East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1888, Image 3

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    IaV, pKJTUMHKlt :!!, 188ft.
on.gonl.mltrnnfli Ol'l.e.
,, KaST Ultr.OONIAN lllll
I1U lUUlK"'"
IT tlltl lllllll
t1 the KastOiiK
llnlliuk. Hi' will ho
iirimir 11 rr.. .....i
.kimiIih'Ii" i t I'iii'i""! ""
hnic i'"1'"' , ,,rii v. In miiku
"ler tl'Vm ")' "'rvlcd In HI
Snlom Statesman! Uosenfold's and
lloHcnthars cano will bo considered by
I tlio next grand jury. An cirort will un-
I do",b,uyy t,,en 1)0 ",U(1 to out wlio
w tlio Mercury correstiondont In Salem,
I and If It Mjwcedrt, It fH extremely likely
hat lie will bo in for a tliruidiliiB or two,
, to eay the leant. There Is one tbltiK very
. und that in that the Mercury lum
kui ucii into a very bad box by IIh gru
tuiloiiM i-ulunmy of a rcutxjctublo cltl.en,
and It will havo a lively time getting out
of It.
Maker City Demoerat, 20th foot.: Tho
A Growing, llnouiluc Clly 'tavrriU Ilrmt
f Imprest.
To tho KUItor of Hie Knit Orcgonlnn.
This weok Is fine weather, but hint
week was cold and wo had twenty-four
hourH' rain.
J.itllu Harry Doryoy, aged honoii, wont
(o., riioiogwi'i"i
, Wlilttakt-r, dentlKt.
ln,lio-atlneMar uuKury.
rab lionoy at tliu sntr
..I I ..ill mi .IlMI 1111 mill 111-
inijuiu '" r," .. ," "
ii,a ytrri't. a twenty dollar
..V -7. " ... ,
i Under w i receive u uuurai
1 I .. l.lo ..(lino
It H rciuii'"11 ,u
ItllWcr.aboy who murdorcd
1 1- im-bunn countv. nan been
If murder In thenecond degree.
Utakirealu, tho furniture of u
L. lit. ..liil.tMi nf tutntltiif
11 nif tt till III 1 ML'Ki' iviiiiiit,
Knilre of Marnton Hliaron,
.i ...I.
kite, tl"5 yK eruior who
hnn i llioillll or mi UK" "J "r
llnnt. Iiiw boon made mation
.. T f rt- f ,
Lun.niplu-iihvHlclan. pays at
- - , . . i -. i
mi W l PiiHiTi-iH ironi men-
It chronic uiwk-wh i uvrrv
km l l'HT WIIUIO.MAN UlllllJ-
enfold, editor, and A. A.
manager, oi mo ronianu
Ivcltvn aru-Hteii on it cnargo
likl, pivfi-rreu ny in. uii-
l.rw..ni-ii. who hum ciiargt-u
Iny liv lUIIco, wan bound over
i:.. i... ... 1 1. ii. .....it i
l 01 f iiJU livuiinuiu imiiuii iu
tm I ho grand jury, which
ally raK-d,
i liiwi cifu-reii in lluwe col
liliiHiiL-ii has boon taken by u
!ctii:iii aIioiIooh not want ills
tl'ullii' Hu M eoiilldent tlial
jdMuituii will b;i eleoled.
i h railroad to IK'pimer, ae-
tfiorlrt, U now tirogroHHlug
I .it finely, ano me uni iron
iiubtlcsH roll Into tuwii at tho
iaic fur Hit-fotiiiletlon of (he
i hi nit ii
t in a norm no condition mi
nir. ow iil' to t no number oi
1A with wheat which imhh
lnirotigIifurt-14, and covert tlioni
kiiiio cuiyoiiH and neaH oi
I -r a niln, a rain, n rain.
ke, a farmer of the Hardman
Morrow county, wax in town
lie reiHirted fair uveragi
Lt K-ctlori. not wltliHtauding tlio
outlook, from lilteeu to
kdiclH tn-Ing the usual yield.
kj-u" that occasionally asmillH
towiHH'otuo at urcroni,
Hitting Id in jirogreHrt for tho
rtpiurltig tlio levee near tlio
a ttorttou ot wiiicu wan
wl.y Lutt wlntor'H frenhet.
ie and family aro in town
California. Mr. l'uyne Ik
ucr, having iuhhou tnrougn
i Iu the nalmy days of ro.
