East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1888, Image 3

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niv, SE1TEMHEH 15, 1888.
iOronln llrnnch omce
,f ll,n KARTOItEOOHIAK tin
Oiurw."' vr. t , ,,, Ali.tiflnn
-K under" il.o mm"
r, v"" ,l,,.,. In ' I in
' '""IS;. iVntV of lViidlot.ui, and
'- . .. nr.tuv. ill iiiuk"
..irn liri'Uilli . ... ...
-i.i. hiii 111 riirimii". "
rinJcr them ""J' service lit ins
ti.. l'liotograjihorH.
I. ... .l.,..lljl
, t, Ul.wv.,
nrh M2 u ton at Ontario.
Mtiuiriiit! ut Ponuldson A
illiau.of Vansyclo, wus lit town
. -l.,..r,1,ii itn in T. ft.
.l. Main mrr-oi unuuo.
in.nrliirJ. of Vinson, Will
uvuUIa. Idaho, to cniMgo in
Hannihan has a yet of teeth
uu Ci" i . .....f. Tt,
be found at mis uuico.
... .i. . . i
U Yom Kippur, uio uayui
.ii i th. iiniirnwH. ii whh uu
.i ii.... ni ,. i iiiitAn ii.,r v i.n.
1110 1" u ' .77
iiniuuii to flint on thin
in.. - Ill olvA an exhibition
at V lM Or'D 1UII 01 MO
it tho Buttle ot uetiysuurg, a
f .1..., f.l.Hf.lltl ..ft...
now progressing on tho MliiCQ
They ure lonncu uh mu
ntwi rmi'fl imiiL win
.fi on In flinfp nitnmlinn.
M.1I ClIU UVI i --
are now nearly lata to ttio
i ( Wnntnn. wiiu In town
HO rcKns uouu nuttwo in
of his several lumo kilus of
will begin HhipplnB this
ihitchus resigned hU position
iimr. uiid leaves to-morrow
. ii.i.ivu u'lmrii lin will untor
irnlumv. Ho Will bo IMsse.l
, hv i n manv enunia uuiiiiii
tr. "lin owiih a raneli u mllo
.' I!,..,.,,,.. I ...... 11. 1..,.
I0WII. Ulll llinwmii. uiijiiiiiik
...lot-.. II.... A u.ii.l lull i.f
l . .... I. la f...... II...
mm vi ii.i ii i.ii inn ...i nit ...w
1.1.1" 11.. ....... .Iu la .... ..v.
t P 3 . t ii
filestore ot i-uimry isouiou.
Itr term last .itonuay. rroi.
v Ih principal. Mrn. l'lorco
ot tho inturinodiato .lopart-
Mi!) Harriott WoodrufTof tho
An Tl.ni.i wiirit Kill IlllIllU
. Campbell has opened a don;
m inn roomH uuovo .i(or-
i.'s htoro. where ho can bo
i i.i-.i i.i .....i
. i .
doctor, uh ovory ono khowh,
iuj n(.ir,itf rn i nliiru rf fittv i
tnd can bo rullod upon to
n linn.
... 1,1111 . Cl 1 1
1'cnillelou by Mrs. J. h. Uar-
gent for SimondH & Co., of
nJ in located in Hnnheo'8
. llarnard 1ioph to lo remoin
Jl ol Iter old irtenuH, una uh
as wimi io can, jaiet)i tiiyiuw
1... I.I
Aw liari ruturuod from an ox-
iwea trip to Now York and
Kiuniy ffivulii fni tin firm rit 1,
U. V.U. 1L WW I lllllllll'l. iiiui
Ilia tho triti Knlnlv for IiUKi-
m.n i una rniiinr u'uh nniiniiv
on hit) return, tie In btill
the average citiren bo told that
e giow ami tio'jriHneu in ren
thU KMon of tho year, lie
m preeiitcd to an East Okic-
. . ..I . . M
I'lcnciiiituva yeMiruay tor u
! bouquet.
it Wenton, and now on the
W. Hunt in tlto capa.lty of
hjMcLio, was in town to-day.
