East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 17, 1888, Image 3

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    7 ...
.1... Itrnnrll OfllCC
-.f (tin RAHT OltKfiONf AN llAH
liomcr 11. llHl !
Jin-It. Ilo wl l bo
... .li!cnti or I'eiiiiicioii.mui
V Arllnutnii TliiiPH? Tim iA
Heppner has been spending moat of tho
time while in session on tho ease of. tho
State vs. Joo Cannon, charged with be
ing an accessory in the inendiary llro ut
Lexington sonio time ago. Tho awe was
submitted to tho jury in tho llret trlul
laBt Friday, but tiftcr tho jury hud been
out ubout IM hours thoy fulled to agree,
standing 11 to 3 for conviction. A second
trial will bo hud.
U.. 1 .."v." ---
I ...it... I
WlillWter, uumiKu
. . . .1. I CI... i
fi IrbOtf IWO-ua.v in .-mum
i. ,....Mm lit Donaldson &
Howo nntdo u clniin two-baeeer. nottini?
Three Out..-. Won My t10 ,, hnt ! "XK0 M8' J1? ,nI-V especial features
jf.lth.r . vr cJiuu. V cur,-A l ,uro ' . W' McWb rotigh-und-tumblo
HiuffKinc Match. u e fly catch, and tho clover base-running of
Tim inn,ti.. o. .1.. no Stars. Heavv batting wus tho rule
Jendunrv wi,m7 9 "u l'111 ,n V10 on both sides, following is tho score:
CnKift Saving1 ?ih5LJLL". W ?i ' - AH It lilt Til TO A B
i v"" uunuiiKiii, uunuui; I uwcspie, c n
luck that put them there is a question. M1Vlll, 31 -
liiey won tho threo games played hero I ftVJj'V, 'i
with visiting teams with Bceming case,' i) i w lMo"iV;"iii.;;:;;;;: o
and each time with an utrocious score. : Htiirley r.
SCieUll 0 DilSGllU 1 tninr u k..u ... l.,...t.- .I'-i
in tho gullcry.und tho wholo threo 'games
Iililf lit bn sutiinipil nti In (1,,. f,,li
words: "Two walkovers and one slugging TotnN, 11
mntcli." i .l.vmlui'Mi. All I-
.... 7 3
.... T ;
... 7 3
.MorI.'K, if
. .liiplimtl. If
It seems ubsolutolv too bail that all tho
splendid machinery "In tho shops of Pen
dleton Manufacturing Company should
liuvo been lvhii idlit for mirh it letiL'tli nf
ititfin any uprvieo in inn tiiuo. wlifuii. if nooned. would bo
crow aeu wiui worK. j ins munniaciuring i Hilllmim, p..
cnturprisoiius been heretofore ii cred t ' ,.,,, '' " ," "" , . mVr::,".7; '
and u hcnollt to its owners and to l'endle-' ? w 11 , U,",1Ia ,) " J' , Uie, Wo'?? 1
ton, but in Its present condition of idle-. M'.V1 ,icnlu 1,10 H0 llie' vi"i,orH, "X'..Z:Z u
iiosh detracts from tho standing of tlio ', ,luUe,r ,,MC1re co,n1,0'1l of wverul ; chiii.in,2b o
tuwii good baseball players, but they woro ovi Atikcn , rf n
ilio cam of tlio city of JI ton s. C. camo over hnndicapped by the loss of!
0. Cunningham, in tho circuit couit on 'threo of their best men. Thev wcro at
.t.i . u'i . Vi """" ""v" f gooii'iiatureii, well-belmved crowd of
. , -.i,t .i iiu i .caniiK lor bovn, ami in time will bo nblo
iiiiiuiuiiii, uiiu r.. .ui.i.;hikiiiiii uiiu u , with
.ii. iiauisey ior mo city, n will be ro
mombered that Cunningham was lined
$100 and costs for selling liquor without
llcoiifo. Tho motion to dismiss tho writ
of roviow wua taken under advisement bv
uiu tuun, u lousn Damn ull nrnniul Klllli.i.in .....1
14 21 10 17
tii ro a i:
.1 li
. i
ii iniocn nin u
T. C.
.. Miilii sheet bridge.
eton times says Joo Kceney
6. .ti. li.illna In riMnultl.
