East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 06, 1888, Image 3

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    , OOTOHEH 0, 1888.
) Itrnncli OMIre.
UiiKcn'A bim has arrived, and Iiiih been
the object of miidi admiration on tlio
jmrt of cttHUal Hpectntora ut It quarters in
Tuylor. Jonerf & Co.'h. It U tlio llrst real
out itnd-out bim over Hccn in Pendleton,
und UHido from thin fact Btunda on its
tnorltH, or wbeelH, ratlier, as u vers band-
hoiiiu, commodious, una Kuusliintlul ve
Umatll llllita Society.
The elovontb annual tnootinir of tlio
Umatilla County Branch lllblo Society
was Iield in tho M. E. church Thurndav
evening, October 4, 18SS, at lialf past
uoveu. Tho audiunio was small, but tho
exercises worthy of a Rood Iiouko.
itcv. .Mr. uoarcfi, an Kimlisliinuu and
liiclo, ulilo to wifely ami comfoitai.ly ac- rortj.ciit.itiv of thu lnnlon Blblu .So
commodate, within and without, a largo
nftlioK"T.M".?00?.IA...,.k.'J I number of paHsenKiTH. Tlio coot of tho
I. iMmnuu vw?.- . niiH. inr in
....nil . . ....
V"":. ...n,. .,Lf in inn iwi
uiw i
, Miolofc-niphew.
.itUkcr, dontlHt. -
line tobacciw at tlio umo
at tho
Rwkn, notion, etc.,
ng $148 freliflit, was 84().
Tlio Walla Wnila freight ciiglno, wlilch
on tlio extra freight
malilla, met with
finite a mtsliuti at J-ontcr on its hint trip.
Ah near uh can Ikj learned, tlio center
pipe, wlmtevcr that may bo, blow out
in iVtriliimi. it will between hero ami 1
in any wrvlcu In hi, quito a mishap at Foul
cicty, hjioko very interestingly for about
iweniy minuiCH.
After an antlicm by a imilo (purtctto,
Air. Iletzlor, tlio agent of the Aiuorican
lllblo Society, und tho life of our hr.incli
societies in Oregon, Washington und
Idaho, Hpokc. .Much that hu xaid in
worth of tuoinorv. lie called attention
to the fact that when tho American Itiiilo
Ivltll ivinullll.mlit.t fi.i..n tl.n niinliiimi. .i...l 1 BOCIIltV (Ulllit llltll I'Xlstl'lll'O III I 111 II'K
llroman being nealded by tho escaping l"rt ol this century, it In computed that
Htcam, not Kuriounly, liowover. Kailroad I uot ovr 0,000,0:10 iuiio. of the lllblo
boyH carry their liven in their hand, and wro oxtunt, to represent tlio work of all
do lint mind 11 lltlln hnlllni? ni-i-iiktiiimlh . tho lines Hilicn Moses: while now. in
if nothing wotfo occurH. (seventy-two yearn, the output of this no
li. W. Dibble Is In town from Pilot "l000 '? .'0,000,000 copies; that of
Hock. Hi
I i ..'.i .u... J-. i ... i. two cot
baled hay ft le nt Iho " n dent 'me , 'T V " " i . Our American Society publishes l.lbles
to court noui'o. niiibln horhohmph n liiilf.lnii.r.i l ii, ' i ignty uiiiiTcni lauguagc ana inaiociti,
L.iv clerk, pro ton,, al,BJT,r ? I " H. ' n. l! ! ? "pndeiMI, too, but the comblna.
- .. .1.- .iLunniwi rtf , . n .. . . . . .. .
0UM, m mo mnv.. crccic mining uimriet, sixty mile from
Ad. Baker, and eluinis that tho ore, when
k, tho architect, wan properly assayed, will easily p. n out
'. Dibble In In town from Pilot Tim' i 'f.W IsT' t'"'1 .
Hn Is mm nf tlmsn fotdmnin r ' u" Blblo Kocictles during this century is
ilo. At who Si' a good ' '!
I .llutrlnl l.Mt IWU COpil'H I
t Ilrimnlii -it Knnppton.
