East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1888, Image 1

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    . rr "V"
ht uim""
...t-inVlJLN F1RI.
l'atrenn uf tti Unity or 8etnl-lYeekli
r.AST OttKClONIAN run freely inUo
of the KAHT OIlKdOMAN library whrn.
er they iu dentre. The public r cor
dially Infiled te l.lt the afllc wlimr.er
to Inclined.
... rinl nl"rr8 " r
fr.. " n"r lh
la .Of. la
"'T ,r:?T
1 " V. "-,
MO1. .,,, 'n.n.nl. nn fhii
Ht III am"'"." " . "...Vi
IB uf M ..Vnml nnd fourth ifon.
fi'h mown, " 'V" ,7.
. AllflbT Nil. fi'J. A. r. A.m.
uln i the Mn.qnle Tejnnla on the
"bird Monday, of AWirfonth yt
.ia v I. MILLION. W. M.S It. AL-
I.O0UK NO. 0. U. W. MOCt.
- Ti.iiMinriir iiikiil (. uuk iiiu
p, MrftA on 1 1 1 e r,joni imu mm,
1H LLJI l!JJ4 L.J-imj 1 1 .L-.J.I Jl1 j lb mi igj;
WDon) 8 Nfe, Gppi
r- - - ,)'- f .
The undersigned will close 'nil current account on their book
on the . . . , . ,
ivn III- IKt.'O .WViif. pa. 13,. I. I).
i..1J i. ii ft 1 1 mini .1'ititi-..
nth mown.
...... nrwiLi ?r ni r nk1 it
Ml In odd Fallows' Hull every Tno.
J.WillTAKKII.K. Of It.Ulllt H.
IV 1X1IK1K NO. . K. OF l Meelsln
l.l VVI'O'fx llllll .'very Yciiiir"-uiiy
...niiv linT. n. a. ir... m.AT. nl
. i. niiiri' uiHim nn. 11. wniucin
ric, raniKPioii, wh k"".
r mi .... 4 imut nllnn II I nn ! Pnnrllik
Crtiltctlonii ii Mpcolaliy. now on
iliftft n tho ThmpsonIlarnImrt
r.f.nvrthft noAt olttro.
tUIV. IffMMltH Oil. 41 ltH U
Offli-e:-Mln Hlrfl, in Tlinmpnon-
;,,.- ivcr KlrnV NuiIoiihI lUnk, 1'en-
, UirKon,
CenUrvlllf.UriKoii. Will iirucllco
. ...... ..... i.. ... I ....- ..I
IIUDV tLAlLll ilM'l lit M KVH AT
Lvr, UooniH .'tumU of the ' r Ht (ir-
...I.. .....I Wukl.
II. I'fllllltlflll. Ifll'lfflll.
Tl' r . Wll l'l"l-T A'TII KIN Ml
nj Tmclifr of ChrUilun Hclenco
a'M tint hiH. i 'itiihti I titt h ilk lioi'. t!hl
(Nn i . in imi.u'Ji uruiz Hiurv,
'I 011011.
v Jitt llftiktit 14 A akiiMMlt lull Kllttl
U I il !! I r !-' 11 IIIIUjTllfl U 1 VI)
till...... Itttl..... I M ..ilt.lli.n .
nui tun HH r I'linil
riii4tinrN nirr ruriiur hi jiuiiiiuii tutu
&V. A'. K1N().. M. 1. OKI-'ICK OVKH
Moorhoue A Co.' More. Heililenco, un
tjmpB cttnniitiil hv lolpnlintiA wltlk VII
ftotrl. K.iitilHt utltn(inn elven to the
vc ui nuiucu Him cuiiurciJ.
' uitfriMi ffliMiniu ii u rtn . n rhnmii.
-rum it iiiiiiitw I'Aniiiiifnn i r-frri 11 .
H. I'AitKKx. t O.NTh AfTOK ANO
. nu'l Icr. I'andl.liin. lirrnn. i iiUNlrv
aurviuiiT. r..uiiiuii'p min i cu uu
a7 "ritlT'i!iunInTIrwTPIl'ANr
Builder. nnl.r. .r realdenrfl.
