East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1888, Image 2

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    HATlMtPAY. SHITHMI.15U Ii!.. 1HK8.
Kutt )rKn!.ui fnl-Hnlilne Compiiny.'
Onn ropy )xr jvnr, ly mull......
Onucopy lx nifintliH, by until
Ono ropy pt-rwifU, hy rurrlur.
MlilKlo liilinbiTH
HtpliiU Aihvrttmmf lilt.)
Onti Inrli, or lei, In Hrml-Wi fitly per
lttfllf l .. ;v f JS
fttin fnii. in li-.i. In tlullv nor month . I Ml
Two InrlitK, nrlitM, In Inith. )m;i- mcinttt... ! ft)
Ovrrllirn)liichrn,Hi'ml-Wri!kly, porlnch
hit month 1 2-
Over thno liu'liux, Dally, per Inch per
iiiniith ....... I
ih-iifiiiMiMiiiniiKri. Iii lritli. inr limn imt
month.. 1 73
linn nun. tifr vinr. 2 Ml
Onn copy lx month.... I Vt
Hlnxlu iiiiinbrm -. Oi
l'rumlum pnper frr loyr.trlyNiioci there.
Kollct nniipurnll nilvortUviiK'ntx In 8!inl
Weekly or Dully, flint limertloh, pur Inch,
l.li; I'licn RUiiKvqueiii. intn , uuv.
lwul notice, tun cmiln por line ench In-
ItouilorH of tliu OroKoniiin luivo noticed
lutoly Hint it lull dovo!oK'l into u mod
nitr.'inii and r:nllnil lilott.'Clloil oruslll. It
iri not kiIIhIIocI with iittackiuK tli Hpcclul
feature of tint MIIIh bill, but In preitdiltiK
oxtrumu protection uh u in'eoHH.ty iintl u
Mmting. When Iln motivttrt in K lining
tiro iiutiMloii.nl; wlion It Ih ilmioiinivtl, uh
It ikiHorveM, for Km liy.i:rly, tlixlionoHty,
nnil fulccliootl, It beuniiiuM uiiKry, unil ru
tortH with wiiHpMi voiioni.
Hot tlm dmiiKO of ifront Ih ho miiIiIcii,
ho radical, wi iiiiri'iiHoiiiililo, that no ono
.uiiiiliiir with iln iirgiiineiitM for yearn eun
IxmhIIiI Ix'llovo it to lio Hlncuro or lioii.'nt
In ltn prchont portion, it Ih not ltn oplti
Iiiiim, past or piuxont, Hint uro criticlnvil;
lint Uh ovidi'itt ilt'i'iitfulni!HH. Wo huvo
ulreuily nlven whim uxtrur.tn fioin ItH rol
imiiw when u political campalKit wiw not
in proKtcHrt, and proKWO to ?lvo otliern.
On January II, 1HSI, it diaractciicil
tlioturill' JawHUHupait of .tlm Vclioinu
of ipiaoketlun, niintuliii'l liy jtreeil, In-norani-n
uul deniiiKoKiiory in eoiiiltiim
Hon." In tlio piuuo artli'lo itmiltl:
"Tlio piotiu'totl iiiiikim)IMh know well
tlm purport of a protcutivu larlll'. Huoli
turlli' Im ii h:1u(IiiIo of taxuH Itivlt'd on iin
ported phmIh uitli iIomIl'h to rulxu tlio
jiriro of lionu) coininoillticH. Our tarlll'
li'KNIutiou Ih wltollv i-outiolltwt In Hiippoit
of IIiIh hjhIoiii. 'I'Iio iimnufucturiuK in
ttirotit lian Iicuoiiih powerful enough to
eontrol leKlxlntlon absolutely for ltn own
intorcHt, and utliim tlio IntereHt of eon
HUiutirH. (Sovi)iiiiiient Im iiiado an Innlru
munt throiiuli which nu cIuhh of elti.eim
in nlveu loal authority to lundor an
othur." On DocemUir 'X), 18H0, tl.o OroKouiun
HJiid :
"TIiIh paor (tlio Saluui .State
man) liniiKhnm It exactly the
thluK for a K)oilo Hltuatcd um wo uro to
huvo the tarltr inaintainud at prohibitory
rateH, m that wo can buy nono of the
cheap KomN which tireat Itritalu has to
toll, and take tlm little money wo net for
our wheat, which inuit bo Mold for u low
price, Utcaui-o uh wo will not trado with
our ctiHtotuor wo can not nut Hhlps enough
to tuko it away, and buy of our protected
Kuxtcru uiaiiufacturorH the jjoodi wo niiiHt
have at 111" lilh I'lIceH tlio tarlll' onublei
tliem to exact, ft coiiik1h um to part
with our product at u low price, and liuy
wliat wo niiiHt have at high prieen, ami
thirtiri just what U tlio matter with Oie
Kou. "livery Ituui which enterw into the pro