1U iliu ' "
ludicatos that an
i...i ...iii innrn urn hiltiih ui
t i t.. ,, if., ,i l l.nron'M nntn
'riint nrn v lni? io
ol honorable worK.
ll. - T. . X-...
i .aiipiiiiai mi nil i' lirm iiiiF.
nlilit, and is now m town,
n( utdillllMlV.
nf oiliceH for rent in tlio
i .. - - t I. ..!. 1
I. ....... I.nt titwl U'lltllt
lilkVUI . . '
conveniences, for io per
. t ...... ri..i.i
art -IP IH ill lllllll liuiu vjiiiit
mi a vl wit to liiB urotlicrH ut
Mr. Inane IUH laruo HllCOl-
. i . I.. 11... .tltlttrliiY.L.1
.r-..i iiitnii i it lit ni'iininiv
p renalil lor going, an
.,,itwiti luiitur iiriiiiitlinil
a i ui" sci inuii w iih i'i iii.ii
mi' liar iuupuii t i'mku iw
tlliU UIIU iiutirviivm in
felling at low prices. Ilo
.i... i.... ... li. ....... .,1....
ticket to S'alom are now on
ia. ...il... I'.tiul nltiti ilntmr
. i .ii .1 i... "I.n.. ......
noriiiiiuu iiiiiii ui" ii ... iiiu
Usvstcin of oleclrlo lights
put in at uoiiax. . power
In oicration. furnishing
lutifiu iucandesrout lights
iwttern. No are lights uro
odor's threshing maehluo,
it Saturday, mado what is
tlio best record ol tlio
l!".ll U.ll.lU f tflllllll
k within tlio usual workday.
I.. .....I.. . II. .1.1..
iiiu in luriccuy reiiiiuii)
1100 that Cleveland will
l II 1 ....1 ...Ml
m another fUKJ that
lo elected, hither of tho
I . A . t
Good fi Van Clovoiiavo
..... . t . I. . e i
...i .I... i ..i , f ii i.'
.. . I ...ii, . .
I . I .. i . r. l
uum nu aiToiiniH iiiiibi do
M, S. ltolilnson, residing
. M'umi iiiiiiHii. iiiur it u i in
anra uro weiinesuav. in
ilt-ftMy tlio bugs, hut tho
) destroyed tho lioiiHo and
iJiourniM ninri Mitniiiiiv
text FrM.iv, September 21,
ll'.llil bllrilnpsii In bn tr:iiw-
t unwell for a fow duv.
with hirt wife to Walla
ibys' rest.
land around It. conlu in ni
n K A; N. lines, a so
n.t In-.. . I !..
jIw to any ono oxcopt
ader will please loavo it at
iern icit on last Saturday
f) loin ltir liimlvinil nf
. rwMll.n.l .l. l...nllt..
id Yiultml T.i, ...,. In. !..
nn l..n..lt.l. ..
uit i.uuit.iii siuain'T
r Afhinery, and while-
' i numlior of l'ondlo
had rjulto u jolllM-
; in ii sood many pnuk
I llinlr liriclitost Hi'llnii,
"i 'he cuh'M'ih ilia sld.-
' Ii'Olilo's W irohiiiim. In.
thU Sl litllnL. loll.
I "bi .,n tiuiti.t;.!
" "flck p. m , and to-dav
-- ...., injuu-u U uiu
-n tlm lino, the run-
tl.ldd.1l , I
. i. . K sieiiuiur
--ii i I'liiBiiinini' con-
Hie ) r' 1 'Pf4 urn tirti
ttil a rapidly as possl-
to ulav
BUCCCSS. Ill tlletr llint iniinn
with rendleton thoy wcro beaten from
tho start. Tho Stars did not develop
much sti)criority in batting, but onco on
bases, aided by tho ertors of their oppo
, ucnts would crowd In tho scores. It was
At tho Clackamas hatchorv from flOO.-
000 to 400,000 eggs uro in tho troughs.
Tho first eggs put in tho hatchery will
c.omo out in ubout thirty days. At the
.McCloud hatchery between 6.000.000 and
0,000,000 will bo hatched out this season.
Of theso some threo million will bo dis
tributed to stock Oreiron waters. Those
desiring to stock rivers should addresB
tlio Fish Commissioners.
Fossil Journal : Tho nrlze fluht to tako
placo at Antclono on Thanksclvlnc dav
nromlsoi to draw a lame crowd. Tho
combatants will be Kenneth McDonald,
a native of "the land o cakes," and Jim
McCrhumou. from tho F.mcrald Isle.