L, ..J w.MTI. VUllllC-U .III. jiuim.ii
' ."I.VI HI.
k: ., " aiuner. Alia una uururu oim
Mion,orioo. Hliiokiiraltli work nf all
iZ k. oe"1 P """a manner, nu mi
1.1. 1 "''"' rucuitr aut niiou b'
E," 5inii riiuirr, I'enuieion, urvs".
ruTO ou VIimitii tii-fi-l. near l.'ourl mieeU
r""ll''fnrnlUtHl on hort notice. Ordi-ri
t. 'i. ""'"lO "HI recrlve prompt n
PJ'tn panning mpt-dally.
l rluKr llrulnlnir. imner-hHnutnii.
f..'.a"d "iiltenlnit. Hlure nd vli p,
twi, opuxitM Tllton'uHUr lUktrv.
L'l !cli. CliM'k kud :iirnnmeter Ma
Zt?."!?'1' ..""I' ll l Hrlnc' old ttstd, Muln
ml! i!"4 ttlB( iPfclslO:
r?1? "I. llrlni. ll kln4a f .-on.
Mk f If H MriUlM
JiJlj'TII' 04- IA V TMK
1st of Next October,
And Villjderiiand edtisfarj iTettlement oT all" bills duthem
t be.for the end of the year. J hey propose there
after to conduct their business on a
I1 9t ti
And solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage they have so
t long enjoyed, guaranteeing their customers
In Reduced Prices for the accommodation heretofore extended
Cheap News!
Bast Oregfonian
From now until after the Presidential election
in November for
Only 75 Cents.
Stamps Taken.
Address :
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Great Western Bakery.
;; r " ' anj . i
Jf. GRATA, Proprietor.
Main Street, near FontoJlce, Pemlleton
Alexander & Frazer,
General Merchandise,
Clothing, Hats, uaps. Jjress anu
Fancy Goods.
Family Groceries a Specialty.
"Wine and Spirit Merchants,
Ihh B.r ttm iMatlae linmt Bit
tltm.n-U "C.mT.rtt" lit tk
UmI b.bI. anil au ilk Sk.cklnf
8 FkiKcuco, Sept. U. Public iattr-
it in in exwutiok oi Ales, (jordcaiion
ii lnt.ni. Bo great it tb. lttllug iu the
wtttttr tLatiltroutliout .Uie eotlte nlfc-ht
group of uin und vouitu bloclwiied the
aiirtiiu:uM to inoukty .jaUi nueierUie
hrJriiTit will ocouri8feculiiUuari wild
on the utreett to the vrilmlillitle un to
the murtlorer'M carrviau out bin dettrniln-
alioa' to meet detth btvely' At u o'clock
It was imih8hiui.io nmke waj inrouu
tlie crowdHilkoat -greut i(llHinuUy.u(i(il
(iennoit ulent about'thrce bourn lnt nieht.
lle wokcup with the mttne.alr.of bravuUo,
and donned the suit in s'hich he is to be
hanaed. Iliswuiwlth a t'atholiu iirtei
until his removal. U nas uut. Kemrully
known that lie Had renounced the Uc
brew faith, aud embraced Catholicism
His voBvamlon took place ' yesterday.
He (irevioubly exacted a promino
from tho prieHt that, tho fact
Bliouhl . not lx. given uut until
Goldcnson urow und paid, "all riiUiti"
Accouioanicd bv tho iirloHt. ho walkivl
jauntily out of tho cell, tripled down the
mono mope mio mo rorriuor, rmicnuiRUio
iron'Htaircako', by which he wftf to aMrnd
to tho upper corridor, walked up brihkly,
entltcly unusHiHtcd, und arrived on top,
horo the urlm instrument of. tluiith
ntured him full in tho face. Ho was not
a particle fuzed, and Btcpivd UKidu and
nut down on a chair in full viow of the
HcalVold. Tlieti ho nnked for tliu nriont.
and when tho latter arrived thoy wulked
alotiK tho upH!r corridor, (JoliienHon
Hcannlnt; tho pieparatioiiH for IiIh death.
Not a niueclo moved, flo stopped ut tho
door of tho coll and looked at tho milRild
intently a few inoiiiontH. lie noticed u
largo hoard that hud beou placed thorn iu
tho event that ho tthould weuken, ho that
In inhiht Ih) strupiKMl to It. "Say,
Chief, w hat's thutY" nuld ho, pointing to
tho l;ard. Ho was informed that it vim
placed there' bv mitilako. "Oh, I ceo,
you doubted me when I wild I would die
gumo, eh?" With that tho condemned
man walked into tho cell, but ulliuklv
caino to the door, for tho hccoihI look,
San I'kanciiico, fcept. to. uoluoiiHon
wiiH Hanged at il'iiij p. in. yoHiuru.iv.
