over by wagons, fllr..l un b.l lilti ln.tir or.llliiirl ,Mtii'..iw.i. : Hon. 'vi; srocji of aoons ltubt. Manly. Ktna. W. T. W eak eves , Jt revived. (tired. : Satisfaction Cuamntood 1 1 Mis. S. A. WisHlen's girl, 01 llfllr 111 HVirv liAiIlrtiil r street, rortlaml Nervous debility ami .. . malaria fever anil discharging ear, re-' stnicti. i TAILOR, I'eiiillrlnn, Oregon, Mn'n HU.nrur Webb. W. D. FLETCHER, I..h.k)1,1 DieUson, Twenty-second and WATfiUMAKKR & . "IWPI.PR J6S. BASLER, Isialcr In Nw nnd Hcroinl-hnml Furniture Ami Household Goods And mnniifiicturer of Tinware, Copperwaro and Sheet-Iron of Every Description. Tin Roofing a Special ty Ulvmm n Irlnl, James Crawford, .Mnnnfnrtiiror of and .Dvnler In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Etc., I Tonts and Wagon Shoots I for Salo a r HurmqcK prices. i sbl KllnwH llulldlns, Mnln utrett. Jn2l EY TO LOAN ! ON Farm Lands in Eastern Oregon mm-ii on Patented Lands, Oil ON Final Proof Certificates.- We are, alto, prepared lo net ns iikviiU In tlio hiiIc nnd pmvlmni' of nnl extttte, nml will rent htu!illm:i, rolled runtxninl tritmnrtiiny other lill'lni'- entruiteil m im, iin lloul IMule Aitenli. E. D. Boyd & Co., Knkt OreKunlau Olllce, 1'endMnn, Orexon. Estabiishod 1857." J. C. OA RSOlSr, Mimnfiietiirer of und Deuh.r In Simli, !toi. IIIiikU, Wliuloii A Pliiln Ila- in.it tfiouuritl ItlllltlitiC Sunptlc'i. Ktlninle- mid l'rb-e !.Xm on npiillciillon. Country onlern n knolnlly, Kitetor.v mid Siilenroom, Wtbller's Mill, 1'OUTI.AND - - OltKOUN. JySfl tUw Ilm .1 u...-.r"n,. nr.. w fninon. h ii "'MPKn.et.Tr I'uiuiiiio, I'thdUi." ""Mlfc ooiturnndi, nitie'M DAT KlNicimrr--. court Hn. ;::'y,. vtiu: ur CK. I'll 18 TL. 4ij'itiin linn m. inu. 1IMI ITU. J . . ""bra i u.. ersof iiml wlialtiuij;'"!"?. "mil. I '".MI.MAN.JL'STir.. r...i. ...... . vff.i eelveil. nn, I if... '" rnttB. r,wlt ae ion i'ifiNTivn"Tr.; rr- will nmn. Ihrv - nuMinr i nhifti. . T EOAIi DUNKS. ."More limn two fcunit noeilllllTHIM-rllil tr,r,.'?Va PHTUAY ANtMAlH If run hiYin nhiTTr.. . .. . rani ....... .nn. uj I'Mirna n hh'l nvkfil Ilm. '""' llHHOI,tJTI0N NOTICT. Notion lit hnhvfifnik...i ' ziiiwcii ic i n. i iinIiwj ...i. . iniiinuiii. ii, r. unnuw irt June Howell rohMntitn-lh ? I II I ! JAtiowfin nilin.lilin IIH nil tlnt II n in ilm Tirm .f. i, . rmunniii mi incru (Q ((( iiiurriir lurcuncvurin. ii r ii ah IH'iOf.t'Tt'tN NOTirB. ..TIih film of Sliull ,V Ikiwtti ! ilbovni h inn ialimrnl,i i in i hi;, too uimni'nui nrtti I !), NWII) MlllllilIcOtKliedl. I ocfi . A.l'.lll'll i iiiii'iiui wi innrnrr Watson & Luhrs, I'roirletora of the StoHm-plamng Mill, Sash uud Faotory Lumbnr WM. GARDNER & CO., Sank; and Im Engineers, i MuunfitetureM Munlral Mer-ehnmlU A utit't'tH. KuMt rortlaml St'rofuloiw limn on tun neck ami lioatl, t'titotl. i i J. . .umualt. AIIkiiiv. ()rtL'on I Yot It la not no vtry malorlal whether lUioumatlHiu.Htiinal complaint, chills ami I ho wiltl ut that or not; tho mioMion lualana. rj'MorwI. rather la whothor. an a puhlU, man, as an ti;;.i;;i,;i;1,'"lu'0k' - or aw. kin. uttomov, as a dlion, ho xymiwthli'il Mrtf. .s, 1'. liViH, Corvalli. Ort'con. , wiuin with ami asHlHteil labor or oanltal. l.twk- rojoKva In u ivrmanent euro o( iiaralyiiiH, ktimk-. Iiik at hla rvoonl In thin Konoral way thorn lVar,a' mvr aiul ,V,,n,lch ,ro"l"0' i-an lw but ono umtnr, ono ,..iilon. Ho ! , "?tlTH lvrf" u K '' Hunk tiulldlncComt tre.