knaftcr rcclilo in I'cndleton,
MWriuniH to tho townV M
river U building a handHome
In Iih (arm below town, tlio
Iam-being completed. Judg-
l'bnn, it will bo u cozy and
pun Mmauro, wnicn nouo
Mroiu larmer ih uulo to atlonl.
krivat letter from Mr. W. K.
r.M. l'auly. of Ae8ton, wo
the lteverend eentloinan 1h
I f'rvlnri trip iuiiiioiiHoly. Ills
Uwn good. Ho wriU-H from
lie Iiuh lx-en visiting n-Ja-
. IVulv. The nartv contem-
Io.'forlioine on tho 15th of the
Nlsti, Karnent Heeno waK run
p itch fiiL'inu. In front ot tho
No onu hop 111 h to know
Iweuncd, Hcoho only romem
t Le hid been ilriiiklne. but
i!ity U that ho wan lying down
ies aeross mo tiacic. art that
tiplTandho wh- otherwiHe
hlnesiky uvening at about 7
bIiiOh) eardnor nour It-hmd
tiy the name of Old Mee.
"WHUUlneaehby three men
bU Iiouh- two of whom held
WmM!ilpn. W'nii!. Wav. n ml
U Utter
utl.inlm.cured tho money.
iwi ye; unm captured.
kr Willio Hush, tlio littlo
Imo of T. M' itiuii llvliut
Mul the mlsf irtuno to havo
ut aboe the left kneo
4V ninnillltv llnw.u ln.ul.
w .(... .u ...in ivi.i.-
'wm the Ktablo when tho ani
sanrijiitcned.'nm against the
8it off Its hingt-H, and caiw-
li Hueh force upon tho
lei! that it wan brokon.
relation n III.
lita reference to I'endleton'B
wvteruge H)tem, it waa
1 'at vrailrt nf Mm I
g?atui i make tho plan prac
yt.thUiHftlwt Mr. Wilcon
J lurri" innnnixt ini in.
, " - " HVU Will I III
llutlt WaAll Abonttlia 1'nupcr Lubiir of
While a crowd of a dozen or more com
mercial travellora and cttlzonM wore wait
ing the arrival of tho delavcd KiMt-bound
imMscnger train last night iu tlio Villard ,
HoiiKo pllieo, the nuiuh-dlseiiPHed Hiibleet
v.. i.umu lwm nuuriy overybotiy iisinng on tlio '.Ml i mid fell into the uav
iroicni took part. A fan ! ram-lwo gen- After four day his lWclv was finhod out'
tllllllllll lt 1 I II.IHl I I ... I I . . '
"v (......".null, uiiuiu conio rei- anu uunco yeMoniav. I
Tho wheat buyers of thi citv aro tax
ing their brains to know where to More,
not llm largo amount of w bent t but com e
Home- every day, an the now warehoutert aro not
i ivlmr I v.it ilniiu int. I (Ii-.. I...... .1.1 I . I!....
Ilrnt di-greo agaiiiHt Artliur Helm for the , L,o tofcreiieo to his Iwlng u for- wheat,
killing of Mud Douglas at (Vaekor C'itv ! ?'l'r-, At this Mr. Hunt became net-' This city luw fourteen church and !
I hiHt Sunday mornhiL'. Tin-ilnfniiiliinf fa ' L'uu'" 'ejHled to .Mr. . uckson the epi- Hoven hcIiooI housics. mill liln livfitilv.'
it lino looking young man of about twen- , lll01,ld Mr. , Jack- kovoii leachorH. Tho noliool- eonbtln i
s iiiih no k.iiii, ami ; over iwotvo nuiidrcil veholarH.
Air. Hunt as iiroinptly repeated the lan-1 Tacoina was caitvasned thoroughly in I
guago, and . acknon at oncowtruck blm 'May, and from January 1st. 1888. to 1
an open-handed blow In tho face. Mr. May 2olh, 1888, 1501 now houwHwero!
