East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 27, 1888, Image 2

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    TiintsiM v. ki;itmiiu:k 7. ikss.
IChU OrpKooltii 1 ( tl I nil I rt tc (.'ntiiniiy
I'lJNDI.K'i'ON. .... OIIKDO.N.
IT. - ..
ir.ttti.. ....;.; .1 ;..,...ii. i.i. mull j vi
I Tin. New York lluralil hujm:
' "Tho MuIiio election flioillil b" full of
I comfort to !' D'-tnocrutti; luadurH. Thoy
I haws u caiiilHl.i',1) who m ti man mum
iilutforni wlikli lias 11 inuiiiiliii?. liar
1 riwin IniM no force, no tntuinliiif In tho i
, 't'UtiviiH". Ho iH ii ciinilldulo ho fur u lie'
1 U a Htool pluoii for liliilno, mill would ho
t I'runlili'iit fur in ho uinpllfled the
wi.ilicHof liliilno. lln iimm hoi ntiirciW
IiIm ottii Statu, and ho hIiowh tlio oxlnt-
imico of iio rcifoniillty In IiidiiitnrH tit
North Yuklmii, W. T. I eonmilled Ore.
D.iriln for ilpufniw-. My loft cur wuh to
t illy dcuf, Willi oim oK!iutlon with Drs.
LOnti enpy per wwk, hy rnrrhr.
IjlllRin MllllllKT..
lOiif Incli, or in Mwnl-Wti kty per
nton in u...w v
jOiip Inch, nrli 'is In Dully iht inmidi. I to
kTwo liirlirx, nr In both, per month... .1 w
Kovrlliri'i'liii'lirni'inl.Wi'ikly, lii'rlni'li
!riT iiiuiiiii tf
ijvrr tlinii Inclifn, Dully, ii r liu-li per . .
inimtli - I S.i
J0vr tliri'P Inrliin, In both, t Inch 't
Ono ropy per ycur. ti to
(Inn ropy lx iikiiiIIik.. , , 1 2"i
Mlneln number Oft
Premium paper fret1 to yearly hiiom:' ll:r.
Ml lil iiiinpiiri'll nilvr rlln'iiifiiti In Henll
Weekly or Diilly, Unit limertlon, per Inch,
ll.Mlj ciii'li Hiil;r(iienl lnerllnn,liuc.
lineal miller. Inn Renin tier line ruch In
I'Ulll.ll! HI'II Y lil.Wi,
Hon, V. K. Itn.VKt Doniocratto cjindl.
rlutu for rri'tililcntliil Kluctor, will ml
iIichh tliu jKiopIo on Ihu polltlcul Ihmiil'h of
tliu tlmo at tlio following llincH ami
Tun I)ai.i,i:m, on Wuilnemlay, Cclolwr
10th. ut I I'M p. M.
llt.ri NKK, on Tlnirwliiy, OctoU-r lllh,
at 7. ','10 i'. i.
Aiii.inoion, on 1'Vlday, Octotar 12tli,
at 7:00 i. m.
l'l sni.i.iiiN, on Saturday, Octolmr liltli,
ut 1 .ill) I', M.
Mii.ton, on .Miuidiiy, Ocloliur Kith, at
1 ;:IU i'. n.
V:hio.s, on Monday, October Kith, at
7::w i'. .
('i:nii:iivii.i.i., on Tuomlay, Octolxir
ltith, at 1 :!IU i'. i.
I'nion, on WVdncHlay, Oetolier 17th,
ut 1 :.'!0 i'. i,
I,(Iuaniii:, on U'cdiiL'Hil.iy, OcIoImt
17th, ut 7::!H c. m.
Hakkh Ciiv, on Tliiiieilny, (Jclohor
18th, nt7:!W i'. M,
Kono, on .Sitiiiilay, October '.'tllh, ill
I :!!() r. .