I Iu made a speech und died Kama. Ho
put the roo on himvelf.
The ManltobM Central hihI Niirllirrn 1'iiclllr
tu lUvn ii Tilt,
Chicago. Sent. ir. A pennution will
bo created in railroad circles by tliu forth
coming legal proceedings, which may
irovent 1 1 io rsortliorn rucliluirom rcaiu
ng its cherished scheme of culm lug
.Manitoba. A jour ago thu dominion
entered Into a contract
PokTLAsn, Or., Pept. 16. The half,
mile dsib yeeterday was won by Arthur
H,; time ZS. The balf-mile and re
peat was won by Ida (.SUnn; Time 61,
The trot, three in five, was won bv D, K.
Rrp.al the Alrar Stl. "Frr
Vraa." Bucabiio He (l. Vpen th.
riatfaxm kut I. 0rrul Not io Kaur.a
iNDiAXArous, Sept, 11, 1888.
To Hon. M. M. Kstea and Otiirus,
Committicb Qkntlkmkn: When your
committee Tisited me ou the 4th ol July
lust, and presented Hie official aunotincc
meat of niv noraluation for the Presi
dency of the United Btatcs. by the Ke-
publican Convention, I promined asoo
as practicable to comnunicato to.you a
more formal acceptance. , of the nomina
tion. , Since thattimo tho work of rccievlng
and adducing almost daily largo dele
gations of my fellow cltirciiH, nan not only
occupied all' my time, but lias in some
.measure rendered it unnecessary to use
tlilnjutliir as a medium of communicat
ing to the public ii. y views on tho ques
tions involved in the campaign. I appre
ciate very highly tho contldcnro and
reHect manifested bv tho convention und
accept the nomination ilh a feeling of
gratittido and full ho line of the resiwiislbi
lity which accompanies it. It is u mat
ter of congratulation that tho declarations
of the Clilcago Convention on tho ques
tions that now attract thu intcicxt of our
pcopIo aro so clear und omphalic. There
is further cuiifo for congratulation, in
fact that the convention utterances of
tho Democratic party, which aro Iu
any degivu uiiccttain or contradictory,
ran now judited and interpreted bv exe
cutive acts and messages aud by tlcflulto
ppipoMtlon in legbliitiou. This is espe
cially trim of what is opiilurly known as
thu turill' question. 'Hie issue cannot
now be obi'Ciiied. It is nut a contest ho
I ween schedules, hut between wide apart
principles. Tho foreign compot iters for
our nun tot have with quick instinct seen
lio.v mio iH.Hiio of tills coiiteHt may lirlui:
tliem udvantagu, and our own pnplo aro
not so dull as to iiiIhs or neglect thu
utavu lulurcsts that tiro involved for
Ilium. The assault upon our protective
system is open and duliaut. Protection
is assailed us utu.oiiMitillionul in law as
well as iu principle, ami tluiHo who hold
such views K'cielly cannot stop short of
ahsolutu elimination from our turill" laws
of the principle of protect). n.
Tlio .Mills hill is only a step, inn it is
toward an object that tho leaders of
Democratic thought unit leisislatiou liuvo
cleuilv iu mind. Tho imporlaiico of tho
questfoii Is not so much thu length of the
step, as thu direction of it. Judging by
tho executive iniimigo of Pocoiuls'r lust,
by tho .Mills bill, thu delegates In (Jon-
gross mid by thu St. l.ouU plutforni, tho
...itl mtliirii. I I. ll,. ,t
B.;,u.l .viv " - ,. -,-..., ...Ill II i,,,,,,,,,,,,,! I,
wlioroiiy tlio JMiiiiiiopa i onirai naiiw.iy , -" r,v -i -i i -v
wan to have the solo leai-e of the Hed I country, place the turill laws on u
Hivor Valley railroad. The contract wax ' Jrelv roveniio IiuhIh. I his Is practically
given to u trustee, Dr. .McAithur uf Win
nlK!g representing tliu cor oiiition. Tliu
contract specilled that tliu .Manitoba ('en
tral was to havu a prior claim over nil
other corporations, and that should thu
contract bo disallowed aud tho disallowance-
practically or tacitly annulled by
any future act of the Dominion govern
moiit, tho Manitoba Central's riuhtH
wuro to be rccngnircd In priority anil us
contracts to bo considered valid under
tho terms of the agreement. The .Mani
toba C entral is now prepared io ennuce
its claim, and will Institute proceedings
NO. 108.
