East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1888, Image 3

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I UakcrClty Democrat: Word lias cotno!
' from Ctihlo Covo of recent discoveries hi
quartz made bv Don. Wickcl.or and Win. I
iKeillv, the richness of which isMmplv;
wonderful. A well-defined vein of Kolil
quart, has been nncoveied which shows j
uold in huc;o qimntitloii to tho naked uvo.
Tho discoverers tiro recently from No
.....i i..... .1 i i . . . ,
i .. iimnch owt-e. i vimii, nuiu muj niio nun ureal inininir ,
''"'SWi.fihoAbBi"" ,lmt ,l,0' ,"lVl, Hlim"k 11 "onanu equal
lBW.ir. iniilor tlio man- IhiK many of the Nevada Htrikcf.
afrii ""'. ivntficioii, nntl 11,0 louniiauon work on tlio eotui
TfJinn iirfinmiiy. i" ""k" no1"'0 'HiHt-Hi which was completed
i Oros" ' V...ii..iiS. Hit will j,,..... il..... ..I.... t I .....i
irlii'll I'i !'"' ,..,.,.. "uniu tiniu riuv. nun in i;uiiiihm;v unii
,'ihrin ni.y wrviw M mh enough to fast for aces, was tho
work oi crouch stonemasons of I'endle
1 ton, with Frank Dnprat iih contractor.1
! Thoy havo many such specimens of
stonework inrouuiioiil rontllclon wliicli
Two Yoiiiik Men Who IIuvr Acted HutpU
t'liiimly In WhIIuU,
Wai.uu.a, W. T., Sept. S3.
To llm nlltorof Ilic VmhI (irrcmi an
j low tlays after tho Maker t iiv (in
Tlio Itittiii'ntlat Itrptilillran, Oro. C. (Inr-
linin. Tel In iy Hit C'Himot Vols fur liar
rlmni mid .Uui-tun .
Mr. Gcorco ('. Ciorhani courteously rc-
....I.... I .. V...I. It. .-..LI ............. i..ll..n
there wore ne'e or four youtnt foll.i.is at ul his losidence in Washington, und In 1
lopiy i inquiries saiti mat winio ins io
SI11011 in
millula with u aruo nniiilnr nf ii.mls
ami otnor uoods for cu o at hIkiih u.u-- .iiinn i. il... i..,ut.i,..,ii..i i,,.,
half to one-third t he cost nf in.... i,,.m ..... ..........o., ...... ...,i.u.. i... '.. i
in a
rci-Hirint; at Donaldson
They pulled out for Spokane Full
few days after thoio was u lire ut that
idaco. Last Filduy thoy were hack in
Wallula, hut with no uoods this time. 1
could not leain in what diicction tiiov
had koiio. Other towns had better look
out for tliem. Uno fa about live feet ten
inches tail. of a rather dark cotntilexlnn.
and about tuenty-llvo years old. Tlio
other is of a round, compact build, about
m ' .... . ... utlvi in ui JUII1I1I. IU1III..II.V UIUIU. UUUIU
remain as monuments to their xklll thirty years old, and about llvo eet hIx
"".'B . ".fuT.. .t ,t;-v. l'"'wlvcs havo iiuhes In helKht. with rather u liulit com-
& inmciou wiin mo. iiimi. , plexion. It in believed hero that they
Hov. ICirkman H'lids the follow lu lint I tired Hpokano FiiIIh.
(. fif nptioiutuients inuilo by the conference i
ut ruloiiHo for Umatilla count v:
ncrfectly wlllinc to cxnr hs his otiinion in
the lleiald, which had recently ho kindly
uiveu him room to hpoak of his dear
friend, .Mr. Conkling.