Mi way to Joseph, Wallowa
-tro ho rocs on n niiRlncs.i trip.
of ftivn'ii among tho peojilo
tJ.ht'M meeting of Protection
de.-i.leil that thia coniiaii-
"methU month, nnd p.iv f.r
UQfll, QU It .. r,..-. ,1,..,
....v., o iv nviO) nif iii.ii
1 DU belon'' to tlm ilonurt.
HIV lirw In .... 1.1. t In D.nl.....
"V ivHMIi UllV l llllll'
'-uj. ii huh nwi ni.ri.Mi iiini
bemade to the council. uokiiiK
m... . ..... . a
. uviu in inn iiuimi-
Vre aw.tkentil liv unmwwi.il
U1rn nr.. I
brick buildintr on friltiiii-
iV i 1 iiuriiou oi which
me lentfleton band for a prae
rirally Bonio ono nlippcd
m i....ini..I,llll.l, U I.
. mum uiccovor in mo
".n . uuiaurn ann innocent
aoo at ous of thia animal in
xea inn riY, ..i
llakor City 1a the greatest city in Ore5
Ron, f not in tho United States, It has
moro wealth, more rcBourcea, greater
"prospects,"- hd greater men, than uny
other city on the globe. A tiro coveting
ten thousand acres could bo put out in
two minutes. Everybody there ia getting
rich. Nobody ever die there. Gold
ntiucots by tho mlllloiiH nf ilnllntn' worth
arc dully picked up in tho streets. Any
thing less than this description is culled
"spleen" by tho llakor City paperc.
11. .1. Tim en him Invontu.l a rirtine
harrow. It consists of u light sulky
which runs behind and Is attached to the
long reach in front of tho harrow by two
staves that reach over and uio connected
In front and fastened by a boll.
1'he apparatus is best titled for u harrow
oi ino .iiiritsou pattern, it is easy on
tho horses and easy on tho driver, us lie
rides in the sulky i-eal all day, and is
not tired out from tramping by nightfall.
Tho Pendleton Klcctiic Light A Power
company, a consolidation of Uio two old
companies of Ponilleton. will mako lurim
mm cxicnsivo improvements in tuo pros-
cm system in oiieruiion. As yet no
decided steps have been taken, but it is
understood that a new and powerful plant
win iirooaiuy oe mircnased. su cicnt to
oporato fifty arc lights, and that other ac
quisitions will be made.
Grand Master. Jacob Muvcr has issued
a dispensation for a Masonic Lodge at
Helix, to bo called Nasbtirg Lodgo U. D..
with John II. Irvlnn W. M.. A. 11. Itnnlck
8. W.,andJ. E. Prouty J. W. Stated
meetimm second and fourth SuturdavB in
each month; will hold itn first meeting
Saturday, r?ppt-mber 22, 1888.
It was rumored utionclv. and tho ru-
that J. E. Miller and Mrs.McCutchon hud
united their fortunes, und would hereaf
ter mako tho journoy of llfo together.
Upon further iiivcs'lgation, however, the
report was discovered to bo u caiiurd,
whatever that Is,
Lost, In Pendleton to-day, on Main
street, a reddish-colored leather wallet,
witli a robber band around it. containing
u railroad pass on 0. It, Si N. linos, a fo
airily check and two mcdtcul prescrip
tions, all of no value to uny one exeunt
tho owner. Kindor will please leave it ut
With 1H1 ru a rout nnd u-lmlf u lion ml
in the Willamette valley, it becomes u
strange problem to the average buyer
why lie is conicllcd to tav ten cents a
pound for this delicious fruit in Pendle
ton. I'reight charges inuiit bu enormous
to occasion this dillerouco.
The face, hair and clothes of wheat-
hauling grangers from north of town uro
comnlotciv covered with a thick laver of
dust when they Htriko tho town, a good
evidence of tho execrable condition of the
roads ut present.
Union Scout: Tho Pendleton East
Ohkoonian is c.jual to tho . ortland Ore
gonian in tho matter of telegraphic news,
and is far moio reliable. It should re
ceive tho siiiMKjrt of every fair minded
Two Thing" Which are Nrr.rj tm Com.
' iilete the Happln.,, of thn l'mlrUIUt.