and that ke will 1 able to make up fo
the loss from the home markets by an ex
changed foreign market. Our working
men nave the settlement of the question
in their own hands. They now obtain
hither wages and live more comfort
ably than those of any other coun
try. Ther will maka a choice be
tween tho substantial advantagoe
they have in band and the de
ceptive promises and forecasts of thes
theorising reformers. They will decide
for Ihemrelfei and for the country,
wliethertuo protective tyitem shall b
continued or destroyed.
The fact of a treasury surplus,, tho
auiouut of blch is variously stated, had
drama punlic attention to the method,
by which the national Incomo may best
lio reduced to the level of a ,wlso and nec
ennary expciiditmo. 'ibis condition liaa
beeu seized upon by those who are hostile
to the protective custom entries as an ad
vantageous tiaso of attack upon our tariff"
lawB. They have magnified and mined
the Biirplus, which they ailed to depre
ciate semliigly for the purpose of exagger
ating evil In order to tecimellu tiu .people
to the remedy they propose. A procr
reduction of the revenues docs not nec
essitate and should not suggest the aban
donment or impairment of tho protective
system. Tho methods suggested by our
convention will not need to ho exhausted
in order to ellect the necessary reduction.
Wo uro not likely to bo called uion, I
think, to make a present choice between
llin Miirrmnlnf of tile Protective SH"
teiu and thu uuiiro repeal of tho Internal
laws. Such u contingency In view of tho
present reduction of oxpeiiifltuiert to lev-
unties is remote. The inspection und to
hition to tiio manufacture and sale of olu-
iilliargailUO is liuisiriaut, uuu wiuimunuu
deilved from it is not so great that a re
peal of thu law- need cut r into any plan
of reduction.
'Iho surplus now In the treasury shouhl
be ukciI in the purchui-e of bonds, 'Iho
law aullioriifurt this iiho of It, and If not
needed for current or dotlcloney appro
iiriatlon, the people, and not thu banks
in which It has been deposited, should
havu tliu advantagu of its tit-o by stopping
I ho intercut Uhiii tliu public debt. At
least those who needlessly liouid it
should not bo allowed to iiho thu feur of
a momentary stringency thus pnalucud
to coerce puiillc sentiment upon tliuother
questioiiH. CIokcIv connected nilli tliu
subject of thu tin 111" is that of the impor
tation of foreign laborers under contractu
of service to Ik) perfutmeil here. Thu
law now in force prohibiting such con
tracts received my eoullul support iu tho
Semite, in such umrndmcnt as may 1st
found necessary to ullectlvely dulivur our
worklnguicu and women fiom tills most
luoqtiituhlu form of compolilion will have
mv siucero utlvm-acy.
Iu i lie earlier ears of our history pub
lic agencies to promote humiliation worn
common. Thu pioneer wanted u nuigli
li ir wltii mom friendly instincts than Iho
Indian, lulsir was sruieo und fully em
ploved, but tho day of tho immigration
bureau has gonn by. While our doors will
continue open to proper immigration, wo
do not need tu issue special Invitations to
iiihahltuutH of other countries to come In
our shores and sliato our cilUcushlp. In
deed the necessity uf some inspection and
limitation is obvious. Wo should icso-
luicly leftist) to jieriiilt foieign govern-
freu trade: free Inula iu uu i'liglis
seui-o. Tho motto up n thu banner may
not bu "I'rco Trade. " It may Iu thu
mom iHVeiiro motto, "Turill" liuforiu,"
hut neither thu fj.iiinor nor tliu Inserlp-
lf...t Ij xiortlllutfik llllllltlll I'llfV lllllkitlta
ant. Tliu ussanlt Itself Is the iinHirtunt i ments IommkI thulrpaiiporsuuilciiiiiinuls
fact, 'ihoso wlio tou'li tlmt liiiiiit duty looiir polls. No iiiu a so cleuily iiiidor
ou foreign goods hoIi! Iu our markets is duly loilofond our clvlHiitlon by oxcliiil
iialtl by liio consumer, mill tliut tho privo lug ulii'ii races wlioso ulliinulo itHflinllu
of tliuiloiiiesllccouiK;tlngiirlicu is uu- lion with nur people Is nullher K)si-ii.lo
hanii'd to thu amount of Iho duty on tliu I nor desirable.
