it FQg; festo) i h, F. Johnson &Go.J Prescription Druggists. THURSDAY, OCTOHBU 11, 1838. The l.lmlt of Hprrtl. M,H. Forney I" Hrrlliiicr'n MuKurlli". Tho hh!C(1 of loconiollvcH lni.4 not In crniiHcd with their weight utidMzu. Then in n nutitriil law which HtumlM In the way of thin. If wo dotihlo tho weight on tho driving-wheel, tho tidliohlon, und coiiho- j auent capacity for ilriitt lug IdmU i ulxo j oublud. ItoaHonlng In an anulpgoiw might bo all that If wo doiihlo tho 1 circumference of tho wheel the illntunco that thoy will travel In ono revolution, una COI1HOMU0IU1) ino bkvu ui hiubiikhiu, will bo in llko roKjrtlon. Hut, If thin bo done, It will requite tvvlco un muchower to turn tho large wheel urt was needed for tho Hiuall oneH! and we thon en counter the natural law that tho rcMlHt unco IncroaHcH uh the riquaru A the Hixjcd, uud probably at oven u greater ratio at very high vohjcItloH. At (Si) tiillcn un hour tho icHlHtunco of a train U four timoR uh great uh it 1h ut lit) nillon. Thut in, tho pull on thu draw-bur of the engine miiHt le four tlmcH uh great in tho ono cuhu uh It Ih in tho other. Hut ut 00 rnlloH un hour thin pull muttt bo exerted for u f I von dlntunco in half the time that t In ut JJO iiiIIuh, ho that the amount of power oxertod and f.tcam generated in u given period of tlino muHt be eight Union uh great In thu one cuho untho other. Thin indatiH that the capacity of tho boiler, cylinder, and other partrt iiiuhI be greater, with u corrcHpouuiuguiiuinon to the woight of tho tnaclilnc. Obviously, If (tin nnliflit Dir wlicid Ih limited. WO Hoon reach u puiut ut which the h'izo of j tho drlvlng-wheelHund other parts can not he enlarged; which nimns that there i Ih u certain piopoitlou of whoclri, eylln derH, and boiler which will give a mux!-1 mum Hpced. What It Take m IVed u LoroiuotlvM, It will erhui.t Interest our leader to know how much fuel u l(K:oniilve buinn. TIiIm of coiiroo dujuwidH upon tho quality of fuel, work done, Heed, and character of thu road. On freight train an average coitHumptlon may be taken at about 1 to 1 W. pound of cnul conuinrd ier car jr mile. With puHengor tialnn, the car of which uru heavier and the xpeed higher, and coal conumpl!on Ih greater. A freight train of 'M car, at u teed of ill) iiiIIoh mer hour, would therefore burn from UUD to 1,'JM) pound of coal per hour. Leezer & Kuebler, DRUGGISTS Watson & Lulirs, Proprietor of tho' Stoara-plnmng Mill, Snsh uud Door Factory onl Lumbac 4 i PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, I Requlflitoo of tno Toilet, Stationery & School Supplies Fine Imported and Key West Cigars. Oppoilte VlltarJ Hou. 1MW1H.KTON HIEUON NEAGLE BROS.; BLACKSMITHS A.NU Wagonmakers, Corner Mnlu unit Water fit., Pendleton. - Oregon All Hindu of HIiicKunlllilnrttloiH! In the bcntaml prompt inMiiner. Wbkouk, llug.c uud linrk'M inailii loonier. Jtrpairltty a Specialty. I'lirtlniliit attention to horse HhoelnK hi Commercial liwy, hi ui Sale Stable, J. D. KEENEY &. CO., Props. Put up your animals and your monoy at this stand. Thoro is no bottor in town. Our patrons and friends will bo woll troatod. COMKTOHHKUH. At.l, KIND! OK 11108 KOIt IlItlK-TlIK FINKHT TUItN Ol'TH IN TOWN. J. B. KEENEY & Co.. PRO PR .Tolaio. Sietoei't, I.KAIitNri MERCHANT TAILOR, l'tiiil!toii,OrPKiiii .Mnlu St., umr Webb. a inxi: srolJu or goods Jllt IVI'l'Wi'll, Satisfaction Cuarantood ! ! Itiiovery rurllcill r W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER J&WELKR. Hun): bulldlm:, Court Mn-rl.rriiilletoii OrvKoii, I'lio l.ricw.t aii'l iiiottcomploto t(wk of Drugs Medicines CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastern Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Despain Block Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Rates; Hut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tho North American Continent. 