I H1 (ovm DAILY. SCRIP AT PAR! aiilla County Scrip taken at par '... BdCHC ,'JI.'X The East Oregonian. DAILY, H1..MMVKMKI.Y, 1IH). Nowsy, but not scnsatlcn.nl; h rebli . I tit not course; Liberal, but not wicked. M$ cftlce on Subscription, Advcr- -or Job Printing Ai:coun. )L. 1. PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., Oil EGO N. T 11 U USD A Y , SBPTEMUIiliao. 1S88. NO. 172. DAILY. njlXlK IHKKOTOKY. Srt.Jiry M.m.iy - .itifi v (.mum iu IlHlli 1 lu,"lnM,l",""M s'lit KTtIN i II Al l i-.it f v. ' ' u.ji lit Ilii' . inwniii inn 're un niu 1? til Frhl)i ,lf ,,"c" month, lit 7:. r n' iiifVitKK. ll. r.: K. l. nwnuK. .11.. V.-.T Hi A. If. A A.' M. CitViioti the r-pontl mid fourth Moil. . . . . , i I if l ii . ..v. .1 i" - a a.m. Mfl II tilt .MII'Ullli; 1UIII1MV . m.i .mi thin) MiimlityH of rich month nt Ml.: v. I. .Uii.t.ln.N. W. M.i IL AI. . . U. lMllll-t. ill. i.n m t . . i. ....... ........ . .. . iiiiill.. Mil II I A. II. IT. V. Mpiln nrrv Tli'llnuy hikih i K T. Tt'HTlri, itrconiiT. i-vrry HHtnnlny t-venliin nl7:JiifrcleK. m t.l.riMK K. . r. ii. iuini hit, UATII.I.A KNUAM I'M KNT NO. 17. I. O (I I, ..Jt'Pl I'll IHv ninii'i nn'i limi r-.tTiVM ,if I'licli monlli. nl 7i.K)oVlock. UvillMOItlM. !'. K. K.HllAmn..S!rlhe. fl.INK III IIKl'CV f.lUHlK No. 13, I. O, O.I'. Merl thv lirm linn mini I num. lit rut ii iiiwii.... AltMOXV UMMIK Ml'. l. " Mr. III "'"I I ' II ' very I iin.. fvft.ln? ut TiMoVioclt. .I.e. l.rMUMti:, iC.J. WINTAKKII.K. Of ll.lllUt H. . ...... . I . I I. (I , . .. la. MI1.S I.UlMir. ,. I. T I .M--1-I-. in Olit 1-VHovvn" nun every vo'iriouiiy ilnit nt Tlio nVlork. M. MultKllKAP, 0. I.k UAiiriKi.ii. K. of It. iiiul H. IT ( AHM) rum, ii, . it. iiit'fliH mi wiipeu'C. nun rviT.v i iiiimtiii; iiikiii. , U'.OTI.K, ClIIIHIItlllllt'r; J. H. IIOWKN. ATTOHNKY8. H.I.IAM PAItyONM. ATTOriNl.Y AT uiwr. Oilier Itooiil No. II, AmouIii-Illin-k. Pendleton, Uri'KOll. HI I'AfllSTIJSI'IN. ATTOItNTY AT iaw, oilier, A hoc. ill loii lllook, IVmlli' Orr. tl ,hw, iitli-o Itiiomn I, S, 3 mill I An ttlnn Illiidi, IViullflon, OrvKiin. ii. k .t I ii.r.ii.ii. aiii n.ir.in livi'lt . Cltr.WH. ATTOHNI!Yrt AT Iaw, I'l'iullWnn, Orrifon. I.nul lilll. or nil KinuH iiiipiiiiru in wiiii iinnniH. . Coili'dloiiM xreclnlly. nnice on tir-t ii t in TliiiuiiiHOii'lluriiliiirl Uncover the pout oUlco. TVI.:il .V KIT7.I KKAI.il. A i iiiunr.iH tljiw. i'ihhii No. fi mill 0, AkkocIiI' lllook. IViiillct ill. Orrxon. J. HIIAN. ATTOIISKY AT l,AV, . omrei-Miiln Htret. in Thomtnon- . . ii. .. ii... iim... .V 1. ,1,11. , lill, W L'U Air I.AW IM V- Hit I'lrxl NHllOlllkl lUllK, l'CIf ll tlll'fOII, r. Ml T.TlKlt, ATTOKNKY AT UWV, , (.'riilcrvlllK.OrfiroM. Will practice uru of (Irt-Kini unil vviuliliiKton. AMHKY A WAUKIt, ATTOltNKYH AT law. uooiilH :i mill 1 or lllti " I'.hhi nri. ........ ..k..... in. .i.i. v. rriuiiMnn. urruiiii. HTKIt A WIIITK. ATTOIlNhYH AT l.nv, I'liiillelnn.Ori'Koii. liooniK H mill oiinllun lllock. 