A very s.id caso of drowning occured
nt Knappton Sunday ovening, tho vie
titn being L A. Borchorn, a man well
und favorably know n by nea-ly overy ono
in that section. About a weok ago his
hoiiso was burned down, and Sunday
several of his neighbor got together and
jullt him a new house. It wtiH dark
when thev eatno down to thu wharf on
their return, and Mr. Borchor stayed
lieliind to attend to homo chores, and
stattmi down alono soon after. Thero Is
an open pl.uv In the wharf near the
store which is well known to every one,
but tho unfortunate man evidently for
got about it, and in tho darkness walked
right oil' tho wharf Into tho bay. Ilia
cries wero hoard and hovond rushed to
his rescue, but too late to assist him.
Tho body va recovered yesterday
AiUrrtlxrtl l, filer.
Tho following lcttem remain uncalled
for in tlio Pendleton itostolllce, October
uui, imsi
..'.it. U',.11,. tiiHt nillit.
l!UMi .!.... "7;-- -o---
work done on mo couri-
went liclow on last rilgiii'M
Ms mother, residing at
ho in iving very ill und do
ck of nicrchandho at J.
w i.lni.fl HUT. ril
in tho next ininy uays.
.uiilna the stock ana you
l...i t. fitituMnt- tliiitr
(in ijiisi ... i"" n
IViidletou hotel ly con-
iro-nllll, uiu rit"
of tlio outside wall of a
nil como down from
xbv niulit'K freight, elgli-
mcnilicr of tho WcMdn
nliu will take part in thu
i iHHiple, Mrs. I). D. Hitrp,
ttowon, anil .irs. a. .i.
iniimli town Tliui-sday ove
to Willamette valloy rola-
to tho ton. Miuo owner aro numoroua
Threo iiuhdrcd und twenty acre in
tho coal region at tho head of Butter
creek have been bonded to U. J. Carlson
for tho poriod of threo years, for prospect
ing purposes. In case a "llnd" is mado
ono-hulf interest in tho coal mine dis
covered gooH to Mr. Carlson and tho
other to tho owner of tho hind.
No one seems to know what tho change
of time on thoO. It, ft N. Co,' line will
bo, but it i rumotcd that tho west-bound
and Fartnlugton tiasscnger will como in
in the middlo of tho afternoon, if on
tlmo, Instead of at II o'clock at night. A
'now tlmo-card will bo issued a week
from to-morrow.
Work will commenco on C. J. Whit-
uker's rculilonce on thu hill south of
town next Monday. By tho way, why
don't tiu rcsldonter on (ho hill in ipius-
Hon give tho locality some high-sounding
title? "Hill south of town" grow mo-
notonoim when chronicling now-houso
item, etc.
Tlio somew hat dull condlllnn of litisl-
i. i .i
!, ltl. Howell Co.. and I' !. ,"!"' '."V V- ?.",.u.n .' ? .1.1"
1 , dounholsterlmr in ' . . f : f
,inV '" " , " fi." . j.i ton for coming to town, tho town ts
NMuws i mis nno wiiii
mivt nisonablo prlco.
.i .i..-
UK' ClIUIIlU lMll, lllllltii-
til ...t I.i.m,. 1 ..l.mti III lr
ini'iii. 1 1 . 1 1 invii nil v. t uii
t . .1 .....i ...i...
01 U In'" iHir unii Diin.'i
.1 .t...f.
ch)l now contain UK)
1 ri I VJIlii 111 I vy
mikitig iiiing nerossariiy
JiM. Miiouui inu oilier
1 room bo lilted up, and
..i .i...
1 lie ample.
- .i. . . i
.I iii uiiv vi iiiu imrfy'..t
1... !.... ....I,.. .. I..... I
L.. I . ITI11I1LT. .11.1111 U IU.HI
no In In tho numo manner.
mi iinnnr. unit iiml ilm
ni to come down town
not mtv of a cordial wel-
.ii i . . i .
marshal ycslcrduy, and
o nlglitwatihnian, eagerly
vr in nrrnui ti viirni'if tiiM
union was pulling noi-
lii yard. The nloadlni
raiiimHiv IIUI1NI.II 111 HULL
Ux-anie ill llm ilnetnr ami
. . 1 1. i i .
