East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 06, 1888, Image 1

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    D A.ILY.
Ulla County Scrip taken al par
The East Oregonian.
DAltiY,t HI'.MI.WKKKI.Y, tlM.
Noway, but r.ot sensational;
Fresh, but not coarse;
Liberal, but not wicked.
f. office on Subscription, Adver-
4 --
- IaK Printlni! ACCOUllt.
or "
1 I
NO. 18G.
l? A ion, V litM m u.1.1 Voi:
Hull, t. .! """-j;
r ... ..it i iviL'ti yn r it. a. t. I
I'll". VI. ..... I.. .
. . . .it iiiii 11.1 1 1 1 1 II . ijii.ii.u in inu i
i l l ll'NllhAiill . .. . . 1 ". .....a
Vt.nn tliii second ml fourth Mon
of rwli month, ill 7.30 o'clo.k. II. J.
0'... v iWummv!. Kuerctnrv.
. . ........ , i-lllll.- VII W A V X A.V
. 11.1..1 intuiuru ill i p ii hi fin l ii i
"nek. T. .!. .MH.I.IO.V, W. M. H. At,-
7. i.iMHUII 111 A II IT. II. MriM
iri.t.il.iL' liIirllL lit Mill Klllfllln
' . ii .il..nlf. .1. !. .LMhlTltH. M.
'! Tl'HTIB. UeoirdT.
..u.MLi Jt ' I I...1! !. If ....
uatnt-iinv i.viiiiiiir nt 'ijoircinc-a.
.ii I iiiiMirtiui'n, ii Ui
vTllilA i" iM'AJi rair.o i ivy. i i. w
li. -' HrH on I no htoihi nun mm
nuitii imiitni. he 7t i n'fi niv
ivrii.MOllP. t' r.t K. K. HllAliON,HrrllH
i . ri itr. ur.i v icmin t w
i K. MH-i- mo nrhi anu mini i nurw
Mpialn iiiM ri'iiowx' linn fivi-ry tuo-
I.... .. 11 .....tj.nl I f I ... . .I.I.I..
C.J. WltlTAKKK,lv. or ll.UlIU f.
Mil1 itiintr. iv. wr i .Tirri in .
lid rrilov. linn i-vvry riiir-iiiy -
ncitt T.M o'clock. M. MnKKItKAIi, 0.
NiiAi.t ir;iu iv. ik.iiii.in.
LAIIr'O IDMT, u. A. II, UlCfK ill
Wbrrloi'n Iliilluvory Tlitiwili.y nlnlii.
Waiylk, Coiiiiimiulur; J. . Uowkn.
-DE ALE 113 IN-
General Merchandise.
i.i.i a .11 fi mnn?i. ai in i.ir.i j i
i.i.i iT ii iii.r.iiii t. aiiii inr.iN
inn nitiTK. i-niiiiiniuii. Lirtviiii.
I r II CC lit Ar,ll, 11, Al M.I
I l I lit I Ml I II K( l 1 I I III) .i IfUfc- Villi T
(cntfrvlMt. Orison, w prartlro
4 M'lll) 4
' (jiiHilltiir. coriiftrnf Muln nml Wubh
. i-tiiiiim(iiii . i irniim
IV. I'wiiil li.ru ii I Ipao it ri li iuii ii II uiwl
IV'f trtf kill m.t . wnkr
"rid Tmdii r of Clulxllan Hi'lt'iicv.
Mnt hlrl. j. .....l. ........ l. 'jlitl...
:nr i iniiuinn M..n
sun unlet in Irvine'. Urili: morn.
ir ii f i i .. ........ ...
inu. llfMim II AM.OO HllOll lilCCK.
Mrnt, IV mill Ion, Orriron.
Main and Alta Sts.
i. i'iti'r.i'1. I'll vmii;ia. ami
trrft npur Ciiurt htrL IM.lilince
. . ii'ii'ui uun n til it
UrtU Officei Main HlrrMil.tnTlintnn.