1'HV.SIOIAN.S AND HUHOKON.S. ItA. I' HIIIHIIIN, MKTA-l'liYXltJI.VN unil Ti'imlirr nf ChrUtlun Hrlrlic vMi.uriii mi I" I llvll 11, I i.iii l.i... lo Uimj i-c . Oiniillullon (lev, Clu-ii illi-W(II.l. I'lIYHU'IAN AND Htllt- . umii i iiri" in irvilliri urui; iuu, III I' I'k'on, It. IIAltKI'.lt, PHYSICIAN ANHSUIt. turn. I .mi m ll vkooliitliii hlouK, ii i if iiitii L"n iiii vjimi . v A v ll v m kiiiivi l"'IMl I wimti-wifl &). A'. KIN(J.. it? IJ. OKFICK OVEIl unorium.e cc Cfn nuire. Kraitiencn, on men innni'oirtt by telephone with 11 -ucr, urr iuu .iivi. iinmriim holrl. KmiiphIiiI MttMlitlim i1vhii to the DKNTISTS. U. UK.VTIK. UKNTIrtT. UAH ADMIN ' Ulfr.l ii,Hp.Miiin Mlr,'l.liri'homi) IU1IIUIUC. I'eilUlfluo, wirguH. MECHANICS. ! PAItKI-X, CONTUACTOH AND llll liter. l.nillitM llri.irnll. I'OUHIry " UK-duti-, KttliiiHtr furnlkhcdon "luuiice. A. niiinim'iiliirii,MTEIi ani: ,-. . .-..I, V. .... I ... Hulliler, i-hvo nntrm ut rfnldence, iirriinui xnu I lioniliKon kirreu, ikiiuip ; "unil, unirn, ruiiiiiiru ,,iiii 'iui..'.. 'rnilW Ut. U'iIl-aii 1uLr.. .l,u ..ml flnnlMIl Mt... wi.ion.ortnon. DlucWmntlli wor.cm:aii " In Uin hvkt pollil iiiuuuer, nJ on vtorc.kiioclui;. in. I'jiiiruitii n,,rii,.i'i. 13.- ANK A IIKOU'X. limine CAKKIAUK And Hlvn pjinini-. iiutt.iu.iikM. ft re iron. .T 1 luiriHiirtri. ltrr uuii mh Illfi rfil.nlrv trill ,ni,lua nmninl fltt(!tl .T I1T-U Ull IUUI b I1UI IbVI w. MtVNW titiivu.iv nnnuL i vnuTHV muu it iiiir ii 1 ii e. ninru uiiu au ' - -trrri, otUiI Tlllon'fi nittr HHKriVt 1 r 11 . TT. " ------ 1 . , - in aii 11 m uuovb itmnciiCfi. sin win ..7. ifiiii-u 111 liriirif'4 liMI KIHr.U. .1111111 1 . " uuinAI. I I 1 1 T. A.1U 11I11V.IV . ni mnniinif.nl HAtllnirMJi uaepiail: "'"I'M. nla.ti.rliii nil bin. Ill nf utnne . . ... won exeinlii.l rfnuiniiulir. liui- ' lfTroit partitions JHI-TINO CAN BR HAD AT THE oinrr printing honte In Kuitern Oregon SUM' TO.II.W, C. K. HOO-4EVKI.T. N. II. TKNNKItY. R. T. R. CO. Gro and see their new style Photos "The Russian' Pbrtraits in Crayon. Frames, Copying, Etc. R. T. R. Co., Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon. Successors to J. A. Briggs. Whom it Mav Concern. The undersigned will elose till on 1st of And wiUjfdcmuiHl (-atisl'actoi y 8(.Uleiueut of all bills due them before the end of the year. Thoy propose there after to eonduet their business on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS, nd solicit, a continuance of the liberal patronage they have s'o long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers FULL COMPENSATION In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended ROTHCHILD & BEAN JUST ARRIVED! A Large Stock of and Household Uooas At Shulze's Store Main Street, Pendleton. Goods Sold on the Installment Plan on Easy Terms. Great Western Bakery. DINING ROOMS, M, iR ATA, Proprietor. A. FIBST-OLASS MEAL! KOIt TWENTY-FIVE CENTS! A NICE, GLEAN BED FOR 36 OR GO GENTS OPEN DAY Mnln Street, near J'ontoJlce, Pendleton Alexander & Frazer, IlKAI.KItrt IN General Merchandise. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Dress and Fancy Goods. Family Groceries a Specialty. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARCl. MAIN hTBBBT, K It. IIU'UMONO. cunent. acenuntB on their book the October, New Furniture AND NIGHT! 4 dw Tin: ii.vni.i. op i.aiiou. Tlie IAborlns unil AKrlt'iilturul Chine. llrsluulii! tti Tiilnlt unil Wrk for linn- "eut'"" "r,1"" , a U I..OM.