Hunt resjKJiided with a lighMiander, ; built, at a coat of 720,252; and from May t
backed by his two hundred jiouiids of uv , 10th to h'eiitombor loth, 28;i new Iioiu-cm,
"l""l " "iH UPUII n ICU OJO. COHV ?0.1W,JJU.
men ineuiis oi ooin Piiriles rus it-il in
erence to tlio "iuiier labor of Kuroio," '
and being of IrMi extractlini. f. s .1 ill 'If -
grand jury for Maker county yestoiday nf- ru,u w. l"V V"1 "11U w Hiiouid i
.tcmoon returned to tho circuit court n ,M,",,ko Htrictures, as no was win
.truoblllof indietmont for murder in thui tl;l"B of "pauper lalwr" himself, havl
For the Next Sixty Days.
I ty-olght yearn of age. and as tho Indict
uicnt wan read to him his faro colored
I and ho pcemcd to feol keenly the position
Ma-; ho is in.
The capacity of tho I'cndleton public
. school is crowded to the utmost. If tho
attendance keep on Increasing, tho en
gagement of a now teacher and tlio lit-tlng-un
of another room will becoino ah
Holntely necessary, and ovon now this
additional help Is greatly needed. Tho
many young minds who aro to bo taught
to shoot and grow to thrifty Intellect
nhould not lack for proper facilities for
That mucll-talked of irnmo between thn
two bands of I'cndleton may nover take
placo after all. ullhoiieli thn ox
of tho people aro worked up to such a
pilch that it would bo awful to disaj
polnl them. An Indollnito iiostponomcnt
HccniH necessary to enable Mr. Fletcher
to got his boys, who seem muchly ecat
torcd, together, now that tho Gig band
thaR accepted hyt challengo.
Maker City Democrat: Wo aro In
formed that a few tlayM ago Mr. Wcslov
Parker, an oxtcnslvo sheep owner resid
ing at North Powder, lost 2,200 head of
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes
:nsT P3UNDLicTOsr.
sheep by making lliclr est-apo from tho
herder. Search has licon Instituted for
them, but, strange as It may seam, no
train of their wlu-roalsmtM has been ob
tained. It is Hcatcoly prob.iblo that they
havo been stolen and most likely they
aro hid away in tlio mountain)).
Thu Wlllatnollos arrived iu town last
night, and to-day scattered themselves
over tho town, making friends with tho
l-asonaillstH. J liny aro spiendlti iif
pearliiL! voung fellows, physically mid
otliurwiso. nnd h long practice tog-ther,
an past i
and Boparated thoni. Inunediately after
mo unpleasantness notn oi the inter
ested parties shook IuhuIh and exoner
ated each other from all blame, Mr.
Jackson acknowledging that his iersonal
allusion and Intimation was the causa of
It all. Mr. Hunt and Mr. Jackson were
strangerH yesterday, but they aro friends
to-day. PorsonalilloH should lie lnft out
i of dlftctiesiou, and apropos of this, Mr.
mint tells tlio following: Ho was at one
timo discussing with a young Australian,
and jiolntcdly asked him how much it
had cost tho young fellow's father to go
to A usl nil Iu, intimating that doubtless
ho had leen sent there for some crime
against tho Crown. No sooner were the
words out of Mr. Hunt's mouth when the
Australian draw his pistol and tired it
full in lil.s face. The ball struck iu the
center of Mr. Hunt's forehead and
iMwut two hundred doors urn nmile
hero each week, and I have waited three j
weeks for fourteen dooiri. i
At Old Tucoina Mio church has built a !
bolMiouso on n stump forty feet high. I
A lino run of salmon is now Tn tho
bay, and fishermen aro catching them
with hkx)H hooks by the hundreds. I
Pears aro worth $1 tier bushol, apples
1, hops 21 cunts, and lots of them will
go to waste. M. K. Ilimvr.v.
A TKtllllKIC Wlll'.CK.
Tho LiirgoHt and Host. Stock
Twiitr-viii Car. nmt n r.oeomollp
nilrhril Near riirntrllo-l'lva Live
Yesterday evening, about six o'clock,
the west-lipund freight, comtiosod of
twenty'scveu care and ono engine, was
ditched about thirty miles east of Poca-
.-! . I. I . . i . ...
L-Lnw-nil mmi.ril- .M.itln,. ,. .l.... . "'."- y running lino a nanii oi caitlo.
rn tho top l,f his h'ead, a M-a. at the .res- , ifj" iCSinT'fl
ent iliiui Ih.Iiil iniii irnni kIi.uIii. iiw. eml,anK,n.cnf killing tlio engineer, fire-
!.! i?J?te ' culkm ".! ZU mmTor le
(latnagcd. ino tracK wuh also torn iiin
and it Is to bo taken for granted that Mr. 1
jiicuhou 14 contemplating taking advau
(ago of Ids latu experience.
