East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 12, 1888, Image 4

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    WHDMisDVY, SKITHMIIKll ll!, J8S8,
tiik i'iti'.xiii:.Nf.- Lcrriiii.
I followIiiK ilcctarutionH: "Judged by Hem- With u linn faith In tfia Intelligence
ocrutlc principles, tlio InterostH of tlic'unj putriotlHin of our countrymen, und 1
' iiaotitu are betrayed when, by unneces- reung utton the eovlctlon that tnlHrepro-,
' J-ary taxation, trusts and combinations Hentutlon will not inlliionco them, preju-1
urn K'linltted and factored, whllo only ' ,,.e will not cloud their understanding,
.,,.i,.i,itHf tin fmv wlm comhiiiu for 1 110 ....i ti.t iiiniiui'i. will not intltnidatu them,
roblioryof ourfltloimbydoprlvinKtlnm iet ns urgo the Isolde's interest und u
ii our ui-'
uiid ben-'
y of our eltlons by depriving tlnni ( iet ns urgo the Isolde's intcres
hui-ersof iIik bcnofltH of natural j public dutv for tho vindication of
llllon." Such combinations havo tempt to Inaugurate a rlghteoiiH u
(Continued from I'irst page.;
lug distrust and timidity in followed by a
refusal to loan or advauco on any terms i
InveMtorH refiiHo risks and decline all re
..iiritii.u mill in tint I'l'iinrul friirht money
Hlill in tho bunds of the people Is rs-rslst. IK!pl0.
cntly hoarded. It In
us nine
1 .ttit'itlitfin
ul ivuvH been condemned bytlio Demoerutie
iiirtv. Tho declaration ol Its nallonal con
vention In Hncorelv made, and no mem
b -r of our party will bo found excusing
tho exlstem o or bolitting tho pernicious
results of tliuse devices to wrong the
Under various names tney nave
Are Yon Protected?
tempt to inaugurate
eficlal reform.
Uhovj:k Ci.kvki.asu
quite appateiit I ,,,,,,, punished bv the common law for
when thin iHiifectiv nutural If not itiowlu- hundreds ot vears. and they have lost'
blu staiw Is reached, tho depression In all .. uf U,,.!,' lut0ful features because
: . " . . til . . . ......
Iimh iiimh iind unior trine win un ii nuti-u- tiinv tnmi uHHUinea mu niune 01 irumn
ry eouseguenco lesson tho opportunity for
work und reduce the Hularles and wages
of labor.
Instead of then being exempt from thu
Inlluoneo and ell'ect of an Immenwi sur
plus Idlo in tho national treasury, our
wugo-uumurM, who rely on tholr lulwr for
Hiipport, mostlv of all aro directly con
cerned In the situation. Others, seeing
thu approach of duller, may provide
ugiusl it, but will llud thoHe depending
on daily toll for bread unprepared, help
less and defenseless. Hitch a Htato of
uHalr does not present a :n-ii of idleness
resulting from disputes between tho la
boring mun and his ointilojer; but it
tirodue.es an ulisoluto enforced stoppage
of employment ami wages.
lit revluwiiiK tlie bad eireclH of thiri ae
ciitr.ulatcd Htirplus and tho scale of taiiH"
rates by which It Ih pnslucod, wo mint
not overlook tlie tendency lo gross ami
Instead of conspiracies. We believe
theso tritHtH utu tho natural otiisprmg oi
u market artltlclally restricted. An in-,
ordinatelv high turlir, besides furnishing
tempiullonH for their existence, enlarges
tlio limit within which they may operate i
ugulust tho people, and Hum Increases the
oxlonioi inoir M)er ior wruiiK viuuiK-
With uu unalterable hatred of all such
nehoincH, wo court tho cheeking of their
baleful onorutlotts amoii tlie gowl results
promised by revenue reform. W bile wo
cannot avoid partisan misrepresentation
our position uiun tho question of revenue
reform should be ho plainly stutcd us to
admit of no misunderstanding. e havo
entered upon no criiHado of free trudo.
Tho reform we neck to Inaugurate U pred
icated upon the utmost care for CHtab
HuIiimI IndiiMtflex aMdenteriirlHeH.aicaloiiH
regard for tho lnterentH of American labor !
Leezer & Kuebler,
Tlif lorKeni unl runit couipletn utook of
Drugs, Medicine:.
Toilet & Fancy Articles
' . i .ii if. I.. .1 . tl il .