duction o( wheat Ih taxed for the Imnollt
of eaitern inoiio(MillHtH, even to the far
mer'ri harnexH leather, harrow teeth, tlm
very ban ho puti IiIh wheat in, and the
iron rail on which it i carried to tldo
water i und then bocauno the nhipH of our
ciHhmiiMr mo allowed to tiring iioiiiiiik
to tlm country, but niiiHt coine in ballast,
und therefore earn enough in wluut char
tern to pay for the entire trip around the
world, our f.trmorri can uvt but little for
their wheat, and that little tbgy are oh
Hod to part with In huvlni;"jrotcctcd"
nt "protected'' prleet. ThU
may unit the Salem Stateman, but it
diH-rt not plcaxu thoo who have the com
prehension to koo through the noplilstrleif
of the wo-ealled protwllve Bjtein a nyn
tern oxprexuly ilevixod and maintained to
enhance the price of American maim-
facturitd kihhIs, uud to forco non-mauu-facturim:
commuuitiert, like ourselves, to
buy them, who othcrwlxo would
buy cheap good from anybody
ollerlm; them, lite politic it (tower
which maintains tliii unjust and oppreri
nlvo H.VHtcm in in our ttie.it eastern Hlates,
uud the vicllmUed liave not ntrongth to
aliolish it. Hut at leant thin mwer
tthonld not coten uud hiKKlwiV tlio vic
tim into tlio belief Hint the wholesale rob
bery which it lctf.ilUen uud maintains for
Uh own prollt, Ih just the thing wo ought
to lo HAtlHticd with. It in too transpar
ent." Now thin in very plain, sensible talk to
Oregon wheat growers. And It Ih the
truth, It Ih juot as true now uh It was
when written. Hesliloa that, tlio neces
sity for tarltr revision Ih uow much
Will our Umatilla county furmcni bo
"coiencd uud hoodwinked" Into u belief
that tho protective taritf is u benoflt to
them, after iiuch a forcible oxiKxition of
the protective fraud by the editor of tho
tiik ma .m'.m; ma.jouitv.
Tho ppecial Oregon correspondent of I
tliu Sjii 1'ranelHCo Kxaiutner, who has
boon in Portland Kovcral wockn, und Ihik
found out u few things about trillion in
this State, gives tlio following as ono of
the explanations of the big majority last
When tho llirht against tho prohibi
tory amendment began, tho Wholesale
l.lipinr Dealers' Association collected u
fund to carry it on. Among tlio voluntary
HiibserlberH was u Doinoorit, who opiwsed
prohibition on general piinulples, ami
Kent 'M to the utfuidatlun to assist in de
fnatiiiir It. Tlin Keeretarv. misled prob
ably by the amount subscribed, got hjs
name mixed Willi tnosa oi mo memneiH,
and sent him u notice to attend a private
meeting of the association. At that meet
ing, tlm direct proposition of tliu Repub
lican managers for nn alliance with the
liipior interest, to hnld until after the
Juno election, wan piesented and dis
cussed.. It was agreed to by a formal
vote, and the amount of money to bo
raised by the association for the Repub
lican campaign wuh determined. The
untl-prolilbltioii Democrat Mat there ami
heard It all."
Tho fact us to tho "deal" Is no nows to
a good many, but tho picco of evidence
ho furnishes is now to most jieople.
The Liquor Dealers' AhHoclation, how
over, wuh not the most potent factor In
tho combination which Iwught up several
thousand votes last Juno. The railroad
companies, or some of them, und their
attorneys', made strenuous ctlbrtHto make
tho legislature surely Republican, in or
der to rotain their attorney In tho United
Ktutos Senate Nftw that that object Is at
tained, it is not probable either of the
money furnishing iullueuces wilt bo ho
strong or uctive this fall.
tiiiii'.i: nh;Tsitii:s.