J'P'oUlly. KllmRteii MrnMitJon
An ,l,",VW' CAltl'KfiTEH-ANU
MHUfr. lirnvo nrilrni at rMiiic3.
loanlry nrdeni niillcliiii nml nmmDilv
" ru.
Cheap News!
East Oregonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Only 75 Cents.
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co., ,
Pendleton. Oregon.
tcon Mukcr Alia ami Qanlit HIh.,
.""it uirznn. ii i iii k niti it n Wfirir fir nil
i-jT, uii".l, IIUUMN UAIllilAlir. I
auHllfU l.,lnln. li.i.Hl.l.,1. Il..n '
011 IntCIlt llml. n mi r rVinri klniFl.
ik.i ""ur on nuort nauor. unir
8i? .'7. w111 fwelv" prompt atten-
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Goods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendleton.
Goods Sold on thi Installment Plan on Easy Toms.
' wLAm1 j;n'K,NHON I'ltACTIOAh
".I II1H 1U1VH hniM.liuj All wn.k
. iii'itoiiL iiritrv! mil .rnr ii Main
irrnmeton. Ort-con.
.n?' Wfcllelon, Orrm. Tornl)
eotnf, "lonument HtliiiHH upeclBll)-;
kT'uP1,'ri,u' " klniU of mono
Wwkvi exf Cll,u reutonably. Hoi-
Zlt "oomak oBlco ut prices tUnl
r miV.I ur." ehW thaa thoie of
R. T. R. CO.
Go and see their new style Photos
"The Russian."
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
R. T. R. Co.,
Photographer. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Suooor to J. A. Bri ggs.
Thfi Valr rmrly lirnril-Klllrl by u fall
Ttieiitrlcat Huct. ,
I'oKiLo:!), Oct. o. I'minptlv itt hovou
o'clock lust ovpiiIiik tliu W'ullii Wullii
band Btruuk lip "nollil men to tlin front,"
tho iHinderoUN diwrn of tho utvillloti
HvunoH!ii, I ho tMgi'r throtiK poured in
und tlm tenth Htiiinitl exhibition of tlm
rortlutid Muclutnlcti' Fair hud formally
opened. Tho altenilance wan lure, but
not noitrly what it will bo Inter on. Tho'
exhibit ure much better, both in variety
und quantity, than over before, but tiro
not yet in jwrfcut order, Tho intuit Htrik
intf display no far h in the horticultural
department. Thousand of ruro und
beautiful pluntH und lio.vcrn havo been
urtiKtleully arranged, being planted uloni?
the numeroiiH vauIIch, liun in btthkotx
from tho coiling, in jiotH iiKin tho wuIIh,
flit., ull fresh und xpurkllnK under the
HparklinK uro HkM und frenhuncd by tho
cool bruoro from tui prlHtuutlo fountain
in the center uf tho hall.
Thourt cilery U mirfeited with beauti
ful pieturi-N, thoro lielnc many nioro on
hand than thuro in rwtn for on tho wall.
Over two hundred und tlfty have )eeii
cutuloKiicd up to tho proKont time. Homo
of them mo very valuable, muno liehiK
worth uh IiIkIi uh ',500.
An tho illnplayH are yet Incomplete, no
detailed rort will bo Kiven fur the par
ent, uitor on your reporter v, ill endeavor
A M'nmaii to It. HniiRril
I Mkuina. 0., Oct. (1. irn. Mary I..
I (larrolt wuk centencod yelorday to be
hunted on tho "4th of January, for the
murder of her two dement. d Htop-duUKh.
(era. She miturutud tho room in which
tho KirlH noro hlooiiiiij; with coal oil, and
lilled it witti kindling and dry leuvcn, to
which f ho oet tiro.
Not the ItlRhl Mun.
I.ondo.v, Oct. (1. Tho American ur
rented on Hunpicion of beinK tho White
ch.Hil murderer, Iiuh been released, tho
police concluding that they cannot con
nect him with any of tho inurderH.
KuoiTlr. vi llovrnie.
Kromtlin IlnlcorUlly Democrat.