I I'lmli'j-M'd DV ail iiuiiiiciii luiiuun nun
.....I .. ..t r.. .li.ulr.t III ri.llf.VI, lIlMCfllltltrV
lltJI- iU,ii"v n.. iuiiiiwiiv; . i i I "II ' iinilli'Vlw uvriiu ' . ..w . w -
Hcaiul il uh public extravaganci,;H wiiu na fmm thu lujiihticu ami danger oi a comu-1
congertled treasury liiiluiXM, nor I ho f.ict timi whleli threatens evil to all the people i
that wo urn malnlalnlng without excuse f t lit laud.
In a limu of nrofoiind ihmco HUOhlantiallr , u'i, urn dealinu with no imaginary dan-
tho rale of lurid' duties luipoHcd in I inio uor. IlHOxlhtenco lias been repeatedly
of war when tho neivitiiH of govern
uiout liiHtltled Ihu
nciuhtleNt burdeiiM
'Divers nl inn have been
the leturu of this accumulated mirpliM to
the people and lo IIm cIiuiiucIh of trade.
Honu) of tho devices are at variance with
nil rules of good llnaiice; Homo uiu dclii
nlvu, hoiiio absurd and hdiiio bolray by
tlii-lr reckless uxtravag.iueo the demora
li.lug iiilhieuce of a great Hiirplus of
pulille money on the judgment of In
dividuals. Whilu such ellorts slniuld be made as
uio eousislout with puhlie duty and h.iiiu
tinned by sound judgment to avoid d.iu
gur by a tisuful dNpositiou of the siiriilus
loiiiuliiiug in the iru.iHiuy, it Is evident
If its diitrllmti in were uccoiupllslicil an
In Eastern Oregon.
Despaln Block
IiiismIii)u of the pledges of remedy Imvu been made oti all
iiliii tho (leuplo. , nidus. Yet, in tlio legislative body whore , II
icon Hiiggesled for ,in,iur tlio eonstltutloii all remedial meas-,
tires apiillcablo to this subject must origi
nate, when tho Democratic majority were;
attempting with extreme moderation to'
HunnMug llielr dally wants. I loth of
these olijocts wu seek in pai t to gain by
reducing pnnont lailll rates mi Uiu nce
eMHailcs ul life. Wofull appieciato t ho
iiiiNiitauce lo the eouutiy of duiiiestii' in
diiHlthd uuturpriMi. In the i.itilicutiou of
oxistlug wrongs I heir iimiiiien.iiico mid
iirosKiiity hIiihiIiI I t caiefully and in U
friendly spit it couxideied. l iven such
reliance on the pre-out levonuo airungo
inents as h.no heeii insi'ml or eiii-our-aged
should be f.ilily regarded.
Aluupl and radical changes, which
inig it endanger such enterpitces and In
jutioiisly allect the liiloienls n( labor de
pendent nil their h.u'iMi.s and cuiiilnu
mice, uie not l ouliuuplated or intended.
Itul we know the cost uf our domestic
iiiauufacluied prodii'Ms is ini'ic;i-ed and
their price In consumers enh meed b a
diilv iinpiHcd on the raw inateii.il used
in 'their manufacture. Wo know that
this increased cost preents I he sale of
our productions at foieigu uiaikcts In
coiup.titi iii llh those of c.iiuilrles blch
have tho advantage of fiee raw material.
Wo know that, coulined lo a h tuu
maikct.our iiiauiifacluiiugoiieratioiis are
It is almost the same thing.
No Premiums;
No Special Offers;
No Cut Eates;
On Thu North American Continent.
IL' Large Pages and 8-1 Long Columns.
check the iinHrlatioii of such articles as ,
ato produced h.'ro. Thus In promising to iiiill licit Innmi kIvimi Willi cmrIi Umii oi
increase the duties upon sucl, JlM- ; ! Jir. W.Yr.V.H.l.w .... re.
neatly or ipiile u prohibitory point, tliej (tf tr. ') World will print with nidi U.uo u
confess themselves willing to travel back-1 .niiii l' ic iiovi-l liy poiiiiiiruii'linr. Aiiioiik
uiinl In ihu m ill uf civilisation and clii. Hi" mtI'itk will I c;
warn in uio loan oi '" " i w.ili. r Ileum Tiu-.Diich- ,
piivo tlie people of . uiaikcts lor their , viiVcl 'h1IIiim, Mr. At. xiunli r,
gsds which can onlv lo gained by it , Uuia. hupiiu'oui, John h wiiimt,
seiuhlai.ee at least vi an intoiehungo of, ViTlmU.ioii
l.ulnes, while they abandon our con-1 VilAiii" lliniy. iKiorllilWuiViiu
Huiners to the uuiestraiued represhini f Juiimi iiuwilioiuo, Murv Cecil liny
deiuiHTa.ie trusts and t'l',Wi, X?XA
which are In llieHau.o platform peifuue-1 j,,,,.. vcrne, Itiimin iMwunu,
loillv eondomiieil. Win. Much. K C PIiIIIIin.
