East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 01, 1888, Image 3

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Y,()CTOHSH 1, 1888.
Acr of 1
, V. H. Mnwtvlt, Onpremicit by flnmirlal
Troubloi, t'oinmtlH Hulcliln ,y Shunting
j Illnidoir.
Yesterday evening, about half past five
i o'clock, V. II. Sawtell, for manv vents u
1 resident of Pendleton, told his Alio thut
hu vub going out for on evening's walk.
: cry little wuh thought of tho inottor by
... nfiiinKAHrOiiKioMiANtiiM JlrH. Sawtell ut the titno. but seven,
ffim t"!rfimi I" Jit? Ai.i ijKtn 1 pight, nine o'clock came, und her law
baud diil not return.
Then she became alarmed and several
persons were notlllcd of hlrt disappear-
lllli'O. but it lmlnn im ilniL-ii ulli'li tin
-j. iii.'in any '""i i i .7 v.
j thin morning, when J. M. llcntloy, Mar
i filial French and two others commenced
tho search. Mr. Hontlev, who had been
worrying nil night ovur Sawtell's disap
pearance, and wiw unable to sleep, felt a
j presentiment that at the railroad bridge,
l a milo or ho below town, the missing
I IliMir. 1II1UIT utu
."" , jiVillork. He will
I tint f l'c.HllutoM.nmt!
,.n irhl'll 111 I in...... ....
Co., Photographers,
u'hlltaker, ilonusi.
V MiitltK-'V ban retui ned from j niaii would bo found. .So the party pro
,it.u I ceeded at a fimt walk down tho railroad
.. . , 1 , KlHWMIilKnr Hiivn i "''"" """' mu mm iiunu nu-
l.ll. I.I. . . ...
nriUL'e. inoillHt mini! no
ticed wart a dog uhleh juuiicd Into tho
watur und hwiuii under tho bridim to
Home object lying near the bank. With
boating hcarlH, Messrs. ltcntloy and
French tiroeoeded along the Htructuro and
looked down. Theio, almost wholly cov
ered by water, wax
of F. II. Sawtell. Blood wan discovered
on the bridge imuicdiatcly above hlni,
and the conclusion wuh ut once arrived ut
that hu had killed himself und fallen into
tho water. Membcis of tho party pro
ceeded to town and notlllcd tho coroner,
and no vend people, including an Kaht
Oiikoonian roH)rter, proceeded down tho
river to the bridge. It wart then for the
llrst t i mo discovered that u pistol was
I lying under the body, and that a hole
I llllll fulfill Mtlllllt III till! ill, lit tlltlltlllt lid II
.p. -.n ciiiiltli. u itmirrliliT 1 1. ..ii . . ,r i..! i i.. . .'..in.
,i iiriuiiiiioia l'ort-1 i.t.. .i,... .. ..I......... i.t.. ...... J ..,,.,.1.,
I. ..I... lu III 1111111 fill II. VIMlL I f 1.1 I .....I ...1.1. II... II
uruit'i, ' - lumen, nun uiu iir.imy ni-nintu u-
I If. S loctnuknr nave
tln-lr plea-mro trip to the
. ... .i i
r ini.i-iTiii i L-i:iiirivi v
Mil iVK.
Ivowii oirtho track Sunday
it tie uiuit"j
, i v I), ruin loft on
ll. - . ... .. ,. ...
-i. ....In fur IV il IL IVUIIIl. I'J
... .nl iliii fair.
u ..I (I... firm cil MilllH
lii a town, aiior u lour ,ivur
i ..ffiniitiii in iu i nrni.
. . i ....ln tlm fiimltilrii of a
. . .. iii, iiriv limn in rammc
I1' It . .... f. Ulwimii
'mill rn 01 .nurmuii v mi..i.hi,
. Jackson
.l .llu..l,.f .f f.lll llllll
...miiiiiiiiifi. ill tun i.'it
.. iu. .....in iiv titn mill r I
I...1..V1. llf I lilt I'tVlflllt'U
MlUit mini"" " ... - -..
ii. I II . Stnitli. tun
llllll llllll " -
i iititillu Mr Win.