MoiuocralK in tlio viiiIoiih loc.ilitle will
pIoiiho feu that all ncccHHury urrano
iiicnlH ato iiiado. I'lipi'mln tlio varioim
jilai'CM iiiuiumI will pli'itHo copy tho up
(Milntiiii'iitH, Lot ovcry Ioiiuk'io, onci.v ihumjii In
favor of tin ill' icform, uvciy cltlon of
whalovor polltlcul atllli.itioii, turn nut
mid INlun to tho oiitlciuaii.
Tut: (iloctlon of Mr. Oukim to tho prot
diuicy of tho Noithcru Taclllc Is an uvi
donco of tliu rlMlnj; authority of Mr. VII
lard In tho alliilin of that company. In
loud, it may Im aNHiimcd from thU clr
ciiinNtaiiio that llio liilluoiu'u of Mr. VII
lard la now panimouiit In tho inaniiKo
moiit of tho Noillicrii I'.iclllc. Something;
over u year apt, wlion Ihu ro.id was In
llimiu'liil htrcxH, Mr. Vlllaul Hcnircd fur
It a Ian;) Hiitu of uiouoy iinin a plcdo
that ho Hlioiildho pcimiltod to coiitml tlu
jMiliuy of tho company, and Mr. Oakc'
olcctlon In tho Hint aimwor to tliiri plodo.
Mr. Villard coiuuh auain Into practical
control of tho Northmn I'.utlll with tho
nupKrt of Mr. VrIht and oilier law
htoukholdeirt, and U tlmrofoni In a iiiuch
tdromror .mil InJltor ihmIiIoii llian duiiiii;
IiIh foriiuir uduiliiltralloii. uhun tlio
jMiworftil Wright friction wkh in oppoxl.
tlon to him.
Arrr.it twonty olyht yoamof liivli tuxic
tlon to "foMer Aiuurlcan indii(tilii" the
fariuom otill furnish 7 ) or cunt, of all
our oNioitrt mid the nuiuufiii'tiiivin only
Vrt porcoDl. And tho prlco nf tho funic
cm' product In lovcllcil down In tho Old
World luaikul, wlillo all that IihIiunh U
onhanccd In iwt hy tiuon to heap up a
Hiirplua for tin) KilllciuiiH to heiul. No
womlor tho (,'raupirn are kickhiK-
Tin: Doiuocr.its made com-lderalo
K.iIiih In uvery placu where Ulaiiui hmiLo
in Maine. In AiuuMu, ItlaineV home,
tho IViuoorutH uiailu a umIu of :0 lr
cont. Tho l-'rench I'anudiaic, of whom
there uro luro uumU'ra in Maine, voted
tho Itepulilican ticket on account of
ramldont ClovelandV Helaliation
Hiiri'iiuc an oiijaiiK ain now vtoiryint;
u nvx deal ahout "tho situation hi New
York," Tlio Donioerutlo 'Vltiiatlou" par
ticularly trmtlilcH the t'liine."o moiiopuly
organ in I'ortland. PonuKratH, howover,
tiro qtilto cewuo over the "nittiutton."
They oxoct Ixtlh Clovil.md ami Hill to
carry tho Stale hy pxvd niaJoiitleH.
Aais "It in ieKirled" that the Koptitc
licui) tH'nato tm ill' bill will Iw reinuted
iu it day or two, It will have Miudl tdi
nlllmtioo, whatever it in. The free
whlxky platform of tho KepublictiiiM can
not bo wiped out or (or-otten.
Tint now Chief Justice, Melville W.
Fuller has gone to Wmililngton to enter
Bpou the duties of bin olllce,
Il .rrln'u nine trli.lilil!'lllt C CtlTO. Ol toll
liilnuli'H. I vai iinido lo hear as well an
emeriti mv life. Can !' rcfoned to iw
In the truih of my Hliileiiient.
C, Y.'1'I.OWKI!.
iiKM:ilM. ll"IIUTV M ( .TAKIllI Ulllllil).
Mu. IIi.iioii- Dear Sirs I havo been
Itoiililed with tho c.itarrli for about toven
' vearc. and for cevcral yearn past I have
.' i. .., ..i iik.i. inn t unlliirei from uolieriu uconuy iii-wi.
