TIIKTAItll'F'H I'l'KI'OHK. SATURDAY. OC'TOMUR 0. 1888. DAILY AND HKMI-WKKKI.Y, IIV THU Kit OreRoulmi l'iitllhltic Company, AT l'KNDMTrON OIlKtJON. llAII.V HUIWC'IIIITION KATKHI One copy pcryenr, hy mull . Vj Una copy nix iiiiimIIik, hy mull 2 One copy per week, by ciirrlcr. .... Hlniflo number. " AiiVKiiriHi.v" hatm: IHtpltiU AilrtrtUrmtntt.) Ono Inch, or Iik, In Heml-Wiekly per inontl W W Ono Inch, or Ic. In Dully iicr monll IM Two Inchc or Iran, In both, pit month... .1 60 Ovrrlliriolnchc.,HcMil-Wcckly, pi'rlnch per month. - I Over Hires Indiei, Dally, per Inch mt montli I 2- Over thrre Incite, In both, per Inch xr month 1 75 .KHI-WKKKI.YIHJIlMHIITlO IXATICHJ Dim copy piT yrar. - M Ono ropy lx mouth......... I I'i Hlnale number.. 01 Premium paper free to yearly .licit! Ibcr.. Hill Id nonpitrcll advertisement In Hcnil Weekly or Dully, Hint In.ertloii, per Inch, 91.00; each .ub.cqtient Insertion, Wc. Local notice, ten cent per line ench In Mrllon. Tim Ulk arprotertliis American llior I. JiiRKln anil larce, uliirn the. .y.tun tliir not protect, hill, an the contrary, Hctimlly oppreun. t lin lamer part of Um labor of Ihn country."-Oregulilan Noiember IS, 1HHI. A ciiincmi: Olid A.N. Tho OrcKonliui Jimt now linn n j?ruiit ru Kanl for "wuboh" tinil "labor," but it can't liolp hIiowIiik it" cIuwm occuHlonully. It Ih now, iih it ul way h Iiuh boon, in f.ivur of CltlncM) anil Ultlnui'o labor. Tho fol lowing uro u foiv uxtractH from un odlto riul jmbllnlicil 'udiioml.ty: "Tho untM'hlnonu unuo on tilt count, tiecordin,?, to itH millionth) lilHtoilun, In of compunillvoly rueont origin, mill romim to liuvu tuiiclicil Un itturuut iroiortloiiH by tmouiliIiMtlon of labor ii(llutorrt utiil nolltli'.il thtiuiiinnMiori vol V inlicli iih tbu Now York l.rtflHlattiro wuh imrMiMilud to count Un ulmuril antl iiiiiiiiiian iukikiuiioii width kuupri tliu convict in ti Hlatu of n forced lillttnuMrt." "Thoro cIocm not foi.'tn to Itavu boon mi untl'UbltioKo v.r.y.o on thlrt co.mt until tliu lubor iikIIiiIIoii of 1877-78, when tliu rcn oncn of tho I'IiImomo wiw hoIoiI iikjii iih n uotoxt for un outbreak that wan haul irurwud for un oxciiho." "Tho untl'C'hlniiMi cru.o tlutcH from Ko.irnoy In 1H77-7H, uud bin cry has bci'n iimili) roMju'clalilo. by artful dunmnot'iioH who li.ivn used it form'ivlci) In lioth p.tr tli'H tit ovury opiKjitiiuity, Junt iih both parties In .New York havo pauduieil to thulabor ui;itutori and thelcera.y cry ugaliiHt convict lalKir." w "WomiHiHiet tliu day will coino when all tbU uiitl-CliluuHo ruekiit will bo xeun to Ih 'a K.mio not worth tho caudle' It In ami ill way h ban Ih'oii llireo pattri wind und rantliu; ilinuiiKoy." WnrktiiKiuen would do well to look with ti lurjjo dfRrco of misplrlon ukjii profoHHloim of friuiidHhipby a paper which cnnxldori ull opiioxltlon to CIiIiicmo limiil grution a "cru.o," und ull opMinuntH of HiiL'h linnilrutloii "runtlui; diuiiu- gOBUCN." IIIO I'ltlOKM I'lIK AVIIKAr. It irt Hatd that "Old llutchliiMon" lu.ulo two or tluoii million dollurH in the lato wheat Hipiuero