-IU iijiiun i i-a iipuKin iiim h tin) fiK'trt mid Hlulii-tloti bt'iirlni! utian In iliiBlrlul iuiuhIIuiis chioily uei'iipy tliu jiub llu iniiid. Wu do nut rumuiiiticr u cam imlKn nlion tlio iiroHperity of tlio lubor Iiik oIuhh uiiH ho Intliimtuly mid unequivo cally likuitltk'd uith tlio proHjiority ut tliu country. The outlook Ih very idlfyltiK. lloth of tliu KM'nt iiulitlcitl panic nro up. poullni; to tliu lntorentnuml lntullli;unL-u of tlio tniiHcH, rutlicr tliim to tl.nir tradi tional piujudli'uM utid partlvun LiIuxch. Don't look ut n iimn'H 1kIIUcm; look at It Ih principled. Nuvor Iiuh CoiireHH hud ho tutii'h to nay on economical iiucHtlotiHj iiuvur luivo tlio groat patty leuilcrH livon no earnoht In trying to hoIvo InditHtrlul probleiiiH. 'l'lioy uro tloodiiiK tliu country with (lociiinotiti on tut III', luxe, lovetnie, and immigration; tlio HtntlxllcH of wuoh, and tlio cot-t of living ut homo unil in foreign laud!. TIiIh Hurt of li'eraturo in without money or price. I tale Suiii'h niull-hagH uro tilled with It. 'lhu itolltlcal colKjrleiir U abroad K'attcr ing IiIh tractH in diKu-yuidii, nltopH, hIoiom, hotel unil I'krx. 'I'hoy oreep into Htriino pluroH. Wo found u lcallct on i'hoai foicinn labor tlio other Si'tiilav In u hymn IxmU ut church. Tho remedy for ull hochtl IIU inuy bo neon udvortlnud In llarlnu poxterii upon dead walls and idoiin tho board funcoM of coitutv roads. "Death to SintlrrolH," and "Deulh to trtictrt and iiloiiojiolle.-," crowd each other on tliu Miiuu pllu of llr rcantlltic;.' Mvety voter who can lead Iuih an iitiiplo npKr tunity to woiuli tho uriiinuiilrt pro mid con, and toM their validity by coullrinliiK tlieiu will, tliu actual faclH and llgiurn. Wo have an idea that I ho ballc Ih ens I on tlio (t 1 1 of next .November will ...nr., I,il,.lltir,i,i ii wIiI.ii Lii.imI.. i ..ii ,in more inteiilKemo, u wiuei kiiowmige on I 111 lf f lilt II fit til Ifl I lit t 1 Villi III t I . tl) l'Mbll 141 11 H (UlllkU Vlllf 1,11 Wll WIHMIII- ' At ll .V ..4l ..fit ecouoini-' . . :! Z ' There uro Krtenti in thu sky of great changes, perhaps industilal ruvolulloiiH, and no granger, no farmer, no lalstring limn, can alibi d to bo idlo. Thete Ih a fraternity among thu tolllcrn and prodiic erH. '1 heir IntcrestH uro largely identical, Thoy tire Itoth Ixdng strangled by tho unaconda, and never wuh thete u time that called ho loudly for milled uctlon. Largo seluimcs may bu uccom plisliud by laboring men, where thoy combine and tluow their llttlu savings Ftito u co-operative fund. Hugo inonoK)licH that havo lifted them solves uh granllo liioiintalns ultohh thu path of itidiintri.il progress, may Imj blown away by the breath of a nulled eoplo. Header, wero you over ut it hoiifo-raislng or log-rolling on the frontier, where der ricks and windluHseH worn unknown? Well, if you ever wuru, you know that u few iiiuii, wltli skiupoies una namispikes, can curry uud push up to it consldoranlo mounlaliiH, If wo try. Lot tho toilets uud pnxlucerrt remember thoy can mic cced, if thoy only org.tni.o unil pull to gether. I realize thu fact that, uh it unit, thu farmers cannot bo organized, but thu leading men in ovury precinct, men nhouroiiwuku to tho interests of their class, may organize work together, buy uud sell together, keoji Misled on thu murkct rutes und not sell their wheat fiom two cents to four cents ImjIow thu murkct nrico U-cuiiho somo uro told then wheat wu