East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1888, Image 3

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    - . 1,1 w
SKITKMUUU 22, 1888.
Tlioy wero not counted, owing to tholr
number, but It was estimated that ono
of the East Ohkoo.nian'h linker City ex
change, tho Oregon Illailo, contained in
the neighborhood of twenty or thirty
items, in its last issuo, of tho'most inuno
mid Hilly order Imaginable, reflecting on
Pendleton and itK "Domocrutlo pnjHjr."
However the cditotH of the ubovo and
other sheets uruoxeusablo. There is no
coiiNj'iuontlv no
Something lias to
r-..ll)rfKonliii Hrnncli OHIeo.
S?XllTlwi I fo 1"'"Ichh. and e.
rt" I ll.Mll. lli KlIT IIIU lllllll- . HUM .1 111 llilKI'I I IIV. CM JIIlL-LUIIllJ I1ILH n, w ....... ..... ..v.v. 1 ....
.riw'1.1 y," it iinllofk. He will 1.0 i, ,tn ... .1111 ,,,.,1 .!,.. i,,.i, i rev ow tlio easo. it mav be stated thai
'PV.'1. .i.i.-iit-i of IV.iilletoii.iuid ... ,, ... , ' , "" " , ikiij .i, i ,.,,ut,,tnr.. .,..-.,.,.1 .. , .. ........
j tn r uir . . it. . .. i..iin f id 1 i'iiii iMiiii. i.im iiii'iii i-iiiiiinuit in mi 1 m .j r rvu tin iv,w ui"i
' iV.'Uir'n'i l Torthmf:.' lie will so, if they dcrlvo any eonolation there-, a vote to be taken to change thu
irpj. --. kiirvlc. Ill n IN -
The Mutter Settled, anil the Cmc In Court
In tlio Circuit Court thin mornlnc
Judge Feo rentleied a decision in the in-;
junction Miit commenced in tho naino of
tlio State of Oregon against Umatilla
county, to restrain the county fi hi wil
ing the present court house Mix .nid
building a new court house on wl. .lis
termed tho "College Block." To b.i'lv
it. ,
n,er thorn any
It don't hurt Pendleton in tlio
uiii: ivu.s.
T It. Co., l-HOlograpnem.
'.J. WhltUker, dentist.
fMrtllxtlie llnvunu press di m. r
. .,,.,-1. n.iialiiiiu' at Donaldson
I I.. ...
t'llble, Of tllO LOIIimu.u iiinu, n 111
V. CmincHU Ik in town from
countv neat from Lnuitllla, ami "Upper
umuiuiu, son.ov.nero between tne
mouths of Wild fierce and illrch creokH,"
wus designated as the competing point,
and watt successful. I'niler the tie' three
' leant,
One Cooriro II. Kelly was arrested ie-
.cently at Milton for criminal intimacy
si .Toltrn IM ,i u'fow '.,d olnh" n , omn.iBHioncrfl we.o uP1.oin ed to select a
, ft." 1 Jcftw "V11?, l.f0 v' nJluH,H.0Ul .f 'Bite for the erection of a court house, and
iiiiuii. 11 nun iiiu name on. mory. ... i.. .... lli,ril,i , ... i,
Sfcevet hlm'tm1 ait "lift wfi- K R OoSjTl'n hud lain
. 1 In 1 r.?tu- uL !? 1 LS li 1 off lown-Hito which tho commissioners
t ! j",1' . H lcwri s having . mum "Pendleton." and Koleetod
.111 unsavory lecoru.wiuci wa on-' t,nriti the l.h.ck im which tho
iIE iiih .?xtiitWaM iiW,lt 1 'SVl court house now Btand. which
'.1S ","'?t 2 L0-?' mm1 b0U.nl,0,I wan thereupon conveyed to the
Ti,uuu. ii.u i.u3u 1111.1 rntmtv hv it ilmd oxiirpHBlliit .huh ilnnl.
tion of !. aim matiiii! that ttic convey-
Hansford Ih roortcd to bo
T. C.
it- 11
i. 11 v
4 .1 . u,. 11 uirnnr iii'iinrii.