!ltf tl... UI.im ..-..v.. ..n.r
Mne, rain or shino,
noroniiiiHi, instead oi no
te known by ioleuranh
I... I 1. " ... i .r 1
UU WTI1 Dill llllllllllK, UIIU
umiiiast evening, left to
t.anoltl iiii l 'rl?.lo(l KiiNt
nHT U 111) Ill-lkLj tt lllllltW
Mm; hlH full KllppllCH.
i ri..itii. . i.. ... . . .... .... I....
( tlio hard v. niL-ired. and
wlilch mude Oregon what
- -.-T, VWIIII'UIII 1 1 44 ll.Vtl
u-r iiuiem oi i . i . m.
IrimiRi'o. The comranv
itiailim Kir n imri'IlUbU
fit land near Chicago,
mi he bu ll. It is
lien i inn1 iiu Tnni iiini- mi.
rUClitlio. iwin.i'imlillHtl.
A. li .. . ..I - . .1. .
.-.nil i-iin:4inv tin nit
. i
iviiiuieu iroin mo
"Jf, it'iiort throne of Iiu-
lovwtlio country gathered
uajiien i y, wiuio ovo-
full of lionc.st uraneer to-day, doiibtlei-
all armed with wolKurued harsest coin.
A gambler named Levi, mid a man
named lunar, have wagered several
thousand dollars on the election, Unl
betting on drover and l.auiar on Ben
jamin. Muck McCulloinih und dip
Wills, of Pendleton, aNo'put up Hoverul
h indrcd dollnni on Cleveland. i
Tricu'rt Plantation Minstrels will ex
hibit in Pendleton, Thursday, Octolier,
11, ut l'Vaxlor'n Opera House, and will
present a splendid entertainment, (ten
oral admission. AO cents; children: !!.'
cunt; reservoil soatH 7o cents, for sale ut
Ie.cr it Ktioblor'n.
The total cxihjiiho to tho county of all
tho provision, utensil, etc., purchased
by Sir. Arnold for tho recent Orant
county lino surveying trip, wa aftor all
les than fit). Tho "kick" uliout extrav
agant purchase was entirely uncalled
The ItopublicanH will rullv u llttlo ut
the ocni houso to-nrght. Hon. It. Me
Uan and lion. II. B. Miller will en
deavor to convince the citiicns of Uma
tilla county of tho Iwautic of ltepuhll
cauism and tho protection aystem.
Wlieat i seventy cent on a pinch to
day, Iho very highest prlco yet ipioted in
tho Pendleton market. Too bad ovory
farmer in Umatilla county ha not a
thouwind bushel or so remaining to dis
pose of at till fancy price.
.1. Uos Dickson and Albert Wurx
wuller will leave for Portland on to-night'
train, intending to take in Sunday' ball
gaino, tho Mechanic' Fair, and tho num
tier of other attraction tlio metnK)ll
oiler to pleasiiro-seeker.
A nmull femulo caviiso. branded cir
cular J on tho left shoulder, an Indian
brand on tlio right, has lieen taken up by
Marshal Fionch, and can 1k recovered
bv it owner on aying tlio usual charge.
Beside F. D. Hasbroucki othor legal
gentlemen well known hero wero ad
mitted to thu bar by tho supreme court,
among whom were J. II. Canon, of
Seattle, and J, C. Kirklaml, of Milton.
Mr, K. Ollliam ha moved in from Pilot
Bock with hi family, for tlio purpow of
Inking udvanttigo of tho better educa
tional facllitle Pendleton oiler, iutond
ing to send hi children to school.
J. W. Bimpson pulled tlio bos loud to
Barnhart this year, using six horse, tho
load weighing 8.ti80 iound. Neighlior,
get In with your good pulling horse und
try to leut tlii record.
K. W. Furrow I fitting up a neat busi
ness olllce for hi use in tho Dcain
blix'k, situated on tlio first floor, und ex
tremely hundy. for caller, client and
Tom Uyun, of Weston, returned from
tlon of ull Bible so:'ietic on thi oint
lias put tin book into a total of Mh dif
ferent language, etc. Kvlduntly the
whole world I to have u cliunco at the
Ah to thu work of tho Oregon Bible So
ciety, branch of the larger, Mr. I let .lor
said it bus supplied ItjOl) destitute faml
ilie in Oregon and Washington In the
last four year. Facts illustrating the eu
genics with which thee hooks were
purchased, and the liberality with which
tlioy wero given away to coplo aiixlou
to have, but too poor to buy a Blhlo, all
showed tho value of the society' work.