worth ho uud so 1 huvo I lieun told that u header, now from tho sliop, wan sold in l'endleton ut cost. I i believe cost meuiiH to pay for ull lubor i bestowed on any urtldu. Well, if tluit in I ho, let uh look- ut uio prion two moniim ; ugo. wlicn thuy usked fiWiOO moro for; the Hitmu heuderH, und sold some twenty of the machines to farmers, hat more have you for tliut 1K).W) you paid over and ubovo cost? Did vcu receive valuu for it? Uneimul tuxes, unequul tarill's, unequal laws, havo worked u iiariisiup S f "oulheri. illvNIon of. tho C.llfT.rnlu, Ore- ' f 1 Kim & Idaho rituKO Cumiuny'H linos tui.l T . , hi ImM I , I 'S 'T'l . ' 1 Sir. J. Ii. KiH-noy, in.in.Wuf tlio iiortli ,n,h.,, l2 ll U. " ' f1,ir(,l''-v urn .llvWon, nro 'now In tl.o ihr,vtuipiuK 1.1..... ....i ll .....i. .ill ill, .m.i ..nil . ri ,,ru!uedr whha!h?;rong und fal.hful UT"& 16 the sweat of our lirowH, wo ran move .... , ,,. ... i.-..', . ,i. . on tho farmers of tlio United .Stutcn, uud (Tho Hystuin of protection uh urged by tho espociully liavo wo beon called on to Ir u0p,,blican party Is xlmply for tho the burden bore in thu Inland LmpironuUt ( , manufaeluror without any but the sign of bettor Hiiibh Ih ut hand, i r,,Kar,i 0r benollt to tlio laboring man. Tho agricultural claiw me beginning to Tho Hepubliean partv in nlmply a party think and look around for theiiiKelveH. ,)f monoitH and U tlio laboring men The Grange ban made tho farmorn think- ilin.ughout tho country would better lu cre. It ban uiado him demand his (r, ihemselveH on tho turlfl ipieHtlon rights. It Iiuh enlurged bin vIuwm. II thoru would hu such un overthrow of that has develojxid IiIh tulontH, uioused IiIh .,anv fn ovumlsjr that Uh remains Hodul nature, made him .bettor morally, amlll nover Isj got together." ....1 I. rl. .1.1... mil tliu I fn lu.'limfllll llflllin. , tl. 1,1 I . 11. 1. ...4 . I ,1 1 I.... uu.i .iw.ivm ..." ,,,r, ikiuiiuu 11 coiiiioivii " iiiu i'iui;iiuii kept IiIh boy and girl- on tlm fari.i,)o( (!0Vcl.inil und Thurmun. and IiIh given mill an liouorcu piacu uiiiuhk 1111.-11, and Ih faht si-curing him bin juaUlghtH. W, A. H, Now York dispatch of Tucnduy sa H : Tho motion wits urgnwl to-day In thosu iiriinii, court In ihamlfrs to have Llijuh promo court .Smith, proBident of the Oregon Itailway A Navigation Company, N . Smith, Uh i treasurer, Hillfit and John II. Hull, do- fendantH In tlio sun 01 iiruyton iyi-h, piinihol for contempt of court In con- il..nln itw. liiitlflliii. nf liriincli Hiif-ri und the liridgo over tho Snake river, and for trunrferring tl.'.'OO.OOO from tho Kurmeni' Ixn und TriiHt Company, ciespno an in- (unction Issued bv tho HUpreino court.. Judue llarrett decldeil that the order of ! injunrlion could not prevent the con tti ruction of branch linen, and decided to appoint a referee to consider thu (juestion of contempt in diuoHitlun of the money, I'lOMIKIt SI AOKItH. Tin- llimlnria nf StiiclHc i, It Wim Onrn , , t iH Nllw, rrwni the IVIrmn. tr a ll Hooinur. nmiuiitor toiicliliu: timin tliu L-eneral tho Htago biisino.