J. T. Huston and Mr. Gllliland uro in
town to-day from Camas Prairio, and
they say that one or tuo things uio need
needed, und badly, in that well popula
ted and fertile mountain section. Now,
they aver that it naturally "riles" a man
to have his letters and natters arrive
wearing an apearauce of age and d cu, os. and I'M, weio wt on tiro bv the
and with tho charm und frohm-" of t timing thickets, 'lho ilames were' not
joiiui cnureiy gone. T ins It s in 1 discovered mid tlm fn. u it. u i r i was
Sevan Cart Ditched l.j m Uurntnc Bridge,
and Kntlnecr CaTMnaa;h lUillx Hurt
FIe.On Wrecked ht IlllRRrd.
Yesterday forenoon H woBt-bqund
freight from Umatilla. was badly wrecked
by going through ti bridgo lietWeon
Mosier und Hood ltlvcr. 'lho brush all
along the lino in that neighborhood
blazing and two of tho numerous trestles
L. Downier und W. 8. Drown. Jr.,
leased tho Milton Eagle, und ulll
full control of it hereafter. Dow
nier in a first-class nowspapor man, und
tho flight of tho Eagle will still bo upward.
Dr. J. If. Irvine, the proprietor of the
Helix drugstore, and one of tho leading
Democrats of tho county, was in town
last cvouini; tn attendance unon un A. P.
A A. M. ciiupter meeting.
John Pierce, of Chicago, will bo in
Pendleton about October 1st, prepared to
tuty tho hiuhest market price for sheep
and cattle. Stock must bo in good order
und sheep free from scab,
Skating again this evening at tho rink
hull under the management of L. D. Jay.
After skating ia over a social dance will
bo given. A good time tnuy bo exacted
by tho young jn-oplo.
Two suites of olllccs for rent in tho
East Okhooxian building, steam heated,
bathing privileges, hot und cold water,
und other conveniences, for 10 per
month each.
SuorintoDdont Dobbins, of the Pen
dleton waterworks, advortiscs in this pa
pei for sealed bids for sixty cords of
wood to lie delivered at tho pump limine.
I-argo und attractive lookiug sweet
pototoos, grown in California, havo made
their aiiKaranco on tho Pendleton
market iu largo quantities.
IJulti o-littln delegation of pcoplo came
down from Centorvlllo last night to
in Pendleton
in tho ball games
and to-morrow.
W. M. Lyall, of High Valloy, Union
county, raised u crop of buckwheat tills
year, tho ilrat known in thia region of
It ia roortcd that tho corrupt district
attorney of Multnomah county, H. E.
McGinn, will bo iniouchoJ, if possible
Tho Gettysburg entertainment will
commence at a quarter after eight o'clcck,
lasting ono hour and fifteen minutes.
A lengthy and interesting account of
ot tho races at Portland Thursday ia
crowded out of this issue.
Powder river has run dry, for tho first
time in tho recollection of tho oldest set
tlers. Wheat remains ut sixty-four cents to
day, having declined no further as yet.
Tho case of I). A. Dichards vs J, M.
Dentley Is on trial to-day by a jury.
Tho grain yield in Powder river valley
was better this year than usual.
Circuit Court for Union county con
venes at Union Sept. 24th.
E. I). Kellv has ben appointed post
master ut Oregon City.
tamas. Mail leaves Pilot Dock for that
region only twico u week. To appreciate
me inn iorco oi mis statement, one in i-t
know that tho 5-emi-Weekly East Oiik
(Ionian, containing its ficsfi. cilxt tela
graphic dispatches, becomes time-worn
and stale when it reaches its eager Alba
readers. Same it is with Imiioitant let-
tors, und tho delay in their arrival be
comes extremely aggravating. All the
people of Camas ask for Is a tri-wcekly
mall. Three ctitlon8 which ought to
melt it heart of stone have been sent to
tho depaitmcnt ut Washington, praying
ior nun noon, um tno.v niivo an been con
tcmptously Ignored. It is u want which
must Ira granted howover, sooner or later.