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Saddles and Harness,
Ever Brought to Pendleton.
mum i. ipv, nun i' mil; I'ltiwiiu ii
play ball Itko clock-woik. At hu
for a considerable distance. Parties nho
wero at tho net-no nf the wreck sa that
, It was an aw ful ono, and their statement
M.ciiaolrH- Pnir. can readily lw believed. Twenty-Hoven
The on Ii annual exhibition of ho care hurled headlong from an nmbank
rortland MeehanlcH' 1-air onens October . inent .-mil lnmlili.il Inin p1hw u-nni.i
llli and elpyoM October 27th, 18S!t. I.aige i mako a terrible Mtoctaclo. to say nollilnu I
I'.iii. .1... i....i.. f ii.... i ii....".
.i in. j iiiikii; uiiu vi uvo iiiiiiiuu lives.
The names of tho dead men could not bo ,
additions have been made to the Pavll
lion, and Ills tho intention of tlio manauo
two o'clock this afternoon, thoy met tho ' tliat tlio fair of Mils season shall bo, learned.
Pendleton Slurs upon tho diamond, and ' ' Kreaicst oi tlio raeiiio oriiiwewt. A special train
----- . i mm. ti iit ft ii h i iii
tomorrow will ng.iin try coiicIuhIuiib. iho bwoimi u. o. vnviurv immi. uio uohi
An Itlnoront peddler is In town, selling , ,ii11hIi. lllf fil, .,,, ...,. . f, it
rather neat and ingenious wirn baskets.
which aro useful for many purioscs.
Ho bnvs a iiuautlty of wire, sits down.
and with tho aid ofu few simple tools,
soon constructs bis stock in trade, being
a manufacturer and jobbing houso and
remit mcrciiant an by nimsou.
F. I). Rowland, a bmkeman, while
coupling a cabooso with ougina No. (14,
ut tlio doRit to-day, had Ida hand caught
iietweeu tlio Dumperri. inu end oi ins
thumb on his right hand was mashed
completely olf, and his Index finger wau
broken, no wuh taken down town, nun
IiIh Injured hand was. patched up by a
The report of tho tiro wardens has
canned some of Pendleton's people to
hustlo thomselvoH with great industry in
cleauiug-up thoir back yards. One
earnest Individual began work with a
rake thu moment after thu departure of
tho wardens, und in consefluonco Ida
name does not apiear "on tho list."
Tho oxerelsert at tho M. K. Church
Sunday evening will bo devoted to tho
Home Mission work, tho programme
arranged by the ladles of tho Homo Mis
sion Society of Pendleton will consist of
addrcMc bv Prof. Itoyal ami Key. Kirk-
man. with n reading by Miss Mna Coon,
and music by thu choir.
W. 1). Fletcher, who ulves his jugular
Paturduv nlirht'H social this uvtming. has
issued an invitation to tlio WlllamcttoH to
come up and enjoy themselves free of ox-
onKO, tlius iiirniHiung an exampin oi
courtcMV and hoHpitality which should lie
followed by othura in tho treatment of
visiting clubs.
Tho waterworks at Milton havo been
completed, but as vet havo not bcon ac
cepted, ii thorough tofct being now iu
progress to ascertain if tho contract has
been fully complied with. It will doubt
loss lw satli-faotory, and tho system will
thou be accepted.
J. M. Carty, a recent arrival from Ton
HNo.ec, Ik visiting K. h. Minis, who al
so hailed from tho lionny Southern Statu,
Mr. Curly, liko tho majority of now
Comoro, is greatly satisfied with Kastorn
Oregon, and may probably locate in
K. S. Conway, -cretary of tho W. W.
Kimball Company, tho noted piano and
organ firm. Is In town to-day. Mr. Conway
in ono of tho.o plcahant, genial gentlemen
who have munie in their very oulrf, and
henco ban not mistaken bin calling.