-iH, Mr. llooinor nulil: "Tho main Hiioh uro ull cut oil' now. Where wo ome had Htralht run.i of liundrcdH of iiiIIoh, now then aro only a few nltort rontuH. Tho rallroadu havo dtlvonuHoiit of bttxlnuHH, ulinoHt. Wu oncj teached tho MiMHOiirl rivor, but they piiHhed iih further went, until now tho'htano btiHluoHH Ih nettled within con llni'M hii llmlti'il that iinothiir Htnli will Iciowil uh out cnllrely. "Tho lenient lino wo now luivo Ih from Tho Dallen to IUIIIiikh, Mont., a dlrtance of 'Jolt iiiIIoh. "Yearn uuo wo had a ntrotcli of about ttOO u.IIoh from Tho Dallos to Kelton, L'tuh, by iuy of Walla Walla. It tdok thirty HtugeH and coven hundred hornet to iiccommiHla'o that routu, and wo had relavH ovory forty iiiIIoh. "Wo havo Hllll a fuw hix-liomu coiicIioh riiiinliiK in California, but vear by year tho routeH jjrow Hhoilerand wouiofon Hhiutly diopplnu' out of tho ccbediilo. "Tho lottlu to I'tah wan killed tho dav iim l.ui uiilUn uiiM ilrliini liiliiliu. tin, Tnlon and Conlrnl 1'abllla rallniadH. On th it dav Mr. Kuunoy drovo the hint ntapi that over went over tho lino, and coveied u htrolch of nine nthcH lietwueu tho two rouilH in jiint forty minute. "1 went into the hIuho rorvlco in IS,VI, in Now Mexico, on tho Santa l'o ro.id, I wuh jtiht it wit.p of it boy then, but 1 clnn lo tho IIiich. I havo i-cun about ovory nldo of tho biiHlu'eHH, and nitiHt nay that I great ly regret that it Iiuh lont tho rotnaueo which wuh wound ubout it uiurn ugo. 1 nuvor Iim! it roblmry that umoiinted to anything. My turn camo luctly cloru 0110, lllllllgll. I wuh on tho way from i Tallin ri' lofiui r uiiiciMn.ii iiiiik iiresiimo . , , ,.. ...i..,,. r...... ' ." i..i..-..i ii .....1....1. . i Oil. when one night ubout 11 o'clock 1 hIomw" I'.v roblHiiH. Htopped l iy roiimiiH. I hoy covered uh with rlllcs and ordered tho vuhiuhlcH to bo thrown out. There wore two men in the stage who wore thor oughbred, from tho mining country, urn! wero not to bo bhill'ed, especial I v uh thoy had over U.(KH) with them. Tho roll- luirM litul im luitior given tho order to i tlifiiu tut nil lunula tlmii lliiiuii lu'ii tiiMti , ...' ....... '..', inn hiiiiiwm I'lnjiri n ii at- wo iniinii mren of thu outlaws on thu ground, hIoiio dead, 'thu othur two lied, after filing half a doen shots without ell'cct. "That wuh it big scar fi for mo. uh they had mo dead to lights, and I hud over illO.000 with mo for transportation. Hut 1 tell you 1 would havo given up my life rattier tluiu let thorn havo the money. That wuh ul most my first exorionco in thu business. "In '117, our company hud it $:)7,00i) robbory, but the money wuh ull rccov eied. Thu robbers weru Ixing and Stone. wuh killed in tliu I ray, ami Mono lio Hun of Oregon uud Idaho, uud inn now on my way back to Sun I'liinclsco." iik'h roit :i.kvi:i..ni. A rrniiilimnt Cltlian r I'lirlUiol. anil I'or nurlr i Itrinihllcan, Itollnvra In :ii. nil unit Itfifurm. From tlis llulur Oily Drinocriil. Tho Deiiioerut ropoitor hud tho tileuH- iiri. 1'out.irilv inrirnifil, nf liliillthll Mr. K. It ). ,.( I'nrll nut (inn (if lhu must prominent ltuunnicu men in tho Stuto of Jiri.n ,,,i uiui n is w,.ll known. Iiuh mn m urdent Hiipinirtur of tho prlncb ,,urt 0( ,,0 ipUblIcun party for "lo, thi.w uiuny yoarrt." Hut a chungo Iiuh eomo 0or thu spirit of his ilreuu.H, u; il hu ll0 onilnr IjoIIuvoh In thu paity of monop. 