Thoy will light In a IM-foot ring for u
prize ol ,m, to bo paid by tlio dcicatcd
Tlio American Iico Company, of Now
York, are hero for a few days only with u
tnagnillcetit stock of laces. Lace ut ono.
two, three, four, live, and ten cents ner
yard, woith four times tho amount. Ilig
sales; go and see thorn; look out for
baud-bills; Main street, nearly opposlto
I'MST UlllltlONUN building.
Ilrlckwork on tho coiiri-lioiiso bulldliiL'
will comtnenco next .Monday. No jolsto
will bo laid until brick walls to the
height of eight feet are laid, the bae
Cran i:aui:cd their iilavlnir bv tlm nni.
cssity of tlio occasion, unu did not over
do theniBolvos. Johnson of tlio Walla
Wallas pitched a fair game, but Jlchan's
hands wcro in a bad condition, and ho
mado his errors ut critical moments.
There were no Bpoclal features. Follow
ing is
Walls Willi. All II lilt Til VO A
Mclian.c i o 12 7 1
l'. inner, 3D - 4 0 ooio
HJiiliniinn, p 4 0 l l 111
lJunmiic'JI) 4 0 112
Hnwc, k 1 0 0 0 1 2
Wlnlinrt, lb io o i) 12 n
JolUUOII.If..., 4 2 0 0 0 0
(lurttn, rf 4 1 1 I o o
WlllliuiiniHi,ff 4 1 lino
Tolalu Ik) I 5() 2 19
Hlllliimn, ) A
mil, h 0
Krunlnlcy, lb fi
Wullli, i t Mini c 4
t'riiu, 11 mill i'f 4
Chlllon, Vl) 4
Ankeny. rf 4
lliillf y, 3b 4
Clllp, If 4
All U IIII Til l'O A
L'Ulp, II C 3 1 1 0 0 0
ToUla 6S 18 S 27 20 ili
Sl'OllH liv lS.MNim.
1 2 .1 1 ft tl 7 8 II
0 1 1 n 1 1 .1 1 ft-l:l
2 0 1 1 0 2 )2 3 -'.M
learned runs l'cndleton ll, Colfax fi.
Two-baso hits II McPhco, Uowe, Hill,
Cran, Morgan (l!). First baso on balls
Oir Stlllman 2, oil- Daniels 2. First base
011 errors l'endlotou 14, Colfax 11.
Struck out By Daniels 2. by St ill man 8.
Time of game, 2 hours & minutes. I'm
piro, lleam.
The Pendleton StarB should not forirct
that visiting nines nro composed of
goutlomen, who should bo treated as
such. Tho Colfax boys complained of
their reception, and not without cause
Thoy were not cordially shown uround
town by the Stars before the game, us
thoy should havo been, and on tho dia
moiid tho conduct of rendleton "coach
ers," although doing excellent service,
was entirely without consideration for
the feelings of tho visitors. The latter
woro couiK3lIcd to retaliate, of course
unu 1110 game became ny no means a
friendly ono.
U10 act ol lllll h In cutting oil bases is
A Large Stock of New Furniture
and Household Goods
At Shulze's Store
Main Street, Pendlton.
Goods Sold on the Installment Plan on Easy Terms,
Total 39 14 fi 0 21 1 II
hco nr. 11 v innings.
1 2 3 4 0 1
I Kurnrwl rmiH I'nnillnlnn fi U'mIIh U'ul.
ment l oorho nnof concrete lho llrst la'. Tun-imun 1
lloor of tlio court-hoiiso will lo twolvo,Threo-base hit Wafllo. Doublo plavs
teet above tlio lovm 01 tne street outsiiio. Wu u 1.1 2. First basn on balls oir
Tho llrst mortgago on the O. W. T.
railroad, in favor of the Solicitors' Loan
iv trust company, ol .now oru, lias been
tiled for record in the auditor's olllce.
fho morlirauo is fortl.800.000-or20.-
OJO u mile on HO miles of road, extending
from WulliiJa to ltlparla, wttn a branch
from the main line to Walla Walla.
Kichardson. tho lunch counter man,
amo very near helng bmncd up before i
tho apH)lntcd time vestarday ufteruoon
at the train. Ills clothing wus set oiii
lira by some means, but alter burning a
portion of his coat tho conflagration was
gotten under control.