IuCIiKmk'o. In onu hciim), it wuh merely u llht Initwcou utoi-k nam blurn, and tho hiiNlueHH of nobody uIho in particular, Whichever ono of them won or lout, whichever went up or down, no body cared. TIioko who were caught "hhoit" worn junt uh unxiuiirt to "cineh" homelwdy hh HutehliiHou wuh; ho dimply hud the lotu;cHt porno, uud perhapH the lonpiftt bead. Hut In another nonce, It in overybody'n hutducxH, Such "ilealrt" uro In the nature of u cotiNptrucy to advance the price of u prime neei'KKlly beyond Hh proper and normal value; und thoxo who do thin ounlit to ho connidered crimtualH uud Bi'iit to the euitvntiary, Hut uslde from tliu abnormal uud lie tltlouH vulucH kIvoii wheal lately in Chi cago, It hcoiiih proUdile that there in Kv Itlmatu uud nccciwury c.iuho for u Htill' market und blub pi Icon, The crop U hhoit in every Kuroiwun country, und 1 not up to the uyeraKu In u imrtlou of thin country, It IouLh uh if tlieio inlht bu u genuine bcatvity Iwforo unolher liarvet, that will rulxu tho ptice beyond anything known in went yearn. Indeed, it in loHlhlo that HometliiiiK near tliu prices that "Old Uutch'Yomimlled tho"ShonV' to y in ChtcuKo may bu u btmlneiw reality Mom noxt AuBUHt, Tiik minority roort on the Senato tariff bill mvh: "Tbotiubhtltutu rellevcH non-necotnury toliucco, in ull ItH forum except cigar. cheixKita uud cigaretten, from Internal taxation, und kIvoh freu ulcohul to the artH. I'ruellcully the mibstituto olleni to tho lieoplu fno whisky und froo tolwcco, leaving ull tliu uxiuhIvu machinery for the collection of revenue uud enforce ment of thu luw in full furvo, while it in cnmHCH taxation iioit tho actual und In ditiH)mlbIo necei4Hrioji of life." Tiik chairmen of IhHIi State central commltteeH of Indiana have agreed to combine iu tho inteivnt of an honeitt elec tion and count In that State. A commit teo ot 45 Iletnocratii, 45 Kopubllcana and 10 PiohlbltionUU will be appointed to detect and punlab illegal voting. Wo really cannot forlieur emoting liber ally from Homo of Iho back niimburrt of our cHteoincd conlouiHirary, tho Orego iilan. I'ornoveral yearn when no Bpo I'l.it IniliicionoiitH to do other uIhu were I .1.... ...... Il.n .1.. ..fill.!!.. Ihl' MttllllltnfT. ...i...,..,.. u.r..i ut... . I )rs. IJarrin have u nyntom of lionu ceio und tinauHwerablu nrgumcntu in fa' cured in flVo mintitcrt with ti lmplo-opcr- '"nahlel Hull! van, Hf. Charlert hotel ; heart dlncaiio; rcHtorcd. ..... A. A. Durham, Tualatin, WiiHhlngton country, Or., writo that Drn. Purrin uro worklnu wonderB on his kidney und i in .lKr Iroul) uh. uiho riieumuiiHiu oi )v 3 i Grand Musical Festival. First Annual Concert OK TIIK HANDEL-HAYON SOCIETY Or I'euiltelon, Assisted by the Weston Choral Club uud many Prominent. Miiilclnu, will lit Kit en ul Frazer's Opera House Tuvmtau live, . on October !, JSSS. treatment for pallenls living ut it din- liiiinn Hum mtvltltf thetll tllllll 1111(1 OX- vorofieduced tuxution. In the follow tenne bv writing cymptoniH, uge, cox, ing extract from ono of itu editorial it etc. ... , will . noticed that It look- to thu Demo- f cratle party to Inaugurato tho necenHary j ,))o t.iron,. diwaH, doafncHU, intlurrh reform. And Htiro enough, hero Ih the I vouthfiil indlfcrctioti und Iohh of man- Domoerutlu partv, endeavorintj to curry I hood treated by entirely new inethodH. out Jimt what the Oregon.,,,, "WJK hIiowh to lo neccKHiiry. I oihYo hourn from 1(1 ton ; ovenlngM, 7 to On January 11. 