U.l?tllh rn -----
formerly u prominent lumbor
VlttiMtnll 1(IL 1 1 IlZIIll lilt? Ill UIU
. i.. I.I J liikt(t(lf I I II it IU.
. .( l..l.t., .tuiiilt II lilu IUIU.
Jt tfl.l.lt.
. ... I 1 111...
(jCCU iivani ut nun
.i..1.it ii in! 1 1 u i iiilii fmtn
I 1.... !.. ll-ttll ! Ill1ttllut
ii . . t .... il.I ,
illrllilllillln fill 1IIIP Illi-JI n
I- Uv..1l,i Uf.i1li f.ilr
IIIIIIU Mllllll Mlllll. Mill
only IVmoerat In town who
arctl lamlana, tho inHnlu
ami IVnioornry, It wuh ncnt
f. f It'.. II..
Jf. tj ii iw iitfinttiir Tiu
- W 111
idc iimu laicit uii tiiu t;uuiuii
from Heron kuvh u frciirnt
II. ..! . I .......
.1 . I . f A
a i uii Jin hi mi iiiiii i nil ii wnrn
it ni urn I'll 1114 l iiiuiil iruiu
. an 1 ifivrt 1111 uMi'ftiiiii. fii iiim
l II. .lli. .
rnimiii 1 nvi 1 'ii riur iniiu m-
rcctly tinder hlrt right hand. Tho body
wuh renting tu an cany unit natural at
titude, and the fcatttrcrt were qttitu calm
und imaceful, ulthoiigh ghaxtly und pale
in death. Ho wine lilrt usual apparel, in
cluding hlrt watch and ring. Two chain
berH of the revolver were emptied, hIiow
ing that ho had probably nhot ouu load to
tent thu eiructivuncsrt of the weapon, and
that the miieldo wan carefully premedi
tated and propared from the Mart, do
wiih dotibtlertrt Htandlug on tho bridge
wlien he piertsed the cold iiiuzzlu of the
pirttol aguliiHt hlrt templu and
, 'l l.t.KI) TIIK TIlKKtKII,
and had then fallen through thu tlmberH
to tho water beluw. Ilo must have com
mitted tho deed between xlx and fovcii
o'clock, ax tho Imdy had the appcamnco
of having lieeu in the water all night.
The corpwo wiih surrounded by tiny HhIicd
whon discovered.
Tho coronur'H jury, a kocii below, re
turned u verdict to tho eH'cet that tho
deceived came to bin death by h! own
baud, and that tho uulcido war canned
by temporary insanity. For the IuhI two
or three ilayn, according to tho tentiinony
of wltncxKcrt, he ban Hcciucd down
hearted and denpondont, being huincrecd
in financial troubles, although ut time
Hoemlngly cheerful, l.iust Saturday night,
bo wiih elected wcretary of F.nrcku 1xlgo,
I.O. (). F., and then Hcemed in unurtiiully
good Nplritrt, but It I well known that bin
tnability to obtain employment, and to
mipport bid largo family, has oppronrtcd
und weighed ujion him heavllv for tho
pant year or ho, and thin melancholy
brooding at las culminated in his tragic
.Sawtell was a good, honcrtt man, but
Iioh alwayH lieon tlio victim 01 mmionuno,
A Vtutle rultllcAtlon.
In theso days of upccial publlcatlonH it
is a raro treat to find ono K)Pso8lng tho
artiEtic and literary merit of u goneral
literary magazine, while dovotlng its on
ergiert chloily to convoying Intclligcnco of
it Hpediil character. .Sueh a magazluo in
Tho Wcet Shore, published at Portland.
Oregon, ut tho extietnelv reiiHouiiblo
price of fL.r0 a year. It devotes Its at
tention mainly to engravings and care
fully prepared tleseriptionH of tho in
dustricrt, resourced. pletureHipie neencrv,
cities and town of that great iKirtion "of
our continent embraced within tho limits
of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, .Montana,
Urltlsh Columbia and Alaska. Hitch
number is a mine of information, and
ono at all interested in that region or do
slrotiH of rellablu descriptions of It will do
well to Htibscrlbo for tho magazine. Tho
engiavlngs ura of tho highest form of
lithographic art. A large art supplement,
in colors or tints, accompanies each
number, making a collection of largo en
gravings of tho grand scencrv of the
West unolitainatilo In any other wav.
