Ijosigphl jsliJ Leezer & Kuebler, WEDiNIiKDAY, .SKITKMHHU 10, 1888 Till" Win lit Hltmitlon. Kiurn l.f ftl It-'n tlliiHlrutcil Nfs upon "H'h um ill ulml t hut that blown no body KtHjil," T:c nsporlM of all tlio out look for tin; wlicut crop In Kiirnjn', ami coniuiuuiitly for tlio peoplo of Kiiropu liu condition of ulieat IwIiik tliu un.'at tent of iio.HH'flty or HiiUVriiitf uru mo.it liHCoiiraiti. Tim year 1871) uuh tliu wornt jour of tliu contnry fur ; bout in KiiKland, and otorytliiiiK now liiillc.itt'.i Hint 1888 Mill do liurcaftiT ranked ultli 1871) in till icHpi'ct, Tliu pouton lias Ihioii i)('oitionallv, if not un Iirecodontvdly, cold and wet, and tliu weather Imm nrnvn woifu ta'liur than lietter, month hy month. Ahuady tliu prleo of oread Iiiih iioiiu up a penny on a u ipiartcr loaf in London, wliilo thu Jin jjIIhIi workhoiiHo utttliorltloH aio overrun ivitli an anny of HiilTerinn Irlsli lahorurH, vlio camu to HiikIiiimI, iih unuhI -at thin tltnu of the year, for the lmrvent, und find no work to do, while thuy havo no money to go hotnu. When they not back, liy the way, it U only to llnd that thu k tatocropnuH failed all ulonj thu went coant of Ireland, iih In many purtu of lin Khind. Thu outlook Ih hardly le.sn dlHCourai'iii on thu continent. I'rancuhas onu of thu iKwront cropM of who.it uvur tuapod,Minall in uuuntity and had in uualitv. Italv, fulU at bunt olio llftli behind last year. I (leiiimny ruportH till cropH very back' I ward, und the piOHpect for wheat kfowh worHU iih thu Kuaton advuiiceH. lion iiiuiiIii'h crop will he thirty x:r cent, tin 1 dor bint yoar'H for any uiveu area, al though thin in MIMly eomiiciiNati.'d for I iv Increased acreai. Thu Intent repurtH from ICiixkIu are unfavorable, All thi involves a du'leiuuey in tliu Old World, acconliiiK to thu bent i.'htl iiialuM. of from 7(1,1)00,1)00 to 80,000,000 IjiinIicIh of wheat, und u marked advance in Ihupriio. 'liiln, in turn, nieaiiH that thu wheat farmer in our Wcntum KtateH iri KoiiiK to p;t "big money" for bin crop. Thu hcHt JiiiIkdh uree that thu winter wheat crop in tliu Wuxt, which coimtitutui fully half of all that Is rained, was un commonly i;ood. Sprinj wheat in many wctioiiH Mllleied cmihlilerably from cold and wot weather. Tbinis esn'i:lullvtnieof MiuneHota and Dakota, whotueidly frontH did iiiueli harm, and Wisconsin and In 'Ilium htand alone amouu thuKicat wheat (.'rowing legions in tepoillnn a lually Kruat crop. Happily, however, thu j?rninl advaiitii'e Is not uuf.ivornhlu; and wbllu wu may nut have a ureal deal of wheat to exMiit, wit shall have plenty lor ' our on n population, Tint t il l.ut jtf it tin, 1 1 ItitlttiJjl, tlllitrtul a llJ 'I II 11 Jt " uvili mi nun IMIIIIIJ 1 not by thu woild'H markut in Liverpool; und while It is not well to iiiduluo extra vacant nuticipatioiiH, tliu outlook, accord iiiK to convcifutivc judnes Is, tliat prices will raisu neatly, If not quite, to tliu leel of thu ureal "Immiiii" jear for our wheat uroweiH, 1H7II. This will ho it uiHlsond to tliu Western fanners, many of