Tho notice placed on tho Main street
bridge that ii lino of from $10 to $.0, and
imprisonment not to exceed ten days, is
the punishment for trotting across tho
structure, lias had its ollects, having
auscd leckless il rivers to becomo care
ful through fear.
James Daniels. tho old farmer who hud
his kneo-can broken soniotimo since dur
ing a iiolitical argument with a brother
extremely cute, but lie should inner
atmlu be allowed to perforin it. It nuts
. .1
H 1 tlio umpire in a preutcamont, causes any
7 amount of kicking, and mado enemies
out of friends for tlio stars in yesterday
game, it is only 11 cunning trick, and
not baseball.
Ankeny is iib lively as a cricket in
baso running, and Cran can stop from
one baso to another witli perfect ease.
Wulllc redeemed himself, did great
batting ana played uood nan.
About twelve friends and backers nf
tho Colfax nine accompanied tho ball
itosscrs. Ono tall young man, with ti
1,,.. 1 1. 1 ... . .1 ...... ...
unit....... .i i;i.t I...-- .......... ,u.'..n.. '"amo nai unu gieai uoioiiiiinauoii, icn
W..I1,. 1 li...lli.... r. UI....I 11..
, UIIIIIUIUII 11 llllUlk uui iy 1 1., M
.Inlinson ft. bv Stillnmn II. Wll.l i.I(.....m I "ltH on 1,0 rc
Johnson 2. Tlmo of game 2 hours, 25
minutes, .umpire imvis.
0- 4
considerable money with Pendleton
was Interesting for tho llrst four innings.
At their end tho game stood fo.tr to live
in favor of Walla Walla, the soldiers hav
ing played good ball and mude fuw er
rors, and frightened their opoiicuts
somowliut. In their half of tlio llfth,
however, the Stars began run-getting,
developing a tremendous batting strttuk
nntil tlio end of the game. It was all
over for Walla Walla, and gooso-eggs was
their fato. They took their dofcat with
great good nature, although riled a llttlo
by Hill's famous trick of cutting oif
bases when tho umpire wasn't watching.
Hill pitched 11 strong game, and will bo
cornea valuable chuuge-olf pitcher. Only
threo safe hits woro mado oil his de
livery. Tho features of tho game woro
Ilalley's pretty playing ut the bat and in
tho infield. Mohan's somersault and tly
The cato receipts for tho two irames
i with Walla Walla wcro .VJ.o0, and with
Colfax $77.2.). making a total of only
$i:)7.2.'. In this connection it might lie
said that a man w ho w ill climb n tree,
sneak over u fonco or look through 11
knot-hole to see a ball gamu is mean
enough to sell his mother-in-law's bustlo
for a foot-ball, or steal coppers from a
blind man. Words cannot express his
Tlio Walla Walla boys loft on this
morning's ircight for homo, honing that
tho olllcors at the garrison would let them
down easy for their long absence. Tho
Colfax nlno accompanied thorn, both
nines leaving without oven a cordial good
byo from the Stain.
granger, Is still lying ut the Uoldou Hulo, , catch, and tho beautiful capture of two
suiienng iruiu mo uiicvin 01 iiiu 1rm.11 1. mes by AnKony, ono aner tlio oilier,
A Stupid Cnir Collide Willi nil Kuclno
nil &111.H a llrlay urTwelte lliiun.
Cows occasion damage In other wnys
than by eating trees 11 ml grass in oopo's
lawns. Ono delavod the wouMiound
passenger last nlglit hist twelve hours,
occasioning considerable discomfort to
its occupants. Tho accident hapHned
threo miles thissido of Mikccha. Tho
train was coming down tho mountain at
u lively rato, when It struck a largo cow
which was standing stupidly on the track,
and knocked her into ''innocuous di'stie-
Om) I Hill and Cran each lining out 11 two-bag- tude." Tho force of tho blow caused the
HOT. . IWO DUSO-llll WHS UlSO IliailO IIV iihkiuu I" iruu uiu nut, 111111 11 11111 i.ii
A Twenty Dollar gold piece will bo given to any ono who will
lintl ti GROCERY STORE in Pendleton, that will sell
regularly cheaper than they are selling at the
pay cash
t it i..r ik. r..i..i. . .. . . .. . . .