After Mr. Hetzler' remarks the fol
lowing election took place:
Itov. T. M. Bovd-Piesiaent. Other
Pastor of tho city Vice Presidents.
Hev. O. II. liOO Secretary.
Dr. .1. M. Priietl Treasurer.
Mr. l4tinbirth Depositary.
Mr. Despaln, Miss A. S. .Stewart, Mm.
It. Sargent, Mr. Burrow, Mr. Birch,
F.xeeullvo Committee.
After a Hong and lonod!el!on bv Hev.
Mr. Downev, tho meeting, which all pre
out seemed to feel had been a good one,
A committee- from Paulino Hubekuh
Degieo lAslgo. No. Ill, 1. O. O. I'.,
drafted thu following, which was adopted
bv the ljdgo
Wiikuims, It bu pleased tho Hiipiome
Killer of the Universe lotako from among
U our loved and honored brother, F. II.
Sawtullu, ami
WiiKitiiAs, Hi earnest ellbrls a a
memlier of Pauline ltebekali Lodge,
No. lit, I. O. O. F., deserve tho recogni
tion and approval of it member, there
fore l it ...
Besolved, That In tho death of Brother
Saw tell Iho I-odgo ha Inst a member
whoso lldelllyto it principle wa itlwayH
worthy of emulation; tlio community a
consclontiou eltUon, and tho bereaved
family an aUcctiunuto husband und uu
indulgent parent.
Resolved, That wo tender to tlio be
reaved family our sincere sympathy in
tlii the darkest hour of their live.
Besolved That these resolution bo
spiead on the minute of tlio 1xlgo j that
a copv be Mint to the family of thu de
ceased brother, and tho town iaor bo
furnWhcd with n copy for publication.
Mh. A. Hk.m.kv,
Mu. O. TlLTOS,
Mk. Kmma llAsuitua-K,
Adams Mr Sarah
Bimi Tho
liiirrlo Mrs A K
(llslibuni 1C F
Florence Mis
llamblin .1 M
Harrison Mr II
Hoiio KB
Hofdinan Lulu
Huston l.uther
Hurt II
Persons calling
Jackson T (5
.lone Mrs Sarah
Munning .b S
Mill .las A
Me5pu Mr Nellto
Powell A K
Uoa A P
Ryder Mr 1. M
Saulsburv J
Smith D IC
StippJ II
White J S
for tlio above will
llotnl ArrlvHln.
Vit.iaiiti Hou'hk J no Napton, I. W
Nupton, Vulo Or; (i W Babcock. Walla
Walla; O I, Barrett, O It & Ni W II II
scott, Centervillo: J K IMuihiston,
WullaWulla;A Croby. Astoria; Mike
Cart by OKA N; W H Crayno Kcho;
II B Miller (irantM Pas; A Mycrt,
Pittsburg, P; Louis J White, Baker
City; John (liven, Mr Tuvlor, USA;
Fred Dolun. W II Wallace, Farinlngton;
M Muyer, W S Zeilin, Han Francisco;
J W Arnold. J A fitove. Agent Planta
tion Co; Will H (Jruy, tieorgo Anderson,
(ini.DKN llui.i: U E Mctoy, Denver;
FMurphv, City; A C Bransteltcr, helio;
Bon Englo, (Dmitry ; T E Mono, P lot
Bock. E S flullowuy, City: Mr Costello,
Mr Wakor. A Ilia: Tom f.lenger, Jim
S Oglo
in,,f ii
ton: E Dill. J Clirk, A M McFarlund,
Walla Walla; t J Weston. P lull, IHn
vor: Frank Sustlco, Dalle.
Bowman Hoi-hk-H W Dibble, T II
Hells. 1) Be ts. M Mulkey, Pilot Kk-k
Frank William. A N llrown,
aim lilt! iiersonllleit. ! ii. . i.'..it.r ic.il.. iw.aioi
atu i:uniu nuu ifuln i,ia Biiilil. lu uivi
and will not
Dr. Blalock
-.u.nuu fume ui u uu. .iniii fnr IiIm siinvssiui ireaimoii. in. .....I ..t..w.i
t ...II. . ..... . IKIIM. .w. 11... ...' ."-v
Ml I.! 1114-1 T.I'IT IIIA tl IIAt'U 1 ' .. ... . . ,..