whom have been uicatly discouraucd by thu low prices which have ruled o( late J ears. Starvation in the ciondcd tenements of thu Hast Hud of Loudon menus pros perity in (ho Dakota faun-houses. .Such Is thu Irony of fate. First National Bank. DRUGGISTS 'I In- li.rireit iiii'l most complete xtock or Manufacturer of unit I (enter In HARNESS, SADDLES, BHIDLES, ETC. Multi Htrcel. Next ilonrln Pnnfnfflc, I'KNIM.KTON OHKOON, Watson & Luhrs. Proprietors of tliu Stoam-plauing Mill, Sn3h und Door P.wtory tiai Lutnbnr i-",.r:.,.W7i V-4 .v Medicines CHEMICALS, Toilet & Fancy Articles In Eastorn Oregon. GIVE US A CALL. Dcspaln Block - Pendleton. IF YOU WANT THE EARTH TAKE THE WORLD It is almost the same thing. No Premiums; No Special Offers; No Out Rates; nut tuc dcot Attn ninnccT Commercial I u"' "nu "",L' fay,F!6i, d Sale McJNEWSPAPER h You Protected? I ! rilUNITURK kept In nloflt nml iomiU to order. CKOAlt HWINOI.KH KOIt HAI.K I iriil-clun worleini'ii eniptnyeil unit work done an iirdereil, WATHON A l.l'IIUH, invittf I'cnilli'ioii.Ori'Koii. Those who bellevo so thoroughly in protection should not go nny longer without insurance on their property, of whatso ever kind; and nearly everyone believes that a policy in a pood, Reliable Insurance Co. Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not I be indulged in when it comes to taking out a policy. In the first place, pick out competent and -ok (:nii.kton-- I.KVI ANKf.NY, I'rnatflHiit (Aeon Khakkii, Vlcn-I'rml'l u mum I'. HturjflM. 4,'axlilcr, Trniiurt h liciiiTKl lianklni IiiuIiiwk. On all imrlu llierorlil KOUGHT AND SOLD 4:hIIc-iiiiim Jinilo nt nil l'ilut uu Ki-HMtinntilp f rrm. Grain Bags and Twine for Sale T. F. R0URKE, Grain and Commission Merchant. J. 0. KEENLY & CO.. Props. Put up your animals nnd your monoy at this stand. Thoro is no bottor in town. Our patrons and friends will bo wol! troatod. i'o.mi; to hi;k uh. A!,i icinh-ok uios l-Olt 1I1UK-TIIK riNKT TtillS OUTS IN TOWN. J.B. KEENEY & Co.. PROPR H. F.Johnson&Go., Prescription Druggists. PURE MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMES, EcquIblteH uio Tollot, Stntionory & School Supplios Fine Imported anil Key West Cigars, 0(ioll Vlllitr.l Houtv, I'KNIU.KTON. OKKOON j SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOOL! A.. HJSA-LIUY I'itAOTIUAI. BOOT & SHOEMAKER Main unit Wi'bliHIri'cU, KnMtt'rn Muilc llouid Mini NliiH-n In HlocU. IVrcot At (JuaritDtct-il, On Tlio North Aiuurlciin Coutinuut. 11 I.nrj;o I'ligcrt nnd SI Liuik' CoIiiiiiiih. A POPULAR NOVEL PnliOlii'd In Ktnl iclvcti u'ltli cnrti MU nr III1 wii'klv ((llilon. Ilcclnnliu .Mi . I, unit eontlmilnu then--nrivr, I in Wtirttl will limit wan ncli Imiic ii Miiiiiitii ihiwI uy ii iKipiuur inilliiir. Ainiini; III!) Wri'lTK win LUI .Tlic-Piiclirm, .Mr. A Irxiuiili r, jiiiiii n. y in Willlrr ltililll WIIKIh -.illlli. It'lllt, Mlll-llltKIKI, It. I.. Htl'Vl'IIKOII II t KiirjHin, TIiiiIiihm Ilunly. JtillHn tliiwlliiiriif, K W. Itolilnoiill, KiiiIIh ti!irlu, JiiIph VcriiP, 111, IIIIK", llcnrv Wii.it. M. i;. Ilriuliliiii, .Florence v nr.lcc iMiirvtVcli lluy ll.'rllm M. Cliiy. V II II I f INhninU, Itlimtu IMwiinln, !r. ir I'l.iiiin.. Tlii'ko novel), will Im I lie IiiIcmI wnruu of I Iih tiol wiilcr hm iliuy ure piilillHliecl n lionkn wiiirli uvert one It t'liMlnit uiiiiut. Notiiiin: lint Hie very In Hi will liu uiltiitileil Into tlio Worlil'uStiin iinl l.tliruryor (tenon. Till Library of Kl-ll m Will lie HiipiMl to SuWrlbm Only. No KxtiA Co.'