About ono year uko, (J. II. KiiowIch
wan uttructed to llakor county bv tho
uutiionllcatcil rciortrt of lior vulitublo
inliicrt, und, while on hw way Into Cable
uove, Htoppeil ut tiio tuiior v Junnoy
location, now tho Kureku A Kxcelnior.
und wuM ho favorably iuiproHHpd-with tho
Hiinwtng tiuti lie ut ouro untoreil into no
KOtlalous for tho proorty. Tho price
u'ecd on wait 1!4,(JUJ. I lu wont thou to
l'ottlund und Interested 0. W. Knowles
und Jonathan llourno in tho project,
thoy paying him f IU.00J each for
(purler interent. C. 11. KiuimIch
then returnod to Maker county and com
menced ucllvo davcloniuent of the nron-
erty, continiilnn tho work ull whiter, und
wiicn HprliiK arrivcil tiio miuiK hIiohciI
up in every way Hittlnfactory for future
oiierutioiiH. It wuh then that Itiuirno wan
tn Jlvn llii! miiilont nf tlm li inr lli,L-,i. ! Helected UH tllO OI10 to e to St. LoilU
man nil tho inteie.-tlng fads In repird to!'.""1 l,,ilC0 P'rty ". "'i"1!01.;
tho oxIiltitH etc llourno reptefcnted to KiiowIch that it
Ychterda ufi'ernoon a mun numcd ! bo 'iecoHHary fur liliu to havo uu
Jaenlt Smith, oinploved in tho puvllllon " mol.l,,n ,,cd o, ".,0 PfPty to onub o
of the IndiiHtrlul Fair AHWK-Iullnn. made I h1!", ,0 n,;!f0 11 "'""'l' ""i ,ro,,,l,,S
l imUmI..!! mill full fmii. II,.. I.ull.ll,,.. ,. UtinlllK IvIKIttlcH L'UVO llllll lIlO dl'l'd
,ii-i,in.... ,.f iu.mif fii-.i -i.in.,.. Vu .. 'una llourno went to St. LoiiIh. Ihore
timbor. und died within un hour from in
juilcH HUKtained. Doco.tned wax ubout
thirty yeain ol uko anil unniarriml. lie
w-iih u memler of tho Improved Onler of
Itu.t Men.
I.ouln JumoH und MIhh Walnwrluht
havo nccmlncly taken tho iiooplo nf
Port land bv ntorm. Everv niuht tho
theater Iri crowded and honunt pralso of
their lino woik in heard from ull quar
tern. I.unt nlk'ht In "Hamlet" Juiuch'
oxqulrilto churuclnrizatlon hlit deep rich
voice und tuneful reudlnu and tho tin-
oxproKiwblochurin of MIph Walnwrlht.an
Ophelia, uomuh'toly captunid the heurtH
of tho largo uiidienco unseiublcd.
Iiunt nli;nt u brukoimin In tliu U. it.
N. Comtuny'rt yard, whllo makinu u lly-
hi)! Hwitcli, wuh caught under u cur und
had bin hand fearfully criwheil,nocenHltat
Inn lu amputation.
Work on tho ISccond ntroel cur lino
commenced yentenluy.
llr furnl'lim a 1'iiMlhle Clun to tlio Iilrn-
tlty nf llm Vliltrrlminl Jlunlnrer.
I.oniion. Oct. 0.Tho follow inu 'ntory.
cabled from Now York, ban IncreuHcd tho
excitement regarding tho White Chajicl
crimen: (icorKO .1. limine, u neainau,
thlnkn ho knouri tho poriietrutor of tho
inurilorH In London, flu urrived in
Umdou AiikiihI lnth, und went to tho
Qucon'tf MuhIu Hull on llife-h Htreet, u
iwiiiular report, where ho met u Malay
cook, culled Alaska, who Kild ho hud
been pultl a lew uvh uko two yeura'
wugeH, amounting to moro than $."U0.
Ilo purcliuw!il clotiiinK nun u lino gom
wutch, und on uolnjt Into tho White
Cliupel diHtrlct Alutika Hald ho had !ecn
rnbled of ull ho had by u woman w ith
whom ho hud becomu acquainted.