Wo haven't said much Just lately uUiiit
l'ondleton's gieat needs, because every
body ought to understand their Import
ance by 'this time, and wo don't want to
tiro our reader with toj constant and
urgent appeals. Hut the necessity has
not passed by, uud wo think the town
will make a grand mistake and lo.e tid:
opportunities of Its hlstoty If It does not
lunuro ltsolf,by some meariH orother,that
tliu much'talked-of railroad, and Ihu
moirt-talked of wagon mad, will lie com
pleted to the town.
Ah to the reservation-laud matter, per
haps nothing more can be done just now
to hasten proceedings. If those three ob
jects could ull bo attained next year, Ten
dletou would experience such a new tlow
of life uud such enlargement in size and
imH)rUneo us would astonish oven tho
most sanguine. Thoro can scarcely bo a
d'jubt of this. The necessary conditions
am ull present; the opportunities uro lie
fnm us. Wit do not advocate the im-
possible, nor the expenditure of large
sums of money unless absolutely nec
essary. Hut whatever the cost, can we
afford to lose these objects'.' That Is the
important question.
If tho Iong Creek road Is ready for
next year'H trade, the necessary work
must be done this fall. And during the
winter uud spring perhaps some inllu-
cnees can bo brought to bear to keep the
sheep from destroying it.
tiii: ruiui: or- wiikat.
Tlio dllTeience of forty rents, or nearly
that, a bushel, between Pendleton and
Chicago, In wheat, Is not a natural or
normal dltl'ereuco in the intrinsic value
of the produet in the two places. It Is
partly caused by the laws which dls-
iluilnate so heavily against the wheat
growers of this Kortliw est coast.
New York City Is a big market, sought
for uven under thoso laws by many
vessels, and consequently greater opitor-
(unity Ih offered slilppors of agricultural
products than hero, where foreign ships
cannot allord (o come, empty, as thoy
must, without charging high prices for
ocean transportation inui is, ireigni
both ways. Itvannol, of courso, lw def
initely stated lust what tlm farmers have
to uy on (his account in consequence of
of these unjust laws; but it certainly is
not over-stating (lie case to presume that
with freer trade, giving foreign ships uti
opportunity to coino hero loaded uud
with cheaper uud bettor goods und witli
grain bags free of duty, wheat would bo
worth neatly If not quite seventy cents
to-day in Pendleton, instead of sixty
1 That is, the war tarltr costH the wheat
growers of Umatilla county this year
probably net less than J l&O.OOJ, beside a
round sum paid as taxes on nearly eve
rything they purchase,
Oh, this "protection" Is a grand thing
for tho farmers.
only to readily discover tho exact nature '
of the complaint, but also to direct ( holr
applications to tho diseased parts socuec
tually that relief is often experienced
at once, and iormanont cures am often
eiru l in the most stublwrn and aggra
vated eases. , ,, ,
' In catarrh the ollensivo discharge soon
I diminishes, inllainmalionHiibsldcs, ulcera
tions me made to heal, (In, bfcuth Is re
stored to Its natural pinily and a jwrina
in. nl iitri' Ih h1h edilv elteeted. Throat
iuflcell.'iw of whatever nature yteld like a ,io,ti.;tic, Peru
I charm and the samp licnonci.U tluctH ; '"'j 'JJ
are prouueou in iKimiiuiun uun -' i
ders of the vocal oigans, in chronic and
! presNtant coughs as well as in branchial
laud pulmonary complaints, lo the
treatment of neatness ppmipt reiioi is tlrc titt 'miche vrveil to natron-.,
usually felt, unu ino Hearing h eiincr, - - r..Vn.vTiKir pit()lltlKTOH
ontirefy restored or materially her.ollt- lhiHffli,Nu.rill. M "uitm
ted; while discharges from tlio ear from .)(wProiut Jtoime. r'lur tirml of Jne,
whatever cause ato ladleally and pet-1 l.l.piors mul Clirfirn ccmstuntly on liniul.
iinine ntly cuied In a short lime. n; u .. ii.maM ItOKHt'H, I
is one of the happy features of I'rs. y n,oOity lirewury, O
Parr In s in act feu that tho uppiicjiiions ,,iieiiii,t)reson.