'I'l... i- iiriiiuisn fnrt lnr In nili'iwi iinthelv ' Tin " novuli wll l' Hie liilmt wursx of Him
lho l,r,'lM0 ,,,n ,r 1, ,"",,,7, I l.e.l w. iters n llieyere iiililllul-l .o(,
from Import duties all aillelesof foteign ,,wrvone is i iikiim ntxuit. Notiiinu
prMliicli.ni (except luxuries', the like of ! luiulie vciy lent will lie Hilinliiril Into Die
whlclieannot bo pnsluced in this conn-' World's ftun i.M l.ibnuyof ik-Hon.
! II... til.iln iH.iiil.i of the land and I ThU l.ll.rury of l'li'll Ml Wl I He supplied lo
I tlie poor who scarcely tire articles of any suS.crll.or Only.
description pnslmed exclusively ulno.nl ; Mi ;xtra row in u rrniiiMi.
and not alteadv free, will llud it dlllleult I -N' lUfk Numl.erx Om llo KnrnMicd im.l No
t discover w hero tlu lr Inlerexls are re-1 'iIm Will I.hHi.i.
ganled in lids proisillou. I hey need in ! If You Wish the Hi rl. Coni)hi!i',
their liouu's cheaK'r ilotneslle necessaries , suiNCltllii! .M'OMJK.
mill thU seems to 1st entirely Ulinrovided i ao Vmrt number'), ill
li Mclllli('" ll II III ueiN),
a Motillis (1:1 inilntnT"'. 'ic.
THE WORLD, New York.
11. IX "SPJtJAH"
llH O.H IHcl
A New Grocery,
r...li.i.ni tbi'SH nlediriK common to both
parlies, they were met by the determined i
npiMjslllou and olistruction of Ihu minor
ity refusing to co-oiH-ruto In tlio
House of Itopre.'cntutlvos, or to proposol
anolher remedy; hut thuy luve remitted
tho redemption of their party pleilgo to,
tho doubtful power of thu Somite.
The Hj'iplo will liardly lie deceived by
their abaiiilonment of tlio Meld of leglsla
ttso notion to meet in political convention,
Mli. ii mile dcclaio hi their narly nlatfonn I
other aceuu.ulallon would houii take Its j j,t ntir'ooiiHorv.itivo and careful ellortl
iilace, if the constant How of redundant j to tclleve the sltuatloii Is destructive to
income is not cheeked at its source by a m American svntcm of iiioteclion, nori
reform In the picrout l.irlll' laws. Wo li u tho people (e misled by the appeal
not propose to deal with thi'Mi Lviiulilious ( pu.Jinllie contained in tlie absurd,
by merely utteuipllng lo Halisfy tho poo- .allegation that wo servo tlio Interests of
iile of the liulh of uD.-tr.ict thooiles, nor ; Kurupu while they Hiipport the interests
liy alone urging their assent lo a Hilillc.il ( America. ' !
disJtriue. We jire.-nnl to Initio tho propo-, Time prosio in tlteir platform to thus
sltion that they ate unjustly Heated by j miport the iuteiests of our country by (
the oxleut ot the present federal luxation , : removing tile inlerual revenue tax from
that us a insult a coiididoii of extreme tojucco and upon spirits used in tlio url ,
danger exists, that it is for them to de-1 and fur mechanical purposes. They do-,
maud the lemedy and that do fun so and , ..i.n,. also tliat ll.e.e Hhould be such a ru-'
Hafety pi.iinlbed In the guarantcesofiifiee, vUimi of our t. n ill' laws as shall tend to
We believe the same means which are
udnpled to lelieve Hie treasury of its pres
ent surplus, und p. event lis iceuiieuce,
should cheapen to Ihe ihmpIo thu cost of
Thoso who believe so thoroughly in protection should not
... e ...1. ..i..
go any longer without insurance on their projKjriy, ui wm.
ever kind; and nearly everyone believes thatn policy in a good,
Reliable Insurance Co.
Is worth every time what it costs, and procrastination should not
it i-nnins to takintr out ti iiolicv. In tho
iiiuuivu in b w x.., . .. o
first place, pick out competent and
With whom to do your business those who represent none but
the best insurance companies and go straightway and insure.