William Wilson will return thin even
ing to the towi of muny lianks (sand
banks), Wullula, whoa- ho will rosunio
his hdiora in tho head olllco of Hunt'H
railroad, w hero ho has Ioug lieen indus
triously engaged,
Fossil Journal: An interesting caso ho
fnm thn circuit court Is promised this
week in tho damage rwlt of .Mrs. Mad-,
N. "Co., O. A 0. Tl. It. and Orcgoniau
Hallway Companies' Hues have been se
cured. Ono und onn-llflh faro over thu
N. P. It. It. Co.'h lines.
Special Kxcurplons over the O. it. c N.
I Co.'h lines at less than half rales on
uctoboi titli, l&tli and 22d. It lurtlier
Information is desired address A. S.
Whiting, Supt., Portland, Ogn.
The (Iratid Itoiidi-m WreplnK.
Thn Grande Hondo baseball club is
making an illustrious kick against tlio
managers of tho late Maker City tourna
ment. It scouts that they aro unable to
Btpicero a cent out of that honorable
body, oven after iKiundiug tho life out of
Maker's Ikisoiu friends, the RoIfcs, and
tlnuwiug tho chosen txicoud-purso win
ners completely out of tho race. So sure
was Maker that Molso would win tho sec
ond money that they advanced them
fifty dollars out of the general fund to in
Hiiro their attendance, but thn Stars and
thu Grand Hondere liroko up tho mat
inee, and now tho honest Grand Monitors
aro licgglng for their puree with tears iu
their eyes and cannot get it.
Noiurtrlmt if a l'undrr.
It was a good joko, and happened in
this wise. Wirt Minor oliperved Prof.
W. I.. German marching hastily along
tho street with a basket under his arm,
and mistaking tho professor for "Tito"
Merkcley .shouted at tho H-destrInn:
"Hey, tboro; what tn thundor aro you
doing Willi that bakct7"
Tho profei-sor turned uround In a sur
prised sort of way and gazed at his Inter
iocntor.whout onco iierceiVcd that ho had
inatlo u gravu mistake. Anxious to
upologlzo, bo hurriedly iuld :
"Oh, oxcuso mo, I thought you were
It is not known whether tho professor
considered this Insinuating remark m
adding insult to injury, but poor Minor's
blushes wero a Hulllclcnt apology for his
laughable unintentional pun.
was made mi at limit-!
Ington in Hon of tho regular passenger, 1
which romii not pass.owing to tlio wreck,
and arrived hero at ono o'clock last night.
Theae Goods are now offered at
20 Per Cent Less
Than the same class of Goods can be bought
in Pendleton.
This is tlio bent opportunity ever olloml to tho pooplo of
Unintillii County.
It Will llrrnrrr.
The Weston Leader hccuih to havo a lit
occasionally over trivial matters, but it
always recovers in duo time, although
unnecessarily alarming its contouiorar
ics. Its last attack was over a local re
garding tho Weston waterworks which
apjioared in tlio columns of this paper.
For the satisfaction of tho U-adcr, tho
author theioof will state that the He, if lio
thoro lw. was told by a rosixuisihlo cili
xen of Weston, and was picked up as a
matter of news, nnd with no malicious
intent whatever. If u misstatement was
made, the liar Is within thn precincts of
Weston, a.id should bo kept thoro here
after by tho over-zealous Icador for fear
ho may again Injure its "itt project."
Court and Cottonwood St
A ratal .Urblout
Krom IhoWalloivn ClilcflMn,
Iaist Thursdry Jo. Doner, a povontecn-year-old
son of John C. Honor, iret with
an accident that eventually caused his
doatli, Hu was driving cattle, and in
some way was thrown from his horso.
It is generally supposed that tho horso
stepped into a hole and fell, thu rider be
ing thrown, and erhaiH draggod kudo
dUtancoon account of Ins foot hanging in
tho ftirrup. When first seen by u young
man who wan with him at tho timo of tho
accldcut, Honor wuh lying unconwioiiB
on tho ground. Tho injured boy was ro
moved to a liouso noar by ami ins.
Dean nnd ClumcntH summoned, but in
spite of all that could bo done, he never
regained conticlousnchS, und died Satur
day night at 0 o'clock. Tho chiimi of his
death was coneiission of tho brain.
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Ilnyotul nucitinn, tho Turin' Ii Hip Innuonu which tlio romliiR cniaiuilKii will bo fouulit
niul II IwhnovrNnvrry i-ltli-n who wouht voto IntolllKuiitlv to Inform hlmflf upon u tub
icct which mi cliiHcly airi'i'tN bin tviiUKiriil wcKnrr.