0nt!S , tlo taxing of tho muny to muko rich thn fow. Mr. Itiggeu Informed thu rujiortur that ho Intends voting for Cleveland and Thurman. Ho said: "I have sought thu truth and I lullovo I havo found it. opinion is important when it Ih known that ho banes that opinion on isirsonal observations gathoiod by oxtenslvu travel. A Hohton dispatch says : there Ih less net I vit c in tho demand for domestic ucllvi emar I 'rices uro unchanged, uud deal- aro not willing to sell except at full current vuIiich. Territory wools uro sell ing on a scoured basin of 47Kf'e, for medium. TexiiH, California and other uuwushed wisj ment of ImiMjrt wools, aro without u move- ance. , , , . ,. a- Alexander Mulock and (iwrRo Turner, proinioeni larmerH 01 ni cioy eo iniy Alabama, and brother-in-law, settled it feud by it duel. They met in tho publiu toad und tired live shots each. Turner waH mortally wounded. 11 aloe k escaped. in iim luuuilllli: iiinui liiu i;uiii:i.ii v-uimtiiuu ui i l niri in;uu nun iti. iv.iiu, mm iim v,.- rttlli: .UITH A Nl .IUI K IIAIIH. From tliu .'Uoii, Cal,,'l'rllituio. "Tho duty on juto buttw In f" tier ton, on juto l!0 per cent, and on juto hug 40 per cent. Ah there Ih not u pound of mechanical juto made In tho Unitud iStnto.i, tho duly protoetH no one. Tho farmers of O.dllornla uso frou thirty to forty million Kraln baj-H every your. Tho lowent eslliiiulo of duty they pay in Run 1'ranelHco on goodn manufactured In whole or In part of juto Ih 4o0,000. (!ihh1 authority placeH tho CHtlmuto im hif;h uh $7ri0,u()0. It Ih xufo to nay, thou, that tliu duty on Juto addH two contn to thr cunt of every grain Hack tinud by tho fanner. Tho fanner reeeivcH no oipilvu lent. Kvorythliig ho buyn Ih pro tected, but everything ho huIIh Ih tin tier free trade. It Ih true that there Ih a duty on wheat and hurley, nhldi it Im alleged puileclH him ugaliiHt Canada, hut mich u protection Ih milieu OHHury. Tlioro would lie Jiint uh much leuHou in protecting California ayaiiiflt tho fruit IndiiHtrloH of Idaho. l.lverool niakoH the grain market of the world. California fat mora uio compelled to pay fielght acroHH the Atlantic and compotu with tho peasant labor of UiiHHla.eighleiin ceiitri a day, and the ryotH of India, cloven cents it day. .Sow, us it justifica tion of this buitieiisonio tux upon tho farmers, it Ih said that then) Ih it private mill in Oakland that must bo piolcclcd. I The total uuiotinl in whkom it V in wagcM it pays never i macho iitioha I tho auiount I ho noon lo . " taxed to protect it, and Hotmttliuort it allH to ono-Hlxlli. "''' position of I ' tlio ltunuhUc.tn load ers In this Stale on lhu turill'on juto bags Ih miuivoiiiituulo. ho havo no iiouin mat I hoy havo foi gotten that tho party Ih on reeoid In favor of free uruin bags. Thu Uepublicau fat uiorH of the State, nnd es pecially of Solano county, us well UH till) bemociatlc farmors, uro on record in fa vor office Iml:h. Ah long ago uh 1877, 1 the farinorH grew lost vu uinlur thin tux. ! I'etllloitH i woio oxtenslvuly t lreulatod, and uuivursullv sinned thiouuhoiil thu Statu, asking Congio.-H fur free grain bags. Sen utor S. (I. IlillHiru, a Uepublicau repro wilting Solano county, In icsihiiiho to tho petlllon of farinorH, on the loth of Janu ary, 1H7H, iiitriMluced it joint muuioolal, which recited tho following facts; Whereas, Tho fanners of the L'.iui.lu Coast iiho twenty million of grain bag each year, uud, Whereas, Thu tux unii thu materials of which theao HaekH uio iiutdo in almost uutirelv collected on tho l'uclllo iCoant. 