When in search of such agents, don't Tail to turn your "peepers"
in the direction of the oflice o(
Tickets itoJ
Elegant Pullman,
Kmljrnnt Hlwping cm Wa tbffiM
re Trlt, uf1"
CtnM connection! iiPnrt...... . I
olc. and iwi'il."V.MI
r ur.i .......... -1
rlvc m 7.S5 p. m. from Wllw,tJ1
v nmiM m i mil Cisco. va.
Htatc, Auguitl CoInmLi-
Dreuon.AUKiinii wS,iinM
('olumbU.Aunut Ornoo.AtSB
Ori-Kon.AiiKifiSi KUiijtfffl
Hlill.. Aii.ii.I !. n.i.iWl
(.'oltimblu.hrntl Oit(qn,Au
urrK'in,nriHD SUK.StMi
nMitVe leil,n,,,1l,whM'Portll.a
It. Til . V
Ilatci of I'kHin.
lncludlnic nulla indbtrJ
Cnbln, . . .
MtecrBir, . .
llouiuu'rlp, Unllrnllfil, .
For further pnrtlcuUrn Innulnofe
of the Company, or A. L Muun, J
a 1, A. , I'UniUUU,UIT(DD.
A, U HHli
Oenerol Murnger.
ii. it. NiBur.iia
fur In this proposed scheme to ktvo
Ihe country.
.Small eomiKUisallou for this neelecled
need is found in the full her tmriH-o hero
' an noun ceil, and covered by the ilcilaru-1
I lion I hat if after the changes ahcady ;
inenlloueJ theie still remains a l.niier
cuituih'd, (heir demand for lub ir iriegu- rueuuo than is teiiutsitu for tho wants of i
lar, and the rates uf wiujes paid uucei-j t10 Koveriiment the entire internal taa
lulu. I tl.iu should bo repealed "rather lliau sur-1
We ptoiHwo, therefoie, to stimulate our render any part of our protective sys-J
iloiuehtK Indiistiial outerprifcs liy fieeinj; toin." Dur ieople ask relief fnnn the
from duly imisitted raw uiateiials which I undue and unnecessary btitdeu of Iiimi-1
by tho employment of labor tire iihcd in I (ton now restim; on tliem. They are of-
our home inauiifacluies. thus exteudiiiK
the nun Wets for their sale ami portuitlliu;
an iiu're.ibod and steady production with
ullowance of abundant profits. True to
the iiudevlatiiiK couri-o of the Pcuiocruttc
jurty we will not nettled tlie inteioMs of
our l.ilsirem and our workinguien In
all ii irolfoits to remeiiy extin;evils we
Mill ( iruiidi no exeuso fur the loss of cm-
luoymuut or tlie itsiuciiou oi tue wages oi
IioiumI toil On the contrary we proioso, I
i . . .. i -----
In anv luliusiment oi our revenue laws, couutrv us meat ui tins, Willi sucii a
fuied free tobacco and free whixLy. They
ask for bread ami ate given a stone.
lite implication in lids party declara
tion that desperate measuies are juMillcd
or necessary to save from destiiiclien or
surieuder what is tetmedour protective
system should cout'm-o no one. The ex
istence of such a system is entirely con
sistent with thu regulation of thu extent
to which it should Ihi applied and the cor
rection ot us aiiuse. wi course, ui a
Corner of Court ami Thoinpnoii Hl
Keep connlantly on liiuut u Fri'Mi htovk of
tlnuNili, unit
augtl 1 tn For Cosh,
to coiiceile such eueourageiiMnt and ad- wundeiful varielvof interests often lead
vanUo to the employes of domotlc la- Ing in entirely dllhreiU directions, it Is
Isir a will e.i'ilv eouisusate for any di(- ttnH.ilIu to settle ukii a nifcct turilf
feruueo that may exist Kilween tho stan- plan, but in accomplishing tho reform wo
danl of wages that should Is) paid to our' ,uve entered upon, the necessity of
lalsiriug men and the rate allowed in ' which is so obvious,! believe I shuntd not
other countries. We proK.e, too, by e.-, m content with tho reiluctlon of rovenuo
tending tho markets for our inauufactii-1 involving tho prohibition of inisrtatlons
rers. to promo'e steady employment tif la- and tho lemoval of the internal tax on
bor, while. In eheaiHinlng the c.v-t of tho
tiecc smies of life, wo incieae the pur
chaui, jswor of tho workliigiuan's
uag and add to tho comforts of his
liotn v
JW ue iKiM-ing from this pliae of the