Another thing needed to inBtiro tho
Happiness of the Albaitcs Is a county
bridge across Owen's crook, the old
structure having lieon washed uway b
a iresliet. A great deal of teaming is
uono on uio roau, ana tno lack of a
bridge necessitates a oua turn to nn
side through u Held to find a fordimr-
placo, the banks along tho creek being
very filch. This bridra matter III urn.
bubly lie urged at the next session of tho
county court.
Two Thretfclnr Crew Net Their Maehlnei
In the Hume Field.
Lust Wednesday the fat in of Mr. David
Drown wan tho sceno of u novel case of
oniiosition between two threshing ma
chine crews. Messrs. Decsa ft Dennis
had secured the Job of threshing Mr.
Drown'H grain, providing they com
menced Wednesday morning. They had
placed their separator iu iositlon before
the time, to hold tho job, but were mak
ing some repairs at thulr last sotting be
fore commencing on Mr. Drown's stacks.
In the meantime a mini named Doctor
had been to see Mr. Drown, who told
him of his contract with Dccso A Dennis,
und uiso told him that ho could have tho
job if tho other crew did not come up to
their contract. Consequently, whon
Wednesday noon unived, und tho
Dccso A Dennis crow did not begin opor
utions, Mr. Hector, who hud just llalshcd
in un adjoining Held, pulled up to Mr.
Ilrown's stacks, und gave the order to
"stake down." In just live minutes his
machine wus ready to begin work. Then
began it war of wonts. Hector proposed
to divide the job, but Deose A Dennis
would not agree. Then Hector ollercd to
give or take ' for tho work, but still
Deese A Dennis would not accept a prop
osition. It was dually hcttled by Deese
paying 17 und an old debt.
llutrl ArrlvaU.
ViLLAitn Hoisk. E A Spaiil.llng, Chi
cago: T II Dronts, I) Kyger.Wullu Walla;
J 11 Irviiio, Helix; I) A Dichards nd
wife, Jas A Varney, Tlios Ogle, J Evans,
Tho Dalles; T W Jenkins, V M Kagg,
Portland; II C Hall, D Heynomann, San
Francisco; S II Clanfin, Mlnnoaiiolis;
OA Darnott, Centorvlllo; 0 W Gordon,
Tennosseo; H T Davis, E Pildo, II D Nel
som J O Morehouse, Weston; E 1) Mc
Laughlin, Milton; E U Skinworth, 1- K
Hepburn, city; J A Schiller and wlfo,
Murray. Idaho; J Carey, Fred Dolun, O
It AN Co; Llwis, Henry Pert, Now
York; 0 D Deynolds, Dochcstcr, Conn;
J I) McConkey. G W Underwood, lowis-
ton : J W Lioiiallen. T F Muiier. J F Cu-
ruthers, Moscow, I T; 0 W Case, Jus Al
der. .Mt Idaho: J 11 Morrow, Wultsbiirg,
(Joi.PKN lttiLK, I) McCarty, F Conloy,
Umatilla; 1 r tiirgiison, l-ostcr; i; Jack'
son, J W Cornelius, Cold Spring: P Lu
cosso. E Perrv. Adams: 8 tioblo.llrowns'
vlllo; L II Collin, J M Haling, Walla
Walla; i Mull, rsortli row dor; John
Whittlo, Doiso; J CStamiier, Henry Do
not. J 1 Harbor. W H Myers, Center
vlllo; A Arnold, Geo Franklin, city; A D
Denlck.J I. Killian. Juniper: J D Ellis.
CamaaPreiUo; Cadwalader Pros, It Mav
ola, Lapwul; .Mr. Mullala, nutter urccK ;
D II Comba, country; Lea Hunter,
Wi It'll t A liradburn. Nve
Dowman Hoise. Prof F K Heiiburn,
city; 0 0 Sowers, .1 N Yoik, Weston;
Dan Garrett, Geo Wood, Sam Denning,
Walla Walla: Harrv Johnson. Jas Wish
W A Dowo, E O Johnson, M J Muhan,
M 0 Gustln, I, V illumson, J retisuor,
Walla Walla D D C : Charles Dooney,
Jas Doonoy, Portland; O Martin, Putter
Creek. Dan M NIchol, Wulla Walla; Dan
Cameron, .Mrs Ualmbich, l4urande; J
Pierce, Chicago; J 0 Stumor, Jos Depot,
11 leiot, J it .Myers, ueniorvino.
