East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1888, Image 3

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SKlT12M,,ftu 13, 1888.
""ir.r.'iVni. ..r lviKllcioii.niiil
... flrixTlltl Ui'liriiiii,'!
-i.-ii iii I'ortiiwi.. '
I II' " ..
I . . tlipill nil.. r
Villi III lilH
, ilentiHt.
. . . ...VI. 1. .. f.
Mim r Hi! in iKinuiusun
iihotOfiMpMH KO
1 0. W. dross, formerly of Umatilla
county, now located at Condon, Gilliam
county, Is In town to-day. .Mr. Gross
thinks that 1i(h section, now mulnlv do-
voted to stock-ralsini". will ut nn distant
day become vuluablu for agricultural pur
I noses. Grain has ulrcadv been raised in
that ruuiou in considerable uuuntltles.
. ... with ,-ood prospects for future Increase of
un Itrnni'h timce. nmiliutliiii.
Thocasoof William Novum vs. J. M.
i.. niri nun in '."' ti i i ..i.i-i . i
in'". .......... villi limn. . ii:iuitii imp. iii'i'ii mi iri.il iimiiri. il iiirv
",mrr U Hiillorli. Jle will io , n ,liy to-day In tho circuit court. It is
an uut mn to recover the vuluo of certain
liroerty boloiiL'ine, to tho plaintiff which
was attached bv thu defendant while
shurlll'of 1'inatilfa county.
Next Friday night tho now school
house ut Nnlin will bo dedicated with a
harvest bull. Thu structure in L'dxlid and
will accoinmodato us many as v.illui
The proceeds will bo used in heating thu
room, .lack -Morton and Johnnie itinon
will bo tho musicians.
Mr. J. J. Owens, of the l'oitland firm
of William Gardner & Co.. sanitary anil
heating cnglncern, ato in town. Gaidncr
Co. put the steam heatintt apparatus in
1110 IV AST uiuxionun ituiiiuiig, anil a ro
aid to bo tho best workmen in their line
on tho count.
Tho grand jury waH diHcharKcd this
morning by tho court, after bundinc in
tho usual report which la published else
where. Itn ineubcrH were glad to bo
relieved from duty, being anxious to get
oacic io woric on tncir reactive urnis.
Tho framework of Muhaua'H great
"miichino shops" to bo operated In Pen
dleton still remains disconsolately stand
ing on Nob Hill. It forms a good evi
donee of ItH originator's character
vigorously energetic for a time but never
nblo to get farther than u beginning.
J amen I.lotiallen, of Adams, is In town
to-day. Ho roortH considerable (pilot
business now being demo in Adams, ItH
location making it a handy trading point
for tho farmerH, who arc now inventing
their after harvest coin.
Tho two horses, belonging to Jack
I'owcrri. which took nick in such u lie-
cullur manner below town, may yet re
cover. 0o of thorn is a very vuluablo
animal, und strenuous clforts are being
made to save Its lllo.
Wheat In now only sixty-four cents.
to T. C.
Main street bridge.
niKirii. house atur
Ub HIV ,
amission per coupie.
nt In tho Association
' . II llnts.fl
V lUUlllul""
Iii thn insnnn
il, the largest numiior over
u'i.tnr. of Kale in. wan
nlclit In u 111 of insanity
eft on this morning's Walla
r Montana icrcnory. enc
to licr diingUtcr. r
..... .......
lt, ot minus, l om couiivj ,
if. II.. .. Tlii-I Ilrlllnu
e 1118 Minn,? '--
tlmir hPilltll.
Ml .ili-.i mi nTlillillinn
nuof the Hattlo ot Uettya
mril.iv evening next, at
n i.li.iluuliin J.l rents.
r Jl.'iOO drawn on H. 0.
fivor of S McCawloy by
. .. .in 41m wtt-nn,
il I'll ri. "-
... 1 ..I ll.l-l .ll1lK llV IfU
1111 III Ulllf 'J
the well known retire-
lioldmnith A Ixwcnberg,
a town to-day. Ho is a
tc with the llrm's Pondlo-
crnml hN brother Marion,
Ust night's train from
r. vu Iter i-eonis consiuer-
n healtli uy nis long so-
Itillun, who has been in
! jlllf-im fftiimla tlllil
UIIIV f IflllllM ...V..V.I-' HUH
loivo to-morrow for rort-j
a rourno In St. Mnry'B
hit ti iLPl.