12 I-uro I'ujw" itttil 8-1 Long CoIiiiiiiih. A POPULAR NOVEL l'utiCnlii'il Iii iiml vlvnn with i-unli lone o( the wecklv edition, li.'uliiiiliii. An., l. hihI I'ciMlliiiilnir Inert nfliir, Ihr World will print with each liuuii n riiiuplcttt novel liy a popular iiuthor. Among lllll WriOTH Will lit'! Wull.'r lkiiiit. Wilkin Collin, llnhl. lllinlmriMii, It. I, Hlcveimoii, II tl fHljMIII, 'I linmiiN llunly. .1 u I lit ii llnwlhiiriip, V. W. Itnliliimin. Knilli' lliilmrliiii, j u ! vcrnp, Will. IIIIIL-M, KIIKMITIIIIK Kept III UcU Mid lini'le to onl Br. UKDAi: HIIINOI.KH I'Olt HAI.K Klmt-cUm workinun nniplnyist unit work iTi'u, ilnnn nj rirititr WATHllN .V I.tlllltH. IVmlj'itOII.OrCKOII. MiHlrul Mer- I'lllillilU" OV'At.1. KIND'. Iiupt In HTtlt'K. Plitnoi, Oi ruim, iiml all kliiUH uf mo. nIuii I limtrii- IIH'tllM Hlllll on lintliill infill plmi Headstones, Monuments R. F. BEALE, Marble and Stone; Contractor. Henry Bowman, Denier In Thoiouiihbrt'il- anra Kor (ImIriu Atut prlnx ooinult Jf Kull. I ll, mill lirrei, l Pimii iuii. iuinnn-. gtT.nou.totiowo.k for i.-' fos j SPANISH MERINO SHEEP, - - I'lSNIII.KTON. DUNOON. Grain Bags and Twine lor Sale josetph. ell" T. F. ROURKE, Grain and Gsmmlsslon Merchant. All kluiln o( Kruln Hint other pnxluco tioiiiiht mtnolil. Ampluaiiil ctnunoilluu wur Iioum, (IimiiU nuil proiluc of nil klinli uliirrit ut ri'iiMiiiuhltt ruti'n. Uuvd now ou hami; quunlllv of UAMAUKII WIIK.W, f ixk! for Iiok, chlrken -nil hornc tttii, (or bhIo cheup. 0KF1CK AT WAltKHOUHE, NKAIt DUltJT, I'KNDLKTO.N, (lllf.OON. Estes & Guilds, rroprluton a thu CITY LlVKltr FKKD it SALE Sl'AltLK. alod Hay and Grain. Mptntitl I mux, mIukIo or lliiu'ilc, a HHitaio Horum alM) M an baud. Humrtt boarttrd by thn day, Werk or Monlb, AH KlniU ot KeJ rVir le, In Hmull or CHARGES REASONABLE I I aT VTOTlCh OV DISSOLUTION. Notice la hrrby vn thut tho parliirrhlp lirulolowexUtlnK In h pruotlcK of law tn Iwn'ii Itio unUerUnJ I thi l"y dloived hy niutiiul content. rMt. Hklpwortti retlrlnjr frm the nrm. W. M. Itmiury mill J. t . Wkr will continue Ihebiulnet umler the nrm nmo of lurnney a N nicer, ami will colteci an ouwiauuiuf ueu- W. M. llAMhKlt IU ll.HKIPWOUTU, J, l. VA0KK. Uanuraoturer of nml Iuler lu t,K. HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, ETC. Main fttrtel, Next door to ronloffle, I'KNni.KTON OUKQON. SIGN OF THE GOLDEH BOOT. A.. HEALfiY (UAUTIUAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main una WobbHtroet. Katru Madti Uoata and Mh0f lu Mloek, IVrfect Ut (inaranteeil. iVEBTICCIC oiol4f.4M..iilit9uniIni Ml I KM I IwCHw Um ptp,o ottain MlmlH on twtuic tfc K Clwoo. wU (wd It on iW M 4 j W 49' RwMA Si. aj TIMlllC ThojDiichfHK, .Mr. Ale'Xiiiiili r, Jolin H. Wln'cr, ni'iiry wrxi'i, M. i;. llinililim. Klori'iicii WnnlC'.V SlnrvtVi'll liny llerlhik M. Cliiy, . nnln KiiwiinU, llhoilii IMviiinlH. (,'. ri.llllOH. tiikxii will lin the InlpHt wnrKx of Hip Imxt wrlliTK iik Ihcy nr publlolii'd thn Umk winrh Kvrrvnno Ih I'llklnn about. Nothlns but tho very litNt will bo uilmltliil Into the wiirnt'it Miin inni i.inrnryor iiimiiiii. ThK l.lliruryof Kli'll in Will He Hiippllcil to HuncrlbeM Only. No r.xtlufopleH Will lie I'rltlK'il. No Hack Numlior Can l Kurnltlieil mid No Initio t'liplct Will ho Bolit. If You WUh tho Herli-n Complete, HUllHCItlllK ATONCK. Onu Year (W numbr), 31 ! 