Rothclilil returned last nielli from
-.1 .ill.ll lilt II Il'tlMlLTtl IJ11 UlIDtllUnJl Ul
U "
I I ...J
W. Iblley und .1. H. lurner re-
. i . . ..!..!. I'u In.lti frnm tholr
on i"i iiik ...... ...... ......
. . . ....... inflin mpImilflllH.
.UUl I" "
mm and Nufu at OaKcn'B hotel
f......kn iiififithv nf etwiflrt rii nvnrv
IJlUIVlir ! r -
.1 ,..r i in f.tr t in WPM-Ktiown
k it. it. I .t. 1'rMU'iutitr lliftir
. -.-,.iliifi tmll im t'oni mid tumiM
cainj'fi-'ivi- .""V
ind every olio wumH JnvlKoruiea
. . .l. . i. K.liirndl tti
i.iAiir'iiciiii iiiiiiu iiLtiiu iinu uni in
rut hntt iiih niter tins recent ruum.
T UnwkH, tlio electriei.inf Iuih oh
it.. .u...l.il fiit iirtitylittlff flu
' . . t ...lil. I. ..II
contwcJi lor ihuh uio new
-t. tul't.l M UlllllUll tfl'IIMIItl
ton cuius down Iivnt night to
l. ...... .f umIkuiI nf .O'lifnViinvmi.
ll.UKV Ul iiih rvtuvi h wutv vhx-xi!
..( It.tti.llrttitn vvliitrit mi Innt riU'Joi'
l IVII'IIWI"" .......
I. I
...ti. . . e ..lit...... .....t I..
I. ..II if .. I
. iirlvtliiH. hot mid cold water.
other convenienceH, for $10 jcr
t.n l,..H...u tit I it nl lu'itru U-1lt(ll
,l,n Hi.i u.ihin lilutl mill III UIKMI it
.i . .1 .! i. .r j
.rrilJ.lt Uivil irwMVi i mirtiun 'iirn.li
II .. ttl...l,..1
i . ... ..t.i
iriM r r;iiiTi niiiiiifii iiiiiiri'ii ijii iiivt
toiuv, iookiii); rauier tuo wmyo ior
le ri Itixt convaiescliiL' irom an
. - .t. . .
k m Ivlllinlll llH'Or. Wllll'll IIUH IH'lMl
loorountiHin i cmuoion iihm huui
... . i ... .. i
T'lrnrTAiirL'y tiiiif niinrM 1111 ii'imiv.
it..... ..r ...1..1.
toninelioun. owlni; to tho prciMMit
... . . . ....
uuj puimiiv nun ii'sm'iiiiiu u. iiiu
.. i. .. . .... . t i..
nearly tilled.
it. i. it. i n. imvn ii iinmi 11 lini 1110
tractive staii. rt'Hoinbllnir u black
.mpni. in ironr eii iihi ..niniiirn in
... . . . . .....
riumo, it is aiioriicii on tiireo hiuoH
it lplli-rInL. mill tlm fonrtli rnntillim
. J 1.1'.. tt'.ll ....a l.tu rtlim. imin.
n' tan'iHirtti.-i nf tin. IiiiIIiIIml' oe-
hi wttiK iittcl up und partitioned
li purKiM). It will there bo inoro
Mor visiters und cuptomurx titan in
unco was "for countv purposes." At tho
sumo time Goodwin convoyed to tho
county another block In consideration of
in tuc rum oi si.uuu. Hie easo
created much comment in Milton, and I
considerable sympathy Ih expressed for
the girl.
. ManaRor Kuohlor leaves for Wnllu
Walla to-night, and will probably ko.
from thero to Portland to-morrow for tho
solo purM)Hc of arranitinK a match be
tween the Stars and Wlllamcttcs, which
it is Iwliovcd can Ihs accomplished. The
latter merely disbanded for tho purpose
ofbouneiiiK one of their members, and
aro now on tho turf apdn. Tho Stars
would tnaku u better match for tho wob
foot boys than any other nine in cither
Oregon or VuHhlne,ton Territory, and a
series of games between tho two clubs
could not bo otlierwise than entertaining.