AUvertlMsd Letteri.
letters for the following persons re
main in tho Pendleton poaioiiice foiem
ber Nth,
Coal field tn br ITlopd.
Two men with a team und wagon-load
tij t.rnvUliinH. etc.. left vesterday
fnr thn ntirnrwo of developing tho Uraa-
.... -.'...... !.. .1 r..,vin
I. U'.n . .
uiuo ik Daserjauisis.
W Mid era frnr l. 1.,-..
D17I1I nu .... , , . ,
. . i .. . p'ni, .11111 11,11
m tneir apKiraaro on the '"'nf Z m.t t. work, cud another outfit
u... ... i - . -.- .
Allen E E
Humes Henry
Durgess Miss Edna
Degg John
How den J S
Dyers John
Cozzins Thomas
Dictman Jack
DorityJohn ii
Fish Mrs D I.
French Nina L
Furman A mown
Hoinson 0 II
Harris Harriet
I Haas Victoria
J Ilenery D
l Hornudy A D
Jameson II M
Lunner Joseph
Miller II J
Persons calling
say "advertiaed."
Morrison M I,
McCarthy Dennis
McDowell 0 I)
Mc.Null S J
Mcltao D
Mttlo DevJ II
Olsen Salve
Owens Frank
Peters Jennie
Seeman D W
Shein Getls
Phol Willoa
Snider Douglas
Stein Valentine
Swan Samuel T
Thorngreen Fred
Tilton Dobt
Wheeler Dev Wm
Williams Geo D
Wolf Ira
for the above please
F. D. Cloiton, P. M.
. .i . -r
ryr.'rwme',l"h the Stars
vraawer. (ha ku..,..
m i,,,ter,n.0"- To-morrow
"'11 and Watllo will u-t in
rv w t . -----
,n ,no game with
T til IB. warrmrv
U1 pitch and catch for
tilla County Coal Uompanys .nno,
situated at tho head of Putter creek,
flfiv.mllns from Pendleton. Ihreo men
U.-I1I Vv, nut ti work, cud UUOtlier outfit , To the Incurable" Hick.
nf frnl will leave soon. Tho quality ot i r n p:VlnL'ton will be at the Vil
coal is superb. Tho vein is now reasona-. )ard ir0UlH)( rendleton, all day Monday,
bly large, and is expected to increase in poptember 17, 1888, and particularly in-
running .slowly and cautiously along, ran
into uio urmge, winch gaso wuvut onco
under it. S-cven cars weto piled on to
of one another and it eix-d 1ph1 of vulu
able freight won dettroicd, Feveral pianos
ueing niusneu io Hinders. ,M. Uiivanagn,
the engineer, was thrown down with his
engiuo, suH'crlng a fracture of his arm
unil two ribs, bcBides being badlv
scalded by ocaping steam. Although
badly injuicd, it is believed ho will
oscaiH) witit ma uio. liiollremau wus
caught on tho telegraph wires running
uiongsido tno trestle, tiling Micro und
escaped without serious injury, Neither
of the brakesmen were injured. Passen
gors from both ways wero transferred
from Hood Hiv:r to The Dalles by boat,
the Bccno of tno wreck being impassable
ltissuDPoeed hat it will bo cleared un
by to-morrow. The east-bound passenger
did not pull out of rendleton until this
afternoon, having arrived at about 11 ;30
a. m. The Farmington passenger was
also delayed iu conseouence. Tho acci
dent will cause considerable delay in
freight and passenger tralllc.
Last nleht'a west-bound frclsht No, 7.
duo in Pendleton at four o'clock, was
wrecked at II Heard, under what circum
stances is not known, rive cars were
thrown from tho track and wero badly
damaged, no liven woro lost, winch is
something to be thankful for.
magnitude wh'.n further excavated
In a fight between a school teacher and
a young man whoao aiater tho teacher
had punUbed, at Perrydale, Kaniaa, both
ware Mortally wounded.
rvr. ..ir
vites trie attention oi inose auucretn
liave "given up doctors as useless."
Lung, liver, kidney, nervous, chronic
and uterine coses specially examined,
free. Dheumatic and rectal cases treated
aa before. Cone early in the day.