A Cure KflVrtnt.
PendleUm, Or. Sept. 21). 1888.
Hu. McGiixACo.,
Gontlemen: For three years past I
havo leen sufleriug from blood poison
.ml r.miuln fiimnhllnts. durilll! wllil'll
.!..... t 1 Im. .iiuli.r Hu. lii.iliiwnl nf 1 in... - i i i .. .l.i . lill'l...
mveral physicianh but n-ft'Ivwl very j ,jon.t yoll N! VM ma j, t would
cu iiijrcnuiiui;! , lmvo iW()n jjiiled.'r Tlio inarsiiai finally
ai rived, oxtricaled tho man from
lliirlril Allir.
Krom lli Wollft WmIIu Jonruul.
A ilrunken nun was taking a littlo
snooze bv the hli.idy hide of a wood-)Ho
nn tlm u ov iirur Mix .4 hu Kllng vostor
day, and while laying (Intra, dreaming of
ho'me, )HrliuiiH of wifo and children,
down camu thu pile of wood, Nothing
but his head coped out, hut It woko lilm
mi. A ha of little children found him
there, helpless but not hurt. "Why
don't you keep sobcrV" ventured ono
small boy as ho tried to remove some of
tho wood, and tho drunken man looked
IIHIa lumitit. S'lncu I lilac
your treatment all those dli.lre--ing pains
have dlssaj eaml, my i-kin Is looking
much letter und I urn happy to say I feel
altogether like a dilferent woman. Ac
cept my thanks for what you havo done
for me. I can l o referred to at my homo,
Mlelh, near Webb street,
Mas. rii'MK Hohebtso.v.
Oiilervlll Uoomrth.
Tn r.iiL'illstlii encounters took
- - , -n--- :, , ,
'.wv-l vt " V' r . . . . i. .ami Ii nnn I llllrviuv Ulllllj
The amount claimed ts iu,uuu mr assauu . r v . - v ; -. u, we),
and onu last night.
placo of contlnoment, and put him on ice.
rtnJlntoii, and it is ImiK-d that I-ilirando (j
8inei.ligliig"ado. noc.HU
and Imttery,
A et of tteps or shelves has been put
In lower iV Kuobler's t-how window for
tho more thorough exhibition of tlio largo
und increasing collection of quaint ami
curious ejieciuiuns placed thero before the
iiMttn: News nasiieen re
celved of another murdr in uranvcouiii,
which was committed in Callow's valley.
The victim was named Isaacs, and tho
murderer was u largo cuttlo owner there.
K. I.. Marnettwiw down (rora Centoi.
villo to-day. and reiwrts the town to bo
Jf? 4 fining bonny bride following steadily prosicrity s groove,
gw to tlio land of freedom, Mr. Hull, justice of the peacefor Milton
Pl lie jus dostini.it nnvn.tn..,plu.:npi I in town to-dov. He reporU
Ieiilp n in
- -- iiuiUH.-n IV"
(...rfniiM t
,''""' H-'iiry loioiT, who
,JL r . "r 1,10 ""' eountrv
L- Mother. 1. Irn- ,.iw t.
IJa. has received tho sad
f uL " rv.ounr' mftn ed ou
Ulltnn an (lourishlnK.
J. Fred Clark, tho well-known real
estate dealer of Portland, died Thursday.
Skating risk to-niht.
The "harvest 1mH" at ContervHlo, uc-
cording to rejKirui, was u success in every
particular, financially and socially.
With splendid routdo from tho Walla
U'ul la enrrison. und neither too small
nor too largo a crowd, tho merry-makers
wero In their element, und their highest
oxncctatlons for u good timo und lots of
fun were realiwd.
County Commissioner Clark Wulter ia
in town to-day. solely cn business. Not
withstanding certain malicious stories
circulated by so-called "friends," bo hud
not heard of tho ball garno this afternoon
until after his arrival in town.
ft.W. Itnlvirk. thn architect, is over
last night's melee, nan uuguau rorn walla Walla on ono ot nis ininoui
prominent part, "doing up" an ous reper- cal vi
It noun 1'end eton uttorney, wno gm
rather hilarious and consetiuently belli
cose und belligerent, got sucli u head put
on him by u Centcrville barkeepei that
tie had to purchase a new hat on his re
nothinir but a fres-
nwil oniintpniinco I urilll! tllO trip, in
visits of inspection of work done on
, r i - - . 1 ...... .