.ltd Will llr. rrlnti-il. No Hack NiimbiTH t'lin.llo Knrnllie.t nml No limb) CnpleH Will Im Hobl. ir Vou Wluli Ibo Si-Men Omipliitr, HUlWC'ltllli: ATONCK. Ouu Year (V2 uiiinberx), f 1; CI ,Moiillin(.Vi iiuinln rN),.Vxi 3 JtonllimlSnniiibir-i; r AildrfMi THE WORLD, Now York. RELIABLE AGENTS 9 m LI IWil tierbcr, 1'roprletov. Main Hticrt . 0iioltt L'ou't llouke. I Klmt-ebuH In nil or lt iii'oliitinn'iU. Tliu mini'. u,i-iii,iiirii iviiii iiiu ueHI W1P nmrld t utlorUx, Open Day and Night. I WhltlHbnr In both the UIiiIiik room I I iinl kitchen. With whom to do your business thoso wlio repnfsent none hut thu best insmrimco compunics and go straightway mid insure. When in search of such agenla, don't fail to turn your "pecporrf" in tliu direction of the ollico ol Clopton & Jackson, Located in the EAST OliEGONIAN building, Pendleton, whore you can have any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma rino, Accident or Life insurance, done, up in APPLE-PIE ORDER! i All klmU or imiiIii unit oilier inlue houiibt unit aolil. Amide mid eominiHlloimwuric limine. I looitM hiiiI prixluro of u "ITT" O . u i klndi More.l m reuon.ilio rule.. . riGYlVy jDOWIQall, Jluv. now on Inimti nimntltv of II.UIAUKII WIIKAT, (oimI lor bold clili'ken ami bouii feist, for Niiluclieiip. OKKR'K AT WAllKIIOUHK. SKA It DKI'UT, rKNIM.KTDN, OltlUlON. Estes & Guilds, l'niitletirn ) Ilia ViTY LI I' lilt V FHKl A" SALE XVAHLK, Deiilvr In Thoroughbred 1 1 11 ... . .t lnlM B il I u li nut uiiu i 1 1 1 wpii .(.H i iiik, mIiikIp r noiibii., unit SPANISH MERINO SHEEP, ruilillt' llorncH hImk)m oh ImiiU. I'KNDLKTKN OltK JON Hiimenbonritcit l()' Ihr liny, M i'rli or llonth. All K'lili of I'eiil Kor HhIc, In (Small or Uimu litK, CHAKQE8 REASONABLE! John McGarry, James Crawford, groceries j TIIK HT.ll'K Agricultural College, COUVAI.M8, OHKdO.V. 'I erm Coinnu-ii(-r VIiiuiIu)-, St'jiU'inluT 1!2 1 NN. KACIM.TV. A full rortx of eiMjrleliceil I'rofe.aoni unit Traclirrx. fOlUWK OK STUDY. ArraiiKfd expreo.ly to twi ibeUemnmU uuil nre.U of the furmltiK lnlercl of the Hlate. I'HKt'.MlATOUY HKI'A IITMKNT. For uuleutn over I5yr- ornvn wlimletlrr to enter tliefolleue, hut Hre not iirepitreil In enter College eliiMen b- einmlniitloii. MILITAHV lUAININtl. To the extent retinlreit by Ihw. IllMLlUNOS. ' Ijirve, CoiuiiiihIIoiih hikI well Ventlluteil. LOCATION. In h rultlvHteil ami Christian community. '"IV T IITIII m 111 (lid O 111 If. KXI'KUIMKNTAL.STaTION. Cln'UlHM.i'nntulnlnt; mutter full of Interent to Mrmer. will b rei;urly lucil mul coplei mulled to each uatro.i of tlw Col. lege. KXI-KN8K8 Itetlured to lowest tljcure.. Two or moro free 1 oliolHrtilii fro ii eer county, (.'oiuuit joiirCouiitv cuperliiteudeiit. Wi coiitKUlitly upt'eiil to Ibo faniirn Hiul Uranti'M of Oreuoii to inronli the onlv kcIuhiI ei.tiitilli.lied by oreson for the liromo Hon of ht'riijjrlvultural nteret, Kor cutii!ouo or ot her Iliformutliili.iidilivHJi H. Ite AltOI.I, I'reHlitent, aui.'