A nieolim: of the I'matlHa County
Oraniru was held tills afternoon in the I county court
lllinir'v- nwiniM nf tint Kast OlIKCloNIAN ! block t
olllco, beln called to order by Claik to lw built with the proceeds
Walter. Tlio proceedings wero privato, 1 upon tlio college block. Private
but woro reported by tho mombars to be Individuals commenced two suits in tho
I'atlsfactiuy and successful. Manv plans spring to restrain both Uicmj acts.but they
. .. . .1 1 ... 1... .I. .....I
weru (luiniirrcu iu uy iiiu luiiuiy nun
tliodomurrors wcru
An EITort Mmln to Obtain Twelve Arren of j
tho Kent-nation to bo "M-ri for llrpot
riiriiiiKrii ,y Mm O. It. A N. :.
The follow hit; is taken from Thursday's !
dispatches to tlio Portland Orcpjnlan : ,
"To-day upon tho uissago of u Mil in tlio
nenate to mailt a railroad c.nnpnny of tlio
K't He of Mlnue-Mta rijtlit of way ovor an
1 dlau leservallon, Senator DolphoU'ereil t
and seciiied an aiuemlmiul to the bill
grantine; to the Oregon Hallway A Navi
gation Company of Oogon twelve acres,
of land upon tho I'matilla reservation
near tho town nf Adams for depot pur-1
twos. A conference- win asked of tho '
house on tho amendment, and Senator
Dolph was appointed one of tlio confer
reo4. lie heivs to fecuro tho adoplion
of the ameiiduient bv that method, and,
early anthoiity for tho acquisition of the
laud required by the people of the town 1
of Adams. "
It is thought by peoplo who ought to '
know that those twelve acres are wanted :
by tho railroad company fordejHit grounds
and sidetracks necessary for a junction
with a prospective brunch tupping the
Cold Spring, Vimsyclo uiul Juniper '
neighborhood in opposition to Hunt's j
railroad, tho branch starting from I
Adams and penetrating us ihiicii of the'
above country m is deemed advisable
For the Next Sixty Days.
The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes
Tho Largest ami
vit Stock ol
$1 by u deed in ordinary form, except in ' If this be true, it will mako quite a prom
i lie warranty ciauso n was provided mat inent point ot ..uianis. u is mi mero
the grantors would "warrant and defend
the sauio to tho use und benulit of tho
party of tho second nart (the county)
uguihst tho lawful claims and demands
of ali persons whatsoever for tho special
use, and nono other, of educational pur
poses, und u ism which block should bo
erected n college or institution of learn
inir. free from ail religious or sectional in-
lluonce." Last winter tlio heirs of Good
conjecture, however. Tho land may bef
wanted lor the puroso ot lnulding a
depot alono, und not for junction purposes.
Hotel Arrival.
Vii.i.ahii Hi)i'si:-N M C'aroy, O H Sc N
Co: W V ilutcher. II C Vauglian.Ccntefi-
villo: Miss Stone. North Yakima : V V
lluonce." Last winter tho heirs of Oixk - i Xowoll, Jas Argvlo, 0 N Pwinehait, I.a i
win (pilt-clalmed their Interest in both Or.indo; .1 Lowengart, Portland: (car !
blocks to tho county and thereupon tho , sienhens. Montauai Mrs Hrowder. La.
county court ordered the court house rondo; J no S Mitrholl, San Francisco;
block to bo sold and a now couit house ' yt Mc(iarry. Uocliester. N Y ; T Cable.
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Saddles and Harness,
Ever Brought to Pendleton.
Theae Goods are now offered at
t'olnmbia Mlno;C 1C Clienery, Portland:; C i T sisx iv4- T" v-m-m
Til Wusl.,City:FFVainsfoy,OltANJ: V( ) MftT I tfMT li I iftPSPl
N llerkloy .lr. McCrycr Or: Win 0'ial- -IV J- C'X VUllU JLUKJKDKD
for the aid and advancement of tho fai
mors were discussed intelligently, and
seed uiiji'li may provo productive of
much good was sown at tho meeting.
The gathering was well attended by
active mumbctsof tho Orange.