And an Aneedete Abunt a Yenn Man who
Caui.l Not. uarne a leant.
A nice little danco was held at No In
lust night, which was largely attended bv
young people Jrom tho country round
uliotit. lho proceeds woro fol, which
will uo toward buying seats for the
school house at Nolin. An amusing
Incident s told in connection with the
uflulr.ut tho oxiieuso of a lovo-lorn swain
present. Ho was on tho anxious scut as
to his solidity with his best girl, who was
ovidontly of u coquetish disposition and
disposed to capture un many beaux as
possible. Not wishing to lcavo her to
tho tender mercies of other gallants, the
young man sent a companion out to har
ness Ills team when the hour ofdeparturn
arrived. Tho agent succeeded in getting
tho horses on the wrong side, und tho
young man was compelled to chuiigo
them back again. Hut ho was llut-lratcd
und excited, nnd got tho harness on
wrong. Then lie put tho horses in their
wrong position again, nnd In righting
them again disarranged the liurness.
8ectutorB say It was a circus to watch
tho young man, who wanted sonio ono to
shoot him at tho cloo of the entertain
ment, his girl having gone homo with a
rival while ho wus oxcitedlv fooling with
the horses und scattering largo chunks
of profanity on tho indignant uir.
Ileturnrd tn III Old Lore,
D. D. Mann and John Mullula of Lena,
Morrow county, uro in town. Mr. Mann
lion returned to this part of the county to
reside permanently, having for tho past
two or three years carried on his stock
business in Grant county. He thinks
thin In tho best part of Oregon ufter all,
and means to provo it by .staying hero.
Mr. Mann has lately iniortcd two
Clydosdald stallions andClydesdale mares
Irom England und will turn bis attention
to fine stock. Mr, Munn in a energetic
voting man and bound to strcecd.
Every body known John Mullula, who
bus been a resident of tho county tor
nineteen years. Pendleton pcoplo are
alwuy glad to see tho Morrow countyites
becauso tlioy wore until late years "good
pcoplo of old Umatilla,"
Tho New York Democratic platform
contains the following plank:
"We maintain that combinations of
capital commonly called trusts uro con
spiracies which limit production, fix tho
price of commodities regardless of the
cost of production, and reduce tho wagos
of labor, crush out smallor independent
dealers and strangle competition. 1 heso
conspiracies are not private ulfalrB; they
are matters of great government concern.
We domand legislation to prevent such
Near Chickasaw, Ark,, Frank McCain
and Pearson Eubanks, uged fourteen and
eighteen years resccllvely, who had
quarrelled In school, met in the road in
the presonco of a number of other boys,
and each drawing a large knife, begun
lucking ut the other until McCain fell to
tiie ground from loss of blood, Eubanks,
it was then found, had !een fatuity stubbed
in the bock. McCain was not seriously
Poor, bewildered Den j. Harrison I He
doesn't know whether to excuse trusts or
to Ignoro them; whether to stick to the
Chicago platform or wait for the Senate's
patclies; whether to deny that thero i-
a surplus or to favor BpeudliiM it '.whether
to advise tariff tinkering or go on in for
war taxes forever Depunlicaiiism is
getting to bo a very uncertain article.
A man named Jackson, aged aboat ,50,
unmarried und a resident of Washington
county about sixteen years, wua found
dead Wednesday under the saloon owned
by .Mr. .Mull, at Kecaviiie. moo raucii
$20.01 REWARD !
noiii.il nidi will ix rerelred at my nrrire
until IJoVlock noon.Heptemtmr t I", for
furnlihlne nd delivering attlie pump home
of the eliy waterworks, in rendition, nni
more than sixty, and not ! than forty
rorJi of wood per month, whlot- amount
halt be reculated by the iaprl'iUndenl In
rher e; ia"d tint delivery lo be made Oelo
ber Ut, ISM, and thereafter on the Out day or
each lurceedlnc month until and Including
January Jlt.lHW. The od to be four feel
lone, touna ana wen e"nej, ene.ii
heye been cut frnm eUndlBf green Umber.