(t in" "orl of Traile," Oor. Muui nml
Webb Hireets l'cn.lleton, Orceon. Krecler
Inhnburit tlecr nn ilrnui;lil. Fine Wines, I.ti
norsnim l'lr.
MiirXHloon. Une wines, llquorn mil I el-
..um. I'ei nieio'i iicv-r mi iiiiiiimifc . '"-
cenl( (!lns. Wlncliiilt's bellied befr uspe
rlnltv. Main Mri'et. opposite Court Ho""
r Klvfif'cnl Ueer Hull, Main HI., ppponSte
- - . ............. li.. l..n. rit
reilHIi'Olll. -riinii:iiiii ' '
on, jniiior unu eiiinrs, i i
r-IIIIIIXr I llllll llllllll HI!
mflBmB m a B m . -
IJAT KIN'K.PltOl'Klirrolt til' TIIK UK
I eepllon Purlers, Main Hired, oip"lte
Con it IlnuB Hyume. In TlionipMin'j m-vr
i.pink. The best Wine. Lienors mat ClKare.
I'ltOPltll'.TOIt OK
!nilrl Htlllt. Pull-
All orUrrs for our livvr tllleil
eauce neltlier pain nor distress und can hiu! promptly .iMiTeml.
,theteforol.ore.uiliyatiiiinisterei io me- wMIMK.KIt, Pltoi'RIKTOIls
mot nervous person. ... , A. of thi trinntlllu Ilmwrry. Mitnufsctur-
A cariilid oiiinion will invariably be i crHof and wboltfHln ioiu retuli iieiil-M in
given as to the H..ssiblllties of a cure and , V Jf '"Vf' V-l 1 5 V Yi K J ittt "r
no case will lw amq.ted for treatment Tn It Bint.ee If nii don t Ilka i
wiiicn noes not oner u reawimuic ummu iici i.Mi wi.'Ml'K
of success, ami while far from professimz '
cry' case that preser.s itself fort.eatiuen . J 'VU15M
Drs. Darrin may safely state that patients , Coll,cl)a lecinlty. hIiurs on in ml ro
under their professional cure will receive ' ctveil, ami rinul proofs oikn at reduced
n-nrv l.i.iii.flt iMiiiniiitiK'd bv science. skill 1 rMlM.
every benefit guaranteed by science, skill
nnil coiiipienerisivo experience.
KAFSi:ss ci'imn IN nvn minitks nv nits,
n Minis'.
Mil. KtiiToit : l'or years past I havo
lu'im cnmliiL' ileaf. until last January I
could not hear anything in my right ear. (collection y Jw.
Dis. Darrin examined me. uud said hoi l.u...llrtl.m llr . M.iiiI
i .. . i. . f . i r.. i,..i
couiii cute mo iii uvo miiunes. no i';,
his word, for In less than five minutes I t MlAt, ULA.NKh.
could hear us well us over in my mo. h,
llammeil of mv blilnlipr lilinllirsi. 1
lierebr notify nil perons liulebled lo nut lo
...il.. Hi. hi. ni.fMiiitlit InllileillftlplV. KIMI
Mii.liv Mivr furtliLr trouble, mul eoU of
teniber 12, isn
. Diamond, the Clothier and
iw.trj lo ivn iii iinnoiince to the nublie that ho intends to rctlra fm.. v.
and in order to ilo uo ho wUI sell Ills entire largo stock, conslstbi
nfiT TJ.nn nM4 -flr1-M--'n Pirn, ru.n I
.inUinra l.r rrk a 13-kn4-a n 1-1 l OI.
Hats and Caps, Etc. '
It will bo to your advantage to examine my
. T71 n J "ITT" J rti
v ! uu rii ri mwu mm imi wtn i.iui
ulifnh U rnnmlotn in nil the market ofTcrB in now. PattornH. nnMiv ifU
tlnlrh. CVjiho early before tlio uHRortment Im broken, HSthUfni
bona fhlo bhIo, und I
Must Close Out Before November 1st.
Tlio llUeuto ofthr Tlint mul l.uni,M Scl
vntlllrully Hint Nuci'ratfully TreiU'd by
llri. Uarrlo.