A utirikui nf in utiv riniHOii
i . . i ..ii..
1 an ani-viiriuu en iiiu pun-
IEX tl(I4IVLll ii-muiiiiii-ui
tlit moon-oyed ( elcHtlal
.1 l .lit 1 I...
mtoxicated. I ho antics of
nn'iin.iii ill u iinuii.invAii
" .!".. .i.-- ....
rrmilar inpotlni; of ITar-
K.uf 1'., J. M. Harris was
imn iru I'iiii vt'iit'M in
M. Moorlicud wa liko
rtirdiitit.itU'M nf I):iinnn
K.of 1'.
of the 1'armiugton and
.. .1 il
make a very animated
leiiot nearly every ovonlng.
I'liafod of human natuni in
NMMiors can bo noticed
hl)e red that tho Colfax
fw I'einl eton "loaded" lor
ollhelrgauio with tho Stare,
ww tho K'loctlon ot u
ami aroumi ineir town io
(. iiw tars may expect
ito an Interesting gunie on
Rtlu and Hnv. W. II.
ai n i.im nmnt's twin
Usit to friomls in tho
i valley. Hov. Howard
i -'Mjinw(iimi nun iauii
:h leftist night for Port
n lih relatives. Notuith
'h that thev have U-oti
Wi hly r.iliitVxiu ululi -.
atlio white man's iuii:biv
ill ably escaixj with u
ruiui jf li..t I. ......
j migrants win wm
i .ii ii.fi ii,iu i .
(- iin IIIUIIIIU-p. I
'M'road, whl.-h is mm
uthiM dinctiou. Tho
'iiil' hi ir- in t mil, I
toaru eciMiip.,1 St 1 k text I
'"liavfl I'lonivi f nioiuv.
in.) ..ii i.
-I -ii iftu vnrKing nn
imlief., o jj, ,t N.,
toworkon tho 0. ,: W. T.
"i-meoMiiL'iii tho Uun
ainoti i stildlv iii
WHjtl of the CuiikiliM
"f l'n 't'ctlon Co. No. 1.
it limvl.li l...t
f'"ar.l either shall U
- . -.hi r fi-iai lllftuiIIUS,
dulUr-t for his ah
Mi .... . .
-- -. i4ro irom Hid
XWn ter. K.u-i rum
i " x Hem in his
-. hvii iiri ilnll ii-
I'or tho last three (lavs It has dropped a
cent at a jump, und seems to bo fairly on
the downward road. Nearly all tho
farmers liavo sold, however, und can
stand tho decline.
0. M. A bio was around on tho streets
to-day, seemingly ublo to "locomoto"
wituout mm-1 ( iiicu tv. no is still sin
tering fr m thu ell'ect of his Fcrlous inju
ries, however, and carries his arm in u
fling, f
II. F. Savior, u druggist of l'ortland, Is
in town on a visit to his lVmllelon cousin
S. A. Saylor. Ho did not forget tho I'.ast
Ohkikini.nn olllco during his exploiatlous
throughout town.
llui'Incss Is enlivening u little, say Ten-
dleton's merchants. "After harvest"
prostx'i'ltv Is near at hand and Its In
fluence is I'cginnmg to tie ten uy everyone.
Tho many fi lends of Suslo Fanning will
Ihj glad to hear of her rapid recovery
from her late severe attack of malarial
Tho skeleton found In Weston recently
Is now on exhibition at tho l-oudor oilhv,
and attracts considerable attention.
IIKANI) .nritv Ki.rnitT.
Tliey limn Don tlm Work Writ unit llrfii
Following is the substanco of
Grand Jury's report:
They wore In session ten davs; found
live true bills and four not true bills.
They found tho olllcos "neat and order-'
Iv" and olllcors all right, us usual. -
Tho county jail Is all right. The ssir
hnufoisull right. Thuy pasr- tho usual
eulogies iis)ii tho judgo, district attor
ney ote.
They also rois)rt thu following figures:
The shurilf has furnished us with thu
following statement :
"Amount of taxes collected during tho
year ISSS, and since tlm 1st day of July
of said vear on tho delluiuuut tax roll,
H.W.K.', all of which have boon turned
over to tho treusuier. Total amount nf
delinquent tax duo I ho county and uncol
lected ft:',lL';i..i7."