A Hjiecial oiler Is made to tliosu who sub
sonic now for 188!). To ull such tho
September, Octolior, November and De
comber numbers will bo sent free.
SamlK copies sent Uhiii receipt of '"
cent. Address I.. SA.MUF.I,, rublisher
of Tho West Shore, Portland, Oregon.
Mochanlc' Pair,
Tho tenth annual exhibition of the
Portland Mechanics' Fair opens October
4th and closes October i!7th, 1833. targe
additions have been mudo to the I'uvil
lion, und it is tho intention of tho manage
ment that the fair of this season shall Ih)
tho greatest of the l'uclflc Northwest.
Tho .Second II. S. Cavalry Hand, tho best
on tho Coast has liccn secured to furnish
music. Half faro rates over tho O. It. A
N. Co., O. Si 0. It. It. and Orcgoniau
Hallway Companies' lines have been se
cured. Ono and one-llfth faro over tho
N. 1'. It. It. Co.'s lines.
Special Hxcursioiirt over the 0. It. ii N.
Co.'s lines ut less than half rates on
Octoliei '8th. loth and L'l'd. If further
information Is desired address A. S.
Whiting, Supt., Portland, Ogn.
' KlrctHi, MMRnctUm Curntl ARrnl.
I During tho past century there has
' been u great rovolution in tho depart
j niont of ini'dlciuo, as In eveiy thing else.
Tho old methods, to u great extent, havo
been laid away forever, and, guided by
. new sclentille" discoveries nnd the eleva
tion of hitherto hidden truths, tho pcoplo
ofto-dav see clearly and surely wheio
boforo tlioy saw through a glass darkly.
Among the greatest exemplars of tins
, new regime tiro tho Drrt. Darrin, who'
havo their olllco at the Stlnu Hotiso, Cor. i
ttb and .Main Btrcet, Wulla Walla, W. T.
whew they havo lecoutly locatnd, for
tho sick und nllilctcd.
Thoy euro erinaunutly all diseases of
tho genlto-urlnary ortans. in cither sex,
and muko a sieclalty of deafness mid
catarrh, and iilso treat successfully all
dlscascrt of the noso and throat, eye and
! ear, etc., as well as all acute and chronic
J diseases of whatever name or nature, if !
curablo. No cases taken if not.
They como to us huien with testimon
ials, a fow of which wo present to our
Charles Chrlstcrmcn, ii-' First street,
Portland ; scrofulous catarrh so bud that ;
tho destruction of his nose was threatened ,
and had become so ollcnslvo that it was j
sickening lioth to himself und friends;,
cured in two months.
Mm. J. J. Kvans, Stella, W. T. j neu-.
ruhtia of tho stomach and heart, weak
lungs und greatly emaciated; cured and
gained ten pounds in two month's.
Mrs. A. ShciiV daughter, .118 Columbia
street, 1'ortland; cross-eyed all her life;
cured in ono niinuto.
Mrs. A. M.Clayton, Sollwood, Oregon;
generally prostrated from rheumatism,
lumbago and nervous debility; cured by
Drrt. Darrin.
0. V. Folor, of Yaklnm, W.T.; deaf
ncHMof long standing; cured in ton min
utes bv DrH. Darrin; also 11 successful
oioratlon on tho eye, his trouble render
ing him almost blind.
visit to relatives in Now wn, Was driven to deatli by his troublcrt.
en Ji'rnt'v.
I. ?....!.. til .. I l.l ..4 II...
1. fi f . 1
rrn nn 1 iitiraiitt ittuimifi ni
ciriimir. UM iirnniiM iiiNi v nut 1 1
iri'iivrn 1 1 IV IIIVVIMlh
Ho wuh lust seen on earth by Mr.
Intnan, who observed him walking rap
idly and steadily down tho railroad track.