As to the statement that ho had de
clared for Cleveland, ho nald that us u
Htulwart ltepublican who had upheld I
Grant iMid('onkllin?iH acuinxt tho Domo
emtio putty and its doughfaced ltopubli-j
can nerving men led by lllalne, ho could
not and would not aid in restoring to
jhiwer tho petty dyniiHtv which ruled I
Urietly under Garficd and in four mouths
organized tlio defeats of tho following
Boiciy w Maughtor Koi-coo
i. .
l.AwTrlI)IlK UIJ ' ' .4 Ik.l-.. If.. ...II . . .. .... ..
phws.-i ... , ui iuioiiho ior v. in.mna couuiv: rei u ni'
Main ftreei ton, J. 0. Kirkman : Alba. Mr. Warner ;
...... .Ml., nfltitkor CitV. 1H ' r ir ill.... il in '.
nev""i " - - ,,i, ""'"im 4iijii , .luuiiin, ii . ii..iKvn , ' ui iiiu .uuiiuiuuiiiui .hiiiwik company, at Uhlcai!
Iix)n its tenth year of pub- ,,,ot Uot.k( Vt muers Centervlllc. 0. Melts tho Uakcr City Democrat that as jet h0 iaid.
Kennedy. Thcio will Im preachlnn the .Monumental Company are not ready i dm ied ho will appoint .Mr. lilainu Hccm
n.tc Movant ior some oi m um m. cnurcn next Humiay tiy tlio to employ inincrti. t)n m-sumlng charge tarv of State. To this comes no word of
jiurtior, .i , rvirKinan. ' oi me priq'criy u largo amouni oi Htiriaco
Kong Creek I'.au'le: W. .N. Wilson, our work nail to uo done ami tlio work wan of
hotel keeper, reMimcd from I'endicton 1 such a natum that tho only laborers thut
, , , . , - i Hcvon ycarri
Ni Clilm .n y,enl .pply. , ilf1lni
Mr. .1. 1. Bowick. one of tho munagers ( ",Mr. HarrtnonV most eirectlvo leadera
of tho Monunienial .Minim: Comnanv. at fMi!i'..in.nutitli.ft tho s'tutn of liwitumi
liavo puuitciy Kiaicd tliat if
feet and juioy ImnH,
.ctory for llk, woolen mid
him len cHtablished in
mid call on Joo Kll and in
mAorlincnt of chaparojos,
from the Salem fair foot
.1 il.,. occanioii Is said by
, to havo tiecn a "uriiuum
could bo found to do it we'ro Chinamen
and they put on a small force witli no
intention of keeping them uny longor
than llm work wub done. Kvory one
knows that the .Monumental proKrty has
denial. Tho campaign is being made as ,
a Itlaino i'4iuiaigu, not by tho National 1
Comnilttco, hut with refer nco to it.!
Wo .urn told that thero is but one Jbmuo,
and that is tho turilf. l'on that Mibject
HypubllcaiiH are usked to fliistuiu dog
man which arc us repugnant to good
o aii un iiu t iinv urn wit nil iirHvmiiM ni'iy iiiwi
natural and an easy laid idle for the past ten years, and in declarations of tho party. A turiir for
consequence tho lnllMiouHo, tramways, trusts, with incidental protection, was
who ! r"jaH mim.v'V 'lor W we'"" ' 'i 1 novor lcforo mado a party test.
"As to tho negro, no wan betrayed In
to tho hands of his enemies by Mr.
lllalne and his coterie in 1875. Tlio
ropublicunizo tho South by
ill oC'Coiifwlnrutn illHHiinlnrrf
times urtUes as work shall Im com- from tho Democratic party was common
uteuced in tho tunnels, and no Chinese ' .....I I
Iplmll lie fimJi,M(l about tlio premiBe8 It wuh defeated by Mr. JUulno mid hU
" vvll.iti ulilt.t 1.1 1 ii it- i.illl lyi lil'.u.llr.ifl III...... I.. 1UJ) ,.f.nH ...... .....
' 'v r' .."... iiunrliaiiur viiiuuiru in iooj iiiiui hiu iih-
i HiiccecHful previous ollerls.