A lino specimen of that uoblo bird, the
eagle, nllvo und uninjured, is on exhibi
tion in lloitser's Court street meat mar
lev, 0 U A N Co; K II .Mcltoynolds,
I. A lttiiutrlN. Allni! Mux AliriiluitiiH. San ,
sustained by Judge, i,v,iti.-ln'n! . I CiiiiiilnL-liiiiii St Paul: 1, H i i. n hit n r n i
inuy woro uiniiiism-u Ferguson, I .1 .loiinson, V li .V n ; J 1j
Jones, I II Atkinson.
llow.MAN I hum: S II Fariuau, La
Clrandu: I'dwnrd Jacobsoii, city; W U
Stnllh, Kclio; !" (' Iler7inger, lenver; W
LTomllnsou and v lr, J u (. lailc, Walla
unMiiklo, Mi'ston; A
Ison. Thcreunon
and thu pret-ent suit Instituted. Tho
chief contention arose in regard to tho
Collego block, tho county defending its
right to use it in tho pro;ocd manner on
tho ground that the deed created no trift
for cliaritablo purifies (as was alleged iu
it. .ii.. . i....i.
in in i ...iiN.ir n ,.iiii l ni i n I ini'iii. i li ui- . . . . .. . .. - . . i mi i . i-1 li nr.
kct. It was presented to J. F. Johnson . ,ulJw',!l;,ul rf Clark, Ka.nela. Or; (ieo M l.lghllingcr,
cla33 of Goods
in Pendleton.
can be bought
und Call Mcrboch, employes of tho es
tablishment, by Frank llitwn, who cap
tured his majesty iu tlio mountains and
placed hint In captivity. Tho eaglo
measures ten feet from tip to tip, und Is
truly a "king of birds."
Two children of Mr. Horryman, living
u short distance tho other side of Walla
Walla, wero caught und run over by u
passenger train Friday morning while re
turning homo from school. Ono of the
children was instantly killed, and the
arm und leg of tho other wero cut oil by
tlm cruel wheels.
A P.opubllcan und it Democrat in Jack
son countv havo nuidc a novel election
bet. Tho former sells tho latter a lurid
of IL'oi) sheep for a dollar a head if Clove
land is elected, and two dollars a head if
Harrison wins. Thoy both agree that
this is about a fair tiling nil around.
Mr. James I). Sinter and Mis F.innio
11. I lavs wero married at LaUrundo last
Wednesday evening by Nov. W. K
Powell. Tlio brldegioom is a son of hx
Senator Slater, and a brother of It. J.
Slater, of Pendleton. Ho is u young
lawyer of promise and ability.
James I loiiullon Is In town to day fit in
Adams and rebuts tho town not dead
yet by tiny means. Willi two g'od mer
chandise stores and other advantages the
place is livo enough to do considerable
Wntorvlllo, W T:T M .Noitliroii, Denver;
Ai-i-nr.llm in llin Milton 1,;1L'I0. the
wnt location iu tlio basement of wuterwurkH (iiicHtion tlioro has assumed
.... mfiiiumitu in iiii.M.v-.. p....i'w. .,....'-.. -
W. Honer's netltion to -tho council. . svstem is completed but not accepted.
;for sonio remuneration from tho ! Tlio matter will probably Ik satisfactorily
The wagon wrecked und dismantled by
a locomotive recently ut thu doiiot Is .'till
'vine near thu track, so that teamstorB
und trainmen can take warning thereby
A now loduo of Masons will bo insiitu-
Ire loss of tho use of ono of his
Mleon iiciivo duty as n fireman,
to lave boen laid 'on tlio tublo in
fctj by that body. Pendleton's lire
nirriruUv think twlco horeafter
"ucvnuK tneir Lie nun minis ior
if it did it was tiMi iudellulte to ho en
forced, that no means wero provided for) , 1 '.V,,' ir '; ' ' j.i "
I il III ru 1 1 V titin iiiirtiiiuttfivj "i uiv rno nit
ducat loual niMiiuiioii. u was aiso
This is tho best, opportunity over oOcnul to tho pcoplu of
lTmtitill:t County.
urged that tho district attorney was not
atithoiicd to uso tho name of tho Slate
in cominencing such u suit. Tlio State
dt!inurred to the defendant's defenses as
iusulliclent, but the court overruled the
demurrer to both cuusos of suit. The de
fendant was represented by Co A Mi
nor, and tlio plulutlll was represented oi
record by J. L. Hand, district attorney.