IMnn payn that in bin prenenco tho
Mulay threatened that uiiIchk ho found
tho wotuuii and recovered bin proporty
from her, ho would murder und mutilate
every Whito Clmpol woman ho met.
I'rlcen In l.lnroi., ffew York, ClilcttKO
and Hau rraucUro.
8an KK.NCiBco.Oct. 0. lluyer tho your
cloned ut 11.714. November at fl.04.
Ciiicaoo, October 0. There uppearH
to bo no chock in tho upward movomeut
of wheat. October advanced 4(& cuntH
yenterduy, clonint? at 1.14; Novou)ler, f
cents; cloclni; ut $1.10, and I)ocetnber4V
centH, cIohIiik ut $l.l7a.
New Yokk, Oct. 0. Tlic wheat mur
ket wait not ho utronx ycHterday. No
vemler cloned ut ll.tU'V ; December,
II. 111?,, und May f l.'.'O.
Livkhi'ool, Oct. tl. Wheat earner;
demand poor; California, 8l4 ohMing.
Hherman uu Anu.iulloii.
Wahiiikutos, Oct. 0. Senator fiber
man "aid hoit night that while bethought
Canadian annexation wan necconnary and
inevitable, he did not believe Canada wuh
yet ready. Ho wuh ofthooplnlontli.it
the l'ri-Hident'H retaliation mcanuro would
holp neither annexation nor commercial
union. Should Canada in turn resort to
retaliation ineamirorM, it would Htop tholr
tnule. The Union would iw more vuiua
bly to them than to tho United fituttn.
t A Captain I'uiiUIimI.
Hak Fhnci-o, Oct. tl. The llritinh
CotiHular Court of inquiry which ban
(ran conHlilprini.' the cace of caiituin
l'urcell, of the llritlnli nhlp Kunplgadera,
which run uround on a reel ui mo en
trunca of Han I'edro harlwr on Wednes
day of last week and became u total
wreck, has fouud the Cutitaiii guilty of
negligence, und subtended his certificate
for three- mouths.
Vlllartl and Oakun at Ht. l'aul.
8t. I'AVt. Oct. (I. Henry Villard,
Charles Francis Adams, und Thomas
F. (Ukes wero tendered a banquet lust
night by the busliiosv men of Ht. l'aul.
A confwenco of olllcials ol tho Northern
Pacific sod lines tributary to it will be
held to-day.
he placed tho property in the huudn of
Messrs. I-uwlhlan Iteeco, two promi
nent mining men, who noon clloctcdu
sale in the sum of $1,000,000. A company
was Incorporated und Htock Innueil,
llourno hiking the htock ull in his own
naino, und It is nald, left Knovvlos "out
In the cold." Kuowles had received ad
vices of what was going on through hoiiio
friends in tho now company, und when
$.'1,000,000 In nhares of stock wero placed
to Ilourne's credit und dostsIted in the
bunk Kuowles was upiirlned of it and
put un attachment on tlm stock.
Tlm l.iiri;rt Wuiiinii In llm World,
I'roin tlio lx)iilvlllii rout.
It is claimed that tho largest woman in
tho world lives ut Hpringlleld, Ky., where
shu wan nili-od in tho family of Mr. J. W.
Schailer. Him Is colored, und is but
nineteen years old und Is yet growing
verv perceptibly. Her iiumo is Kallio
McCullister. She is r feet l inches high,
measures 7 feet .1 Inches uround tlio wulst
und II feet and II' i liichs uround tliourm
uliovo the ellsjw. Hho wolghs
iMiuiids. Mlnnlo Johnson, who rucnnlly
died in Hultimoro, weighed 7.'-'l s)unds
when shu wus on uxhibition In this city
und wus the lick now lodged largest (Kirsoii
on earth. The .McCullister woman
makes her living ut tlio wash-tub mid en-
joyn uxcellent health. Shu can walk but
very iittio. it is predicted mat sno win
soon woign moro tnun Jilunio Joiinsou
over did.