Tor uiwvanl of many years Drs. Dar
rin's professional attention has been ex
clusively devoted to tlio studv und Inves
tigation of these important ailments, and
it is with pardonable prido that thoy refer
to tho success which tliey have acliioved
in their treatment and euro. Their nieth
od of practice is distinctly original, Iwised
iiMin strictly rational and sclentitlo prin
ciples and followed by the happiest re
sults, Their appliances for tho examina
tion anil treatment of hidden cavities of
the head and throat are confessedly the
most perfect of anything yet devised (or
thU t pec UU purpose enabling them not
. ......... i i
: , , :, , , ...ii.i.. i fiore ninn io iniimn-u niriii" "
Hie sounds in the streets tire enllrel) -'biunttn ut tbi onieo. JiwyeiK und otliets
changed, ami reuliy painiui to my our. i
was cured without nieilleine or surgical
oiieraiton Just himply electricity, us ap
plied bv Drs. Darrin. liefer to me at
Host Finland, .Smith's addition, on
Twenty-tlrst sticet. Mvm.n t)ns.
DK.lKNI'.SS 'l lli:il IN TK.N MINI ICS.
Mu, Hnnoii Dear sir: I teslde in
North Yakima, W. T. 1 1 consulted Drs.
Damn for deafness. , .My left ear was to
tK;dlliKpefllHl fiirinsruli lieupplled
If ou hnvean milnml i nlmy.you eiui re
rover blm by expending ii.m In i'lM-rtllii
In Ibo Ha xt OliKileNlAN. It nilelien llietu
every time.
N'otlce l hereby uheii Hist llui pnrtner-
ship lierelororn i'.ililllii between Um lilultr-
...ii.. ,,,f U'UVi inui or.or.it (in with Dm. 1 Wire, mioer uiu unu oiiiii" oi nn un
tally (leal. '"o' oi1""01' ",UI ' ltniud, nuitnictors mul itnulers. Ii heioby
D.inln s electrie-magnetie cure, of ton dUKoiveil by inutuul cotii.nt, .1 T-Siroudn-
itnluutes. I was mado to hear us well as I tlrinir. ii. ;y smiih will eoiiiiniie tiui i.iis:-
ever In tnv life. I 'an lio referred to an i'") u hm itii.
to tliu truth of my statement.
ir. V. l'l.nwmt.
.Mit. Kntroii Dear rir: I have licen
troubled with lliocatarih fortibout seven
years, uud for several years oust I have
'suirered from general debility ,uIso.
Now, for tibotit six weeks' treatment, I
am almost entirely cured, and my friends
remark my improvements in every way.
My husband was also cured of a pain in
ills buck ii few mouths ago, and we can
be referred to at Nisitsaek, W. T.
Mus. A. F. Vi:i.ai.
roi.vrus and cataiiuii tiii:d.
Die. Dakkis Sir: 1 'lease accept my
thanks for curing my boy of catarrh and
IHilypus In tho noso of long standing.
Also my young daughter was cured of a
tumor. Itcfor to ino at Vancouver, V.
T., next door cast of tho court house.
Mus. I,. K. H.MlMOS.
Drs. Darrin are located ut the tluo
House, comer of Fourth and Main Hts.,
Wulla Walla, W. T. Consultation free
('barges reasonable, l'oor treated freo
Tuesdays and Sntiirdavs from (I to 10 u.
m. No cases taken if in deemed em
able. Olllee hours from 10 to-l dullv; ovo
nings. 7 to 8; .Sundays, 111 to 2. All
curcublu chronic diseases loss of man
hood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhoea, stricture, sormutorrh(fa, seminal
weakness or loss of desire or sexual
Kiwur in man or woman, catarrh and
deafness are confidentially and success
fully treated. Circulars sent free. Most
canes can receive home treatment after a
visit to tliu doctors' olllee.
The Drs. Darrin also have a branch
olllee ut L';t5 Fifth street, Portland, Or.,
whero any in that vicinity can consult
Grand Musical Festival.
sepll lin hw .I.T. hTltUUD,
ivjOTH'h nl' DISMOI.l'TION.
NiiUchH hereby kIvcii thiil the partnership
I 1111V 111
liiir.UiiroreexlHtliiir 111 tliu lirnellen of law be
Iw-een tliiMiuderflKllPd U this ilny
by iniilunl onsetil, K. It. HUlpworlli retlrlnu
from tint tlrni. W. M. Itiinimy und J. 1.