Till' PIHVl. ll lll'IIIN'll TIIK TltltOS'"..
i.aooiing men irom ino oin counines : "The Kcpublican contest tins ycarie
Monday with a loud of supiilics. Ho Is
ono of our business men who nrcfcrB
I'endicton us u trading point. Ho made
the round ttin in llvo davs. cama lin
I .iieauow creek unil flowers gulch, and
rcHrts tuat route us
r:.... 11.....1 ..it i...,. i......
has hVen absent for some months on a ' ditupiilutoil condition and required the!
tour of tint various fairs In Oregon and ! fcrvtceij oi unskiikHt laborers to repair.
Washlnutnn Territory, to tako part In tho I . .Mr- Itowlek states omphatlcally that
races, has relumed for n shot vlfit of a I "w 'iruiiy nave n.i otnor luea nan tlio attempt to ro
day or two among his Pendleton chums I ompioyinoni oi wniio miners wiien sncii coalitions with
i.f... .i .1... ..... ii. ......lines urries us worK s nan do coin- fr.,. ii,. n,.i.w
m-iipiu iiu'.ii iiii iui iiiiiiii. iiiiiiii, iiii
which place ho giMts to Vancouver.
Tho Stars uro making for thennolves
..III. ill.... .. I I MM... II... II.. ...I fir
. .1. 11. lit., i-nrv iiti'fnrn
V iiii.'? "'
; iniiiitiinaiico swathed In
lolh. lie is now learning
t t,y tne "paiicnro i reputation ubrixul. Tho Portland Uro
inrtii-idiveician. pays at-, gonlan, in speaking of the coining game
nlv tosiiireri'is from rneii-, betweon tho Stars and illamettes,
hionlc illHoasert "verv ' sfKMits oi tim t.irmt'r us "a strong team,"
1 1, l.sr OiiMioMiN build- and that paper is right, 'iho uotttd ball-
'tosnors from I'at I'ortlaud will havo no
built, editor and pmpilolor wiilk-oer in rendleton.
Citv D.illv and Weekly Tho I luce Stars who left on u hunting
tminli'dav en mute to1 exctnd' ri. and th.' two who "tnrlcd after
lil ollice acknowledges a ' thom havo not at this writing lotnincd. latelvfora lob. Tim cinplover told hhn
and no practice whatever has yet been that he would u him ili.fcO por day for
ii'ino i iv ino i euiii. toil uiuo lo iuorrow in bturier, anil
is i in ouiy nay ion ior proparaiiou ior ino
conlit, and it should bo well Improved.
Lot 7 in block 71. situ.ited on Willow
street, has Ih'cii purchaccd by Jacob
For the Next Sixty Days.
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes
Tlio Largurtt and Btt .Stock of
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Saddles and Harness,
Ever Brought to Pendleton.
Tim Dlll'iTf hit.
men from tho old countries !
uro generally greatly surprised on their ! presents malnlv Mr. lSluino. and ho re
in rival in America at what to them seem piesonts only Iiiu own amxitllo uitd that
iiiu ijmi.iuiiuii.ii v uui'-i miii iiuru. a
Scntclimaii, directly from his native
country, and a good curciitcr, struck the
b.isi mechanic on T. .i. lioyd's roldeuve
These Goods are now offered at
20 Per Cent Less
of his insatiable millionaire clients.
ino ucmocraui! pariy reiuc-ms hit. i
t'loveland. who is charged witli no un
manly crime or tendency, Ho never
knelt und begged for letters ho had writ-
I.... I .. i..t .... ....iiilifiiiwl ullli fililmn.intkj I
f I . . , 11.11. .II..V1J. . W... ....Pi. v j.ii..n..
if ho merited it, would to ilnfoia the nieasiiies of his tiailv. Hui
thoivafter iucieaHO his dally pay. The uover iH-rrllled Iho pence of tho country (
Scotchman was astoundod and delluhted. . to hecuro uuano beds for his friends. If
He appeared In Ins airaid lio would gel ; elected ho will not make an alignment '
imri'ii:ii.iii i iv . ut'n i 1 ric i I'to iai wnii sucu u sa arv. unii nf i in niitninm i mi ion to anv xhiv. ii.mt.