,..WM,V ,n( r.. ...,...., .Inf....,.! tllA 1 nl.Tl l.ll U 1 .1 J I I 1 1 If 1(1 U lit..1
Mill fif lnn.ll..tn.. 1....1 I I0 BIUM TOS UUIWHW ..- .
--w, aivwil , i... .iiv-fi i iiliiii 111 M tiiri tiiwi II l
ir circiinit.in . i,i inBiUirrautiKu u. ", .
wivn. DhvIuo. of liaker Uty, piayeu , meni inai
Walker. A Ilia; Tom f.lenger, Jim
th, Walla Walla: J B Doo. Pocatello;
Iglo, A Ogle. Vinson: W PItliiger,
t Bock: C Wood, ti Wagner. Hunt-
Spring; Prof FKIIopburn. B b Mchl
rov, Pendleton i D I) Earp, Frank Strong,
Harry William, Weston; W M Mead,
Wisconsin; F,M Klrliy. liuiioy, uiano;
h W Bugln, Wulla Walla; A W Byncar
son. Jaidraudo; J Foley, Pomeroy.
. W A IWInr.. Yuaklllli: Mm I'KirilllO,
.-. uo some time uco came
rrancigco iiome to enter
"areliouse. of which his
1 1. 1 nm vuni nut!
rtty of tlieuclil.m mlH.
!J coailuded there i more
PJMCnt. and lu.iU.IliK- mnrn
ILh 1-v.jh.. .. ' "
try nasi a meiroiio
f 'Qd In a far-otr countrv
f Inform u .... !'. ......
llut a nhu, fnrinr.l (mm
S-XnN Clerks Ihrnimliiuil
left Held for tho Salt Ukeu.
MU Mary Bannister, of Weston, was
suddenly taken 111 Wednesday while at
tending (school, and on Thursday died of
brain fover,
A Michigan syndicate with 1S.OO(),000
aro having up whole township of timber
Und Lack of Knappton, on tho Lower
An earthquake near Vera Cnu, Mexi
co, submerged a whole village, and
raised up an island in the Hea near by.
ii.i.... ...ii.niinn In Pendleton-
, uini 1II.1V IIIH Vll-TIII-hl ' .I..lr.i Mlltlntv i.r IVint? Ill lrilllb UI
1 cotit.il I ; , "
uir 11 .
1 .
rnnters, inn
and counter-
- --.Lowon. so one would
WI or anything else,
certain saloous for a sigll
Thomiu Nicley, one of Junijier' ranch
cm and DeTocratB, i In town to-day.
A line milch cow at the Cove suddenly
became blind oae day Ut week.
Recorder CrewH west to Portland lat
lliiion; I 1) Brandon. San Antonio,
Texas; John A Raymond, hi-Baknr,
Mri-lianlm' l'lr,
Tho tenth annual exhibition of the
Portland Mechanics' Fair open October
s Octoler uztli, lt. "-argo
e lxsm mailo to tlio ravu-,
ilm Inli nllon of tho mauaue-
Iho fair of thi season shall io
tho greatest of tho Pacllic ."Monnwesi.
Ti.m UaiviiiiI IT. Si. Onvulrv Band, the best
on the Coast hu been secured to iirnish
music. Half faro rate over uie u. h.
N. Co., O. A C. It. R. and Oregoniun
Railway Companie' line nave uecn
cured. One and ono-tlftli fare over me
N. P. R. It. Co.' line.
Special Excureiftn over the O. II. X.
Co.' line at les than half rate on
Octobei 8th, 15th and KM. H wnner
information i desired addrese A. n.
Whiting, Supt., i'ortland, ugn.
yur Bl.
Handel-Haydea tickeU, tor the con
venience of tta public, have been placed
on Halo at Doaaldwn'fl, H. F. Johnson A
Co.', lercres Kuebler'a, Fletcher's and
the I'ofttoffice Store.
iiloiikn s.iv "iiiivortlsed."
F. B. Cioi tox, P. M.
Ila.MuU lin 11 Vmiknc.