1831. tho OregoutuiUS: SuiiduyH 10 tolL'u. in. ConMUlatluu 1,1 . I free. Tuiiiih reuHonable. TheMi urotected monopoltHts know ufll llin imriKiNo of u timtcctivu turill. Kueh tariff Ih iiwhedulo of taxcH lovic on Imported good w ith deilgn to rui tliu piico of lioinu cominoditlj.'H- Hi'"1 b drt thu coiiHUiner to liny clieap loreigi iroodH that may ho offered to him, und r..niu lilm tn tint' I lii! Iwiiiin DrodUct at ivi bvn ai.... . - " "- . udvunced priccn. Thl.t Ih tlie wnoie Hchemo of u protective turill. hxcept for thin, no manufacturer wotiin uemanti protection. .Men liko Mr. luring of MufMaehueettrt wunt tho dulioH ho high um to oxcludu foreign goods altogether, ii tut llinu irlt'n Ilium tlm COIIIIlletU HlOllOt)- oly of tliu homo murket, which Ih tho or- feeilon oi protection, or ui icupt h ink" uh to ruisu tliu prlcu oi loreign gotxin u little ubovo tho point ut which they tire tlcHlroUH of Helling their own. Our turlff lcglHlution in wholly controlled in mtp- tHjrt ol Him Hymom. me manuiactur lug Intere.Ht Iiuh become tiowurful enough lo control legiHlatlon uiwolutely for Hh own prollt and ugaliiHt tho intereHi oi coiiHUinorH. (lovcrnmciit ih matlo an in Htriunent through which ono cIiihh of citi xciiH Ih L'lven leii.il authority to plunder another. 'IIiIh Ih "protection." Of coiirnu Hioho who aru ho favored by tliu H)wer of thu (Jovurnmeiit will not wil lingly glvu up their advantage. They even deign to argue to tliu Victium oi (lie itolley uud ull commtinUioH Hltuutctl like ourH are victim of it that It in liiiiiiciiHcly to their udvantiigu that thu Hjiey bu continued ami Htmtaincd. "I.iiiigero now, haduotthoDemocratie parly, with It eharauteriHtle pigheaded- iiii.il tuirultilnil III llH 111 t III'L'H nil till! not- tk'im'i.lH of Iho war. thero would have I been a reckoning on the Hitbjeet of turill' plunder, the navigation lawn, dlnhoncyt money and tho entire Hcliome of ipiuek erlen HiiNtalned bv ureed. Ignorance und tletnagogery in coiulilnution uiul now, II the ircmocrutiu iiariy iiuh iiiiuiu iih final effort to rehabilltutu llourbonlHin ... . .. i. . ii. . . .i... .i. llllll IH (IOIIU Will, UH loiljen, inn rucnuii- lug will not bo very much longer do laved. Dlvl.