who! WiicenblaH of the 1'inatllla Iteal Kstuto Hnally said. ''Nae, nao, give mo two : Tweed were living, and If 'his sub-chief-
IicKihi' Ohkiiosiin with uland Iaiiih Association. Ho is ut present dollars," snowing Hint Ho tliil not wantitalns were hauling him athiut tho conn
' ..i... !n... I i.ii.r:i,'i.l In IniiirnvliiL- tliii liniiwii Mliiiatiiil ' thooarlh. ti'irdcflrcd to becomo ii b oated in- uml nxlilhltlni! him as Iho next
ran have Iho Dailv lAsi '!ou tho proticitv, preparatory to its future ! millionaire lis) Kuddenlv. Ho will learn Sucretary of tho Treasury, some Demo-
at tliem free of clmrgo. iKrujuuiiiy by himself and family. to ihko an ne can gei. iiko ino resioi wejmiM would revolt anil wall lor uotter
i.. i.v.,.1,.,1 ti.lu A snendd sanin e of oats from tho I ..... . . ' ' 1 : -.'"' ".ays. in u o sanio uiuiiyui uu u. iu-
inrin m nr iiirtfiviiiu nil ;ti imiiu linn i - - - , v.in afw ....... ... . , . -
rlo, was received ly G. C. tiieeno to-day '
und placed in lib collection. It stands
in ;n 'saina class of Goods
in Pendleton.
can he bought
(avalrv Hand, of Walla
rr.lli niiific again for tho
.iriliirliuin coming oxlit
Miktitutcd the chief utlrae-
Iwt yuar.
In Liitcru Oregon
I the nienilK'rs of the hand
be ptcont. Those concerts
iitlu-o. und like all good
d.i....Mil...l U'llllA tllllV
inni'ri irnini'iM mil niiw
i m mini nun ii nun in it nun
. . . .i. . i ...
raijH'n nit' luiiriiiu in m-
. .t. . i. . .
loiiire is sun enuimeu in
luni for delinquent taxes.
rails, ami it is probable
rt u II I liriiiL' forth iood
.i.. . . .. .
iutnoiie ciiurca ut mo
lf.. t ,.
1 Aiititint'u Iriitu fnr
IVmileton )M o veiling
dUtum-o of a ipmrter of ti
ntatcment mast m takun
uftutt lot lulatabltn
Deiaitii; j tiht u r I nMtuico."
iVirii II illlillulirtil tit Sill.lhl
Iftip nf (tut tmuii il rutin t i.
Imj'inublJ. For shamo.
.i in iiiu inn dim; vi unr
live and one-half foot In height, and Is
the ilno.it agricultural scclnieu yet ie
colved by Nr. Clreonu.
Tlio Juveniles, tho youngsters who le
vil iliMiivnri'd llmt
for u limn to live
lightened laud.
it custs a dollar u day i li.ul unouuh to see the irovernineut placed
ileceully In this cn-jin Hi0 hands of lllalne will not coano to
! Ihj Itepublicans hut will rofitKi to further
, llie iirogrummo.
ATimruf l'lr Wiirilen.. n , 0)lU 0f tlllH class llllll there-
The etllcient llro wunliins of tlio 1'eu- fore, unless General Harrison gives tho
dletou lire dupartiuont, (!. I., llurgy, iwmntrv an assurance that ho will not, If
lighted romllctoii uuillences wune llnieiiM.... vnucr MU .Vat,k Wenleii. wore ! ..Inetetl. t.laco Iho author of tho .Miilllcan
ago, have miiile quiti'u HI In Hirllanil. .,,, ..,!.... .. ,, of ,M,ir ,K;ri)tllcal ! l,,n,.rs and tho imlltical assassin of Hos-
coo l oukllng at me ueaii oi ino mate
tho vouui: and ubiniiitous Teddy tiambl
ls;ing di'hcrils'd as irresistibly funny in
tho role of "Lord High Executioner.