I.o.t 111. l.lf,. for I'irty Cut..
IihIIhiihi oil. H) cclul to t'lilcugoTrlliuiis.
Culvin I). Hlngloton, twonlysoveu
years old, u switchmun on tho Vundalla
road, Hindu u wager of half u dollar this
moinlng that ho could walk tho length of
tho narrow lion rull which Is tho crown
niece in tho roof of tho now Union htu
tlon. Ho climbed up the stulrway to it
balcony in tlio tower, und, emerging
thence, stopied out on tho roof sixty feet
In tho ulr. When ubout half way across
ho lost his liulunce und fell through the
thin glass roof iiikjii the lloor of tho waiting-room
beneath. It wus u busy tlmo in
the stutlou, und many ladles and children
wore In the room when tho crush of glass
wus heard, instantly followed by tho
sound of the lxsly striking in tliu center
of tho room. Tho head of the unfortunate
mun was crushed to a pulp. Half a
doon tsiuplu barely encuped being
crushed beneath the fulling body.
Hutclil al A.jrlUlll.
Buturdav morning, about (I o'clock,
Charles F. McCormac, a patient ut tho
Insane asylum, entered the room of unut
tfinUnt and asked for u sheet of puper.
While tho utteiidatit'H back wus turned
McCormac took a ru.or, bunging on
the wull. Two hours later he entered
the water closet, saying us hn oHinol tho
door, "Send for u doctor," Ho closed
tliu door, sut down In tho closet and cut
his throat from ear to cur, iloinu'Io
four or five gushes. Another patient was
within three feet of him when tho deed
was committed.
McCoruiau hud U-en In the asylum
tlirco years. He was formeily u lawyer
at Portland, and siibsotiueutly ut Astorlu. i
Mils remains were shipiied to Hugenui
City for burial. Tho suicide's father is i
Hey. J, A, McCorumc, of Astoria.
THK TAItll'l' (IN WOdl..
Tlm t'rlrii of Wool Horn Not Itrprml nn h
TarllT Parln lor Wool drnnprn.
Km tn ii upcrclt hy CoiiKn'ininii ltunpll, of
I will try to tuiiki) tho point that the
! prosperity of wool growing is not doond
i vnt upon n tux nn imiortcd wool.
l lie wool-grower Is dependent lor tlio
sale of his wool ujhiii tho muuufacturers
of his country alone. Wool is the only
ono of our farm products of conslderublo
vidua for which there is no foreign de
mand. It there is u surplus It must roruuln on
bund. The manufacturers of other
nations are not uccustomed to our wools,
und will not take them.
l.lko all other things men wish to sell,
its price will Is) governed by tho demand
for it; that demand will urine from tho
proscrltyof your customers, und that
oniy. iiierelore, II gisNi, you will gotu
fair prico for your wool, but if these men
uro not successful, if their business Is
hard und waning, your market grows
narrow und wool falls, us we havo seen
it fall during tlio last ten years.
Tho wool-grower und the mumifacturer
can havo no divided interest; thoy must
llotirish to-uotlier or thov must languish
togelher,uud utthls tluui they uro equally
unhappy. A gentleman on tho other sldo
told mo this tuornim: that if I could
establish the fact that the wool industry
would improve wild wool on ino iree list
he would vote for it.
I do not oxfieet to convince him, though
I see him listening. It is too near a
Presidential election, und the party whip
has u hard lash.
How, sir, did wo got tho blessing of u
high tux on Imported wool? It wus tho
result of u combination between wool
men nml manufacturers.
Prior to IK') 7 wo had it nominal duty
on wool, and tho fortunate uxiHirieuco of
tho country lu every department of in
dustry und euterprlso under tlio tarill' of
18."7. And. us I had the iileasuru to re
mind tho hoiiHO In tho debate tho other
day, tho wholo delegation from Manna
chusells hero und ut the other end of tho
c.ipltol voted for It. In tho lovislou wool
tinder "0 cents u pound was mitdo freo.
Tlio ell'i'ct upon wool wuh immcdluto.