-Ion of tliu purlieu on thero Ihmich, which will take place when thu IHnuocrutio patty gctn done mourning for tlio hopelecH past uud trying lo reHtoru It, Will Clll riglll turoiigii uiu mien oi parucn uh now coiixUtutcil. W nut ih iiemaniieii Ih honcHt mouev. free hIiIph. revlnlon of thu turill' in tho intercut of the people rather than in that of mouopolloH, und tho tenerul KiIioy of favoring tradu or allowing it freedom rather thttn olmtrucl- lug II." Tiik "HunchuruiM Hladu" Iiuh !con din- continued, und Iho "Lexington Hudgot" Iiuh Hiicceedeil it, witlt hnow A V liltHon uh proprietors Mis. Hi.aink Ih u huccchh uh u writer of llction. Ho received ta,6iK) for bin recent article in tho American mugiuinu. A MYHTKKIOUH I'OWKII. SALOONS. iiuu'r tiMrinti.Trill nv TIIK .1 smrfiilooii. Klnn wlnen. lliUor nml I rl Min.. I'eiiilleton beer on dniiiclit ut no Seiitiu kIhw. WIlKhntfn iKUIU-.Uicerinpe-cli'ltv. Alain l n et, oppoHlte Court Hume. MllKtl KK.MI'K.It, I'UOPHIKTOIl OF TIIK H KUelVlit Uecrllnll, Mull, Ht.,opKiil'.o ,Ki.tf.me, IViullctoii. I'rmlU'ton lieer nil ilrauffbt. VVIni'M. liquors unit cUiim. or tin hot liranili. n utock. Tl VT KINK.i'llOPHIKTOH OF TlT?: ItK r ceplloii rarlom, Main Hlri'd, opiioltc t;ourt flmn x1n.'' Iu Thonipon new hrick. Tlio hef Wlm. I.lqunri KtuI Clgnrs. Klf Ktit Mltiehe nervil to patroni. rKTRIl ViVilMKSTIKK, PlTo'lMUBTuU I' ..i...ii iii,.i..n null. Mum Ntreet. on- lO'ltcCouf HoiiiiV. Flm hrnnils of Wines, liquors nnii cmnrB ronmiiniiy " imim. IF J li;JI.UAM ItOKHl'II, PltOfniKTOIt OK V I in City Drew-cry, Court Hirtot, I on- illiton.orcuou. u!oruiriiiriui um ...u nnil protuptiy dollvorril. i UNOM) .t PrlISIKF.lt, I'llOPHIKTOItH or 1110 uillHiiiiH iircurri ''"" . . ...i. ..i.. ...i.. ... fr....ill .lAiilui'k In PPI OI linu wihiic.'.it null icuiu ! MMT llj llinHllw, miiiu-niiwiii ii I j iv ll una t ii you umri " KUcUn MHRiintlmi h u l!unllrn AttMit. During tho pant century there Iiuh lieen u great revolution in the doparl meiit of medlcltio. uh In evety thing elbo. Thu old metholH, to a grout extent, have , Won laid away forever, und, guided b : new Hclentille dlncovorleH und thu cluva- tlou of hitherto lildduu trutliM, thu people of today hco clearly uud Hiiroly whoru iK-foro they tuv through a gliiMH darkly. Among thu greatest uxemplarH of Hiih new rcgimu uiu tlio Drn. Darrin, who have their olllco ut the Ktino IIouho, Cor. -Ith uud .Main Hl.ret, Wulla Walla, W. T. where they have recently locutnd, for tho Hick uud ulllleted, Tliey euro ikii niunently ull d!neuHe of tlio genito urinary orgutm, In either nix, und muku a Hteclalty of deafncHH uud catarrh, und uIm treat HticceHnfully ull dlxoufCH of the noco und throat, eye and ear, etc., uh well uh ull acute uud chronic dii-cufCH of whatever mono or nature, if curable. No ca-en taken if not. Thoy coino to uk laden with tentluion lain, a few of which wo prenunt to our rcadera, NAMKH TH AT C.V UK IIKKKItlllUl TO. CharlcH t'ln internum, Klrnt wtavt, rortland; ncrofulouH catarrh ho bad that the dcHtructloitof hid none was threatened and had Ihscoiiiu ho offeiiHlvo that it wuh rlikcniiig both to himself and friondu; cured iu two inoutliH. .Mm. J. J. Kvuiih, Stella, W, T.j neu ralgia of thu Htoiuach uud heart, weuk luugH und greutly emaciated; cured and gained leu ikmiiuU in two months. Mm. A. Shea'H daughter, .148 Columbia Mrvet, I'orllaud; crotw-oyed ull her life; cured iu one minute. .Mm. A. .M.Clayton, Folhvood, Oregon; generally prwtruted