Ill TH Oilier limn mill, in u ri:inrii, iiiiwiui . r ......i,..! i,..,,,!;,.,,,,! I
parllMan. IIIh nomination wan tho out-1 S,,,U,r aXvmtrix oekH , U
ome of a State .itiarrol over Judge uImmwIc Hlwb f. ""AV? n wtrv wm v
(IruHha.n. HIh Mjieccueri arucold, flabby, remark my , 'V.;
mechanical, without an Idea that han not , M u" " l?JlS
lieeii th.oHhod over and over again a I 'is back a few nion 'KiJ '
thou-and tluieH, wllhont a Hentlmcnt that le referred to at Noo . k V . T
can 1)0 ijuoti.wl. TIiIh want of thought, of
heart, iu UarriMotiV Hpeei'liun and dee
jar.itioiiH i lemaikalilo, becmifo It Ih ho
utiutuial among American leaderH."
"Hon, J.N. Doi.cn Ih Joxeph Simon's
partner, and it big coriorallon lawyer.
1it tho country romeiulier that fact in
January, and don't fotget that the pro
gramme Ih lo elect II. W. Scott V. S.
Senator two yearn from January, 'lhe
bargain Ih made. Can they deliver the
goodH? A Hweot Hceiited combination."
I'ortland N'owh.
Tho Hopublican cheep will all bleat for
Dolph next winter, no doubt j but two
yearH later there will Im fun In Oregon.
Wool, waaon the fron Hut In 1858-01
and brought it good ileal higher priecfl
than It iIocm to-day. TIiIh Ih it fact that
completely tipnctH tho Republican claim
that putting wool on tho free lift will in
jute tho wool-grow era.
rviii0iiii(- ii.nnntii.. :tii-rM.
cc veu, nun nimi proi.N' Iw" u lM
(T IIih "lloHril of Trad, il?vP lHH)l
Welilt Mtrert, Peml le (,,,,;
A Twonlv Dollar gold piece will bo given lo nny ouu who will.
itorH ntui CI!Mri.
KIU fci '?
Dm. Daiibin Sir: 1'Ieawj accept my
thanks for curing tny boy of catarrh and
polypus In tho none of long landing.
Also my voting daughter wa cured of a
tumor, ltefcr to mo at Vancouver, W.
T noxt door cast of the court Iiouho.
Mns. L. K. Haiimon.
(IFKICB 1I0U1IHANI) CLACK or lll'Hl.S'Khri.
Drs. Darrln aro located at tho Stlno
Houho, corner of Fourth and Main SIh
Walla Walla, W. T. UoiiBultatlon free
CliargeH reanonablo. Poor treated free
Tuesdays and Saturdays from tl to 10 a.
m. No canes taken If not deemed cur
able ,
Ofllco hours from 10 to 4 dally ; ove
nings. 7 to 8i Sundays, 10 to IS. All
nurcablo chronlo diBoaflos loss of man
hood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonor
rhua, Hlrlcturo, sK)rmatorrhtt-a, nominal
weakncHH or Ions of doslro or soxtml
loer iu man or woman, catarrh and
deafness aro confidentially and success
full v treated. Circulars sent free. Most
I v.i.mtt'i liii.im triitltliiimt llftlir 11
....I A-.I....I.. wirc vim invitu h'iiiiu .. v.... ... -
II M U M IM I n W ViHlttolhodWt.llS'olllcO.
yiu.Aiii)lloisK-( MeUaln, C ..,-,, )rH. D.trrln also havo a branch
(.add. DiowHOv; A H I vls. J I'. Ingor-)l( Fft, Htruet i,rtlantl. Or.,
sol I. Kinerv II Ayerlll, ;.dgar l-elloes, J , tt( imv ,m, vicinity can coiisiill
K l oley, J A Moris, Portland; Ooo Aiii..,.,..