Sain Nicloy, u young and prosperous
rancher of tho i"unlH'r. country, Is In
town to day. .Mr. Mcley Is u,faitu';r on
an extensive scale, now owning a mod
est little home of I -'10 acres, A SO of which
were tills season sown to grain.
linker Citv Democrat: A rotxnt comes
poor! from Woiser, I. T.. that John Smith, un
Port-1 cut reslilenler oi unit Mown is'camo in
volved In nqiiairei witli it pativ namen
John Malloy and tho former was Mint
und killed. ;
Doctors rejHirt tho town unusually j
healthy ut present. Tho slight epidemic !
of typhoid fever lias inmost coum-ii, unit
few cases of any kind of tho thousand
unit ono ills which ilesh N lielr to urn
William Smith, un Echolto, is in town
to iiav on business. Mr Smith icportH
quiet', ixiacc und happims in his uelgh
borhiHxI. notwithstanding tlio near ap
proach of the Ptesldeutlal election
tom of ob-ervat on. exumluiiig hack
yards and garrets, and making a thorough
luveslUjtion of the Chincso qnartcn'
Knim a conversation with the) gentlo
men ft is learned that their report will
likely In quite sensational. They have
foiiuil that the least spark might cause u
conllairratlon among tho rubbish stored
away in back-vauls and in garrets, w hich
would burn like tinder. KsKcially Is
this line of Chinese houi-cs, which oiler
siiccLI inducements for tho ravages of
tho tiro (lend. An ounce of prevention Is
worm a ixmnd oi cure, nun tin riuo
of tho
Donartment. mv feeble influence will bo
caut in favor of tho election of .Mr. Cleve
land. "I find that tho oplnl m I o.pross as to
Mr. Harrison's intentions toward Mr.
Itlaino is strictly in harmony with that
o. Walter (J. (irosham, whoso nomina
tion 1 favored. After un interview with
u icpresentatlvo nf Iho Paris edition of
the Herald of August III, thut gentleman
said to a Democratic friend who was pit-sent,
und iil-o being interviewed:
'.spouUlng ol Mr. limine,- roinarKni
TIuh is tin.' hcrfi opportunity over oiltiivd to tho pooplo of
Unuitilln (Viuntv
Court mid Cottonwood Sts
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Itoyimil iUiliin, UinTarlfl'Ift the Isnui on wliloli tliininlim cuiii ilmi will do foiijlil
and It liliiHivi'sMiy i-UUoii wim wnulil voln liitulllitniitly lo Inform li'mu ll up in n nili
Icrl whtrli mi I'lii'dy allrrtii Ills Iiiiiiwirul wrlfnrii.
; Itemlrm uimt m iikiuUly nuIiturM a mont uttrii milfjivt vny of ruMprrlMiihiii.
' HllPUII fU It T(l IT imllllHV (.IK lllll tllflPllllV IK IVJ.II Ilk II lilt t.luUllf fflflll 111! I'll Kll
II Kill
llili iHiuk hlmwn IIiii prurliriil ltri-1 of lln I'niti'i'Jhi' mviIi'mi iiihiii UiiiihiiiiiIo. INtIiiiii
I ..III . ... II ,,.. 11.. l...,, . I , . , " , . II . I. II " lll'lll. l"ll IH'IIOII ll'UIHrillll 11 II IMI'lK 11 IIH UXlin IIIIKIII . Ill Willi lllll llimlK III I ll"l-
should bo rigorously followed in Pendle- Judge (iicsham, with u smile, 'you aru 1 iint ciuvliuil.
t"n t" ward oir danger from lire. ! leaving out an hmxirtant part of your In- Tim HM.itim of Mr. liiiiinnV 'Twiiity Vnim In i nnxn .' i tnlnn up, In. H.-tTtim
tiirvlnw If 1 wirn a l)ouus:rat tillklllif t") ' "lH TnrliriiniilyjU'il, iTlllrli' I mill liniili- In (iirul.ii tiiilr iim'II r filliiMiin.
. u newspaper inun which I am 1 would
A Worthy i:iitrirlif.
,ln,v U.,.1 llm Iholr Wiwrn li in- " ' f " K S I
sav : "Hut ceo hure, you
"'onenter A Kifort an-
tllt!U ll.ivn in.t tiintviil ti
I . Ml - . . .
