DRUGGIST SATt'UDAV, OOTOltKU 0, (Jnllilt Ovi-r (it I'lpvi-littnl. A Chicago tllvfiufcli lo ttie Nuw Yoik Ifornlit hiivh: HiunlrwlN of llioiililfiil mon who luwe voted tint Kopulilicun ticket lion'loforu, will vole for Mr. Clevtv land Iwuuxo llniv k-llovo in lilin and In tarlir reform. Many of tlieni will rumulri in llio llupuMiciiti party, but tlioy will "iniiKwnnit it" thin f .ill on tho Presiden tial inteHtion. In till) boot mid hIioo trade, Klcelor-at-laruo 0. II. Hclnnvb, a leadiiiK bIhhj morcliiint, .Inn K.itlicred tho imiiiom of fifty men in that lino who will not vole for (Jeneral IhirriMoti, thought tlioy ant rrtiublicatiH ; ttioy liko Clmeland and think lie Iiuh inudo an ex cellent l'rvrfidunt, and aro in favor of tariir inform and the MM bill. Mr. h'chwab uIk.) had a Itnt of tiiuiiiif.iuturorH, profeNHional men and retired merchant who have tflvuii him porMonal uHMtminco of their purpoBii tocii"t their ballotn for tho Unit tlnio for tho Denioeratlu eutnll dale. A leading Hoard of Trade man hue alco made npu liHtof forty name! of mon on ISoard who will voto for Mr. Cleveland in prefereno to General HarrlHon, at though they uro Hoptihllcatia. Anions tho iiryi(KMlH hoiiMuH there aro many con vert, In each cao a belief in the need of tarlll reform ImIiik llio cuiiho of Hie re nunciation of IlepuhlieatiiHin. At Mar-Hhalll-'leld Co.'m, Ciinwn, l'irl", Scott t Co.'h, this boln the Iioiihu in which United .Statot Senator (Miailurt It, Fur well Iiuh u I a rue Interest, the eonverM are uniiMUally inimeroiiH. Miirnliall Field liiiMPcen voting with the llepubllcaim for many yeat-H, but will vote for Mi. Cleve land thin time. In nianv nholeH.de ilrui and grocery Iioumoh HafcHiucn nay they will voto for Mr, Cleveland thin time, though they aro now and have been Republican). Irlxli Amerlcan) who niipwrU'il lilalno largely four yearn ago uro Konerally for l'lenldcnt Cloveland now, and amon piofeH.lonal men tho i;hanm from I lurrlnoii to Clove land In very marked. - Wliit Wi ri-tin) Muuiiil litillilt-M? I'rof. Montgomery, of tho I'lilvernlty of Dakota, Iiuh lately made Homo diHcovoricH near DovII'h Lake- lie ban found tho to malm of an extinct race, which, for tho want of u better natnii, be bad called tho moiind-hulldert. Ho linn been at work at thuwo dlxcoverleH hIiico IHS.'I. Ho excavated twenty-ono inoiiiulf lant year, and each mound 'aver ued fifty feet In diameter, witharaiigo of from thirty to ninety feet, and mui live feet blgh. Seventy-one ekel eloiiM of human lielng went taken from thcio iiioiiihIh" 'I'ho HUtuieH of the nk ill 1 were iiillo tlintiuct and xhto tleeid oly marked In form. ImpleuieutH of Htone, bone, coper, and hiiiio of bireh batk, wiimi excavated, an well iih earthenwaie of nkllful workman whip. 'I'ho ropor In the IooIh wuh undoubtedly taken from tho rockx In tho vicinity, iih it in of the name quality and fibre iih thai now produced. The I'rofesHor In of tho opinion that tlu-ho HkeK'totiH iKiloniicd to u Mouuii' llan race, not niicIi iih tho China mon of to-day. but a larger hImuI tooplo. Some of the Hkeletom were nix feet In length. Hurled in tlice moiiuilH were ulmi HkcletoiiH of U-hih and other anlmalH, anil, iih ultaiH of clay were found, it !h lielioved theho I'liiinml wore oflered iih a Hacrllleo. and that many of the iuouiiiIh wore Hiierillclal. 