Bailey & llulloruy, J. 0. Leusuio und
Kumsov A Water, but lifter tlio decision
on tho demurrer, none of its counsel ie
spondlng to call, tho suit wus, on uiollon
of defendant's counsel, dismissed. The
foundation for the new court hotiso is all
ready for tlio brick work, and its erection
will now bo speedily pushed to complo-tin.
or six
rroiiuMi. tii (III. u Hrrlr.
(.inert. Nut Wliit r.
Mr. Perkins informs tlio Hast 0k-
oosiav that thu Pendleton baud, under
ids nnmageuiont, will give u series oi six
conceits next winter, tickets to bo JU.UO
apiee , providing 100 can bo fold. One-
null i-l tlio proceeds win go ioani iicuu-
t iv Ins and Improving tno reniiieion
Jock ; V M
Helix: W II .
Austin, ii it ; iv is Atuioii, i,oi(i i
Spring; W P Smith, Adams; J Fisher,
Portland; J Miscll, Minueaotls, Kan.
(ioi.niiN lln.i: Jim lirown, T.I Hears, I
Helena; F Do Vincent, Perrydulo; III
Woolev. Alkali: S Kincslov. Port and;'
N Chrlsteiif-en, La (irando; F Lines. La
(irando; C W Thinklor. II W Freed. F 8
Wurnerund wife. Pilot Hock: I! C Mills,
.1 W Cornelius, Juniper; I'd llardwick,
lllack City; J Wormaeh, Adams.
'i.l..r i-rl ut IVrxton,
D. I). Karp, thu traveling agent for,
Minis llios. k Co., is in town to-day. Hoi
savs that Weston's waterwork system has
fully materialized, and that work will bo
commenced as soon us the preliminaries J
aro arranged. Tlio waterworks will Im on
the gravitation plan, it spring alsiut two I
miles ubovo tho town, on Pino cieek, ,
furnishing tho head. A leservoirto ae-J
commodate tlio surplus will I o excavated ,
on ono nf the hills near t wn. to 1 uted
In case of lire. 1 lie regular town supply,
however, will 1.0 drawn diiect from tho
spring, and will I o water fiesh, puto and
cool. Tho system will cost in tho neigh
borhood of MH.OOO, ami will have a
canaiily of (10,(KK) gullonh per day. It
will bo of first-class order. Mr. F.arji also
siaies inai every vacant, nimni m nusiun
Court and Cottonwood Sta
Retiring from Business! Retiring from Business!.
J. Diamond, the Clothier and Hatter
begs leave to announce to tho public that ho intends to retire fiom business
und in ordor to do so ho w'll sell Ids entire largo stock, consisting of
i.iirlf. unit t in reiuallldiT Will DO USJd l)v : i ,m...i ..... . 1 . . . . I
i - ----------- . - i jn nun 11111:11, 111111 .ii... .,.. n .
1110 lirsi comerioi uu reuoj lin,..M i.wlIninL, cIlh , ,.ru 1 v. Wes-, ilLBIlB.
l.lllll..VU mill M . n . '
ton deserves prosperity.
. . 1 . . I 1 HOW liHIUU 1J1 ,tlll'-lin ,1... WJ
-'r I lout a niostipct of anv tuward t . , , i 1.... 1 ,.f
jiiiii,...!. . i."'..i i v.Y.n .1... 1 led ui neux uiis et'iiiu. i
... . v.. I'endleton Alusons are taiuing ot going iu
twilirorco case of T. P. Pago vs. I h0hx to tuko part in tho coroinony.
...vrrj, Piivid Curus of i.inn county was 100
wssinn tho court ordered that tlio ,i, ,,i, ,i ,vnf sSiitnmliPr.