Tho county clerk has furnished its with
tho following statement:
linker iiniy wrli S WW
Note J. V HalUlilliy '"UCO
No en rcct'lvfit oreniirl ln,uu iri-
UbIIh Vh11 Cnunty I'ulltlm An Injunc
tion on Hunt' lloml-Lontlitimmo Chlun
ttiu n-WliPiit lluyrn' 1 rlckn-Muny Oth
rr t.nrnt Notei or Intrtent.
llriiiilnr corronponilpiici'.
W.M;I,A 'm.u, Pept.' 12.
It Is noticed that when wheat buyers
hereabouls can lltid no other excuco for
bearing tho price of wheat, tl si.de
that owing to the scarcityof cats tl can
not buy or pay more than just so i.'i ioh.
Now ft has been demonstrated ut inn
that wheat shippers can have all tl,i cas
they want of tho O. H. t N. Co., u.ung
to that company's anxious dosiio to ship
over Its Hues as much of this .eason'rt
crop as they can get hold of before the U.
& W. T. Is put Into position to transport
4.1 4.. - .1.-
oiiviii, iu iiiu cuiuiti uur iiiu mrinorn
r.icltlc. 1-ariners, steer clear of thoso
glib-talking grain buyers. Hold vour
wiieal as long us possible.
The attendance at Whitman College
now numbers students, anil I am in
formed there nro soveu more applicants
who will come us soon as apariments can
bo prepared for them. Beside this, tho
Kmpiro Husinees College for young men
.... ..i... 1. ....... ..r n.i.i i i .
nnn uu iiiuiiuuiii.u ui vuiri sciioiars.
Hon. John U. Allen was nominutnd
candldat for dclegato to Cougrevs on the
Ilrst ballot in the Republican Convention
at uiiensuurg on lucsday aftornoon.
oornces win ucat Aiion, for sugar or
Tuesday our tax-payers voted to hulld
another $20,000 school house, the prcecnt
bcuooi miuuing uoing too small.
An injunction against G. W. Hunt, to
stop him from buildlni! his road throul
certain streets, esccially the one In front
oi tho Halter school House, is on the
tapis, being originated by Wm. Kirkman
and others.
A concert will bo given in tho United
Brethren church. Suntlay oveninir. bv tho
Sunday school scholars. Tho nroL-nim
of exccrclscs is imito lengthy and from
nil Indications the attendance will bo
1 ho J(en Harrison Club, coinnosed of
100 young Hctmblicans. have fitted tin n
suite of rooms In tho Johnson Stono
building on Main streot, und have ox
tended a cordial Invitation to tho nubile.
The rooms are decorated with tho na
tional colors, pictures of tho.ltcnubllcun
candidates, and tables and bunging flies
contain tho leading ncwspaierri and crl
odicals of thu world without regard Io
their political complexion. I'nliko our
Democratic Club, this organization lie-
llovcs in showing up both sides of the
gieat issues, now being discussed In
nowspucrs throughout tho laud, This
is a good idea, and will bo appreciated by
struugors who visit theso rooms.
Ihero are several hydrantH scattornd
along Main street with tin cups attached,
placed there for tho general good of ull
by tho W. C. T. IT. and Y. M. 0. A.
Somo folks, who know less than u stulTcd
monkey, havu taken these hydrants for
places to water their horses. Hereafter
the llrst "green" individual caught water
ing hoiscs ut theso hydrants will receive
a ducking.
O. & .T. railroad graders are at work
on a cut four blocks from tho city boun
dary. Tho preliminary examination of Wm.
Fenstcinukcr has boon set for Monday
morning next.
At this writing there are four prisoners
In our county jail charged with murder.
Geo. Young married Miss J. Khkl.ind.
I Tuesday, at tho Delmonlco. I tot li are
from the Kast end of I'mattlla county.
inoieis a rumor hero thai parlies in
tho interest of division and Milton, are
negotiating for tlm purchase of the
,i,., i Homo I'rcss outfit ut Coutcrvillo.
i t. i .i .1 i
in u low nays, piiius tor u now iiouriug
mill, to I hi com-triictcd on thu situ of thu
leceutly burned Itising Star mills on
Yellow Hawk, will bo received by A.