from rheuinutixm, lumbago uud uervotiH debility ; cured by Drn. Darrln. C. V. Foler. of Yakima, W.T.; deuf ncHHof long Htundlng; cured in ten lulu utoH by Dm. Darrln; ulno a tuciVHiful operation on thu eye, 1,Ih trouble render ing him ulmoHt blind, Wllllo A. Clark, 85 North Fifth htreet, rortland; Kvtthxomo diHeaHO f tlio ear tot, veani from ncurlet fever: cured in onu month, b. O, Howard. .7 Salmon Htact, rort land: ubcetii of tho head und none, ae- comi-anled with neuralgia ho ho could not dUhiii for days ; cured. Win, Sharrick, DamaHcus, Oregon; conHumptlon ; uliout restored by the now roctal Injunction vvHtetn cure. Samuel Jackson. llihlnd. Oreson: deafuew twenty yem; curctl In ten min- uien. MIm Mrv Walter. 31U Twelfth etreet. 1'ortUnd ; both eyta croeeed frost birth ; I'lttlK. I', K. IIKI'IIUKN, lllmrtor. MUS, N. M. I'KltKI.N, I'lniil.t Thin will tin llicsrintot iiiiihtriil tri'iitMr dlliTi'il Hi') Miipn of iviiillftoi, unit mir iiiuiiilliig niiiiitry. Aitnitmloii - - .10 Cent. No lleoerved Huls. Kirnt. Come. Firdt Served. Grain Bags. Vtlfrittlun ami Dntvivh'tt Otrbra Uil li. II'.'m TWINES or.ll KliitU, Tout).. I'lnu i:t- Printed Flour Bags A Specialty. AMES & DETRICK, ll!3 Kront Ht. - I'OKTI.INU, OK. JulSdawtf MONEY TO LOAN! Farm Lands in Eastern Oregon F.ITUKIION i rateutea lianas, OU ON Final ' Proor Certificates. WVartsntno, prcpnrttl lo ur hh nKnts tit tlio unit nml puivliiU4tof nut mtttMinl will t.i.il.tia..u ..M..n . i.u....e ...... Ii'lll uniiniunv'il'Vfc iuiiii ieiii iiHiifiit i nil j other Imtlueft fiitrvixld (o us iu Iful E. D. Boyd & Co., Ktat Orrfonlun Ottlce, l'onilletdii, Orfton. MISCKLLANKOUS. i. irrr.t.tAN'.JtlKTICKOFTIIK PKACH il . And NotHrr rubllc, Vansjelo, Orri?mi. Lolli'Ollnit a ntii'OiBiij-. fiiiiik " "" ,,TT eelvfil, nnil rfnul proof, mken t rciluced rif. M UHT I'AV ui. .f-t .ll.h.....lnlM. kill.kn. l.n.ltl.UM. I liaTIHK UIIKWi:U Ul Ml ..M.VIIVI - hrrchy notify All pi-moim Indctitcd to inn lo .title their acrnunu lmmrilln'nly, nnil thfrehr .vt furthor troiibld, nnil conU of """'ipifuliy. OlMHOK initio I'.udlxlun Or., HtpltmlxT 12, IMS. I KIJAI. III.ANKH. . . i.i.n,ipn.i rn.iiw .if ifvtk nuir limn '.'"' i..... :i 1 lilunK. at till, onlot. tAwyi m and otlmr. iiipllnii Nprrlal form, cini he mpiuifii. T.HTIIA Y ".VNtMAm. if km. In.... ah unlinnl rntru. Veil, Cllfl rt- covor Ulin by expf ndlm. tl In ml vortl.liiK III IhP riAHT ".JHKOCHIAH. II. nurin-n iimui oT.ry iinit. orii'K'io coNTr.Atrrons. Hi'alcl IiIiIh will he licclvcl by I hi litnler- HIKIifil lor l rl 1 1 ll Ii ti I'lnin-ii iiuiiiiniK, iu II....... ...... I ...unlrlflnf Iiiiiu iinur 111 I'linilllK I' I'HIII mm r," villi... i ...r. ...... ... Iho liiiudM of IMivunl HvIm, urclilti-ui. ul WUl.OII l I, Hill'- IIIIIIIIIK llllll, I I I I'I 11 n ii I. ItlilK will liPiipeiirii lit 'litylnr, .lillir A Co.'. HIOIC, l-IOIirV.irri'I. Illl lll"jvril UUUI ..-n,n-" ....... Ill IkkU 'llin.lulll Ii. r.. IliHt 11 11 V IIII3 , "llll'l-l IV IW1. II . ill . iiiil nil bid. Ii n-n'rvril. I'oiitriirlur will Lo rriiuircu to nirni'ii niTcmry '"" ....... 