P.IV ti defendant lOQ to enil-! -I.'""."'" , i'."." "v.iU ... ... .r....t
-,l..l. ....1 ' I .1 ..1. I 110 I UM JII--1 lll-llllllU l.iu 11.... '
tutn'4r the exis'nso of the stilt. ( 1 r.... .......
iMinirare Un 1 hdiitlirHultomev... ', K ...amor mwu
1 . t ; . ' w .a.i m kdm u u iiii it uimiw uiinuini;.
If IIV'M v-lll' f-
1 Tlio Ikviiii ill tlio nun kct is stlsjut over, u
reaction, brought about by nalnralcumes,
having et iu.
Tlio Milton Kugln contains tpiilo an
e-xcitlng uurrallvo of a a boar at that
place which turned out to Iki 11 mule.
PlK)kuno Fall's olllcors are driving
from that town all characters who havo
no vislblo means of supiwt.
' Mm. M. J. (ireono lias loturned from
ui and On' lloniui: mills ., nvionded Summer trio to her paronts
in' lr-
Wag'rttin' t
1' ".Mil- I
"twveiv 1-
' U keeup f
llin Intnl.
will h. idven after tho holidays, und
o.erv succeeding two weeks tho porfor-t
munco will bo ieeateil witli 11 now pro-f A worthy Kut.rpri.r. ,
grainino. Other local talent will be en- i)r. McCJlll A Co. ojoned 1111 olllco at;
gaged to us-dst the l and, und the enter- (,a, Vi1(1(1 H )ilH . (ll)0lll se.tembr 1Mb ,
talmneiit will lio of Hist clais order. , , iuv,,,,W(j f()r 0I10 w,.uk to treat
The -tep is taken to enable the band to (.on0 ,11ho.ihi-h on sciontllle principles,
oecoiuo in 11 iiii ru.-n..,. -.... .,. Hjni.() tlul mo ,U,jr ,Mt.hH lmH in
Its niembors have lieen to consliloralilo , er0 ,0 BU(., ttll ox,t., ,at tbey liavo
oxs?nso for instruments and tuition, and i(li(.(Ic(, fl) lwiitQ mittv(,u pondlotoii
wish to make ti struggle to get oven. ; ,rlmlnonilv. Tliov hav nted an elo-
reall.lng tlio nocossi y of helping tliein- ' t wl,.0 ,)f roomH' ,, ylKht ()u,.oo
solves. All they ask of the dear juiblie , J;AN. in(nit u,t., u, opened
Is to attend tho concerts mentione. , t. 01,PlllU.r wt,. It is their Intention to
which ontortulnlng will bo musical oxlil- j '0 0,ier vaUH ,l0r sK)iiso'lh their
hition.i. Tlio reason for tlio early men. , ()jrorH to nmfco hU )h(, m0(1, (.((mr,,(0 in.
lion of tlio scheme U to give tho public j B,(1 for treutinent of all diseases,
plenty of opportunity liink it r . v ,.in,nil, l0 Northwest,
notwecn now and next ( hrUimas. t u,r .!,, Klectro-Magmdism,
Oxyium and Mats.igB, togother with all
1'url'artUaii I'lirpoia ' iii".i-nf and Mieiititlc ai.pliapi-.'S fur tin
ti. ii.....ii,ll.-.iiwvervw hero aro stnitn thor.iuiih cure of ilinuiso will bo ummI.
Boys and Children's Fine Clothiner, Fur
nishing Goods, Boots and Shoos,
Hats and Caps, Etc.
It will Ui to your advantage to examine mv
New Fail and Winter Stock,
which is complete hi nil the inuikot oiler in new patterns, nohby Mvles and nice
us tins in a
C,ine e.irlv Is-fnro the iistMirtin'iit Is broken,
iujiiu t-di' Kilo, and I
ICxaiiitiiattoiiH will Ik- free, and charges
strictly moderate. Addruss Nati uial
r.lectrle Disponsary. IIast iliimi'MW
lluildlug, Poiulletou, Oreg-ui. 1
reores'-nted by Uani
1. Win. Para.uis Tl.
te nubile iuterel.
.... .....I i... 1 u . ,
- v, u.ii, - . -,,. ... I..... ....II., .. 1 ... i--- " -. , ., .