Ho luiH been known to tako these walks,
before, and It is quite probable that lo
has long comtumplatcd sulcldo.
Mr. Sawtnll leaves a wifo Ulld 11 VO
l.-.ii. ... . in I ..I.Uilniii In tiiill. i.mt I'lnMiinntaiires. Ills
nm ttva4llln t IIIIU 11 "Hit I , i i I I. .. . I ......
w to d a meet ng n Tun-1 "w 'n ""
e public sthoo building, on p ed actions for a line , ,.r lor to hls MU l
toUrO, commencing at ono cldn, und was pro hably pre Ii u
- i.. t .."...!. i. .. itmiiHiim for. tho K;i(l news. ult lOUUll tllO
m.. ill iijiiiiiiii:iiiiii win, iv
...!-.. .11 . . . .1
tnini? in mi iiiiiii ni run uuiiiit
tidings that ho had died a Hiilcido's death
ntrcctcd her terribly. Tho order of Odd-
it ...i.r..i. t..ll
11 ...l.r..l. L....-a..1l . . ..l
bwml passenger hauled In;, , HtuniiinL. win ,iol,btlcss see thut
l.f II... I ...til.. ..... .1. , IIIH l.llllllV l.ttlW JIUl IU1 lllliliv.i.riii.n ...
UV tlm lerrtlln wrmik nt
h men were killed in this
1 (.. au..nll..w riiklniililIIIM (li lt
...i .. . . ' 11 IH r.lLllliI 11 injWIItltlt uini,iuunwv(
rSri.fl nvfi-tl, ',orTttra ! tho lsslv of an old man named King.who
."'""'. ',. " tt.is kiueked ol ' the br ihio and killed by
were wealing unite. i ,. riliir(..1t tn.ln lust fall, was discovered
nwtlng was held . in tho in nearly tho sumo spot.
)iii:iiisiaS of- . Tin. nr. iiu.n u ltli which tho deed will
iy afternoon, ut which vu-! committed is an ordinary Il-'-culihro re
In lilltiiltl nl tint fiirmnr I 1..... t.u.liu .. ..aw limiililit liifitrll
......... ... ...V. . VUlttll, Itlllt I. IVM ...I'..
ui"u and ti WHiSHon. i no i mnnt iii miii ii vuiuaiHo iintinin I 10.
tyHrano in increoMini; in ' Snwtull had manv (riemlrf, who will
n. I I l. l V. 4-1 ,. r . fi.. I i it I..
v,iv nn i im iiuiu iv in i iru mill inn luiuni vivi nn uiniiivi
piaerof good In tho land, j JoaUi. Tho decoaseit was in tho prime
? In tho upiKjr end of town ' of lifo, vigorous ami hoaltliy.
' tofticlotw iMirkors wlio main I Tho ball entered tho right templo, und
thmtmli f...,... i ........ ...... ...i... mil mi Ini'li uluivu lllll iril oar.
,, -"H IVIIIl-n ,11114 uit'l K," vw...x. ... ' ' ,
-M a rutioit of a gun Ikj heanl Tho funeral will occur to-morrow(undor
ni..riiiw..i .....i .. ., i . i. a i iitiitiiwu . ii nit I ijiiiiiu iiitt H. .iiiiiiiimm
...'III'MII. .11111 11 iii.i-iiji-wii niu uuni'ivtuvi . ....... .. - -
c.-1 f. . " :r. . . .1 . '.I-- I .t..n.l ...III .. ilin
vuuii anerwantrt, l( Will mean Ol uiu oruer aim mumm mi, iiiw v ti.w
. ""'"in M.IHI inn liikuu i luiuni ivFiiiuinv .
i nut i i. iiiii i.vioeii. unil nroceea iruiu inure to mo
i . 1 ! I. ...... nil tlmt r.t.
L i " n' nuiiii' - , ij II s!.,..ll u. lut ,.,,.
Illliui.n ui .'n. - .'.t-.tn .....
signed, und hid forever from human
Helow ta given tho verdict of the cor-
A Ili'rlilnl NlttU'inent.