u inuy no somo nine ooioru .nr. uuniuia Johnson, tue Walla Walla jiltclior, was
fully recovers. badly bunted. Wlshard did excellent
Tho extension of tho wing of tlio . work behind tho but. lho hturs Intro
istern is now comtilotcd, furnishing 11 : duced a iicav mun in this game, Morgan,
ilentlfnl suiinly of water for the town. , who played llrst baso. uud proved to bo a
whlth is saving 11 great deal, considering treasure. Tho score for this game is in
tho largo amount of liquid that Is care- complete uud Is not published. Only
lesslv wasted. eight innings were played. Hill, Cran
A iu.rf..,rt nnidenilo of luvonllo lioot-1 " "'"' '"'"'o. Uiwo-I'lts eacli,
blacks has struck tho town ol late. Unu
...... I... ..I. .. ....... I ..I n. ....... ..r I.. 11 trl.v
lll IA? UIJ--VI 1 l.fc U . V. , .... .IV. ...... .I V. ... . I 1
along tho stieot. Where thoy camo from ;VorP ', 1'vor? "t 1 ,I,,U V, ' 1
and how they got here Is a pulo. ' fe" f ; ' ; ? '"H,,"" ?
John riiceofj Chicago, will Ihj in Pen-' ,..', ...1.1. ui, 1 i,n i.-,,m..il
dluton nlwiit October 1st, prepared to rnH were doubtless fow. Tho Stars mado
pay tho highest inarkot price for sheep ftoon rulwlM,(l their onponents four. Kr
am cattle, stock must be in good onler , m,inerouson both nldes.
an. s .Co,.fn.oof scab.
Uick Cox, formerly located hoio, and ,, , ... ,
now assista it cashier of a bank at Colfax, Hunilayftoriiooii w as w It , U fax and
uu .n.i.iiiir tin. iiiiinlM.riif Ciilf iv vouiil' was somowhat of a disappointment. A
Kttwbd tlS'baffll I close, exciting game was - anticipated, but
uliinTf P..111I ntnn H1U u.ivi.iuiiuii " ivmumui
nhio to 1 e nUloton. 1 oxclting enough, but ascoro of twonty-six
liluc ilil tlm u-lipiit Is 1 1 eil 1111 on ' ..J.. i...... .1... 1. :.i '
v ... ...... --. . in iiiirii'iiii Miuiin iiii 11 wiin uui viuau
And can ami will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of.
All goods are new and fresh and of tho
I intend to keen the lead in llitrh Grade and Low Prices of
good or will pay the ahovo reward to tho one who eariiH it.
Otld Fellows Building. - Main anil Alta StH.
Protection or Tariff Reform.
lloyond ciioMlin, tlm Tarlll'lH tint Ihhiiiioii wlduli tlm riiiiiliiu' I'liinp.ilKii will Iki fuuuli t
mill It bvliiKivrii nvi'ry lltxcii wlm wnulil vnlo luli'lllui'iilly 10 Inform Idiiin K iipun 11 niiIi
Jut wlitcli so clukvly uiririH IiIh li'inpuriil wi'lfiin-.
11 hundred yams or so mi tlio lies. 1110
cars following (ill stayed with tho rails,
and llttlo damage was done. Trainmen
walked back to tho station, nrocuivil a
hand-car anil camo to IVudlctou tiftcr
huh). A now oiiL'ino was sunt and tlio
train and passenuers hauled mi to their
destination, arriving hero ubout eleven
o'clock this morning. Somo of tho pas
sengers employed themselves llshlng dur
ing tho long wait, whllo othets did noth
ing but curso their luck, tho cow and
tho railroad company.
Centervillo platforms in enormous quan
titles, and h still coming. .Many car
loads are shipped daily, tuuinly on
' Hunt's railroad.
. Arlington Times ; .Miss l.illle llurnurd,
! formerly of l'endlotou, whoso parents
I live in Fossil, is going to tako clurge of
!.Mrs. Porin's dressmaking department In
I a short time.
I 1 II. and C. W. Steen, sons of JIou.
W. .M. Bteeil, Ol wesion, camo uuwu uu 1
1 1.. ... w . . .
f It li,.i,0i... 1 i,
... .. -n--u unu ur.
''Ului 'ini' unit Hulili,,.
(11 .... . . . .