-t.lVniletm Oregon, l lmio., Or- : alia, anil nil , felnd of inn. , lout liutrn. 1 menu told on liuuil inent Plan ha alwajH, in ovory caoavlty, in ovory coik'IuhIoii, bou on tho r-Ulo of capllal as uKaliut labor, on tho rltlo of tho rich as ugaiuht the Kor. Tho proof of thi has been furnUhod, und la overwhelming. Mr. Harrison utu Penutor wan in favor of Chtneno imnil grutioii. hi his iirufcfcion ho was ulwaya J. P. l'evbler. Atlanif. Or., tleafnoaa. Njvon vearn, reMowtl. Mrs. K. A. Alhf, UK) North Pourtccth utreot, rortlaml, painful inenntruatioii, teu ycara womb troublo in overy con-1 eeivatilo way: cunnl tis month's ago.; Also, her husband was curctl of a croon oye in ono miuuto. i J, 8, Kyckmau, Kuappa, Or,, fkin ills cuse and a loathsome ctarrh ; cured. Money to Loan At Low Rates, on Short tr Long Time Real Estate, Insurance and Collection J. W. Swezea, Koho, Or-on. JFeraMrly of WJI WaJU Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, KOKDWKI.UNCJROU PUIII.10 ltUU.DINfJt- Hpeetncntlonii unit tmliniitej fiirnUliecl for he;iilnix building In any unction nf tho eoun tr. CtTnlideilec willflte.1. OFFICE: 1 34THIRD STREET, Portland. Oregon, ma NEAGLE BROS.; BLACKSMITHS Attn Wagonmakers, Oirner Mula and NterflU., Pondloton. Orogon Alt klniU of llhirkiimtthlnr idone In the bent und prompt nuiuner. Wnuiis, lliig,, iit;it iiinue iouni.fr. HepalHny a Specialty. I'HrticuUi Hltentloii lo horn nhoeinn hi DUTCH HENRY, Tho Truck Man DUTCH HENRY. The Transfer Man, WKBU HTKKKT . . PKNDIJJTON j Door 1. y . 1 - rixi WHOM IT MAY Coxr tlon of the etlc 1 will noil. (1,1 ID. Jill. i eiitiii'i.jii, wr. utiuurr 14, w Bucks for r aii ni iiiinirmnr in ina rim Uf bint IIa iiiIim nurinr inn iirxi i wu iiiuqlci Mat $000 TlwrottiiUbwl Tlie iiteK r Kipunr Allni. ureiiii.nr.n me ,D nn tlioromlilv Kontiil. nomliiy, uiiu nuei tnj 4irwt tlm Hln..c liefnreiturriimlnr. Kimy termt win MiiiiouM) For nirllciilnr nililrfM I Subscribe for Tie TI.m M.rll.Wf.At 1. Ill WW. (ninlly ptprrinin? m im vnni mi ihi . . . . La jmwpu on inuruiijuir' Dtt.'.l I 1'.'. -. One veiir. liv mall..... Hlntle ronv..... . . . r nt ....... . 1... 1.11 .,1.1 nfM.!W .-tllllllHT-l . MM.'- treet, t'orlinno.mriioii. , KIJItXITIHlK Kept In mock and made to order. OEDAH HIIINOLEtS KOlt HALK employod and work urueroii. Klmt-i-lum workmen done an ordsrni WATSON A r.llMIIM hivatf I'endloton.Orrimn, H. F.Johnson &CoM Prescription Dmggists. PURE MEDICINES, 0H0I0E PERFUMES, Requisites of tae Toilet, Stationery & SchoofSupplieH Fine Imported and Key West Cigars. Upp.lt VllUr.l Hou.e. Cr.ni m o n'c Df 11 DllllUli J tii.. cip.i rise RftlawMl In vUltlnc l"ortlatid call w T!TAr 75 Flint HUeel I'KNDl.CTO.V, OliEUON FOR SALE Four lota and ix hoiwo on tho flat, near tho O. It, A X. de)ot. central! v located, koo1 water, good fence, for tlOOO. Eaay tcrtuH. v Four lots, ono quarter of a block, near tha SUtera' School, for 250 caah. OLOPTON & JAOKSON Insurance Agents, FBHDl.ICTOX OKKOON, . - i in It'll J II m m mmm. mm a vm w " ' ' North wet rornir Mwi4 PINDLITOlf, CENTRALLY t i TJi-AimiW r'..:....iil U Claw Syl- SAMPLE ROOK N FreeCofwlito'W