impoited iirllclti, that every million ilol-l Tho family bus been tliu uucluiis of our
laiH collected for cui-toin duty repiofenls ! U.H iiniiilL'iutlon. ami tho lioiuu. Iho
at oiico. It was learned to-tlav ut the i ,,,a,v iiiiuiii nmni mi u ni.ti n i, , mum poiein. iinnuiuiiiiiwu imm m "u
Norlliurn P.ic tic's lio.li illiurterrt tllllt N) , ir. "miry imii tun iim 10 ninn " luaiion. i no oiijceiiimn mi i iiiinni ui
lor McNaii"lit hud already prepared . Incroafod (ost of doinestiu proline-1 migration itronow so generally iitrepted
htm 'M.ttliiiT forth tho Manitoba fen- ll"IIH H'stilllng from turill luws, limy nut 1 ushucIi that thu (iiestlon lias passed en
wi l fS ! until iliere.lite.1 In the minds of others j ,rv Isiyond tho hIhiw of argument.
HUfoiiiitiijitoiniuuiiii. ur syhtum of levying duties on conit- Tlie'luas roluling to tills subject would,
I'lltr. IN IKAnK.
' Int. firnlirii nrfiiliii'lH. lint it la ulicadv dis ul,.,nl,l I li I'liiiii.nil uilli lluilr imfori'ii
eiedltediu their own. Wo cannot doillit, muni, bu fallhfullv oxeeilled. Klieh
The Mt i.trurtlv In tli HlMorr of v, ilhout iinpiigiiiiig their lutegiliy , that if , umeiiiliuuiits or fiirlhur legislation as may
ilia tity-i.oi loo.ooo, fieo touct on their own convictions, thoy ' H ueicssary and proper to prevent evu-
BroKANK 1'ai.i.s, Sept. 15. The mo4 would so sever our laws us to lay Iho , Hlons of the law und stop further Chlnofo
disastrous conflagration In tlio history of 1 buideii of custom rueniio iiKm articles irnmigration would also meet my ap-
this city occurred at six o'clock last evo-; that uro not prouiiccu in nits ( ouiiiry.uuii . provul.
liing. Tho flro started in tfie tjueen j Io place iimu iiiu ireo iisi uu compeiing
choii-huuse, und siieuil quickly to sur-, foreign pnslucts. I don't slot) to refute
rounding buildings, which uro wooden, this theory us to tho ellect of turill (hi
Soon the whole city was threatened. The ties, Thou whoudvunco It aro students
fire burned furiously , and extended itH.of maxims and not markets, 1 hoy may
llnitlu fur lu'ii lioiirH Imfnrn it uuh L'olleii 1 1m) Hufelv allowed til CI I their project
under control. A dozen buildings, ktu. tariir reform, as thu soplo iinduri-tand , rlti inflnencu Iu public all'airs. T
nU,l ,m ulnri-u nli. . unrn ilimtinvpil. 'I'lui Hint In the end till) urUUIIII'Ilt compels 1 ... .1 1 ..t.l . . .. I ..,....,.,,,,,11., ,.,,li. ll
I'.V. . ...v. v.-'., -... w , ' - . .. . - 1 I.I.IMI VI , 1.1,., J ... ...... ...,.
osais estimated at a hundred thousand free Irudu in ull coiiiK)llng products, , ,)rlcl,.UH or connives ut election frauds
Tills end may not im roacneu uorupiiy. . H,,iurp,i rr0lara . 0 lulurv ami will
dollars; insurance (lio .000.