ijuoilon 1 am eonstndncd n opie.s the
oplnl.ni that whilu the inieiests of lalur
Hhould always be seduloiu-ly leg.uded in
anv MHslilU-.itioii of our tatlll' laws, an ad
dilloiial mid moie direct und elllcieut pro
teell'ii to those inteivsts would U allonl-
ed b the rcxtilcllnu and prxdiihiiion of
Notary and Corporation Seals,
In PomllGiou,
Clopton & Jackson
Located in the IS AST OREGON I AN building, Pendleton,
where you can havo any kind of insurance, whether Fire, Ma
rine, Accident or Life insurance, done up in
It is well to rememU'r fhat to bo secure you miiMt. insure in
one of the Thirty Reliable Companies represented by
Clopton & Jackson, with a combined capital of more than
Great Rock Isl
Tlie direct uml popular lint Im
Willi inn nnnnrrii mnw i
from Ht. I'uul suit Mlnnipoii
To i:hlrKo nmt (he
Tu Mt. lainln ourt thr (Mill
To Dcm MoIiii-m, Lrurt'4
in... i !.. ConnKani
inc yjiuy utile o
nt Council lllllllii, ITfHonBiHi
Cllv for
Vullmnn Palace Sltffm
VaUtce Dlntng Cn
Accompiuiy nil tlirnuU l iptwi
Ticket for ! by 'l conrcttolj
unit conncuon niwcm
i.v..ill lii.n.i.llAn
etc.npply tosny coupon fPi
A S. or Northern IImWc ttiM
panicn.orio ."; , il
nun. UK!KliV,Uri.i
M IVimlilnirlnn HI.. tVl
K. A. iiui.nuyim. , .,
Ofn.Tnt.nn'1 Si
Cldcsp.. IH. ,, "Jffh
MO -jjj. .
lur. wti, ..-
I'utlman lUlart
' " ll'.i KrrtSl fm im
From Oreqon and WuliW
in ih EitL
. ... li
Via .!. J'nul sn-l 'XS5
Fasted Tlw Kr.V.lW
Tn Hloux CUT. Cooncll
AY nVhrnUott
uhliky It can to tn-tter ami more
s.ifclv il 'tie within thu lines of granting
actual relief to tho people in their means i o $;,oi, with expr
ot living, ami at tue same time giving an
improvement lo our domestic enterprises
and furthering our national welfare.
If misrepresentations of our purro
ami motives mo to gain credence und
defeat our ptesent ell'oits in this direct
Ion, theio seems to I hi no teason wh
every endeavor in tlie future to aecoiu
ollhli nvenue reform ehoiild not Ui like-
wio attacked and with like result, and
Tlio unual price for enl mini by other
purlieu, In IVirll.iml or the Ku It fnuu juoo
liar)i4 inlilid. If you
need n kial, eu.t youronlrr lo u, uml mvc
from f.M0to $1.00 theieiiy.
mill I tilt
iininMratien.orthoiiuiHirtiitionof lalsuers vet no thoughtful man can fail M see in
from other couulrles who" swarm Uhu tho coutiiuiance of tho parent hurden of
our dieies. havimi u luirisvo or Intent
of iRvoinlng our fellow citizens or ne iutr
lug anv iHuiuauent lnteiet in our i-ouu-trv,
hut who crowd every Held of employ
inoutvithau unintelligent lalior whteh
ought not to Killsfy those who make a
claim to American citiieuship.
1'ho platform of our putty contains the
the ivenle and the alistraction hy the
government of tho citrrancv of tlio
cuintrv, inovltahlo distnss and diwster.
All ila'nger will to averted hy timely
action Tho dillioulty uf applving tlio
remedy will uover li less, and tho blame
should not bo laid at tho door of tho
Democratic Hirty if it Is applied too late.
East Oregonian Pub. Co..
Pendleton. Oreqon.
Tolin Siebort,
IiKADlNll .
IViiiUfliiii.Orx'SOii, llaln SU.ncur Wvl.li,
Jut rvcrtviHl,
Satisfaction Guaranteed ! !
tu every partioul r
If you contemplato insurance, oall on them and get posted
and it will cost you nothing. Kcmember their oflice is in the
EAST OREGONIAN building, or address
Clopton & Jackson,
It mI I mad.
Tavt WMIul!""""
oil to sll point K"''"
Train will Inw ,K"i8j
m., coneectlnj : wllhO. M W
(teneral Wctm V".1
xuImIZ n Bt. ron'A.. ft.
I w " . A
They do l'PPn e'',oa ui 1
pay nt once iliofl
J-liilm lht ytn ' brlij
Uml neH.leiiU fn nn
provUlon m so r-
Ten Millions of fifa
Rut Oreuonlw 1