.'i) w t'orvulliH, (lit-xuu. MMIIIUiu-liirer m aim .ixiiier in mm mm Harness, Saddles, Bridles, PKOVI8TONS MOfiey tO LOail Whips, Etc., rtri-ciiu kihkc. ouiy inn' H'K. rro- , i.u n,,.. ohnr T, . mice ixHikiil uiiu Mini, - v.. iii kviiy tine 15TT"' nml S31."'. I .T Si ' Tonts and Wagon Shoots' A -ocmAm-Ci Ral E$tate' ln,uranco and Collection for Salo Ixii.KjfUU Hlb -L ii j ur Qwezea a i i..i uriiv- laii rnRK. ' ini, m.i.,iu'.m,!,i. 1 It is well to remember that to he securo you must insure in one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of moreen $100,000,000, If you contemplate insurance, call on them und get posted and it will cost you nothing. Remember their oflice is in the EAST OREGONIAN building, or address Clopton & Jackson, TiftkfilcT,u - - w in im i- . fi EloeantPnii KmlKrHiitHlnTinrCAm.. OMAHA, COUNCIL Bt itrr .... tl A . en-n or cunrntRnJ i.... Clone oonucctloimtport!,,., laii.U,WI u. m . Went bound pUMQrfP riVVP HI iWtXi. III. f-ft,- to.i ' TO HAM rrinaUa. - . iiriirii a i... is . --"Mia wiiauiiuiuillPi la Ntft, . -.'ir-Klll AUUU1LVI tiki. 1' n Leave tenin,hlrwh.wf,Por.lt l.fiivi Hrwur Mt u. inn, . . aiPf UIHIUmeUf Kor furtlH'rtmrtlMilitMiisA.i. A . I' . r 1 1 dml 'X I . ' U . . uiiiiiiinii, (Inacml Mntr. i. ii. nim.KT. ii i.rii ill. AWIV M I ihh K' ' .H A Mil uu tun-lb mum fvi'vinr lint a with iiw IVnrthfni Pvlli frntu Hf. Paul nnd Mlnnaniia To Chlrtttftiuntt thr Kit. To Mt. loulf nuv! (lie Kfliik rni i . . l i : ixiDnrTL'jf in iiiiv .im t. Kt Council lMuflM, LttTeDorti uitv for r..ft - kJl Ari'omnnnv nil inroiizn tirrw nun IWMHU. It I til VOHUH"lt inw A N. or jvoriuern i'mid- m- .ltlll If llm H. K. :il.H. KKWKIY,Ur- No. 3 Wiutilnicton HI., - 4 a III1T lltllinL' liOIl. TKLHIHi ITW1. rtkV? VM GREAT OVERLAND THF Nntihprn Pacific till, w.iii. Aliwntflctnl 1W CM From Oregon and Wb'r to the End Via HL 1'anl anU MlnnMjwa """"" ffafrscriuj v i Tim Kvrr Mu' ft imiiil An idavriiDuiwi IJUrilIlC"l"wuii.iji I 5" P SWWSfiTiwr KH1UIIAKI out.!"" A l,.l,l nn rrruUr tit"" - . ... a, in. n ma cinirw ismi. v- llallraad. v .i,.1l..l. InnrllABtMi Ihvo fortland J P-.S',iii Minneapolis or ni. i rnunn uht. ... t.i o U to all point ti,- - . ... . iw,rtl.nJ itii m counectluK wltn u. - ui i IK) i ii la uu . tt rni WaJtlllDElOD ou. 1' ,nr rT. -fPti. - ACCIDENTS WILlT ... iucj v v i- r - - bappenatoyoo.ju-ji, TRAVELERS MSUIW ....... rr wwr VB retOVTC"'' nlolnu that even Sf' JTiV, -i.. i .ithniil dItMUaiw id Hnt;ofirtlfartoryr' provinlona In all l f'm T Tl Ten Millions .1 Curat M. .,nvuMlitll3,Wt r..f nrimalmn botllW- Pendleton, i t ,.-. . - ( , , ... Oregon. OUJ rllow' tlulldliic, Malu lwL JuJI t'KNlLVn)N OIIUKON iJySlSm a.v liu. uii-ULju. r uriiieri v ill un mi iv. a K. u r" "