Itatnhart, Wild llorco; FA llovoy, San.'" "M
Francisco : llarrv Mack. Ilonev: It
Itowlolltam; J Lalioun, Spokane; John j
llrim-n. (.'oinli'ri Cun vim : It Marker. Ad-1
iitns: A I Jones. Vidia Walla; Henry
Stover, John it Kav, City j Otto Hansen ; '
Mrs. HanKon; O lllll, Kulleduo: M l!
Abbot, I laker Cilv; Fred Dolan, I'arnc )
Itigtou; Til Walsh, City; Mlko Caiev, I
() It it N Co; J W JohiiHou, The Dalles;
II Pout; tiny I II llavden, Vancouver; i
W llromlley. O. I.. Ilartett, Tim Dalles. .
(ioi.iiKN Iti l.i: S Sliellou, F Stullh, ,
city: .f no Cart, Vlnsnit; J I' r.'Iller, lin
ker City; J T Walklns, Michigan; II
I owls, Indian Terillory, O lllaek, Ten
dleloii;TI. Ilrown, .Nittli I'ork; II (i
Sleel. S (I Cllray, J II Jones. F W
Heel. Weslou: .Mrs 1 1 vile, Califoiui.t;
Mrs F Stone, Walla Walla; l'hlll Clatk,
F Anderson, Win s lltiggs, ieo Jaittlu
son, Montana; .1 mi Itozers, ICauiela;
I'tauk Uikh and wife, Missouri; Frank
Marshettu, Adams; IM! Co-tcllo, Alba.
ItowMA.v Hoi hi J Waller I lotiio, I 'I lot
ltiK'k; Davis Snabcck, SeuMl'- ' Hen-
drlckson; W It llaiiihey, (I.mCh; K h
Fry, .Nebraska; l- A llegg; W .McMil
lan and family, Portland ; S II Fiiriuiin,
Jus Watson, l.a (irande; Miss T O IHU,
(Jitvj John Fo-s. J W Malonoy, SA
Malonoy ; Cenlervlllu; C S Wrlns, N 1' It
It; J Uiuluers, Kuinela, Win Uussell,
Maker City; Kdwlu Jones, Montana; K
S Holdlev, l.a (ir.indo; II J Culberi-ou,
Maker ('fly.
iik,I'M;hs, cataiiuii.
iGrand Musical Festival.
First Annual Concert
I lOHN KUNKT, tMtl)lMue7,m"7r--:
. . i .... ...:1l ....11 nr. reildlttHM liwr "lWiy;
lln, n i KMtl'illt reiKUClOIl, Ullll. win Mill eeiilmi u as-. WinHii f. i... I.
mi.... v.- r li V. -Illilli lr....l ..... """"IH;
z ..... . uimniiB,vHd -r
l;o lie, IV., ilfii.ii. V fc'.Jf'M
lr.ti.ulii. vn,e. ii(,n,:tt ',, "J; ? Wt .
di'hi Diiiiius, ii Murk; ' "tt,
o: !' n llflim,
Assisted by tho Weston Choral Club
unit iiuiiiy
Pnuulii"!!) Miiiti'lmiN, Mill
Frazer's Opera House
Tiirsiliii lit', October li, JtiSti.
K, K. lli:i'IUlltS, lllrrrtnr.
MltS. N. M. I'KltKINS, IMuilM
TliU will lie Hip urciiU'Kt niiiMlciil trraliivor
nllereil tlie peotHii o reliillt'lon linn mir
rim mil iik country.
SO OiitH.
No ItPNerviHi Hriiti.
Firrit Come, Fii-st. Sorvotl.
Liw;, hi and Sale Stable,
n i
The llieiieiirtlie'l liriiHl unit l.iiiiu M l
i iillllriilty mill Siiiti fiilly Tiriileil by
llr. Uiirrln.