,'-"' .ir 1 lurno s, tlio
1 i v rivor. rimv
last night's train and loft this morning I ing in tlio extreme
I for tho tfalom fair, their first trip "be
I low."
I James llaurahan has a set of teeth
I which do not tit, and ho will dispose of
' thorn at 11 reasonable prlco for eah. fho
I teeth can bo found at this olllce.
The insldo work qf Uagen's hotel, lath
ing, partitioning, etc., is nearly com
Ipleted. it will not bo long before tho
building is ready for occupancy.
7. t,.tnrri.i. ono of tho Inland Km-
plro's hoaviest capitalists, whoo resideuco
is at Walla Walla, .ncd through town
enouuh to Iw Interesting. Colfax
Hiinimsed to have u uood nine. It
whsered around that thoy hud got their
battery from SK)kuuo, and had como
prepared to niako a rattling good game for
tho Stars. Thoy were baekrd quite
heavily, odds on l'endlcton being ollered
'and tuken. Tho contest starteii on
i briskly, uftor a slight hitch at the start
I because a Colfax mun wore spiked shoes,
and 1111 to the fourth Inning was inieiesi
A a. ...l.llll.,.. I..IU
u : .111 I.IIWIIIl'l. IW"
.. ., town of Helix, and four of
mado to tho
its principal
streets have licen named i lovelaud,
Thtirmau, Harrison and Morton. Tho
Ilellxites havo got the iiolitical question
down pat. Tho presidential candidates
will lie delighted to learn they wete so
II, I.. Murston is moving his goods
and chattels to rooms In tho I'.tsr
Ohkuonian building, where his family
will resido heroaftor. Mr. .Murston will
. ... .1 ...I TI... ........I... .i-i.u J In.. ... Z.M I -.1 1 1 fir.il.1 UU flU .tftuuilll..
I'OllIl'Sieil ID Ilie ullll. IIIU 'illlir.u iun IUIIIUIUI u.i..'..,.m mh w "-
not fulfilled. Colfax got rattled and 1 to look after his mining I.itorests there,
angered. 1 1 ill had twice taken ad van-j chailov Ilrownflcld, assignee of 1'. A.!
tago of tho umpire, circled from tho pwto sjiHbeo, announces that ho will dlssso of 1
to second, und fioin there homo again, 1 tho candy inanfactorv and fixtures in a j
avoiding both first and third bases by j m., ut irivuto sale. Tho stock is in-
twenty feut. Colfax kicked, and right-, voiced ut $o.18.rK. !
eously.too. Tho umpire d " "ft t Ftonomusons uro now engaged In
sicai, aim w mi ..v.v,m.. r V. ..": ' uullolng tlio lounuati.il ior iiov. j. .h.i
war 01 worus coiumruyci , uu , ibjvil'n new res denco on tho hill north of
promising to Isi well
Homier whin u uxiiully . .m-.ili r. t 11 iiki.I ..i-I.ii nr.,. . . 1 .1- ' nmiprcln nMi.n. II w III
orvi im 11 Tin III' prlliHT f ii' ih. I iirii' i-11 I !i .. t v 1 - ol. I.ii- 1 lit P-nrni il.
Till Imnk nIiiiwh II111 1 Mii llnil i-ltrcl nf tlio I'n.p 1 M . . I 1 1 1 !' lliii'ouiilr. l'irlinpH
lln most ciuililitviioiu fi'iiu.H. nf Hi.' iMMili umi .u 1 iilla.mil nl m ilu 1 1 1 iu.-muk' ut I'm .
limit riiivi'liuiil,
'I'll" xlinii of Mr. IiIuIik 'h "Twi .ily V.-nrM In i n ir. i." K lulc-ii up. Pi i'iIIhhh
upon tlic Tnrlll nMidyiiil, unlli l(. '. mi. in,nl' to funiMi turn n-m r.'fiiliill.iii.
Tlm form iih woll im tlio siiIhIhikhi of tin- IsmU l iiih.i H'l.uir .lil-, noil I liuvu wmi until
IliU nuriiaKiiliiK ll fur iimi Ip I lie kiui work of pr.'.nlliiK Ilu' troth 1111111114 Ilin pinna...
HON M. iiirKINsoN, iswiimuiar fituii'ml.