1'rofeHHor .MontK'omerv 1h xatlHlled that a city once llourlxhcd there, and it in IiIh intention to contiuuo bin exploratloiiH for hoiiio time, iih there uro mom yet to bo ocuoil. J. II. Young, of. MIIM'reck, Pa., hud Homo trouble with bin wife, with wiiom lie hud lived hapiilly a third of u century, anil oloiH'd with litu neleu, a girl llfloen yearn old. Wlille tho "(ten. MIIch" wuh going tail over the Colombia htirThurt-duy, u young Houmiiu niimed Nowmun wuh wmlicil ovorlMiard and drowned. The run of H.ilmnn at Yinpiln.i bay IuhI Sunday night wuh the laru'Chtof tho hcu hoii. The boutH averaged ulxiut llftr nil vemliloH. The fever in decrouxing ut Juckwjnvlllo, Only one deuth iMvuimlThumlay, A cltliunH' meeting noiuinutcd A bran S. Hewitt for mayor of New York. Proprietor or Him' stoiun-plftiiiiitf Mill, Bash and )jor Factory and Luin'jnr i f IfltKITItKR KejH In "toon and made to oritur. CKUAK HHINOI.KM FOK HALK Klrm-cUa vrorttmen cmployoil nil work WATrtON A LUIIIIH, I'nnillfton.OrMtnn. First National Bank OK I'KNIH.KTON LEVY NKKNY. I'n-'litut , JACOH KltA'Kll. VIcp I'rMldont. SAM I. HI'I'IIIJIH, ('Hxlllt'r. V. II. WADH, Anllanl Cuhlrr. Transact a GeneraIBanking Business Exchange on All Parts ol tho World ! bought and aoia. I i'illi'itloili m ml n a' nil iwpIiiIhoii riiiMonnble j ti-rini. Commercial Ml Feed, and Sals Stable, TIlO iMTtW't llll't HKKlt C OIMlHOtH W',1 f CHEMICALS, Toilet Sl Fancy Articles In Eastorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. 0 L i Si re You Prot Dospain Block Pcndloton. IF YOU' WANT THE EARTH TAKE j. B. KEENEY &. CO., Props. Put up your animals and your monoy ut this stand. Thoro is no bottor in town. Our patrons and f rionds will bo woll troatod. (,omi:tomi:k I'm. am, kind of mos foii imtK-rtii: finkst tuiin- Ol'TH IN TOWN. J.O. KEENEY & Co.. PROPR Omilcr In Ttioionuliliri'il j i Wiilli-r Itionnl. WllklMOillltm, Until lliirliuiiuti, It, I,. Sti'Vriiunn II l Fiirji on, TlioliiiiH llnr.ly, Jllllllll IlltWllllllllO, F W. UoMoum, Kmllf itiilHirluii, Juli'H Vvriif, Will. llllll'K. 1 Iiomi novel will lm H. F.Johnson &Co., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, RoquisitOB of tuo Toilet, Stationory Jfc School Supplies Fine Imported and Key West Cigar. liHlle Vlllur I llnu".!-, VKNIU.KWV . OUKOON Tol3L3a iaio"fceirt, I.KAOINO MERCHANT TAILOR, IViiillpUiii,Uri'k'on, Main Ht,, nrur Wvlib, .1 FiXK ST)VK OF OOODS Jivvt rrcetVfd. Satisfaction Cuarantood ! ! In rvvry imrlioul r Money to Loan At Low Rate, on Short or' Long Time Real Estate, Insurance and Collection J. W. Swezea, Kcho, Otvcoa, Formerly of Walla Walla jy at lm THE WORLD it is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Cut Rates; itut THE BEST AND BIGGEST NEWSPAPER On Tho North Aiiu-ricun Continent. -r-r - 12 Lurgo l'uH and l I.oiik Columns Henry Bowman, j A popular novel rtitilMui) In unit ulvtn wltli inch Imip of IIH1 WI'I'KIV I'tllllOII, llrwInnliiL- An . 1. mill I'linlliiiilliii Im-rn. iiflor, 'I'm' Worlit will print Willi oin'li luuo u -iitiiiii'it iiovi'i uy n iiiuiiiiruiiiiior. .miioiv IIik wrlicm will I n: Tlit:imclii , .Mr. Ali'.xiiiiiliT, iJotiii H, Wlli'i r, llonry Woo l, ,M. II. llrmliloii, jKlurf iii'i Wnnlui: jinryi-piin liny llntliit M. C'luv, aiiiiIii I'NliritniH, lllioiiu KitwurtlN, K. (.'. IM.IIIIih. I Iih iiili'Kt worn or Hih IiohI wrltiTH n thi-yurp pulillmini th" liookn wiitcli cvi'ry oiiu N MlkliiK nlmtit. Notlilinj hot llio very lircl will lie Milnilitrd Into the woi iu 4niiiii uni i.iuniry hi union. This Ulimry of I'lctl in WIU tlo Kiijipllod lo tuicrlbn only. No IMin I-iu'Ii-h Will Hi) I'rliiliMl. No lUck Ntliubi'M Ciin Itn KurnMird ntnl No IiikIu foplt-M Will ImHotil, If You Wldli tlm Hi rli' Coinplfir, HUlNCIltllK. ATONCK. Onn Vmr (WiMimbcrnl.fl; ( .Moiitlm (W mimot'r), Wc; .1Monllit(nnuiniiri' 'e. ,ilclrrv THE WORLD, Now York ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPE?! Tlioy tin loippcn every iluy. oml when nnt Imppi-iM to you. you will wlnti Dial you wrru Inmnvl In Ihn TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMP'Y, TilKTluVKi.Kn.si rexnunM'N urn mifflclf nt to pity nt nnro I hit inot i'iiorinou mum nt I'lulmi thnl ovon Kirnt ritllmivil mid klam Uim Hcrlilfiit chii lirlnn upon It. I'ny nil rlittuu, wllliimt iIIhcouih IminiKlhiiply upon riH'dut of n-tliifni'tory proof. Non Korfullure provl-lom In nil ltd policial. Ten Millions of Assets. Two Millions of Surplus. PAID POMUY lIOl.IKKH,tll,OU),noo, Clopton