nun French res dent ot tlio rt-fervaiion in ,i,0 court-houso building. JJo can
approved border style, criiy. icnier-1 i,ar
vil a Is enlivening, and boometh with an i
exceeding great Doom
Mr. Waldron. a banker of Hillsdalo,
Mich., disappeared six weeks ago -with
$140,000 of the bank's funds, and with a
Mrs. MIdwcll. They went to Canada,
but Waldron returned and gave himself
up Sirs. Mldwell and ber husliand are
goosed to have "worked" Waldron to
gether. Ska hs been arrested.
hardly lie other than satisfied with the
J. E. KIrkland, of Milton, is in town.
Henry Kopettke& Co.,
Protective Tariff.
Itmulrm wlntl In umiiilly roiiHlilcnst ii ut iilnilrimp Mllijcrt -imy of riiiiiir'lionloii. II will
irvn u n Tiirlrr prlmi-r for I lie li'iirnorim wull im it iuxPInmiIc for llm li'iirui'il.
TIiIn iNsik klioHru Hit pnietlnil t-iliiKil tlm I'riiHi'llvc Hyutum iiimhi Ihiiroiiiitry. 1'erliup
thn iiiiMliiiiiiiitciioiifriitiiui of thn Issili iHlimuiiiitiillKiiiaciit Willi lliu iiii-iwiiku of I'rcal
(ttinlt'lovAlniiil, Tin. ioloii of Mr. IllnlnoV 'Twenty Yriim In Conem.!." In Is ken up, lu iirllon
Uhiu ItinTiirliroimlyioil.i'rllli-lieil niul uiiululo fiirnltli lliulrowu riifiititlluii.
Thn form uk ivcll n thn milMlniiroof lliuhook In iiiiihI mliiilnilili-, niul I lutvii m.hii until
liiSsurpiiMlnjflt foriiKi In the Emit work of kiiri'iuilneihn truth niiiniiir llm people.
IKlN ,M, rill'KI.NHO.N, l'oliiuiiifi r (liiiural.
Itlnnslilniiiiit(iuleiilnxK)itloiiof llm liilimllrn niul iIi'I-ihIiiiih of the prultvllvii the
inn vriirn iimuiy, nnu u wry vaiuiiiiin roiiiriniinoii mi iiip iiii-iiiiiiriinr niriii riiiorin
1 iiotloe Unit thin hook l rrcelvliiK urcnt cnmiiiciiiliillnn. Ii Is Uitlomril ilium fiimla
mmitnl trtilh, unit I irldi Hint thn fiiclx niul nnjniiionli. nmy Ihi in Ih" IiiiihIh niul inlmU o
evt-ry cltUuii culh'il iiimui tlilnyi nr In vnlu iiikiii thuurunt i'imihiiiiIcui iiiiimIIiiiu of mmilu
niul tnrlir. tIKN. JUIIN 1'. III.A(!K, (',i,imlh..m,.rof lVimloii.
Wntukn plni.nre to rIvIiik HiIh work our hcnrly linl'irnini'iit, unit rrcoiiiini-inl (lull lo
cal comiillltl'ivttill.l clilluiiixlt In (ixtciMllna IU i lriMilutl.iii Hiii'inu llu voli'rmif lllliioU.
Am inuiiy othrp..
Hook llouml Iu Cloth ami Homl-WouLly I jiht Ort'imiihiii (Inn Vi nr..
Hook Alonii, In Clolli, KHt (mill .
..IS 0
.. I CO
IVintlf ton, Oi'iKun,
V. II. ItlCIIMO.vti.
R. T. R. CO.
Go and see their new style JPhotos
"The Russian'
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
R.T. R. Co.,
Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Successors to J. A. Briggs.
W.D.Hansford oi Go.
Ornlarii In
Hardware and. Tinware
PLUMBING Promptly Dons.
A ibar of tba puLllo ptronsii Is solicited
Established 1857.
MmiufK-turur of hioI Doulirln
HutU, flours, llllmlk, U'luilwtv
IMulu CiliUN ami 4.'ciicrHl
UulMlnir NiiIiIIcm.
Ktlmitl(M Ullil l'rlea T. l
Country onlern a p;clttlly
on iippllcallou.
Kctory od Hlnrooiii, Wel ller' Mill,
JyMditf lui