A sliarper of a mr;t peculiar variety
according to nnwrt, ha been doing Pen-1
dluton recently. Hu in u clothe wringer 1
repairer by profession, and hi manner I
of doing 'business is after till fashion : ,
He goc to overy house, asking If tho cm-
tabllslimcnl contain uuv wrlmiers in
need of repair, In this mannor collecting
a number of the article together.
Out of those ho construct several
machines it good a new, and then light
out for pasture ..ew. .No rhyme in
tended.) During hi travel elsewhere
ho sell the wringer, and those who con
tributed to hi blunder wilier tho conse
quence. C. L. Hubbard was ono of hi
victim In thi neighborhood.
A cum i:n-ti'ii.
Pendleton, Or. Sept. ML I88S.
Uu. Mcliiu.A Co.,
tientleinen: For three year past I
huvo been millcring from Mood jioisoii
und fcnialo complaints, during which
time I have licon under tho treatment of
several physician hut received very
llttlo licncllt. Sincol placed myself under
your treatment ull those distressing pain
have dlssapearcd, my skin is looking
much better and I urn happy to say 1 feel
altogether llko u dlllerent woman. Ac
cept my thank for what you huvo done
for me. I can Imi referred to ut my homo,
l.iloth, near Webb street.
Mhs. Si'str. RoniiHTMis.
l , , .l II n l',-an.- llvwl In
. III.... IV. ... V . Xj.. F JJ ... ...
Ullnol year ago with Id young wlfo.l
Times liccumo hard, und ho started East j
to proeuru work, llnaliy tniiing passage as
a sailor on a ship bound for England.
HI wife hoard nothing of him, and eight
vcur after his departure married Richard
llunkurd. Thov located In Bovler, Mo.
Cooluy returnoif and learned of hi wlfo'n
marriage, finally tracing her to Bevier.
After an Interview the w ife agreed to ac
company lilm, and they left Bevier for
Newton countv. The deserted second hu
band, Dunkar'd, foil very badly over the
matter, but InterpoM-d no objections,
Walla Walla Journal; Several men
were talking politic and putting up
money ut tho race track yoMorday, let
ting on horse. Ono man, without say
ing much put up a fit) gold plcco and
when tlio horse came through, und tho
judgeH made their little sjieech from tho
stand, ho wa told that he lost. "liM
fchat?" ho asked. "Your t'M." said tho
stake-holder, 'Cuyuse Moliio lost."
"Why h 11" roared tho surprised
man, who was a little deaf. "I didn't
betonCuyuso Molllel 1 bet on tirover
Somo llend put a bottlo of strychiiino
in a spring of water near Philomath re
cently, und now- tho indignant c illr.cn of
Unit placo oiler a reward of 100 for tho
anprehonslnn of tho wictcji in ordor that
they may ornament a limb with him ut
tlio end 'of u roK. The spring wu ono
from which water wu used forcainji
meeting purpos.'
Orandum Townsend, who iniibt lo
Hearing a century in age, and ho been
Iho coming "f several generations, l
still Imbued with an almost youthful
anililliiiii. Mug engaged to-day in
iimviiiu-up on nor pre-emption claim,
lo'utcd on Moucluun Creek. Hrandma
iHiloubtle hardly ablo to count hor jkw
tetity in Umutilla county.
"The Voico" ayn: Don't put any
confldouco in tho rojiortH nlwut tho "wan
ing stengtli of tho prohibitionist." It I
tho initial campaign blowing. The pro
hibition party was never ao strong a to
day, nor so resolute
Frank LaDow will doiibtlei bo In town
next Wednesday, a ho is expected to re
turn from hi Eastern trip by that date.
He remained East longer than hi
uiither, who returned a weok or no ago.
One of those combination wire and
picket fonces, so often advertised, I be
ing erected by some enterprising individ
ual along tlio river bank, ijeiow the
bridge, on tho north side of the river.
An Alaska cannerv man named Mc
Keniio has cheated Ids partners out of
several thouaiid dollars, and gone to,
R. firanni. a Helena gambler, tried to
tl ...Ul.U Uu ..l..n mtr.ltln lillt '
several hour enforced walking saved
Miss 0. Barnhart is in town from Barn
hart's Station to-day, visiting friends.