McMnuon, who has iterfected arrange
disgusting, disease breeding dens, sn
as 1 believe no city tho sl.o of Walla
Walla should tolerate, especially in tho
very heart of the city. Gliding up und
down narrow low and rickety stairs, 1
was mado uwuro at certain po'ints that
Shoo Fly thought I had too much nose, 1
and he liastly dragged mo to a belter
smelling localities. It struck me then
that there was something rotten in Den ,
Chinatown 'Ibis sus Men wusBtrongth
e.icd by u piece of Infiiiiiiiitliiu 1 picked.
i-i from an oxiness i,igon dil.er, who'
l ompiaineiKu ine pecuii.ir sickening i-dor
I that arose from u box ho had taken io
tho freight depot for a Chinaman living
in tho quarters 1 had visited. Tho Jour
nal reporter suspected that dead bodies
of Chinamen were stored away In cellars
and dug outs in that alley, unit 1 am with
him in that suspicion. It Is horrible to
think about, and all that is needed Is for
our city authorities to look into the mat
ter and punish tho procr putties. I un
derstand Marshal Kobinsou and Health
Olllccr Illalock will make a move In t hut
direction this week, and you may hear
more of our Chlncso dead houses.
Everything Is fair in love and war, but
I do not think this will answer In poli
tics, especially In county matters, where
we aim to elect tho best ono of tho two
candidates put licforo the ooplo. Wo are
on the evo of u county election, and, us
you till know, tho shcritr teat is tho best
ono to go for. Two good candidates havo
been selected by two good parties Dem
ocratic und Republican. Air. llowlcs.tho
present shcritr, is tho nominee of tho first
named, und J. M. MuFurluud, who was
defeated by Mr. Howies two years ago, by
only three- votes, is tho Republican can
didate. Now comes Win. It. Hammond,
who styles himself an "Independent Ko
publican," und publishes a card in tho
Statesman, (so-called Democratic organ.)
und states that he willulso run for sheriff.
Of course this Is ull wrong. Mr. Ham
mond has no Idea that ho w il Ihj elected,
but he does beliovo that ho can damage
tho chances of Mr. McFarland. Repub
licans, of courso, credit this little trick to
tho Democrats, and aro soundly cubing
Mr. Howies for permitting such trickery.
I beliovo Mr. Howies wil) gain a few extra
votes if ho ut oncu has Mr. Hammond
withdraw from tho unoven contest. Ho
will lose my vote, at least, If Hammond
persists In introducing low jobbery into
our county iKjlitics. 18(H).
For tiie Next Sixty Days.
The Largest Stock of Boots anil Shoes
:nsr pjsisn xl, ictotst.
Tho Largest und Ucst Stork oi
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Saddles and Harness,
Ever Brought to Pendleton.
These Goods aro now offered at
20 Per Cent Less
Than the same class of Goods can be bought
in Pendleton.
This in iiiu best opportunity over olkuvil to tho pooplo of
lTniiitillti Count v.
Court tint! Cottonwood Sta
young anil deserving nnd trting hard to i
mako his way In the woild. His acci
dent will probably lay him up for some
time. Ho was nicked tin and remoted to
theresidenco of Mr. Kweuringon, where
hols now lying. His early recover Is
lioti'd for liv Ids immv friends. Ho Is ut-
ncntswlthu Mlnncaixills llrm for a full ' tended bv Dr. Vincent, who icports that
roller mill. It is a splendid situ for u'no bonos are broken in tho wounded
mill, and I Klucerclv bono Mr. McUliiiion I hub. and that Jim escaned rather luck
i will bo mecchsful in his enterprise. i ily, after all that ho might, huvo Imn
I Tho coroner's Inquest brought out no: hint worse
new facts In tho stubbing itll'ray of frit-1 Alim)t uvt,mrn.
! ""'"X "Wit Jn which John Corliss lost . on . . , , ,H)Iv
iiisiiio. iiiu iiouy nus imiiKiiineii uuil ..... ,i, i r i.fr
utiitlnn M.liiI i- 1 ",u PrtlllD " i' iiiivh... im
Station .MOUllU I..,,,, ,,, n1...,.ll. f .1.., 11.sl.n f
A Young Mnn fltirrrly Injureil-A Wngnti
Vrrorkril nml a Home Klllcl,
Yestcrdav uflnnuHin about llvn o'clock.