To llin Killlorof tho Ksul Oroiionlnn.
Tlio uiembertj of tho I'endlctou ltrass
Hand wish to slatototho public that thov
are ready and anxiously waiting for W.
D. i ieiciior ami iuh noys to meci tiiem on
tho diamond todccldo tho game of base
ball for $100, chalk, or marbles, about
which ho has expressed himself at ill Her-
out times In -tho city papers. Mr.
Fletcher has failed so far to como to tho
front and buck his own. statement with
coin. Tho big baud lias licon ready ut
ull times (o put up their forfeit, and
would stand Mr. Hctchor u raise if he so
desires. Thov are irettintr dlsannolntcd
over tho matter, und still insist strongly
that Mr. Hotelier siiuii cither put up or
shut up. I'kniii.kton Hiiams Hand.
A Chit KlTrcii-il.
rendleton, Or. Hopt. liO- 1883.
Du. McUim. & Co.,
:niitlnninn For tliri'ii vears nast I
havo been suireriug from Idood poison
und femulo complaints, during which
timo I havo lieen undor tho treatment of
several physicians but received very
Ilttlo IxMicnt. KInco I placed myscl funilcr
your treatment ull those distressing pains
havo dlssapearcd, my skin is looking
much U'ttcrand I am happy to say I feel
altogether like a dHIeront woman. Ac
cept my thanks for what you havo done
for mo. 1 can be referred to ut my homo,
Lllflth, near Webb street.
Mits, Husn: HonsKTHOS.
AUrnrtUeJ IrfttUrn.
Ailvnrtlutil Inltiru ntinntnliiL' nni'allnil
fur In Hut I'nnilTntnn tmdtdlllro Ke lite ml mr
27, 1888. l'orsons upnlying for samo will
pleaso say "ouvcruseu." unoconi is col
lected on each letter or article udvcrtlscd.
Foruison Ihomart Hiatus i A
I Iiintium John
Korl Charles
Ijcq V.
Simon K C
Smith J II
Sojior ti W Dr 5
Tavlor Thou
TuttloJ II
Turdbon t Shepby
VanOrsdall Chas
Vincent Muuel
WelU H L
F. H. Cmiitos, V. M.
Illlu A. Clark. K.i North Fifth street. I
Portland; louthsomu dlseapo of tho earl 1
ICIl years inini sninei luver; euren in
ono month.
S. O. Howards. -7 Salmon street, Port-
'land; ubccssof the bead and nose, ac
companied with neuralgia so ho could not
sleeii for days; cuicd. .
Wm. Sharrlck,', Dumusciirt, Oregon;
consumption: about restored by the
new rectal injunction system cure.
Samuel .lackson, Iliuhland, Oregon;
deafness, twenty years; cured in ten min-1
Mlsrt Mary Walter, .'Jill Twelfth stieet,
Portland; Iwth eyes crost-ed from birth;
cured in live minutes with u simple opcr
nrion. Daniel Sullivan, St. Charles hotel ; heart
disease; restored.
A. A. Durham, Tualatin, Washington
country, Or., writo that Drs. D.inin aro
working wonders on his kiduov and
bladder troubles, also rheumatism of
thirty yearn' stunning.
Drs. Darrin havo u system of homo
treatment for patient living at a dis
tance, Hum saving thorn limn and ex
lcnso by writing symptoms, age, sex,
letters of inquiry answered. Circu
lars sent free to any address. All cura
blo chronic diseases, doafnoss, catarrh
vouthful indiscretion und Iosh of man
Hood treated by cntlrelv now methods.
Most cases can rccolvo homo trcatmopt
after a fow days at thu doctors' olllco.
Olllco hours from 1U to 5; overlings, 7 to
8; Sundays 10 to 11! a.m. Consulation
free. TorniH reasonable.
A Twenty -Dollar gold piet-o will bo given to tiny one who will
lind tt UROC'lSllY STOKK in Pendleton, tfmt will sell
regularly eheaper than they are selling at the
1 pay cash and
And can and will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of
All goods itre now and fredi and of the
intend to iceei) the lead in Iliuh Grade and Low Prices of
goods or will pay the above reward to the one who earns it.