Our civil compact is a uovernment by
majorities and thu law loses Kb sanction
ami magistrate our rcsiiect when this
compact Is broken. Kvil icsults of elec
tion frauds do not expend themselves
upon voters who aro rniiijoii ol uicir
A Hm.U Won', flrowl. and IIS approuen limy mi un-uniiiaiiivu fmtim ut jutcr realUe that an oxchailgfl
witn some exprecsioii 01 sympuiiiy tor t o( ,0 Ainuilcau system of iiiu oilty ruin
our protected Industries and our wooing , (or minority control Is not only unlawful
Montiif.ai., hept. 16. At a cflnscrva-
if t....l .. I .. ll.l.IA ..n,,.P,l s...,.
livu miliir i.i ihiiio t,-r,v,uM,i . v....
tary of State Chai.lcau devoted li s ie- rsjopio, imi u win .nu., ,y , .. .,, and unpatriotic, but very unsafe for those
marks almoH wholly to the retaliation Ur y steps ilo no arouse ho KM,plu o I wl() Ju'v )mot,.(, it. .,.,, ,Hfrl4ll(;d,o.
uestion TI e action of President ( levo- flli-ct resis utc; J ' ' " '"t ' w H0 K'',, ,,lcu,"r rttU,, ,or
land im tcrmne.1 disbonorublo. Tho gov holds that the pr)tccllvetarliria eonstitu. lltimldatloii Is a crime loo grave to bo
cm t iei t'H course, he declared, wonl.r Is, .''''"'Vm'L 1,1? " , n-ianle.l lightly. Thu right of every
r. .iV i ...... ..." i ii.- don't oiler u Ixcd r-cbedulo. bit ns it .... .im..i -t .-
II1HI W ,11111 WOUII1 OU l;CM IU Kll.lll IIIU
interests of Canada.
The Wheat Markrt,
I.irEiirooi.. Sent. 16. Wheat, lie
pressed. (JuotationsareTs.H'Bd. to85s.
- , , , mi .! .1 III , 1 llll.llllini uikuii imwuitinumiii'iiniil
pilnciplo va will revise the schedule und , ,uvo it wmAy rouiitod must not Im
iiiiMtlfy rates, but always with iiilelli.:)lllt.H,i()llr(1, Mveiy coiiHtitullonal power
I Kuiicu. I Bliouhl li used to make this right secure,
AHioiiipoJieciuiH n (lomesuc produc- . .mntH. iumU ,, tho ballot. Our
, ' lion and too wages oi worKing sjo iui, wo i -,.i,i tu,,,i ,i,, (,i -,uif ..,. .. ,.i.r..
ut to tV 1 orTc .ie, tlK-'r ; K to iuVBflt. "fr T ' !",'? ' " Wr"'y t I ' fvor.l,.,t only io be made
im for tMormi.tWXr lm-1 k"1"1 UitM "n V -,refcerye U, seeuro in the common rielit of American
K8 for October, Jl .toiu Aiucricau inaikel .for Ainoric.ui pr.shi.ers , ,;i,uellHbip. They will, however, natii-
' N,:w Yoiik, Sept. 15.Ouota.lons to-' 'Ls'liyadeuiulo 1 f ,-, ' Hlm-ority of Jho-e party
day aro W to f 1.U1 cash ; D7 to !IS', for I JB,oJ ir ' '' m Mr", U T
ricinlMT- Hb. tii 011 for NovcmW; '5u.ll!" ")inlK,u"01 prciucis, mo m- nupisut only In those localities where
tl MlVto il W7 f(r Decemlicr j 1.04?i , ' ',"wcr V !,H uml Urr, lMi'nH , Hllr,ge Is 'free and thu elertlon results
to II (Ji for May 11 'Moa the juibl e revuuuo is cont ngont ( ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ttIIll cm,dm tll(llr (llH,fil.
' A ach.n.,wrk.d. ? ""iiji!! ..!M ' ' ?, .:. "i " I 1 . 1 rn or. t hfr their votes would he
Ran Fkakciico, Sept. 16. News Is
brought in by a fishing smack of the
wreck of the schooner Page, oft" Point
Iteyea, yesterday j the crew was eaved.
Wmu.n WaatCw Vte.
ibinTOK, Spt. '15. Over 701 womeu
have liettul themielvee aa voter in the
chool election.
American productions and American
wages, IsH work and lower wages must
be accepted, or the inevitable result of
the increased offering of foreign labor in
our markets by way rf recornine for
this reduction in hi. wages, ami the loss
of the American, it Is .ug.'enlfd th di
minished wa,- of the woikiagman will
have an undiminished (.urchaaiug pow.r
coDiroiung ineir cnoire cannot lie ru-
dorscd. 'the nation not lens than tbn
States is dependent for pros-er!ty and se
curity upon the Intelligence and morality
of the, people, This common interest
very early suggested national aid in the
establLhrueut aud endowment of schools
(Coucluued on Fourth page.)
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