James I lull man, u young man w ell known I
In rendlototkuntl esteemed liv ull Ills nc
(lualntunics. was tho victim of a runaway
accident. Jib was engaged in driving
four liorscs attached to loud of wueut.
down the hill north of town, when u bm-
rel upon tho wagon rolled oil liv some
means and started down tho incline.
Hutrmun uliuhtcd from the wagon to cap
ture tho barrel, when the horses becamo
frightened and started to run uwuy.
Their dris'cr unibbcd the linos and was
rolled and pitched down tho lilll Willi me
waeon. thowholooutllt II mill v carcerlni: i
Into ii little canyon, breaking everything j
to pieces. 1 he wagon was reduced to a I
erfect wreck. The wheels were torn oITi
i ii.. i i i. i 1 1
mm iiiu njniKrn rvHiiviuu, iiti iiiu juuu
of wheat was dumped all along thu hill I
side. Ilull'man was run over by tho
loaded wagon, and his leg wuh badly ,
crushed and twisted itlnive thu ankle.
Ono of tho horses, valued at over $ 100, j
had its leg broken and was shot. Tho; iJtfl i i t J. ii m i
lossofhishorso ami wagon, and ioc 'Largest and Most Coxxiploto Factory on the Coast.
ull, tho sovero Injury to himself, is ipiilo j
u misfortuno to Mr. HuH'man, who Isi
G-. Shindler & (Jo.,
Furniture Dealers.
escorted to tho railway
. !.. ...... ti... ... ... :
evening ny mo aua ana nro ni an- -:,-- ,-,,,, , ,, ,.:.. !.... snlnli-t.
and sent to uncouver. m. I :..V V "i ......, i.k'
.Messrs. i iotcner ami wean wnu
merit . and sent to
j l eiistemakcr, tho man who did thu Mali
i bin),', was remanded to jail until to-day.
Ho is very sorry for his hasty aclioii, and
j much sympathy goes out to him and his
I grief-.'tfiken wife und children. CoiiKld
! ering thu inollenslvo, well-liehaved char
, ncterof tho in. in and tho nature of the
assault upon (dm by Corliss, who left his
cr y, now on Iiuml izfium , ......i, Mr. renstemaker's face. I do
In tho ubovu Indebtedness U iucludeil 1 nut think a jury can lie found in tho
ulHiut $i'iu() old scrip which is most likely county that weuld not biing In a verdict
novel tn bo cilled for. but which must be of j,iil!;d.le humlcldu, done in solfde-
carried along as dent. fence. .Alersrs. i;rowiey und Allen uro
Tivasnrer's b siks and mine agree UU attorn ys.
within a few coins.. Chief Kuglneer Shaw of tho O. & .
filled bv
a flute duct. Tho decriptIon given of tho
previous entertainment will apply equally
us well to last night's conceit, and a rep-,
etitlon is unnecessary. MillUo it to say ,
that tho iirourammewas cairiodout with
out a hitch, everything moved smoothly
for uu amateur exhibition, and every
nortlon was uiinliiuded by tho small but
i delighted uudieiuo, Tho whole enter
tuliiment proved ihut I'endloton bus more !
' local talent In the mm-ical lino than was ,
lavurdriiamed of by Its Inhalitauts. It
, should lie cultivated, and ierformauces
similar to the ono rendered last evening
Hotel Furnishing a Specialty.
Bedroom Sets,
Parlor Suites,
Side Boards,
Folding Beds,
Bedding-, Shades.
G. Sliindler & Co..
Waicniom h ! I n hi MreM
Ihiough bhx k .'iMI feet to
1117 and Id!) l iont St.,
. . i . fl.l..'. . ... iii il I t till 1
.( ur .county ueasuier nas lunusne.i us r lH n ui uiiuia. nr. iuuiock was l . , , , , . 0,IIH,r,Mllilv
I lie cliuriusoi musie uro uiwii) s eiovuting ;
with tho following statement :
i ll Ulllllillll rriwnru mr nm. hi mi ....
lly uini rcilof iiuvl ori on nun iiimi... T,iii ai , f
tflegraphed for this morning.