Jackson, Resident Agents, Kat OrcKDUluii bulldlu, lVndlfon.or. Freiman's Restaurant. Only First Class Restaurant In Portland Ncrvlcti UiiHuriMSHctl. J'rlee Jleasontible. Private Room for Ladies. In vUltliiR rortlund call mid mv Coruifr of Oak. 8PANISH MERINO SHEEP, i'unim.kton. oitK'io.v. josTbasler, IMulor In Nw mid KiHMind-liitmt Furniture And Household Goods And niHiiufarluifr of linwnro, Coppcrwarc and Sheet-Iron of Every Description. Tin Roofing a Specialty (live im u Irlnl. Headstones, Monuments R. F: BEALE, Marble and Stone Contractor. Kor Uwlf n and prlc coiuult JrM Kali liur. Muln .Irtvl. I'riidleuin. KtlnmU Kl wii oil imne wotK ror SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOT. A.. HEA.LJJY I'HACTIOAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main and WobbBln-et. Kaatrru Made Huotn uU Nko'4 la Nturk. lrfwt tit dimriinterd. I James Crawford, Munufiioturtir of HiidJlValer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Etc., Tents and Wagon theata for tale A I? BEDROCK PRICES. Odd Kllnwi Hulldlu. Malu ilreU JuSI KlntHlriH)l NEAGLE BROS.; BLACKSMITHS Wagonmakers, I Vracr Miilu and Water AU., Pendleton, - - Oregon All kind of lltackimlthlnr.'tdone In the tHwtHnd prompt iiunner. Wajious, Hues. and Imcki nmUo lo order. JirpairiHy a Specialty, I'HrllcnlHi attention to hnnifl ohoolnc hi ected?! 'WW MWiMoMMlnilti n fUing tfe U CHam, M txd it tr U( m 4S a9 RvxUf St, LMftniHU. Thoeo who IkjIIovc ho thoroughly in protection should not go any longer without. iiiHiirunce on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believe that a H)liey in a good, Reliable Insurance Co. Ia worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not be indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In the first- place, pick out competent and RELIABLE AGENTS, With whom to do your bu.sineiw those who represent none but the best insurance companies and go straightway ami insure. When in search of such agents, don't fail toturn your "peepers" in tho direction of the ollice ol Clopton & Jackson, Located in lliu BAST OKKGONIAN building, Pmullulon, whoro you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, dono up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! It is well to remember that to be securn you must insure in one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000, If you contemplate insurance, call on them and get posted and it will cost you nothing. Kemembpr their office ia in the EAST OREGONIAN building, or address Clopton & Jackson, Tickets Tw? Elesranf B,.n . w -nan KmlumniHiw.Bi,.. ; iirtki -IV.. ' uLurti C1(m wnnwiioniaitC... aim I1U4I I hai hound Irtlim .m. nH i ai "mi WMttolll.,lfi."rf!,. Wlll Wall. WIIVCl U H-ttt inp. in. (Mm i To Hnn Fr'antla MUtV.Au'. ii." .TO Oitkoo, Aucuitll Rt atu a iimi m uri'Ri in. nfiii en.. Oi .-...vn.wwiUlHIIWUin. ritnukO .in . .. IiiehiJln nMl Catttn, IU)unirTrlp,UullmltH, Kurftl filter ftnrtlftilftNU, T, A i l'ort!uni(Orftri. X. It HOUeMB, Oonrrul Mannff. ii n. mi Great Rock ALBERT LEA Tlio illn-tt unit impalit Willi Hi Anrthrra ii-iii. ni. (am huh mih To ChlruKu unit tar I ToHt. l.oulp)dl to urn MmaM. tlrkUtai 'I'l.A M I .MA x iiu win v unit; o. C'liv for ClIIDAfJU A SI II MX I'ttlhnnn Palate Palace Mnh Awninimny hII llirosfb uim iiouic. TlKkdta fur nkln br ill I unit fonni-ctlonn mtU ito..niilr to any cooro A N. nr Nnrthrn So, 3 WmIiIiiiIoq lit, l unr iiiinni.. "(Jen. TKtnil !1.Altt l'l,lmvn III. . (Ini.T. nn.ir.J Pendleton, Oregon. i . i n. lilt. IIUIIIIVI" " Til R ONLY USI I'll! nuin Matt Httnil From Orgoa uut la tkt Tn i Vast tent Tl W m- w nttv tfVuiwU II ...I I HtltAH t lilt HAT. T oil vnlntdlhmUfbMlI1 I -.1 aj lUn AIM X tup eiin " MlnneapolU or .rMi " "f.V. uuit I IB LaU Hit IVIH" r TO., connIB"-r- aii nninu on rw"- General www) Wnlofton m Hi FN ONLY m The DftUk) ' oS7.0tf, Mb if " need aml.wJ" I U1U f-' V vm r I tnbltdtf