P bv tho Pcii.tiet.il " -miiui. Ms... ,, -im , v m . themselves to show tlio sireiigui 01
ij n"j, imvo Iwen nraun : fscnniB imiu....u . . the r course. In some nsiauces coiimt-
1 . dlr - id ;'.niMnv V. I'lm-o vvhlcli turned out to Iki .1 mule. Vatlvo ...mi are l-olng disgusted by the
-uys'H-k' tho past week or l v. . PiK)kuno Kali's olllcors are driving m.,on 0( over .jealous ineniUns 1 ol I bo
stava," i M-ems thai everv ca. N from that town all characters who havo .... a tirlvate letter toceived fioin 11
'it'.li ,1 .i v.-v L'r.iiu on il.u Wain no vislblo means of support. eentlomati who bus lieoii I11 aHeiul.iiiw-
kaiiU U-fire ti Is captured i' Mrs. M. .1. (ireono bus loturned from hit llio Sovereign tlrand I-odu-e .if Md
Mil III jin.l till' llo Ilill'J niilis ,,,, pvio,,,li.,l fiiiiiinier trin to her paronts I Kcllows iu Us .ni!.ts stiitos inaiin tin
Htpyf the pref. t-iu o. as usual. in tho Wlllamotto Valley. parade each Stuto's delegation li.wt a car-
rMlwHw, ,J, WttU. J y !llllll!r,, retumedon last n!ht's i Wage furnished then, two und front one
n 'ii-Pit t,v , i,Krv,.nt In- . "iV. f. ,. vUlt tn l.ls old Htuuinini!-' side llllllg a sign K'..ru g ino I .11110
N'lat .to, --n-iW. t t ihn'Z: 'ut lo. I Slate. "N-'Xt t" -u. arri..e -wrego ,u
irA in 1 .1 ii 11 1 ' 1 t 1 ' . in 11 riiiM 'iiiu trai i i-kw .ii'i'v
1 . . . Jtmt iifv " - - - r ii,.,t iiiiin iiiin iiuii m - n iviiuimifwi inr iitriii.
Must 01o3e Out Before November 1st.
lllrcnll Ci.url,
Slalo of Oiogni. vs. Cmatilla tuiunty, p. fi ; .
deniurror tu answoriirgued und taken "hiih.i im
under iwUiMttnei.t.
Tlioa P Pagi vm I'limms K Pago, order:
for i.lalntlirto ikiv tJOfi into court within
Mixt v d.ivs, and tMiitinuud for term,
(illiiiun. Waller ,c Co v A It Jack ot
i I latter - - - iVti.iloton, Or
Main HI., 2d door tnlow Pen lloton .National P..nk
m et.
1 -v
I 1 itutoes. ,.nd otbtr pr - . ,.. .,1i1 WVston. is in
outsi.lo on ll.n ii.l.m ilk. I "
edalso tl:ll .-milrw-a rn nllini.r- ,0n" WUr . ... ... .
IM-..,. I....". " .V"r. '" i .... Abackbirdwltli wi.ito wings is m-
4. .rr rV nonnced h orange thing ut liuntsvlllo.
W. T.
tho veiling wa1 trouieudoiis and
M-' ureunuiit HLMliiKt t:m
JW'tiv ( Hum -ntH are iinncce:-
"il w'TxvrvuK-ii should cmsidor ,
o..'ir t ihi win-. ' Shut n i.lli' Hi-utuc rrrt
''-lv iln n -t seem tu ltow! A Colfax. W. T.. .HmmU'Ii says:
1 IK tie a nn.il. I . l.iir.t- 1.1111( 4 1 Plulir. 1111 old
ri'i ).Q n. the town, about tlfiy year.
n wool. I Ikj ini'ired t. . (Cottonwood, w 1
Hasted for nubo a while. ' fhore , ,wn term by
iriiiat enlliusiasm over tins utile incinoni.
I Jt was plain to to mm Unit It wus a pre
..rti.il urruneeiiie'lt and doubtless
KKPugevsT I Pago, continued for
'i Tilton vs 1! 1' MoKlrny, cwmlin-
uod for term.