To-day at Olynipla, tiov.
Ivlui: a uearini: to deo. i.
To unit rcc'il of A lltinley
TiiHiiil ri-M fur I niinr llril.-.
To anil Wit for t-iil of r .trii . ........ .
Toiiuit reeM fur silent niUe,,li'eis
To ami tv'il nf '. HmtJi-r, .livrltr..
I "I
15 unit Jl'l fur poslnao
Hyurut.rip teteomoJ
iMjlmlf i'f Mary J. I'ylo and John Tylo. 1
. . . - - .!.. ... I '
T. J. .Midcrson apcanng ior uio icrn
tory. The prisoners havo but ten days
more respite lefoio H'utcnco f death is
h 25 1 oiiiiiulsorv I'll vutu si-arks informs mo
,..'!"' I that tho wsntenco will Iks commuted to
eltletis of (his city
I think a Mr M.non ui me e.isi nas
which will fool tlie
It Is u patent farm
' t'aini)'o Ift ' ciiariiiHouiiusu'wruiuwii
!' Ti.nn.i'.n.ii ' thuy soothe tho savage, and
Il , K ' 1 inlluenco uKm the civ
nave a
Protection or Tariff Reform,
JlryniKt (iiiosltnii. tlie Tnrlll'l Hit- i-.ii. i.ii wlili li II hiihu ruiiip iIkii will lw foimlil
ami It Is'liiMivi'Sftvi'iy-lllvu wlin MiHitil ii inn iilw . ( t v to Inform n tn-nlf Uill u milt
Jcct which wi fliunly uir.-i l hl li'iiiixirtil wi'lfurr
s in in 1 . . . .1-
. Wfll M- ,tM . WfiicK somuiiiiiis
i) una I. illl.l run
Amt on IiriiiI wiinty fund, coin tV"u i and R.irilcn gato, which has u cuto w
ii,, ,,MvOTTVIh.0yn,'',, i;!ofclMngund..ning. W. H. Ilals-o
A,n, JtA.p.:fi ! has .ho solo right to manufacturo thr
Amt ri'O'd finin .herlll - Il
lly amt puM on ' f'P" l''f U"'"
Ami now on li.i it
8Tr M lllC't. 0ll.
To ami ret'M fK'in i-wurr
lly amt M oui mi c'iiiinl
ijnu n
.... -,IW 7-i
' MllriMrl rimnliiif In I Anil now on l.nn' Hi H '-
u t.,.. . . -." ; I,-....,!
. f.VJM , l.lil ,lW ( ... ... . ...... ...M
"tailvimo .... l i t . Tulii fmi'U rmii"-'
."nCt "ard lif Lllvif . llll-u r.li-al.! . mil i
i.i II wi
iirar iii.i. ., ir nml u Anil iirxer II rnli filial mhwjui
To IIih
Dr. J
I lard llou.-e
liu-nral'le" Mrk
!! J
3.ill .1
. . ..ti.ar Ui
t . IWI7.
.Wo"?'1 r',! I "w
t Kill i
. v M.jivii. i ne pre-
wi u i-eniii.-t in k n iii'ii awr ii. luin, nun j
I wiei-ontructorontho vites mo uueuuon ii uis r"n"
u II Ii .ill,.l ' lillVH "Biveil Ull UOClUin n iw. ,. ,,. ,1 f ll.l.,lnu'
turnUhes thr u'lsive I Lung, liver, kidney, nervous, chronic ; peep iyi,"idiof Shoo Fly
IV IllllllllllUtli I - - .
L-ates for I mat a ami ail.i vwuiu
counties, and has made urranueincnts
with Oilbert Hunt A Co., who will manu
facture them. He has already orders
nr "4 nf llii.(i',enw foolurs."
A rejsirter on tlio Journal s)llt a half-1
column MJipMtional article which I in-,
tended lncormrallng in one of my fu
ture letters, bv getting u "scoop" on me.
However, as hu has given but surmises.'