II. .. .
iMiri i'i iiiu laicii siyiis
Harrison is a sort of tig-
. . . . . ....... . .i. .. .i i nourM unii. .nr.
creuwH 10 hi cn an exieui huh .. ey , iiuui , ,".,,, M. m,,!,,,, ,,r..lcallv
dec del to lot ato un ottlce in rcmiieton ,,ij;i, . .ui
Tw.ni.M.m.itU- Tliov liavon.iilt.dan..lu-ioll,r !,4'l'l,lH,llu fontct
i' v V Vi ' i.. .i .. i-v: ', " urt iermoni. It is uenerauy under-
Christopher Itoll.i is In town to-day ' r,V .," ,. ' It . ' . "i I MihkI that as Secietarj of the Stale Mr.
from Alba, bringing with him u cargo of - ; "".'.r.f. u tlu r lidi-n m to UUUw ,lir,;,;' ",u. i? ,ll"11",tt
of tho Justly ivlebrated Camas IValrle l'1' sh-mld t: e 1 cpublicans
huller, whicli is much sought after l.y rrV In other worN Mr. Ilalno Is ti. all
htnUWo., ,plo. . I !'! ami rr,"cs mrand da..;.
M.. 1VI11I II, ...,,1 l.Iu ul.L.r . ii. . i. ,.. .1... V...I I I I II I II H IS II ailll- lllllllllllli. nil 11
ladles are cordially j Mis Kniina Decker, of Albany
1I1I1 NtlW ! XI...I!..,! II..II.U l.,l,...l..w't,,,Mi..lll. 'I'
Yotk. mo vicitliiK their iiunl. Jlw. A il-, (jvyuoa ttnd Massage, together with all 10
illahiK is unlit li run in (sirsou for
l'reiidencv he U surely unlit to no
lotK. iiiu yimiiiik iiirir uuiii. ii - unygon uin .Massage, loseinor wim an : V,i... ,.i. uny , it.
,rick. h..s Hani Martin, ut her homo on Thompson ,J&m iU,d scieuti ;.pplla,,;vs for the 11 'o 5,111 t
Valla pen (Mieot. Ihorougli cure of .lisoa,o wil! bo used. ; j"i ? ''' j n riTlwlvcl v
sava tl,...l IVd Andeion and William (Irlgg-, I Hxan.Inatlons will be frw, and charges ' )''' 1 f .i(. he ar ly
bi ick will, from near Walla Wi.Ha, are ongaed In strictly moderate Address, .Nalh.nal tli rWltiilouH in uto oi ino anj
. . ' II.... ..I. ....... I.'. I I.. lte.in..rt, V. . I I II I. IM V ' UTS.
nrivtni.iiii mi their nro-enintion claims . Eclectic Dicnensarv. Kir Oki.iiomin
to-day. 1 Uulliling, Pendleton. Oregon.
A tool house has been eroded on Col- i - -lege
block for the storage of imploments sii eiinii.i-v rir.
iiscdlntlioi-oiistructionoitiionow couri , ,-. ,.,..... wi exbll.ilion of the
U0 i , . ...... Inland
list, on thotrcet. a twenty dollar MU mt t,j
uote. Hie tinner win revenu i ununu in,l,litIons
fir.. ii .i .Uijl
t.,17ni IlllliHt
'un ui i no h a a wan
...... u.i UI I
Ml' txn. wiVi mi ono in
m 'uiless brii ! buildings
"I iVmlletun in irt nut fm-
"Iuivcl llm l.,st week nf
" ..II.., , in Iinrr I ll .
3.10 i.audL'i cents
m mar iiiihm ineamo iui.
woa at c. hi. Main sln-ix. ,owwn if it is returned to this olllco.
' "r uitrooNus uiiii.i j .t, illllMiroii doon. cgw uro wanted
'i n C tin i liltrliout liiilt
i i iv 1 1 1 ii ii unuiiiiiiiii vj (
lng list nl'Mit of tlin Alnrt ...i.JTlo ....I. I In ,iuli.