A Twonty Dollar gold pieces will bo give (o any out! who will
Iiml a UHOCEIIY STORE in Pendleton, that will soil
regul.irlv cheaper than they are selling at tho
I pay cash and
And can and will make the
The clieti pest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of
All goods are new and fresh and of the
1 intend to keep the lead in High Oritdo and Low Prices of
goods or will pay the above reward to the one who earns it.
P. A.. CA.RR,XEI??
Odd FellowK Ihiilding. - Main and Alta Su.
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Hcyoiul iUPUloii, tlinTurliriH tho Umiooii which tho roiniuu i-iiiiimlmi will litfyiiiKlil
mill It iM'hoovi-R ovi'ty rlllrun who unulil vnln Inlnlllactitly In Inform hlni-rlf upon u nub
Jcct willed mi rhiM'ly ulti'clH hl temporal wrlfiuii
The Protective Tariff.
ItPliitern hm In ihuihII)' rnimlilciTil.ii lilont iitntriiMi milijrct rimy of i'oniiri'liiiiiloil. It will
orvn a n Tnrlir prlinor fur Ihr li-nmrr ii well nut lost-hook for tlm Iriirnril.
Till book kIiuwh Hid prurllnil onvut of thr I'roli'cilvoHjHli'in iiimhi tliui-oiintry. IVrh.ipn
Iho iiiotl coni)louou loiitiirool tho Ixxik Ih Its nxiirlMlluiiiilciil with tlm iiii-mhiku uf I'rt'nl
Tlm position ol Mr. 11UIiih' "Twnnly Yi-iim In Coiikitk" In liikrn up, Inn iihitIIoik
upon ihn'riitlil iiiiiil.vniHl, rrltlclntl unit iiiiulutn (itrnliili tliulrnwn r Iiiliillon.
Tli form in wiill im Ihn miliilnncn of tlio lxk In moil lutmlntlilr, iiml t liiivt- nitii until
liiRnurpHMilnn It forum! In ihi'Krriti work ' ' iy x ",M " R f ' J I i i N' ' V ' ' ' I 1 ' " r J Vi .r l
ItUnnnhhinnilloKli'iiltixpoillloiiof IholnJiinllriMiiiil ili l'ilonii nt Ilm miili-i'llvc tlm
ory. Tliu work l tlmolv, itn.l n vury vuluiililiiiiiilrlliiitlin mi iho llii-riiliin"if lorlir rt forin
ii. w. tiiwnhi:m, m. r
I tmllcf Hint till lHik In rMTlvlnn Kri'Ht roiniiwiiilalloli It In IkiIIiiiiiimI upon fun In
mi'iitftt triilh", iiml I wlh Unit Iho fnt-liinil nrKunu'iilN limy l In tin1 liniiili itml nilii'ln ii
evrry rltlxeii riilloil iiixiii IhUynor in voii-upon iiu, ri'it iMiiiioiiilnil iinnlloin of mirplu
HUUturlir. OII.N. Jull.N' . tll.At'lv", :iiiiiiiII ruf IVnloii.
Wn tiku plfitMiro li Klvln IliU work nur In iirly linlor'mcnl, mill ncoiiiiiii'iiil Hint In.
ml cimimllH'fitiiiirt rlulm iiiIi1 In pxli'inllnir IU i'lniilalon iiiiiiiiik Him vnli'iHuf llllimli..
Ami niHiiy olhir.
Hook lloun'l In riiuli ninl Hi'mt-Wcokly linni Oreiioiihtn Ono V' nr
Ilook Aloiit', In I'lolh, t pulil. .. ..........
I'liiiillrlnii, Ori-iion,
wo by miiM, traadifd UTtna lflitllt,
Plttppcftred bou HepUmr t d. T dot.
Urrarl for anr lnfrBtlM I4Ibc to
ool Galloway, Or.
Furniture, Carpets and Linoleums,
Completo Stock, covering livx' thousand wjiiare feet of
Goods Sold on Easy Payments
Awodatioii Ilulldiuk' ...... IVndlcton , Or
"Wine and Spirit Mexchants,
fUOT PONSARMN CHAM PAINE. (Ycltow Lakl.) .Uw s
Bib( to mm the ball 8w