It went up, anil in 18.'.,) it was us high us
it bus ever been In our history, und tho
manufacturers of Massachusetts and
Ithodo Island madi) itioro money than
thoy ever did In any j ear of their busi
ness. Thoy llourish together, Isjcuiiho tholr
Interests utv Identical.
'When tho gentleman from Illinois Mr.
Hopkins said; "Contlnuo this tmlH' unit
oven rulso It, und wo will produce ull tho
wool teiiulred lu this country," I saw
that he did not uniloistuml tho relation of
wool-growers to miinufacturers,
Nn manufacturing people In our day
cun rulso ull its own wool, No sot) or
cllmutn will produce ull the various wixds
that enter Into fuhtli-s ruugiug from
course carpets to cloths mixed with silk,
Tho wools grown in America uro not n
complete raw material, even for tho cloths
for men's ordinary wear. Wo ure con
trolled by fashion, Tho munufaituior
must mako what Is demanded, Ilo has
to make cloths such us people who pay
with high niicrs will buy. In order to
get muleriul for such clothing tho wool
buyer must go to the world's market und
select ilecrcs to mix und blend with
Americun wool. Ho may loqulru Au
stralian, or African, or Houlh American,
or Hpunlsh, or French wools for this pur
K)so, uuil If he does hu will pay from CO
to 7ft s)r cent, duty on them, und that
handlcaf. him in conietltloii with llm
men who have freo wisil ; ho is thus ut a
disadvantage with the manufacturers of
Knglnud, Frt.nco,llelgium und llcrniuny,
tho grout cloth exs.rtlng countries.
It is urged here that our pooplo cannot
keep their llocks without u protection to
wool; It is said our sheep will dlsapoar;
one will forget the tusto of mutton. This
is not tho teaching of exs.ilence here or
Tho high-priced lands of KugUud,
oH!ii to tho competition of muuklnd,
curry more sheen than In former days.
Tho pusturo of Franco havo doublu (lie
sheep they hud when wool wuh protected.
No vote of mine would over bo given
consciously ugalnst tho intercuts of the
Americun farmers, but I would take tho
dutyoirof wool, for I Isiliovo that In
less than u year tho price of wool would
udvuuco, Imcuuho the woolen manufact
urer, freed from tliu tux on two-thirds of
his raw material, would bo letter ublo to
buy tlio other third,
Iugii I. Kiijuylnir llliii.elr.
From the Omuliu llrialil.
Probably the malignant meanness of,
tho New York Hun is something tin-1
equalled in the history of partisan strife .
prior to this campaign. The Hun pro-1
(esses to be working In tho Interests of i
Democracy und Cleveland, und yet it ex-1
pends its bruins in devising methods of j
stabbing Cleveland. Its solo uim seems
to tx! to say tho most malicious thlniM
possible und yet to do tills under the
gulso of friendship, The Sun Is the Iugo
of journalism.
. - .
The tax-levy for I.inn county la fifteen
, A Woiiiun llreak. Up u llarrouui.
When the husbund of Mrs. Mary
F.lmor. of Wichita, Kaunas, failed to
comu homo Wednesday night shu sur
mised that ho hud leeu in u leading
Illegal saloon. Arming herself with un
uxe she went to the placo next
morning. Shu hud told the deuler thut
If ho sold her husband any more liquor
she would break up his place. Finding
tliu door locked she broke it down with
tliu uxe. broke oihiii uu Inner door und
drove the burrkeeier from tlio house, In
one of tho rooms Mis. F.lmor fouud her
husband drunk. This infuriated her still
more, und shu broke the glass in the
barroom, und ull tho windows und tho
furnltuiu. When slut hud completely
wrecked the place she gave tliu drunken
husbund a few sound cull's, marched him
home und administered u tlrst-class Hog
ging with u buggy whip.
- -4. - -
Grant Countv News: Tho "editor of the
Harney Items" has sklpjied by the sil
very beams of the moon, leaving his
landlady to mourn his Hidden departure.
It is thought ho has joined Chief 1'eo, to
obtain his allotment of laud on the Uma
tilla reservation.