., - " JltCl IIIIIU 11 I'llll III vtc.ll.
unn. i... ,.. t..... ....... .1. .....ii.... .n.i.
. - i'iuiiiiiiu inn Thii iiarrisou men an' viviiuiu inii
vint In .1 di.t.i.. ,.. .1... nil. . .. . .
i Tim" in iiiu vii" - itii.il- uro oi eriui: in nvi ui;ii.
-...-aiB uui niov uro IIUIII P,.tr Carrot Went over W IKIKIir uny
in in .i ,ii ,. . t is morning on iiusnnw.
".'U Vii-o ( tuirln-i Ituvl.itrti. i
W. It t, ,1h was made roiuu-. i tin- viimr.i Hun..-.
Tlu. liolltlrul isit was boiling with a
ei,vt, i...Vl, Ui.n Hi.nu.i i vengeance in the . Villard House hint
moom in i ... ,..... i.v. tin, i evening. t-ovenn iiiiiiiimiiii.umirt n..m-
"wihs that hi the sixth ..( -cr of h-cal is.llilcl.ius wc ie engage mr
".. all the .i mw 4.,,,, yUit two or tlirco leiun- in eager aiguments on
M'tns-plaiv ,,,,,1 .t ihi-lr tho merits ot tin ir icspcnivo wii.
.'"'iiu'"" ll'"il il iii iuiiu.1 ir'niui'i" " ----- - - .-
Hill .1 . . . .. ... . I..IL- .... ..I nil-,, null ul III
, ""'' ma 1 'mat U 11 every o umiiuio imiiii, - ;:
rlVi.,V(il,t(.c.u -,,f great vigor t-Mi small but deinonHtnttivo
' uudionce, which was not slow in applaud-
idling 1U, ,.,,VC(j , ig when a good hit was made. M. ..
luanJif tt ,1,1. .. ,. I , Weston was in lii.i element, and outdid
.-ii nuoui patent mod c nea nunseii in iruai unii; :,-
"iition. l!t seldom un" nioc-racy and tarltrreforin to two or three
fanyth ng Iheuverano Uepubl can commercial inouicrr.
. It U h. f. Jin. i rr mil., .n,l u-uh done bv tho arguments on
'!biu,,ii i, ;n.r.!,l however. Kvory man In the
liefs. All the uproar, tlio coniusion, mo
llabel of excited voicea arising from am
bitious orators did not change ulnKle
vote is favor of or against a presidential
Tin form iik rll i tin- iiliiti if tin- IhhiI, l mm-I inliinr .lili. .1 ml I luivn miii not It
t lit; Kit riKir.! 1 ui II (nr ui Ii I In grw work of ,isiilliiu Un Irulii mtin 'it llm im-oiiI.
IMl.N M. fill KI.N-'iV. I'lliltl4l'r (I nil.
It Ik 1111 iililii 11ml loglciil uxpimlllou of II10 lniilln mill i'i'I'ik.ihh nf iiiu proti-i'llvt llm
nry, Tim worh N Miii"ly,.inil 11 vrry viiliialjln iinilrlliiillun mi the llli'iuliir 'it in II" iifurii
It W. luW'NS:Mi M. 1
I notU llmt thin iKHik In trcDlvnitf Kr-1 coin in i'i ntn I loi 1 It l UiIIiiiihiiI iiihii rumlii
iiii iiliil trntlm, 11111I I wlti Hint tlio fuel ami iirijiiiiiniil. m.iy U in in liuinl uml inlii'li 11
CM-ry cltlzi'ii t'lillist iiihiii IliU ytmr In 'nli-iiihiii tin-iir ml ihiiiiiiIi-m iiitnllini'. of mir.ilu
uml turiir. i:S. .HjIIN r. ll. K i .iiiuiil..nrr ut I'i iiluti.