For uiiaard of many years Drs. Dar
rin's professional attention has licon on
eluslvely (leveled lo the stuilv and hives
tigatiiin'of these iuiHirtaiit aihiieuts, and
it is with i.inloliable iiridnth.it thev icfer
to the success which tlioy have achieved
iu their lieatiiteut and cute. Their nielli
ml of imictliv is illHlineily original, hacd
ill Mii strictly rational and scieutille (irlii
clplei (tut fiilhiwed by tho happiest re
sults. Their appliances for the examina
tion and treatment of hidden cavities of
(lie lie.ul and thioat aio confessedly I ho
most K'rfeet of iin thing yet devised for
this sieeial ptirio.c enabling them not
oiilv l'i lemlilv diM'uvoi tho exact nature
of tlio complaint, but also to direct their
applications to the ilisoai-cd parts soeH'cc
tually that relief is i fleu oxierieiiccd
at oiico, tiud periiiauent euros mo often
oilcclod in the inohi stiibtsirii iiud uggra
itied caes.
In catarrh the oIIiuihIvo dlxch.iruo smiii
limlnlshes, iullaiiiiiiatioiistilii-ld(s, ttlcera-
Huns atu imulo to lie.il, llio itieatn is re
hlnud to its natural puiilyuudii ceriua
tent cine Ih sisedilv ellccted. Throat
alfectieus of whatever nature yk'ld like a
eliaim and the sauio leuellclal elicits
aio piixlueetl in iinpaiiinents and illi-m--dors
of lhe vocal nivalis, in chronic and.
luoMHtuiit coughs as well as iu bronchial
and piiliiioii.il v enmpl.tiiits, Iu thu'
tieatmeiil of ileafuei-s pnunpt relief is 1
usually felt, and the he.tiiug is eillier
uutiiely roNtoivilor materially lienelU-,
led; while (UHharvex inuu the ear from
whatever cain-e uio lailleally and vr- '
maiieiiiiy ciuixi in a snort nine, .tiui it
is one of tho happy features of Drs. I
Dai i Ill's piactico that the applications
cam-0 neither aiu nor diticss ami can
tlieiefmo be icadjly iidiulnistered t the'
iiitvt nervous imtbunv i uMTUltw K.-n ..
A candid opinion will invariably bo loonier,
given as to tho Kisibilities of a cute and GKDAlt hHINOi.km r
in case will lie accepted for Irvutiuvnt ' ptrstiflaM workmen -(ni.-w
hich diH's nut oiler a reaiiiiable chance lnt iniin
uf Hiusvi-t. mill ulilln f.ir fnuii omfiriiiii- Vt,AT'U A. I.I
to perform inipos.Mhllitlc. or t euro ov- p
ey c.i tliatpieeouts Iti-elf for treatment. '
Dis. D.itrlii mav Kifelv Mate tltat lutleuts !
under their proWfiouul caie will receive
every benollt guanintced by science, skill ,
ami compteheiislvu eeilence,
D VI'NKHh 11 lir.ll IS' KIVK JllNl'Ttrt 11V DKh,
Mu. Kniiou For years past I have
been mow Int: deaf, until last January I
could not hear anything iu my right ear, .or all kimh
wri. imriiii ti.uiiiiiicii unit pain uu
could euro me in live minutes. He kept
his word, for iu less than live minutes I
could hear us well its ever iu my life.
The sounds in the streets are entirely
banned, mid leally painful to my ear. 1
J. 0. KEENEY &. CO., Prop.
i Put up your animals and your
monoy at this stand. Thoro
; is no bottor In town. Our
patrons and frionds will bo
woll troatod.
J.F3. KEENLY & Co., PROPft
Watson & Luhrs,
I'mprletor u' tit
fltutoa-pltming Hill,
Djjr Fiotory
roguliu'ly clit'itpur limit tln-y mv scllin; nf the
1 pay cash and
And cun and will make the
The eliftipi'Ml Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of.
All jjoods are new and fresh and of the
ntend to keep the lead in High Grade and Low Prices of
tfootta or will pay the ahove reward to the one who earns it.
- - - Main and Alta Sis.
Odd I'ellowrf JUiiltling.