Htate of (iiogon vs I inutilla county, i-
We have 'cccived,
-1 1
IV .-Ut-
Tltr'iter r .lunt 1, ,..1.1 1.. r...,l
iet Mum iiiai.u-down
IDfent uill.n... .!...:. 1. ... ..
'Oaf. ,,l I,.,,.!,,. ,... 1,,,:
"Km i-vi. ,.,oiil 1 t.o hvi-'ht
&!-.'r . 'iValb, Walla
. vsni . iik. i.rvi ii. iiHvi ni.iiii 11.
r.uuiUj . . ,,rAu...., ., 1 ..! I
-"laineWjV nf t-.ii.tn. ... Tl.
ta4 f. ... - v , w,,
. . " llall.V ,ill 'j i.
i tZ TtU 1,3 retlections anent
r"l2tit hav nii .1 i i ...
- -uu iu M.r fnuin.ln nn.l II...
b.. 1"." lu? aate, now
wtryover "split milk."
1. . !.... tl.n lhiiiinerut e Odd renown 00- ' ,i,rrnr nvnrrn i-il and motion al oWd.
served to what use thoy woro being put w, Noves vs J Al Ilentley. motion fr
j I tliev felt 101 nuuli out of place us out of tudtiiiiit"
. 1,,. ves o the ' Odd Fell- ws. both Democrat und Hopub-1 ut.(, fwr term.
. (aae. wlio llts on tne will Mrenuotis y object to -
..t.dlv Hlmt hy Pep y , han l o , fi)r rlUall ,HIr. , s a . r thB j-Hr,rr..
falieisoll aim u 1 1 Krnm the Knr'Hiflalil Itcpuhlicsn.
. 1 Fortv-five inanufacturris of barbed
We.t.iii ni
1 or I..
..I'Hll .. .... IV" , V ,w,wK
while resisting anest. I'lw dtUens of,Iss
Cott.mwo.sl have made various com
t.Uilnli ugaipst this man. Thoy consider
bim puitlv instino and very dangerous to
tho wmn'.unilv. Yesterday a complaint
was ...ado that Ills existent lnterilel
the lives of tho community. Hierltl Perrj
Immndlatelv SWlt Ollt ll IKViiO. I S)Il
t ttr.li firrlv nl ho resisted tliom with
iiithelMltoruftn- Ito't Ocfconlnu.
You and the leader rcem to have got
Into a dispute as to which U tlio Isjttor or
meaner town, and as I don t re
member having had anything to saj
about either town, except iKsrlups that
!...!. n. nllint. 1 I.1KO lll'-lll" "
ulra unit ut the Iremont bouse hi
Chicago yesterday and formed a 'I rust.
It is "largely a privat.. alluir" with which
tho farmers havo nothing to do.
Direct from the Factory,
One of thu longest Invoices of
Clocks of Every Description
Kver received iu Pendloton. lliiying thewt g-1-.ds direct, we can sell then.
cheuor than any other house in town
knife in ids hand, wheimipon Deputy fi ft,e pl,blic that neither of the an(1
Patterson shot him. intlictlng the JSna In any tnl. The coming own Is wjll
I II,, 1j in iitl tmt not exlK!Cted.iV.."V yhii.ii...l.. ll,.v Wnstilnc-
,u ... ... j--, - - 1 wi.fiirnm. on iMJiuiiKi.M." j t -- 0
- - . . m . ... I.
it is
to live until morning
lo-nlght. Saturday, a great Republican
narade will Uke place in San Francisco.
ton Territory.
My lots are in that town.
Yours Respectfully,
G. A. Hahtxan
A family sleeping car service for the ac
commodation cf scemd class passengers
has been put in operation ou tho t'nion
Southern r i.io roans. 1110 rates
Isa aliout one-fourth of first-class
Thos. F. Oakcs has been elected prcfli-1
I dent of tho Northern Pacific railroad.
F. J. Donaldson & Co.,
City Drug Store.
The Wood Mail
li. J llordtu, i'ruprlelor.
Main Slid Itallroml HU., 1'endleU.i., Ori-Kon,
KlrnlliuK In every re.H-cl, Neur tl. de
pot and h every conveulence. Term II
da jr.