1 T M. ItMVIV l1i'hdlilm.Or..OMolerl. IW no's Id National Eclectic Dispensary DR. McCILL & CO. KahTOIIKODKIAN lIVIMUNd, l'KMIt.KTX)M. riuccoa.rully llllll NclciitlflcHlly Trcntu All kind mid ntnitt-n of chionlo dlcncs Kyr, Knr uiul Thr.ml Dln-iwe. flitonlndl. eiitn'a of women und vlillilrxn. kucI Shin dln'iiKi'n. iIi'ui'hii tho Klilury.l.lvi-r, llisjirt, Ithidili rHiid urlturyorKiuiK. Nrrofn. liiOthnimutUm. Ncrvoui Hint Kjilinil dU. run, liniioli'iiry, I'rixliilorrrhen. rri'innturo old hki. rrlvHlMdlKii iniT. of all kind, of Hlli erw nullciilly cured and eun uuiimnlrrd. llt iiinrrliuliK (or pill'.) curi'd by our new, orlKlieil and imlnli'.. mvthiHl ultliniilniiy detention from biulueHi; curn mmnmti'nl. ('.iiirrli nf llu head and iilr-iiiuiiisv.. luclu- iltinr Hay l'evi-r and Aitluna cured by our new method on tlio niimn oi in ucrin uriKiu. inulnmil hv thu L'renlint mi-dlenl Unlit, of the world. No" eun- taken uiiU'ik dvomed cur at do. The doctor, aru recular urinlliati'.of two liKteru ColleireH, anil luive hud over tfn venr. i'.Xieriene In thn li'iulllii,' h(HilluU of Ihi'Hoiith, nml In the trnitnient of private anil eiironio uiKra.e., ana nn uipreiorn writ iiuiillllfil and renpoiiHlbii', Conultatl()n free mill l-oillllirillllll. I The poor treated frro Mondiiy nnd Friday i ruin ii id n n in. DI FICKIIOlIltS-nn. m. toft p. in.; even- iinr, 7 ion. nininiiy, ii in ii ii. in., i ma i. in. N. IL Mont rime, ran reeen homn trrat. nient alter one vl.lt to tlio Doctnr.'oltlrc. Addieiui NATIONAL K.KCT0 DtHfKNHAHV, IViullctoii, orrcon. Villard House. HAIK HOK Proprietor Nmihweii fnrner Main and Court Htr, . PENDLETON, 0EE0ON. CENTRALLY LOCATED OA l I T.4I, ... 3.UOOOOO Ettabllshrd In Portland in 1877. Uiinei. pHld In Ort'cnu JII.',IJO lc juild Iu Wihlnvniii Tit lU.TO ... . .uVm5 (inilii, wiul, te .tiivrntl fiom tlnni of dr livery In country iireh(iiiK.nrriillr. ud until Mild In IStrtlandiirHaii rrnnctco, liuluillnc rl.Wn Intra .it from cam tn Mesmrr. while on wlmtll't. t'le. IIKIIIIKHTFOUlKlt. ManiiKer, .'"Murk hi., ortl.nd. 1'UJITOM A Jackmin. AsciiIk. kvplll Um IVnilk'ton, Oivkoii, The Pmdliton Holler 'Mills, (r.i.Clty iU barrel. ' t iUy ) W S. BYERS A CO. Proprietors. IVndtttnn, Ofipiii .M.nufcliir. i. f llraham, granulated and KtIiIii Flour faah frirr faU tar All Kind. r Urdu. Hichrat Klonr, uwal ,chop, ftnl vto. alwayt on hand, THE BOWMAN HOUSE C. J. Hsrtaa, rrletr. Main ud Hall ro4 Hli., IVudltton, Orto Flnt-otau lo trtry r.pMt. Ntar Ih d pot and h. ry mbtabUmm. Ttrm. 11 a ay. tyil w Kc-o)oiifc(l, He-furniBlicd mid Equipped iu Firnt Ciiuw Style. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Freo Couch to nnd from Trains. Hiestand, Warner & Co. Echo, Oregon. PKALIHS Ih Gen. Merchandise Pendleton Roller Mills Flour. SI OJtA OK und FOK H AItDIXG leer Garden an Gymnasium Half. Barvraw A KlMr, Vrnpm. Maluwrrti . . Nf.rPo.toS!. I'KNUI.KTOX, orruqn, l'.?4 9yranalum Hoora In connection, Ju.tlbt pl.c.to.p.ndan hour la exrclln your biikIi and .lr.nitb.nlnc J"- 6 tottoml InvltaUon to ill. ' UaMbriBUa Hht ic, m flaw. i Retiring from Busin CLOSING OUT AT COST I n nHBBBBBB nun . Ji uiuiiiuiiui uiu uiuiiiiui a m ni CF PENDLETON, HcHjicctfiilly nnnoiinrcH to tlio public tluit IiIh May In thin t0n In HmiicJ t, , ... ...iiiitllPfHOi'lJ Bats and Caps, Etc. ' BEG-AKDLESS OF COST This is a Bona Fide Come and Convince Xoui and Save Money. STORE TO LET AND FIXTURES FOR 8! ll .1 I I t .. 