WHKorwIllcoiitliumtliehtiiilncNN under the
firm mime of lnmey .t Wnu'er, and will
collect all miUlioulliof ill-bin dim tin-linn.
Nupll.M J. I'. WA0K.lt.
j out-vo itr.WAitn.
(Uio Imy iiinre. Avell I about IKO poumU,
branded A on left hip; snven tvantold. Tun
ilollnrs rewsitt will bo p'lld to Inn pemon dn.
IkiTlmr tl'i'iuilmitl to Mlltou Kvuns. Watlit
Wnllii.or fnrnliitiliuj Itifoiinulloii tending to
tier recovery. (IKKIIN HtlTTOS,
0O Jw Walla Willis, W. T.
Villard House.
I.K IIOHM I'ruprletur
Noilliwrnt Comer Mnln unit Court Mlrfeln ,
Re-opoiiotl, llc-iunuHhed
Ktjuipped in First
Olitsa Stvle.
sample booms for commercial
Freo Coacli to nml from Trams
First Annual Concert
umnri uavnu cnnirTu
nnnucL-nftiun ouuicm Two lots and a small
ot muiieton, i house, centrally lo-
Assisted by the Weston Choral Club) Ior ,CDU Ap"
Insuranco Agents,
p-rnnc t.'i i i i nKin l. i y r mcc rrn n n
Clotliior iui(i Ilutttsr - Pemllcton,
Main St., '.M door below L'emlluton National Hank.
a v mm aw. mm mm m h h m w mm h m
A Twenty J)ollnr gold picco will be given to any onenU
find u GROCERY STORE in Pendleton, Unit will
regularly cheaper than they are nclling nt the
1 pay eium and
And can and will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Ha vfi nn Old Rtnnk to disnose
All goods aro now and fresh and of tlio
A ' W 1 m W M a r-i J A
. w
I lit.nni lrk Hw. Ii: 1. '.....! ruwl I Aw I"
goods or will pay tho above reward to the ono wlioewa-
i ii.i um nti. ii... i.ia..i iimii unu n
vim rvuunn JJUIIII1IIL1. - main !.
nml niHiiy Prominent .MukIvIhiih, will
Im Klven hi
Frazer's Opera House
Tuesday Kvti, Octobvr 0, ISfiS.
mow. r, k. iiKriiiiu.v, r.irnior,
.MUS. N. M. I'KltKIMS, I'lunl.t
ThU will b. the (reMet nuisloul treat ever
otlereil lh insipid of IVmll. lou hint mir
roiiiullne country.
AilmlMlon - - 50 Vents.
So Hcervpil Kim.
First Come, Fir.st Served.
Proprietor of 0. K. Dairy,
I"rch MI1W ami I'uro Cremu lllvere.1 to alt
pjtrtu of town, moruliiK sod evening.
Stop the Wagcn, and (Kvo Your Order
K. J, Hrta, lrprletr.
Mulil nJ IU1I rout HI., IVtndltton, Orrgo ,
Ptrtli-M in Try rcpet, Ntar the il
pot and h Try roBTnUc. Tirna II
4y. Iyltdv
Alexander & Frazer,
Grain Bags.
Citlcuttus (in J)etrtck's CVc&ra
letl :, ir.'n
or aii litiuN, tviiim, riuu. fp
Printed Flour Bags
A Specialty.
15 front Ht. VOHTIiAMO, OK.
jlllSdaw If
Court Htrt, oppoMte J, ll.Bbotuiftkfi'f.
Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Dress and
Fancv Goods.
IJln w.i Ki. f 1 u-.-.-iin
COflns nn lumrn rirr nr rUARCC.
"Hit' kt0 4 1 1 Jbt w"
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
HVRIIQ NfiRI c nniiDDnu tun dvc iuuic-cicc . tnc CTULITZ
rn Ullujuntnn UJI. CV DADT Bll MICD BATTI P mmfH.
uirpj ornlfiu MlntrtAL WAItn, (WSUKtllfSW,
VUOl rUftsAnUiri ItHAmf AUNt.i (TelwW LaMI.)
Jolin Ietoert,
rendleton, Oregon, Min HU, nrar Webb.
Jutt received.
Satisfaction CuarantMd H
In exery partlcnl r.
Till PKMlWll' lf..
Tlniir . OM. llM