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Goods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendleton.
Goods Sold on lhe Installment Plan on Easy Terms.
wm. Gardner a co., j Grain Bags.
Sanitary ii Ittilig Engiaeers. I v aw
' L VY .1. J-N KUlZ)
Steuta and Hot Water
Heating Apparatus,
KounwKi.MNOHOit emii.to iiuim)Ino
8K'ill..itloiiH Hint oitliiiiilrK (nrnUlit'it fm
hnitliii; tiiillillnk'H In miy nhciIoh nf llu i-oim
trj. Cirr-xinilfiirp lollclteil.
r aii uiiii. 'vi-nti, I'liiv i: it-
DAT KINK, IMtOtMtMilim'Tr-.
I nu.ill.... ...... T IH,' L.
i.ouri jioiho (iiurr. n ThnU;ul,f
l.rlok. tup Lost WlnV, J,b1?K
. ol tho (lumtir nut Hull, vi, LS1
.OHlto Court JIiiwm.. n"'ffl5S?l
lilquoni nnu t'litwin contnlly w
nml ironiitly delivered. '"BrMtH4
of the UmRtlllR llrwVrr. Mm21
vril of mid wholnaln nrt i,.iT7.!?l
U-vr bv thoulu.fc. bottlr.mllnn wL
Try Itnnd mo If you don't llk't i?
llitvliiKillNpo cilofmy bulchtr btdiJ
hfivhy notify nil pernoni IndtUM to ?
ii'tlli their ncrntinu Immtdla'HT iM
ll.r..l.t ynvi. r.lrll.Ap mi.1.1. . .
, ,T.?.V?!Iu,i:!...,0l?""R inm
niiiT..Miui(f nnicillUf wf iKTV
jKOAI. llt.ANKH.
Moru tlmii turn Imtiilrril formi ti I
hlniikK ut IliU oltloo. lAnjm iod
uocilliiicftpi'idiit rnrumrtn IwtupplW
Printed Flour BagsI
A SH!( iuUy,
All npmoiiK Unowlnir lhi.miuU.i
lo llio Th'irp lll.ii'ktmltli and Watmib9
AiUiiih will pl.uo call una fllle oiin tl
lorn mr nri 01 wrioiht, nnu wive irutw.
If vim Imvo uu iililiiinl olrur.Tnn m
rover him l,y I'xi'onilliu fiiu in MtrJwJ
In tlio Kant Oiikiipniak. Il rlcbncJJ
every iiiih1.
Hcnli-il OliN will hi' ti-relvnl bv th nvJ
nuneil for fiiriilHlilni; iiilnm, n, mm
li hullilliiK. iin'OiilInK lo I'Ihih ami Mld
IIoiih now In llio li'in.Uof r.ilwftil'llrtu.ij
i.hllri'l. ill WiitMin .V I.ilm nUnlMM
I'l'iiitii'ion. Tlio Mil will 1' o)H'ii.J tl jB
Vllllllll lloilint7 p. in., tm mhim;,'
ti-iiilwrailli, IH. TlioriKlitlorOfrtni.iiJ
nil hid' In reni'tvo'l, Contmr'or rlil tea
oiiirrii lo nirnmii nwwnry unun.
lVmlleloii. UrHepU'tiihr'.'5,IW.
tn-plSMwat J.ll.Tliltflt
Echo, Oregon.
Gen. Merchandis
Roller Mills.
82 Oil A a IS (imt FOll WAUIM
Villard Hoe
IIAVK IMK I'mprlrtw
j Northwit Cornor Mnln md Cort
Sneh uud
-1 i Vk.
Poland Oregon ,, preMl M&m
J5UCKS 101 I ! , , arfitn i.ni.i..
- - Mulu.StrtM . OpiMtir ('. t Umt t j
am AiliiilnUlriL'nr ut thn ritiitu ut lln luti ' L'iMi.Ht...u i i .