4 i It 11. i.iuuiiL'i- ami iiunur - reiiuioion, Main .St., LM door bolmv Pcnilloton Nutlonul ll.ink. SISTABHiISBEID 180L tiio. W. Hmkix. O. H. Woodahd. KAMDIL Hutmo. haL Snell, Heitshu & Woodard, Bncceoeora to Ilodga, Davii A Co., and Heitahu, Woodkni k Ct, IMfUK I INU WHULtdALc UKU6UES N03. 92 A 1)4 FRONT STRKBT, I'ORTI.ANI), OREGON. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Alexander & Frazer, -DKAt.KllS IX- m. m m mm u - MB Clothing, Hats, Gaps. Dress and Fancy Goods. COOD3 DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. FOR SALE Four lotH uml a hotmo on tho flat, near tlio O. It. & N. doot.contrullv located, kokI water, kxhI fmifca, for flOOO. Kiwy tornm. Four lots, ono quarter o( n lilock, mmr tho Sihtore' b'ohool.for J2i"i0 cuhIi. OLOPTON & JAOKSON Insuranoo Agents, PKNULiKTON, OKKOON. W. D. FLETCHER, WATCHMAKER & Hunk IJiilMliik'.Courtntret't.I'ciiillftdii Ort'iron, Mii.IchI Mir I'liiinill. or AI.l.KIMll kepi In HflM'K IMnuoN, Or niii, uiul nil kluil. of uiu. hIou I (niirii liii'iiliiiiiil'l un i i.i..ii IH.'MII mcnt I'liin Bucks for Sale ! A. AilnilnUtmlor nf tlm clntn of I lie Ut Wlllluni Itoij. the unilci.tiimnl will noil luring the next twu months ull tn buck, recently on nut bv ld iiccowf 1, the nn,e bvlnic VOOO 1'hoi'oinbbrtd ItegMtred and tirade Jlnck. Thcu buck. Mre kept in cooil tw.ture, neur AlbH. Orcnoii.Hiuluro ui ttnu condition nnil tlmniUKlily win ml. Th nnilen.innl will vl.lt Attn every Wed ncailny, uml inret any piinle. wI.IiIiik to tlm slock bWuro tiiircliu.ini.'. Ky term, will bAexteudeil to purclmiorH tor particular, ntlilre.. ,U. a.TllOSllMN.A'Imlnl.tniior, nuiralOw PenUleton.UrcKuu. Established 1857. J. C. CA.XIS03ST, il.iinfiictiirer ot and Dealer In SH.h, lonr, HIlHda, WiHduw A llat GIhm hhI (.envrMl Kitlm.te. and t'rlc U.ta on application. Counto" onler a .peclalty. Factory and Halonxmi, Weldler. Mill, l-ORTLAND . . ORKOON. JjM iUw In ... -M . ., 11 L.'tihnnTAIh.i IA1 'I'm PI J .i m i a i iiiiiu WMMMW OMW V - m.. . . . a f 1LU klla.l ftJ (Hinlly p iper In tho Nortaw. Ininnd on Thuwday. of f h ww. ludependeut In l"ullll nulvrlpllou Rate. If raMI Ono yeiir, by mail..,.. Mix montli.. by mail-. Three iiioiillm. by mall Bacilli IUIim to N.wJA Aauri'i. .t. f- .". iNOrill..l t umi.iii"ii w--,." - .ircci, iiiriiuni """ UM r.ARDNERA Jl. . SitiUn tti im Munufactaiifri Steam and Hot ...I.HUU1 ruiiuw Uiuutnrallnn. und MtlHw" . I. l.uln.DVIHIl" ii rui i im uiiiiiiiu." try, Uorrtund6nee wile4 wrrawa.. Portland, i mi n 1- H I 1 n n r n n a mmt m a mr . Main Hlrct - Off' uble. ure.uppUM "ir r market T"Mu Dim Dm m m JrWhlto lalnr lute1' nna Klicnen. ROBERT SAM. MIM1 WfthMO.