Odd Fellows Building. - Main and Alta Sts.
Protectioyr Tariff Reform.
llivon! rinMlnii, thnTarlirU llin iMiinnn which the roiiinii: ninii'iilmi will hu fouuh I
mill It tNlhouvm avvrr citizen Willi wiilllil voir lillclllL't ntl v to tiifnrni ll'ln.rlr iiiiiiu n mill
feci which ko rlmely atrerlK Ills iciiiiiornl weifam.
It will
Itrmlrm whsl ! iikiially roimliloroil a moil nlwtruno mlili rt ny orriiiiiiri hi'iiloii.
Kcrvn iih ii niriii iriinrr inr nut irurntr n wmi iin ii ihxi-ihmik lorini' ii nriirii.
ThU lunik Nhnwii tlio pnirlli'iil i llrrl of tlm I'rntiiilvuHjkti iii iiimiii tlnniiiintr.v. rvrliiip
tho miMt coiihplouoiiit foiiluruof t lie Issili In It iixuot iillKiiinrul with thu iiu-vhikii ot I'rnil
ilMit Clovrlniiil.
Tlmjioiiltiniiiif Mr. Illiilnv's "Trnly Yriirs la CotiKivMi" In Inkon up. Ins iikNcrtlotm
upon tlinTiirlll iiniilyziMl, crltlrlkpii iiml iiuululo (iirnluli tlii lrimn rvrutiilliiii.
Tlm form u wull iin tlm Mililnni'(iiif thu honk In iiumiI uilinlriihli', iitul I hnvn m:ii iiutti
nil! Mirpiiliii; II rurun in iunrrui wnrx nr Niirr:iniiiK inn iruiu iiiikiiik iiiu pi iipir.
DUN M. liK'Kt.N.-'ON, r(iiui-it r (iRiii ni).
'plnfromi.ortAniroTcs. whoro
ID !lttiinil.in..A ..u .........
Wlea.ito to tho .Sovereign
' . ,"-..i.iin icvuiiiit . . . .
ut plaiv. To say that ouer 8 Jur
"My express his fonline s. '
u inion: Tho Wa rock cut
T railruad. ono and -a
-vst niu mi L-oniiiipicHi uv
"v. a. lliii ivimnlAtlnn nr
oAl'M will tnVn it wiilc
'oonamhchuaro ilono trark
rni: vuiiiittT.
jury HtitnnioneU by Coroner
McKay to oxamiuo Into tfio t-aiiKi ni
death of tho body found under tho rail
road bridge about ono milo below tlio
town of romlleton, I'mutiHa county, Or
eou, find tho dm'ivoed'H name W t. II.
Sawtell, ucd aliout forty vcarn.a rosldent
of reuilleton, Oregon, that ho camo to
t, z - uiu uuiiu um-. i iB jn.,11, on tlio ove n 'i repiuuiuci
w resaineil. uni Mr Hunt '.'"B V.VXV." " ... .. . "i I UI...T ..,.rin,. tlm
11 ll.vo. " encitio in-. ri,U.t ,,, and lunwiim through tlio
his (team at iu
oV. " "'u, P. . .'"'iricht tenn.lo and
' "'""X wiinin iwo i",i . !,. i.. ...iiiui to ihi
....... i.'.m.u ulillii laboring under a fit
bwi . '"',i woman of temiwrary itiHanuy.
. ".fc.ii limn nil lllll . -
feiT ' a,"r,1',v "''"- Jons It. MUKi'iiv.
PiT . """o 'he train re- j.ii. recn.
:-- ii uio tiihtiumibmcfl w. r. iiamh.
ZL?n1 in erexlnu argument eo. V. IIamiutox.
fellow traveler of tho En. K. Bii abos.
ho "downed" her com- ' .
onin Hiitrrage iiuestion : Th Keiiuion niu sieni.
du.no Oct. l.TThe llden
Kigssd the Chinwe extiiwlon bill tuw
. Ml Ven- attfntlv mi.li.