."""".. . '-".r inuirw iirtjMiiiiuii 11 wuii iu inn I ri &jni r- r. n n Mr enn i ii iinw
- i n m i r n 1 1 1 1 iti run wr--- -
Kt'-npuned, Ko'furnishwl
Etpuiiietl in Kit
Oiiiw Style.
iiurinK in uvxi i iiiiiiii hii int. mien. mirKi-l nlloril.
i'-in i Hnpn llay nnrl Nlcrht
2000 Thovouahbvf.d Jtrtlstvvrri I uu'Whiu. luhor lu both Hi-illnlim n..,ni
tml (!rtlt Hitchs, ' n""
The... uiukk nro Ui'pt In k.kvI Miluro, ntiir i A Tpniii l-PniTi
Allm. orvtfoii.unilH-e in lino conilitloiiiuiil -,y-i- viiULUH ! I1I
inoroiiKiiiy koumi.
i iif iiiiiii'isiKurii win vim .ii. nvvry v, rn
Free Omeli to and from)!
nml nikil.
. nml uiiri
Walla Walla
T-nm lrtf.s ATld ft 81
a v w Avwh- r
house, centrauy
n.at.an for S350.
WALLA WALLA. W. 1. , pfy to
Prescription Druggists, i 0CT0BER 1 70 6j88 INCLUS,VE ! olopton & jacks
connn i d,.,, pil. o. n t..--! Inaurohco Ai"i
uuuuu uu uioca,oiarusoriijiiiiuiiib , . . o
I t
up.iliiy, n' il inn'i my p.ir.ic whlilntc tuhuv
lhiuliH'kbfiii im rcliuvliu'. '
l'.H.y li'rnik v. Imj t'xloinlrtt lo iirotiiuu.'it
K,,r i.HrlliMiliuii mlilr.'
It. II. THOltl S'IN. ,'inl.il. Inii. ,r.
I HUiiVt low l'i n llcloii. tlrru'iu.
H. F.Johnson &Co.,
Agriciiitural Society!'
wimcinul without iiuhIU'Iiio or Miinjicul
rutlou junt uliniily electricity, us uj-
Ed bv Dm. Damn, ltefcr to mo ut
t Portluiul, Stuith'a addition, on
TwentyUrbt street. Myron Otw.
Mb. Kuitok Dear nir: I reside in
I Link hulMlliK,(oiirtKtrri'
Mu.li'.il Mvr
krpi In
llmioa, t)r
mu, and nil
klmU of mu-
leu I tiiatru.
incut plan
Garden and Gymnasium Hall.
Itarvraa A Kluv. rMi.
Maln8lrvt . Near IVwtofflce
Howllnc Aty and Oyunaalum Itoom In
eonnecllon, Jut the. placu In ape nd an hour
In xerclilac your inuaola and (trasittianlas
your frame. A cordial Invitation to all.
Uaat)rlouHro. agtaaa, Jyt
I Requisites of tne Toilet.
Stationery & School Supplies
Fine Imported and Key West Cigars.
Opposite VlllirJ Hotie,
I'KNDI.KTOS. . . HDVfinv
K. J. Hartaa, PrprleUr.
Mala and Railroad Sti, Iendtton, Oregon.
PtratlaM la arery re pec t. Near Ins de
pot and hM arery conrealtuee. Terma II a
day, daw
Oiielmlf fare rutin iicr tln0. It. A X. I'n-'a
I iiiw. unit oiih nml uiiK-nflli fnrorule over
Uu. .Northern lnolrtii 1 iuHfroiii oIiib im far
fait m lU'lcmi.
Ituntiliiw'iinil irotii ;a nvi'iiu fiicli duy.
$1000 Free-for.AII Trot,
Kur further Information uildreax
epSItd 11KNUV KKf.I.INQ.Sec'y.
Pripriitir if U 0, K, Dairy.
Freah Milk aud Pure Cream Delivered to all
part ot town, morning and eveulng.
top tha Wsflon, tod Ofo Your Ordw
James Grai
Harness, Saddtes,
Whips, EIh
Tsnts and JJ