I will udd a few facts to tho story told
about the filthy islor that emanates from
.n nllnr ili.'it runs into Third and Hecond
It 1'ilti.iL-ton will 1 ut tho Yil,streels' In the rear of Main street It is
II. i iikiiiuinn win '"'".",'. horrible, uud has causti uo few remarks
W10"'. ' I Icnlar' In! und suspicious of there ling dead ;odies
stowed away by the Chinero in mat
ninirler. .Some davs airo. lil iook u
tn. "usres8, e says
HJ-nxe men and Imi.w
..ml llli.rinn IMSPA HICUllV CXaillllie!,
free. Hheumutlc and rectal cases treated
as before. Come early In tho day.
a iieatnen
I have known since he was
Or. T. J, i;xliin, rorinrrly l llif Mnrnlrul
Inllrinury of Iiiillmmpiill'.WIII VUlt I'nu
dlrlnii fri.in To-liny, Spt. fi, Ut ilon
iluy, Hip nth Homnaut Vllluril llmixo.
Dr. Katon has for tho past twenty-live
years made n specialty of the o.n, car
and deformities, and lias Mrulghtcucil
innro than ono thousand cross eyes. All
influuied and soro eyes can bo cured nn
less dlsorganlution has taken pl.is.
Artificial eyes iiorted und tho most elh
cient braes fortho euro of ciisiked llnibH,
club feet, spinal diseases, etc., furnished.
Two lots and a small
house, centrally lo
cated, for $350. Ap
ply to
Insurance Agents,
Prote ot ve
Itonilor. wlii.l Ik luimlly riiMKlilcn '1 ii Iiii t in I run mi ijti'i i ii- f ttiiitufli. :i . i I' ill
erve in n Turin prliiier for I In-1 ''inn rn- wi.l a u le I -1 kw k lor !' l".inn il.
Till Ix'ok "li'iw Hip pmcllnil cilfi'i i.( tie' I'mih iin -.v.i. m u tlm. niiutry, IVrli ips
thp iii.t 'iniiilioiii fi'iiliiriinf Uu-Ixink l lt xu iiluni..uiii Willi Uu- ihmmimii- of IhmI
d( nl CluvrlniKl.
Tli K"ltnii of Mr. Illiilnc'. "Tm nl Viiii- In f i.nir. kv" in i,iUii up. Iii n.i rl ni
up'in llieTarliriiiiiilyi'icrltli'Ui. ! nml iiiiiiIi-tu fnrnMi nuiruu'ii r IiiImIiuh.
Thu form us wll iu llm ulMiinii iif I lie lusik I. iiiimI luliinmblu, mill 1 Imvti mil I I - ! I.
liUhiirp.iiliii; It for ii o In tliouri-ir wirl of nin iidlii Uu- Irntli aiiiu'ii llm istliplii.
i()N M. i KINIlX. INmliiiiwlur ()iMirl
1 It U uu iililo Hint logical tupiHllliiiinf tin liiiiikiin unit cltil hlnim nf I lie tirntiwllvi Ihu
ory. Tlm work I tlnuly.uiiil u vury v.ilmtlili-I'milrHiullmi mi ilm luiHlur inrtir ru' nn
I It W. TatV.VMI-ffli. .M,
I nollc'f that IliU IHMik In ii'ci'ivuitf litnil ruinim mliitli'ii It I- Uilliiiuml iiiumi fu lit
I inriitiil IriilhMiiid I w.h Unit Uio furujiinl .irifiiiiii-iil' iiimv l In I . luin l mnl mini- n
every cuiiii culli-il iiwin llil. yi iir in .,lu njiii tlm tr. ui mihiiiI, .il iiiie'ilnu n( u. 'Its
anil liirllt. ill:1.'. ,Ki(N i JH.Ai I.', .,iiiiiill.m. r.if I'mmJoi.
Wo take pleiifHirn In RlvliiK linn win I: mir In arty ImlWii ini-ut, unit nmiininiiiil Uini Io.
cal (Viiniiilllct'K uint rlulw umUt In extiimlluu IN ' ir.-nlnl ton iiinninr llm vutni nf Illlnnl
HrATi: ii:.Mocit tic ci.m jiai. nMMiviv.K up iu.i.vihn.
And many nl hers.
I oawi
strange, difty, iiknoletoN,
Jlook Hound In Clnlli and Heml-We ikl) yul Ori-k'oiiliiti Ono Yi nr
Hook Alone, In Clotl , Mwt piild
II l
1 IO
I'rndlelun, Orcjcou