1111(1. Whereas, No one Ih benulltled I'.v .1.1 ..... .. I...II..M....I., ...1... n.uu ui .uiii u mn uiui,iiiii.un mi.. employ Chiiieso labor only,- therefore ho It, ltesolvcd, lly the Seiialound Asstiinbly coiieiirilug, thut our Senators und Itojire runtutlvoH iu Congresi Ih) leipiested to use ull honorable means to bavu tho duty on grain bugs, burlaps, gunnies or gunny cloth abolished, or reduced to Hi srcent, ud valorem. " This memorial punned tlm Senate on l'ebruury oth, under it siiHiituiHlon of the ruluH und without opMisiliou. it wuh tniiiHtiiltlcd to thu Ai-sembly and by that Ixxly considered uud pasm'd under it sun ienslou of I ho rules, February -Htli, uud thu liovornor, by reipiest of the Senate und Assembly, Itninedlalely forwarded a copy of thu memorial to our Senators urn! KepreseulutivuH In Congress. In tho face of this record, wu do not see how the Kepubllcuu farmer can uphold thu policy of the Kopiibllean parly Iu maintaining it duty on gialn bags, und wu do not sen how Congressman MuKounu can go bo foru IiIh constituents uud justify Ids vote uud speech," In Wliuai Intt'ri-atY From Ih" New York World. Thu famous circular of J union !'. Foster, President of thu Kouubllcuti League. nuying "Wu wunt money, uud wo wunt It al onco," wan sent u iiroiecien muiiii- facturorn only. Tho circular said to these men; "Thu Leaguo stands for protection und in fighting iu your In- 1rest." And it iiuoted from it I nllml Slates Senator now thought to Ijo .Mr. rliitnb these wordn, whicli 1'reslilent Foster cerlilled to uh "strong but bltlor uud trim:" "Tho camnalirn which wu are alnit to enter will concern, inoio Iban unylssly else, tho inaniifaelurers of this country. 1 wuh solicited 10 contriuiitu 10 u proiuu live tariir leaguo, uud I replied thut if tho muuiifucturerH of tho I'niled States In their usHin-lutu capacity were mi eleo monynury Institution I would votu to give them u ieusloii, hut that I did not pro hwo myself to contribute money to advance ho interests of men who wore getting practically thu solo benulit, or ut bNast most directly iiuiMirtunt IninedtH, of the tariir laws. I uudurntisn! that in u general way thu manufacturers of Now Kiigluud nuvo l ice u more nisjrui in tuuir , .. . i . .1 , lontribti tatloii than tl oho of rounnyi- vunla, In fact, I havo it from thu bunt tMiHslhlo source that thu manufacturers of l'ennsylvuniu, who aro moru highly pro tected than any bmly else and who maku largo fortunes overy year when times aro proHiMjroiiH, practically give nothing to ward thu muliitunuuu of thu uwedanoy i of the Itepublle.in party. Of coursu 1 1 shall not vlolato what 1 wu- nider to Ito prosT principle of action, but If I had my way ulmut it I would put thu manufacture of I'ennsylvuubi muter thu flro und fry ull thu fat out of them." - - Thu heaviest rainfall in yearn occurred at : ort Jurvln, N, V., Tuesday, Suverul streets uro torn up uud collars tlootlud.. I'eoplu wero taken from houseH by Isjats thin morning. Suverul small houses wero carried into thu Peluwuru liver. Tho river in still rising.