W11 tukn iikaxiirn li ,;lvlnu 1I1U work our lirnrly li.ilnr-i-iin ul, mill iivuiiiini'iiil Unit lo
cil coiniiiltt ti-H uml i'IiiIi- ii.ll In nxli'inllnir I In I'lriiiltillnn moiiiiit 1 1 1 vuluisof 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
sr.rr oKMiM'itvnc 1 i.ntiim 'iiM.Mrni:i; of ii.i.ivkik
Anil iiiiiny olli r.
Il'ik llound In Ctolli ntut scml-Wrekly limt Orrcoiiiiiu nil" Y'-sr 1 0
II Hik Mum, In l.'lnili, nil uiil .. u I no
I'riiilli'.tiui, (trricon.
1 1 1. X.r "t h isss I mmq re-organied, and if this occiiim u 11
l,Kl lK!; "1:. T k"ki. farter nlant will bo purchased. If
I j mcnt that the hMiltoriri j ? Ufu " 'S W
' ZZ'i l,i v tnd Xi'rksofs.,.llc
'I'l-ear." or If hi la
miiea, black head or
n be cured by a certain
2?t al about hia'flake
I r. Cavalrv Hand, tho tiest
on the C'iuM hxt liei-n secured to fiirni.-h j
miiHtc. Half faro rates over the O. It t,
N. L'o O. V. II. U and Oregunian
Uallwav (!uiupanies' lines haw l-oen k- j
cured, (ino and ouo-llflh fare oicr tho
N. P. It. It. Co.'h lines.
Sis'cial Kxciusioiix over the O. It. A .
(?u.'h lines ut lesi lhau half lales on
OctoU-i Mb. -1Mb and l-.'d. If further
information is doite-d addresn A. t. ,
Whiting, Nipt., . onland, Ogn.
Ilif llamU Will I'tsy
Tho big band lias screwed up Its cour-,
ago to tho highest notch, and accepted
Ine challenge of W l. I'letcner 10 piav
his kids u game of ball Sunday after nort
for tho sum of flOOa 1-M0, gooil coin of
the realm, and seventy er cent of tho
gate receipts. It will bo a very i-ocullar
game, and a sample of tlio elicits of the
hiisnball craze or fover which has struck
the Unlteu biates anu occ
llaker City Democrat; Tho Portland
reduction works have U'eii elon-d by at
tachment for several days imnt, it is
scon Is)
conclude to
ores that mav Is) sent to that citv
u k no MBW.ir.
s. 11, rrsNK tv.
Walla Wnlla Journal: A young girl,
onlv ulioiit sixteen y'ars of ul-o, Maying
with 11 widow lady on Fourth street, left
there by tin elderly man who claimed to
I o her father, will soon liccome a mother.
The old man has sklpsil anil Iho j-oor
girl is left destitute, with hanllv any
clothes, and tho sum of 60 cents consti
tute her entire fortune.
KKB To tlio wleof Juilge Junifn A. 1 ee, on
Monilu, SfitmU'r Dili, Iww.m Uiy.
tl.n t.-l.r.la .f
house who had a,WlttoloP
f5S.n&" nlna will lay aside their in-
Btrumeata, borrow a Dane uau anu u ov
and try conclualoaa on tho diamond In
stead of in the band atand or on parade.
A "great game" is expected.
rendleton, Ortaoii. Main near Webb.
Juit retelyixl.
tatiafactltMi Guarant4 1 1
la atery partleol r.
R. T. R. CO.
G-o an d see t he i t j iew s 1 y 1 e. Pio to &
"The Russian."
Portraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc.
Ra Xa R. COU
Photographers. - Pendleton, Orogon.
Suopostiors to J. A. Brigfts.
, W,D. Hansford & Co.
ialtirM In
Hardware and. Tinware
Established 1857.
J. c. oA-iisoisr,
Manufacturer of unit Deilt r In
dHih, lltMim. ItlliMU, Wliutuw A
I'lulti ;Ihi iiimI f'tt.iiuriil
MulldlHg Nupfillv.
EllraMii sod I'rled on itppllcatlon,
Countrjr orderi a tpeclalty,
Kactory nJ Hnle.rooni, Wel ller'e Mill,
PLUMBING Promptly Done.
bare of
the publlo patronage 1 olleltcd