I around, and tn It.
of the audacity of the
Til UlRlrtiur.
A. J. Lndncr A llro. aro uierchantH do
ini? hiiHlncHS at I'lednw NeuraH, Mexico,
and Kalo 1'iihh, Toxiw. Thov buy hIiovcIh
from tho Auioh Workn of AtuwiaehuKCttH,
ami iay ((I er dotenieHiileH frelj;ht, for
that part of their ordor destined for
TexaM. For their Mexican utoro.thoy buy
HhovelR from tho namo linn at -'.ttl or
dozen, laid down in riedraa NeKru-
The oarno inorchantu buy aato iron
waro at S!i er cont. dldcouut for their
Texan and ft) lcr cent, discount for their
Mexican Htoru. Thoy got Dinton'B wiwh
for Piodrui Netrnw at 20 iwr cent. Kroater
dlHcount than they aro allowed for Kajjlo
It 'ia tho war turiff that enables tho
happy Texaiw, under tho tdiadow nl the
American flag, to ay 60 and 10J cr
cent, moro for American go-xln thauMex
Icana pay for tho Bamo wmmU,
A lOUmilllitpr.
fiomo wcekH ago Will TrttseAiIo of
JamcHtown, who was opoHed bv tho
parents of pretty sixteen-year-old Jeunlo
Arnold in his attentions to tho girl,
eloped with her and married her.
The couplo returned from their bridal
...... i,. ut ......I, n, ni tlintirlilu'M father had
IUII1 111 n.vmf " . . , I 1
his son-in-law arrested for robbing him
of his child. Ileforo tho case ca mo up
I... f il,..- i,.t,l Tnw.ail iln tlmt If ho WOUlll
pay him I5 ho (Ainold) would call it
'lare- . . ...... i..n....
lTiii'muio iohv no iimo
torn bosom of his wife's parents by iiand-
i .!........., Tl.n liruln'H f.ithnr
ing over mo ihuiiwj. ' -r---
then called on her to bo reconciled, but
tho fact that lier lamer vaiueu uer j
only15 aroused hor Indlguation and
nhii refused to make friends.
A runaway learn created some excite
ment to-day by careering uown jiwn
street, up Water, and on to the mysteri
ous beyond. Whether anything was
wrecked is not known.
A freight train was dttcueil eaiuroay
near Hood river. No one was inured.
Joe McCoy left oa last night's train oa
a business trip to Walla Walls.
A snow storm raged Saturday In Maryland.
tt l.oromntlm Itunnlntr
M. N. Koruor, In p'crlbiitr' MiiEailnc for
AllglHt ... .
The rclatlvo Hpecd of trains hero und
in KuroK) has been tho subject of a good
deal of dlHcussIon and coutioversy re
cently. Thoro apicars to Iks very Ilttlo
dill'oronco in tlio xod of tho fastest
trulnH hero and there; but thoro are
more of them thcro than vo havo. From
48 to fill miles an hour, including stops,
is about the fastest limn mauu by any
regular trains on the Miininor time-tables. I
When tills rata of hccii is comiuirtu
i with that of sixty or hovonty inilnH an 1
hour, which is not iniifiiuom mr snort
distances, there tteeins to 1st a gieat dis
crepancy. It must lie kept In mind
though, that those high rates of seed
am attutnod under very favorable condi
tions. That is, the track Is straight and
level, or perhaps descending, and unob
structed. In ordinary trallio it U never
'certain that tho lino Is cloar. A locomo
tive runner nuirt always ixi on tlio look
out for olistiuctii iih. Trains, ordinary
vehicles, a fallen trco or rock, cows and
jieople mav bo In tho way at any mo
ment. I.i)'t any one imagino hhiiMilf in
rtsKinsihlo charge of a loconuitlvo and
lie Mill readily understand that, with tho
hllfdilcil ntisplclon that tho lino is not
clear, he would rlackcn tho speed oh a
precautionary measure. For tlilu reason
f.iHt timo on it railroad depends as much
on having a good signal system to assure
tho locomotive runners that tho lino is
clear, us it doe on tho locomotives. If
ho is always liable to encounter, unit
must bo on tho lookout for olistrucilonBj
at freipient grade crossings of common i
roads, or if ho is not curtain whother tho
train In front of him Is out of his way or .