It Is nu iitiln unit loitlciil i'XMiiltloii nf Ilio Injiutli'ii 11ml iIi I ioIiiiin nf Ilu. nrolfi'llvo Ida
iiiiiiiiii mi iiiu uii.rniiiiu 111 imiiii ruinrill
orv. Tlio work It tliiit'lv. ttiii! 11 vry viihliililu rimlr Ij
It V. 'htWNHIUfll. M. U
I liolloii tlllll tllU ImmiK In irii'lvlmr Kn-ill ciliilili'lliliilliill ll I. IniIiiiiiiuiI iiimhi fnmlii
mi'ntiil lrutli, 11111I I wlkli Hint (lie fui'lN ami iiruiiiui'iiu inuy Ih-111 Hi. lunula iitnl iiilmli ,1
evi'ry citizen nil 11 iiimhi IIiU y, nr In vnli' iiimhi tin. gr.-ii -. niiunili' 1: iiiimitliiiiii of kiir.ilu
multiirlir. iiKN. JollNc. ni,.ri;,tiiiiiinlii.l.iiiiiriif IVimlun.
Wu tiikii plt'iuiiri! Ii ulvlnu tliN work niir hourly I 1 l . r -nn-i t , mul rii-oiinii.'nil Unit In.
cul coinmllli cn und uliilm nudat In iixliniillnvr lt I'lii'iiliillmi iiniuiiu Hn vnti.ni nf IlllnnU.
Anil muiiy ntlii'i.
Ilonk Itnunil In I'lnlli nnil Kiml Wcokly l:ul Oivuniiluii iw Vcr..
Honk Alone, Inrinlli.punl m'l
.. 1 (Ai
l'c mill' tun, ;i.Kuu
if. Th N.VK'tY. i . II. IlICIIMONO."
wcro not far away. It looked w Uiougli j , ' .. . . ,otH .lri;)laMH
d break up in u general , w,iceler.
the camo woul
riot, when tho
storm subsided, sullen)
"l'h thum in a 1'iht night on he way below.
4 4 :lrvv .. I ...til. a-
r 'ntiff i K , ,i,at tlieMU
""run.oMi uvnctp.! to
J - who regies a
Vwnd went nut into
t hrro I,. , : . 11.
f bed, lie had not
."4i me iiniiu. ....
no sc-arcely had
T, .HVVMllutuu
"erything was do-
lieorgo Scl ullner, ono ol tlio water
works engineers, luis teen ll duty for
tho past week . 11 account of sickness, but
resumed his wuik again to-day.
The Handol-IIaydu iiui-iral society
havo changed tlio tune und hour of their
meeting to Saturday evening at 7:30.
A meeting of Clipjtr hoio team is
udled for this evening. Hy order of the
Dr. Crane, tho gentlemanly physician
of Echo, -is In town on a professional
S. Kothchlld left on last night's train
on u business trip to I'ortland.
clouds still hovering on tho brows of the
bovs from Colfax, how over. They be
came rattled, their pitcher weakened, the
tleldets could not have stopjed a ball
with forty hands apiece, and the Mars
prolitcd by their discomfiture with un
pitving glea. (lame becamo 11 fiasco, a
voruaii 0 siucuiuv uiim-ii. i rv.v.....
In IlarnQV valley, on r-'optember (I.
AVjUIaiii II. Ilrown was shot uud killed
by William 1'ago, who claims the act was
done In self-defense.
At Joseph, Wallowa county, I'erno
Averille was carelessly handling a revolv
er when it went off, the bullet passing
through two lingers
inning lho ritars scored tho awful number Wheat 04 cents to-day. Tho market
of twelve runs, every mun who went to peCmH to bo pretty solid at this point,
the bat making a base-hit, anu some ,,aving remained at ill cents several days,
scoring two runs 111 lho inning. All con- jamos Huirman is rapidly improving,
sideration for scientifip baseball I was d j, w , 0 hubble uround In a
thrown anide. The Colfax boys em-k
selves did some heavy batting, fctillman, "
probably not caring to hold thorn down.- Dr. P. C. Campbell will leave on a
in tbo flrbt half of the seventh tho bases professional visiton to-morrow morning'
were tilled by Stillman's error, when train.
Easol Cublnot Framos, Framos Miulo to Orclor, Copying
and Enlarging.
In Crayon, Oil, Ink, Pastol, Wator Colors, or COLD AND
SILVER, by tho
R X- R.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Successors to J. A. Brfggs.