Bide mud specify what kind of wood aid
Ernportien or eeen ainu, iibii'o, propoera
, be rurnt'bed. TherlgbtUirelert any and
all bide la reaeryed. J. If. ItUHBIHH,
eel dew 14 BapU Pendleton Waterworks
A Twenty Dollar gold piece will be given fo any one who will
find a GROCERY STORK in Pendleton, that will sell
regularly ehenpor than they are selling at tho
1 pay cash and
And can und will make the
The cheapest Grocery Store in town.
I Have no Old Stock to dispose of.
All goods are now ami fresh and of tho
intend to keep tho lead in High Grade and Low Prices of
goods or will pay the above reward U the one who earns it.
Odd Follows Building. - Alain and Alta Sts .
Protection or Tariff Reform.
Itoynnd attrition, thn Tarlirix tho lki.iuwii whlrh tlm cimliiii riimimlmi will be foudi t
nnd It liohoovrs every lllicn who hiiiiIiI votn InlelllKenlly to Inform lilnii lf upon n mil,
feet which so cloudy arrcnts liU toinixiral wrlfurn
The Protective Tariff.
llenden. whnt ia n an nil v rmmldnrfld a mnat nliHtrilHD mililrit oanv lit coiilliriiliriiiilon. ft vlll
eervo lunTurirr primer for llm IntrniirnH wol I iisa tuMt-lMHili for the l.'iirui'il.
mil OOOK ennw ino pnicuiill oiivui .ii inn rniin iivn nj.irni iiihmi iiiuiimiiiiij. i i inii
the nmnlcnintnlotiotiii fenttiroof thn liook In lUexnctnllgiiiiiPiit with thu iikkhiiui' of TrceU
dcntUlevclnnd. . .
Thn portion or Mr. lllallio'n "rwciny vrar 111 t ottuivf" i inaen up, ins nut-ninne
upon theTurltrntinlyzrd,crlllcUoi und iiiiulnto fitrnUh tiii'lrottti n-fiiliilluii.
The form ue well ae thn RtibitnnL'n nf thn tMXik Ih inoit ndinlriihln. nn.l I Imvc Men ll.ilU
Ins surpseiilnc It for tike In ttio ureal wnrh of Npreadlim tlm irttlli iiiiuimu tlio pcoplo.
' HON M. IMCKI.NHO.N, INotlilimter (l.'ll.'rsl.
It lrinnlilnRndloKlcul cjponlllon of tho Injinlloo unit ilepiKloim nf lho nnit.'.'tl?n thu
ory. Tho work In timely, ninl very vuliiablnronlrlhutlon w I he llioniiunwif l.irlll reform
It. W , 'I . I WMr.NII, M t
I notice that thin hook Ureeelvlnc grrnt conimtiinlatloii, It - Iniltuiued upon fiiitdn
mental tnilhi, and I wUh lluitthu facln mid itrKiiiiirtiit may h In the liiindi and minds o
every cltlien called upon tlila yimr lo vol.i uixtn thoeront ecoiiniiilral ipievlloiiM o( mirpltt
andtarlrr. (IKN. .IOIIN t'.III.At'K, ('.iiiiiiiUKlotieriif IVimlon.
Wo take plcomira IP BlvInK till" work our hearty InilnrM-mcnt, nnd r.'.'iiiiiii.'nit Ihut lo
cal commltleivi and cltllm asiUt In mti'iidlnK Un rln iiliillon innone Mm viiPth of IlllnoU.
And many other.
flook llound In moth and HrmLWrokly r.nt Or'Kiiiiliui On Year H 0
Ikiok Alene, In Cloth, pn.l pud I (
IVmtletiiii, Onuou.
Easol Cabinet
Frames. Framos Ma do to
and Enlarging.
Ordor, Copying
In Crayon, Oil, Ink, Pastol, Wntor Colors, or CO?.D AND
SILVER, by tho
R. Ta R. OOa
Photographers. - Pendleton, Oregon.
Suocossors to J. A. Brlggs."
We have received,
Direct from the Factory,
One of tho I-argost Invoices of
Clocks of Every Description
Km received in rendleton. Buying theso goods direct, we can sell them
cheaper than any other house In town,
F. J. Donaldson & Co., City Drug Store.