will 1)0 ucM
ft In an uliln iiml loalfiil I'xpniltliiii of tlm Inliiklli'ii unit ilul'iklniin nf lln iinitu-ilvt I lie
1 HO worx IH tunc y, IIIIU II wry v I iimiiu roiiiriiiiiuim mi uiu nn-miun' m inriu ri'iuriu
I miller Unit till ikkiU Ik rrrulvlwr Kn iit iiiniiiii'iiilittlnii, It U litliiiuiil upon fiimla
nmntiil InitliN, nml I wind Unit Ihu fm-U unit iiruiiiimntH may In III llu liuluN ami mlinN n
oery cltUi'ii i-ullcil upon this yriir to vnlo iiimiii tlm criuil i ruiioinlriil iiili'-tlium ill Niirplil
iitul tiirlll. IKN. .lullN ('. III.Afi;, I.VMiiinlloiirriif IViihIiiii.
Wo tnkn pli-HMiro In rIvIiiiMIiU wurk our hearty Inildmcini nt, nml rci'iiiiiiiii'iul thut In
cut cuiillillttt-i'K nml liulM iioUt In iixlonilliic II rlri'tlhitlnn 1111111111; III" nti rn nt llllunlii,
Ami miiiiy othrrs.
Ikwik Hound III Clnth nml Hrinl-Wri'kly Cunt Ori'iiniiluli (lux Yi'iir
Honk Alone, In Clnth, pn.t pulil m 1
. .M 0
,. 1 W
I'i'iiillrluii, (Iri'uou,
R. T. R. CO.
G-o and see their new styJe Phol;os
"The Russian."
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
R. Tm R. Co.j
Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Successors to J. A. Briggs.
nnt tlm liM-nmntlvi) rllllllpr tlll 1)0 Iter I - -
KieM snetoei-t.jhB Pendleton Holler Mills,
can railroads, tho tlmt stops should bo I -f.EAIUNO I (Cracity5'0tjurr'UiriIuy )
V..f?:-"J1 "L?: ! SArBRaSIANV TAILOaJW S. BYERS & CO, Proprietors,
1: 1 1 1 1 1 I Ulli vi iiisvswj miu '! 1 ' 1
II110M wi'll fenced, nrovido abundant eldo
tnipka fnr truiim. unit llllntlt ellll-iont SVS'
terns of signals mi that locomotive runners J
can know uhother tho line is clear orj
Knew What He U'untril,
IVii'llelonjOrt-Kon, Muln Ht.,urur Welili.
Juki recolved.
Satisfaction CuarantoocJ 1 1
In ever purtirul
h';rKC'S;ottSrte of the golden boot.
"I'm a Prohibitionist, and- " i
"That's all right," histicred tho young
man. Watch out, and when nobody's
looking reach down under the heat." ,
A.. H3SA.Xj.RjY
Muiiufucturert ut (Iruliuni, crunulutoil
mlf-rliliiK I'lour,
CumIi I'rici I'nlil ror .ill
KIuUm of (Jrnlu,
A detective who followed a nun sup-1
posed to Ims Tascott tho Chicago mur- annT . SM(iFMaKER
Jlerer. throuch Washlnuton. Oregon, Cal-ii0U' anUtMRRtrt
fornla and Nevada, has caused his arrest
at Denver, whero ho was employed as a
bar-tender. A reward of :,000 is offer
ed for Tascott.
Blaine spoke la New York, and Wat
tenon in Detroit, Saturday night.
Main and WebbHtmcU.
Kaatrra Ma4e
Perfsct fit auaraoUcd,
Klnnr, moiil ,chnii, ttn elo, lulwuyi on limnl,
Proprietor of the 0. K, Dairy.
i Krcli Milk and I'uro Ciium IK'Uvrri'il In nil
pan nor town, moriiliig una evinlnit.
Stop tho Wagcn, and Give Your Order
Henry Eopottke & Co.,