0 Montli(W ihiiiiIhtx),.V.; .1 Monllm (13 iiiiinbiinii. 'o. Aihlrr THE WORLD, Now York. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN! They do hnppvn every day. mid when one liuppeiiH to you. you will wili uiul TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y. Tlir.'fiUVKi.KnH' rckouireiireHiifilol(!iil to niiv nt onrn the moat eiiorninun miu. of elaliiiH tliHt even Rreut railroad nnd lcam bout iicrlileutH can brlni: upon It. I'ay all claim, without illacount luuueillately upon rii'i'im or ui(ariory proora. riou rorrenure pnivioiuiik in vii it poiicie. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID I'OUOY UOI.DKHH,tll.00, Clopton & Jackson, Resident Agents, Kut Oreifonlan bulldlns. rendleon,or, Grain Bags. CalcuttttH and Detrlck'n Celfbra ted K. If V TWINES Of All Kind, Tnt. FIiih. Kp Printed Flour Bags A SioclaHy. , AMES & DETRICK, 13 Front Ht. juld tUw tf l'tlKTLANI), OK J Established 1857. J. O. OAESON, Manufacturer of and Dealer lu Stikli, luor, BIlHdn, Window At I'lHfV OlH HMd CiVHOrHl BulldlHg SuppllOM. Gttluiate and Price Inta ou application country omen a pccmiiy. Factory and Salesroom, Weldler'a Mill, l"OUTUVND OHKQON i I s 0 ! m a h n I U . . mw mm in : : 9i I ft 9 mv i tm mm - . '.OQ u n 141 o 1 39 Q m I . . : Tickets TJ "t Elegant Pullminhi Kinlgrant Sloping Cr.M,k OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS H . . i rrcftorelirW0,t,lll0Sj CIOBO connfclloniatportiu... j Eroil bouiuj PanMBBrintwii Kant hnnml l ml .hi M."' wcti, uounu pwnntr ii.J VJfml Iwillr A iLi.Z. 1 :'. TIMl part nuns p. m, Walla Wull. ..j . ...... , r f akllil Iavc nt 1:06 a, m. foi rive nt 7 Ji p. m. from Wlu" i o nan rraaeiteo. . - ... . . KWle.AUKUitl PoloMh. uoiumma. AitEiihtl ii.;. Orciron, Auxum u MS il HlJiln. An.,,. I in i.r!'r'"l Columbia. Auctl Ornmjl Htnte. AUKiirta UblomiJi ColuinblB.Kentl m, .J Oreeon.Hcpti tm,.Ol i-avn "ieaminiprbrf,rirt ljeavo Hpmr Hu whttf.RMr Itatc of riutfi inciuiiinir mnii .nn Cabin, ... Hiecniie, . IloumfTrln. Itnllmlinl. kn rfilrltirn..lli.iil.MU..i A T, A Portland, Orefon, A. U MKU 1. 1. IIUIUHI, General Mtnajtr. II. K MIBUTil I'ClililVtl Great Bock ALBERT LEA Thn direct unit topnlir I'm t Willi me mortlirra run from Ht. I'uiil unit UIdbmkI To C'lilracu unit the Kut. ToNt.l.oulHauiltlie To Ilea Molara,Utn AtehUoBMll 'Pi.. r.... i conm .LUC Winy uiiio erriwi ntcounoii uiiinii, uurtntvwt cuv ror CIIII).liO ANI AM. Ml t'nlltnitn Palace Sl J'alace DMngi Accompany nil Ihrouih Ity iiiu koiiiu. pIaIii. hu. fcnlA lit, mil tann nnd connection maJMntu Kor full lnfornmtlour(prij y to any coup t 'vi.rlliern Vu lit Kit ' Ticket ArU :HAH. KKSIKOY.tri.l No, 3 Wrwhlrntou 8L, K. A. IIULiimuwu. . ,,J 0ii. Tat. and l"a. Alt G M Chicago, III. .'? lien. T. anil 1'. Alt Kjj An. n"m GREAT OVERLAND Northern Ptfift i iu in .. .. utMAm Cn$ THE To Prnm flrfnon iwl W to thl EMti Via HU I'aul and MlnaM rnatrt Tlwo TSil Hloux City. coaaw-: llurllnBtou,OulDCT.rJl el via ni. i t.iiMnlTKlllf At? hauled on 1110 cuurc ."- " ltallroad. UUvWallulaJujy M nneanolli or W. r" olUtoal.poin... , """"".-.iMl Traluw IIIt rw-j m.. connect ID WVi all poltiU on Pu w8 General WW" "j Waahluf ton Ht, S Notary aM In Pei FOR ONLY FIVE The uauai prl ' . I tiunwlsml Of panic, iu trrid. with ripr4 need a eali Bd5rw from iW to H-W I' ENt mbUdtf pU W